QuickStats: Dalian Wanda completed $3.5bn acquisition for Legendary Entertainment
[email protected] Transaction Details Key Points Completion Date Januray 12, 2016 On January 12, Dalian Wanda Group completed the $3.5bn acquisition for Legendary Entertainment Group. Target Deal Value $bn Legendary Entertainment Group 3.5 Key points include: Target Nationality Deal Value $bn (ex debt) Fourth largest US targeted acquisition by a Chinese acquior on record United States 3.5 Largest Asia Pacific outbound M&A deal into the Leisure & Recreation sector on record Target Sector: Payment Method Largest Film industry targeted acquisition by a Chinese acquiror on record, followed by Leisure & Recreation Cash Dalian Wanda Group's $2.6bn purchase of AMC Entertainment in September 2012 Biggest acquisition made by Dalian Wanda Group on record.The company has made Acquiror $14.8bn worth of acquisitions at home and abroad so far, and outbound deals account for Dalian Wanda Group 72% of the total volume Acquiror Nationality 15 China outbound acquisitions have been announced so far in 2016 for a total of $6.1bn. China China outbound M&A volume increased for the sixth consecutive year to a record high of $112.3bn in 2015, breaching the $100bn mark for the first time ever. US targeted deals totaled a record high of $20.6bn in 2015, almost one fifth of total China Outbound M&A Volume Volume and Ranking $bn China Outbound M&A Volume - Full Year Comparison US Targeted Total 120 Date Value ($m) No. Value ($m) No. 2008 1,013 29 50,246 242 100 2009 3,311 27 36,433 257 2010 3,692 44 49,857 324 80 2011 2,754 59 53,992 370 2012 6,801 47 57,163 361 2013 13,127 44 66,257 352 60 2014 13,756 74 71,439 407 2015 20,577 114 112,344 599 40 2015 Full Year China Announced M&A Advisor Ranking Bank Value ($m) No.