The Vicious Mastermind: Heinrich Himmler

Student Name Withheld

December 6, 2017

Fundamentals of Writing ENGL 1413-010

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TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW/BACKGROUND/SUMMARYAND WORKS CITED...... 3 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 6 GENRE PIECES AND WORKS CITED ...... 14 Newspaper Article of Himmler’s Masterminded Purge AND WORKS CITED ...... 14 Wanted Poster for the Vicious Mastermind Heinrich Himmler AND WORKS CITED ...... 16 Diary from Heinrich Himmler Himself AND WORKS CITED...... 18 Obituary For Heinrich Himmler AND WORKS CITED...... 20-21

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Student Name Withheld Jennifer Huggins ENGL 1413-010 14 November 2017 Himmler Overview

Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900 in , . His father Joseph

Gebhard was a secondary school teacher and principal. His mother Anna Maria Himmler was a devout catholic and attentive mother. Heinrich had two brothers one older and one younger.

Himmler has an obsession with power and wanting to be in the service. But failed to join due to the changes in the system during (Chen 1). After Himmler graduated high school he studied agriculture at Technical University in Munich. The United States Holocaust Memorial

Museum states, while there he joined a German-nationalist student fraternity and began to read deeply in the racist- nationalist literature popular on the radical right of the interwar German political spectrum "Heinrich Himmler". This is where his hatred for other people not like him started. Himmler joined the Nazi Party. He later joined the SS and by 1929 he was appointed deputy Reinsfuhrer (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1). The Nazi party was basically this group of guys who all got together and killed the people they didn’t like. This group of guys all looked up to one man "" who they all swore had all the power in the world. From this one large group it broke off into smaller groups. All these groups were all out to do one thing make what they are dominant and make sure they are the only people and everyone must be exactly like them. In April 1936 Himmler was appointed assistant chief of the

Gestapo (secret state police) in Prussia (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 2). After this occurred things started to heat up. Since he was in charge he decided new things needed to

Multigenre Research Project Withheld 4 happen. So, on June thirtieth 1936 he masterminds the purge in the SS which eliminated the SA

"German Assault Division" as a power of the Nazi party (Heinrich Himmler 1). This purge all had to do with power. Hitler feared that the SA had more power than him so he ordered his men to murder leaders of the SA. Himmler masterminded this because he was Hitler's main man. He wanted everything Hitler wanted and would do anything to get it. Both he and Hitler knew that doing this would make them the most powerful armed body in Germany next to the armed forces. Himmler didn’t make or plan the whole Holocaust but he was a major part of it. When people hear and think of Heinrich Himmler they don't think of sunshine and rainbows they think of all the bad events that he did or made happen. Heinrich Himmler was a vicious monster who was a big part of the Nazi party, and who masterminded a purge that killed people who he felt had more power than him. Heinrich Himmler was a vicious monster who was a big part of the

Nazi party, the Holocaust, and he masterminded a purge that killed people who he felt had more power than him.

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Works Cited

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Heinrich Himmler.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 10 Aug. 2016,

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust


“Heinrich Himmler.” Heinrich Himmler,

“The SS Man.” Heinrich Himmler,

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Student Name Withheld Jennifer Huggins ENGL 1413-010 17 November 2017 Annotated Bibliography: MGRP The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Heinrich Himmler.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 10 Aug. 2016,

This article is a very brief article that gives a lot of background about Heinrich Himmler.

It tells when Heinrich dies and it tells a little bit about what kind of work his father did. It

also states when he joined the Nazi party. The author also shares and talks a little bit

about why and how he became a Nazi and why he was so hateful. It talks about the

concertation camps he established. Also states how he was basically Hitler's main man

when it came to the Holocaust. The main reason this assumption is made from the article

is because in April 1934 he was appointed assistant chief of the Gestapo (Secret State

Police) in Prussia, and from then on, he extended his control over the police forces of the

whole Reich. It also talks about what happen in World War II and how it brought a huge

expansion of Himmler's empire. The article ends with how Himmler is a cruel power-

hungry person and how he is known for making the Holocaust what it is today. Where I

plan to possibly use this information in my project is a magazine article about Heinrich

Himmler and what kind of man, he is. I say this because this article doesn’t have a ton of

information but it has some good information. I could use the useful information about

what he became and who he was to put in the magazine article about him.

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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust


This article shares a lot about Himmler and his empire and what type of person he was. It

also states where he was born and gives a very well detailed explanation of his family and

what they did. It also states that Himmler was very patriotic and how he always dreamed

of being in the service for World War I. But couldn’t after he graduated high school

because of the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Versailles peace treaty. So, he

decided to study agriculture at Technical University in Munich. It later explains how he

joined a German-nationalist student fraternity and began to read deeply in the racist-

nationalist literature. It goes on to all the later problems in Himmler's life and how he

became a Nazi. This article gives a step by step of Himmler's life. I plan to use this article

in either my obituary piece or the diary piece because of the information in this article.

