Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 4-8-1949 The edC arville Herald, April 8, 1949 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, April 8, 1949" (1949). The Cedarville Herald. 2389. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2389 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. „ y CEDARVI LE’S PEE YEAR OLDEST INS! UTION The PER COPY. Published in the Interest of CedaTville and Surrounding Community Voiuran LXXIH Cedarville, Ohio, JFriday, April 8, 1949 Number 18 Tarnsw ortfiT r Ms Sta te 'C R O P Cancer Drive Is settle claim in Church Services Third Annual Damage.Suit Ohio Premier of Lawton Story to Be CHURCH OF GOD T\yo damage suits filed by Elwood C. Palmer, minister Off to Good Carina H. Miller,0 as executrix Held Sunday at Murphy in Wilmington of the estates of Dr. and Mrs. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. A. J. Hostetler, late of Cedar­ Mrs. David Strobridge, supt. Start'Sunday ville, who were killed in an auto­ Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic, “It is Finished.” mobile accident th'ree miles east The third annual par# of the Greene county’s fund-raisinfe- * of Xenia on Route 42 last year, Children’s service at 6:30. campaign in the cancer drive, Morris Bean and company was have been settled for -$5,326.03, Starting this Sunday evening held at* Alford Memorial gym in reached the half-way mark Of its a probate court entry revealed \ and continuing through Easter goal Monday, twenty-four hours Cedarville Saturday evening. The suits were filed against Sunday we will have services after the appeal opened. Donald Waechter acted as Thursday. each evening at 7:45 (except toastmaster for the program fol­ Contributions of approximat­ James Hoffman and Frank Mor- . Saturday). Former Director o f Agriculture Frank N. Farnsworth, (second from ely $3,000, onb-half of the $6,- lowing the dinner which was ser­ gan, both of Erie, Pa., driver and The Rev. E. W. Morris, of St. left) of Waterville is the new chairman of the Christian Sural Overseas 000 goal,-were reported by Mrs. ved by the United Presbyterian owner o f the other vehicle in­ Paris, Ohio will be our speaker. church. Program (CROP) in Ohio. Other officers include James D. Wyker, left, Lucille Cowan, Xenia business­ state director; Carl S . Hutchinson, education director of the Ohio Farm volved. ' _ Come, bring your friends and woman and campaign director, A short talk was given by Mor­ Bureau, Columbus, treasurer, and Mrs. Fenton Fish, secretary- of the Both denied responsibility for enjoy a week of Gospel preach­ ris Bean, president of the comp­ Ohio Council of Church Women, secretary. Grain, miik and gifts in kind following a house-to-house can­ settlement. _ ,■ fe L ing and Christian fellowship. any, in which he expressed his vass in Xenia and Greene county will he solicited for distressed families overseas by the all-church or­ the accident, but agreed to the. Union Good Friday Services appreciation for the cooperation towhs Sunday. ganization. in the United Presbyterian of the company’s employees and Of the $3‘,00Q reported, $522.- Church Friday 12:00 to 3:00 o’­ said that the coming year held Good Friday Service 39 represents donations at Yellow A t Cedarville College clock. Plan to attend these ser­ many promises for the organiza­ On the School Scene Springs, including a gift of $204 New officers elected by Kappa vices. tion. Program Announced from Antioch college’s student Sigma Kappa last week were He stated' that work on the by Janet Hull THE UNITED born and Fairfield; $110 from James Ross, South Webster, pres­ company’s "new plant in Yellow community fund; $600 from Os- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Springs would get underway du­ Math That Failed to Add Up The Good Friday Program is ident; Donald Nock, Dayton, . M Jamestown and $69.58 from Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister. ring the coming year and should Old Man April Fool himself as follows: The Seven Sayings vice president; James Dunn. Win- • Spring Valley. Sabbath School 10 a. m. supt. be ready for occupancy by June was doing his best to outwit the o f Jesus on the Cross will he Chester.’ secretary; Ray Thomp­ Other areas in the county have Arthur B. Evans. of 1950. “wits” (oi' should I say “wit”) uesd as theme’s dividing the son, . Scioteville, treasurer; .and « not reported and canvassing in in Geometry Class lsat Thursday, time into six half hour periods. James Lewis, South Webster-, Pleaching 11 a. m. A Palm A very entertaining flook Xenia has not been completed. although he was a day ahead of The organists of the three sergeant at arms. These men, Sabbath Message “ The Beau# show followed the clearing of Canvassasers plan to make re­ schedule. Mrs. Wilson, was called churches will preside at the or­ take office immediately. Of the Lilies.” the tables from the floor, after turn visits to Xenia homes where to the office, and the class was gan as follows: Twelve to one, According to the fraternity’s Y. P. C. U. 6:30 p. m. Subject, which the members of the group residents were not at home when left on their own good behavior. Miss Lena Hastings;, One to two constitution, officers are elect­ “ I Believe in Christ’s Church.” ' danced until midnight to the mu­ they called Sunday. Imagine Mrs. Wilson’s surprise Mrs. Charles Stormont; Two to ed the first week in April. This . Meditation for Holy Week. sic of Darrel Fischer and Ms orchestra. when- she returned and found the Three, Miss Mildred Trumbo. Mrs. Cowan expressed satis­ is only the second slate of offi­ The Religious Film entitled, pupils had all disappeared! But The speakers will be as fol- faction Monday with the results cers elected by the new chapter Messenger of Peace” will be that wasn’t the way it finally ows, and possibly in order: R. of Sunday's effort, both on the on this campus. Retiring offi­ shown at 7:30 p. m. This Is ap­ turned out. For she entered the A. Jamieson, R. C. Fredericks, part of the volunteer workers cers include John Check, presi­ propriate to the Easter season, room all too sion, and found William Waide. F. A . Jurkat, and the reception they were ac­ dent; Park King, vice president; and a good picture to have at Concert Group doors banging, feet scampering, Paul Elliott, William Collier. corded by citizens when they Norman Potts, secretary; and the beginning of Holy Week. and skirts peeking out from There will be special music called at homes. Arthur Lewis, treasurer. All are invited. A free will offer­ Contributions received Sunday doorways. A few of the students each half hour period. This is a Mi*. Harrison Sayre, president den of Gethsemane. Jacobs Lad­ ing will be received to pay for Opens 49-50 do not represent donations from The first color film on the life were even short of the fun, and Special Service, in which the en­ o f the Education Company. Col­ der, Calvary’s Hill, the Watch- the rental. any business areas or special of Christ ever made, “ The Lawton they stood in the room with tire community should be deep­ umbus, will be the Wednesday ; ; Story,” will hold its Ohio premiere tower, the Inn and the Stable and- No service on Wednesday ev­ ly interested. gifts from organizations. smirks on their faces as the. in­ convocation speaker. 11 at the-Murphy Theatre next Sun­ the Lord’s Supper building. : ening this week, as we have the Member Drive The campaign .will (continue structor entered. A* seven pound to the college day. Designed by Myron Groseclose three hour service on Good Fri­ A campaign to obtain 720 mem­ throughout April, Designated as Mrs. Wilson promptly joined SHOW. A T CHURCH circle arrivd at 2:20 p. m., April The full-length, Ginecolor film -of Oklahoma City, the Holy City day from noon to three P. M. bers In the Greene Coun# Com­ Cancer month. Campaign head­ in the new game, writing down “Messenger of Peace” is the 4 at Hains Hospital, Jamstown. was produced at a cost of $2,500, is- a half a mile wide and five This service will be held in the munity Concert association was quarters are at 26 1-2 S. Detroit the names of the missing pupils, title of the movie which will be Th addition, Stephen Lee So­ 000 by Hallmark Productions of- .blocks long.. It rings a 1,200 foot United Presbyterian Church. launched in Xenia Monday night. streets, Xenia units of the Amer­ and pretending to send this list shown at the United Presbyter­ well, is the son of sophomore this city. Kroger Babb, president ridge in the Wichitas in a gigan­ Association -officers, executive ican Women’s Voluntary Services to the office. But another big ian church Sunday night at 7:30. Edward Sowell, Jamestown and of-Hallmark, said today that 56- tic. natural arc." This arc forms METHODIST CHURCH committee members and cam­ which has the cancer campaign surprise was in store when Grace The show is sponsored by the Mc- the former Marjorie Zimmer­ miutes of the film are actual .
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