"In Which We Fight"

written by Alan Flanagan

179 Harbord Street, Toronto ON M5S 2R5 Ph: (+1)647-780-3541 E: [email protected] TEASER FADE IN: RANDOM IMAGES. Sunrise. A paperweight. Letters. Blood. A baby’s rattle. Grainy video footage of a birthday cake. Sunrise again. Waves wash, birds chirp, everything seems... crisp. Except for... a BANGING NOISE. Like metal on metal. ADDISON (V.O.) Before and after.

1 EXT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY 1 ON Addison, well-dressed, together, hint of a smile even. Just staring out the window of her office. ADDISON (V.O.) Two of us. Addison flickers in and out of vision -- a second Addison, looking a mess, harried, worn out, flickers in at the other window. They both trade in and out of actually being there. ADDISON (V.O.) (CONT’D) Two Addison Adrienne Forbes Montgomery Shepherd Bouvier Kennedy Before and after.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY The “Together Addison” turns, confident, smiling - walking for the door. The “Un-Together Addison”, still flickering in and out, follows suit.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Both Addisons are joined by NAOMI, SAM, COOP and VIOLET. Again, there are two sets of everyone, flickering in and out, and they match the Addison mood. One group look harried, the other is actually smiling and upbeat. UN-TOGETHER VIOLET How you holding up? UN-TOGETHER ADDISON I... it’s... (she shrugs, teary) "Episode Title" 2.

Flickering into... TOGETHER ADDISON (smiling) Is pants-wettingly excited still a phrase? (she glances back to her office -- that metal noise is still happening) TOGETHER NAOMI Most definitely. Flicker back to... UN-TOGETHER NAOMI Do we know what... what the plan is? UN-TOGETHER ADDISON I don’t think there’s an exact way to do tragedy. Cry, scream, punch some dry wall. UN-TOGETHER SAM Lather, rinse, repeat. Flicker to... TOGETHER ADDISON Shampoo? (she looks to her office -- again, that metal noise) TOGETHER COOP Don’t know if we can swing that, but... (he coughs loudly, looking to the kitchen -- nothing happens, and he coughs again) BETSY - Dell’s daughter, and limping slightly - eventually emerges holding a birthday cake, candles and all. TOGETHER ADDISON Oh my God. Flicker to... UN-TOGETHER ADDISON (hanging up her phone) Oh my God. "Episode Title" 3.

UN-TOGETHER NAOMI What is it? UN-TOGETHER ADDISON She’s outside. Flicker to... TOGETHER ADDISON (as Betsy holds the cake for her to blow out) How did you...? Thank you guys. Thank you so, so, so much. Flicker to... UN-TOGETHER COOP Can we help-- UN-TOGETHER ADDISON There’s nothing that you can do, guys. I... my mother’s dead and outside apparently, because the hospital thought I was doing an amateur dramatic staging of Weekend At Bernie’s. Flicker to... POP! Champagne and glasses all round. Betsy films them all on a digital camera. TOGETHER ADDISON (sipping as she goes) I appreciate this, guys. I really do. With everything that’s... (that metal sound -- from her office, infuriating) Would you mind if I just...? (she moves for her office) Flicker to... UN-TOGETHER ADDISON I don’t know what there is to make this situation crappier but I have no doubt that the universe will provide. (she waits -- as if the universe is actually going to--) UN-TOGETHER COOP Uh, I think-- (Addison shushes him -- and waits...) "Episode Title" 4.

DING! The elevator opens. Everyone looks. Flicker to... Together Addison walks to her office and straight to the window. She leans out... TOGETHER ADDISON Hey! Flicker to... Un-Together Adison staring at the elevator. Open. And occupied by an angry, bloody, ZOMBIE POSTMAN. Flicker to outside Together Addison’s window...

EXT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - STREET - DAY Together Addison looks way down to the street below. A ZOMBIE PENSIONER is holding a metal bar, banging it against a street sign over and over and over again. TOGETHER ADDISON I said hey! I’m trying to have a birthday here! The zombie looks up. Together Addison throws a brick and clocks her right in the head. She goes down.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY Together Addison smiles. TOGETHER ADDISON Ruin my birthday, will you? She turns and walks back out to the lobby. As she does, we flicker between champagne and celebrations and the zombie postman attack -- all of them frantically beating at him to fend him off. Back and forth, back and forth, celebration and attack, attack and celebration. We PAN OUT to that sunrise again. ADDISON (V.O.) I’m not sure which I prefer. END OF TEASER "Episode Title" 5.


EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY Welcome to the post-apocalypse - debris, burnt-out cars, a skyline of occasionally gutted buildings. Los Angeles. A Zombie Bodybuilder (Muscle Beach-type, just in a pair of shorts) tries to balance himself on rollerblades. Up, and he falls. Up, and he falls to his knees. They’re scraped, almost to the bone actually -- clearly he’s been at this for a while. Eventually, he manages to right himself. We hear a CAR ENGINE, high speed, approach. Zombie Bodybuilder has time to look with some form of vague curiosity before -- CRACK! -- a 150 horse- power baseball bat caves his skull in. AMELIA (O.S.) Wooooooooo!

INT. SUV - DAY AMELIA -- in the back seat -- pulls her head back in the window, wiping down the bloody bat with a towel. AMELIA You see that? You see that? ON CHARLOTTE, driving, calm. CHARLOTTE I saw. Very nice, Shepherd. AMELIA (looking back) Is he-- SHELDON -- in the back seat too, next to Amelia -- looks out the rear window. SHELDON Yes. Very much so. Nice shot, sweetie. AMELIA What did I tell you about calling me NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM-- (she grabs him, smiling -- a passionate kiss) "Episode Title" 6.

CHARLOTTE Alright there, kids. We should go back for those blades. SHELDON (pulling out of the kiss) Aren’t they a little slow? CHARLOTTE Don’t need to be fast, Shelley. Just need to be faster than. Charlotte does a nifty turn with the SUV. AMELIA Stop. CHARLOTTE Got some canoodling to finish? Amelia doesn’t respond, just points out the window.

EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY A huge sign has been painted on the end wall of a store - “ALIVE? PREGNANT? WE CAN HELP. LEAVE DETAILS.” FOCUS ON the bottom corner, where fresh paint marks a name - “ELEANOR - 815 GENESSEE.”

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY Addison -- the Together Addison, the nicely dressed Addison -- plays with her last bite of cake. As she drifts, images. Letters again, a child’s shoe -- staring into the lobby, we flicker to that day again...

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY ADDISON (V.O.) The first guy, I mean, my first encounter, was a postman. Which seemed sort of nice. I mean, fitting, not nice. Six months ago. Flicker to... NAOMI What the hell was that? "Episode Title" 7.

Naomi, Addison, Cooper and Sam - standing over the body of the postman. His bag is open, letters spilling everywhere. COOPER We killed him. NAOMI (dropping a bloody paperweight) Or... I... SAM We-- did you see him? He was-- ADDISON Sick. SAM Bitey. Is everyone... Everyone takes a moment to check their arms, legs... nothing. They look at each other, at the body, at each other again. What the hell are they supposed to-- PETE Guys, have you seen the... (coming out of his office, and spotting the body) NAOMI Pete, I-- PETE Is that one of them? COOPER One of what? SLAM! Flicker back to... Addison jumps up, leaving her last slice of cake in the kitchen as-- AMELIA Got a live one! She and Sheldon come through the stairwell doors, helping a heavily pregnant woman -- ELEANOR KOCH, early 40s -- to a bench. ELEANOR I’m fine. I’m-- "Episode Title" 8.

