West Coast The magazine for and

January 2011 Issue 16 Inside this month: Allotments, Round Table 3 Peaks success, Esther McVey Ally Interiors, Hilbre High School, local news, what’s on, car club and gardening

The FREE monthly magazine for West Kirby & Caldy Tel 01244 512251 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country – Texas Guinan West Coast HAPPY 4 THE New Year is NEW YEAR upon us and the green shoots are already sprouting - at least for the allotment holders in West Kirby who 6 will get an extra 40 plots when a redundant site is turned over to them. We’ve got more on this, as well as stories from Hilbre High, the West Kirby Round Table, Ally McDermott’s interior design column, books by Lingham’s of West Kirby and the Wirral Classic Car Club. 8 We hope you enjoy the magazine and please remember to use your local shops and trades people!


The page footers this month are winter quotes

17 For advertisement inquiries please call Hayley on 01244 350398 / 07801506538 or e-mail [email protected] visit www.westkirbylocal.com 24 Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 1AE


We are an independently owned company producing seven magazines, Keep it Local, Neston Local, Heswall Local, West Coast, Tarporley Talk, Overleigh Roundabout and Hoole Roundabout. For details visit www.talkaboutpublishing.co.uk

Winter is nature’s way of saying, “Up yours.” - Robert Byrne 4 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 5


Green shoots of recovery? Wirral Council is allowing a local group of allotment holders to lease an unused section of greenbelt. The newly-formed Gilroy Road Community Allotment Society has been given the green light to step up their efforts to transform land at the rear of Coronation Buildings in West Kirby into a substantial allotment site. No fewer than 40 full-size plots could be created on the land, which was formerly used for grazing horses and hadn’t been used since 2002, as well as a communal allotment area, picnic areas, a communal orchard and a classroom. The move is in accordance with the Council’s Allotment Strategy, which identified the importance of trying to find new potential allotment sites, particularly in areas where there is a high demand for them. Cllr. Simon Holbrook, Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources, said: “I have nothing but praise for the vision and determination of the members of the Gilroy Road Community Allotment Society in reaching this stage. They have been granted an agreement to lease this land, which means they have five years to develop their plans and prove they are viable and sustainable. If they are, they will be then given a 25-year peppercorn lease on the land. “I believe this is a further demonstration of how the Council is fully supportive of community groups coming up with their own ideas to provide a viable and sustainable future for Council land or assets for the benefit of the local community.

Hoylake and District Gardening Society The speaker at our January 12th meeting will be local horticulturist Mr Ted Brabin who will be telling us about the Plant Hunter George Forrest who was born in 1873. Forrest encountered many dangerous situations on his expeditions to China , which were sponsored by Mr Arthur Bulley the creator of Ness Gardens. The resulting introductions to British Gardens included such favourites as azaleas, primulas, gentians and over 300 species of rhododendron. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at West Kirby Rachel Bolland married Tyrone Concourse starting at 7.30 p.m. They are Cisarello at St Bartholomew’s Church, free to members but visitors are welcome Thurstaston, and then held their at a charge of £1.50. Call Pat Johnson reception at The Grange, Thornton on 625 7036 Hough. Pic by Cetra Gallery, Heswall

Now is the winter of our discontent - William Shakespeare 4 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 5

LIFE DRAWING SESSIONS TWO-hour drop-in drawing sessions in Hoylake on Tuesdays at 1pm & 7pm Suitable for beginners or more experienced artists. Tuition given as necessary. £7.50 per session. Contact Dennis Spicer at [email protected] or 0151 625 3107

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The Beacon Coffee Shop Heswall Methodist Church, Telegraph Road, Heswall. Tel 342 7446 Opening times Tuesday 10.30-2pm - Coffee and lunches Friday 10.30-2pm - Coffee and lunches Saturday 10-12noon - Coffee and snacks

Friendly Welcoming Atmosphere, Homemade Food - Fair Trade Goods, Gifts, Cards and Second hand Books We are a voluntary organisation and all profits are donated to charities at home and abroad.

