Syllabus for Biology and Society (BIOL 105-702) [ and Human Society] Salisbury University, Winter 2018

This course is designed to acquaint non-majors with the diversity of insects and how they affect human society. We will examine several topics including Forensic entomology, pollination, consumption of insects, insects in mythology, cultural entomology, and vectored diseases. Pre- requisite of Biology 101 is required. Meets General Education IVB (Prior to Fall 2008: IIIB).

Instructor Information Professor D.L. Price, PhD Email: [email protected] Henson Science Hall, room 240 If you want to ask me a question, email is the best way to reach me.

Online Delivery of Content The course content for this class is delivered 100% online via MyClasses []. All learning assessments (quizzes) are online. You will be expected to learn much of the material on your own, be responsible for meeting quiz, discussion, and assignment deadlines, and required to discuss issues online. Good time management skills and a healthy dose of self-motivation are required for taking online courses.

Required book “Wicked Bugs: The that Conquered Napoleon’s Army & Other Diabolical Insects”. Author Amy Stewart. 2011. Link to Wicked Bugs on Amazon Hardcover Book Price: $10.99. There is also an ebook version.

Computer Requirements The following webpage [] provides tutorials with step-by-step instructions for using MyClasses and all of the components that you will use during this semester. Please do a “Browser Check” to make sure that you have all of the needed programs on your computer.

High-speed internet access and Microsoft PowerPoint and Word software is required. Tablet and cell phone apps for Blackboard are available and can be useful. The latest version of Shockwave, RealPlayer, Macromedia Flash Player will be required. Most of these "plug-ins" are available through the University IT website. Shockwave/Flash players can be obtained from If a video or animation doesn't work, check to see if you have the latest version of plug-in software. Set your browsers popup blocker AND your Security (Tools/internet options/security/trusted sites/sites) to accept all popups and downloads from MyClasses.

For all technical problems, please contact the SU Helpdesk.

Learning Modules There will be 13 modules over the 3-week session (see schedule below). Modules include online discussions, PowerPoint slides, textbook readings, videos links, animations, and additional posted readings. Each module will conclude with a timed, online quiz. It is imperative that you keep up with the work required in these modules and take the quiz for that module before its due date. All due dates are listed in the Course Calendar.

Module Topics and Schedule Day Mod Topic Chapter(s) XI (Warning), Jan. 3 Introduction to IHS 1 80 (Have no fear), Blog Activity 1 85 (Cockroach)

43 (Black Widow), Jan. 4 Insects and Their Creepy Crawly 69 (Brown Recluse), 2 Relatives ( Diversity) 145 (Giant Centipede), 155 (Millipede)

241 (Zombies) Jan. 5 3 Beneficial Insects, Insect Appreciation 9 (Asian Giant Hornet)

Jan. 8 4 Insects and Scientific Studies 4 (She’s Just Not That into You)

EXAM I Tuesday January 9 125 (I’ve Got You Under My Skin), Jan. 9 5 Transgenic Technologies 151 (Med. Fruit ), Blog Activity 2 199 (Phylloxera)

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out 192 (Corpse-Eaters), Jan.10 6 (Forensic Entomology) 209 (Fear No Weevils)

77 (Chigoe Flea), Insects and History Jan. 11 7 107 (Death-Watch ), (Symbols, Mythology, and Folklore) 205 (Rocky Mountain Locust) 15 (Assassin Bug), 37 (Black Fly), Insect-Vectored Diseases 183 (Oriental Rat Flea), Jan. 12 8 Blog Activity 3 215 (Sand Fly), 222 (What’s Eating You?), 237 () Jan. 15 No Classes - Martin Luther King Day

Jan. 16 9 DDT and Silent Spring 163 (Mosquito) 20 (Bugs of War), EXAM II Wednesday January 17 Jan. 17 10 158 (Arrow Poisons), Human Use and Consumption of Insects 229 (Spanish Fly) Jan. 18 11 Cultural Entomology

133 (Formosan Subterranean Clean Up Jan. 19 12 ),

137 (The Go Marching)

Jan. 22 13 Insects as Biological Indicators

Online Exam III (Final): Tuesday January 23

Course Grade Your final course grade will depend on % of total points earned. ≥90% of total points = A, 80-89% of total points = B, 70-79% of total points = C, 60-69% of total points = D, less than 60% is an F.

Assignments Point value 3 Exams (50 points each) 150 points Module Quizzes (10 of 12 quizzes) 100 points Journal Activities (10-20 points each) 170 points Online Blog Activities (3 activities) 30 points Total Course Points = 450

Examinations There will be 3 online examinations given during the semester worth 50 points each. Test questions could be derived from the lecture, MyClasses readings and assignments, and discussions. Therefore, each student is expected to have an integrative knowledge of all course material. All Exams will be delivered through MyClasses Respondus Lockdown Browser. These are worth 150 points total of your grade.

No make-up examinations will be given. All exams are scheduled on the Syllabus and are worth 50 points each. Each exam is scheduled for a specific day and you will have a 24-hour period to complete it. It will open at 9:00 a.m. of the day assigned and close at 9:00 a.m. on the following day.

Online Quizzes Module quizzes will be delivered through MyClasses Lockdown Browser. Quizzes consist of mostly multiple-choice questions and True/False questions. Information covered in lecture slides is the most important but topics and terms in assigned readings, discussions, and videos will also be on the quiz. There is a time limit during the quiz, typically 1 minute per question (total 10 minutes), and you will have only one chance to take the quiz so be prepared by taking notes and reading the assigned chapter before you take the quiz. You may use your book and your own notes for taking the quizzes, but all online quizzes must be taken without help of any kind from other people. Module quizzes will be available for taking only during the day the module is scheduled. NO LATE QUIZZES will be allowed; I will not respond to emails about taking a quiz after its deadline. Technical problems on your end will not be an excuse; don't wait until the last hour that a quiz is available to take it. Have a backup computer in mind, for example at the SU library, in case your computer or internet provider fails you. I do understand, however, that technical problems can occur so I drop two quiz grades (but not the final quiz) from your total score. This should reduce your anxiety over any computer issues that may arise while taking a quiz.

Online Blog Activities: You are expected to participate in 3 Blog Activities. Instructions for each will be posted with the topics. Blog activities will be worth 30 points of your grade. All writing assignments should be written as if it were a report. Proper language, grammar, spelling, etc…

Journal Activities Your instructor will view all journal activities. These will be graded on content, thought, effort, and spelling and grammar. There will be one journal activity assigned each module and you will have until 9:00 a.m. of the following day to complete it. These are worth 170 points of your final grade.

SU Writing Center At the University Writing Center, trained consultants are ready to help you at any stage of the writing process. All students are encouraged to make use of this important service. For more information about the Writing Center’s hours and policies, visit the Writing Center or its website at

Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism You are expected to abide by the SU Student Academic Misconduct Policy. Violation of this policy will result in a zero grade for the assignment or the course, and a report will be filed with the offices of Student Affairs and Provost. All work bearing your name implies that you have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance. This includes online quizzes, which must be completed independently without help, hints, or aid of any kind from other people. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and specialized computer programs will be utilized to check for plagiarism. What is plagiarism? • Cut-and-pasting from electronic sources. • Using ideas, concepts or conclusions from other sources without acknowledgement • Paraphrasing without acknowledging source. • Using term- paper web sites to purchase papers.

Study habits Each module, you will be exposed to a lot of new information in a very short amount of time. Therefore, it is recommended that you read through your lecture notes, and read through the MyClasses assigned readings thoroughly, before taking the online quizzes. If you have any questions about the assigned readings or online quizzes, Dr. Price will be available through email.