The information in this article gives a lot of detail about both Himmler's past and future.

It shares everything an obituary needs and shares everything a diary has about the

horrible events and things Himmler did throughout his life.

“Heinrich Himmler.” Heinrich Himmler,

This article is similar to the first it gives a brief background of Himmler's family

and him. Then it goes into further detail and talks about Himmler in the Nazi party. The

majority of the article explains Himmler's role in the Nazi party. It also expresses how

Himmler loved his power and was all about power. The article also really explains all of

the higher positions that Himmler was offered. I am uncertain on where I would like to

use this information. Where I was thinking about using some of this information in this

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article is the wanted poster. I say this because it speaks a lot on his higher positions and

what he did when he was in these higher positions and it makes me think of putting a

warrant out for his arrest.

“The SS Man.” Heinrich Himmler,

This article explains everywhere Himmler worked and all of his higher positions. It is

really about him in the Nazi party as a SS man hence the title. It also states that even

though Hitler was the main person to blame for the Holocaust Himmler also played a big

role as well. He said the plans and schemes that led to killing over six million Jews.

Himmler was in full control of the SS. It talks about how Himmler's power came to an

end after a/an attack by Martin Bormann. From this attack Himmler became less

powerful. I plan to use this article for the wanted poster because it touches on him killing

the Jewish people. Even though it briefly touches on him killing over six million Jews it

states that he made a lot of the plans that executed the Jewish people.

Daley, Jason. “Diaries of Holocaust Architect Heinrich Himmler Discovered in .”, Smithsonian Institution, 3 Aug. 2016,


This database speaks on some of things Himmler was obsessed with and what organizations he was in or he organized. The article also gives a timeline of events Himmler had throughout his life. It also speaks on him in World War II and the things he did in the war. I plan to use this in the diary entry using the sequence of events and explaining the events. This article

Multigenre Research Project Withheld 9 is a lot repeating information but it also a lot of new information. The new information is mostly about him in the war and what he contributes in the war.

Chen, C. Peter. “Heinrich Himmler.” WW2DB,

This article this article gives a lot of background on Heinrich Himmler and hid parents and family. It talks about his obsession with being a soldier and how he did not achieve this dream. It also speaks about how after World War II the Red Army grabbed documents and souvenirs from the Germany installations around Berlin. It talks about what journals and documents were found and what the read. I am planning on using this information for the dairy piece of my project. I say this because it has really parts of documents that could follow with my diary entry.

Gibson, Edward. "The Strange Death of Heinrich Himmler (Book)." Library Journal, vol. 127,

no. 3, 15 Feb. 2002, p. 163. EBSCOhost,


This is a book that is a forensic investigation explaining the strange death of Heinrich Himmler.

The author really questions the facts about Himmler's death and tries to get the real reason of his death. It is a carefully presented case that is thoroughly researched. The author is a/an forensic investigator himself and understand how to use the available facts and not jumping to conclusions. I plan to use this information for strictly the obituary and using it on the part explain the death of Heinrich Himmler.

Farmer, Brian. "The Holocaust Denying the Deniers." New American (08856540), vol. 30, no. 7,

07 Apr. 2014, pp. 32-39. EBSCOhost,

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This article is more of an opposing view point of the Holocaust. It talks about the denial of genocide. It presents statements from the following leaders: Paul Rassiner, Joseph Goebbels, and Heinrich Himmler. These statements define who they are and what they did to contribute to this tragic event. I plan to use this article in either a magazine article or a dairy because it has statements that you can reference in an article or dairy. It also doesn’t just have one statement from Heinrich Himmler it has statements from other who were just like him.

“Funeral Planning.” The Remembrance Process From Grieving to Remembrance,

This article I found is just showing me a step by step way of creating a/an Obituary for a

newspaper. It gives great detail of what to put and what to leave out and how and where

everything goes. I plan to use this to create my own obituary for Heinrich Himmler. But I

plan to twist it a little bit instead of it being a/an obituary from Germany it's going to be

from the US. And it going to share all the bad and horrible things he did instead of good

things that a normal obituary does.

“LibGuides: HIST 140-002 The World Since 1945: Primary Sources.” Primary Sources - HIST

140-002 The World Since 1945 - LibGuides at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill,

This is a website that has some Newspapers from 1945. I am using this for my obituary. I'm not going to use a newspaper from today to put Heinrich Himmler's death in. I am going to use one from the year he died. So, I had to look up and find one to use. I plan to use the America's news.

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I chose this one because for one I am doing a/an American obituary and two because this newspaper provides information on people.