There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter - Billy Connolly 6 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 7

Round table reach peak fitness

3,407m of mountain climbing! That on the motorway, the troop arrived at was what Hoylake and West Kirby Snowdon with only 2hours 50 minutes Round Table members set themselves remaining. This meant the rather portly in August when they completed the chaps from Round Table had to run up infamous 3 Peak Challenge. the final mountain in order to reach the 24 This involved climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell hour goal. Arriving back off the mountain Pike and finally Snowdon all in the space with thighs burning, the team had done it of 24 hours. To ensure there was to be with only 7 minutes remaining. no change of heart at the last minute, the All the members of the Round Table table raised £2200 on behalf of the RNLI. hold a great sense of pride for how they The training began in earnest, mouldy achieved the 3 Peaks. In September, they walking boots had an airing, the jackets were given a tour of the Hoylake Lifeboat were resealed and the orienteering was station and were able to find how their honed. (Although a walk down the Wirral contribution will help the RNLI. Way did not provide the stiffest of tests for Other events in 2010 included Fire any map reader or mountaineer). Walking, visit to the greyhound stadium The team began the challenge scaling in Manchester, brewery tours as well as Ben Nevis within their time limit, it was helping Father Christmas visit the children then a mad dash past Loch Lomond of the Wirral on his sleigh. for the 5am assault on Scafell Pike. For further details of the table and dates, Successfully completed, it was again a please go to www.hoylake.roundtable. hectic drive down the M6 in their speed co.uk limited minibus. Despite traffic delays

Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants - Geraldo Rivera 6 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 7 HealtHier, Fitter, Happier New Year’s Resolutions are You can choose to train at easy to make, but harder to your own home, in a local gym keep. Many people vow to get or in an outdoors environ- in shape following the ex- ment, be that the beach at cesses of Christmas, but if you west Kirby or the countryside are really serious, then talk to around your village. Living Fit. Jamie has a wide experi- Jamie Leighton and his team ence, ranging from helping of personal trainers those who wish to lose a will create a per- few pounds, through to sonal fitness plan, training a Rowing world tailored to your own Champion. specific require- So, if you are really seri- ments. The beauty of this is ous about making a difference that we help you to meet your to your life this year, then talk goals, however modest or am- to Living Fit and be healthier, bitious, in your own time and fitter and happier. as quickly as possible.

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A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night - Marilyn Monroe 8 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 9

“To Infinity and Beyond”- Ally Interiors Buzz Lightyear Interior design thoughts with Ally MacDermot, Best Superhero quote I could find- apologies from Your Choice Interiors to Spiderman, Superman, Batman Rip up the rule book and go for it There’s a partial solar eclipse beginning of January. The United Nations has designated 2011 the International Year School joins Rotary family of Forests and International Year of Chemistry Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction for the first time in 14 years. Hilbre High School Humanities College has recently become the latest addition to This is all meaning, take some chances. Do something the ever-expanding Family of Rotary. unconventional , different, colourful even. The school’s Student Council made the decision at the beginning of the school term to create a Rotary Interact Club, a club that is linked to and helped by, but independent I love and read books. My house is stuffed full of books from the local club, Hoylake and West Kirby (HAWK). The club is founded upon all the from ruskin to Dr seuss. I could happily live in a library. I same principles as Rotary, to fundraise for charities and causes locally, nationally and love the way this arrangement works. New architecture but internationally, to connect with other Rotarians throughout the country and around the with the clients passion in mind. Get rid of clutter and put world and to have fun and make friends at the same time. the good stuff on show. Hilbre’s Interact club was officially inaugurated on 3rd December at an event which I also love this mural, saves ripping the front pages of saw the school’s club members joined by members of the local Rotary Family including the President of HAWK, Barbara Sinclair and the District Governor, Gwyn Dryhurst- your favourite comics. Dodd. Do something bold and different this year, rip up the rule book and just go for it. The event was a great success and all involved, both in Rotary and Fabric from Linwood within the school community, are excited to see the club develop and grow.

Top: The Interact Club (Arran Broad, Antony Furlani, Lauren Cross and Holly Broad) along with Miss. J. Levenson, Headteacher of Hilbre, Mr. P. Lloyd, Assistant Headteacher, Barbara Sinclair President of HAWK, Gwyn Dryhurst-Dodd District Governor of District 1180 and various other local Rotarians.

Right: President of Hilbre Interact Arran Broad receiving the club’s charter from Gwyn Dryhurst-Dodd.

