HS/S4/15/5/A HEALTH AND SPORT COMMITTEE AGENDA 5th Meeting, 2015 (Session 4) Tuesday 17 February 2015 The Committee will meet at 9.45 am in the Robert Burns Room (CR1). 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether its consideration of its approach to NHS Boards Budget Scrutiny should be taken in private at future meetings. 2. Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Patrick Harvie MSP, member in charge of the Bill; Andrew Mylne, Head of Non-Government Bills Unit; Louise Miller, senior solicitor, Office of the Solicitor to the Scottish Parliament; Amanda Ward, adviser to Patrick Harvie. 3. Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider the main themes arising from the oral evidence heard earlier in the meeting. Eugene Windsor Clerk to the Health and Sport Committee Room T3.60 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5410 Email:
[email protected] HS/S4/15/5/A The papers for this meeting are as follows— Agenda Item 2 Written Submissions HS/S4/15/5/1 PRIVATE PAPER HS/S4/15/5/2 (P) PRIVATE PAPER HS/S4/15/5/3 (P) SPICe Briefing HS/S4/15/5/4 PRIVATE PAPER HS/S4/15/5/5 (P) Written Submissions HS/S4/15/5/1 James Chalmers Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill James Chalmers Regius Professor of Law at the University of Glasgow Response to Question Paper: The Position under Existing Scots Criminal Law 1. Thank you for your email of 28 January inviting me to answer several questions regarding the criminal law of Scotland in relation to assisted suicide.