Special points of interest: Volume II, Issue I • Starrett collects some essays Spring, 2010 • Spade, Chandler, Holmes? • Those wily women • Lighten up, Sherlock • Moriarty’s side of the story

Some Thoughts Regarding The Three Garridebs (3GAR)

Lured Away spare $5 million on hand. strike Evans in the head with Nathan Garrideb joins Jabez Nathan Garrideb should the butt of the ’s Wilson (The Red Headed have been a little more suspi- pistol. It is surprising that League) and Pycroft Hall (The cious about this trade. Evans didn’t get off another Stockbroker’s Clerk) as Holmes Slow on the Draw shot at Holmes, this one at clients who are lured away point blank range. With Holmes and Watson have Holmes incapacitated, he from their normal haunts so their guns drawn and aimed that a criminal can put his could have taken what he at Killer Evans as he sticks came for and escaped. Why plans to work. Similar to his head up through the en- John Clay’s case with Jabez didn’t Holmes shoot Evans trance to the cellar. Howard after being fired upon? Wilson, the needs ac- Elcock did a nice job of illus- cess to Garrideb’s place for trating this scene for The A Lion in Winter? nefarious purposes. Garrideb Strand and it is consistent Killer Evans’ real name was can perhaps be excused, as with Watson’s narrative. James Winter. Could he have he is a rather secluded old been the husband, or possi- man and likely more suscep- bly brother, of that hellcat tible to fraud. Also, Holmes So how in the heck did Ev- from The Illustrious Client, seemed to assure him that ans manage to draw a gun Kitty Winter? things were on the up and up (having to move his hands when he agreed that Gar- either into his coat or out of rideb should travel, alone, to sight below the level of the Birmingham. How could the floor to do so) and get off man know that Holmes was two shots, well-enough arranging a stake-out? aimed to wound Watson, without Holmes or Watson managing to return fire? The One does have to wonder, two men seem inexcusably however, about the $5 mil- lax in this instance. Holmes lion that Killer Evans was also moved close enough to going to give to Nathan Gar- rideb in exchange for the The Cases man’s one-third share of the Kansas estate. If this had The Three Garridebs 1 been a legitimate deal, was Evans going to convert his The Missing Three Quarter 3 one-third share to cash and Thor Bridge 8 exchange it for Garrideb’s one-third ownership share? The Three Gables 9 Would Evans have viewed Lady Frances Carfax 10 this deal as the price for get- ting Garrideb’s participation? The Mazarin Stone 11 It’s not like Evans had a The Veiled Lodger 15 THE CANON EXAMINED EXAMINED CANON THE Street Essays Baker VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 2

221B: Studies in (Otto Penzler’s Sherlock Holmes Library)

The very first article in Baker in Dr. Watson’s life. Street Essays was a glowing re- view of The Private Life of P.M. Stone relates a reporter’s Sherlock Holmes, by Vincent visit to an aging Holmes in Sus- Starrett. sex Interview. I enjoyed this little piece quite a bit. It is one of (and in my opinion, the best of ) the books in Otto Starrett’s The Adventure of the Penzler’s Sherlock Holmes Li- Unique Hamlet is frequently listed brary, a reissue of nine previ- near the top of pastiche rank- ously hard to find classics from ings, which I have never under- an earlier age of Sherlockiana, stood . Near the end of the story (which I don’t wish to give This series included a second away) Holmes explains to the volume by Starrett, 221B: Studies villain how the trail he took be- in Sherlock Holmes, a collection tween the two houses gave him Speaking of... was originally published in 1940. away. Unless I’m missing some- Unlike Private Life , which con- thing, this leaves a hole that you Gasogene Books has brought us sisted entirely of original com- could drive a truck through and a 75th anniversary edition of The positions, Starrett served as edi- quashes the redeeming qualities Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. tor of this collection of Sher- of the tale. I can’t imagine how Gasogene, of course, is the pub- lockiana, contributing only one this is considered one of the lisher of Leslie Klinger’s Sher- piece; a pastiche entitled The best non-Doyle Holmes adven- lock Holmes Reference Library Adventure of the Unique Hamlet. tures. volumes. Naturally, this kind of high quality stuff is what you can naturally expect from good Mid- 221B contains twelve essays, Sherlock Holmes in Pictures is a western folks. three pastiches and a crossword very nice reminiscence by the puzzle. It starts off with The great Frederic Dorr Steele him- Field Bazaar, a scene written by self and worthy of inclusion in This edition brings a new intro- Doyle for the Edinburgh Uni- more collections. Dorr Steele duction and commentary on the versity newspaper. It consists of comes across as very personable. book. A special treat is a video an episode in which Holmes on the website that lets you hear Vincent Starrett himself recite seemingly reads Watson’s mind, Edgar Smith’s Appointment in then explains how he did it. In his poem, 221B (with some nice Baker Street is an early dramatis video behind it). If you are any those pre-internet days, it’s personae from the Canon. Re- highly unlikely this small piece kind of Sherlockian (and you member; this was long before wouldn’t be reading this e- of Holmes fiction was widely Holmes encyclopedias by Or- available. newsletter if you weren’t), click lando Park, Tracy and Mat- on this link and listen to a legend thew Bunsen. At 101 pages, it is in the field. Was Sherlock Holmes an American?, also far and away the longest BSI founder Christopher Mor- piece of the book. ley’s heretical supposition that the world’s first consulting de- A few more pieces round out tective was really born on the the collection. On the whole, western side of the Atlantic there are some good reads in ocean, follows. 221B: Studies in Sherlock, but it is a mixed bag and not on the R.K. Leavitt’s Nummi in Arca same level as Starrett’s Private looks at Holmes’ fiscal situation Life of Sherlock Holmes. Of course, over the years and is an interest- that’s akin to saying Harrison ing topic. Elmer Davis and Jane Ford is no Humphrey Bogart in Nightwork each contribute arti- Sabrina. Who could be? cles about the role of matrimony Page 3 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Some Thoughts Regarding The Missing Three Quarter (MISS)