She stops -- VARIOUS WOMEN, mostly pregnant, have poked their heads out of different rooms. Watching her. ELEANOR (CONT’D) I’m fine. AMELIA She’s got a bite on her stomach. ADDISON (a little worried, but comforting) I see. Hi there... ELEANOR Eleanor. Eleanor Koch. ADDISON Well hello there Eleanor. My name’s , I’m a neo-natal specialist here at Oceanside Wellness. (to Sheldon) Where’s Charlotte? SHELDON She-- CHARLOTTE I’m fine, Montgomery. REVEAL Charlotte coming in the stairwell - fine, holding a bottle of whiskey and... five months pregnant, bulging out of her dress. ELEANOR It doesn’t hurt, really. ADDISON I know. (pulling back Eleanor’s t- shirt to see the graze) Looks fairly superficial, and as you probably know the pregnancy insulates you from any... ELEANOR Zombification? ADDISON We prefer the term “organically challenged”. (MORE) "Episode Title" 9. ADDISON (CONT'D) Anyway, bites near the stomach or, more accurately, the baby, are something we tend to get a little concerned about, so why don’t we pop into my exam room. (she helps Eleanor up) ELEANOR (as they walk away) What is this place? Cooper comes bursting out of the stairwell. COOPER We got another one? CHARLOTTE (a quick peck on the cheek, then...) Rein in your Clydesdales, dear, Addison’s checking her out. Got you a present though. (she hands him the whiskey) COOPER (examining the label) Wow. Where’d you get this? CHARLOTTE Passed a liquor store. COOPER You need to be more careful. CHARLOTTE I need to be more inebriated. One of the other pregnant women, LACEY -- late teens, overweight -- approaches. Another, RHONA -- mid 20s, skinny but with a big nine-month belly -- hangs back, shy. LACEY Who is she? CHARLOTTE How am I supposed to know? AMELIA SHELDON (CONT’D) (from the bench, (from the bench, kissing) kissing) Eleanor! Eleanor! "Episode Title" 10.

LACEY (to Charlotte) You know, you could at least pretend you care about us “carriers”. Uh-oh. Rhona audibly gulps. Charlotte raises an eyebrow.

INT. THE 4TH FLOOR - LOBBY - DAY Charlotte bursts in the stairwell door, dragging Lacey by the arm. Cooper, Rhona and a FEW OTHER PREGNANT WOMEN follow. The 4th Floor is... different. No longer the clean medical practice it was, it’s now a home. Mattresses, blankets, toys, signs of life everywhere. LACEY I didn’t-- CHARLOTTE Sh.

INT. THE 4TH FLOOR - EXAM 1 - DAY No longer an exam room. Instead, about a dozen babies sleep in makeshift cots. Charlotte drags Lacey in front of the door. Lacey goes to speak, but Charlotte drags her on to--

INT. THE 4TH FLOOR - EXAM 2 - DAY Similar set-up. Charlotte and Lacey stare in.

INT. THE 4TH FLOOR - CORRIDOR - DAY CHARLOTTE (staring at Lacey) Strathmore and Charles. What kind of idiot hangs around Strathmore and Charles after-- LACEY Don’t. CHARLOTTE Don’t you. Charlotte rolls up her sleeve to reveal an old bite mark. She holds it up to a squeamish Lacey’s face, pushing it at her. "Episode Title" 11.

LACEY I-- CHARLOTTE Yeah. (Lacey backs away -- Charlotte points to Coop) You want your nicely nicely, come talk to my husband. Lacey and Rhona back off into the lobby. COOPER Indignant’s a good colour on you. CHARLOTTE Girl got me bit. Hanging out at UCLA like it weren’t Zombieville O- fricking-hio -- COOPER How long you going to make her feel bad about that? CHARLOTTE (glancing at the whiskey in Cooper’s hand) How long you gonna let that thing decant?

INT. 3RD FLOOR - CORRIDOR - DAY ON a bucket. Swinging, moving, held by Violet. VIOLET (V.O.) The “before time”. Is that what we’re calling it? RANDOM IMAGES, again. A man’s eyebrow. A child’s hand. Irises. The flower, and the eyes. Violet moves down the corridor, absent-minded. Drifting. Flicker to... another Violet. That first day. Concerned.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY Addison, Pete, Naomi, Sam, Amelia, Sheldon, Charlotte and Violet -- holding baby LUCAS. NAOMI I need to get out there. "Episode Title" 12.

ADDISON Nai, you saw the news-- NAOMI I need to get out there. VIOLET Naomi-- NAOMI Shut up! You don’t stand there and say my name while you’re holding your son. My daughter and my grand- daughter are out there and-- shut up. VIOLET I just-- PETE She’s right. SAM We need to get out there. AMELIA What? No. We need to very much not-- ADDISON You saw the news-- NAOMI I saw the news, that’s why-- AMELIA Forget the news, have you looked out the window? Naomi walks over to look out Addison’s window. Her face says it all. NAOMI (turning back) I’m parked three blocks away. How-- AMELIA I say we make a few phone calls and stay put. NAOMI You don’t get a say in this. AMELIA Why? "Episode Title" 13.

NAOMI Because you don’t have anybody. AMELIA I-- SHELDON Bizzy. (Addison is startled) You said the guys who brought your mother from the hospital parked out front? NAOMI (looking out the window) He’s right. He’s... I can see the driver. He looks-- CHARLOTTE Zombie? Are we using the word zombie? NAOMI No. Dead. I think. I-- SAM I’ll go. NAOMI Me too. SAM No. Please, Nai. I’m stronger and if-- PETE I’ll go. VIOLET Excuse me? PETE I-- Naomi’s right. (grabbing Lucas) VIOLET No, Pete, you can’t-- PETE He’d do the same for us. And if-- if this thing is-- there’ll be ample opportunity for him to do the same for us. (to Lucas) (MORE) "Episode Title" 14. PETE (CONT'D) I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. (hands him back to Violet) SAM We have to go now. I’ve got a baseball bat in my office. VIOLET Pete. PETE I love you. Sam and Pete move out the door. After a moment, Amelia jumps up to follow. AMELIA (glancing at Naomi) Wait up! Violet, meanwhile, just stares at Lucas’ little hand. And then at Naomi.

INT. HOSPITAL VAN - DAY Sam, Pete and Amelia sit in the front, hunched down to avoid being seen. Across the street, Naomi’s house. A CAR ALARM out front has drawn about a dozen zombies. AMELIA Is she definitely in there? SAM Yes. AMELIA Has she called? (Sam’s silence says “no”) PETE Her network might be down. What with the... apocalypse. I have an idea. SAM What is it? PETE Okay, but you can’t tell Addison. "Episode Title" 15.

EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY The zombies are still swamped around the car alarm. Banging on the doors, moaning and groaning and doing their zombie thing. Until... ON Bizzy Forbes Montgomery’s face -- prim, proper, and recently deceased. As her uncovered body, on a hospital gurney, rolls down the street and away from the van. The zombies look up, take a moment, then sprint.

INT. HOSPITAL VAN - DAY Amelia, Pete and Sam watch as the zombies do a runner. PETE Let’s go.

