The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation VOL 45, NO 4, SUPPL 3, APRIL 2005

CONTENTS American Journal of AJKD Kidney Diseases

K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients Tables...... S1 Figures ...... S2 Acronyms and Abbreviations...... S3 Work Group Members...... S5 K/DOQI Advisory Board Members...... S6 Foreword...... S7 Overview of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease...... S8 Overview of Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease in Children ...... S10 SECTION I. GUIDELINES ON EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT OF CARDIO- VASCULAR DISEASES Guideline 1: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease in Adult and Pediatric Patients .. S17 Guideline 2: Coronary Artery Disease ...... S18 Guideline 3: Acute Coronary Syndromes ...... S21 Guideline 4: Chronic Coronary Artery Disease ...... S23 Guideline 5: Valvular Heart Disease ...... S27 Guideline 6: Cardiomyopathy (Systolic or Diastolic Dysfunction) ...... S30 Guideline 7: Dysrhythmia ...... S34 Guideline 8: External Defibrillation ...... S37 Guideline 9: Cerebrovascular Disease ...... S39 Guideline 10: Peripheral Vascular Disease ...... S43 SECTION II. GUIDELINES ON MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS Guideline 11: Diabetes ...... S46 Guideline 12: Blood Pressure ...... S49 Guideline 13: Dyslipidemia...... S58 Guideline 14: Smoking, Physical Activity, and Psychological Factors...... S60 Guideline 15: Anemia...... S68 Guideline 16: Arterial Stiffness, Vascular and Valvular Calcification, Calcium, Phosphorus and PTH ...... S69 SECTION III. STATE OF THE SCIENCE: NOVEL AND CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Intradialytic Hypotension ...... S76 Biomarkers...... S81 Troponin ...... S81 Inflammation...... S82 Oxidative Stress...... S86 Nutritional and Metabolic Factors ...... S90 Body Weight and Management...... S90 Omega-3 Fatty Acids ...... S91 Homocysteine ...... S95 Lipoprotein(a) and Apolipoprotein(a) Polymorphism...... S98 Malnutrition...... S102 Risk Stratification...... S107 Overview of Risk Stratification ...... S107 Family History and Genetics ...... S107 Menopause...... S110 Preventive Foot Care in Diabetes ...... S113 Aspirin ...... S114 Methods for Review of Articles...... S115 Work Group Biographies...... S121 Acknowledgments ...... S127 References...... S128 K/DOQI Disclaimer Section I: Use of the Guidelines

These Guidelines are based upon the best information available at the time of publication. They are designed to provide information and assist decision-making. They are not intended to define a standard of care, and should not be construed as one. Neither should they be interpreted as prescribing an exclusive course of management. Variations in practice will inevitably and appropriately occur when clinicians take into account the needs of individual patients, available resources, and limitations unique to an institution or type of practice. Every health-care professional making use of these Guidelines is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of applying them in the setting of any particular clinical situation. The recommendations for research contained within this document are general and do not imply a specific protocol. Section II: Development of the Guidelines

The National Kidney Foundation makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the working group. Specifically, all members of the working group are required to complete, submit, and sign a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest. All affiliations are published in their entirety at the end of this publication in the Work Group Biographies section.

In citing this document, the following format should be used: National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients. Am J Kidney Dis 45:S1-S154, 2005 (suppl 3)

The development of the K/DOQI Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients Clinical Practice Guidelines was supported by an educational grant from Satellite Healthcare, Inc.

Additional support was received from Genzyme Therapeutics.