Holmes’ Humor Mount-James that Staunton may , sent to an animal The Missing Three-Quarter pro- have been kidnapped so that the keeper for Toby in The Sign of vides a wonderful look at could gain information Four. No stretch of imagination Holmes’ sense of humor. God- that would allow them to rob needed there. frey Staunton is missing and his the old man. Mount-James captain and teammate, Cyril nearly goes into shock and com- pliments his nephew, urging In this instance, they are in a “Holmes is often Overton, has asked Holmes to arrogant and Holmes to find him, even offer- small, rural village. Since find him. Staunton’s uncle is Pompey is part foxhound, it is condescending (see ing to pay as much as “a tenner” about any story in the Lord Mount-James, one of the possible that a hunting hound richest men in England and a to help out. Canon), but this is a would be available for use. But it more enjoyable side of disagreeable old . Mount- is surely convenient that Holmes his personality. James shows up at Staunton’s Holmes doesn’t really believe finds a top quality tracking dog hotel room as Holmes is going this to be true, but he said it to in the middle of nowhere, just through the missing man’s pa- “interest that exceedingly un- when he needs one. pers. pleasant old person.” Holmes is in rare form! He wanted to quiet How Did They Keep it a Mount-James asks who will pay down Mount-James and give for Holmes’ expenses if his him a poke in the ribs for his Secret? nephew is not found. When attitude regarding his missing Dr. Armstrong tells Holmes that Overton suggests that his family nephew (who is also heir). if Lord Mount-James discovered (which is Mount-James) would, Holmes is often arrogant and Godfrey Staunton’s secret mar- Mount-James explodes, as Wat- condescending (see about any riage, the old man would cer- son reports: story in the Canon), but this is a tainly cut his nephew out of his more enjoyable side of his per- will. Of course, the marriage is “’Nothing of the sort, sir!’ sonality. screamed the little man. ‘Don’t now over with his wife’s death, look to me for a penny – not a Pompey but what is the cover story going penny! You understand that, Pompey, apparently a beagle- to be regarding Staunton’s disap- Mr. Detective! I am all the foxhound mix, leads Holmes pearance? Lord Mount-James family that this young man has and Watson right to Staunton’s doesn’t seem to be the type to got, and I tell you that I am not cottage. This is an impressive overlook Staunton’s marriage responsible. If he has any expec- feat for the “eminent specialist just because his wife died. tations, it is due to the fact that in the work” that Holmes set I have never wasted money, and him to. Even the esteemed Toby Surely some plausible reason has I do not propose to begin to do did not have as successful a hunt to be found for the star three- so now.’” as Pompey. But one has to won- quarter missing the big match. der, where in the heck did this What will Overton tell his team- dog come from? Holmes, in When Holmes asks if Mount- mates and what will Holmes and James has any theory, the con- Armstrong tell Mount-James? tinually more disagreeable man Since it’s conceivable that Wat- finishes with “..and if he is so son would be present with foolish as to lose himself I en- Holmes when Mount-James tirely refuse to accept the re- demanded to know what had sponsibility of hunting for him.” happened (if for no other reason than to assure himself no gang of thieves was planning on rob- There is nothing to like about bing him), why didn’t Watson Mount-James. Sidney Paget cer- comment on this final aspect of tainly draws him as a particularly the case? unattractive man, and Watson depicts him as one on the inside. Holmes decides to tweak the unpleasant man. Holmes tells VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 4

Hard-Boiled Holmes

“But down these mean streets a man statement). The hard boiled must go who is not himself mean, who school of writing and the is neither tarnished nor afraid.” Golden Age detective mysteries were very, very different. But if we skip back one more genera- The Simple Art of Murder is an tion to the era of Sherlock essay by Raymond Chandler, Holmes, we can see similarities contained in the 1950 short to, and even influences upon, story collection of the same title. the hard-boiled writing style. The quote above can be found in that essay, which forever linked the term “mean streets” Little remembered Arthur Mor- with the ‘hard-boiled’ genre. rison created Martin Hewitt, the private detective who replaced Sherlock Holmes in the pages of One thinks of tough private eyes The Strand after Doyle sent our with guns, bottles and beautiful over a cliff at the Reichen- dames, of which Hugh B. Cave’s bach Falls. Peter Kane is one of the most developed. And extreme examples. But was it would be stood upon it’s figura- really Chandler who created the tive head. Before that, in 1893, Morrison phrase mean streets to describe wrote a series of fourteen short the environment that his classic Carroll John Daly, Frederick stories that were published in detective, Philip Marlowe, oper- Nebel and Raoul Whitfield were The National Observer and re- ated in? Is it possible that it was among those who wrote hard- leased in book form as Tales of Victorian London that gave boiled detective stories for Black Mean Streets. They were the de- birth to the mean streets, which Mask magazine. The two pressing stories of the desperate would later become famous as schools were reflections of the people in London’s East End. the settings in the pages of Black varying conditions in England These were the same streets that Mask, the American magazine and America. The quaint coun- noted wilderness author Jack that spawned the hard-boiled try manor, a characteristically London would write about in genre in the nineteen twenties? British setting, had little rele- The People of the Abyss. London Could it be that Sam Spade and vance to a United States eco- went to the East End in the his hard-boiled brethren were nomically booming after World really walking in the footsteps of War I, yet entangled in Prohibi- the world’s first private consult- tion. ing detective, Sherlock Holmes? Why, it’s elementary! The rise of the American gang- ster and the big city lifestyle lent The era of British detective fic- itself to tough-talking, fast- tion between the two World shooting in the Roar- Wars is known as the Golden ing Twenties (as depicted in the Age. This was the time of the film of the same name, starring country cozy and the locked- James Cagney and Humphrey room mystery. Closed environ- Bogart). The hard-boiled school ments and high society were was writing from the daily news. staples of the style, exemplified Dashiell Hammett, the first great by and John hard-boiled author, said that all Dickson Carr. Dorothy Sayers’ of his characters were based on If the style looks familiar, it’s typified the real people he’d come across as because The Strand used Sidney detective of the day. a Pinkerton Agency operative Paget to illustrate these stories But in nineteen twenties Amer- (probably somewhat of an over- ica, a counter to the Golden Age of Holmes’ successor. VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 5

