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4-8-1949 The edC arville Herald, April 8, 1949 Cedarville University

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CEDARVI LE’S PEE YEAR OLDEST INS! UTION The PER COPY. Published in the Interest of CedaTville and Surrounding Community

Voiuran LXXIH Cedarville, Ohio, JFriday, April 8, 1949 Number 18 Tarnsw ortfiT r Ms Sta te 'C R O P Cancer Drive Is settle claim in Church Services Third Annual Damage.Suit Ohio Premier of Lawton Story to Be CHURCH OF GOD T\yo damage suits filed by Elwood C. Palmer, minister Off to Good Carina H. Miller,0 as executrix Held Sunday at Murphy in Wilmington of the estates of Dr. and Mrs. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. A. J. Hostetler, late of Cedar­ Mrs. David Strobridge, supt. Start'Sunday ville, who were killed in an auto­ Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic, “It is Finished.” mobile accident th'ree miles east The third annual par# of the Greene county’s fund-raisinfe- * of Xenia on Route 42 last year, Children’s service at 6:30. campaign in the cancer drive, Morris Bean and company was have been settled for -$5,326.03, Starting this Sunday evening held at* Alford Memorial gym in reached the half-way mark Of its a probate court entry revealed \ and continuing through Easter goal Monday, twenty-four hours Cedarville Saturday evening. The suits were filed against Sunday we will have services after the appeal opened. Donald Waechter acted as Thursday. each evening at 7:45 (except toastmaster for the program fol­ Contributions of approximat­ James Hoffman and Frank Mor- . Saturday). Former Director o f Agriculture Frank N. Farnsworth, (second from ely $3,000, onb-half of the $6,- lowing the dinner which was ser­ gan, both of Erie, Pa., driver and The Rev. E. W. Morris, of St. left) of Waterville is the new chairman of the Christian Sural Overseas 000 goal,-were reported by Mrs. ved by the United Presbyterian owner o f the other vehicle in­ Paris, Ohio will be our speaker. church. Program (CROP) in Ohio. Other officers include James D. Wyker, left, Lucille Cowan, Xenia business­ state director; Carl S . Hutchinson, education director of the Ohio Farm volved. ' _ Come, bring your friends and woman and campaign director, A short talk was given by Mor­ Bureau, Columbus, treasurer, and Mrs. Fenton Fish, secretary- of the Both denied responsibility for enjoy a week of Gospel preach­ ris Bean, president of the comp­ Ohio Council of Church Women, secretary. Grain, miik and gifts in kind following a house-to-house can­ settlement. _ ,■ fe L ing and Christian fellowship. any, in which he expressed his vass in Xenia and Greene county will he solicited for distressed families overseas by the all-church or­ the accident, but agreed to the. Union Good Friday Services appreciation for the cooperation towhs Sunday. ganization. in the United Presbyterian of the company’s employees and Of the $3‘,00Q reported, $522.- Church Friday 12:00 to 3:00 o’­ said that the coming year held Good Friday Service 39 represents donations at Yellow A t Cedarville College clock. Plan to attend these ser­ many promises for the organiza­ On the School Scene Springs, including a gift of $204 New officers elected by Kappa vices. tion. Program Announced from Antioch college’s student Sigma Kappa last week were He stated' that work on the by Janet Hull THE UNITED born and Fairfield; $110 from James Ross, South Webster, pres­ company’s "new plant in Yellow community fund; $600 from Os- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Springs would get underway du­ Math That Failed to Add Up The Good Friday Program is ident; Donald Nock, Dayton, . M Jamestown and $69.58 from Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister. ring the coming year and should Old Man April Fool himself as follows: The Seven Sayings vice president; James Dunn. Win- • Spring Valley. Sabbath School 10 a. m. supt. be ready for occupancy by June was doing his best to outwit the o f on the Cross will he Chester.’ secretary; Ray Thomp­ Other areas in the county have Arthur B. Evans. of 1950. “wits” (oi' should I say “wit”) uesd as theme’s dividing the son, . Scioteville, treasurer; .and « not reported and canvassing in in Geometry Class lsat Thursday, time into six half hour periods. James Lewis, South Webster-, Pleaching 11 a. m. A Palm A very entertaining flook Xenia has not been completed. although he was a day ahead of The organists of the three sergeant at arms. These men, Sabbath Message “ The Beau# show followed the clearing of Canvassasers plan to make re­ schedule. Mrs. Wilson, was called churches will preside at the or­ take office immediately. Of the Lilies.” the tables from the floor, after turn visits to Xenia homes where to the office, and the class was gan as follows: Twelve to one, According to the fraternity’s Y. P. C. U. 6:30 p. m. Subject, which the members of the group residents were not at home when left on their own good behavior. Miss Lena Hastings;, One to two constitution, officers are elect­ “ I Believe in Christ’s Church.” ' danced until midnight to the mu­ they called Sunday. Imagine Mrs. Wilson’s surprise Mrs. Charles Stormont; Two to ed the first week in April. This . Meditation for Holy Week. sic of Darrel Fischer and Ms orchestra. when- she returned and found the Three, Miss Mildred Trumbo. Mrs. Cowan expressed satis­ is only the second slate of offi­ The Religious Film entitled, pupils had all disappeared! But The speakers will be as fol- faction Monday with the results cers elected by the new chapter Messenger of Peace” will be that wasn’t the way it finally ows, and possibly in order: R. of Sunday's effort, both on the on this campus. Retiring offi­ shown at 7:30 p. m. This Is ap­ turned out. For she entered the A. Jamieson, R. C. Fredericks, part of the volunteer workers cers include John Check, presi­ propriate to the Easter season, room all too sion, and found William Waide. F. A . Jurkat, and the reception they were ac­ dent; Park King, vice president; and a good picture to have at Concert Group doors banging, feet scampering, Paul Elliott, William Collier. corded by citizens when they Norman Potts, secretary; and the beginning of Holy Week. and skirts peeking out from There will be special music called at homes. Arthur Lewis, treasurer. All are invited. A free will offer­ Contributions received Sunday doorways. A few of the students each half hour period. This is a Mi*. Harrison Sayre, president den of Gethsemane. Jacobs Lad­ ing will be received to pay for Opens 49-50 do not represent donations from The first color film on the life were even short of the fun, and Special Service, in which the en­ o f the Education Company. Col­ der, Calvary’s Hill, the Watch- the rental. any business areas or special of Christ ever made, “ The Lawton they stood in the room with tire community should be deep­ umbus, will be the Wednesday ; ; Story,” will hold its Ohio premiere tower, the Inn and the Stable and- No service on Wednesday ev­ ly interested. gifts from organizations. smirks on their faces as the. in­ convocation speaker. 11 at the-Murphy Theatre next Sun­ the Lord’s Supper building. : ening this week, as we have the Member Drive The campaign .will (continue structor entered. A* seven pound to the college day. Designed by Myron Groseclose three hour service on Good Fri­ A campaign to obtain 720 mem­ throughout April, Designated as Mrs. Wilson promptly joined SHOW. A T CHURCH circle arrivd at 2:20 p. m., April The full-length, Ginecolor film -of Oklahoma City, the Holy City day from noon to three P. M. bers In the Greene Coun# Com­ Cancer month. Campaign head­ in the new game, writing down “Messenger of Peace” is the 4 at Hains Hospital, Jamstown. was produced at a cost of $2,500, is- a half a mile wide and five This service will be held in the munity Concert association was quarters are at 26 1-2 S. Detroit the names of the missing pupils, title of the movie which will be Th addition, Stephen Lee So­ 000 by Hallmark Productions of- .blocks long.. It rings a 1,200 foot United Presbyterian Church. launched in Xenia Monday night. streets, Xenia units of the Amer­ and pretending to send this list shown at the United Presbyter­ well, is the son of sophomore this city. Kroger Babb, president ridge in the Wichitas in a gigan­ Association -officers, executive ican Women’s Voluntary Services to the office. But another big ian church Sunday night at 7:30. Edward Sowell, Jamestown and of-Hallmark, said today that 56- tic. natural arc." This arc forms METHODIST CHURCH committee members and cam­ which has the cancer campaign surprise was in store when Grace The show is sponsored by the Mc- the former Marjorie Zimmer­ miutes of the film are actual . the settng for the pageant scenes William B. Collier, minister paign workers attended a din­ project as a year-round effort. called the students ai the office. Kibben class. man, Cedarville. scenes from the world famous in “ The Lawton Story.” Sunday school at 10 a. m, Wal­ ner meeting at Geyer’s when the Mrs. Mai’garet Helvenston, head Everyone began to laughing, and A group of elementary educa­ Wichita Mountain Easter Pag­ Spotted with rocks, gullies and ter Boyer, supt. plans for the membersMp drive Mrs. Wilson exclaimed, “I didn’t of the AW VS, also is commander eant, the American “ Oberammer- underbrush, it is a natural back­ were outlined. of the Greene county unit of the tion students accompanied Prof. Morning service at 11 a. m. ■intend ofr the girls to really take Eighth Graders Conduct gau” held annually near Lawton, ground for the Passion Play Jack Howell’s New York City, American Cancer society. Eloise Kling to Columbus Tues­ The sermon subject will be “The that list to the ofice.” After “Good-Grooming” Experiment day to observe in the University Okla. „ scenes. The stage is not only one King of Kings.” There will be organization director and repre­ they returned from their little Miss Hanna’s eighth grade his­ and Indianola schools in that “ The I .awton Story” is the story - of* the largest but one of the most special music. A portion of a sentative of Community Concert mission, peace and quiet reigned tory class carried on an interest­ city. of the late Rev. Mark Wallock of , unusual in the world. palm branch