Your Choice Interiors 91 Banks Road, West Kirby CH48 0RB Tel 07813761571 If they hadn’t scored, we would’ve won - Howard Wilkinson 8 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 9

“To Infinity and Beyond”- Ally Interiors Buzz Lightyear Interior design thoughts with Ally MacDermot, Best Superhero quote I could find- apologies from Your Choice Interiors to Spiderman, Superman, Batman Rip up the rule book and go for it There’s a partial solar eclipse beginning of January. The United Nations has designated 2011 the International Year of Forests and International Year of Chemistry Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction for the first time in 14 years. This is all meaning, take some chances. Do something unconventional , different, colourful even. I love and read books. My house is stuffed full of books from ruskin to Dr seuss. I could happily live in a library. I love the way this arrangement works. New architecture but with the clients passion in mind. Get rid of clutter and put the good stuff on show. I also love this mural, saves ripping the front pages of your favourite comics. Do something bold and different this year, rip up the rule book and just go for it. Fabric from Linwood

Your Choice Interiors 91 Banks Road, West Kirby CH48 0RB Tel 07813761571 10 To advertise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 11 GET YOUR FREE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT!

Financial column with Simon Tutton, from the Hadlow Edwards Partnership

GOVERNMENTs over the last which works out as an equivalent 50 years have encouraged us to increase in your contributions of save towards our own retirement 67%. Higher rate tax payers need to and be less dependant on the be especially careful to make sure state by way of incentives in they reclaim the overpayment as HMRC will not automatically pay the way of pension tax relief it back. There are restrictions on the Some large companies run amount you can benefit and schemes known as ‘Salary Sacri- this has changed on numer- fice’ where employees can give Now could be the right time to find ous occasions over the up some of their wages to make a financial advisor who completely years and is due to change additional payments to their again next April. pension scheme. This is a very tax understands your financial affairs and The way relief is granted efficient way of increasing your depends on how you pay pension savings as in addition to provides a highly tailored service your pension. If you are a the tax relief you can also save member of an employer on National Insurance pay- scheme at work any pension ments. Small companies can run l Mortgages contribution is usually taken similar schemes for employees or from your salary before you Directors and if you have an op- l pay tax and National Insur- portunity to consider this option Investments ance which means that the or would wish to set a pension l amount of your taxable pay is scheme up for your own busi- Insurance reduced by the level of contribu- ness you would be well advised tion you have paid. to look at a ‘Salary Sacrifice’ scheme. l Retirement plans If you have no company pension Tax relief is one of the few ways we can get free l scheme or are self employed you money from the state and it is well worth taking Tax will usually have a personal pension plan and tax re- full advantage of this benefit. For example saving lief is provided by a top up to your contributions. For £300 per month to a pension with 20% tax relief example if you are personally paying £100 per month would mean that over 25 years you would have saved by direct debit the amount that would be credited to £112,500 at a cost of £90,000. Hadlow EdwaRds your pension scheme would be £125. Interest or growth on this additional sum over 25 If you are a higher rate tax payer then you could years can boost the saving even further and make the claim another £25 of tax relief by way of a refund difference between a comfortable retirement and a t: 0800 652 8175 from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) struggle. e: [email protected]

To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Michael Edwards, Senior Partner of the St. James’s Place PartnershipIf Winter on comes, 01285 123can 456, Spring by email be far [email protected] behind? - Percy Bysshe or visit Shelley www.michaeledwards.co.uk 10 To advertise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 11 GET YOUR FREE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT!

Financial column with Simon Tutton, from the Hadlow Edwards Partnership

GOVERNMENTs over the last which works out as an equivalent 50 years have encouraged us to increase in your contributions of save towards our own retirement 67%. Higher rate tax payers need to and be less dependant on the be especially careful to make sure state by way of incentives in they reclaim the overpayment as HMRC will not automatically pay the way of pension tax relief it back. There are restrictions on the Some large companies run amount you can benefit and schemes known as ‘Salary Sacri- this has changed on numer- fice’ where employees can give Now could be the right time to find ous occasions over the up some of their wages to make a financial advisor who completely years and is due to change additional payments to their again next April. pension scheme. This is a very tax understands your financial affairs and The way relief is granted efficient way of increasing your depends on how you pay pension savings as in addition to provides a highly tailored service your pension. If you are a the tax relief you can also save member of an employer on National Insurance pay- scheme at work any pension ments. Small companies can run l Mortgages contribution is usually taken similar schemes for employees or from your salary before you Directors and if you have an op- l pay tax and National Insur- portunity to consider this option Investments ance which means that the or would wish to set a pension l amount of your taxable pay is scheme up for your own busi- Insurance reduced by the level of contribu- ness you would be well advised tion you have paid. to look at a ‘Salary Sacrifice’ scheme. l Retirement plans If you have no company pension Tax relief is one of the few ways we can get free l scheme or are self employed you money from the state and it is well worth taking Tax will usually have a personal pension plan and tax re- full advantage of this benefit. For example saving lief is provided by a top up to your contributions. For £300 per month to a pension with 20% tax relief example if you are personally paying £100 per month would mean that over 25 years you would have saved by direct debit the amount that would be credited to £112,500 at a cost of £90,000. Hadlow EdwaRds your pension scheme would be £125. Interest or growth on this additional sum over 25 If you are a higher rate tax payer then you could years can boost the saving even further and make the claim another £25 of tax relief by way of a refund difference between a comfortable retirement and a t: 0800 652 8175 from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) struggle. e: [email protected]