INT. NAOMI’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Sam bursts in the door. SAM (loud, but not too loud) Maya! Maya, are you here? Maya! Amelia and Pete -- holding the baseball bat -- follow. Amelia picks up a lamp from the end table, ignoring Pete’s look of “how much damage is that going to do?”. SAM (CONT’D) (through the living room) Maya! Where are you? PETE Sam. Sh. Silence. Then... A BABY CRYING. Muffled. SAM Oh God. Olivia? Olivia!

INT. NAOMI’S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Pete and Amelia run through, searching. Amelia drops the lamp and grabs a knife. "Episode Title" 16.

INT. NAOMI’S HOUSE - MAYA’S BEDROOM - DAY Sam bursts into the room, listening. The baby’s STILL CRYING. SAM (quiet) Where... where are...? He follows the noise to a set of drawers, gently opening the first, the second, the-- and there she is. Little OLIVIA, his grand-daughter. Bundled up in a pile of socks and underwear. SAM (CONT’D) I-- oh my God-- I found her! He picks Olivia up, as Pete runs in. SAM (CONT’D) (turning) She’s okay, she’s okay, she’s-- (he stops -- MAYA, clearly a zombie, is standing behind Pete) Pete! But Maya jumps on him before he can even think. She bites at his shoulder, his back. SAM (CONT’D) Maya! Sam goes to put down the baby, but before he can do anything Amelia bursts in and calmly, efficiently, stabs Maya in the back -- and she and Pete slump to the floor. Amelia looks at Sam. AMELIA I’m sorry. ON Pete’s eyebrow, as he lays on the ground. VIOLET (V.O.) Before what, exactly? Before the end of the world? Your world? Having a baby? Falling in love? Before you lost your first...? Before you decided to start over? Before you became the you that-- I don’t understand this talk of the “before time”. "Episode Title" 17.

INT. 3RD FLOOR - STORAGE ROOM - DAY Violet stands in the corner. Arms folded. VIOLET Go on. Pete stares back at her. He’s zombified, clearly. Clothes worn and bitten away, skin sallow, and eyes -- not Pete’s eyes. His arms and legs are chained, just enough movement to survive. VIOLET (CONT’D) (nodding at the bucket of meat in front of him) Go on, Pete. I don’t gots all day. He dives down for the bucket. LATER: Violet uses a cane to hook the empty bucket back over. LATER: She turns a wheel at the wall, pulling Pete’s chains much tighter, restricting his movement altogether. LATER: She hoses him down with water. LATER: She sponges him down, gently, carefully. All matter of fact. All just another thing. SAM (O.S.) Violet!

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - STAIRWELL - DAY Sam and Violet walk back upstairs together. VIOLET Just now? SAM Just now. VIOLET You remove the placenta? SAM Yep.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY They enter, and head for Exam 3. "Episode Title" 18.

SAM Baby looks good. VIOLET She said goodbye? SAM She said something. VIOLET Good. Addison comes out of Exam 3, holding a wrapped up new-born. ADDISON Hey. VIOLET Hey. ADDISON Good to go? VIOLET Always. (she goes to enter, but stops) What’s her name? SAM Sherry. VIOLET Right. The blonde.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY A young woman, SHERRY -- early 20s, and indeed blonde -- is lying on a gurney, staring up at the ceiling. Violet comes in. SHERRY I feel fine. VIOLET (sympathetic, psychiatric) I know. SHERRY I mean, I genuinely feel fine. I didn’t think I’d feel this fine. "Episode Title" 19.

VIOLET It’s not that kind of deal. SHERRY But maybe-- VIOLET It’s not that kind of deal. SHERRY (looking at Violet) But you’ll be sure, right? VIOLET I always am. SHERRY Hey. Maybe. Right? VIOLET Yeah. Maybe. As they talk, Violet moves around Sherry. Strapping her arms and legs down to the gurney. SHERRY It’s a boy. He’s a boy. Gerald. VIOLET That’s a nice name. Family? SHERRY No. Well.. yes. The father. VIOLET Were you and him...? SHERRY No. Maybe. We went out a few times, after I found out I was pregnant. Think we were still on the fence when all hell broke loose. VIOLET I’m sure he’d be proud of you. SHERRY I killed him. With a bowling ball. I killed him. VIOLET No you didn’t. (she straps Sherry’s neck, restricting her movement) (MORE) "Episode Title" 20. VIOLET (CONT'D) Okay, Sherry, I’m going to move you next door now. SHERRY (she breathes, then--) Is it awful there? VIOLET I keep it clean. Don’t worry.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Violet wheels Sherry out of Exam 3, and across towards Exam 2. As they roll by, Sherry sees little Lucas and Cooper playing in the kitchen. She waves at Lucas as best she can. He waves back.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 2 - DAY This place is much more barren. Just one high stool, joined by the gurney as Violet wheels Sherry in -- shutting the door behind her. It’s clearly cleaned regularly, but even so there are spots -- specks of blood dried on the floor, or the walls. VIOLET (taking a seat) Did you ask for any food? SHERRY No. Not hungry. And -- rationing. VIOLET Well, there are exceptions. If you want I can-- SHERRY No. It’s okay. Really. Silence between them. An awful, heavy silence. SHERRY (CONT’D) Do you like Gerald? VIOLET “Things are more like they are now than they have ever been.” (off Sherry’s blank stare) Gerald Ford. (MORE) "Episode Title" 21. VIOLET (CONT'D) (still blank) He was President. SHERRY Oh. I probably should have known that. VIOLET History doesn’t matter now. Silence again. Before... SHERRY We know. By the way. (off Violet’s look now) About your husband. We know you keep him down there. Alive. VIOLET He’s not alive. SHERRY He’s still here though. VIOLET I suppose. SHERRY Is it because you’re waiting on a cure? VIOLET It’s because I can’t bear to make my husband not here. That’s about it. SHERRY We don’t mind. I mean, some of the girls bitch but, really, if after all of this you get to look at your husband once a day-- we don’t mind that. Violet smiles. She slips on a surgical gown. Blood-specked. VIOLET When I had Lucas. There was this woman, Katie. I was nine months pregnant and she drugged me and she cut me open and she took Lucas out. And she left me to die. I was lying there, presuming that I was bleeding. Presuming that I was going to die. Presuming that I wouldn’t fall in love ever. Not properly. And... (MORE) "Episode Title" 22. VIOLET (CONT'D) at some point -- I don’t know, at some point I got this serene thing where I just thought “you know what... screw it. As long as this baby is okay just... screw it. At least I did something.” You did something, Sherry. You brought him to term when 99.9% of women didn’t. He’ll always know that. We’ll tell him that. SHERRY (silence, then) Let him sing. (off Violet’s look) My father used to hate when I sang in the house, so I didn’t. Let him sing. (Violet nods) How come you never told any of us that story? VIOLET I tell all of you that story.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Betsy, filming all the while, limps quickly across the room and over to Exam 2. BETSY (knocking on the door, excited) Violet! A commotion from inside, before Violet looks out -- and straight into the camera. There’s blood on her gown. VIOLET What is it, Betsy? BETSY You have to come outside! VIOLET Fine. One second.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 2 - DAY Violet turns around, takes one more glimpse at a now zombified Sherry, and slams a baseball bat into her head. "Episode Title" 23.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Violet -- now without her scrubs on -- slips out quickly. VIOLET This better be good.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - STAIRWELL - DAY Violet, Betsy, Naomi, Sam all make their way down. NAOMI Do we know what happened? SAM Nope. Amelia just said-- ADDISON (sprinting down past them) Out of my way! She bursts past them, running down to the bottom of the stairwell, or rather where it would be if it hadn’t been carefully removed. Addison kicks a rope ladder down and descends it in one quick movement.