The National Kidney Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of Amgen Inc. as the founding and principal sponsor of K/DOQI. Tables

Table A. Cardiovascular Mortality in Pediatric CKD Stage 5...... S11 Table B. Autopsy Studies of Cardiac Pathology in Pediatric CKD Stage 5...... S12 Table C. Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Pediatic CKD Stage 5 ...... S12 Table 1. Comparison of Surgical Interventions for CAD To Prevent Future Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S25 Table 2. Effect of Tissue versus Nontissue Valve Replacement on Prevention of Future Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S28 Table 3. Presence of Systolic Dysfunction on Echocardiogram as a Predictor of Future CVD Outcomes...... S31 Table 4. Increased LV Mass Index on Echocardiogram as a Predictor of Future Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S32 Table 5. Dosage Adjustments and Drugs To Be Avoided ...... S35 Table 6. AHA Guidelines for the Prevention, Screening and Evaluation, and Treatment of Stroke, with K/DOQI Modifications ...... S40 Table 7. Association of Low Ankle-Arm Brachial Index with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S44 Table 8. Oral Hypoglycemic Agents To Be Used with Caution in Dialysis Patients...... S46 Table 9. Antihypertensive Agents To Be Used with Caution in Dialysis Patients...... S47 Table 10. Removal of Antihypertensive Drugs with Dialysis ...... S50 Table 11. Factors Implicated in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension in Dialysis Patients ...... S53 Table 12. Antihypertensive Drug Therapy in Dialysis: Guidelines for Selection ...... S56 Table 13. Causes of Resistant Hypertension in Dialysis Patients...... S57 Table 14. Association of Current Smoking with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes ...... S62 Table 15. Pyschometric Testing Instruments...... S65 Table 16. Association of Low Serum Calcium Level with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers...... S71 Table 17. Association of Elevated Serum Calcium-Phosphorus Product with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers...... S72 Table 18. Association of Elevated Serum Phosphorus Level with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers...... S73 Table 19. Association of Serum PTH Level with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers...... S74 Table 20. Factors Related to IDH Treatment...... S77 Table 21. Association of Elevated Random Troponin I Levels with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S82 Table 22. Association of Elevated Random Troponin T Levels with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes...... S83 Table 23. Association of Elevated Serum CRP Level with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers...... S85 Table 24. Markers That Could Be Used To Assess Oxidative Stress in CKD ...... S87 Table 25. Potential Effects of ␻-3 Fatty Acids on CVD Risk Factors...... S92 Table 26. Summary of Effects of Fatty Acid Types on Lipid Classes ...... S93 Table 27. Amount of ␻-3 Fatty Acids Provided by Selected Food Sources and Supplements...... S95 Table 28. Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) and Potassium (Kϩ) Content of Selected Foods per 100 g ...... S96 Table 29. Association of the Lp(a) Concentration with Risk of CVD or Markers ...... S100 Table 30. Association of the apo(a) Polymorphism with Risk of CVD or Markers...... S101 Table 31. Factors Contributing to Wasting in CKD Patients...... S103 Table 32. Factors That May Affect Serum Albumin Levels in CKD Patients...... S104

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S1-S2 S1 S2 FIGURES

Table 33. Assessment of Wasting in CKD Patients...... S104 Table 34. Association of SGA Score Ͻ1 with Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Markers ..... S105 Table 35. Approximate Definition of Categories of Family History in the General Population ..... S108 Table 36. Association of the MTHFR 677C3T Polymorphism with Risk of Prevalent CVD or Markers ...... S109 Table 37. Association of the ApoE Polymorphism with Risk of CVD or Markers ...... S109 Table 38. Association of the ACE Polymorphism with Risk of CVD or Markers...... S111 Table 39. Example of Format for Summary Tables...... S117 Table 40. Format for Guidelines...... S119 Table 41. Rating the Strength of Guideline Recommendations ...... S120 Table 42. Rating the Strength of the Evidence ...... S120 Figures