will he given to Service, met with the group to in the Geometry Class. (But ing experiment recently under Rqr.ults of the Cedar day queen Lawton who founded the Wichita ' “The Lawton Story” is com­ eack one present. map plans for the 1949-50 sea­ I think we have learned our les­ the direction of their practice election held-in convocation on Mountain Easter Sunrise Ser­ pletely non-sectarian in its treat­ Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p. son which marks the fourth year son. W e’ll check the calendar teacher. James Rowe. Wednesday were as follows: Na­ vice 24 years ago. Most of the ment of its religious theme. It m. Ted Reiter will be the lead­ for the local association. more carefully, before we play The idea of the project came omi Conner* Cedarville, queen; dialogue used in the film was is also a practical illustration of er. Campaign headquarters were the fact that people in all walks opened Tuesday at the Adair fur­ our next joke. .... from a topic on personal guid­ Ila McLaughlin, Marysville* written in Mr. Walloek’s own Evening service at 7:30 p. m. of life, all churches and races, can ance, “ Good-grooming.” suggest­ maid of honor; Charlotte Collins, words. The pastor will speak on “Di­ niture store, Xenia, with Mrs. Senior Play All of the outdoor scenes were work together peaceably. Warren H. Thomas, in charge. ed in their “Current Events” pa­ Clifton, Marie Fisher, Clayton, vine Deliverance.” The Senior Class of Cedarville Among the representatives of Headquarters will he open daily per. Before the magazine article To Meet 14th Kathleen Evans, Cedarville, and 'filmed in Lawton .and iiuthe Holy Services during Ho# Week High School will present a three- : City of the Wichitas. the^pageant races and religions in the case from 10:00 a. m, to 5 p. m. from was discussed in the current e- Eleanor Weismiller, Selma, at- at 8 o’clock. The service Thurs­ act comedy entitled, “ GirLShy” , Adequate public health ser­ site 22 miles away..Sceiies-filmed - were Indians, Negroes, Chinese, Tuesday through Friday and on vents class, Mr. Rowe had each . tendants. day night will he a candle light at 8:15 Friday night, April 8, in vice for all the people and bet­ in the breathtaking beau# of the Confucians, Buddhists, Jews, Saturday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. student vjpite his definition of communion. The pastor will the Opera House; ter methods *of tuberculosis con­ ;.Wichitas, are the background for Catholics and Taoists. Persons not,, contacted fo r what .the term “good grooming” trol will occupy the attention of .bring. an evangelistic , message . Mrs. Isabel Bull will direct the *the 'powSffur-filnn 'r-c The film '' introduces Ginger' berships and interested in the meant to him. These paners were representatives- from sixteen tub­ each night. * presentation. “The Lawton Story” actually' Prince, new 6-year-oid child star association may call headquar­ handed in unidentified, and the erculosis and health associations State Aid Is The union Good Friday ser­ Entertainment between the is two pictures in one" The story from Atlanta who plays Mr, Wal- vice will be held from 12:00 to ters where the telephone number most promising of them were meeting at Wilmington on Thurs­ of Mr. Woilock .surrounds “ The ' lock’s niece. Little Miss Prince is 2272. acts will be furnished by Nancy then read to the class. day. April 14, in the General 3:00 o’clock in the Presbyterian Prince of Peace,” the theme of ’ sings four songs in .the movie, Church. The membersMp goal is bas­ Sue Dean and Dorothy Hubbard, It is interesting to note some Denver hotel. Higher to Greene accompanied by Shirley Powers, the W?chita M ountain.R aster “Holy. Holy, Holy,” The Turtle,” ed on the seating capacity o f X e­ of the items that the pupils con­ The meeting is one of six dis­ A trumpet trio of Carol Sue Du­ Pageant, More than 3,000 pevsons Down In Aklahoma," and “ Right FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ‘ nia Central high school auditor­ sidered essential for the well- trict conferences sponsored by vall, David Lafferty, and Patty County for 1948 from Lawton and 32 neighboring Under My Nose.” CHURCH ium where all concerts are pre­ groomed individual and those the Ohio Tuberculosis and Health Davis will entertain with several communities are\ in .th‘e s cast. “ The Lawton Story” is. Miss Paul H. Elliott, Minister sented. Both adult and student which they regarded as of minor Association, Columbus, state Because many 1948 figures selections. . . . There are 100 speaking parts. Prince’s first’ movie. She was 10:00 a. m. Sabbath school, memberships are available. importance. The majority of stu­ are not yet available, a break­ headquarters for all tuberculosis The music for the'fiim was pro­ -discovered by-Babb in Atlanta James W. St.eel, Supt. • Campaign workers are asked dents stated that the personal control work carried on by vol­ down of a report made public by Chapel Program duced by the 80-voice Hallelujah last year when she appeared in 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. to report to headquarters daily actions of the individual were a untary health associations and the Ohio Chamber of Commerce a downtown Atlanta hotel in a The Dramatics’ Club was in Choir and a 62-piece, symphony Special Palm Sunday music. Ser­ and, if possible, to make a com­ contributing factor in deciding financed by the annual sale of on the return of nearly 15 per child’s fashion show. The child charge of the Chapel program, orchestra under the direction of mon, “The King Without a plete report by Thursday. Tt date whether or not he is well groom­ Christmas seals. The 1948-49 sale cent more money to subdivis­ was once hilled as “ The youngest Monday morning, April 4. Edward J. Kay. Fifteen weeks of Throne.” 169 members are enrolled, these ed. They thought that in orded in Ohio is approximately $1,120,- ions last year than in 1947 could disc jockey in the world,” for she The program was opened with shooting time was required to memberships having been ob­ to qualify they should “act like 000. Of this amouqt, 87 percent not be localized for a compari­ conducted a local program from 15, at tee United Presbyterian the singing of “Christ the Lord make the outdoor ond indoor se­ tained at the closing concert of ladies and gentlemen at all remains in the county where it son of the totals. ... an Atlanta radio station at age Chnreh from 12:00 to 3:00 . Scripture reading by Janet Hull. quences. the 1948-49 season. times” and that they should by was raised to be suent for tuber­ Statistics showed Greene coun­ The setting, for the pageant five. Choir rehearsal, Saturday ev­ Is Risen Today,” followed by the all means “act their age." Many culosis control and public health ening, April 9. i3 at 6:45 p. m. Officers of the association are: ty had received as much in some sequences in “ The Lawton Story” At the conclusion o f the film, Mrs. John G. Eavey. president, The Lord’s Prayer and pledge pupils listed cleanliness as an state and national levels to co- . instances and more in others as at Holy City is the only perma­ Lee Lindsay, the Wichita Moun­ CLIFTON UNITED who presided at the dinner meet­ to the flag were led by Vera important essential; things tak- ordinate tuberculosis programs Thardsen. the state sent more money back nent replica of ancient Jerusa­ tain speaker, will give a five- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ing; Mrs. Juanita RanMn Fultz, eninto consideration along this and the remainder is spent on the to cities, counties and schools. lem ever built. Among the well minute tqlk on the pageant back­ A short musical program fol­ Dr. John W. Bickett, minister first vice president; Dr. W. A. line were: cleanliness o f hair, and provide adequate materials The total 1947 state aid was known buildings and - Biblical ground and will answer any ques­ lowed the devotionals; six mem­ 'Miss Charlotte Collins, organ­ Hammond, second vice president; clothes, shoes, and most import­ and expert field guidance. $1,100,189 to this county. scenes in the Holy City are The tions members of the audience bers of the sixth grade entertain­ ist. Mrs. George Gibson, secretary; ant of all, body cleanliness. Good The presidents, representative The Chamber said state sub­ Walls o f Jericho, the Gateways care to a;jk about the film or the and William B. Fraver, treasurer. ed us with a Mexican clap dance. manners, friendliness and cheer­ directors, executive secretaries pageant. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Wil­ Patty Davis gave a humorous sidies to all local subdivisions of Jerusalem, The'Tomb, the Gar­ Frederick E. Anderson is pub­ fulness were all mentioned as and staff members from tuber­ and sghools in 1948 totaled $201,- liam Ferguson, superintendent. licity chairman. reading, “So Was I.” A saxa- other qualities essential to good Lesson subject: The Perean culosis associations in the follow­ 353,827 compared fith" $175,408,- Following the dinner, fo r wMch. phone solo, “The Palm Branches” grooming. One point of special ing counties will meet to plan Ministry of Jesus. was given by Mary Melton. Dor­ 057 in 1947. The figure, in 1941, , Mrs. H. C. Schick was in charge interest was thet very few pup­ their tuberculosio control pro­ Preaching service 11 a, m. ser­ othy Hubhard and Nancy Sue the Chamber said, was $131,135,- of arrangements and Dr. Ira D. ils mentioned anything about grams for the coming year: Ad­ Mrs. Britton Is ?ervicel ,1B!eW for mon topic: Such as I Have I Dean, dressed in blue, white and 317. Lorenz Geis Vayhinger, Cedarville, gave the clothing, other than the fact that ams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Give to You. The praise service gold costumps, entertained us iit should he neat and clean. No In a compilation prepared “to invocation, a film, “A Carnegie Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Hamil­ Funeral services for Lorenz will he on the stewardship of Hall in Every Town,” was screen­ with a military tap dance. The one seemed to think about clo­ assist the Ohio general assembly ton, Highland, Montgomery, Called by Death Geis, 72. of Cedarville, R. R. .1, life. ed. Six artists under Golumbia Girl’s Chorus sang, “ A Green thing in terms; o f hifrii prices, in its consideration of -the state’s Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Ross, biennial budget,” the Chamber who died in his home at 9:30 a. The young people will meet in the picture including Conrad Cathedral” and “ The Nnight Has or extreme or new styles* One Scioto and Warren. said it favors “retrenchment of m... Saturday, were conducted at at 7:30. This will he a young Thibault, baritone; Patricia Tra­ a Thousand Eyes.” numbers student suggested a good rule to Speakers from local, state and operations by the state govern­ Thursday P.M . 