"Bleeding Love" Original Spec Script Written by Logan Conover
[email protected] (610) 657-986 ii. Characters Meredith Grey Alex Karev Richard Webber Miranda Bailey Arizona Robbins April Kepner Jackson Avery Matthew DeLuca Amelia Shepherd Owen Hunt Maggie Pierce Stephanie Edwards Jo Wilson Ginger Reed Mollie Reed Franklin Reed Fiona Reed Marcus Florenstein Trevor Williams Anesthesiologist Scrub Nurses Hospital Staff ACT ONE INT. MEREDITH’S BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING A heavy rain trickles down the moonlit window outside of Meredith’s bedroom. Her moment of tranquility ends as soon as CONOVERit begins when her 5 am phone alarm blares from the bedside table. She begrudgingly reaches out her hand and silences it. She lays still for a moment. MEREDITH (V.O.) Any neurosurgeon will tell you that without sleep, your brain cells lose the ability to communicate, and your memory and perception become diluted. She slithers out of bed, as thunder and lightning clash outside. CUT TO: INT. MEREDITH’S LIVING ROOM - EARLY MORNING Meredith stomps downstairs to see Alex sprawled out on the couch in the living room, though more of his body is off the couch than on. Thunder rumbles one more time, and Meredith wakes him up by throwing a pillow at his head. MEREDITH (V.O.) Ironically, neurosurgeons probably get the least sleep out of all of us. And that’s saying something. Meredith drags her feet as she enters the kitchen. At the counter is Maggie, slumped over on the cold countertop with a cup of coffee spilled over in her hand. Rolling her eyes, Meredith flips the cup into an upright position, waking her suddenly.