

( www.TriviaChamp.com )

1> What is the name of Doctor Who's home planet?

a. Klom b. Sigma c. d. Adipose

2> On the show Doctor Who, what is Rose's last name?

a. Jones b. Tyler c. Smith d. Dickens

3> Which creature on the TV show Doctor Who had a hindbrain?

a. b. c. d. Sisters of Plentitude

4> Which Queen of England does suggest was infected by werewolves?

a. Elizabeth I b. Victoria c. Elizabeth II d. Mary

5> Where does Doctor Who meet ?

a. In a school b. In a hospital c. Ina department store d. In a library

6> What is the name of the robotic dog that is on the TV show Doctor Who?

a. Hal b. Dog c. K-9 d. Spot

7> Which travels with the Doctor to meet Shakespeare?

a. Rose b. Mickey c. Martha d. Sarah Jane

8> Which companion of the Doctor gets to meet ?

a. Rose b. Susan c. Billie d. Captain Jack

9> When did the series Doctor Who debut?

a. 1972 b. 1986 c. 1963 d. 1997

10> When Doctor Who returned to the air in 2005, which actor was given the honor of playing the Doctor?

a. b. c. Richard Grant d.

11> The Doctor seems to arrive on a particular earth holiday. Which holiday?

a. Easter b. Halloween c. Christmas d. Labor Day

12> Which of the Doctor's companions has to have their memory wiped clean?

a. Sarah Jane b. Donna c. Mickey d. Jack

13> Which volcano does Doctor Who and his companion watch explode?

a. Mount St. Helen b. Mount Vesuvius c. Mount Etna d. Mount Krakatau

14> What part of his body does the Doctor keep in a jar on the Tardis?

a. Foot b. Hand c. Ear d. Nose

15> In which century was Doctor Who's friend Jack born?

a. 51st b. 19th c. 12th d. 37th

16> How many children does have on the television show Doctor Who?

a. Five b. One c. Four d. None

17> What color is the Tardis?

a. Blue b. c. Green d. Yellow


1> Gallifrey - This planet was destroyed in the . 2> Tyler - Rose travels with the Doctor in the year 2006. 3> Ood - The Ood reappear in a number of Doctor Who episodes. 4> Victoria - The Doctor and Rose meet the Queen in the episode entitled Tooth and Claw. 5> In a hospital - The hospital where Martha works gets transported to the moon. 6> K-9 - K-9 lives with Sarah Jane Smith. 7> Martha - Martha helps the Doctor to defeat the Carrionites. 8> Rose - Rose and the Doctor have to discover why dead people are coming back to life. 9> 1963 - The show first aired in 1963 and continued until 1989. 10> Christopher Eccleston - Christopher was the Doctor for less than two years. 11> Christmas - The Doctor has had trouble with Santa's and Christmas trees. 12> Donna - Donna becomes part-. 13> Mount Vesuvius - This episode is all about Pompeii. 14> Hand - His hand was cut off while he was still regenerating. 15> 51st - Jack was born on the Boeshane Peninsula. 16> One - Her son is fourteen years old when the earth is towed back to its orbit by the Tardis. 17> Blue - The Tardis has remained blue ever since her camouflaging ability was damaged.