“Heinrich Himmler: Family.” Biography: Heinrich Himmler family,

This article is mainly about Himmler's family. It is about his marriage and his children. It gives very little detail about both of these topics. It was okay that this article only had a little bit of information about the family because I only needed the names of the family member to insert into the obituary piece. I found this article to mainly to find out who Himmler's family was and what their names were. I am using this information to put into my obituary piece so I can I have the names of his kids and wife in the obituary newspaper entry.

“Wanted poster for Hitler.” The British Library - The British Library,

I found this image as an example for a wanted poster. I felt the need to research this because I didn’t know what a wanted poster looked like in the 1900s. I used this example of template for my own wanted poster that I am going to create for Heinrich Himmler. I am planning on saying that he is wanted by the United States for everything he has done to Innocent people. The United states is putting this warrant out on Himmler for murder, kidnapping, and reckless endangerment.

Nifty. Notebook Stories,

This website provides examples of diary entries that were from the 1940s. The webpage

mostly consists of pictures of different diary entries from a man named Paul and his

family kept these diary entries and have published them. I just deicide to use this website

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because it just gives clear pictures of what 1940 diary entry looks like. Even though it is

not a holocaust diary entry but it is still a1940 diary entry. I would have like to get a

Holocaust entry but it was pretty difficult and I only needed to get an example of what a

diary looks like.

Articles, Old Magazine. “Jews in the 20th Century.” Old magazine article typewriter,

This website shows a perfect example of what a newspaper article looked like in

the1940s. It shows a prime layout of a The New York Times newspaper article with a

topic of Jews in the 20th centaury. I am using this to look at a template of how I want my

newspaper entry to look like. This one that I have chosen it a little bit longer than the one

I am creating but the format for it is perfect. My newspaper entry is going to be about

Himmler and the Nazi party creating a purge to get their full power back.

History of American Journalism,

This article has to do with different Journalists and media personalities. It gives a little bit

of background about them and their pieces of writing they have created. The little

introduction paragraph tells a little about the 1940s as well and how it was a decade of

tension and transition. With that being said these journalists explain this era to the best of

their abilities. I chose this article because I needed a journalist to write the article for my

newspaper article. So, I took one of the journalist from this article the one I chose was

Edward R. Murrow. He actually created some articles himself about World War II and

things along that timeline.

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“Röhm Purge.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial


This article goes into deep detail of the Röhem Purge. It goes further into explaining why the purge was created and what it was meant to do. It was meant to destroy the SA "Storm

Troopers" which was led by one of Adolf Hitler's longtime friends. This made Hitler extremely upset no one could have more power than him. He ordered something to be done and the solution was the purge. I chose this article to use for my newspaper article because this is exactly what my article is about and how Himmler mastermind the whole thing to please and follow Hitler's orders.

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America's News Himmler and the Nazi Party Create the

Purge For Power.

By: Edward R. Murrow In 1934 Himmler and the Nazi time friend who is trying to party plan a purge also known create something bigger than as “Night of long Knives” to what Hitler had. Hitler get rid of the SA (Storm needed his best people to Troopers). The SA was led by defeat this major enemy. He a longtime friend of Hitler, chose Himmler and the rest of his name is Chief the SS "Nazi party" to carry of staff Ernst Röhm. out this purge. But he really looked at Himmler to mastermind the whole purge. This Purge took a while to have some success. The purge killed 85 identified people. But the actual total amount of dead people is 150-200 people. This purge was Photo credits: basically between two Google Images powerful groups that were Ernest had expanded to a fighting for the ultimate force of nearly three million power. men. The purge was too purely to kill the political enemies and des troy Hitler's longtime friend. They did this to get complete power of Germany. Hitler also did this to get back at his once old- Photo Credits: Google Images

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Works Cited History of American Journalism,

“Röhm Purge.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial


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WANTED! FOR MURDER... FOR KIDNAPPING...For Masterminding the Holocaust.

Photo Credits: Google Images

Photo Credits: Google Images For Murder: Heinrich Himmler is responsible for the death of innocent Jewish people. Also, for murder of several SA leaders on the Night of the For Masterminding the Long Knives. He killed these people to for Holocaust: Heinrich Himmler is the second fill the assignments that were assigned to man to blame for the Holocaust and Hitler is him and to keep the power. Heinrich the first. Heinrich Himmler made all the Himmler may not always do the killings plans and ordered everything to happen the himself but he is the main on to order the way it happened. He also mastermind a killings to be done. He is natural leader and purge that killed SA leaders who he thought killer and mastermind to kill. were taking away the power from him and Adolf Hitler.

For Kidnapping: Heinrich Himmler held m any SA leader's captive. He made camps to hold Jewish prisoners. At these camps he orders guards to torture and kill the prisoners. He had 30-40 of these camps and stacked hundreds of prisoners in each of the camps. These kidnapping tendencies are violent and he has been known for doing it more than once.