To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Michael Edwards, Senior Partner of the St. James’s Place Partnership on 01285 123 456, by email [email protected] or visit www.michaeledwards.co.uk If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? - Percy Bysshe Shelley In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy - William Blake 12 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 13

Esther McVey with Debbie Moore (1st female to set up a PLC) Lisa Pover (Yachtswoman) Gilliam McDonald (1st female whisky distiller) Rona Cant (explorer) Louise Greenhalgh (1st female Bomb disposal officer) and school girls in Westminster Hall MP seeks to inspire young women

LOCAL MP Esther – which is exactly what reached by conventional McVey has launched this ‘bookazine’ aims to careers advice. the inspirational career address. ‘Over the last 2 years I ‘bookazine’ for teenage The book is comprised of met with over 300 school girls called ‘If Chloe Can’. a wide variety of female girls and asked them what It is an inspirational ‘firsts’ who have all been sort of book or magazine careers book created high achievers in their they would enjoy reading, and written by Esther, respective fields. All of who and what sort of which is to be distributed whom, have overcome people they’d like featured for free across Wirral difficulties and hardships as well as what questions and Merseyside, aimed to become the best in the they’d like answered, at 11-13 year olds and world; their talents and the result was ‘If Chloe then hopefully extended expertise range from; Can’, an all inclusive nationwide. Statistics science to finance, law to magazine, distributed for show women are still politics, fashion and arts. free to school girls across not achieving their full Esther, who lives in West Merseyside, so reaching potential in the work Kirby, said ‘The aim of the out to all girls, from all place, which is evident book is that it will be read backgrounds, with the in the lack of visible and by children, who would message ‘If Chloe Can’, professional role models not otherwise be easily You can too.’

In summer winter rain or sun, it’s good to be on horseback - Mike Oldfield 12 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 13

New Years Resolution Spa Day To simply feel pampered in 2011 You may choose one treatment out of each section below Aromatherapy Body Scrub Babor Khanya Body Scrub Anti-Aging Hand Traetment ------Babor Firming Algae Wrap Aromatherapy Cellulite Wrap Cleopatra Milk Wrap ------Sensational Eye Treatment Babor Introductory Facial Aromatherapy Hydrating Facial ------Mini Head Massage Foot Massage Hand Massage included in this spa day is a relaxing spa light lunch and full use of health club facilities Also enjoy a detoxifying tea in our relaxation area

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In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer - Albert Camus 14 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine October 2010 15 S.M.C. PAVING

Don't slip up this winter Beat the freeze! Local ROCK SALT/ GRITTING SERVICE: Paths Drives Patio's Road clearance Business premises ALL CLEARED OF SNOW & GRITTED CALL STEVE: TEL: 0151 356 5396 MOBILE: 07867 802208 (24HRS)

If history is going to repeat itself I should think we can expect the same thing again - Terry Venables 14 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine October 2010 15

If you can’t stand the heat in the dressing room, get out of the kitchen - Terry Venables West Coast magazine January 2011 17 ‘January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow’

The icy conditions last month were treacherous under foot but the snow blanket made for some good photographs at Caldy Golf Club and theAshton Park pond

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn - Hal Borland West Coast magazine January 2011 17 QUALITY EDUCATION AT THE QUEEN’S SCHOOL The Queen’s School’s values are founded on respect, community and happiness. We are proud of our reputation for our students’ academic success, as they achieve both excellent public examination results and top university offers. Queen’s girls are happy and positive, engaging and articulate. Academically they question and challenge, explore and innovate; there are no gender stereotypes here! Our staff have expertise in the teaching of girls and our community is an encouraging and supportive one. We have a full extra-curricular programme out of the 100 top prep schools in the country including a wide variety of sports and and is the top school in the North West in the adventurous activities such as treks and survey published by The Sunday Times Parent expeditions. In addition, music and the arts Power survey, November 2010. flourish in an atmosphere that encourages self- Monday 17th January 2011, entrance expression and confidence. assessments for 11+ entry, Reception and It’s official, The Lower School was placed 14th Junior entry. School Wirral mini bus service available