INT. FIRST FLOOR LOBBY - DAY She comes running out of the stairwell, across and out to

EXT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - FRONT - DAY And she stops. And looks. And breathes. And smiles. MARK Happy birthday, Addy. And it’s them. The Seattle Grace crew, all draped around or on top of what seems to be a massive tour bus. MARK, LEXIE, BAILEY (holding TUCK), ELI, TEDDY, HENRY, KEPNER, ALEX. Kitted out for battle, and smiling. And Addison smiles back. END ACT ONE "Episode Title" 24.

ACT TWO RANDOM IMAGES: A bottle, wavering in and out of focus. A child’s sock. The small of a woman’s back, sweaty. AMELIA (O.S.) There was a before time, sure. That bottle again. A scalpel. Different surgical instruments. Video footage of a fried egg. Hair gel. A man’s smile. AMELIA (O.S.) (CONT’D) And did it ever suck the big one.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY - FLASHBACK Amelia sits, nursing a beer. Violet passes by-- AMELIA Hey! (Violet stops, impatient) How’s Pete? VIOLET Fed. Washed. Dressed. AMELIA (pointing to her cheek) You have a little... Violet wipes some blood off her face. AMELIA (CONT’D) Need to be more careful.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY VIOLET I want her out. Violet, Naomi, Sam, Charlotte, Sheldon, Coop and Addison. NAOMI Out? Out where exactly? VIOLET Out. ADDISON Why am I involved in this decision? Why -- how is this a decision? (MORE) "Episode Title" 25. ADDISON (CONT'D) What are we going to do, throw her out on the street? VIOLET She’s dead weight. My husband’s currently gnawing on his arm two floors down and he manages to not be as dead weight-y as she is. (to Sam and Naomi) You telling me you guys don’t-- NAOMI I’ve -- we’ve come to terms with Maya. VIOLET Seriously? What do you think when you see her passed out on the floor? Do you think “hey, that’s a reasonable young woman who killed my--” SAM Hey. NAOMI I think -- I think about how most Of the world is dead or dying and that every life is precious. And then I go to my office and punch the wall for a while. VIOLET She’s dead. Fricking. Weight. CHARLOTTE I’ll deal with it. COOPER Please don’t get... Southern on her. CHARLOTTE Quit raggin’ on the South. If we were in Monroeville right now I wouldn’t spend half my day trying to arm this damned bus shelter.

INT. 4TH FLOOR - KITCHEN - DAY Amelia cracks an egg into a pan, then swigs on a beer. AMELIA “Street life, doo doo doo doo doo do do / Street life...” "Episode Title" 26.

She stops. Charlotte’s standing in the doorway. Without a word, she crosses the room to Amelia, grabs the beer from her hand, and throws the frying pan and egg against the wall. AMELIA (CONT’D) Hey! Charlotte just downs the whole beer in one fell swoop. AMELIA (CONT’D) Hey? CHARLOTTE You’re an addict. AMELIA Oh let’s not do this, Charlotte. CHARLOTTE I don’t care. Fine, be an addict, do that. (she points at the bottle) But don’t do this. AMELIA So...? CHARLOTTE If you’re going to be addicted to something, make it useful, creative and funner than a forty of hops. AMELIA By which you mean...?

EXT. STREETS OF LA - DAY A SERIES OF SHOTS of Amelia taking down zombies. Guns, baseball bats, traps, even once just jamming her thumbs in their eyes. And she’s having fun. AMELIA (V.O.) Couldn’t go around killing people in the before time. Couldn’t take out your anger and your pain and your horniness on some cute old lady in the before time. Couldn’t have any teeny tiny bit of fun in the before-- "Episode Title" 27.

EXT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - FRONT - DAY AMELIA Where’s Derek? The Seattle Grace crew don’t respond, as Amelia, Cooper, Charlotte, and then the rest join to watch the arrival. Just silence. Amelia’s question hanging in the air. Answered. AMELIA (CONT’D) (smiling, shaking it off) That’s fine. That’s okay. (Charlotte touches her shoulder, she steps away) That’ll be fine. Silence again, until-- KEPNER (O.S.) Cripes. Cripes. CRIPES. She kicks open the door of the bus -- it’s been repaired and damaged so many times it’s stuck. But it opens, and APRIL KEPNER steps out. Battle-hardened. Shorter hair. KEPNER (CONT’D) Could we maybe look at getting everyone the hell inside? And this breaks it. Everyone starts greeting each other. Addison grabs Mark into a hug. ADDISON I missed you so much. Sam and Naomi approach Bailey and Tuck. The groups merge. CHARLOTTE (approaching Kepner) Where’d you get the bus? KEPNER It’s Backstreet Boys’. They were on tour. Isn’t that cool? CHARLOTTE Armoury? TEDDY (speaking up, approaching) Mainly handguns, standard stuff. Everyone’s trained in. "Episode Title" 28.

HENRY I killed Howie and Brian. TEDDY This is Henry. My husband. . HENRY Doctor Teddy Altman. CHARLOTTE (unimpressed) Woop. Sniper? TEDDY . Fantastic surgeon. CHARLOTTE Steady hands. Where is she?

INT. BACK OF AMBULANCE - DAY The door bursts open into sunlight. Teddy, Charlotte, Henry and Amelia look in. CRISTINA sits, patient. MEREDITH is unconscious, strapped to a gurney, still her zombie self. And next to her, CALLIE, also on a gurney. Heavily, heavily, pregnant. And pissed. CALLIE Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Addison, Mark and Alex wheel Callie in from the stairwell. CALLIE Never tell anyone how I got up that ladder. ADDISON To the grave. How long’s Meredith been like that? Pregnant women -- Rhona, Lacey and more -- are gathering. ADDISON (CONT’D) We have company! ALEX She got bit on day one. "Episode Title" 29.

ADDISON That happens.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY MARK (wheeling Callie in) I’m sorry about Derek. ADDISON That happens. (to Callie) How far along are you? And... hey. CALLIE Hey. It’s good to see you. Forever. ALEX She should have had the baby about a week ago. We’ve been using calcium- channel blockers and an oxytocin antagonist to delay the delivery. But... ADDISON She’s not going to last much longer. (to Mark) Tell Charlotte that we need to hit it today. MARK She is...? ADDISON Blonde, pretty, pregnant. Shouldn’t take long. (Mark exits, then to Alex) What took you guys so long?

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - BOARD ROOM - DAY JACKSON We got holed up in Portland, then Sacramento. We’ve been on the road for almost a month. JACKSON -- missing one arm, now, but he’s used to it -- and Lexie spread files on the table for Sam and Amelia to see. AMELIA (nodding at his arm) What happened? "Episode Title" 30.

JACKSON Close call. SAM (picking up a file) “Benaroya Institute”. LEXIE Ground zero. We raided their files as much as we could, but the place was burned half to the ground. AMELIA Any samples? LEXIE Labs were lost. (beat) You’re... AMELIA Amelia Shepherd. (before sympathies--) And you’re Lexie Grey. (beat) I’m neuro, been handling this thing’s brain chemistry. And Sam’s-- SAM Addison and I’ve been on point for neo-natal research, what role the placenta plays, filters, all that. JACKSON And you’re hoping on a cure.

