MAHAQUIZZER 30th Anniversary of KQA ANSWERS DO NOT OPEN TILL THE END OF THE 90 MIN Minor spelling variations are okay, so long as it does not alter meaning For all answers which are names of people, just surname is acceptable. However, if surname is correct and first name is wrong, the answer is to be considered incorrect. No half points for any question The portion marked in bold is the operative part of the answer. Use * questions for a tie and if a tie is still not resolved use ** questions. Any dispute should be settled only with the quiz setting team. Please direct the participant to contact
[email protected] within 3 days. If in doubt, call Santosh Swaminathan (+91 98449 53179) Vivek Karthikeyan (+91 98450 79348) Interpreted as a show of strength by the newly elected Government, and accepted Pokharan II blasts of 1. as a blunder of US Intelligence agencies, what event provoked the US 1998 administration to impose economic sanctions on India? Matt Biondi went to the Seoul Olympic Games bidding to emulate Mark Spitz's Anthony Nesty (of 2. seven gold haul from Munich, but in the 100m Butterfly, he lost gold by 0.01 of a Surinam) second. Who beat Biondi? Assamese (derived from Jollywood is the colloquial name given to a specific Indian language movie Jyoti Chitraban studio 3. industry. It is in reference to the studio named after the person who made the first named after Jyoti Prasad movie in what language? Agarwala) The literal meaning of the name of this beach is "water breaking over rocks” or “noise of water breaking over rocks".