The ueen’s Lower School The ueen’s Senior School

Come and join us Taster sessions and individual visits now available THE QUEEN’S SCHOOL Please contact Mrs Jane Taylor on 01244 312078 or email [email protected] www.queens.cheshire.sch.u k

People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy - Anton Chekhov 18 To advertise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com Throwing money West Coast magazine January 2011 19 out of the window A Wirral business owner has welcomed an – because shutters, blinds and curtains are alarming new report which has highlighted natural barriers which prevent heat loss. how much money householders are throwing “I don’t know anyone who couldn’t do with out of the window. saving some cash right now and given that Marc McQuilliam from Apollo Blinds was energy prices are rising again, it’s the right time gobsmacked by the findings of the research to do something about it.” which used thermal imaging cameras in Marc can see why interior plantation shutters Edinburgh to show just how much heat is lost are grabbing all the headlines as they are the through windows of homes in the city. hottest trend in interior décor. As well as being Simply drawing curtains, shutters or blinds gorgeous, stylish and incredibly functional to stop heat escaping could be as effective as they do come into their own during the winter fitting double glazing, according the report’s months providing privacy and excellent energy- authors – particularly for older properties. It’s a saving properties. view which is echoed by Marc who owns Apollo He also points to Duette® blinds, which are the Blinds Wirral. rising stars of the interiors industry, as they can “The findings should be a wake-up call to reduce the amount of heat that escapes through householders in Wirral because the thermal windows by a third during the winter. images that were used as part of the report are “Duette® is a modern take on pleated blinds very powerful in demonstrating how much heat and have a patented double-walled honeycomb is lost through windows,” said Marc. design which allows them to form air pockets 20% OFF “It highlights how very simple measures can be that give them energy-saving properties,” said SHUTTERS taken to significantly reduce energy expenditure Marc.

0151 203 6160 [email protected] www.apollo-blinds.co.uk

God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger - Heraclitus 18 To advertise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 19


0151 203 6160 [email protected] www.apollo-blinds.co.uk

I had slumps that lasted into the winter - Bob Uecker 20 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 21


Fiction: House Rules- Jodie Picoult When Emma Hunt’s teenage son is diagnosed with Asperger’s she knows she will do anything to help him. Jacob Hunt is brilliant at maths, has a wicked sense of humour, is extraordinarily organized but hopeless at reading social cues. He is locked in his own world – aware of the world outside, and wanting to make a connection, trying to be like everyone else without knowing how. His mother expects other people not to understand, she expects stares and whispers, she even expects trouble with the police. But when his tutor is found dead, all the hallmark behaviours of Jacob’s syndrome – not looking someone in the eye, odd movements, inappropriate actions – start looking a lot like guilt to the police. And Jacob’s mother must ask herself the hardest question in the world: is her child capable of murder? Jodie Picoult fans will love this book with its usual mix of topical controversy and rare insight into the workings of a family. Newly out in paperback, this is a great novel in which to lose yourself over the long dark January evenings.

Travel Biography: Return to the Olive Farm- Carol Drinkwater And if those dark winter evenings are getting you down, where better to spend them than in the sunny South of France? After sixteen months of travelling round the Mediterranean in search of the ancient secrets of the olive tree, Carol returns to her husband Michel and his growing family. However, the homecoming celebrations are overshadowed by disturbing discoveries. The plight of the honey bee has become an international crisis and Carol is faced with unsettling news about the hives on her own olive farm. While the multinational companies are pushing for ‘bigger, better, bumper’ crops, a small band of farmers and ecologists are calling for a halt to many of the modern farming malpractices that are endangering the planet. Carol is amongst them. But it puts her own farm, her idyll, under threat. This is the story of how Carol and Michel struggle with some difficult choices, and how they decide to deal with the unavoidable disappointments and inevitable responsibilities that come with running an organic farm. Sixth in the ‘Olive Farm’ series, a beautifully written, well researched, warm and humane book that passionately confronts issues to do with farming in Provence today.