INT. 4TH FLOOR - LOBBY - DAY COOPER I... (he leads Bailey and Eli through the room) BAILEY That’s what your little note said. That’s why we came here. COOPER I tend not to deal with the whole search and rescue part of things. That’s more my wife’s... area. "Episode Title" 31.

BAILEY Blond with the big ol’ chip on her bump? ELI Miranda. COOPER That would be her, yes. I’m mainly... He leads them to the window of Exam 1. All those babies. BAILEY (looking in) Well I’ll be. I’ll be. COOPER Twenty-two, as of this afternoon. ELI How? COOPER We leave messages all over town. Looking for pregnant women, ones who survived. Practically all bitten, but we offer them a safe place to give birth, and take care of the kids. ELI That’s amazing. BAILEY (beat, then inevitably...) What do you do with the mothers?

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 2 - DAY KNOCK KNOCK! Addison, Alex and Callie look up as Violet pokes her head in. VIOLET Afternoon. (Addison’s smile falters, as Violet looks at--) Callie, isn’t it? CALLIE Who are you? VIOLET I’m the therapist here at Oceanside Wellness. Pro bono, don’t worry. "Episode Title" 32.

CALLIE Addison... ADDISON Callie. Talk to her. (to Violet) Charlotte? VIOLET The boardroom. Rallying the troops. ADDISON I’d better get in there before someone gets punched. (to Mark and Alex) Come on. MARK I-- ADDISON It’s fine. (to Callie) Really. (Addison, Alex, and a reluctant Mark leave) Violet and Callie stare at each other. Five, ten seconds. Just... sussing each other out. VIOLET How are you feeling? CALLIE You’re freaking me out. I’m dilated fourteen feet and you’re the thing that’s freaking me out. VIOLET You’re pregnant and you’re worried you might be about to die. Let’s talk.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY There’s shouting coming from the boardroom. Already. Jackson’s stopped on his way, trying to tie his laces one-armed. BETSY Can I? He looks up. Betsy’s standing in front of him, filming. "Episode Title" 33.

JACKSON Sure. She ties his laces, and then walks away, limping. ON her ankle, the gap by her shoe. Her left leg is a prosthetic.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - BOARD ROOM - DAY As Jackson enters -- madness. SHOUTING, ARGUING, the combined Grey’s and Oceanside crews at each other’s throats. LEXIE You people said you had a cure. NAOMI We said-- SAM We said we needed help. That’s true. MARK Sam. You lied to us. AMELIA We do have -- there’s a chance we-- KEPNER Oh cram it, Lesser Shepherd. SHELDON Hey! KEPNER You want some of this? SHELDON (rolling his eyes) Oh for the love of-- ADDISON Hey! (everyone stops) I asked you here. I did it. And maybe I fudged the truth a little to do it, but -- we know how to cure this thing. We just don’t have the necessary equipment. So I asked my friends to come South for a fight. I know you’re the right people to do this. I know the circumstances aren’t ideal, but... I know the circumstances aren’t ideal. "Episode Title" 34.

Silence. Begrudging acquiescence. CHARLOTTE Right. She rolls a map out on the table, pointing as she goes. CHARLOTTE (CONT’D) UCLA. Mattel Hospital, neo-natal research lab. ADDISON The placental barrier that filters blood between mother and child seems to be sterilising this infection, that’s why pregnant women survive until childbirth. (Mark grimaces) In the before time, some friends at UCLA said Mattel were working on gestating fetuses outside the womb. Nowhere near, but they’d had some success with artificial placentae. BAILEY Won’t they have rotted away? SHELDON Some of the key systems at Mattel are still up and running. Solar power. AMELIA Welcome to LA. TEDDY The problem, as Charlotte’s explained, is a plane crash here. (she points at the map) Not only does it limit our arrival to bikes, but the shock knocked on the UCLA alarm system around Mattel. Again, solar-powered. KEPNER Loud noises equal zombies. And they’ve been gathering ever since. CHARLOTTE So we needed y’all to pop down here for a spell. Sound like fun? Their faces say it doesn’t. END ACT TWO "Episode Title" 35.

ACT THREE RANDOM IMAGES: A swollen, bloody eye. A wedding ring. A smashed vase. A gun. Fields of wheat. CHARLOTTE (V.O.) (CONT’D) When I was a kid, Big Daddy used to let us loose on the cookie jar. He’d watch us go at it, and when he though we’d had enough he’d snatch it out of our arms and he’d laugh and say “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.”

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY Everyone’s gathered around. Formal. AMELIA (as The Wedding March) Do do do do / do do do do / do -- CHARLOTTE I swear to God, Amelia, I will take you outside and leave you there. ON Charlotte, in a white dress - not necessarily a wedding dress, but close enough to count. And beside her, Cooper. All groomed up. She smiles.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY POP! Champagne flows among the group, celebrations. SHELDON To the marital fortunes of women I once dated. AMELIA (raising her glass) Seconded. Amelia and Sheldon share a quick look, a smile. Maybe the start of something. CHARLOTTE (to Cooper) I’ve got some ladies’ business to attend to. COOPER Need help out of that dress? (Charlotte smiles) "Episode Title" 36.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - BATHROOM - DAY Charlotte stands, leaning against the wash basin. Hands shaking, barely breathing. A panic attack. She stares at her reflection. RANDOM IMAGES: That eye again. A woman’s bare leg, juddering, trying to gain traction on a wooden floor. CHARLOTTE (V.O.) Simple as. I’m never quite sure how to make things as simple as Big Daddy said they were. I guess he just--

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY COOPER Shut up. Cooper and Charlotte -- this is much later. An argument. CHARLOTTE You speak to your wife like that? COOPER I speak to you like that when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. CHARLOTTE You know, this is usually a happy time. COOPER You’re a reckless son of a bitch, you know that? CHARLOTTE (leaning up close to him, mean -- smug even) I stopped with the pills and I messed with the condoms and you didn’t even notice. I tricked you and you’re mad. COOPER I love you. CHARLOTTE I’m out there. I’m the one with the gun, out there. And you stay home with the babies. And if getting pregnant is how I choose to protect myself then how the hell-- "Episode Title" 37.

COOPER Stop trying to make it seem like sex is just another thing because that guy attacked you. She slaps him, hard and--

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY SHICK! Charlotte, present Charlotte, loads a clip into a handgun. Teddy wanders in, throws Charlotte a laser sight. TEDDY Present. CHARLOTTE (catching it) Purty. They out there? (Teddy nods)

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY An army, of sorts. Charlotte and Teddy leaders, but a combination of the SEATTLE GRACE AND OCEANSIDE CREWS - minus Violet, Sam, Callie and Alex. But plus a few pregnant women, including Lacey and Rhona. CHARLOTTE Y’all know what this is. Don’t need to go into any particulars on that. SHELDON (wry) The Oxford English dictionary defines “kamikaze” as-- CHARLOTTE Not now, Shelley. But, yeah, we would have done this months ago if it was safe. Strat-wise-- LACEY Um... CHARLOTTE Yip? LACEY You promise? "Episode Title" 38.

