JETS) Is a Refereed Journal Published Biannu- Ally (Fall and Spring)
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JOURNAL OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS STUDIES REVUE D’ÉTUDES DES CANTONS DE L’EST EASTERN TOWNSHIPS RESEARCH CENTRE / CENTRE DE RECHERCHE DES CANTONS DE L’EST EDITORIAL AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION ET DE GESTION Jonathan Rittenhouse Bishop’s University (Drama), Editor J. Derek Booth Bishop’s University (Geography) Peter Gossage Université de Sherbrooke (Histoire et sciences politiques) Marie-Paule LaBrèque Acton Vale Rina Kampeas Executive Director, ETRC/CRCE Jean Levasseur Bishop’s University (Études françaises et québécoises) Monique Nadeau-Saumier Bishop’s University CONSULTANTS Guy Laperrière Université de Sherbrooke (Histoire et sciences politiques) J.I. Little Simon Fraser University (History) COMITÉ EXTERNE DE RÉDACTION EXTERNAL EDITORIAL COMMITTEE G. Caldwell Martinville D. Cartwright University of Western Ontario A. Désilets Sherbrooke J-M. Dubois Université de Sherbrooke J-C. Dupont Université Laval M. Echenberg McGill University M-P. LaBrèque Acton Vale L. Lacroix Université du Québec à Montréal G. Lane Lennoxville G. Laperrière Université de Sherbrooke M. Lessard Université du Québec à Montréal J.I. Little Simon Fraser University J.O. Lundgren McGill University A. Mercier Collège de Sherbrooke R. Milot Collège de Sherbrooke M. Phelps Knowlton C. Rose Bishop’s University H. Senior McGill University A. Sirois Sherbrooke P. Southam Université de Sherbrooke I. Tait Champlain College R.W. Vaudry University of Alberta B. Young McGill University JOURNAL OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS STUDIES REVUE D’ÉTUDES DES CANTONS DE L’EST No 13 Fall-Winter / Automne-Hiver 1998–1999 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS / REMERCIEMENTS The editors of the Journal of Eastern Townships Les rédacteurs de la Revue d’études des Cantons Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est de l’Est/Journal of Eastern Townships Studies gratefully acknowledge the financial tiennent à remercier de son assistance of: généreux soutien financier : THE BÉLANGER-GARDNER LA FONDATION FOUNDATION BÉLANGER-GARDNER La Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est (RECE) est une revue scientifique publiée deux fois l’an, à l’automne et au printemps. Les articles parus dans la RECE sont répertoriés dans l’Index des périodiques canadiens, Canadian Index et CBCA. La revue peut être consultée dans la base de données CBCA Fulltext de Micromedia et dans celle de l’Index des périodiques canadiens de la Information Access Company. Nous invitons les chercheurs et chercheuses de toutes les disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines à nous soumettre des articles portant sur les Cantons-de-l’Est. Nous acceptons des textes de 2 000 à 7 000 mots, saisi sur traitement de texte à double interligne, et présentés selon les normes de publication de la discipline de spécialisation. Le texte imprimé doit être accompagné d’un fichier sur disquette (WordPerfect 6.1 ou un logiciel compatible). Veuillez faire parvenir vos articles au : CRCE Casier 132 Université Bishop’s Lennoxville (Québec) J1M 1Z7 The Journal of Eastern Townships Studies (JETS) is a refereed journal published biannu- ally (fall and spring). JETS is indexed in the Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Index and CBCA. The journal is accessible online in Micromedia’s CBCA Fulltext database and Information Access Company’s Canadian Periodical Index database. We welcome manuscripts relating to the Eastern Townships in all disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. Manuscripts in English should be between 2,000 and 7,000 words and conform to the principles of the JETS stylesheet. Please supply one copy of your text in manuscript, double-spaced throughout, and one copy on floppy disk (Word- Perfect 6.1 or compatible equivalent). For a copy of the stylesheet or to submit manuscripts, write to: ETRC Faculty Box 132 Bishop’s University Lennoxville, QC J1M 1Z7 Illustration de la couverture : « Concert at Pershore Abbey », croquis de Kay Kinsman (Source : Service d’archives du CRCE, fonds Kay Kinsman) Cover illustration: “Concert at Pershore Abbey,” sketch by Kay Kinsman (Source: ETRC Archives Department, Kay Kinsman fonds) Design : VisImage Impression / Printing: Imprimeries Transcontinental, division Métrolitho Dépôt légal / Legal deposit: 1er trimestre 1999 / 1st quarter, 1999 © 1999 ETRC/CRCE et les auteurs / and the authors NO 13 FALL-WINTER/AUTOMNE-HIVER 1998–1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES JOURNAL OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS STUDIES REVUE D’ÉTUDES DES CANTONS DE L’EST ARTICLES Tribute to Robin B. Burns / Hommage à Robin B. Burns / Harvey White & Guy Laperrière 5 Robin B. Burns: Community Historian / Louis-Georges Harvey 9 The Eastern Townships in the First World War: The First Hundred Days / Robin B. Burns 17 Résumé 37 A Recent History of Flooding in the Massawippi