what’s new at Musalaha? Understanding Israeli & Palestinian 1. This month we say abittersweet goodbye Youth continued to our long-serving volunteer, Jemma. We ( ) hope that she returns to Oceania with 1 22 positive experiences, new insight, and Israeli-Palestinians are part of the state of Psychologist Judy Kuriansky suggests legitimize opposed claims and foster good friends that she met through her time geographically and legally, yet they several steps for changing the attitude existential insecurity. Delegitimization volunteering with us. are excluded from national expression as of each group. The first step is to stop of the other’s identity is a common theme the flag, anthem and ideology of the state, delegitimizing the enemy, which is done by in Israeli and Palestinian societies, and 2. This December is full of events for among other things, fail to represent relating to one another as human beings. Israeli-Palestinians deal with the challenge Musalaha’s women’s groups. We are having them. Israeli-Palestinian youth comprise This can be accomplished through meeting of falling between these two conflicting a conference on trauma, a worship night for nearly twenty-six percent of Israel’s child one another and developing relationships. cultures. Though there are a number of new participants, and regular meetings of population. Three central themes in their Next, working on joint projects together organizations in Israel and Palestine local groups. Please pray that these events master narrative are: discrimination can aid in working toward reconciliation as that attempt to encourage positive will produce fruit that will spread to other WINTER 2012 women in our communities. and subordination; hyphenation and a common goal helps break down physical interaction between these three groups, double marginality; and existential and psychological barriers. Encouraging there is still much work to be done. In our insecurity. The first theme describes their dialogue aimed at dealing with deeper context working with Messianic Jews and unequal rights as a minority. The second issues helps each party voice its hurts and , we find the need theme describes the challenge they face concerns, allowing time for listening and to discuss these issues while meeting 3. Hear what Israeli and Palestinian believing in identifying with either their civic further engagement to take place. Finally, the spiritual needs and challenges of our PENETRATING THE WALLS OF FEAR youth have to say about reconciliation at Musalaha’s youth blog at musalahayouth. (Israeli) or cultural (Palestinian) identity; reducing collective fear, anger and hatred youth and youth leaders. There is a need to In a recent staff meeting we read Henri and isolated; he comes and he steps into his in these tough times. In the same forum, 3 4 they encounter a measure of exclusion is possible not only through reconciliation, teach our youth leaders how to deal with blogspot.co.il. Musalaha is also developing Nouwen’s chapter entitled “A Suffocating creation. He comes to be with us. He does not a Palestinian stressed the importance of a youth curriculum for reconciliation. For 3 from both Israeli and Palestinian but also through thoughtful contemplation authority in a Biblical context, as well as Loneliness” from his book Reaching Out. He impose himself. He comes gently, quietly, identifying with the other side by watching more information, please contact us at communities. Their existential security and self-healing which can be done when how to address theological differences in discusses how many of us have a deep fear of vulnerably as a baby. People who are hurting, their news and praying for their civilians. [email protected]. results from Israel’s attempts to strip it is not possible to meet with the other youth groups. We at Musalaha are trying rejection which is rooted in loneliness, and rejected and fearful need not be threatened. These messages are meaningful rays of them of their Palestinian national and group. In our Christian context, we find to address this through developing a youth we try and fill our lives with entertainment God’s love and gift penetrate our walls of hope shining through the current darkness. 4. Once again, Musalaha is joining cultural identity through “Israelization” that this is achieved through prayer and leader’s curriculum which will teach youth and distraction to avoid the feeling of being fear, and he comes to indwell us. When we It tells those that are supposed to be the local Messianic Jewish and Palestinian in school curricula. Israeli-Palestinian proper teaching on forgiveness. leaders how to better communicate with alone. When others seek to inflict pain and feel secure and accepted, we are able to turn enemy: there are people on the other side congregations in for our third bi- school curricula do not allow them to youth, and deal with the issues we face in punishment on us, they deprive us of their to others, accepting and embracing them. that care about you and your people; you are lingual worship night. We hope for an event study Palestinian culture prior to 1948, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict influences the believing community and our conflict- attention, their time, and their intimacy. not alone. similar to last year’s, with 300 attendees and in addition, they study the Israeli this region’s youth culture tremendously. ridden society. bringing in the New Year in unity. As a result of fear, many Western societies As violence