CHARLOTTE (to Lacey, and the group) Once again, any pregnant women who come with, and make it back -- we’ll take care of you. String you up when you pop and if there’s a cure we’ll get it to you. Near the back, Sam stands next to Addison. ADDISON (quiet, as Teddy launches into some weapon / strategy specifics) They’re doing well. SAM And you? ADDISON Freaked. He takes her hand, squeezes it. Their fingers play off each other. More physical now... more excited. Sam smiles, and they retreat away from the group quietly.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY Violet watches Sam and Addison make their way out, and then as Charlotte and Teddy rally the troops. COOPER (coming in) How are they doing? VIOLET Your wife’s very rally-y. COOPER Yep. (beat) Are you excited? VIOLET I don’t get excited. COOPER Even if they can cure Pete? "Episode Title" 39.

VIOLET Don’t go down that road. (Cooper tries to take her hand, but--) There’s not much at UCLA, you heard Addison. And they’ll use it on that Callie woman. (before Cooper can ask) She’s going to succumb in the next few hours, they need to try it on a recent victim. Not some six-month old corpse who might have gangrene, blood disease, organ failure, sporadic CJD-- COOPER Saying that you don’t care about him doesn’t mean you don’t care about him. VIOLET Saying’s all I got, Coop. (she looks at Charlotte, proud and leader-y) And if saying something isn’t true, and saying that it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t get to you -- if that doesn’t work then what the hell are we all doing here? COOPER I don’t know. (he smiles, and pours Violet a glass of that whiskey) Getting bombed? Violet goes to drink, but-- CRISTINA (appearing in the doorway) Violet, yeah? VIOLET Yeah.

INT. 3RD FLOOR - CORRIDOR - DAY Violet and Cristina wheel Meredith, strapped to a makeshift gurney, down the corridor. CRISTINA How do-- "Episode Title" 40.

VIOLET I’m not big on small talk. CRISTINA Me neither. I was going to ask how you feed him. I’ve been trying my best but-- (she points to Meredith’s emaciated arms) VIOLET There’s a dog pound around the corner. Nobody here would eat them so I got to keep the meat for him. CRISTINA Clever. I’ve tried giving her the mulch we’ve been eating, but it’s hard.

INT. 3RD FLOOR - STORAGE ROOM - DAY Violet and Cristina finish stringing Meredith up on the wall -- far enough from Pete that they won’t be interacting. VIOLET Pete, Meredith, Meredith, Pete. CRISTINA (examining the restrained Meredith) You be good, Mer. VIOLET (not even glancing at Pete as she walks out) Come on.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - STAIRWELL - DAY The two walk back up in silence. Awkward, until-- CRISTINA The cure. They’ll use it on Torres. (beat) If there’s more, I know they’re looking to make more-- VIOLET They’ll make a decision on who comes next logically. "Episode Title" 41.

CRISTINA I’m worried Meredith might be too skinny. VIOLET Probably. They’re joined on the stairwell by Addison and Sam, bouncing in from the 4th floor on the way upwards. VIOLET (CONT’D) You seem giddy.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY They come out of the stairwell. ADDISON (to Charlotte) What time we looking at? CHARLOTTE Twenty. ADDISON Glorious. (to Naomi) Nai?

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY Addison and Naomi come in -- Alex is monitoring Callie. ADDISON How are things going? CALLIE I feel like my vagina’s trying to hold back the Macy’s Day parade. ADDISON There’s the Callie I know. CALLIE The Callie you know died six months ago. I’m a vessel. ADDISON Talk to me in a few hours. CALLIE When I’m your guinea pig? "Episode Title" 42.

ADDISON Guinea vagina, Callie. Naomi’s going to be handling the delivery. CALLIE What? You can’t-- ADDISON We’re hitting UCLA today, now, and we need everyone with even an ounce of knowledge out there when we’re harvesting whatever we can get. The only reason Nai’s staying is because she knows everything I do and we need someone here in case we all get strung up by a bunch of dead-eyed grad students. NAOMI (subtly taking over) Do you know the sex? CALLIE Addison-- NAOMI Don’t look at Addison, don’t talk to Addison, don’t ask Addison things. I’m your OB/GYN and that’s how it’s going to be. CALLIE You’re kind of a bitch. NAOMI I’m kind of not. (she smiles) Boy or girl? CALLIE (thawing) Surprise. Addison moves for the door. NAOMI Thoughts about a name? CALLIE Robin. NAOMI Nice bet-hedging. "Episode Title" 43.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY Addison comes in, and smiles at the unguarded bottle of whiskey on the counter. MARK (coming in) Montgomery. ADDISON (pouring both of them a drink) Sloan. How goes it? MARK We’re leaving. ADDISON Into the breach. MARK You and Sam. ADDISON You and Little Grey. MARK If you’d said to us back in college-- ADDISON That you’d still be banging twenty- something-year-olds at your age? MARK And a Dad. ADDISON And that. (she raises her glass) To Robin Torres Sloan. MARK (raising his) And your birthday. They down their drinks.

EXT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - FRONT - DAY While everyone else checks their weapons and/or piles on to the tour bus, Amelia and Sheldon pore over a map. "Episode Title" 44.

AMELIA No. We want to go up Santa Monica and on to Ohio here. SHELDON Want to dip yourself in some hot sauce beforehand or just going au naturale? AMELIA I-- SHELDON Up around Constitution and through the cemetery. It’s the only way I can give you guys cover. ON Charlotte and Cooper, in the doorway of the clinic. Silence between them -- awkward, angry, stubborn. She avoids his gaze. He rolls his eyes. Eventually, she pulls out her gun and turns for the bus. Cooper pauses, trying his best to hold his ground, but-- COOPER Wait. He rushes at her, grabs her, and kisses her. Long. COOPER (CONT’D) You be careful. Charlotte just nods. He touches her stomach; she backs away.

INT. 3RD FLOOR - STORAGE ROOM - DAY ON an increasingly agitated Meredith, thrashing against her restraints. Pulling and pulling at them until eventually one of her skinny arms slips out of the shackles. END ACT THREE "Episode Title" 45.


EXT. LOS ANGELES NATIONAL CEMETERY - DAY And it’s a glorious day. “Theme From A Summer Place” PLAYS, guiding us through flowers, birds, the delicate and ornate gravestones sprinkled throughout this green paradise. And what’s that? Coming over the hill -- Charlotte, Lacey, other heavily pregnant women and eventually the whole team. On bicycles. In sunglasses. And toting some serious guns. NAOMI (V.O.) You get old. The MUSIC SKIPS ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES, THEN CONTINUES. AMELIA (O.S.) I don’t know!

INT. HOSPITAL VAN - DAY Charlotte drives, Amelia and Naomi crammed into the front seat, Sheldon and Violet crammed in the back. NAOMI I thought you said you used to live around here. AMELIA I also used to be drunk around here. Naomi, it’s been three days-- NAOMI She called. She said she was here. And I lost Maya and I lost Dell and I will not not try, I simply won’t-- VIOLET (pointing at a sign) There it is!

EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY It’s all white picket fences and nice bungalows as they swing past a few abandoned, bloody SUVs and grind to a halt. NAOMI (crawling out first) Betsy! "Episode Title" 46.

CHARLOTTE You wanna scream a little louder there, human target?

INT. BETSY’S HOUSE - FRONT ROOM - DAY Naomi bursts in the door, gun in hand. She searches through the house, desperate, while-- NAOMI (V.O.) You just-- you get used to not being shocked. And you call yourself mature and you call yourself past that but the truth is you just insulate. NAOMI (CONT’D) Where is she?! Naomi stops -- there’s a SCRATCHING coming from the roof.