Health and Beauty: Lorraine on Looking great- Lorraine Kelly Start 2011 as you mean to go on with wonderful guide to a new you. The 4 sections of this attractively produced book are entitled ‘Healthy Eating’, ‘Exercise’, ‘Looking Great’ and ‘Staying Healthy’. There are loads of illustrations and diagrams and the whole thing is highly accessible, with lots of great tips for improving health and wellbeing without unrealistic pressure to look like a supermodel. And judging by the photographs, Lorraine herself is a marvellous advert for the efficacy of her methods. A great one for all you West Kirby Yummy Mummies!

Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year - John A. Logan 20 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 21 ST BRIDGET’S COMMUNITY CENTRE APPEAL EVENTS 29th January Burns Night, St Bridget’s Primary School Hall Traditional Burns Night Supper with piper, 5 course meal including haggis, neaps and tatties. Vegetarian option available bookable in advance. Bring your own drinks and whisky sauce. Listen to some of the bard’s music and poems. An evening of entertainment and fun! If you have never been to a Burns Night supper, here is your opportunity! If you have you know what fun they are! Reserve a table for the evening and bring your friends. Ticket only event. Tickets £17 from Pipedreams, Banks Road or Paul Burgess on 625-3696. Great value! Wednesday, 2nd February Celts, Romans and Vikings: The Archaeology of Irby by Rob Philpott. Rob Philpott, Head of Field Archaeology at the National Museums Liverpool and joint author of Meols: The Archaeology of the North Wirral Coast. A chance find of Roman pottery in a garden at Irby in the 1940’s led to the discovery of an important and long-lived settlement site by archaeologists of the National Museums Liverpool. On excavating in suburban gardens, they found evidence of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Romano-British, early Medieval and Medieval occupation. Rob will examine the nature of the settlements and the finds uncovered by the excavations. St Bridget’s Church at 7.30pm 5th February Concert – Junior Royal Northern College of Music The Junior RNCM provides specialist training for musically gifted children between the ages of 8 and 18 years travelling from far and wide across Northern England. The RNCM hosts great talent and members can also be found performing in the National Youth Orchestra, the National Children’s Orchestra, the National Youth Brass Band and National Youth Choir as well as national and local music competitions such as the BBC Young Musician and Young Composer Awards. St Bridget’s Church at 7.30. Tickets £10 adults, £8 concessions and children £4 including refreshments. Tickets from Pipedreams, Banks Road, West Kirby or Edward Edwards on 632 -2346.

Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year - John A. Logan We need to drive like hell and get to the hills before the winter sets in - Steven Squyres 22 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 23

West Wirral Car Club Old Seadog Learns New Tricks in Spitfire Triumph introduced the popular little Herald saloon car in 1959 and it was one of only a few cars then still being built with a separate chassis. This was a cunning move by Triumph because it enabled the company to put a number of very different body types onto the same running gear. One variation that proved immensely popular was the Spitfire which was made from1962 until 1981. This month we take a look at the 1978 Spitfire 1500 which belongs to Ray and Bettine Fields, in our picture. These cars are very easy to work on and maintain, which is just as well because when Ray acquired it in 1991 it had just been written off by the insurers. Its previous owner, having allowed his enthusiasm for driving it to get a bit out of hand, had made a major modification to the front by allowing a tree to impede his progress. Ray had just recently retired from a lifetime of working with ships around the world and was looking for something new to occupy him, so when he heard about the damaged Spitfire he snapped it up for the princely sum of £150. Ray then spent the next two years on a full restoration which went much further than was necessary just to repair the accident damage. Ray and Bettine then became enthusiastic members of two Triumph car clubs, first they joined the national Triumph Sports Six Club and for the last decade they have also been keen members of the Wirral group Triumph Appreciation. For the former, Ray has been a regular contributor to their magazine and for the latter he is the much valued editor of our regular newsletter. Rarely missing opportunities to join in events they love to go to shows, long runs, camping weekends and local outings to country pubs in the car. They even drove to Le Mans on one occasion. Such was the excellence of Ray’s restoration that the car won them several cups in the early days and has never failed to get them back home in all the 40,000 miles they have covered. The car is fitted with the desirable overdrive (5th gear) and regularly returns 38 - 40 mpg. Now both in their 80s, neither owners (nor car) are showing any signs yet of loosing their enthusiasm for the fun and friendships their retirement hobby has provided.