Hard-Boiled Holmes cont. summer of 1902 and lived pursued. The mean streets of amongst the poorest of English The Dain Curse are more about society. That’s research! Holmes was far more than a the diabolical Owen Fitzstephan, problem-solver for the rich. He confidant and villain in the investigated many cases amongst story, than the thoroughfares of The bleakness and utter despair the middle and lower classes. San Francisco. of such an environment often And some of those affairs took James Coburn played a resulted in crime and depravity. him to the rougher side of Lon- Dorset Street was considered to don. Watson finds Holmes un- In The Norwood Builder, a success- Hammett-like version be the most crime-riddled street dercover in an opium den early ful businessman may have killed of The Continental Op in the entire city. In 1888, an in The Man With the Twisted Lip. a homeless man so that his body in a 1978 tv miniseries Holmes will be found in the remains of a of The Dain Curse. certainly building fire. It is not difficult to traversed picture Ross MacDonald’s Lew those mean Archer encountering a similar streets that situation as he investigates a Morrison southern California tycoon. The had written literal Victorian-era mean streets of. were redefined and reshaped for the new heard-boiled era. But the concept was present in Naturally, Doyle’s stories. Holmes ventured to country No one is going to confuse Vic- houses and torian London with Hammett’s estimated 1,500 people lived on rural vil- Poisonville. But the back alleys the one hundred-and-fifty foot lages to solve crimes. The Hound and opium dens of Doyle’s sto- long street. It was said that the of the Baskervilles, The Boscombe ries sometimes come to mind were afraid to enter it Valley Mystery, The Sussex Vam- when reading Chester Himes’ after dark, and certainly did not pire and The Solitary Cyclist are excellent tales set in Harlem. go in alone. It’s no wonder Jack just a few examples. But he was Raymond Chandler exhumed the Ripper went hunting here. very much an urban sleuth. And the phrase created by Arthur The seedy streets of Victorian Holmes-era writers helped paint Morrison and transplanted it London were a far cry from the a picture of the more dangerous across one ocean and several halls and manors that Holmes side of England’s greatest city. decades. Doyle’s mysteries were often visited. primarily about Holmes and the crime itself. The best hard- However, the mean streets of boiled mysteries had deeper We know that Holmes fre- hard-boiled stories were more themes in their plots. The mean quently moved about the upper than just the physical environ- streets of Morrison were not class, but he also often disguised ments that they served as in simply copied, they were himself as a workingman or Holmes’ time. Many of the au- evolved into something more. thors were writing about the some other commoner for an investigation. The Canon is re- good and evil in mankind, not plete with instances of Watson just the roads and towns that the Now, even a cursory glance being fooled by one of Holmes’ detectives found themselves shows us that the hard-boiled disguises. Even ‘the Woman,’ traversing. Dashiell Hammett’s and Golden Age schools of mys- Irene Adler, was taken in not Continental Op books are very tery fiction were dissimilar. But once, but twice, by Holmes’ much about the fundamental were those characteristics that theatrical abilities during A Scan- issues of morality and humanity, were so well developed by the dal in Bohemia, though he gave and the streets that he traveled American pulp writers of the himself away the second time. extended to the criminals he twenties and thirties present a VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 6

Hard-Boiled Holmes cont.

generation before in Doyle’s Hammett’s Continental Op did In Charles Augustus Milverton, one stories of the great detective, a great deal of tailing suspects, could argue effectively that Sherlock Holmes? Yes, to a de- just as the Pinkerton agent- Holmes aided in (and most cer- gree, they were! turned-author did himself. tainly covered up) the murder of ‘the worst man in London.’ He does not put the law, or even Agatha Christie’s Another very important element legal justice, before what he be- seemed to find more crime in of hard-boiled fiction was that lieves is right. the village of St. Mary Meade of a “personal code of honor.” than existed in the entirety of Sam Spade sums it up at the end London. It’s hard to believe how of The Maltese Falcon when he This code was not a mandatory much malice and mayhem there turns in Brigid O’Shaughnessy. element of hard-boiled writing. was in the place. It simply wasn’t Near the end of a speech where Several of Jim Thompson’s realistic. That element of real- he explains why he can’t let her books have been adapted to the ism, a key characteristic in the go, he says “I won’t because all silver screen, including The Get- hard-boiled school, had more in of me wants to – wants to say to away, The Grifters and Pop. 1280. common with Doyle’s tales. hell with the consequences and His gritty looks at American life Sure, there were the fantastic do it..” It is the perfect example were not built around detectives, stories. Can you see a hard- of the -errant putting ‘the and it’s often hard to find a code boiled version of The Devil’s code’ before his own interests. of honor when you can’t even Foot? Didn’t think so. The ‘wax locate a sympathetic person in figure of Holmes’ ruse from The the cast of characters. And Mazarin Stone would not fly in a Conan Doyle was certainly a James M. Cain’s Double Indemnity Paul Cain (Cain au- proper British gentleman whose and The Postman Always Rings thored the classic hard-boiled patriotic loyalties we see re- Twice are almost bereft of moral book, The flected in Watson. The author conviction. But the code was Fast One). instilled his sense of personal important to the hard-boiled But several honor into Holmes. Quotes are detective. of the sprinkled throughout the Canon that reflect Holmes’ code of John D. MacDonald’s Travis Holmes sto- McGee carried on this code in a ries had ele- conscience over the dictates of law. A few examples: series of successful ments that spread over twenty years. Mac- could be Donald’s favorite image of read in the - I had rather play tricks with the day’s head- law of England than with lines. my own conscience (The Abbey Grange) While a bit factually stilted, The - I suppose that I am commut- Valley of Fear had a very real ing a felony, but it is just basis in the story of James possible that I am saving a McParland (Birdy Edwards) and soul (The Blue Carbuncle) Pennsylvania’s Molly Maguires - I suppose I shall have to com- (The Scowrers). The Five Orange mute a felony as usual (The Pips incorporated the Ku Klux Three Gables) Klan. Anyone familiar with the case of Harvey Crippen, ‘The - Legally, we are putting our- Mild Mannered Murderer,’ can selves hopelessly in the see elements that appeared in wrong, but I think that it is Doyle’s The Retired Colourman. worth it (The Yellow Face) Even Holmes’ competition, the That first quote is a very repre- private detective only identified sentative look at Holmes’ atti- as “Barker,” shadows Josiah tude towards his personal code. Amberley in that story. VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 7

Hard-Boiled Holmes cont.