Figure 1. Estimated Mortality of Dialysis Patients after Acute MI ...... S21 Figure 2. Estimated All-Cause Survival of Dialysis Patients after CABG, PTCA, and Stenting...... S24 Figure 3. Estimated All-Cause Survival of Dialysis Patients after Heart Valve Replacement Surgery with Tissue and Nontissue Prosthetic Valves...... S29 Figure 4. Hypertension Treatment Algorithm in Dialysis Patients...... S55 Figure 5. Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves by Baseline Troponin Levels ...... S84 Figure 6. Desaturation and Elongation of the Major Families of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids ...... S92 Figure 7. Coronary Event-Free Survival and Apo(a) Phenotypes...... S102 Acronyms and Abbreviations ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ACC American College of Cardiology ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme ACLS advanced cardiac life support ACS acute coronary syndromes ADA American Diabetes Association AEDs automatic external defibrillators AGEs advanced glycation end-products AHA American Heart Association AI adequate intake ALE advanced lipoxidation end products AMDRs Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges AOPP advanced oxidation protein products apo(a) apolipoprotein(a) ApoE Apolipoprotein E ARBs angiotensin-receptor blockers ASA acetylsalicylic acid ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease BDI Beck Depression Inventory BIA bioimpedance BMI body mass index CAB coronary artery bypass CAD coronary artery disease CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CBS cystathionine synthase CBV central blood volume CBVD cerebrovascular disease CCB calcium-channel blockers CHF congestive heart failure CKD chronic kidney disease CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CRP C-reactive protein CT cardiothoracic CVD cardiovascular disease DCCT Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DEXA dual energy X-ray absorptiometry DHA docosahexenoic acid EBCT electron-beam computerized tomography ECG electrocardiogram EMS Emergency Medical Services EPA eicosapentaenoic acid FSH follicle-stimulating hormone GI gastrointestinal GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone HD hemodialysis HGS handgrip strength HHCY hyperhomocysteinemia HRT hormone replacement therapy hs-CRP high-sensitive C-reactive protein IDH intradialytic hypotension

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S3-S4 S3 S4 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

IHD ischemic heart disease IL-6 interleukin-6 IOM Institute of Medicine IVC inferior vena cava JNC Joint National Committee for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure LDLs low-density lipoproteins LH leutinizing hormone Lp(a) lipoprotein(a) LNA alpha-linolenic acid LV left ventricular LVH left ventricular hypertrophy MAP mean arterial pressure MDA malondialdehyde MI myocardial infarction MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MPO myeloperoxidase MRA magnetic resonance angiography MRI magnetic resonance imaging MS methionine synthase MTHFR 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase nPCR normalized protein catabolic rate PCI percutaneous coronary intervention PD peritoneal dialysis PEM protein-energy malnutrition PP pulse pressure PTH parathyroid hormone PUFAs polyunsaturated fatty acid PVD peripheral vascular disease PVR peripheral vascular resistance PWV pulse wave velocity RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance rhEPO recombinant human erythropoietin RRT renal replacement therapy SCD sudden cardiac death SGA subjective global assessment STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory STAXI State-Trait Anger Expression Scale SVAs supraventricular arrhythmias TIA transient ischemic attack UKPDS Prospective Diabetes Study USRDS United States Renal Data System VF ventricular fibrillation VHD valvular heart disease VT ventricular tachycardia WHI Women’s Health Initiative Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients Work Group Membership

Work Group Co-Chairs Alfred K. Cheung, MD William L. Henrich, MD University of Utah University of Maryland School of Medicine Salt Lake City, UT Baltimore, MD

Work Group Srinivasan Beddhu, MD Patricia Painter, PhD University of Utah University of California San Francisco Salt Lake City, UT San Francisco, CA Vito Campese, MD Rulan Parekh, MD USC/Keck School of Medicine Johns Hopkins Hospital Los Angeles, CA Baltimore, MD Blanche M. Chavers, MD Mark Roberts, MD, MPP University of Minnesota University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Minneapolis, MN Pittsburgh, PA David Churchill, MD Catherine Stehman-Breen, MD St. Joseph’s Hospital/McMaster University Amgen Ontario, Canada Thousand Oaks, CA D. Jordi Goldstein, D.Sc, RD Peter Stenvinkel, MD University of Nevada Reno Karolinska University Hospital at Huddinge Reno, NV Stockholm, Sweden Charles Herzog, MD Hennepin County Medical Center Ravinder Wali, MD Minneapolis, MN University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, MD Karren King, MSW, ACSW, LCSW Kansas City, MO Miriam Weiss, MD University Hospitals of Cleveland Florian Kronenberg, MD Cleveland, OH Innsbruck Medical University Innsbruck, Austria Liaison Member: Kline Bolton, MD (RPA) B. Sandra Miholics, RN, CNN University of Virginia Hospital Gambro Health Care, Inc. Charlottesville, VA Neshanic Station, NJ