escalates in our region, many narrative of history. The master narratives currently in place -Musalaha Publications Department fill their schedules, avoiding truly free time. Palestinians and Israelis are suffering in We would like to wish you all a wonderful In our Middle Eastern context, instead of Gaza and Israel. We ask that you keep our holiday season. We hope that you will feel filling our day with “things to do,” we often leaders and people in prayer. Some people on God’s presence with you as you celebrate surround ourselves with our community, both sides have died, and many are suffering with your families. but even when we are together, we feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically. alone. When we have free time in education Please pray for Israelis and Palestinians in -Salim J. Munayer, Director Munayer family update and in our daily lives, we allow it to become harm’s way; wisdom for our leaders as their and the Musalaha staff filled with competition and rivalry or empty decisions impact hundreds and thousands The Netherlands United States Canada chatter. We are afraid of being still, and of people. Please also pray and for the local This time I, Salim, will be writing the he is studying in the Global Scholar’s particular. He is growing so fast, and he Near East Ministry Reconciliation Ministries Please make cheques payable to HOPE realizing that maybe, we are alone. believers on both sides. It is critical that family update, so it won’t be as funny. program in the school of international is dedicated to his swimming and studies. P.O. Box 30, P.O. BOX 238 Outreach of Canada. Please specify in the precisely at this time our response to the Over the years our home has been busy studies. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at Kay’s involvement in helping the poor NL-3780 BA Medina, WA 98039 note that the funds be designated for their The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only conflict would be an encouragement and and noisy with four active boys, but his excellent grades. is increasing, and I believe that God will Voorthuizen USA Musalaha projects. an issue of denial of resources, but there blessing to our neighbors. in this issue... recently we have found ourselves with open new doors for her to bless people. NL is a desire to deny each other the right for Tax ID: 91-1960797 NOTHING SHORT OF A almost an empty nest. John left for YWAM in South Africa and I P.O. Box 20033 intimacy and love. We do this by denying the We are encouraged to see that in these times MIRACLE am so happy for him as it is a place where As for me, the last three months were United Kingdom United States Woodstock, ON identity and existence of the other. We speak when the conflict has a real and violent Jack is in his third and final year at York he needs to be. He is in a Discipleship very busy teaching, studying, researching The Andrew Christian Trust For Presbyterian Churches N4S 8X8 ill of the other, we delegitimize their claims, presence, Israeli and Palestinian Musalaha SHARING OUR University, and as a father I have the Training School and he will be going to and traveling, and the highlight of it Rockwood, Storth Road The Outreach Foundation 519-537-3511 and we demonize them. And this is often participants are answering the call of being NARRATIVES challenge to learn how to speak into the India for his outreach early next year. was teaching Musalaha’s “A Curriculum Sandside, Milnthorpe 381 Riverside Dr., Suite 110 just as hurtful, if not more hurtful, than the a blessing to the other side. Instead of life of a very educated young man. He of Reconciliation” at Fuller Theological Cumbria LA7 7PH Franklin, TN 37064 conflict over resources as it cuts to the core espousing hate and disunity through social UNDERSTANDING YOUTH UK - Charity: 327845 now needs to decide what he will do next. Sam is the one we feel the most for, as he Seminary. I was personally encouraged to USA of who we are. media, they have used it as a tool to spread is the youngest of four, and suddenly he see how our work in the past few years is Make a secure online donation through our website at www.musalaha.org encouragement. An Israeli recently asked I traveled with Daniel and helped him is by himself. It is a difficult adjustment bearing fruit throughout the world. Musalaha has also received recognition from www.excellenceingiving.com The message of Christmas is that God is the Musalaha young adults’ internet group settle in at American University where for the three of us at home, and for him in -Salim present, and God is close. God is not far away to not lose sight of Jesus’ teachings of love Sharing our From August 14-25 we took a group of six On one of the first days an Israeli participant We were blessed to have many European would hear an Israeli-Jew present a subject like this. Would they jump Palestinian, seven Israeli and three Musalaha commented, “I learned that hatred and churches and other organizations that up and leave? Shadia introduced me, and I began by asking the women Understanding Israeli & youth leaders to Holland where we met up violence affects negatively my own peace participated in this reconciliation encounter to let me finish, and then I would address all of their questions. with six Dutch youth and five Dutch leaders. of mind,” and a Palestinian participant with Musalaha and helped make it possible. Narratives We stayed in Helvoirt and combined teachings commented, “You can’t expect to have the They are