In Search of the Sunset: the Azores Azores: Terceira, Faial, Pico, 24-29/7/17
CHAIN Cultural Heritage Activities and Institutes Network In Search of the Sunset: the Azores Azores: Terceira, Faial, Pico, 24-29/7/17 Sunset Azores The course is part of the EU Erasmus+ teacher staff mobility programme and organised by the CHAIN foundation, Netherlands É que nas veias corre-me basalto negro No coração a ardência das caldeiras O mar imenso me enche a alma Tenho verde, tanto verde, tanta esperança. In my veins flows the black basalt In my heart the heat of the volcanoes The immense sea fills my soul I have green, so much green, so much hope. Course story line A central element in each Chain course is the story line: how do all these bits, pieces of information and experiences fit into one coherent scheme? Unfortunately it is sometimes difficult to have such a narrative order fit completely into the course chronology: you have to do with opening hours which are sometimes impossible to change. Below you find the ideal 'narrative order'. Conception We will begin the course on the bottom of an (extinct) vulcano, the Algar do Carvão . The map below shows the interior. Part of it has the name 'Cathedral'. This seems a good place to begin our story. Birth The next visit will be to the Gruta do Natal , another vulcano. The name, Christmas Cave, comes from the fact that the cave was first opened to the public on Christmas Day, 1969, after the mess celebrated by the Archbishop of the Portuguese Indian Provinces, D. José Vieira Alvernaz. Walking and creeping on the former, underground lava river - now hardened into black rock - gives an impression of the incredible natural forces once playing here.
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