K/DOQI Center Staff at Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, MA Andrew S. Levey, MD, Center Director Joseph Lau, MD, Program Director, Evidence Based Medicine Katrin Uhlig, MD, Program Director, Nephrology, Evidence Review Team Co-Director Ethan Balk, MD MPH, Evidence Review Team Co-Director

K/DOQI Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients Evidence Review Team, K/DOQI Center

Joseph Lau, MD, Director Ethan Balk, MD MPH, Project Director Priscilla Chew, MPH Annamaria Kausz, MD, MPH Gowri Raman, MD Katrin Uhlig, MD K/DOQI Advisory Board Members

Adeera Levin, MD, FACP K/DOQI Chair Michael Rocco, MD, MS K/DOQI Vice-Chair

Garabed Eknoyan, MD Nathan Levin, MD, FACP K/DOQI Co-Chair Emeritus K/DOQI Co-Chair Emeritus

George Bailie, PharmD, PhD Maureen Michael, BSN, MBA Bryan Becker, MD Joseph V. Nally, MD Gavin Becker, MD, MBBS John M. Newmann, PhD, MPH Jerrilynn Burrowes, PhD, RD Allen Nissenson, MD Fernando Carrera, MD Keith Norris, MD David Churchill, MD, FACP Gregorio Obrador, MD, MPH Allan Collins, MD, FACP William Owen, Jr., MD Peter W. Crooks, MD Thakor G. Patel, MD, MACP Dick DeZeeuw, MD, PhD Glenda Payne, MS, RN, CNN Thomas Golper, MD Claudio Ronco, MD Frank Gotch, MD Rosa A. Rivera-Mizzoni, MSW, LCSW Antonio Gotto, MD Anton C. Schoolwerth, MD Roger Greenwood, MSc, MD, FRCP Robert Star, MD Joel W. Greer, PhD Richard Grimm, Jr., MD Michael Steffes, MD, PhD William E. Haley, MD Theodore Steinman, MD Ronald Hogg, MD John-Pierre Wauters, MD Alan R. Hull, MD Nanette Wenger, MD Lawrence Hunsicker, MD Cynda Ann Johnson, MD, MBA Ex-Officio Michael Klag, MD, MPH Josephine Briggs, MD Saulo Klahr, MD Norbert Lameire, MD Francesco Locatelli, MD Sally McCulloch, MSN, RN, CNN K/DOQI Support Group

Sharon P. Andreoli, MD Nathan Levin, MD, FACP Sally Burrows-Hudson, RN Donna Mapes, DNSc, RN Garabed Eknoyan, MD Edith Oberley, MA Derrick Latos, MD Brian J.G. Pereira, MD, DM, MBA Adeera Levin, MD, FACP Michael Rocco, MD, MS Kerry Willis, PhD K/DOQI Guideline Development NKF Staff

Donna Fingerhut Margaret Klette Anthony Gucciardo Kerry Willis, PhD The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation VOL 45, NO 4, SUPPL 3, APRIL 2005