McGee, an unofficial private Holmes with Sam Spade. Two and the British mystery school. eye, was as a weary knight riding characters, representing the a worn-out steed, jousting with a Doylean and hard-boiled ap- broken lance. proaches, worked together in each story. This characteristic is Travis McGee, perhaps more probably one of the primary than any detective from the pulp reasons that the Wolfe books era, personified the detective’s have enjoyed so much success personal code of honor. McGee over three-quarters of a century. differs from Holmes in this re- gard in that he was a much more A mention of S.S. Van Dine’s The mean streets of Holmes’ humanized version of the char- (real name: Willard Huntington London had counterparts in the acter. But the elements of Wright) Philo Vance, a New urban and moral settings of Holmes’ sense of personal right York-based version of the gen- Hammett, Chandler and David and wrong carried through the tleman detective, who starred in Goodis (author of Shoot the Piano entire hard-boiled genre and on several novels in the twenties Player, subject of an acclaimed to its private detective descen- and thirties. For a time, he was film by Francois Truffaut). dents. James Lee Burke’s Dave as popular as any in Doyle used real-world events in Robicheaux teeters on the ledge detective fiction. his plotting, the same way the of self-destruction in his convic- Vance appeared in over a dozen American hard-boiled authors tion to follow his belief in right tore the headlines out of the over wrong. But we can cate- movies, played by, among oth- ers, ‘Thin Man’ William Powell, daily papers and shaped them gorically say that the hard-boiled into action-packed tales. hero was a man of honor, just as ‘Perry Mason’ Warren Williams Holmes was decades before. and Paul Lukas, whose perform- ance in Watch Over the Rhine Though not a direct model, copped the Oscar that Hum- Sherlock Holmes was a Victo- Rex Stout created Nero Wolfe in phrey Bogart deserved for Casa- rian-era predecessor of Sam 1934 and the last story was pub- blanca. Vance also starred in Spade and Philip Marlowe. Since lished in 1975, a month before radio serials. But today, Vance is we started with a quote from the author’s death. Fortunately, all but forgotten, while the hard Chandler’s essay, we’ll finish there were over fifty Wolfe tales boiled genre is not only remem- with one as well: “…and Sher- in between. Stout created a syn- bered but still influencing mod- lock Holmes after all is mostly thesis of Holmes and the hard- ern mystery fiction. an attitude and a few dozen lines boiled school that has yet to be Black Mask was for the hard- of unforgettable dialogue.” It’s a surpassed. boiled school what The Strand fitting epithet for Raymond had been for Sherlock Holmes Chandler’s own hard-boiled Nero Wolfe was a brilliant, dis- detective. agreeable and incurably lazy detective. He seems very much A version of this article originally ap- to be a successor to Mycroft peared in Sherlock magazine. Holmes, with a bit of Sherlock thrown in. His chronicler and assistant was the smooth talking Nine years before donning the tough guy, Archie Goodwin. deerstalker, Basil Rathbone appeared as Philo Vance in The Goodwin himself stacks up with Bishop Murder Case. the best of the hard-boiled pri- vate eyes. To over-simplify, Stout paired Mycroft/Sherlock Page 8 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Some Thoughts Regarding Thor Bridge (THOR)

Beaten Again? husband, watches this succubus goes to the meeting, making sure In Some Thoughts Regarding The now win over her children, day that she is seen on the way. Neil Abbey Grange (Baker Street Essays, by day. Not knowing what to Gibson also makes his way to Volume I, Issue I), I speculated do, she simply watches the ero- the bridge, though secretly. that perhaps Holmes had been sion of her life. Maria Gibson is there, waiting The suicide in Thor Bridge when Dunbar arrives. She is is a near copy of a real- fooled by two lovers who con- surprised that her husband is life case included by Dr. spired to murder a spouse. Is it Meanwhile, Gibson secretly Hans Gross in his possible that Holmes had a blind absent, but she unleashes a blis- masterpiece of criminal woos Grace Dunbar. His force- tering verbal assault upon the investigation, Handbuch spot regarding this particular ful personality and loads of interloper to her household. fur Untersuchungsrichter, crime and he once again was money make him difficult to from 1893. It is too much duped by a pretty woman? Dunbar attempts to both stoke of a stretch of the resist. Either willingly or grudg- the fires of passion in her rival imagination to think that ingly, Dunbar gives in to his Sir while also avoiding a physical was not familiar with this Neil Gibson admits that he no attentions and becomes his mis- confrontation. incident. tress. Maria Gibson, like Sir longer loves his wife, Maria. “My love faded,” he says. He Eustace Brackenstall in The Ab- attempted to “kill her love,” or bey Grange, is an impediment. Neil Gibson approaches from to “turn it to hate.” But Maria, Her condition, that of being behind his wife, unnoticed as terrible wife that she was, re- alive, prevents two illicit lovers she unleashes her sound and mained in love with the man from the life they wish to lead fury. He reaches her unnoticed, whom she left her county and together. Gibson already has though this is not vital. It does family for. She adored Gibson riches; he just needs to get rid of make things easier and he shoots just as she had twenty years be- his wife to live happily ever after her in the head. Gibson and fore when they met. He was with Grace Dunbar. Maria Gib- Dunbar then stage events, dis- hash, even brutal towards her, son must die. posing of the gun in exactly the but she remained “as devoted as fashion Holmes deduced. Maria ever.” Gibson is dead, the bridge is But how to achieve the desired chipped and the gun is in the end? Gibson’s life is a story of water. ‘Wait a minute,’ you ask. The stage is set for the third success. He will dispose of his ‘Surely the bridge was chipped party to enter and complete the wife in a way that does not risk by accident. That doesn’t help love triangle. Grace Dunbar his future with Dunbar. The two the killers.’ answers an ad for a governess. lovers concoct a bold plan. She is by all accounts beautiful and Neil Gibson brings her Neil Gibson makes it known to aboard. Did Maria Gibson pro- his wife that he has a meeting test: Probably, but to no avail. A that evening. He is his usual rival has moved in. There is no rude self and tells her nothing mention of a suitor for Dunbar, more. and we can speculate that a live- in governess is probably not a woman of means. The next step is to leave a note, ostensibly to her husband, where Maria Gibson will find it. Gibson, who has been trying to The note read “I will be at Thor drive off his wife and treats her Bridge at nine o’clock.” You can cruelly, is instantly attracted to bet that she will go there to con- this attractive new woman in his front her husband and this life. She probably gets on well woman. with the children, which might make her even more desirable. Au contraire. The chip in the Gibson gives Dunbar one of a stone bridge is as vital to the pair of pistols to hide in her plan as the note with Grace Maria Gibson, now alone in a room, which she does with no Dunbar’s name on it. Gibson strange country, unloved by her one noticing. Dunbar openly and Dunbar expected Maria Page 9 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Some Thoughts Regarding Some Thoughts Regarding Thor Bridge (THOR) cont. The Three Gables (3GAB)

