Extensions of Remarks E1815 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1815 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION HONORING THE MEMORY OF THE Keep and Bear Arms Act also expresses the HON. CARLISLE MCCLURE, JR. sense of Congress that proposals to tax, or HON. MARK UDALL otherwise limit, the right to keep and bear HON. JO BONNER arms are ‘‘reprehensible and deserving of con- OF COLORADO OF ALABAMA demnation.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over the past decade, the UN has waged a Wednesday, September 17, 2003 Wednesday, September 17, 2003 campaign to undermine the right to keep and Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, be- Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, the other day I bear arms, which is protected by the Second cause of a famiIy medical emergency that re- lost a dear friend, Carlisle McClure, Jr., and I Amendment of the US Constitution. UN Sec- quired me to remain in Colorado last week, I rise today to honor him and pay tribute to his retary-General Kofi Annan has called on mem- was unable to participate in a number of re- memory. bers of the Security Council to ‘‘tackle’’ the corded votes. Had I been present for those Elected to the Monroe County Commission proliferation and ‘‘easy availability’’ of small votes, I would have voted as follows: at a young age, Carlisle dedicated his entire arms and light weapons. Just this June, the H.R. 2989, Transportation, Treasury, and adult life to the betterment of his home county UN tried to ‘‘tackle’’ gun rights by sponsoring Independent Agencies Appropriations: Rollcall and to the great state of Alabama. As you can a ‘‘Week of Action Against Small Arms.’’ Of imagine, I was deeply saddened to learn that No. 481, Hefley amendment—I would have course, by small arms, the UN really means Carlisle passed away on Wednesday, August voted ‘‘no.’’ Rollcall No. 482, Sessions amend- all privately owned firearms. ment—I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Rollcall No. 27, after battling a long illness. Not only did I 483, Flake amendment—I would have voted lose someone I considered to be a good friend Secretary Annan is not the only globalist ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. 484, Delahunt amend- but even more importantly, his friends, family calling for international controls on firearms. ment—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. and fellow citizens have lost an individual who, For example, some world leaders, including 485, Sanders amendment—I would have during the course of his life, made countless French President Jacques Chirac, have called voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. 486, Hastings of Flor- contributions for the betterment of his district for a global tax on firearms. Meanwhile, the ida amendment—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ and for all of Monroe County. UN Security Council’s ‘‘Report of the Group of Mr. Speaker, Carlisle McClure was the very Rollcall No. 487, Van Hollen amendment—I Governmental Experts on Small Arms’’ calls essence of a true public servant. He faith- would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. 488, for a comprehensive program of worldwide Davis of Florida amendment—I would have fully—and unselfishly—served the people of Monroe County during some of the county’s gun control and praises the restrictive gun voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. 489—passage of the policies of Red China and France! bill—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ most difficult times, economically speaking. He was always at work—tirelessly, I might add— Contrary to the UN propaganda, the right to H.R. 2765, District of Columbia Appropria- with other local and state officials in trying to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right tions: Rolrcall No. 490—Davis of Virginia attract new industry to south Alabama, and he amendment (2nd vote)—I would have voted and, according to the drafters of the Constitu- always had an eye to the future in an attempt tion, the guardian of every other right. Scholar ‘‘no.’’ Rollcall No. 491—passage of the bill—I to improve the vital infrastructure of the coun- John Lott has shown that respecting the right would have voted ‘‘no.’’ ty. H. Res. 359: welcoming His Holiness the Perhaps most importantly, however, Carlisle to keep and bear arms is one of the best ways Fourteenth Dalai Lama and recognizing his was deeply concerned for the personal well- governments can reduce crime. Conversely, commitment to non-violence, human rights, being of his fellow Monroe Countians. A de- areas where the government imposes gun freedom, and democracy: Rollcall No. 492— voted and active member of Monroeville’s First control have higher crime rates. Thus, far from passage of the resolution—I would have voted United Methodist Church, Carlisle sought to making people safer, gun control endangers ‘‘yes.’’ extend help and support to his fellow man innocent people by increasing the odds that Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1308: which often cannot be provided by any gov- they will be victimized! Rollcall No. 493—motion to instruct conferees ernment office or public agency. He had a Gun control also increases the odds that on H.R. 1308—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ heart as big as the state of Texas and a deep people will lose their lives and liberties to Motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 2555, concern and compassion for his fellow man. power-hungry government officials. Tyrannical Department of Homeland Security appropria- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me tions: Rollcall No. 494—on the motion to in- in remembering a dedicated public servant governments throughout the world kill approxi- struct—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ and long-time advocate for Monroe County, mately 2,000,000 people annually. Many of H.R. 2622, Fair and Accurate Credit Trans- Alabama. Carlisle will be deeply missed by his these victims of tyranny were first disarmed by actions Act: Rollcall No. 495, Sanders amend- family—his father, Howard Carlisle McClure, their governments. If the UN is successful in ment—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. Sr., his daughter, Mary Michael McClure and implementing a global regime of gun control, 496, Kanjorski amendment—I would have his sister, Nancy Harrell—as well as the many then more innocent lives will be lost to public voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. 497, Frank amend- friends he leaves behind. Our thoughts and (and private) criminals. prayers are with them all at this difficult time. ment—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Rollcall No. I would remind my colleagues that policies f 498, Ney amendment—I would have voted prohibiting the private ownership of firearms ‘‘no.’’ Rollcall No. 499, passage of H.R. NO TAX $’S FOR UN GUN LAWS were strongly supported by tyrants such as 2622—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse- Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1588, Tong. Defense Authorization Bill: Rollcall No. 500, HON. RON PAUL motion to instruct conferees—I would have OF TEXAS Mr. Speaker, global gun control is a recipe voted ‘‘yes.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for global tyranny and a threat to the safety of Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1308, Wednesday, September 17, 2003 all law-abiding persons. I therefore hope all Tax Legislation: Rollcall No. 501, motion to in- Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce my colleagues will help protect the funda- struct conferees—I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act. This mental human right to keep and bear arms by Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 1, legislation prohibits U.S. taxpayer dollars from cosponsoring the Right to Keep and Bear Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits: Rollcall being used to support or promote any United Arms Act. No. 502, motion to instruct conferees—I would Nations actions that could in any way infringe have voted ‘‘yes.’’ on the Second Amendment. The Right to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 05:42 Sep 18, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17SE8.001 E17PT1 E1816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 17, 2003 IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF Wellington Webb began public service in the public engagement in our representative form ALEX MACHASKEE IN CELEBRA- Colorado General Assembly and in the cabinet of government must be confronted. TION OF HIS AWARD OF INTER- of Governor Richard Lamm, where he served I am pleased to report that a new national NATIONAL BUSINESS EXECUTIVE with distinction. He was a regional adminis- project, Representative Democracy in Amer- OF THE YEAR trator for the Carter Administration and a sen- ica: Voices of the People, funded by the U.S. ior campaign official in President Carter’s re- Department of Education, was created by an HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR election campaign. I hesitate to draw out the Act of Congress to tackle this problem. The OF OHIO long list of his various public offices and project is directed by the Alliance for Rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awards because such a list does little to con- resentative Democracy, a collaboration of Wednesday, September 17, 2003 vey the depth of his record, or the weight of three fine organizations: the Center for Civic his contributions to the City and County of Education, The Center on Congress at Indiana Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Denver, to the State of Colorado and to the University, and the National Conference of pay a very special tribute to one of Ohio’s United States of America.