American Journal of AJKD Kidney Diseases Foreword

he treatment of patients with cardiovascular CVD is first described, with the strength of T disease (CVD) on dialysis remains subop- recommendation (A, B, or C, with A being the timal due to the lack of evidence of treatment strongest) provided for each statement. This is efficacy, exclusion of this population from most followed by the synopsis of a comprehensive major cardiovascular trials, and an attitude of review of literature on that particular topic, with therapeutic nihilism on the part of clinicians the primary focus on the literature that is specific towards this population. to the dialysis patients. This review provides the These guidelines are organized to facilitate the rationale for the guideline statement and the evaluation, identification, and treatment of pa- strength of recommendation. The strength of tients on dialysis with CVD, recognizing that all evidence (strong, moderately strong, or weak) of patients on dialysis are at increased risk for the rationale is provided within this section. The CVD. They are designed for use by cardiolo- final section on research recommendations in gists, nephrologists, primary-care physicians, and each guideline attempts to define those questions nurse practitioners. CVD in these guidelines is that the Work Group believes need to be an- defined as coronary artery disease (CAD), cardio- swered in order to improve the care of patients myopathy, valvular heart disease, arrhythmia, on dialysis, and in order to update these guide- cerebrovascular disease (CBVD), or peripheral lines in the next 3-5 years based on new data. vascular disease (PVD). Some or all of these In addition to the guidelines, there are a num- entities may co-exist in the same individual, or ber of topics that the Work Group felt were develop sequentially over time. important, but the available data do not support The intention of this Work Group was not to the establishment of specific guidelines. For these rewrite existing guidelines or textbooks of cardio- topics, comprehensive literature reviews were vascular medicine. Instead, we have attempted to performed and individual summaries are pre- highlight those aspects of CVD care that are sented as state-of-the-science chapters in the different or have been construed to be different second part of this document. in dialysis patients compared to the general popu- lation, either as a consequence of the kidney disease or the dialysis procedure. © 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. For each guideline, the recommended action 0272-6386/05/4504-0101$30.00/0 (guideline statement) for the management of doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.016

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: p S7 S7 OVERVIEW OF EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE

ARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE is the ma- ● Cardiovascular mortality is markedly greater C jor cause of morbidity and mortality in in patients treated by RRT than in the patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage age-matched general population. 5.1,2 Although there have been significant im- ● The unique pathophysiology of CKD Stage provements in management of CVD in the gen- 5 and its treatment results in differences in eral population, it is not known if these interven- the incidence and prevalence of various tions result in similar benefits for patients with CVD processes noted at the time of death in CKD Stage 5. Subtle differences in the types, dialysis patients compared to the general distribution, mortality and pathophysiology of population. CVD in patients with CKD Stage 5 suggest that RATIONALE generalization of data from patients without kid- ney disease should be extrapolated with caution. Definitions Cardiovascular risk factors among patients Within years of the first clinical experience with CKD Stage 5 may be divided into those that with hemodialysis, cardiovascular mortality was are nonspecific to kidney disease but are more found to be very high.5 Current literature substan- prevalent, and those that are specific to CKD tiates a high mortality from CVD, compared to Stage 5. There is increased prevalence of many the general population.1 Cardiovascular disease traditional factors for cardiovascular risk (age, includes the specific diagnoses: myocardial in- male gender, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipide- farction (MI), pericarditis, atherosclerotic heart mia, and physical inactivity). In addition, pa- disease (AHD), cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, val- tients with CKD Stage 5 have disease-related vular heart disease (VHD), congestive heart fail- risk factors such as anemia, hyperhomocysteine- ure (CHF), CBVD, and PVD. In addition, pa- mia, hyperparathyroidism, oxidative stress, hy- tients with CKD Stage 5 have a unique excess of poalbuminemia, chronic inflammation, prothrom- sudden death from cardiac arrest.1,2 This is some- botic factors, among others. Data suggest that what confusing, as the USRDS classification is uremic factors, or factors related to renal replace- “cardiac arrest, cause unknown” (47% of cardiac ment therapy (RRT)/dialysis may be implicated death) and includes a separate category for ar- in the pathogenesis of heart disease in patients rhythmia (13% of cardiac death). treated by dialysis, because cardiovascular sur- Strength of Evidence vival improves after transplantation even in high- risk patients.3,4 Conversely, aspects of the dialy- Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of sis treatment itself may contribute to CVD. death in patients with end-stage kidney failure. (Strong) The United States Renal Data System Target Population (USRDS) annual data (abstracted from prevalent patients in the years 1998-2000) shows that ● Patients with CKD Stage 5 requiring chronic 75.47 (42.2%) of the 178.92 deaths per 1,000 RRT patient years at risk have cardiovascular causes. ● Exclusion—patients after transplantation Of these deaths 36.51 (46%) were recorded as cardiac arrest.2 Cardiovascular Disease Risks in This Population Cardiovascular mortality is markedly greater in patients treated by RRT than in the age- ● Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause matched general population. (Strong) Direct of death in patients with CKD Stage 5. comparisons between patients with CKD Stage 5 and the general population are difficult. How- © 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. ever, many studies use Framingham data for 0272-6386/05/4504-0102$30.00/0 reference. Some researchers have developed a doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.017 Sensitivity Analysis method for contrasting car-