9 a. m. Tuesday in * St. Paul people’s rally. We are urging vers, 21-year-old-violinist; Sam­ which they will sing at the dis­ follow. “Always do the best with national tuberculosis and health ment parralleel to the readjust­ Church in Yellow Springs. Re­ that all the young people be uel Moss, pianist; Mona’ Paulee, trict auditions in Sprinigfeld, what you have.” Mrs. Edna Britton, 62, jXenia quiem mass was said by the Rev. April 9. organization^ will speak at the ment which is becoming necessary a clerk in the Greene county aud­ present at the meeting. An of­ mezzo soprano; Marian Svetlova, After a general discussion of Fr. J. H. Antony. Burial was in ' meeting. Dr. Paul Q. Peterson, for business.” itor’s office, died suddenly of a fering will be received: dancer, and the Don Cossack As a closing number, everyone their definitions, the class de­ St. Paul Cemetery in Yellow chief of the bureau of direct ser­ Greene county’s local govern­ heart attack . at her home last * Come to our friendly church Chorus, which appeared in Xenia sang “Easter Parade.”. „ . cided to vote on the girl and ljoy Springs. vices, Ohio department of health, ment fund shofwed state payment* Thursday at 6:35 a. m. She was and worship with us. during the 1947-48 season. in their own group that they F. H. A . County Rally will address the luncheon meet­ from sales tax in 1947 amounted taken ill only a few minutes be­ considered to be the “best- ing on the topic “How Tubercu­ to $92,640, in 1948 and" $40,383, fore her death. Born near Bower- CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Thursday evening F, H. A, groomed.” The results of the poll .Meet Tuesday losis Associations Can Assist in the major cutback, and last year sville Feb. 22, 1887, the daughter CHURCH v Cedarville Wins members from Cedarville and showed that Marilyn Kyle and Programs in Every Community.” Xenia will meet with the Beaver the intangibles tax payment was of Mr. and Crs. Robert Christy, The Parent-Teachers associa­ ^ Sabbath school 10 a. m. Volleyball Meet Donald Wade were considered by Mrs. Ann Tucker, executive sec­ $62,389. . - she resided in Xenia many years tion of Ross Township school , Worship service 11 a. ra. ser­ High School F. H. A. at Beaver. their classmates the two indivi­ Cedarville copped the Yellow retary of the Clinton County Tu­ The state paid $2,560.28 on a and then moved to Richmond, will hold'its regular meeting at mon topic: The King of Glory. Officers for the coming year duals who nyst nearly exemp­ Springs Bryan volleyball tourna­ berculosis and Health association preliminary basis in 1948 to the Ind., returning in 1934. the school building Tuesday ev­ Westminster fellowship 7 p. will be elected at this meeting. lify the rules the class had form­ ment at Bryan High Saturday will lead a discussion on “Ways here:$576,740 in 1947 and $722,- ening, April 12, at 8 -o’clock. m. Refreshments will be served and ulated as essential for good­ Mrs. Britton had been employ­ morning, disposing of all oppon­ and Means of Developing Health 362 in 1948 under the school Films will be shown and there recreation and entertainment grooming. ed in the auditor’s office since Evening service at 8 p. m. ser­ ents with little trouble. Bowers- Education Programs in Schools foundation program; $4,270 each, will be special jnusie for the pro­ will be enjoyed by the three It was not until after this Oct. 1,1945. She was a past wor­ mon topic: The Lord Hath Need ville Jefferson took second place. and Communities.” John A. Louis of the last two years ofr voca­ gram. schools, ... ■ vote that the magazine article thy matron of Aldora chapter, of Him. The victorious team walloped executive secretary of the Ohio tional education; $2,064 each year As this is the last meeting was used for discussion. After Order of Eastern Star, and was Service each night Monday Jefferson, 18-8, in the tourney FIRST TRACK MEET Tuberculosis and Health asso­ for interest on irreducible debt to for this school year, all the pa­ it was read, the consensus of ciation will analyze the reasons active in Eastern Star, and was through Thursday at 7:30 In ob­ finals for their closest contest SCHEDULED school districts; $1,183 each yew active in Eastern Star circles. trons are urged to attend. opinion, was that the author’s for the falling death rate from servance of Holy week. of the double elimination play­ Friday, April 8, the Cedarville on library aid; $3,733 in 1947 1 ideas were very similar to those tuberculosis in Ohio and the in­ She was a member of the First Friday,' Union Good Friday offs. Track team will open at Cox and $7,466 jn 1948 for old age Methodist church and the Xenia formulated by the class. The creasing numbers of cases of the CEDARVILLE PROGRESSIVE „ service at Clifton United Presby­ Hamilton of Bryan copped the Memorial Athletic Field at Xe­ four main points they dfreided on pensions to county home inmates ; Business and Professional W o­ FARMERS 4-H CLUB terian church at 8 p. m. Sermon ping pong tournament by beat­ disease which are heing found by $3,317 each year to the health nia. The Cedar thinlines have as being the most important county associations. men’s club. The bimonthly meeting of the topic j The Rent in the Veil. _ ing Rogers of Ross, 21-10 and been working out for the past ' district; $343607 in ’47 and $370,- Mrs. Britton was marriel twice. were as follows; good posture, a Other Ohioans who will speak Cedarville Progressive Farmers 21-11, in the fin,als. two weeks and should he getting well scrubbed look, appropriate­ 274 in '48 fo r highways; $18„301 Her first husband was Harry L. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH at the all-day session include Miss each year from liquor permit . 4-H effeb was held at the home G. A. Adams, minister in tip-top shape. ness of clothes:—not necessarily North and her second husband, R. f i t members Ralph and Richard Esther Horn, director of Christ­ fees; $3,375 in .1947 and $4,500 G. Britton, died in 1939. 10:15 Sunday school Other' teams competing in this their newness, cost or fashion— mas seal campaigns; J. Edwin Spraklin. Recreation and games 1525 Farms Sign in judges salaries. Surviving are three’ sons: John 11:00 j. m. Morning Worship meet will be: Bryan, Xenia Cen­ and the person’s general atti­ Farmer, director of public rela­ were enjoved by all before the Tuesday 7:30 Choir rehearsal tral, Silvercreek, Beaver and Ce­ Other 1947 figures, without 19- A. North, Xenia; William H. For AAA Program tude—whether healthy, sulky or tions, joint committee on tuber­ business meeting. The business Wednesday 7:00 p. m. prayer darville.' The meet i s ‘ scheduled cheerful. 48 comparisons, included these North,, San Diego-, ’ Calif., and * J. B. Mason, Greene county culosis control and William Lew­ state payments: $795 for spec­ meeting was held with President service. to start at 3:30 p. m. . . .. On; the basis; of their conclu­ is, field representative fpr the Master Sgt. H. Howard North, AAA chairman, reports that 1,- Indians Volley Ball Champs sions at this point, a vote was ial classes for deaf, blind and Eugene Reese presiding. Refresh­ 525 Greene county farms have Ohio Tuberculosis and Health crippled children; $381.09 for who is in the marines and stat­ The Indians will add another then taken to ascertain which association. ioned ■ in Philadelphia. Another ments were served by Mrs. Red Cross Drive been entered in the 1949 AAA trophy to their collection for this was the beat-groomed boy and poor relief; $9,987 fo r aid to de­ conservation program. Deadline From the national scene Miss pendent and crippled children 'son, Robert C. North, preceded Spraklin after the business meet­ year. girl in the upper four grades of for applications was Friday. Agnes E. Gerding, a member of and to needy blind; $894 tot caTe ing. The next meeting will be Goes Over Top Last Friday night the Cedar­ the high sdhooL Taking every­ her in death. She also leavos the program development staff of of county tuberculosis patients; The chairman said the total ville Volley-ball team journeyed thing into consideration, the fin­ eight grandchildren and a broth, held April 13 at the home of Greene County’s Red dross represents an increase over last^ the National Tuberculosis asso­ an $1,174 for transportation .and fund drive readied its $16,394* to Bryan for a meet to determ­ al vote disclosed that Martha ciation, /New York City, will out­ fir Walter Christy, Tulsa, Okla. . 7ugene Reese. year of seventy-five farms. Xen­ ine the 1949 volley ball champs Swaby, a sophomore, and* Don criminal costs. goal Saturday, Charles Carroll, ia township with 266 farms sign­ line new developments In pro­ Services were held at the Neeld Xenia,'fund drive chairman, an­ of the county. Chestnut, .a junior, were select­ HOSPITAL ed up, had the highest total. gram and program building in funeral home Saturday at 2:30 nounced. a Five county te®ms competed ed by the majority of the pup­ tuberculosis control and public "RAT.CONTROL MEETING Charles Neer is very ill in. Final late reports are expected for the championship, and . Ce- ils as the best examples of good health. There will be a meeting of Abe , p. m. in .charge of Rev. Hugh rat cofntror committee on Tues­ Springfield City hospital. to be received by the end of the RECEIVE WORD Iarville placed first, after win­ grooming* ■ S. Graham of the First Metho­ OF DEATH : ning’ four out of four games. . A ft eri this class experiment we day, April 12, at the mayor's dist church. Buial was in Wood­ week, sending the goal farther feel spre that the eighth grad­ ED F. DIEDERICH DIES office. ATTEND WCTU over the top, (the chairman said. Word was .Received last Sun­ The final scores of the games land cem'etey.