can i download my ps4 games on pc Can i download my ps4 games on pc. I have not attempted to access steam via PS4 yet. I never owned the PS3, so I am very unfamiliar with how console gaming workes post-PS2. I noticed a lot of games that are available on steam like Don't Starve, War Frame, and (hopefully soon in NA) War Thunder are also steam games. I was wondering if I were to log in with my steam account on the PS4, would I have access to games on the PS4 that I purchased/played with on one device would be available for the other, as I intend to do a lot of PC and PS4 gaming (in the future). i.e. do I have to buy the same game (e.g. War Frame, Don't Starve) twice if I want to play it on the PC and PS4 (though I don't care about whether or not I can play cross-platform). Yes, you would need to acquire them for each platform (PC/PS4/XB1). When you buy a game on steam, your buying a PC game, not a game that works on everything. Same as If you buy a game, it won't work on your PC. But on a side note, you won't have to re buy Warframe as its free to play on both platforms. (Though accounts and servers aren't connected, so PC plays against other PC users and PS4 plays against etc) How To Play PS4 On Laptop. PlayStation are undoubtedly the giants in home computer gaming market. It is the most popular gaming platform in the world. PlayStation is the brand of that specializes on video game consoles. The PlayStation consoles have revolutionized from the initial console, PlayStation 1 to the latest console, PlayStation 4. There is an online platform for downloading and buying of PlayStation consoles. The platform is called PlayStation store. This gives room for users to login, subscribe and download or play the games online. There is also the PlayStation mobile which controls the framework for mobile devices. PlayStation is highly innovative and dynamic. Each new console comes as an upgrade on the old one. The PlayStation 2 has been selling game console in history. Selling over 100 million copies. The PlayStation comes with many interesting and absorbing games like grand theft auto, soccer, smack down, etc. The interactive, dynamic and innovative nature of PlayStation games makes it possible for both the young and the old to love playing it. PlayStation games comes with some accessories like the dual shock, the dual analog controller, the PlayStation controller, the PlayStation head set and the hard disc drive. The latest versions of the console PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 also comes with the PlayStation cameras, the wireless controllers and HDMI cables. If you don't want to use cables, you can connect computer to tv without HDMI. Ps4 being the latest console comes with many varieties of popular games and accessories. The games are upgraded on that which was seen on previous consoles. They can be found in the PlayStation store for easy downloading and online synchronization. They also exist in the PlayStation mobile version which is meant for android platforms. How To Play PS4 On Laptop Or PC. The PlayStation games used to come with customized monitors which in their absence, the games can be played and viewed through TV screens. The latest upgrades in the ps4 extends to the inclusion of HDMI cables which can be used as an interface to connect the PlayStation games to laptops or PC. PlayStation 4 game can now be connected and played on a laptop or PC. The HDMI cords are very useful when using the laptop or PC as screen to play PlayStation games. The HDMI port is not present in all brands of laptops. In fact if present, most of it will be for output source. This is to say that it is used to connect the laptop to another monitor such as a projector screen. Over 95% of laptops have output HDMI ports. This makes it very difficult to put the ps4 HDMI cable into good use as it is very rare to find a laptop or PC that has input HDMI port. So, it is not possible physically to just connect your ps4 to your laptop through HDMI port and it works! The DVI port is another port that can be used to connect the ps4 to laptop. This is also another port that is very rare to be found. It cannot be found in many brands of laptops. If you wish to play your ps4 on your laptop, you have to check whether your laptop or PC has the HDMI or DVI port. One of it will do and it has to be programmed for input. Sadly, over 95% of laptops have the output port. If your laptop does not have any of these, then you have to use the external graphic capture cards. These are encoders which will allow you to connect your ps4 to your windows or Mac to display the video on the screen. This is not too good because the video will not be of good quality and it will be very slow. More so, it is very expensive. The best method around that can be used for playing your ps4 on laptop is by using the official ps4 wireless adapter called Remote playback app. Simply install it in your laptop. In combination with your external video