EXT. BETSY’S HOUSE - GARDEN - DAY Naomi backs out, wielding the gun. Unsure of herself. NAOMI Betsy?! Honey?! She looks up. NAOMI (V.O.) (CONT’D) And then the world flips itself inside out one day and you’re that 12- year-old who wet herself at a gymkhana all over again. BETSY Naomi! Betsy slides down the roof towards Naomi, climbing down and hanging -- just in time for her ADOPTIVE FATHER, zombified of course, to run out of the house and chew into her leg. Betsy and him fall to the ground -- Naomi SCREAMS and shoots him in the head. NAOMI Oh God! She rolls Betsy over, as the others join her. NAOMI (CONT’D) She, she-- "Episode Title" 47.

BETSY Aunt Nai! SHELDON I’m so sorry-- Violet pushes all of them out of the way, steps on Betsy’s back to keep her still, and SLAMS THE MACHETE DOWN. Betsy SCREAMS, and “Theme From A Summer Place” SWELLS ONCE MORE, BEFORE FADING INTO A SIREN SOUND, CONTINUING INTO

EXT. LOS ANGELES NATIONAL CEMETERY - DAY Our cycling troupe make their way, at speed. CHARLOTTE That’s the alarm! We’re not far. Stay close, don’t shoot through each other, and for the love of God shotgun wielders, do not fire while on the bicycle. LACEY Why? CHARLOTTE Newton. AMELIA Incoming! Two zombies, FOOTBALLS JOCKS, are sprinting at them. But before anyone can react, they are felled in quick succession.

EXT. LOS ANGELES NATIONAL CEMETERY - HILLTOP - DAY Sheldon and Cristina are positioned atop the tour bus, sniper rifles in hand, with a clear view of the ground below. SHELDON Not bad, eh? I mean, she’s very attractive. CRISTINA Are you going to keep talking? SHELDON I like to make small talk when I’m sharping. "Episode Title" 48.

CRISTINA It’s the sun. You’re all so chirpy. SHELDON I-- fore! They both fire at once. FAR DOWN BELOW, a female cop zombie gets a bullet in the shoulder and the leg at once.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY CALLIE WHAT. THE. HELL?! And she’s pushing -- HARD. Alex and Naomi are doing their best but-- CALLIE (CONT’D) I thought I was Little Miss Dilated! NAOMI Yes, Callie, but there is still some pushing to be done. CALLIE You don’t think I know that?! NAOMI Now now, Callie. Nobody likes a complainer. CALLIE Karev!

EXT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - FRONT - DAY The first wave of cyclists roar to a stop out front -- taking a moment to acknowledge the huge wreck of a 747 that has crashed only a hundred metres away. Pieces of the road are ripped away, the place is only accessible by bike, and that SIREN BLARES -- but more importantly, zombies are already approaching from all directions, a dozen and counting. CHARLOTTE Off and in! Charlotte, Addison, Sam, Bailey, Mark, Teddy, Lacey and Rhona leave their bikes where they are, sprinting in the front door. AMELIA Onwards, folks! "Episode Title" 49.

Amelia, Lexie, Kepner and Eli keep going -- executing a sharp turn and heading away from the hospital. Some of the approaching zombies break with them, some follow the others into the hospital.

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - RECEPTION - DAY Charlotte and Mark hold point on the door, shooting anyone that makes their way inside -- Teddy and Bailey do a quick scan of the area. ADDISON Sam, Miranda, Teddy, Rhona -- you’re with me. Research labs on fourth floor. CHARLOTTE Lacey and Sloan -- need to hit the power grid in the basement. LACEY This sounds like it should be easy. Charlotte BLOWS THE HEAD OFF an incoming zombie. CHARLOTTE Yip. And they run.

EXT. UCLA CAMPUS - DAY Amelia, Lexie, Kepner and Eli pedal like hell. KEPNER I see it! (she points towards a security shack -- THE SOURCE OF THE SIREN) AMELIA On it! I-- She swerves to avoid an approaching zombie -- another one’s coming right at her. She tries to fire but -- BAM! -- he’s taken down. AMELIA (CONT’D) (to herself) Thanks dear. "Episode Title" 50.

EXT. NEARBY STREET - DAY Cristina and Sheldon have perched the bus on the highest point they can find -- within firing line of the hospital entrance and Amelia’s path to the security shack. CRISTINA (actually making small talk now -- if punctuated by firing) He had red hair. Which when I was a kid used to freak me out, but I got over it. Very large hands, too-- (she fires) Which was nice. Sheldon smiles.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - KITCHEN - DAY CALLIE SCREAMS from Exam 3. Here in the kitchen, though, Cooper and Jackson just enjoy a quiet drink. COOPER You think we should help? JACKSON (nodding to his arm) Can’t. Handicapped. COOPER Yeah. The, eh, babies might need me. CALLIE SCREAMS AGAIN -- the two burst out laughing.

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - BASEMENT CORRIDOR - DAY Charlotte leads Mark and Lacey down the corridor. MARK How far along are you? CHARLOTTE Five months. Why? MARK (smiling, sexual) No reason. "Episode Title" 51.

CHARLOTTE Oh for the love of-- (she reaches a door) Here we go. Charlotte rips the door open. CHARLOTTE (CONT’D) In-- She stops -- Lacey, at the end of the corridor, has been felled by a zombie. CHARLOTTE (CONT’D) Stupid. (to Mark) Take care of him for me? Mark nods, aiming his gun as Charlotte enters the

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - GENERATOR ROOM - DAY Charlotte quickly examines everything. Pausing, confused, MUMBLING TO HERSELF, then just-- CHARLOTTE Aw to heck. (she grabs the largest lever in there and pulls)

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - RESEARCH CORRIDOR - DAY Addison, Sam, Bailey, Teddy and Rhona react as the power shuts down completely -- unlocking a large security door into the research labs. ADDISON Here we go.

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - RESEARCH LAB - DAY As Teddy and Rhona watch the entrance... ADDISON (already rifling through things) You know what we’re after. Sam and Bailey get to work. "Episode Title" 52.

EXT. UCLA CAMPUS - SECURITY SHACK - DAY Amelia and her crew pull up to the shack -- there are about three dozen zombies on their tail now. ELI Be quick. Amelia smashes in the window of the shack, and roughly pulls the pin on several grenades. She throws them in, and jumps back on her bike. AMELIA Let’s go. Kepner, Lexie and Amelia get back on their bikes and begin to pedal, but-- KEPNER Eli! He’s been jumped -- and there’s no time to wait. ON Amelia, as she pedals furiously away with the other two. Behind her, Eli struggles, still alive, but it’s all for nought -- the shack blows up, and he’s engulfed in flames.

INT. MATTEL HOSPITAL - RESEARCH LAB - DAY Addison and the gang have piled together everything they can -- into duffel bags, as much as they can carry. Careful but efficient. ADDISON We have it. SAM Addison. ADDISON What? Sam just pauses, listening, until Addison realises -- the SIREN HAS STOPPED. She smiles.

EXT. NEARBY STREET - DAY Sheldon and Cristina watch from the bus, firing at any zombie they can -- Amelia and her crew are already half-way up to them, while Charlotte and Mark aren’t far behind. "Episode Title" 53.