Drainage Basin / Norman K. Jones 41 Résumé 56 George Slack: A Pioneer Townships Clergyman / Richard D. Moysey 59 Résumé 69 Un 150e anniversaire; l’Association des Établissements Canadiens des Townships (1848) / Marie-Paule Rajotte LaBrèque 75 Abstract 79 NOTE DE RECHERCHE La grève d’Asbestos : comment transformer une défaite syndicale en succès médiatique / Jacques Gagnon 83 COMPTES RENDUS Sherbrooke 1802–2002. Deux siècles d’histoire. Exposition permanente au Centre d’interprétation de l’histoire de Sherbrooke / Hervé Gagnon 91 Trois villages miniers des Cantons de l’Est au Québec : Albert Mines, Capelton, Eustis par W.G. Ross / Recensé par Jean-Marie M. Dubois 97 ARCHIVES Kay Kinsman and Bishop’s: The Kinsman Papers / Selected and introduced by Jack Eby 101 BIOBIBLIOGRAPHIES/NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 123 TRIBUTE TO ROBIN B. BURNS / HOMMAGE À ROBIN B. BURNS Editor’s Note In honouring its late founder, the Eastern Townships Research Centre has already renamed its annual lecture the Robin Burns Lecture. To further commemorate Robin Burns’ presence in the community and his commitment to local research, this issue of JETS publishes some personal reflections by colleagues alongside an article Dr. Burns had been working on at the time of his death. Dr. Louis-Georges Harvey, Chair of the Bishop’s History Department, who edited the article for publication, introduces it for us, writing about Robin Burns Dr. Burns’ life-long contributions to commu- Photographed at a nity history. We hope all our loyal subscribers family gathering in 1992. and readers enjoy these celebrations of this / Photo prise en 1992. parti cular “gentleman and scholar.” (Source: Mary Ann Burns) Note de l’éditeur En hommage à son regretté fondateur, le Centre d’études des Cantons de l’Est a déjà rebaptisé sa série de conférences annuelles, « Les conférences Robin Burns ». Pour mieux souligner encore une fois l’importance de l’implication du Dr Burns dans notre organisme et dans la communauté en général, nous avons choisi de présenter dans ce numéro de RECE des réflexions personnelles de certains de ses collègues, ainsi qu’un article sur lequel il travaillait encore peu avant son décès. Le Dr Louis-Georges Harvey, chef du département d’histoire de l’Université Bishop’s, a eu la gentillesse de préparer l’article pour sa publication et nous le présente, en soulignant la longue contribution du Dr Burns aux recherches en histoire de la communauté. Nous espérons que cet hommage à un érudit et à un gentleman saura plaire à tous nos loyaux lecteurs. 6 JOURNAL OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS STUDIES Remembering Robin: A Few of Many Thoughts Harvey White Department of Religion, Bishop’s University obin and I arrived at Bishop’s the same year, thrown around R the periphery of the old guard. We became friends, part of the new recruits that slowly and inevitably became a new old guard. It was a post at which Robin stood with wisdom, maintained by a strong sense of duty to his new academic home — a domicile that he tended often above and beyond any call, and never for the sake of the recognition he deserved. One evening early in our tenure, during a poker game, Robin made a comment concerning some issue of national economic pol- icy. He said, “That’s not rational.” It was the way he said it that struck me. It was as though in those words, spoken unpretentious- ly, he was calling up centuries of accumulated wisdom. It was more than the judgement of a professional historian. He would often say such things in that way. He was, to be sure, an historian. He knew the madness that await- ed people and institutions and nations when they ignored their roots in that which transcends them. Those roots included tradition: its legacy of the search for the best, and its lessons of the impositions of the worst. For Robin this was not only a matter for the historian: it was a moral and theological position that informed much of what he did — indeed, who he was. So he lived it naturally and easily because that was essentially Robin. And, consistently, he took on tasks that demanded much of him. He gave his most when doing the right thing involved someone or something that he loved and valued. The last involvement, though only one of many, was service on a committee whose job was no less than determining a future for Bishop’s in the face of drastic budget cuts. We could see it drain his energy. We could see his concern. And although we wished, for his sake, that he not do that job, at the same time we knew that he had to, and that there was no one better to inject some rationality into the process. That’s why the University — the institution — misses him and owes much to him. Just as Bishop’s was not merely a place for Robin to teach, so the Eastern Townships was not merely a place for him to live. He stud- ied it appreciatively and lectured on its history to his classes as well as to many groups throughout the region. His Eastern Townships Research Centre and this journal bear witness to his devotion of time and energy.