The Chapel Hill Methodist Church, a Centennial History, 1853-1953
~bt <lCbaptl 1;111 1Mttbobist €burcb a ~entenntal ,tstOtP, lS53~1953 Qtbe €:bapel i;tll :Metbobigt C!Cbutcb 2l ftentennial ~i6tor!" tS53~1953 By A Committee of the Church Fletcher M. Green, Editor ~bapel ~tll 1954 Contents PREFACE Chapter THE FIRST CHURCH, 1853-1889 By Fletcher M. Green II THE SECOND CHURCH, 1885 -192 0 15 By Mrs. William Whatley Pierson III THE PRESENT CHURCH, 1915-1953 23 By Louis Round Wilson IV WOMEN'S WORK 38 By Mrs.William Whatley Pierson V RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIESOF THE TWENTIETHCENTURY ,------ 52 By Louis Round Wilson and Edgar W. Knight Appendix: LIST OF MINISTERS 65 Compiled by Fletcher M. Green PREFACE Dr. Louis Round Wilson originally suggested the idea of a centennial history of the Chapel Hill Methodist Church in a letter to the pastor, the Reverend Henry G. Ruark, on July 6, 1949. After due consideration the minister appointed a com- mittee to study the matter and to formulate plans for a history. The committee members were Mrs. Hope S. Chamberlain, Fletcher M. Green, Mrs. Guy B. Johnson, Edgar W. Knight, Mrs. Harold G. McCurdy, Mrs. Walter Patten, Mrs. William Whatley Pierson, Mrs. Marvin H. Stacy, and Dr. Louis R. Wilson, chairman. The commilttee adopted a tentative outline and apportioned the work of gathering data among its members. Later Dr. Wilson resigned as chairman and was succeeded by Fletcher M. Green. Others of the group resigned from the committee. Finally, after the data were gathered, Mrs. Pierson, Dr. Green, Dr. Knight, and Dr. Wilson were appointed to write the history. On October 11, 1953, at the centennial cele- bration service Dr.
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