Gibson to bring the note with Noble or Greedy? The Unidentified her to the bridge, expecting to Isadora Klein is not legally cul- Who is the clueless inspector be found on the body. Maria pable for the death of Douglas who works this case with Gibson clutching it in her dead Maberley, though she drove him Holmes? He is not identified by Claudine Auger played hand was a suitable substitute. to his ruin. Of course, she did name nor is he drawn by an Isadora Klein opposite admit to having him savagely illustrator. I find his attitude Jeremy Brett in It is a disguised suicide. Gibson beaten and to stealing his un- towards Holmes and the case Granada’s version of published manuscript. However, reminiscent of Inspector Athel- can’t expect the local police to The Three Gables. The find the chip in the bridge. apparently, from Holmes’ van- ney Jones, last seen in The Sign of one-time Miss France Grace Dunbar will be arrested. tage, there is very little he can do Four. Sherlock Holmes is brought into to make her pay for her mis- had previously been a the case to find evidence remov- deeds. So, he resorts to extor- Bond girl (Thunderball) tion. D. Martin Dakin, appalled by ing suspicion from Dunbar. Holmes’ attitude towards Steve Money is no object. Holmes, the Dixie, asserts that this story was pre-eminent consulting detective Holmes demands 5,000 pounds not written by Dr. Watson. To in the world will surely notice from Klein. The money is to be his point we could add the the chip. Assembling the pieces given to Mrs. Maberley so that unique element of the mystery of the puzzle, he conducts the she can travel around the world. inspector. Nowhere else in the experiment described by Wat- This is to recompense her some- Canon do we find an unnamed son, resulting in discovery of the what for the injury done to her official taking the lead on a case water-logged pistol and the re- son. investigated by Holmes. lease of Dunbar.

Holmes does not charge any- Looking for other possible evi- Neil Gibson and Grace Dunbar body a fee for his services in this dence that distinguish this case murder Gibson’s wife, Maria. case. He did solve it, getting to form others in the Canon, the They make it appear as if Dun- the bottom of the mysterious detective also roughs up Mrs. bar is guilty of the crime. Gib- doings at the Three Gables. Did Maberley’s maid and makes fun son then hires Sherlock Holmes, Holmes perhaps “take a little of her, which seems out of the whose brilliance leads to the something off the top” and con- ordinary. And of course, he ex- exact results the American mil- vey less than 5,000 pounds to torts money from Isadora Klein. lionaire sought. Poor Maria Gib- Mrs. Maberley? He’s already Holmes seems a rather unpol- son comes off looking like a sad, admitted to compounding a ished character in this story, not desperate woman. Whatever felony in demanding the money the world’s foremost consulting sympathy she might have ex- from Isadora Klein, whom he detective. pected is forfeited because she clearly does not like. If he did attempted to frame the give the full 5,000 pounds to ‘innocent’ Grace Dunbar. Maberley, did he not also de- Surely a Little Effort is Called mand something extra from For After a suitable mourning pe- Klein for his trouble? Holmes identifies Douglas Ma- riod, Gibson weds Dunbar. The berley’s luggage as the key to the facts are still as Watson pre- case, yet does not look through sented them, but in reality, Sher- it. He tells Mrs. Maberley to do lock Holmes has been outwitted so and goes home. This is lazi- in this case. ness on Holmes’ part that al- most costs him the case.


Some Thoughts Regarding The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax (LADY)

Cut the Man a Break aware that Holmes is after him, Surely Peters must go down as In John H Watson: The Crime Doc- he could quite possibly have one of the most successful tor, (Baker Street Essays, Vol- succeeded in disposing of Lady criminals in the Canon. The final ume 1.2) I discuss Watson’s Carfax, to her fatal detriment. words of the story are from efforts on Holmes’ behalf in this For reasons I discuss in John H Holmes: “If our ex-missionary case in detail. Here, I will only Watson: The Crime Doctor, Holmes friends escape the clutches of point out one aspect: has a predisposed view of Wat- Lestrade, I shall expect to hear son’s efforts, even when his own of some brilliant incidents in performance is far less than stel- their future career.” Early on, Holmes says “Watson, lar. This is quite evident in The a very pretty hash of it you have Disappearance of Lady Carfax. Watson does not reveal whether made!” This is followed shortly thereafter by, “And a singularly or not the two are caught. He consistent investigation you What’s With the Disguise? also does not mention them in have made, my dear Watson. I Why is Holmes disguised as a any future chronicles, so it is cannot at the moment recall any French workman when he quite possible that Holmes did possible blunder which you have comes to Watson’s aid in the not encounter Holy Peters again. omitted. The total effect of your streets of Montpellier? There is Perhaps, fortunate with his nar- proceedings has been to give the absolutely no explanation for row escape, Peters avoided any alarm everywhere and yet to this. Was it required for his cur- activity that would put Holmes discover nothing.” rent efforts to find Lady Carfax? on his trail again. Clearing out of London certainly seemed like a If so, he doesn’t reveal the rea- son to Watson. Is he working on prudent move for the native I can find no evidence of this another case? The major chro- Australian. unfair assault on Watson’s ef- nologists do not think so. Per- forts. The good doctor has haps Holmes sim- picked up the trail of Lady Car- ply didn’t want to fax, discovered the name of the be bothered by the couple she was last seen with public or French and located her former maid. police while he was What “alarm” has he sounded there and felt the everywhere? When Holmes and need to go incog- Watson finally confront the vil- nito. Holmes has lainous Holy Peters, there is already received absolutely no sign that he had the French Order been forewarned that Sherlock of the Legion of Holmes was on his trail. In fact, Honor and he may had he known this, he would have believed that certainly not have sent Mary once the local po- Fraser to the same pawnshop he lice realized he was himself had recently used. in town, he would be deluged with In fact, if anyone tipped off requests for assis- Peters, it was Holmes himself! tance. Holmes forces his way into Pe- ter’s residence and holds a gun What Happened on the man. But the detective to Holy Peters? cannot find Lady Carfax. He is removed from the premises by Holmes barely the police. Peters would have to manages to save be dead to not be alarmed now! Lady Carfax and He proceeds with his plans, Holy Peters and which proves to be his undoing. his partner, Mary Had he altered them, obviously Fraser, escape. VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 11

