University of Canterbury
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Characterisation of Selected Port Hills Lavas A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Geology at the University of Canterbury by Jonathan-Adam Safaa Mukhtar University of Canterbury 2014 Frontispiece Redcliffs, Sumner, Christchurch (Mukhtar J, 2014) II Abstract This thesis aims to create a specific and robust geotechnical data set for the Lyttelton Volcanic Group, and investigate the effect of emplacement and post-emplacement mechanisms on geotechnical characteristics. The thesis provides an engineering geological model of a representative section of the Lyttelton Volcanic Complex, which, in conjunction with field observations, informed the subdivision of the main lithological groups into geotechnical sub-units. The sub-units account for the geological variations within the rock types of this study. Eighteen geotechnical sub-units were identified, sampled and characterised: 1trachytic dykes, 2trachytic domes, 3trachytic lava, 4brecciated basaltic ignimbrite, 5moderately welded basaltic ignimbrite, 6highly welded basaltic ignimbrite, 7red ash, 8crystal dominated tuff, 9lithic dominated tuff, 10rubbly basaltic breccia, 11unweathered basaltic lava, 12slightly to moderately weathered basaltic lava, 13highly to completely weathered basaltic lava, 14highly vesicular basaltic lava bomb, 15basaltic dyke, 16blocky basaltic lava, 17volcanogenic conglomerate and 18volcanogenic tuffaceous sandstone. Thirteen units were able geotechnically
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