capture card, you can get the best video and enjoy your ps4 with your laptop. The ps4 remote playback app makes it possible for you to control your ps4 via your laptop or PC. It can be installed in both windows and Mac. The connection is purely a remote connection. It will enable you to play your favorite ps4 games on your laptop or PC without stress. Tip: If you want to play PS4 on laptop but you don't have any laptop yet, you can buy a new laptop. You can know about the best time to buy a computer before proceeding so that you can get the best deal. Last Time, when I bought my laptop, I found a lot of stickers there. In case, you experience the same thing, you can easily remove stickers from laptop. How To Play PS4 On Laptop Using The PS4 Wireless Adapter. Dualshock 4 USB wireless adapter. This enables the wireless usage of the controller to be possible. This ps4 wireless adapter procedure works only on windows 8.1 and windows 10 laptops or PC. Can i download my ps4 games on pc. Unless someone figures out a hack, it's doubtful you can. I'm assuming the PS4 save system is similar to the PS3 save system, and they are encrypted. When I looked into transfering console save files for the older Bethesda games, it was close to impossible for the PS3 (like with Oblivion, Fallout 3) whereas it was much easier for the 360 version (the 360 and PC versions of Bethesda games had compatibile/similar save systems). I found some posts on another forum that it was possible for the PS3, but you had to send your save files to some guy who would do it for you (he had a hacked PS3 and some custom decryption software). So, short answer is probably no, unless Bethesda creates a PS4-to-PC save transfer system. It might be in the realm of possiblity since they are allowing mods to work with PS4 version of Fallout 4, but I wouldn't hold your breath. If I were you, I'd just look to see if you can use the console in the PC version and cheat your way back to a similar point in the game, by giving yourself the skills, level and items, etc, that you had on the PS4. If the Fallout 4 console also has a complequest command (like in Oblvion and Skyrim PC versions), you can also auto-complete the quests you've already done in your PS4 version. You'll have to find the quest ID number, too, and that's another command. Again, I don't know yet if Fallout 4 PC has the quest-related console commands, so you'll have to check. Can i download my ps4 games on pc. Unfortunately, you cannot. They're two separate platforms. The only games you can redeem on Steam that you've got on console, are Portal 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - due to the Steamworks implementation (PS3 -ver only!) Unfortunately, you cannot. They're two separate platforms. The only games you can redeem on Steam that you've got on console, are Portal 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - due to the Steamworks implementation (PS3 -ver only!) Just to add to this, it is EXTREMELY unusual for any cross-platform purchase. The easiest way to tell, if in doubt, is read the terms of sale. Of course, PSN do a number of Vita/PS3/PS4 cross-platform purchases, and they specifically state this on the blurb on the PSN store page for each game. So, it's best to assume no, unless you specifically read it in the game's blurb. Great words of wisdom there! :) Lol, well not really (I can't take any credit for any real wisdom). All I will say is that there are a wide a varying range of people of all ages and circumstances on Steam, so NEVER feel embarrassed or anything to just ask. Some, especially younger, players do get a bit embarrassed to ask question they think might make them sound silly. We're a welcoming lot here on the whole, and any dissent is not tolerated, so it's as safe as you could get. :) Can i download my ps4 games on pc. I have a PS4 character on GTA Online, but I cant transfer him to my PC. I mean, when I start to play GTA Online, I just can create new character.. I wont get any message, that if I want to load my previous game data.. I have linked my PSN and Steam on SocialClub. Thanks for you respond. Are you login with the social club? it should then ask if you have data/account you'd like to transfer to pc/platform. I did it about 8 months ago and it worked fine, heres a video on it: Wow, that's such a shame. Good thing I got everything tranfered over first thing. Bad luck dude.(Zota_21 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com) LAST CHANCE TO TRANSFER TO PS4, XBOX ONE OR PC. If you have not yet brought your characters and progression over from PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 to PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC, time is running out as this will no longer be possible as of March 6th, 2017. Question: Can I transfer my character from my current platform to another? Answer: No, this is not possible. There is currently no feature available to transfer character data between platforms.