Some Thoughts Regarding The Mazarin Stone (MAZA)

The Play’s the Thing and were quite popular. The It contains the only mention of a Jack Tracy’s The Published Apocry- Crown Diamond was suffering in waiting room; pha contains the full text of the comparison. It contains the only mention of a play The Crown Diamond, as well secret exit from Holmes’ bed- as an informative essay about it. room; Though credited to Sir Arthur The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone It contains the only mention of and The Crown Diamond are es- Conan Doyle, Watson certainly had to have a significant role in an electric bell to summon sentially the same story and someone; share much of the same dia- the writing of The Crown Dia- logue, differing only in a few mond. The Strand was preparing The only thing preventing details. to publish The Mazarin Stone in Holmes from having Count October and the story was Negretto Sylvius arrested is the clearly derived from the play. In fact that the detective doesn’t One of those details worth not- fact, it may well have been the know where the Mazarin Stone ing is that Colonel Sebastian earliest example of a noveliza- is. So of course, the villain, Dennis Neilsen-Terry Moran is the villain in play, tion tie-in (the stage having since knowing Holmes is in the next starred as Holmes in whereas it is Count Negreto been supplanted as the source room, reveals his plans for the The Crown Diamond. Sylvius in the story. Using material by films and television stone and takes it out of a secret The play lasted only 28 Moran makes sense, since play- for such “quickie” books). pocket. Naturally, the hidden performances. goers likely would know the Holmes grabs it; character, based on his feature role in The Empty House. Both For whatever reasons (quite men like air guns and are big possibly easy money: it has been Holmes substituting himself for game hunters, so the real differ- known to happen), Watson was the dummy without the villains ence is negligible. determined to go forward with noticing stretches credulity; his new Holmes story. But rather than have his name tied Watson as the Author to a weak story, based on a less- Holmes tells Watson he may than-wildly successful play, he well be murdered by the Count. Theories abound as to who the With the Count about to come real author of the story is, in- quickly reworked his manuscript as a third person story. Now he into the room, Holmes tells cluding Dr. Watson, Sir Arthur Watson to go fetch the police. Conan Doyle, Watson’s wife would still be paid, but his name would not be identified as the Watson hurries off without a (the former Mary Morstan), Billy protest, even though it is quite the page and an unidentified author of this forgettable Sher- lock Holmes adventure. This possible Sylvus will kill Holmes person who wrote it up from while the doctor is gone. Watson’s notes. ploy apparently worked, as the debate over authorship still ex-

ists today. Holmes... I support the “Watson as au- thor” theory, but for what I With Jeremy Brett in poor believe is an original reason. The A Lazy Tale health, Granada extensively re- Crown Diamond opened on May This story is quite possibly the worked the story to feature My- 2, 1921. Compared to William weakest of all in the Canon. It croft. Charles Gray, best-known Gillette’s Sherlock Holmes and has the feel of being rushed out as James Bond’s nemesis, Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Speck- to coincide with the perform- ‘Blofeld,’ carried the episode. led Band, The Crown Diamond was ance of The Crown Diamond. Ex- not a very successful play por- amples of the unusual details traying the great detective. And found and the lack of quality yet another element is the series usually present in a Holmes ad- of silent films starring Eille Nor- venture: wood. The first fifteen Eille It is told in the third person, one Norwood shorts, collectively of only two out of sixty not known as The Adventure of Sher- overtly narrated by Holmes or lock Holmes, appeared in 1921 Watson; Page 12 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Reichenbach From a Different Point of View