CRISTINA Come on, come on, come on-- Addison and her group bolt out the front of the hospital, bags wrapped around them. Cristina and Sheldon take down as many zombies around them as possible. SHELDON They did it.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY ON Callie -- she breathes. Shivering, relaxing. CALLIE I did it, Arizona. I did it. Naomi holds up baby ROBIN, wiped down. CALLIE (CONT’D) (in tears now) I did it. (reaching out) Can I...? (Naomi hesitates) No. I suppose not. (to Alex) What is it? ALEX It’s a girl. CALLIE Good. Good. You know how to raise her. How I’d raise her. ALEX I do. The door opens, and Violet pops her head in. VIOLET Callie? CALLIE No. VIOLET Don’t worry. I just wanted to say congratulations. I’ve-- I’ve made space in the lab on the second floor. I thought you’d like to know. (she points to the straps) (MORE) "Episode Title" 54. VIOLET (CONT'D) May I? (Callie just nods, and Violet begins strapping her down) We’ll take you down there. It’s the best place to try this thing. And we’ll feed you and keep you going and when, and-- look at me Callie. (Callie hesitates -- but eventually gives in) And when we find a cure you’re the first on the list. It might be today. It might be now. It might be a ways down the line but you will hold Robin. And you will be her mother. You will run with her, and fight with her, you’ll smile and cry when she grows up and becomes someone entirely different from what you predicted and intended. Okay? CALLIE Okay. VIOLET I-- A SCREAM from the lobby, and a GUNSHOT. CALLIE What’s-- what--

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY CLOSE ON Jackson, holding a gun in one hand, shaking terribly. Violet comes out of the room fast. VIOLET What the-- She just freezes. Something terrible. CALLIE (from inside) What’s going on?! END ACT FOUR "Episode Title" 55.

ACT FIVE RANDOM IMAGES: A bow tie. A pair of men’s boxers. Stubble. A baseball bat. Soaked children’s clothes. Video footage of a man and woman holding hands. SHELDON (V.O.) The boys at school would take my bag and turn it inside out, and refill it, and make me walk home like that. Those boys are dead now. SAM (V.O.) I remember-- SHELDON (V.O.) Stop.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 3 - DAY Sam and Addison, rocking back and forth on the floor -- a brief WHIMPER, a climax, then they lie. Naked but for a sheet. SAM That was lovely. ADDISON What am I your grandma’s needlework? SAM You wish. A CRASH FROM OUTSIDE.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - EXAM 2 - DAY BETSY SCREAMS as they all gather round her -- Naomi, Addison, Amelia, Charlotte, Cooper, Sam, Violet and Sheldon. We’re back to just after Violet chopped off her leg. SAM I need to cauterise the leg. (to Violet) You did this? VIOLET It might work. SAM Out. Everyone out but Nai, Coop and Amelia. "Episode Title" 56.

And the rest actually exit -- except Charlotte, who tries, but Cooper grasps her hand to make her stay. NAOMI (leaning in close) Betsy? Betsy, listen to me honey. SHELDON (V.O.) Stop. SAM (V.O.) I remember he would-- SHELDON (V.O.) Stop. Think. Look at the shell of the Kodak Theatre and think to yourself “what did we lose?”. Sam gets to work on the wound as-- SHELDON (V.O.) (CONT’D) Trace back to your life before. Second best, passed over, perpetually walking home in the rain with your bag inside out and your head-- SAM (V.O.) I remember he’d laugh like-- SHELDON (V.O.) Stop. Cooper leans in close to Besty’s other ear. COOPER Close your eyes. (she does - and he sings) Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens / Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens... (he squeezes Charlotte’s hand for support) COOPER (CONT’D) CHARLOTTE Brown paper packages tied up Brown paper packages tied up with strings / These are a with strings / These are a few of my favorite things / few of my favorite things / Cream-coloured ponies and-- Cream-coloured ponies and--


CLOSE ON Violet, sitting in the corner of the lobby. Shaking. ON the stairwell entrance, bursting open to the returning masses -- Addison and Sam, carrying luggage, then THE REST. ADDISON (singing) Placenta, placenta, we got some fake placenta / Placenta-- She stops. Everyone stops. IN THE CENTRE OF THE ROOM, Cooper lies, dead. Neck bitten to shreds. In one corner, Violet. In the other, Jackson -- he’s holding down a restrained zombie Meredith, who’s been shot in the leg. JACKSON I was aiming for her head. I-- CHARLOTTE (entering) Sing all you want, Montgomery, we’re almost clear out of ammo and-- She sees Cooper. People just part, let her walk along to him. She stands -- sees he’s dead. Her eyes follow the trail of blood, droplets across the wooden floor over to Meredith and Jackson. Then -- dots connecting -- her gaze falls on Violet. CHARLOTTE (CONT’D) You. Charlotte rushes at her, and Violet doesn’t even run. VIOLET I’m sorry. I-- CHARLOTTE You tied her up. You were meant to tie her up! VIOLET I did! I, I-- She has nothing left to say. Her mouth hangs open, wide, mid- thought, and Charlotte jams her gun into it. VIOLET (CONT’D) (muffled) Oh God. I’m sorry. I-- (she speaks, but it’s impossible to hear) "Episode Title" 58.

ADDISON Charlotte. But Charlotte points another gun back at the group. CHARLOTTE (to Violet -- over her continued muffled pleas) All you had to do-- all you had to do was tie her up. All you had-- you stupid, you stupid bitch, all you had to-- all you had to-- all-- WHAT?! She pulls the gun out of Violet’s mouth. VIOLET Don’t kill Pete. Please. Save Pete. Save Pete. Save him. Please. Pl-- Charlotte smacks Violet in the mouth with the gun, then walks back to Cooper’s body. ADDISON Alright people! We need to-- we need to-- we need to get Callie down to the lab. As everyone springs into action, Cristina grabs Sam. CRISTINA I need to know. Meredith. If she-- SAM Callie, then Pete, then Meredith. CRISTINA But-- I didn’t-- it’s not her fault-- SAM Pete’s an immunologist. Explanation enough. And he walks away.

INT. 2ND FLOOR - LAB - DAY Callie is hooked up to an IV, monitors, more tech -- monitored by Addison and Sam. There’s a glass wall to see in, and AS TIME PASSES, more people come by to see her. To watch. Amelia and Sheldon. Holding hands. Rhona. Rubbing her belly as she watches. "Episode Title" 59.

Naomi -- with Betsy, and Olivia, and Tuck. Everyone, eventually. Watching, waiting. ON a clock, as time passes. 30 minutes. An hour. 90 minutes.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - LOBBY - DAY People are milling around the place -- eating in the kitchen, hanging out, whatever. Charlotte stands in the centre -- Cooper’s body’s been moved, but there’s still blood. Addison comes in the stairwell door. She stops, staring at Charlotte. Eventually she walks, Charlotte turning as she approaches. Addison stops -- side by side. ADDISON It’s done. We did it. Charlotte ALMOST SPEAKS, but it just gets lost in a TEARY, THROATY GASP -- and Addison moves on.

INT. OCEANSIDE WELLNESS - ADDISON’S OFFICE - DAY Addison slips in behind her desk. Taking a moment to breathe the day out of herself -- she rests her head for a moment. KNOCK! Sam’s in the doorway. SAM How you doing? Addison can’t even find the words. Betsy peeks her head out from behind Sam’s leg -- she’s holding the video camera. Addison works up a smile. Time for an interview. LATER: Addison looks at the camera, now set up. She looks at Sam, Betsy, out to Charlotte in the lobby, and beyond -- the Seattle Grace and Oceanside groups in the kitchen together. She looks at the camera again. ADDISON Before and after. Behind her, through her window, the sun sets.