- day evening hjr Mis. Helen Lis­ ers will be more aware of all Ed F. Diederich, 48 died in In­ Dr. Savage, head of the Greene CONVENTION » vJ-j played by the Indians are as fol­ ter of the passing of her sister- lows: Indians vs Jefferson, 30- the essentials of good grooming, dianapolis Tuesday after 24 years county health department Will Mrs. Fred Engle spent three PROGRESSIVE CLUB MEET and w might all do well if we as athletic director a t Broad be present to help map oiif a IS ILL ' in-law, Mrs. Harry Stiffler, of 9; Indians vs Spring Valley; 36- days ths past week in Columbus T he Qedarville Progressive were to make use of their con­ Ripple .high school. Before going program on extermination. IN XENIA Windier, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. list­ 2 ; Indians vs Ross, 2719; Indians attending a W . C. T. U. conven­ club will hold its regular April er returned just six weeks ago clusions, in connection with our to Indianapolis he taught in the Committee members and other Mrs. Fred Chase s ill - at the tion. vs Jefferson (second match) 18- own grooming. — Margie Brad- Mooresville high school and Ce­ interested parties are urged to home of her daughter, Mrs. Al­ meeting at the Old Mill Monday , from Mr. Stifflers funeral. night at 7:30. ILL IN 9* * a * * . fute. . . darville college. be present. . ton Duhevant in Xenia. 'HViday, April 5, TSffi TEe 'CeSamlle, O'. H erall Methodist Churdh. The couple their annual luncheon and busi­ Prof. F. R. Harris, retired the wedding, entertained twenty VISITS SISTER ' graduate from Ohio Wes­ with Rev. and Mra. Robert W; ness meeting Wednesday, Ap­ IN DETROIT educator of Greenfield, is writ­ WEDDING REHEARSAL "guests at a linen shower at her IN MECHANICSBURG leyan University in June. Mr. Stewart .and family. ril 13, in the Eastern .Star J3PEND WEEK DINNER PARTY home Tuesday evening. Miss Mar­ Vandevort is a 'member of the ing a history of that village. While in San Francisco Miss Mrs. J. O. Connor spent room at 1 p. m. Please note the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harner garet Carroll, 125 E. Market St., Creswell was a voting delegate Tuesday with her sister and Delta Tau Delta fraternity' and Federal pike, was hosts: at a din­ entertained at her home here re­ change of the date. spent the past weekend with to the Y. W. C. A National ^con­ family, Mr. and _ Mrs. Harry Miss Collier is a member o f, friends in Detroit. ner party at their Home Friday cently^.honoring Miss Waddle. vention representing the Business Igrichi in Mechanicsburg. the Alpha Gamma Delta soror- evening, honoring Mrs. Hamer's Miss Waddle is the daughter of Girls Club of Springfield, mss it... VISIT RELATIVES sister^ Miss Ruth Waddle, and the late Mr. and Mrs. J« E. Wad­ Creswell was also official repre­ IN LOUISVILLE ENTERTAIN GUESTS GOLDEN RULE ‘ her fiance, Mr. Daniel F. Prugh, dle. Mr. Prugh is the son o f Mr, sentative from Forest Beach. SUNDAY of this city. ' CLASS HAS^ MEETING VISIT HERE Miss Ina Murdock and Ralph jind Mrs, Philip W, Prugh, 23 W. Camp. New Buffalo, Michigan Murdock spent two days this Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna The Golden Rule class met in FEW DAYS Fourteen guests attended" the Church St. where she. is chairman of the past week in Louisville, Ky. vis­ had as Sunday-dinner guests-Mr. dinner which will precede the re­ the Methodist Church on Thurs­ Mi’, aifd Mrs. Jack Brewer spent Business Girls Conference to be a few days the past Week at the iting Dr. and ‘Mrs. W. W; Mor- and Mrs. J .B . Crumrine and Mr. hearsal for the Waddle-Prugh held there in June. day evening. After the business ton.- and Mrs.' J, B. Crumrine, Jr. nuptials. RETURNS FROM meeting the group played Chin­ formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer. Jack reported Miss Waddle and Mr. Prugh TRIP - ese Checkers, Refreshments Miss Junia J. Creswell of HONORED AT PARTY were served to nineteen mem­ this week to Suffolk, Virginia, HAVE'MEETING VISITS SISTER Manor. Dayton, pike. Saturday ON 12th BIRTHDAY for more-ofoaseball training. will be married at the Trebein Springfield has just recently re­ bers. v Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna, AND FAMILY at 2:30 p, m. Rev. J. Russell Du­ turned from a month’s trip out Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Ora Hanna entertain Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidt gan,, pastor o f the J^irsfc United in the west visiting places of in­ Fred Ewry, Bridge, St., Cedar- SEVERAL ATTEND MISS COOLEY the Broadcasters’ class in the of Cleveland spent Thursday Presbyterian Church, will offi­ terest all along the coast from ville, who observed his 12th birth­ CENTENNIAL RETURNED HOME First Presbyterian Church on night with the latter sister, Mr. ciate at the ceremony. A recep­ Victoria B. C. to Tijuana in Mex­ day Saturday was honored, at a Miss Martha Cooley is home Tuesday evening. and Mrs. William Lister and party arranged by his parents Several persons from the tion at the Trebein Manor will ico taking the northern route out Methodist Church attended the after spending the winter in Devotions were led by Mr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt follow the service. , and coming back the southern Friday evening. Tommy . is a .•Centennial; celebration ait the Florida. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna and were on their way home from a Honoring Miss Waddle, Mrs. route stopping enroute in San Gazette carrier in Cedarville. High Street Methodist Church, Mrs. Mary- Combs and Edward vacation trip to Florida. LaRae Teel (Nancy Lou Co Vault) Antonio, Texas to visit with Mr. A dinner party was held at the in Springfield on Sunday. Haz- Turner discussed, “ Television and Mrs. Ward Creswell and fam­ Ewry home, followed by a theater CHANGE OF DATE Springfield, former Xenian, who en Werner, Bishop of Ohio Dis­ ANNOUNCED in the Church” as the program. The state Is to spend a million will serve as matron of honor at ily also in Sparta, 111.,, to visit party. trict was'the speaker. A salad course was served dollars on the “lower road” at Thos present were Jennie Bur­ The Womans club will hold to 20 membex-s. Cincinnati. ris, Carol Sue Duvall, Janice Kay Wilburn, Carolyn Collins. Nancy ANNOUNCE BIRTH Creswell, Sally Kay Creswell, OF SON * Pattie Davis, Mary Jane and M r.-an d Mrs.. Eddie. Sowell Charlotte Ewry, Max William­ are announcing the birth of a 0 M ORE D AYS THU. ]. son, Jerry Judy, David Lafferty, son, Stephen Lee, Monday at NOTICE LIVESTOCK FEEDERS Nelson Pickering, Elza .Litteral, 2:20 p. m. at -Haines hospital Johnny McMillan, Dale Reed and in Jamestown. Mrs. Sowell Jimmy and Tommy Ewry. (Marjorie Zimmerman) is the You are cordially invited to attend a feed meeting daughter of Mrs. Charles Rhu- bert. * at The Community Park Shelter House KENSINGTON CLUB TO PIONEER is the Hybrid Seed 8 EASTER MEET APRIL 13 Com you can buy with Confi­ The Kensington club will meet ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT dence—'plant with Pleasure OF DAUGHTER Thursday, April 14th at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. John Davis Rey. and Mrs. W. B. Collier and harvest with PROFIT. on Wednesday, April 13 at 2 p. are announcing the engagement Guest speaker will be Mr. R. C. Tom, of the Swift m. their daughter, Helen, to Wil­ Get your liam Vandevort, son o f Mr. and & Co. feed research dept. VISITS IN Mrs. Hubert Vandevort of Chic­ REQUIREMENTS COLLIER HOME ago. Helen was honored with a Also Movies Refreshments NOW Miss Marilyn Fish of Brook­ party at her parents home on lyn, N. Y. was a guest during the Saturday evening. A cat was week at the home of Rev and let out of a bag, and carried a Lauris Straley ' Mrs. W. B. Collier. note, about its’ neck reading Frank Creswell “ Helen and Bill, June 11.” The Phone G-1798 wedding will take place in the [ Cedarville, O. R. R. 2 VISITS „ SON AND WIFE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pflumer had as a guest this past week the formers •motrer, Mrs. Ella Pflumer. Mr. and Mrs. Pflumer accompanied hex* to her home in Mt. Orab Sunday.

LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY The W. S. C. S. met Wednes- Following the business meet- in the- Methodist Church, day fpr their luncheon meeting ing Easter hymns were played and slide pictures on “Latin A- mefica” were shown. Forty mem­ bers were served at the lunch­ JOIN THE PARADE IN CLEAN eon by the committee, Mrs, Rob­ ert Huffman, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. SMARTLY PRESSED CLOTHES Masters and Miss Leola Corn. Ice cream and cake were ser­ Nothing like freshly cleaned and pressed garments to make ved the guests by Mrs. Collier. Out of town guests were Mr. you feel fit and presentable for the Easter Parade or any other and Mrs. Arthur Harkins of occasion. Trust Chaplins . . . the cleaner that takes extra Columbus, Mr. Lowell Winholt care to please you. of Eaton and Miss Marilyn Fish of Delaware.

CONGREGATIONAL Chaplin Dry Cleaners MEETING HELD The annual congregation busi-_. .1 ness meeting of the United Pres­ Cedarville, Ohio byterian Church was held in the Church 5n Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Following the covered -dish dinner the business session was held in the auditorium. Good re­ ports were given by the treasur-, ers of each organization and the following officers were chosen Gcabeidii© Suits fpr the coining year: chairman, Raymond Spracklin; vice-chair­ for man, Harold Cooley; secretary, Miss Carrie Rife; treasurer, Robert Turnbull and trustee, n r 4 I) r. LeoAnderson.

£ m i n RECENT BRIDE COMPLIMENTED AT SHOWER Mrs. Truman Carr (Dora Murphy) a recent , bride was guest o f honor When Mrs. Thom­ as Frame entertained ipith a linen “shower” at her home on South Man Street Saturday afternoon. » Yellow and white streamers fastened to the chandeliers ex­ tended to the four corners of the table. In the center w as-a yellow and white wheel-barrow containing the gifts. . Games and contests were en­ joyed. An ice course was served by the hortess, using yellow and twentv guests present. HONORED ON 85th BIRTHDAY Mra. Fred Chase is ill at the Corn gathered at her home Sunday afternoon in honor of her 85th birthday. Ice cream, i cake and coffee were served | the group. Mrs. Corn received many nice gifts.