My name is Professor James surprise. Of course, the man He seemed a bit chagrined and Moriarty. I am, to be immodest, only persecuted me from afar. I slowly extracted the gun, placing a particularly gifted individual in know for a fact that he broke it on the table in front of him. I regards to the field of mathe- into my home at least twice, noticed that it was still pointed matics. My treatise upon the looking for heaven knows what. at me and he could fire it within Binomial Theorem was well And once, I am sure that he a second. received in my younger days and took some papers related to a The Dynamics of an Asteroid re- mathematical theorem I was mains my finest work. I spent working on. Did the egomaniac “You evidently don’t know me. some time as Chair of Mathe- have the decency to return them, I am Professor James Moriarty, matics at a small university, but once he discovered that there a teacher of mathematics. There the life of a professor in a rural was nothing sinister about them? is no need for aiming a loaded town was simply too dull for Of course not. Two years of gun at me, sir.” me, so I found employment as effort gone! an Army Coach in London. He moved not a facial muscle. He harassed my professional “On the contrary, I think it is Ah, London, what a marvelous associates and hounded my fairly evident that I do. Oh, I city! I could wax eloquently for household staff. The man was know you too well, Professor. I hours about the emerald of attempting to frame me for high know that you were forced to Queen Victoria’s great empire. crimes! The entire situation was give up your Chair; that you live But alas, it was in London that I just absurd. I understand he did far above your legitimate income encountered my greatest diffi- not even tell his colleague, Dr. and that you are the chief of a culties. For reasons that I will Watson, about me. Mister criminal organization, the likes likely never understand, the Holmes clearly seemed to have of which England has never great detective, Sherlock some kind of persecution mania seen.” Holmes, convinced himself that and was transferring it towards I was a criminal mastermind! me. Oh bother, here we go again. Can you imagine? I am a rail- thin math teacher and author. Finally, the situation became “Please sit, I can spare you a few intolerable. I was in danger of minutes if you would like to Why, he told Inspector Mac- losing my current position due speak.” Donald of Yard that I to his assaults upon my charac- had checking accounts in twenty ter. I resolved to visit him at his different banks! I have saved a lodgings in Baker Street. I was there to tell him that if he respectable amount, and I re- did not stop harassing me, I ceived a moderately generous would pursue the matter bequest when my father died, I had read all of the tales in The through the courts, and he was but twenty checking accounts? Strand, and I knew, disturbed as fully aware of this. “All that I Preposterous! I also understand the man was, that he was a su- have to say has already crossed that he told people that I had an premely intelligent individual. I your mind.” have studied some minor mat- original Greuze in my home. I happen to know which painting ters of the brain, and I was sur- he is referring to, and it was prised that his orbital develop- “Then possibly my answer has painted by my younger brother, ment was a bit less than I ex- crossed yours,” he replied. Colonel James Moriarty. How pected and I told him the same. anyone could mistake that with a But then I had to exclaim in surprise: I should have known that there Greuze is beyond me. would be no reasoning with this man. He was going to force my Apparently, spurred on by “It is a dangerous habit to finger hand. Apparently the mania that Holmes’ talk, the CID investi- loaded firearms in the pocket of he suffered from was driving his gated me. They found nothing one’s dressing gown. You could actions. “You stand fast?” amiss, which should come as no injure both of us!” VOLUME II, ISSUE I Page 13

Reichenbach From a Different Point of View cont.

“Absolutely.” “At the end of March, I was final attempt to sway him with absolutely hampered in my reason and flattery, rather than a threat. With a defeated sigh, I reached plans. I could not take my to my inside coat pocket and scheduled trip to France because withdrew my pad, which I never you arranged for the Crown “Tut, tut. I am quite sure that a went anywhere without. He pan- Solicitor to audit my finances. man of your intelligence will see icked and picked up the re- Of course, they found nothing that there can be but one out- volver, pointing it at my fore- amiss, but my travel opportunity come to this affair. It is neces- head. had passed.” sary that you should withdraw. You have worked things in such a fashion that we have only one The smile grew slightly wider. Moriarty is not a criminal “Again, I insist that you put resource left. It has been an down the pistol before you in- intellectual treat to me to see the mastermind in Michael jure someone. Really, man, you “And now, at the close of April, way in which you have grappled Kurland’s The Infernal are trying my patience.” I looked I find myself placed in such a with this affair, and I say, unaf- Device, Death by at some dates scribbled in my position through your continual fectedly, that it would be a grief Gaslight, The Paradol book. persecution that I am in positive to me to be forced to take any Paradox, The Great Game danger of losing my liberty. I extreme measure. You smile, sir, and The Empress of India. “ You crossed my path on the found the jewels that you but I assure you that it really 4th of January. To be more pre- planted in my study safe. You would.” I shuddered inwardly at cise, you accosted me outside were obviously going to call the having to insincerely compli- my club and threatened me.” police and have them found in ment this lunatic. my possession.”

He merely looked on impas- “Danger is a part of my trade,” sively. He finally spoke. “Three days, he said with complete cool. professor. You and your entire gang are to be rounded up in “On the 23rd, you incommoded three more days.” I was absolutely furious! This man’s paranoia was destroying a me. Really, Mister Holmes. I think it was totally unacceptable life that I had worked very hard that you fed green hay to my “Gang! What gang? What in the to build. I will admit that I fi- carriage horse. I was late for my world is wrong with you? Did nally lost my temper. Readers of lecture, and my poor Mary was that seven per cent solution fry The Strand may recall Dr. Wat- incapable of pulling her load for your rational processes? The son’s recounting of Holmes’ four days.” situation is becoming an impos- version of what I said next: sible one.”

He neither affirmed nor denied “This is not danger. It is inevita- anything. “Have you any suggestion to ble destruction. You stand in the make?” he asked me, as if he way of not merely an individual,

were looking for dining accom- but of a mighty organization, the “By the middle of February I modations. full extent of which, you, with all was seriously inconvenienced by your cleverness, have been un- you. To set off a smoking de- able to realize. You must stand vice, stand up in the back of my I had to clench and unclench my clear, Mister Holmes, or be trod- auditorium during class and yell fists to retain my composure. den under foot.” ‘Fire’ is beyond all bounds, sir, ” “You must drop it, Mister

I said, warmly. Holmes. Really, you must.” Pure blather! I can’t really blame

Dr. Watson, who always seemed A faint smile played across his “After Monday,” he replied. a bit simpleminded to me, which face. I was completely exasper- would explain why he continued ated with this man. Oh, what a villain! I made one to follow Holmes around like a lap dog and put up with so many Page 14 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Reichenbach From a Different Point of View cont.

indignities, which he himself “Mister Holmes, you have per- time he left Baker Street. recorded. He was merely report- secuted me long enough. I am Holmes had put more men in ing back what Holmes told him. not without influence. If you do the dock than any other citizen not cease and desist as of this of London. Yet, these mishaps moment, I shall bring charges were all caused by me, a criminal What organization was he talk- against you on Monday morn- mastermind. Ridiculous! ing about? For heaven’s sake, I ing. I have documented your was a math teacher! Other than actions, and you shall suffer for my household staff, which de- them. I give you this last oppor- The next morning, he set out pended upon my good standing tunity to act with some kind of with Watson on a trip to the for their wages, who in the propriety. I implore you to take Continent. Apparently, there world was he referring to? The advantage of it.” had been a fire in his Baker man was clearly out of his mind. Street flat the evening before.