St. John and St. Philip Anglican I spoke about the various peoples who persecuted the Jews throughout Palestinian Youth with relationship building exercises and same opinion all the time because the more Church in The Hague, The Holy Trinity the centuries, and while they listened respectfully, I could see that This past October Shadia and I had the opportunity to present the this made the women uncomfortable. One woman asked me why, if outings. We learned about what conflict and you listen to other people’s points of view, the Church in Brussels, Crossroads International Israeli and Palestinian narratives of our history and conflict to a Over the next several months we have Palestinians and Israeli-Palestinians reconciliation are, and studied cross-cultural more you find sense in what they are saying. Church of The Hague, and Tabitha Ministry the Jews were treated so badly by other nations, could they then turn group of 22 Muslim and Christian women in Beit Sahour. Having around and treat the Palestinian nation with discrimination? For that, a team of writers working on a youth question their relationship with the communication, identity, and hope. Our You must keep an open mind.” Toward the end in the Netherlands. a meeting like this in the Palestinian Territories with this group of leader’s curriculum. We have found that other ethnic groups. youth enjoyed singing in three languages of the trip, another Palestinian participant I had no answer. When I began to discuss the development of Zionism women was quite an accomplishment! As difficult as it is for our and the reasons behind it, I could see that they had not thought of there are a lot of materials available on during the worship sessions, playing games stated, “Even in painful and hard moments, we Christian Palestinian sisters to meet with we Israelis, it is even more youth and youth ministry, but far fewer Psychologist Phillip Hammack suggests with each other, getting to know one another, need to forgive, because God is forgiveness.” One of the Dutch leaders with us on this event, this before. Due to time limitations, I finished my presentation difficult for Muslim Palestinians. Their sole interaction with Jews is with the establishment of Israel, and then I began to critique the available for youth leaders on how to that Israeli youth have a master and spending free time in between sessions An Israeli participant responded, “When we Caroline Candelaria, shares a short reflection on often with Israeli soldiers and security personnel along the borders be best equipped to reach youth. By narrative with four major themes: just hanging out. are together, our life is so much better.” the trip here. narrative I presented. Israeli educational institutions teach Israelis of the West Bank and Jerusalem. These Palestinian women have had some inaccurate information about our history, and I challenged the next spring we hope to complete this persecution and victimization of Jews; little opportunity to hear the Jewish narrative, and they often only commonly-thought Israeli notion that Palestine was a land without curriculum and cover topics regarding existential insecurity; superiority hear one perspective from their media and government. a people, and the myth that Arabs fled their homes in 1948 because what a youth leader should know about of Jewish morality, economy and other Arabs asked them to do so. These critiques of my own side gave context, leadership, and content. While military; and delegitimization of As prepared as we could be, Shadia and I both walked into that me more credibility in the women’s eyes. When the women responded, including materials for believers, we Palestinian identity. Israeli youth meeting with a sense of trepidation. Shadia presented the many stated that they did not agree with what I told them. That is fine, hope that the content provided will be respond to conflict with strength, Palestinian narrative from 1834 on – how the Palestinians lived, as I did not expect to change their perspectives, but to present them beneficial to youth leaders, regardless countering the perceived weakness of their reaction to the British and Ottoman control of Palestinian with some new information. of religious background or affiliation. Jews throughout the world in previous lands, how Palestinians reacted to early Jewish emigration, and Materials for youth leaders are often centuries. The first two of the four the establishment of Israel. Most of the women were familiar with The women had a number of questions for me regarding Judaism and written by people in North America themes legitimize the need for a Jewish this information, and they listened intently, eager to add points the conflict, and I tried to answer the best that I could while representing or Europe, and they lack the context state and military. Jewish superiority of conflict that we face here. We hope and delegitimzation of Palestinian they knew as well. When Shadia finished, she began to critique the the various opinions common in Israeli society. This meeting left us all to include a section on youth culture identity are often intertwined ideas, Palestinian account, countering some of the accepted narrative that with more questions than answers, but it was a new experience for all for Israeli, Palestinian and Israeli- and this is seen in the desire of Israelis is historically inaccurate. At this point, many of the women were of us, one marked by respect. This was the greatest accomplishment Palestinian (Israeli-Arab) youth and to impose conditions on recognizing very defensive. Shadia challenged the idea that Palestinians were of the event: one side listened to the narrative of the other with open discuss issues of conflict, gender, and Palestinian identity and in Israelis’ innocent in the conflict leading up to 1948, mentioning some of ears. We all had time to express ourselves and our opinions, and as a youth development. difficulty in acknowledging existing the massacres Palestinians perpetrated against Jewish civilians. She result we left after hearing one another and being heard. imbalances of power. Nothing Short of a Miracle also challenged the idea that the Zionists/Jews are always to blame, Over the summer Emily Keach from referencing the failures of Palestinian leadership in a number of -Hedva Haymov, Women’s Department cases. These women had been taught that Palestinians were always Westmont College wrote a paper for us Similar to the Israeli narrative, the on youth culture in Israel and Palestine Palestinian master narratives have four hat happens when you put seven Jewish, not exist,” and “You’re all terrorists.” Yet, at beyond the conflict and actively seeking the victim, and to hear that this is not always the case was new and W as it relates to the conflict. We would major themes: loss and dispossession; six Palestinian and six European students the end of the day, these very same youth out reconciliation, offering forgiveness and shocking to them. At the same time, they agreed that Palestinian like to share some of her findings resistance; existential insecurity; and together in an old monastery for 12 days in would stand in a big circle holding each other grace, and pursuing unity in the Body. And leadership did not always act in their best interests, and were willing with you, as they provide the basis delegitimization of Israeli identity. the south of Holland? In some contexts that tightly, with tears running down their faces, perhaps this generation will not see the full to engage in a measure of self-criticism. for part of the context section of the During the late 19th and early 20th would have been a recipe for disaster; each asking God to shower us with humility and fruit of its labor, but the next generation person with his own understanding and love for one another. If that’s not a miracle will be one step closer to saying, “What, our Then, it was my turn to present the Israeli-Jewish historical curriculum. centuries of Ottoman rule, the British interpretation of the conflict and feelings of straight from heaven, I don’t know what is. grandparents used to hate each other?” I pray narrative. I was nervous. This was the first time most of these women Mandate, the War of 1948 and the entitlement and desire for restitution. Then this will be the generation of Christ-followers Israeli, Palestinian and Israeli- years following the establishment of you add a common denominator – a belief in During those twelve days we ate, played, that will bring Heaven’s Kingdom closer still Palestinian youth are three distinct Israel, Palestinian national aspirations Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Righteous lived and laughed together, as well as – by loving recklessly. groups that are influenced by different were lost, and their cultural identity Judge and the Great Comforter - and what enjoyed sessions on God’s heart for narratives. Israelis and Israeli- diluted. In order to counter their you have is nothing short of a miracle. reconciliation. We participated in exercises These teens quickly became some of my Palestinians share a nationality, and feelings of helplessness, an indigenous that pushed most of us way beyond our favorite heroes and I ask you to join me in Palestinians and Israeli-Palestinians resistance movement emerged I may not have witnessed many water- comfort zones – to that scary, yet beautiful standing with them in asking God that the share an ethnicity. While there is a renewing the hope of the Palestinian parting, bush-burning-type miracles in place where we are able to see each other seed that has been planted on neutral ground measure of overlap, these three groups people. Palestinian existential my life, but what I witnessed on this trip through God’s eyes. would take root and continue to mature. are influenced by divergent political insecurity is due to the checkpoints, changed that. The students were sincere and In spite of their minority status in their and cultural factors, and as a result travel restrictions and discrimination open, and I heard very heated debates on We know it most likely will not immediately families, schools and communities, they they have different youth cultures. A they face regularly. Zionism is seen as a who did what and who has suffered the most. change the political aspect of the conflict, return with a message of forgiveness and master narrative relates how society Western settler-colonialist movement, These discussions included honest and individuals link culture and history therefore ideologically and historically even if but we all agree that as believers we are love. Forgiving will not change the past, but Images from Israeli Aliyah and from the Palestinian Nakba, which with identity. As a result of having illegitimate. provocative comments such as “Israel should called to a higher standard – of stepping it sure will change the future. represent key elements in the Israeli and Palestinian narratives. different master narratives, Israelis, (Continued on back)