MRS. ULSH 8 V; IS HONORED Mrs. Roger Ulsh (Betty Rose Beattie) was honored with a kit­ chen shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Evere.tte Ar- in Springfield. Mrs. XJlsh is a Guests were Mrs, Gracp Reed, Giveand keep gTvtngdefeat the disease Mrs. Mildred Endter. Mrs. May Young. Mrs. Mary Kostyo, Mrs. that strikes, on the average, ane out of every two Enil SmiTi. Mrs. Helen Groves. «%’«• ------Mrs. Or-ve McCoy. Mr, and Mrs. homes in America. Soy to yourself.. *here is life-giving Walttr Carhart, Paula Carhart, money to help those stricken'by*Oancer to live again, James A malt, the guest o f hon- v ' . i r and the hostess. ** « C A N C E f f ” EVERY NICKLE AND D!ME,l give helps support ani 0 IN GUTCN ^ JUST MAH Wb con__t £iay. educational program teaching new thousands how. to FOR WEEKEND ewe os generously 05 J y otder in an Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson recognize Cancer and what to do about it. Special Purchase and son. Max, spent the weekend j«»» mail your .'Cancer"- Your -NT wtli Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Bark­ envelope o d d r W » ., , 0 ffe Amencan EVERY QUARTER Tgfte helps set up and equip new Special Purchase er in Cation. these suits are ma.de by one of our regu­ ^ office vnlljd sW,e. research laboratories where scientists are dedicating MISSIONARY SOCIETY lar suppliers — Clotfrcraft. are able HOLDS LUNCHEON Conner Society*®**'® ’ their lives to find the cause—and cure of Cancer. to offer you these suits in natural shade Ihe Womans Missionary Soc i ety held a luncheon m eeting[ EVERY DOLLAR I send’.helpsrbuyjnewiequipment, helps in the First Presbyterian Church ‘ "'hursdtiY. "Mrs. Walter Condon ’ ^ ----- * establish new faciUtie&foriteeating and curing * 44,50 led devot ons: The program “ A ____ ^— single purpose * iircu.gh, our • Cancer, both still pitifufiy scarc^it^fhis country. . .> e mission schools” was given by V Guard iovel^G^e?fo Conquer Cancer! r=. i L.yion iviouillan. Mis. ■“;.—••**** Faul Ramsey, Mrs. Albert Mott ‘ and Miss Anna __Bell Murdock. ~ ~ r s o c i e t y Each lady discussing a differ­ ent mission school. „ The luncheon committee was, Mrs. J. B. Crumrine,. Mrs. J*aul WHERFGENTLEMEN BUY Elliot, Mrs. J. B. Crumrins, Jr, and Misa Josie Charlton. s w a s y ,' a b j w 1 9 4 9 me uecarviiie, y . iisiraiq ;now. when the last killing frost will ferent 4-H camps. of William Craig, deceased, late NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the docket of said Court and will DAR TO MEET JUNIA CRESWELL arrive this spring is up to the A t the morning session camp _ For information sacking facili­ of Spring Valley Township, Greene Estate of Violet M. Swetz, De­ APRIL 12 come on for hearing on or after CONCLUDES TRIP weather-man. However, present organization, camp philosophy, ties and bags see: County, Ohio. ceased. The Cedar Cliff Chapter of the the 9th day o f April. 1949. Miss Junia J. Creswell, daugh­ indications are that it will be an leader recognition and respon­ Frank Creswell— Dated- this 25th dav of - March, Notice is hereby given that Jo­ RICHARD C. GERKIN Daughters of the American Rev­ seph M. Swetz has been duly ap­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cres­ sibilities fo camp councillors Local Representative 1949.- , Attorney for Plaintiff well, has returned from a month olution will meet April 12 at early spring. pointed as Administrator of the 7 :30. Members will, be notified Wheat came through the win­ will be discussed. The afternoon WILLIAM B. McGALLISTER Farmers Merchant Bank vacation in the "West. She visit­ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT estate of Violet M. Swetz, deceased, Bldg. Logan, Ohio ed places of interest along the as to the place of the meeting. ter in fine shape, with the excep­ is for special • interest groups: Judge of the Probate Court, Greene late of Beavercreek Township, tion of water damage in low ar­ Estate of Hazel W. Hurley, De­ (3-4-6t-4-8) . coast from Victoria, British Co­ Miss Martha Colley will talk vespers, campfire, boy and giri ceased. County, Ohio. / Green County, Ohio. on approved schools. eas. Oats were seeded in good lumbia to Tijuana, Mexico. crafts. Notice is hereby given that Har­ (4-l-3t-4-15) .. By Luella Howser Dated this 22nd day >of March, LEGAL NOTICE En route she visited Mr. and time and under good drilling .. — - . Chief Deputy Clerk 1949. Harry Carter Singleton, whose conitions,. Pasture * fields are lan Hurley has been duly appoint­ and Ward Creswell and Dormant Apple Sprays ed as Executor of the estate of WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER last known place of address was greening up and spring plowing Two groups o f sprays are used NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT family, in San Antonio, Texas, County Farm Front Hazel W. Hurley, deceased, late* Judge of the Probate Court, Greene Box 12, Cedarville, Ohio, and whose and the Rev. and Mrs. Robert is getting off to a good start. on cpples in the dormant period. Estate of E. O. Thompson, De­ County, Ohio. present whereabouts is unknown, o f Beavercreek Township, Greene ceased. W. Stewart and family, of Spar­ Oil sprays are widely used tor County, Ohio. (3-2o-3t-4-8) By Luella Howser is hereby notified that Mildred L. A loner the Greene Spring Crop Plantings Down red mite and scale insects. Reg­ Notice is hereby given that ta, 111. Total acreage of spring plant­ Uatd this 6th day of April, 1949. Singleton has filed a petition for ular” oils are used 3 gallons per George H. Smith has been duly NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT dvorce aganst him on the grounds While in San Francisco, Miss By E. A. DRAKE ed crops in Ohio is "expected to WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Creswell was a voting delegate 100 of water and "Superior oil appointed as Administrator of the Estate of Walter Ray Smith, De­ of Gross Neglect of Duty in the County Agricultural Agent be a little less than 1948, Farm­ oli spray at 2 gallons. Dinitro Judge of the Probate. Court, estate of E, O. Thompson, deceased, ceased. to the YWCA National Conven­ ers planting intentions on March Greene County, Ohio. Court of Common .Pleas, Greene pprays make up the second group late of Spring Valley, Greene Coun­ County, Ohio, said cause being tion, serving as a representative Agriculture Needs Bees 1 show decreases of 4 % in com, Notice is hereby given that J. L. of materials. There are effective (4-8-31-4-22) By Luella Howser ty, Ohio: Hagler, Jr. has been duly appoint­ numbered 25794 on the docket of for the Business Girls Service The use of bees in the pollina­ 6% in soybeans, 7% in potatoes, ______Chief Deputy Clerk Fellowship of the Spiiingfiield against aphid eggs, scale and Dated this 25th day of March, ed as Administrator of the estate said court, and that said cause will tion of agricultural crops for pro­ and 21% in barley. 1949. High Street Branch of the YW­ duction of seed and fruit will be red mife. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ' of Walter Ray Smith, deceased, come .on for hearing on or after These decreases will be parti­ WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER CA. Miss Creswell also served emphasized at the meeting of Estate of Lula Holland, De­ late of Spring Valley, Greene the 15th day of April, 1949. ally offset by a 9%increase in Judge of the Probate Court, Greene as official representative from Greene County beekeepers at the ceased. County, Ohio. Dan M. Aultman oats, 1% in tobacco, and 79% County, Ohio. the Forest Beach Camp, New Court House Assembly Room „ Notice is hereby given that John .Dated this 18th day of March, Attorney for Plaintiff in sugar beets. Hay is expected Cl a s s if ie d a d s (4-l-3t-4-15) By. Luella Howser 1949. Xenia, Ohio Buffalo, Mich., where she is the Thursday, April 7 at 8:00 p. m. to remain the same as last year. Bootes has been duly appointed as Chief Deputy Clerk WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER (3-4-6t-4-8) chairman of the Busiriess Girls Charles A. Reese, extension spec­ Burley tobacco will be up 5% Administrator of the estate of Conference to be held in New ialist in beekeeping and S. E .. FOR SA LE • Lula Holland, deceased, late of Judge of the Probate Court, Greene and cigar tobacco down 7%. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT County, Ohio. Buffalo in, June. Bailey, state apiarist will he the Spring Valley, Greene ‘ County, Estate of ’-Lurie A. Thompson, 112 RATS killed with a can of (3-25-3t-4-8) By Luella Howser speakers. Rural Youth Party Ohio. Deceased. Prevailing Prices paid foi The Greene County Rural WEEKEND GUESTS With the reduction in wild poll­ Star, harmless to animals; also Hated this 6th day o f April, 1949. Notice is hereby given that LEGAL NOTICE FROM TOLEDO inating insects, the honey bee is Youth Group will hold their reg­ have ANTU, Duvall Hardware. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER George H. Smith, has been duly ular monthly meeting at the Edwin D. Coffman, whose ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fuller of now the most numerous flower Judge of the Probate Court, appointed as Administrator of the dress is 57th Instls. Sqdn. Ftr. DEADSTOCK Armory in Xenia, Saturday Ap­ FOR SALE—6 Kitchen chairs; Toledo spent last Saturday and out that beekeeping must .be car­ Greene County, Ohio. estate of. Lutie A. Thompson, de­ (Jet) 57th Air Base Group, APO ril 9 at 8:00 p. m. Sugarcreek Kitchen Sink right hand drain Sunday with her brother, Mr. ried on to maintain a profitable (4-8-3t-4-22) By Luella Howser ceased, late, of Spring V:alley, 942, c-0 Postmaster, Seattle, Wash­ and Mrs. William Lister and agriculture; for without bees Township youth membership will board: Old Hcosier Cabinet. Call ______* Chief Deputy Clerk Greene County, Ohio. ington, will take notice that on the FARM BUREAU family. Mr. Tuller attended the, many species of plants will not be in charge of the program of 6-4551. Dated this 28th day of March, 28th Jay of February, 1949, Mar­ LEGAL NOTICE . “State Police Convention,” at set seed or produce fruit. recreational games. 1949. tha Coffman filed her certain pe­ COOP. ASSN. FOR SALE—Ladies black rain t Mildred L. Shunk, whose address Columbus on Saturday night. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER tition against him for divorce on April 29 For Last Frost Bulletin of the Week coat like new, size 12. Phone is unknown,, will take notice that call collect Weather records show that the Ohio Farm and Home Re­ 6-1262. Judge of the Probate Court, Greene the grounds of gross neglect of on the 6th day of April, 1949, Clare County, Ohio. duty before the Common Pleas Xenia 756 Senator Taft demands slash in average date for the last killing search is the name o f the bi­ Shunk filed his certain petition a- Dayton KEnmore 5742 government spending. frost at Xenia is April 29. Just monthly bulletin issued by the FOR SALE—Used corn planters, (4-1-3L-4-15) By Luella Howser Court of Greene County, Ohio. gainst her for divorce on the Chief Deputy Clerk Said case being number 25,793 on Station. Each issue contains 6 good condition, HALL J. HILL grounds of grogs neglect of duty or 8 articles by staff members on FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691 before the Common Pleas Court current investigations, also cur­ Jamestown, Ohio. (3wl of .Greene County, Ohio. Said ease rent economic information and a bring number 25,§35 on the docket YN6 * SWAN’S !M list of new publications. NOW is the time to schedule of said Court and will come on for Upon written request to the your repair work at HALL J, HILL hearing- after the 14th day of May, EVAN'S GROCERY Station. Wooster, Ohio, the name FARM SERVICE, PHONE 4-3691, 1949. Cedarville, Ohio of any resident of Ohio will be Jamestown, Ohio. (2w) CHELDON R. LAUTENBURG c^m-LUCOFLINT placed on the mailing list to re­ Duroc Boars, Ready for service. Attorney for Plaintiff S«ff>Kft«WHKi ENAMEL ceive this free periodical every 416 Cooper Bldg. other month. Best o f blood and outstanding lines. Priced reasonable. Phone 6-3381. Dayton 2, Ohio Camp Training School IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF A camp councelloor’s school for FOR SALE—100 ft. Galvanized THE UNITED STATES FOR THE 4-H Club camps in Southwest pipe and fittings flQ j al§g 6 good Corn No. 2 Can . 2 for 25c SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO Ohio will be held qt the YMCA chairs, $12; N§w Weed Burner 8 in Hamilton Apr}! 3 from iQ:QQ gal. capacity. $18,00, Martin Woi- In the matter of Frank Madison Fisher, In Bankruptcy Bankrupt. a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Purpose of the mer, Cedarville. Phone 0-2181. No. 96941 Peas No, 2 Can .. 2 for 25c meeting is to train people from NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF the various counties who will WANTED be serving as councellors in dif- CREDITORS Sliced Bacon ...... lb. 49c WANTED TO RENT—3 or 4 T o the creditors of a bankrupt, rooms or small house. Would con­ Frank Madison Fisher, of 1050 W. Columbia St., Springfield. Ohio, sider buying small place. B. F, FARMS FOR SALE Notice Is Hereby Given that said Spitler. Frozen Fish AND FARM LOANS Frank Madison Fisher has been s WANTED—Would like to rent duly adjudged a bankrupt on a neti* We have many good farms for three rooms op mppe, Inquire Jesse tioh filed by him March 25, 1949, sale on easy terms. Algp moke jQnes, Cedap Sf,, at resident of and that the first meeting o f hi3 Frying Chickens Week Ends farm leaps? at 4 % mte'rest for Fred Kieaer- Cedarville, Ohio. creditors will be held at Dayton, in 202 Post Office Bldg., on April fg year?. No application fee WANTED—Curtains to wash and no appraisal fee. 18, 1949, at 1:45 o’clock B, W,( at and stretch. Phone 6-1451. 3-ll-2p. ■which place and time the said Write or Inquire creditors may attend, prove their NOTICE claims, appoint a trustee, appoint For Easter. . . Potted Flowers McSavaney & Co. London, O. a committee of creditors, examine Spencer individually designed the bankrupt, and transact such Leon H, Kling, Mgr. supports for abdomen, back and 'other business as may properly W hilst and Toughest of ENAMELS breasts, Mrs, Mildred C. McMillen, pome before said meeting. 225 W. Main St., Xenia. Phone Dated at Dayton, April 5, 1949. ...Sifatf&TOfatef Orders for Corsages 1646MX. i(4-8-2t-4-15) James D. Herrman Referee in Bankruptcy Looks and wears like porcelain. Tough, flexible, made to CONSIGN YOUR WOOL—Wheth­ keep its glass-like smoothness and beautiful lustre, to look Farm Grain Tile er you have a ton of wool or only ? NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT a few fleeces it will pay you to new each time it’s washed—without yellowing. For plaster Ditching pool your wool. Your clip will be walls, woodwork or metal, indoors or out... 2.15 Qt sold on its merit and full Yaiug is Notice is hereby given that Wil Trenching Service assured. liam H, Jeffries has been duly ap For information sacking fseilL pointed as Administrator With the ties and bags see; Will Annexed of the estate of • Frank Creswell Ada B. Kennedy formerly Ada B. RUSS COTTER Local Representative Jeffries, deceased, late of Village of Cedarville, Greene .County, Ohio 0 P Box 748 Phone 3-6810 N O T I C E— Curtains laundered Dated this 30th day of March, and stretched in my home. Phone 1949. fJm x a - DURA FILM FLOOR-LIFE Springfield, .Ohio 6-1021. 3-4-2p WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER ONI COAT WALL PAINT FLOOR ENAMEL m SAVE TRUCKING BILLS — Judge of-the Probate Court, Greene he - Lett*. Ufioa DOWOr fo i>M whoro floor* "Toko a Boating" '»»: * «**— • SURER* * R»HUOf*ArfON# Gall Butler to have that Beef County, Ohio, High gloss, easy to wash. For porches, slaughtered at home. Roscoe But­ (4-l-3t-4«15) By Luella Howser jteol on-point, no mutin*. p Jsvely cellar stairs, floors o f wood, o— >ent or Chief Deputy Clerk 001018 ------— **5.15 G linoleum . Dries over-night.. l (7Q Qfc 'Bring Your Kitchen up to Parr’ ler, Selma, Ohio, Phong South Charleston 2386, Reverse charges. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT a n d W festingjiouse h a s i t ! & U C A $f*ll9 PUt»«* A SVPSRI9 R PAIN! PRODUCT FOR EVERY SURFA«§ CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Co- Estate of Bertha A. Shoup, De­ darville Slaughter House, Route ceased. John Parr Notice is hereby given that Les­ 42. We render latd, cut up meat ter J. Shoup and Elber F. Shoup Kitchen Cabinets <£> Sinks and make sausage. Phone 0-1023. have been duly appointed as Ad­ darville, Ohio. 17-tfh ministrators of the estate of Ber­ tha A. Shoup, deceased, late of Custom-Built Cabinet Work DON’T GUESS—If you market your wool the Co-op way, you’ll Beavercreek Township, Greene made possible by N ew , Muifye, Automata Kitchen Planning Services be sure of full value. Thirty-one County, Ohio. years experience in marketing Dated this. 29th day of March, 330 Neosha Ave. Springfield, O. Ohio wools is your guarantee of 1949. Phone 8-2010 satisfaction. Through the pool mar­ WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER keting costs are lowest. Consign Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. Gives you COLDER COLD for (4-1-3L-4-15) By Luella Howser faster food freezing—and, at the Chief Deputy Clerk same time, steady, safe cold for normal food-keeping. Get this and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT many other great features in this Estate of Nathan D. Smith, De­ new DeLuxe 91 PRIVATE SALE ceased, - Notice is hereby given that Pearl IIIEEK A, Smith- has been duly appointed of as Administratrix qf the estate of Nathan D. Smith, deceased, late of Village bf Spring Valley, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 2fith day of Match, FARM MACHINERY 1949. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Courts Greene Call or See County, Ohio. Apple. Butter Dutch Girl Peas Pinecone No. 2 can 10c (4-l-8t-4-15)~‘ By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk 2 28 oz. jars ...... 35c Raisin Bran Post box .... 16c NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Oleomargine Golden Corn Cream Style FRED H, CHASE Estate of William Craig, De­ ceased. -M a id —..,:...... lb. 23c N o. 2 c a n ...... 10c Cedarville, O, Phone 6-1564 Notice is hereby given that Wm. Milk Green Pasture Fruit Cocktail Sungold Haines Craig has been duly, ap­ pointed as Executor of the.estate - 2 Tall Cans ...... 25e No. 21/2 can ...... —...... 38c Cocoa Bakers 4 in 1 Apricots Whole Unpeeled 8 oz.. B o x ...... 21c N o. 2^2 c a n ...... 25c Coffee Meritt Brand Walvet Wallpaper ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE W THEATRE | C 0 z Y 1 lb. Bag 40c 3 lb. bag 1.15 Cleaner can ...... 39c Sponsored by Catsup Mt. Yernon Old Flour Cream Velvet 25 lb. fr i. and Sat., April '8-9 Fashioned 14 oz. bottle 10c Bag 1.59 WOMAN’S AUXILIARY Errol Flynn - Ann Sheridan “Silver River” Christ Episcopal Church Also Color Cartoon

»w fetM 9B»W> MW IjBBBHHfilM MFMtmATOM-n* East High St. at Linden Ave. Sun. and Mon., April 10-11 Springfield, Ohio John Wayne 1 Henry Fonda “Fort Apache” . S#ift Bacon (Layer) lb. 49c Don’t forget to order Ham 289.95 APRIL 19, 20,' 21 - 1949 Also Fox-News 2 lbs. foT ...... 35c For Easter Chickens (Country Fries Lard (Armour - Pkg.) .... 18c . JDRI98TiffMAftfSiTfflftiry 11 A. M. — 10 P. M, Wed. and Thurs., April 13-14 Cottage Cheese...... Pt. 25c Virginia Mayo - Bruce Bennett Lb...... --68c Food Bar “Smart Girls PICKERING ELECTRIC Admission 30c Don't Talk” ' HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET Cedarville, Ohio 'News - Cartoon - Musical jfEe 'CeSarvjlle, .'0« Heraltl - Friday, -Xpri! % l T92$ but capnot be bound by it until Bell telephone rates have gone CLARENCE J. BROWN Writes and unless the Senate ratifies it WOULD TAX LOBBYISTS up 9%. as a treaty "by vote of the neces­ A bill has introduced to in­ The Cedarville With a Buckeye sary constitutional two-thirds of crease the cost of a lobby license Glenn Kelly, Clark county itB Members. Senate ratification in the Ohio legislature from $3 Hampshire breeder, had a sow In Congress seems probable, to he followed by to $100. Herald give birth to a litter of 18 pigs. a battle over the consequences of America’s entry into’the Pact­ A compromise bill to continue COLLEGE GETS $125,000 A Republican Newspaper The Bible is printed in 182 lan­ rent control was enacted by the arming of Western Europe at our expense. By the will of the late Lida Published Every Friday by guages. Congress ajid signed by the Pres­ ident last week, twenty-four Johnson, Urbana, Ohio, widow of THURMAN MILLER. JR. hours ahead of the time the old Issac T. Johnson, wealthy manu­ law would have expired on March facturer, e Wilmington Colleg Entered as second class matter 31, The new law extends Federal was bequeathed $125,000. This October 31, 1887 at the ..Postof­ rent control on a national basis is in addition to treble that sum fice at Cedarville^ Ohio, under for fifteen months, with the right willed the college by Mr. John­ son at the time of his death. By Act of Congress of March 1879. of any city government to de­ control rents if approved by the the terms of the bequest the mon­ ey goes to the permanent endow­ Member—National Editorial As­ State Governor. Another section of the new rent control low car­ ment fund of the institution. sociation; Ohio Newspaper Asso­ ries a hazy provision,for proper­ ciation; Miami Valley Press As­ ty owners to receive a “fair re­ Clark county plans a memorial sociation. turn on rentals operations.” for the five famous Shull broth­ However, the new rent control ers. SCRIPTURE: Mark 10. . _ * Improvement of Land DEVOTIONAL READING: Mark 8:33* law, as finally passed by the Congress, is nothing like the one E d itorial 37. Cuts Production Cost For another year the Bible has demands^ by the Truman Admin­ passed* all other books about 20 UNAMERICAN istration and reflects growing Margin Between Return, The headlines shouted, “ Lewis Range of Religion congressional opposition to the to 1 in sales.” Expenses Is Narrowing Orders Men back to Work.” Or­ continuation of rental property Single homes are being built dering men back to work, or Lesson for April 10, 1949 controls. Higher production costs noW bit­ in New York for the first time. ordering them 'to do or not to do The Rules Committee of the ing deeper into farm profits em­ anything is exactly what we House spent most of last week phasize the need for farmers to get mean by “un-American.” Have NCE THERE WAS a farmer hearing testimony from Members their land in shape to produce more we come to the place where one Owho owned a large farm. Its as to, the rule, or tyne o f proced­ bushels at lower unit costs per acre, Better Used Cars man does the ordering! It cost wide acreage was divided into pas­ ure, under which the Lesinski millions of lives, blood, sweat, and tures and fields and a garden and the Middle West Soil Improvement Bill, to repeal the Taft-Hartley Committee points out. tears, and uncountable dollars orchards and hog- Act and reestablish the Wagner Lowest Prices to do away with that sort of lots and chicken- The margin between what a. far­ Act as the law of the land, is to 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmastei* thing. Are we going to let it yards and so on. be sent to the House Floor for mer gets for his crops and what it start up again ? But whenever any consideration. The House Com­ costs him to produce them is nar­ Town Sedan, Radio & rowing steadily. Commodities used H eater, Bean t i f u 1 TOOTS TOO LATE one would ask the mittee on Labor and Education, farmer about some which drafted the Lesinski bill, Black Finish A New England grocer request­ particular part of is divided as to what sort of lab­ ed that a brass band play at his 1946 Chevrolet Town Sedan the farm, he would or legislation should be consid­ funeral. The town band obliged— Stylemaster Low Mile* answer, “ That’s ered. The Chairman wanted the 22 men tooting for his last toot. outright repeal of the Taft-Har­ age Excellent Condit’n Do you suspose he heard? not my* business— that's only the or­ tley Act as recommended by the. 1941 Pontiac ..Torpedo ..Se­ UNDER A CLOUD chard, it isn’t: the Dr. Foreman Joint Congressional Committee dan ..2 ..Door ..Priced authorized to studv labor-mana­ The moon went off the job the farm;’* or “ —That’s right night of April 12, right when not the farm, that's a flock of gement problems, so as to cor­ rect any inequities which exper­ 1947 Pontiac 4 Door Radio we needed it most, from 1G:3Q sheep,” or a rye field or whatever ience with the operation of the Lowell Fress Writes from the tors of the township to sign pe­ AGED LADY DIES p. m. to midnight, approximately. it might be. Of course such a farmer & Heater law has proved advisable. titions favoring the meet, was Mrs. Jacob Burst, who would 1948 Pontiac 4 Door 5,000 Does John L. Lewis order the never lived, or if he did, he should passed by the House by a vote of man in the moon around too! Late last week the Congress have been 103 years old next Actual Miles, Radio & have his head examined. 99 to 19. July, died at her home in Wil­ completed action on legislation, Heater WRONG GUESSES which was later signed by the This has been a comparably A switch from the prepaid mington last week. When if the record is written President, for the* construction of quiet week. Some eighteen pro­ sales tax to a three per cent 1946 Buick 56S Sedanet 5u« it will show that President Tru­ What Does Religion Cover? a radar screen, or network, to posals were acted upon in the gross sales tax in Ohio, netting WANT PROTECTION per, Radio & Heater protect the United States. The the state about $50,000,000 more, man has guessed wrong on more ET THAT FARMER is not a bit in farm production have more than House, the majority of which af­ Rural areas around Washing­ 1947 Buick 71 Roadmaste*1 matters than anybody that ever different radar installations will fect the lives of Ohio’s citizens was proposed this week in the Y more idiotic than a Christian doubled in price since 1939. Prices Senate., with an aim to re-vamp ton C. H. want fire protection. 4 Door-One ( 1 ) OwneV did any guessing. He was as be made not only in the continen­ of '.grain and field crops have de­ very little, if any. The one bill who, when asked about this or that tal United States, but also in which was defeated would have the terms of the proposed legis­ 1946 Plymouth Convertible wrong as “Hank” Wallace on the clined steadily since early 1948. guess about unemployment to activity or aspect of life, answers, Canada and Alaska, as well as on been very difficult to enforce. lation, it would not tax sales un­ POSTAL GAINS . Fully Equipped The committee declared that follow the war—instead of his “ That’s not religion. I have no in­ various islands in the Atlantic It provided for the “picking up til e present sales tax law. Under Greenfield’s postal receipts “greater crop producing efficiency der 17 cents, but would, levy 1 1947 Dodge Pick-up % Ton prediction the country saw its terest in it.” Religion isn’t a little and Pacific. Through this latest of all dogs, cats or other animals for the first three months were Many others to choose from greatest employment in the very fenced-off pasture for lambs, a tiny development of science, approa­ Is the answer to lower farm prices that have bitten or injured peo­ cent on sales between 17 and 50, over 100% higher than for the 2 cents on 50 to 84, and 3 cents years he predicted the bottom garden plot behind thick hedges. ching planes and surface vessels and higher production costs.” ple” as a protection against the same period in 1948. on 84 to $1.16, and on up. The see us for you would drop out of industry. He can be detected in sufficient time Crop production can be increased menace of rabies. I voted for the present tax is 2 cents on 41 to Truck Requirements was wrong about inflation, Religion covers the whole to prevent any successful sneak by “ put back” soil management bill but realized the task in the 70 cents, inclusive, 3cents on 71 SILVER SIMOLEANS wrong about food prices, wrong farm, every bit of life from end methods and “holding” operations. enforcement of such a law. attack aginst this country by any cents to $1.08, inclusive, and so As a demonstration of money about steel, wrong about textiles, to end. Jesus knew tills very “ Put back” methods include re­ The strongest debate arose foreign enemy. on. Retailers would pay 3 per­ spent in the community Wilming­ wrong about’ the 81st congress. well. He never once refused to As this is written, the Senate building the soil’s organic matter over the consideration of House' Chenoweth discuss anything on the ground .. Bill No. 211, which exempts cent on their gross sales, elimin­ ton college paid its payroll of “To err is human,” the philoso­ Is preparing to vote on a bill to supply by growing deep-rooted leg­ ating tax stamps, retailers’ dis­ $20,000 in silver dollars. pher said. We have a very human that it was not religious. municipalities from paying for authorize appropriations of ap­ umes in the rotation. They include counts, commissions to agents president! proximately five and one-half bil­ replacing phosphate and potash the registration of vehicles used Motor Co. Inc. He cast light on everything that and county treasurers and stamp HOGS AT NEW LOW lion dollars for the continuation drained off by constant row crop­ in transportation or other mun­ 301 S. Detroit St. Xenia, O. PITY THE RICH! touched him. He called his followers icipal needs. If all cities or mu­ redemption. Most of the exemp­ of the European Recovery Pro­ ping. They also include putting all Hogs sold at Cleveland at the Phone 1770 Viceroy of India’s wife inher­ the “light of the world.” Not flash­ nicipalities had the same number tions under the present tax would gram during the next fifteen barnyard manure back on the soil be continued. lowest price since OPA last week. Low Cost G. M. A. C. Terms ited nearly six million dollars lights, shining in one narrow beam! of vehicles, it would V: fair to months. Two amendments offer­ mid plowing under com stalks, from her banker father. By the Not flashlights, but lamps, set on a ed oh the Senate floor, one to re­ so exempt them. However, the We expect the Budget to be terms of papa’s will the daugh­ lampstand and “ giving light to all straw and other left-overs. fact that Cuyahoga county would presented some time within the duce the aporopriations for this “ Holding” operations can include ter gets only the income from who are in the house.” foreign spending program by profit to the amount of esveral next week to the Finance Com­ contouring, grass waterways and the money. But this year the taxes ten per cent, and another by fif­ hundred thousand , dollars, while mittee, of which I am a member, ran 5120,000 more than the in­ teen per cent, were defeated. The terracing where necessary. the other 87 Counties would be and this will mean plenty of long come. She can’t touch a penny of penalized, decided 54 of us to days and hard work trying- to SAVE BY MAIL argument that during the past the principal, according to the The Light Of God year commodity prices have de­ vote no. However, 70 voted yes, keep outgo within income. will. Pity the po‘ lil’ rich girl! GOOD cross-section of Jesus’ clined by an average of more Wire Ricerdtr Ohtek sq the bill passed by a margin of three votes. Two persons were killed in a You May Open A Savings Account Here and Mail AN EARLY START A methods and ideas can be seen than ten percent had no affect. It is also being pointed out that When a pure-bred white leghorn The really important work is hotel fire at Waverly. Philosopher Ben Franklin said, in Mark 10, into which one chapter a number of the European coun­ climbs into a nest on the Heisdorf now going on in committees. “ there’s no substitute for an !Mark packs his whole account of a In Your Deposits At Your Convenience. Savings Pay tries .which have been receiving »House Bill No, 40, which has to early start.” The newspaper number of weeks which Jesus spent and Nelson breeding farm at Kirk­ aid. have reached such a point land, Wash., it is, in its own way, do with better telephone Service, story of a woman who is a in the region called Perea. Observe was passed out by the committee DEAD STOCK of recovery that their industrial making poultry history. grandmother at 28 will stand, the variety of situations which con­ after a substitute bill was accept­ Dividends And Assure Future Independence. production is now actually higher Horses $3.00 Cows $3.00 probably, as a record until that fronted Jesus. First there was a Unknown to the approximately ed. The important change from gal who became a mother at 10 question about divorce. When they than at any time before the war, 10,000 fowls on the farm, the most all which brings un the question the original bill-provides that a gets a little more time in the con­ brought that question up to Jesus, modem wire recorders candidly According to Size and Put Your Idle Money To Work For You! as to just how far European nat­ line may serve not over eight test. She ought to make it at 22. keep track of their every deed. As he did not dodge it. He did not call ions must recover before a halt ’phones, and the effective date Condition it a personal matter in which he, far; as the four partners in the is put at January 1, 1952. IRON CURTAIN is called on the granting o f as­ as a teacher of religion, had no in­ business know, it is the first time CALL Savings Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 Remember, the iron curtain sistance to them at the expense Another important matter is terest. He did not say it was strict­ so many chickens have become Xenia 454 Reverse Charges is used not so much to keep ideas of the taxpayers of the United the proposal relative to convey­ out as to keep ideas and those ly a matter for the civil courts. You States. However, it seems ap­ subjects of a wire recorder. or transportation. This bill has XENIA who have ideas in. Behind the may read what he did say in Mark parent a continuation of the ERP Use of the recorder has resulted not yet reached the -House but iron curtain is the same longing 10. You will note that first of all he spending, at the full amount, .will In huge saving of time and money, has had extended hearings in FERTILIZER brings God into his answer. be approved by the Congress and and records have never been so the Senate. I have received num­ PEOPLES BUILDING fo r freedom as the colonists E. G. Buchsieb, Inc. had; the same urge for liberty the President. erous letters from Greene county that everything and everybody The House will, be called upon citizens regarding this proposal, that breathes has. this week to vote on legislation most of whom are. employes of & SAVINGS GO, Religion And Little Children to make available for distribution the, railroads. Since this Is one NEW STATES HIS CHAPTER includes .the fa­ in Chinese areas not yet control­ of the-most far-reaching ideas in years and is vital to the continu­ 11 Green St. Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 The public lands committee of mous story of the little children led by the Communists some fif- T ed successful operation of rail­ congress has approved the ad­ who were brought to Jesus—evident­ ty-foug-million dojlaif, remain­ mission of Hawaii and Alaska roads, I am going to try and ly quite small children, for Jesus ing of the appropriation origin­ as states. Both territories have ' •reach a just'decision. I realize lifted them into his arms. We do not ally authorized under the China YIELD been developed splendidly in re­ Aid Program of last year; In its the large number of employes HIGH cent years. The two areas are hear Jesus saying. “ Children are whose livelihood is .jeopardized, Strong VlfoiSfy too small for me to take any interest report on the bill, the Foreign unlike in climate, products and Affairs Committee of the House and also the large taxes paid by Hybrids, officially proven best for in them. Wait till they are older. the railroads for the support of Ohio farms. Your choice of twenty-one people. Their union with the oth­ described American policy in As­ What good can religion do these government, paWiculajrly local. early-ta-late tested kinds. Our modem er states would add to our re­ ia as “ undefinable.” In testimony processing equipment assures you seed of tiny tots?" On the contrary, Jesus sources and to the wealth of our before the Rules Committee, A bill that would require op- h ighest p ossib le rftaUtSN . erators of proposed horse race Finance your home, buying through our easy pay nation. Opportunities in both new not only blessed them, but held Members of the Foreign Affairs meets at tracks that have not NEW OUTSTANDING HYBRIDS states would be limitless. And 50 them up* as models for older people. Committee pointed out the pres­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. previously had racing permits, Ohio 3262— Ohio 3254— Ohio 3147A states would be easy to count! ent-day plight o f the Chinese Re­ * • • Is your church following Jesus to get more than half of'the elec­ CERTIFIED LADING CLOVER SOBERING INFLUENCE here? Is your church interested publican can be directly traced • • « Danish scientists have perfect­ In the little children as much as to the secret agreement made by GLOVER— ALFALFA the Roosevelt Administration Bert Nelson, partner in Kirk­ ed a cure for intoxication. A con­ it is In the “ paying** members? Only seed o f proper origin and h ig h qual­ near the end of the war to give land, Washington’s famous Heis­ ity assure heavy yields o f hay. Our selec­ coction that has 26 letters and 7 A NAME THAT STANDS tions have' consistently produced more. Or are the little ones shoved off Manchoukuo to Russia, and to dorf and Nelson chicken breeding syllables is the dope. It deintox- FOR G O O D Legume-seed la scarce. Hay safe. We icates a souse. But just going in­ into some damp corner of the the vacilating Asiatic policies of farm, " reads the number on Oiler BUFFALO;. RANGES, GRIMM or Buy a FARM the Roosevelt and Truman Ad­ common ALFALFA. Excellent strains of to a drug store and asking for. church basement? In your state or the leg band on a chicken and RED CLOVER, including CUMBERLAND ministrations. the stuff by name ought to sober province, do the Christian people speaks It Into the microphone of and MIDLAND. * • • We have money to loan on farms at attractive up a fellow, without even taking take an interest in the children? The annual battle between the a wire recorder. cottinseed oil producers of the FURNITURE . NEW HAWKEYE SOY BEANS any of it. Do children in your section get as interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a South and the dairy farmers qf accurate, according to Art Heisdorf, Outyield and are as early as RICHLAND, good attention as pure-bred cattle BUDGET p l a n combining the good features of all out­ SUN WORSHIPERS the North over Federal taxes and who with his wife, Mary, and the standing kinds when compared to others farm, and desire financing or refinancing we will b do?. AVAILABLE In olden times tribesmen wor­ regulations on oleomargarine was Nelson brothers, Bert and Clifford, o f like maturity. • • • glad to consider your needs. shiped the sun. It is easy to un­ fought out again in the House last "operate the farm. Write* for free am r o f ou r 1849 Catalog. Or visit our Warehouse and see our derstand why they did. The most week. The two;day struggle end­ It was Art’s brainchild to use the modern thinkers among scient­ As Wide As Life ed in a victory for the Southern ■» Complete line of Sfcm Seeds. recorder in “running traps” •— ADAIR’S ists are sun worshipers. They “oleomargarine,bloc.” While the HEN THERE WAS a question checking up on the hens to find but W. N. SCARFF'S SONS see that all we know as power T about eternal life. Of course dairy state Representatives were * os [TBTE 'f'v. i'. f comes from the sun, immediately willing to take all Federal tajees Which ones are laying and which Jesus answered that one, it was ones are “ lying." or remotely. Oil, coal, trees, obviously a religious question. (Ex­ off oieo, they fought for elgis- It’ s done this way: Four days a into power—exist only because cept that he gave it what some lation which would prohibit the Build a HOME of the sun. Just as scientists week the trap is set. When the hen people even today would consider use of yellow coloring ip oleo­ have reversed nature’s /process margarine, to orotect against its crawls in a nest a trap door closes a not very religious answer!) Jesus Get ready t;o build that home you have dreamed o f the powers that hold the uni­ sale to consumers as butter, Thi3 behind her. She can’t get out until went on to talk about money and about by buying bonds regularly, putting them verse together by splitting the amendment was defeated, but one of the partners lets her out. WATCH YOUR SAVINGS CROW the effect it has on a man’s prospect atom, so they see in reversing the another amendment to require Each hen then is given a number away to meet the necessary down payment when of eternal life. Jesus would be the plant power to set free the se­ oieo served in public eating places which is on a metal tab placed very last person to imagine that changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private crets of power. It is not so mist- to be in triangular shape, so it around her leg. When anyone “ runs a man’s bank account has nothing ifying as it would have sounded may be identified, was adopted. the traps", he wears a small micro­ home building in this .area. to do with religion. Some people to a few years ago. The attempt to remove the im­ phone, presses the small mike but- this day don’t like to hear a preach­ port duty on foreign palm oil, ton, and states the number of the Greenfield has a new city bus er mention money in his sermons; from which the best and cheap­ bird’s tag, and then gives the num­ service. .WeB, such people might have been est oleomargarine can be made, ber of eggs laid and any other offended by Jesus, for^ he often was defeated by the Southern An estimated 90,000 acres will pertinent information about the be cut from Ohio's crop acreage preached about money and prop­ bloc, indicating they were not bird. in 1949. erty. as mqch interested in low marg­ BUY BOOTS HERE arine costs to consumers as in a There are 121 more life insur­ Then there was the question readv market for the cottonseed Many Conditions Hf f ect Individual Accounts Insured Up To $5,000 ance companies than at the end el ambition, the audacious re­ oil produced in their area. The of the war. quest that James and John made bill now goes to the Senate, where Poultry Flock Breeding him. He had some strong re­ the battle will fce fought all over There are several conditions Current Dividend Rate 2% The payooll at the government Home Federal marks to make about that. again. which can affect the fertility of a i . aire base at Wilmington is over As this is being written (Mon­ breeding poultry flock. Experts say And finally at Jericho, not long Savings & Loan Association a million dollars. day, April 4), a historical event It is a good plan to wait for a week before Palm Sunday, there was the is, taking place in Washington. A plan to remodel the city hall or 10 days after males have been blind beggar Bartimaeus. Jesus The Foreigo Ministers of twelve Cedarville Federal Savings OF XENIA, OHIO in Wilmington includes removal put with the flock before starting did not say to him, “ Health is no of the nations of Western Europe o f the town: clock. to save eggs that are to be used 4 - 6 N. Detroit Sb affair o f mine. I cure souls, not are meeting around the council for hatching. bodies.’* table with Secretary of State Washington C. H. plans to es­ Weather conditions, vigor of & Loan Assn. All Accounts Insured tablish a municipal court. Acheson to discuss and sign, the (Couyrix&t Us the International Coun­ North Atlantic Defense Pact. males, size of flock, condition of Cedarville, Ohio cil of SdtsJotts Education car behalf of layers, and number of males are up to $5,000 There are close to 35,000 per­ S '5ES££rt2.at .*w»ialuatloua. Releaerc The United States will also, of mits to sell liquor in Ohio, by WJTG FeattiM*. course, be a signorty tft-the pact, some of .the important factors. 1