Based on Dr. Watson’s ac- The man actually laughed at me counts, I’m surprised that he What I actually said was: and said that on Monday morn- hadn’t already burned the place “Danger? What danger? The ing I would be taking my first to the ground, between his out- only danger here is that you will step to the gallows! I gathered landish experiments and careless shortly find yourself in front of my hat and cane and arose. I smoking habits. But once again, the magistrate for unlawful per- could not believe that this man it was the diabolical Professor secution. Do you have any un- was England’s finest detective. Moriarty who was to blame. derstanding of what you are As I passed through the door, I doing? If you do not cease both- John Gardner’s trilogy, heard him say “We are not ering me immediately, I shall through yet, as you shall soon Holmes was in disguise, while The Return of Moriarty, ruin you before the courts. Watson was in his everyday trav- The Revenge of Moriarty know.” None will come to you for your eling clothes. What kind of a and Moriarty, feature a variant Moriarty as a famous detecting skills.” muttonhead would I have to be Gaslight-Era I took this to mean that he to not recognize the good doc- godfather. would continue hounding me. tor? Some criminal mastermind I Apparently he had become Oh, how I was mistaken. I un- was supposed to be! bored with the conversation. He derstand from Dr. Watson’s stood and said in the most exas- account that Holmes was nearly peratingly condescending man- run down by a van shortly after- As he was running around the ner, “I am afraid, that in the wards. That type of thing cer- city dressed as an elderly Italian pleasure of this conversation I tainly never happens on the cob- priest, I was in my study, prepar- am neglecting business of im- blestone streets of London! No, ing to work on a breakthrough portance which awaits me else- his nemesis must have been regarding the binomial theorem. where.” trying to kill him. Then, a brick I had found a variation on my fell from a building being re- early work that promised to be paired and nearly injured him. revolutionary. I sensed that I I shook my head in sadness. I was only a few days away from will not repeat verbatim Wat- He summoned the police, who found nothing on the roof and perfecting it, after over a year of son’s report of what we said labor. Imagine my horror when next. It is completely ridiculous. determined that it must have been the wind. Oh no, Holmes I opened my wall safe and my My saying that I wouldn’t stand papers were gone! Instead, sit- in the dock; Holmes talking knew better! Finally, he was attacked by a ruffian on the ting where the bundle should about former eventualities and have been, was Sherlock my saying he would get one, but streets, but Holmes overcame him and the man was arrested. Holmes’ Consulting Detective not the other. It smacks of card. I screamed in rage, star- cheap stage dialogue! Of course, tling my housekeeper. Now he Watson was not much of a I ask you, what man in all of had gone too far. On the back writer. England was most despised by of the card was written, simply, the criminal element? Why, ‘Paris.’ No, I shall tell you of that ex- Sherlock Holmes. I am amazed (Cont. on next page) change. What I in fact said was, that he was not set upon every Page 15 BAKER STREET ESSAYS

Some Thoughts Regarding The Veiled Lodger (VEIL)

Watson’s Records The ‘Politician’ At the opening of The Veiled Sherlockians have speculated on Casement became a strong sup- Lodger, Watson mentions the the identity of the mysterious porter of the moment for Irish “long row of year-books which politician referenced in this case. independence from England and fill a shelf” and “the dispatch- The Veiled Lodger occurred in he traveled to New York City, case filled with documents.” 1896 and was published in 1927. seeking aid for the Irish nation- These are treasure troves of Presumably the events involving alist movement. World War I Watson’s notes and summaries the politician, the lighthouse and broke out and Casement trav- of Holmes’ cases. He then ex- the trained cormorant occurred eled to Berlin in 1914, seeking “”Casement was found plains that someone is attempt- closer to the latter date, rather German aid for Irish independ- guilty of treason, ing to destroy these papers! than the former. Attempts to ence. Germany’s support was stripped of his knighthood and hung destroy the documents would tepid, at best, and Casement likely not have waited over thirty became disappointed in the re- on August 3, 1916” Watson states that he knows years if they were that damaging. sults of his efforts. He feared who is behind “these outrages” that an uprising planned in Ire- and if they continue, he will land for Easter, 1916, was reveal “the whole story concern- Who could the politician be? doomed to failure. A German ing the politician, the lighthouse How about Sir Roger Casement? submarine returned him to Ire- and the trained cormorant.” Casement was a close friend of land on April 12 of that year. Wow!! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Twelve days later, he was cap- served for many years as the tured by the British and charged British Consul in Africa and with treason. I would mention that there is no South America. guarantee that politician refer- enced in the untold case is the The Black Diaries, allegedly person behind the attempt to written by Casement, surfaced destroy Watson’s papers. This after his arrest and certainly does not seem to be an unrea- prejudiced his case. The diaries sonable assumption, however, alleged that Casement had sex and would add another compel- with young native boys during ling element to the untold case. his diplomatic service.

Doyle argued that Casement’s homosexuality was caused by Reichenbach... insanity and the man should be spared, but his efforts failed. cont. Casement was found guilty of I could barely think straight. He treason, stripped of his knight- had stolen my papers! hood and hung on August 3, 1916. Casement was openly critical of revealed that how native workers were treated Oh, just recalling that moment Holmes was active in aiding the in the Congo and his 1903 Re- absolutely infuriates me. I had war effort for England. As the port received international atten- never been so disturbed in my Irish-American agent Altamont, tion. As a result, Belgium im- life. I find myself clenching my he was certainly capable of infil- proved conditions in the Congo fists in rage even now. In fact, I trating the Irish Nationalist in 1908. For his accomplish- think this is an expeditious mo- movement on behalf of the For- ments, Casement was awarded a ment to pause in my tale and eign Office. Did Holmes’ ac- knighthood in 1911. He suffered return to my work. I shall com- tions result in Casement’s ulti- from poor health and that same plete my tale, including my mate execution? amazing encounter with Holmes year he retired from public ser- at the Reichenbach Falls, at an- vice and returned to Dublin, the other time. city where he was born. Baker Street Essays The Canon Examined

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Illustrators of the Canon:

Frederic Dorr Steele

with color and detail. Dorr Steele’s black and white illustrations are much less exciting and, in general, infe- rior to Sidney Paget’s work, . One notable exception is the wistful picture above from The Lion’s Mane. William Gil- lette was clearly a strong in-

On the strength of his mar- velous cover illustrations for Collier’s, Frederic Dorr Steele is the pre-eminent American Sherlockian artist. They are wonderful drawings alive