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Works Cited Chen, C. Peter. “Heinrich Himmler.” WW2DB,

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust


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October 5


It’s October 1939 and Hitler has appointed me Reichskommissar für die Festing des Deutschen Volkstums and I have complete control over the new polish territories. Adolf knows he made the right decision in making me head of his master mind of making our country the perfect country. I have the power to do whatever I want and I deserve this power. I am the one who gets rid of all those foolish Jews. The way to be powerful is obey orders from the higher and make the rules stricter and get rid of people who are trying to take your spot. You will be the most powerful person. Power is everything. With everything that I do I make sure it is efficient and exceptional. The most effective way of gaining the power you deserve is deadly shootings that way you don’t have to worry about survivors and it’s a fast way. People think I am wrong for killing the pig Jews but I am following orders to make our country number one and I will do whatever it takes. I am not wrong for doing my job right. I am given and order and I follow it be all means necessary. One day I will be my own leader and will follow orders from no one. I will do whatever it takes to get to this point. I will have my own power and army and everything will be mine. Adolf will no longer lead me I will be leading and ordering him. One day I will have all the power in the world and no one will stop me. -HH

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Works Cited “Heinrich Himmler.” Heinrich Himmler,

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust


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America's News May 24, 1945

Heinrich Himmler

Photo Credits: Google Images Birthdate: October 7, 1900 Death Date: May 23,1945 Spouse: Margarete Boden Children: Nanette Dorothea Potthast, Gudrun Burwitz (daughters), Gerhard Von Ache, Helge Potthast (sons). Parents: Gebhard and Anne Moria Himmler Siblings: Gebhard Ludwig (oldest), Ernst Hermann Himmler (youngest) Birthplace: LÜneburg Germany Date/time of the funeral: May 25, 1945 at 12:00pm Funeral home/Cemetary: Alter Nordfriedhof Heinrich Himmler was from a middle-class Bavarian family. Heinrich was named after his grandfather prince Heinrich. Heinrich's father, Gebhard, taught at the Ludwig academic high school in Munich. Himmler was very organized at a young age. During World War I, he dreamed of service on the front as an officer. Using his father's connections, he left high school and began training on January 1, 1918. Heinrich Himmler is most known as a major German Nazi leader, who killed many innocent Jewish people. He had the most power next to the man who gave him his power "Adolf Hitler". Next to Hitler Himmler is responsible for the Holocaust. He was the one who made the plans and devised the schemes that led to the killing of six million innocent Jews. In letters and speeches Himmler stated it was his duty from Hitler to annihilate the people who were not like them. Himmler also created a purge that killed man who he thought had more power than him. Heinrich Himmler was a power-hungry man. Who would do anything keep his power. After being captured by allies, Himmler committed suicide by biting a vial of cyanide that he had hidden in his mouth.

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America's News organized at a young age. During World War I, he May 24, 1945 dreamed of service on the front as an officer. Using Heinrich Himmler his father's connections, he left high school and began Photo Credits: Google Images training on January 1, 1918. Heinrich Himmler is Birthdate: October 7, 1900 most known as a major German Nazi leader, who Death Date: May 23,1945 Spouse: killed many innocent Jewish people. He had the most Margarete Boden Children: Nanette power next to the man who gave him his power Dorothea Potthast, Gudrun Burwitz "Adolf Hitler". Next to Hitler Himmler is responsible (daughters), Gerhard Von Ache, Helge Potthast for the Holocaust. He was the one who made the plans (sons). Parents: Gebhard and Anne Moria Himmler and devised the schemes that led to the killing of six Siblings: Gebhard Ludwig (oldest), Ernst million innocent Jews. In letters and speeches Hermann Himmler (youngest) Birthplace: Himmler stated it was his duty from Hitler to LÜneburg Germany Date/time of the funeral: annihilate the people who were not like them. May 25, 1945 at 12:00pm Funeral Himmler also created a purge that killed man who he home/Cemetary: Alter Nordfriedhof thought had more power than him. Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Himmler was a power-hungry man. Who would do anything was from a middle-class Bavarian family. Heinrich keep his power. After being captured by allies, was named after his grandfather prince Heinrich. Himmler committed suicide by biting a vial of Heinrich's father, Gebhard, taught at the Ludwig cyanide that he had hidden in his mouth. academic high school in Munich. Himmler was very

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Works Cited “Heinrich Himmler: Family.” Biography: Heinrich Himmler family,

“Heinrich Himmler.” Heinrich Himmler,

“LibGuides: HIST 140-002 The World Since 1945: Primary Sources.” Primary Sources - HIST

140-002 The World Since 1945 - LibGuides at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill,

“The SS Man.” Heinrich Himmler,

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust
