Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:1-29. Downloaded from by California State University - Channel Islands on 09/12/12. For personal use only. Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies Alan Baddeley Department of Psychology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom; email:
[email protected] Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012. 63:1–29 Keywords First published online as a Review in Advance on attention, central executive, phonological loop, episodic buffer, Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:1-29. Downloaded from September 27, 2011 by California State University - Channel Islands on 09/12/12. For personal use only. visuo-spatial sketchpad, short-term memory The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract This article’s doi: I present an account of the origins and development of the multicom- 10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100422 ponent approach to working memory, making a distinction between Copyright c 2012 by Annual Reviews. the overall theoretical framework, which has remained relatively stable, All rights reserved and the attempts to build more specific models within this framework. 0066-4308/12/0110-0001$20.00 I follow this with a brief discussion of alternative models and their rela- tionship to the framework. I conclude with speculations on further de- velopments and a comment on the value of attempting to apply models and theories beyond the laboratory studies on which they are typically based. 1 Contents THE EPISODIC BUFFER . 15 WORKING MEMORY: WMandBinding.............. 15 THEORIES, MODELS, AND Visual Binding and WM . 16 CONTROVERSIES . 2 Binding in Verbal WM .