ENTERTAINMENT Dave Evenett 22 [email protected]

Winter is not a season, it’s an occupation - Sinclair Lewis 22 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com West Coast magazine January 2011 23 WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY

Saturday 8th January A Woodland Walk in Royden Park, 1pm – 2.30pm. An in depth look at Royden Park’s woodland, its beauty, uses and wildlife. Meet Ranger’s Office, Royden Park. No need to book. Tel: 0151 677 7594.

Sunday 9th January Winter West Wirral Walk, 10.15am - 3.30pm. Join the Ranger on a 5-7 mile march around West Wirral to burn off extra calories from festive food or to help toward New Year Resolutions! Booking essential, contact Tel 0151 648 4371.

Friday 21st January Classical chamber music at Westbourne Hall, Westbourne Road, West Kirby, organised by Hoylake Chamber Concert Society. The Henschel Quartet from Germany are one of the world’s greatest string quartets. Their concert will include works by Mozart, Schulhoff and Schubert. Concert commences at 7.30pm - doors open at 7pm. Tickets £8 include interval refreshments.

Sunday 23rd January Winter Bird Walk, 10.30am – 12.30pm. A short stroll within Royden Park & Thurstaston Common to discover our winter resident birds. Meet: Ranger’s Office, Royden Park. Sorry no dogs. No need to book. Tel: 0151 677 7594.

Wednesday 26thJanuary Help this Heathland-Thurstaston Common,10.30am – 3.30pm. Come and help clear invading scrub on this important heath land site. Meet: Thurstaston Hill car park off Telegraph Road. Gloves and tools provided. Bring a packed lunch. No need to book. Tel: 0151 677 7594.

Thursday 27th January Wirral Bird Club: Val MacFarland is giving an illustrated talk on “Kamchatka and the Ring of Fire”. The Club meet every fourth Thursday of the month (except August and December) at 8pm prompt at Kingsmead School, Bertram Drive, Hoylake. Also we make about twelve Field Trips a year. This friendly Club is for anyone with an interest in birds, even if you can’t tell a kite from a coot. Ring 625 8809 for more information.

Saturday 12th February An Evening of Swing & Big Band Music in aid of the Refilwe Project, in SouthAfrica, featuring Wirral Schools’ Big Band on stage at Heswall Hall, Telegraph Rd, Heswall, 7.30pm. For details and tickets contact: Gill Campbell (0151 632 2463) or Corina Thompson (0151 632 0024). ENTERTAINMENT 23

Winter lingered so long in the lap of Spring that it occasioned a great deal of talk - Bill Nye 24

You gettoomuch winterin the winter-Robert Frost can’t USEFUL NUMBERS Useful andinfo numbers Birkenhead Road,Birkenhead Hoylake. Tel 6323381 Hoylake Cottage Residential Home Arrowe Park Road, Upton. Tel 6785111 Arrowe Park Hospital www.sandstonemedicalcentre.co.uk Tel :6256128 161 BanksRoad, West Kirby. Centre Medical Sandstone Tel: 6259171www.wkhcwirral.nhs.uk The Concourse, Grange Road, West Kirby. West Kirby Health Centre Health 143 BanksRoad, West Kirby. Tel 6256829. HouseBanks Dental Practice Dentists W: www.hoylakecommunitycentre.org Email: [email protected] Road, Hoylake, CH473AG. Tel 6322889 Hoylake Community Centre, 2Hoyle Community Centres Drive,Meols West Kirby. Tel 6326921 West Kirby United Reformed Church Westbourne Road, West Kirby. Tel 6322776 West Kirby Church Methodist 8517. www.stmichaelsnewton.org.uk Frankby Road, Newton, West Kirby. Tel. 625 St. &All Michael Angels Parish Church, www.achurchnearyou.com Graham Road, West 6324728. Kirby St Andrew’s Church 16 Darmon’s Green, 01516256367 WK, St Agnes RC Church 1872. www.riverway.org.uk 86 Grange Rd.West Kirby.Tel. 0151605 Riverway Christian Fellowship www.stbridgetschurch.org.uk Tel 01516255229. Saints, Caldy; St Bridget’s Church Church andAll oftheResurrection Churches Tel: 6253941.E: (Con, West and Kirby Thurstaston) Cllr Geoffrey Watt Email: [email protected] Tel: 07766725125. 6485913 /Mobile: (Conservative, West and Kirby Thurstaston) CllrGreen Jeff gov.uk Tel: 6323195.Email:davidelderton@wirral. (Conservative, West and Kirby Thurstaston) Cllr David MElderton Local Councillors Hoyle Road, Hoylake. Tel 6324348 The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre McVeyEsther (Conservative) MP Politics 2000 orvisitwww.wirral.gov.uk (Switchboard):General Enquiries 0151606 Wirral Council Tel 6259916 15-17-Acacia Grove, West Kirby. Acorn Veterinary Centre Vets Thurstaston. Tel 6484371 Wirral Country Park Tel 6252510 West Kirby Lake Marine Tourist 6010 orvisitwww.merseyside.police.uk issueplease emergency Telephone -709 Merseyside Police regarding any othernon 999 Emergency. you If wishto contact Police Kirby. Tel: 6256115 Wilsons Chemist, 17 The Crescent, West Pharmacies rooms andcrèche.function Tel 9297801 hall, fitnesssuite,sports aerobics studio, West Concourse, Kirby includes25mpool, Leisure Centre [email protected] You gettoomuch winterin the winter-Robert Frost can’t Useful andinfo numbers While Irelish ourwarm months,winter formsourcharacter andbrings outourbest -Tom Allen www.westkirbygymnastics.co.uk Kirby). (West Tel 6700694 orvisit Gymnastics Club phone 6255602 [email protected],time. e-mail: or onvarious nights interm(18+). Meetings Young Leaders (14+)andAdult volunteers Rainbows (5+),Brownies (7+),Guides(10+), Girlguiding Newton District Tel: 01516258043www.caldyrugby.co.uk Caldy Rugby Club Tel 6252619 /Hillary JeanRobb Calday Grange Swimming Pool Trust 6258043. E-mail:[email protected] Paton Field, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston. Tel Caldy Cricket Club Williams on07817684682. 200playersOver aged6-15.Call Paul AC Hoylake Junior Football Club Clubs andSocieties E-mail - [email protected] St. Lane, Bridgets West Kirby. Tel 6257652. St. BridgetsSchool www.westkirby-grammar.wirral.sch.uk/ Graham Road, West Kirby. Tel 6323449. Visit West Kirby Grammar School visit www.westkirby-primary.wirral.sch.uk Anglesey Road, West Kirby. Tel 6255561or West &Nursery Kirby School Primary Frankby Road, West Kirby. Tel 6255996 HumanitiesCollegeHilbre School High Email: [email protected] Lane,School West Kirby. Tel 6252727 Calday Grange Grammar School, Grammar E-mail: [email protected] Road. Massie Saughall West Kirby, 6258446 Black HorseJuniorSchool Hill E-mail: [email protected] Road Massie Saughall West Kirby, 6255238, Black HorseInfant Hill School Schools www.achoylake.com welcome www.embroiderersguild.com Thursday at intheMonth 7.15pm.Everyone Gallery, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, onthethird The Art guildmeetintheBirkenhead Wirral Embroiderers’ Guild www.westkirbypanthers.com Tel 6250116 Calday Grange Grammar School, West Kirby Panthers JuniorFC www.westkirbywasps.com West Kirby Wasps JuniorFC www.wksc.net Lane,Sandy West Kirby. Tel 6255579orvisit West Kirby Club Sailing Visit www.westkirbyfc.org Greenbank Road, West Kirby. West Kirby Football Club West Kirby Tel 6324602 Soroptimist International ofHoylake and Pool Friday every morning Tel. 3423703 light exercise, at Calday Grange Swimming Open to anyone over 50,for “serious “ or SwimmersSenior Tel 6253484 Club ofHoylakeRotary & West Kirby business people. Call 6486141. The clubfor former professional and Probus Club of West Kirby welcome. Contact Peter Bale on 334-3965. break trips. run day NewMembers andshort each month, for Lunch at Heatherlandsand We meetmonthly, onthefirst Wednesday of Grange Probus Club (West Wirral) westkirbyuk.lionwap.org Lions Club of West Kirby Road, Eddisbury West Kirby. Tel 6323491 Hoylake Lawn Tennis Club Demonstrations by NAFAS demonstrators. Tuesday ofthemonth. open7.15pm. Doors at MelroseMeet Hall, Hoylake onthe3rd Hoylake Flower Club 25 USEFUL NUMBERS To advertise in this section W e s t C o a s t Directory for as little as £16 a month call 01244 350398

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Research has revealed that 65 million presents are unwanted at Christmas in the UK