S8 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S8-S9 OVERVIEW S9 diovascular mortality in the general population Comparison of dialysis modalities is a serious and in patients with CKD Stage 5—matching for research need in this field. The current literature such factors as sex, race, age and the presence of suggests that peritoneal dialysis (PD) is more a diagnosis of diabetes.1,6 Their results show that effective in controlling fluid-volume status than cardiovascular mortality is 5- to 100-fold greater hemodialysis (HD); however, there is higher in CKD Stage 5 than in specific reference mortality for cardiovascular events. Selection groups. However, patients with CKD Stage 5 bias, “informative censoring” of healthier pa- who develop cardiac events have a greatly tients receiving transplantation, and the inherent increased mortality compared to patients with difference in techniques make comparisons very normal renal function.7,8 A limited number of difficult autopsy studies are instructive in their support of the clinical data. There is a widely accepted hypoth- LIMITATIONS esis that increased cardiovascular risk is caused by 5 Much of the confusion in this literature stems accelerated atherogenesis. While atherosclerosis from a lack of uniform and standardized ap- is widespread, anatomically documented MI is proaches to gathering data. In many papers, only present in approximately 8%-12% of patients 9-12 adequate detail about comorbid conditions is at autopsy. Both coronary artery and valvular missing. Standard dialysis management has calcifications are common; however, there is no changed with time. It is rare to find clear informa- direct connection between advanced coronary le- tion about dialysis adequacy or a specific dialysis sions (as graded by the degree of calcification) and therapy. Because of selection bias, it is very cause of death.11 There is a high incidence of difficult to compare the effects of HD and PD on subclinical pericarditis. In addition, the frequent CVD, and equally difficult to compare the U.S. autopsy finding of ventricular hypertrophy empha- experience with that of other countries. This sizes the importance of primary cardiac muscle section reviews papers based on clinical, nontech- dysfunction (e.g., CHF, cardiomyopathy, etc.) in nological diagnosis. Papers using diagnostic test- patients with CKD Stage 5 (see Guideline 7). As ing to define diagnoses or risks were intention- the number of cardiovascular comorbidities in- ally excluded (see Sections II and IV). Therefore, creases, the risk of complications rises. Thus, the specific diagnostic modalities (EKG or echocar- severity of comorbid factors may play a role in the morbidity and mortality of CVD in CKD diography) are likely to provide more accurate Stage 5. There is good evidence that the current measures for determining treatment outcomes. population of patients starting RRT is older and sicker (i.e., more severe comorbidities) than in RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS earlier years. The unique pathophysiology of There is a marked paucity of detail about CKD Stage 5 and its treatment results in differ- causes of sudden death in patients with CKD ences in the incidence and prevalence of various Stage 5. A recent study shows an increased risk cardiovascular disease processes noted at the of death on Monday and Tuesday compared to time of death in RRT patients compared to the other days of the week in patients treated by general population. HD.13 This study focuses attention on the 3-day Patients who survive more than 7-10 years hiatus between hemodialysis treatments that is demonstrate a complex picture. In general the part of current standard management. At present, long-term survivors have lower risks (younger, it is unclear if the associated risks of hyperkale- women, lower phosphorus), which can be inter- mia, the rate of change in potassium with dialysis preted as a “survivor effect”. But when adjust- treatment, and fluid overload are the cause of the ments for comorbidity are made, mortality re- increased mortality. Careful studies of dialysis- mains about the same as in patients on RRT for specific risks and outcomes in CVD are likely to shorter periods of time. (Weak) yield important insight into this problem. OVERVIEW OF EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN CHILDREN

ARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE is a major 2001 there were, on average, 2,199 children each C cause of morbidity and mortality in pediat- year on chronic dialysis. Recent studies have shown ric patients on chronic dialysis; it is now reported that pediatric chronic dialysis patients bear a signifi- as either the first or second most common cause cant CVD burden and that CVD-associated mortal- of death in series evaluating mortality in children ity is 1,000 times higher in pediatric chronic dialy- on chronic dialysis (Tables A and B).2,14-17 Chil- sis patients than the nationally reported pediatric dren and young adults on chronic dialysis have cardiovascular death rate.14 The highest cardiovas- traditional factors leading to cardiovascular risk cular death rate occurs in young children on dialy- (hypertension, dyslipidemia, and physical inactiv- sis who are Ͻ5 years of age. Transplantation in ity). In addition, they have uremia-related risks children lowers the risk of cardiovascular mortality such as anemia, volume overload, hyperhomocys- by 78%; however, the rate of CVD mortality contin- teinemia, hyperparathyroidism, hypoalbumin- ues to be greater than that in the general pediatric emia, inflammation, and left ventricular hypertro- population.14 The leading cause of mortality in the phy (LVH) (Table C). Large-scale, multicenter general pediatric population is accidents.18 Strate- studies of risk factor outcomes for CVD in pa- gies to reduce CVD morbidity and mortality are tients on chronic dialysis have not been carried clearly warranted in the pediatric CKD Stage 5 out in the pediatric population. Guidelines for population. routine screening and monitoring of many of these risk factors are not in place for pediatric Cardiovascular Disease Mortality (Strong) chronic dialysis patients. The data presented here In the 2002 USRDS data, CVD (defined as support the need for prevention as well as greater acute myocardial infarction, pericarditis, athero- recognition and treatment of CVD and CVD risk sclerotic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, cardiac factors in children and young adults on chronic arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, valvular heart dis- dialysis. ease) exceeded infection as the leading cause of Target Population death in 8,549 pediatric chronic dialysis patients, accounting for 27% of deaths.2 An additional The Work Group considered whether to in- 6% of deaths in pediatric chronic dialysis pa- clude children and adolescents in these guide- tients were caused by CBVD. Infection was the lines as the majority of guidelines were directed second largest known cause of death in these to symptomatic atherosclerotic CVD. Children patients, accounting for 20% of the patient who are dialysis-dependent (Stage 5 CKD) are at deaths.2 A retrospective analysis of cardiovascu- risk of CVD; however, the spectrum of CVD lar mortality in Medicare-eligible CKD Stage 5 does differ from that in adults. The guidelines patients who died at ages 0-30 years and who had proposed for children and adolescents under age participated in a USRDS special study as chil- 18 address the current state of knowledge in dren (age 0-19 years) demonstrated that, of a pediatric CKD Stage 5. If there are guidelines total of 1,380 deaths between the years 1990 and already provided for specific cardiovascular con- 1996, 980 deaths were in the chronic dialysis ditions or risk factors, we refer to the appropriate patients. Cardiac causes accounted for 28% of all recommendations. deaths in the dialysis patients and was second 14 RATIONALE only to infection. Cardiac deaths occurred in 34% of 331 black compared with 25% of 649 Data from the USRDS suggest that children white dialysis patients. For both the chronic aged 0-19 years make up 1% of known chronic dialysis and transplant groups, the risk of cardiac dialysis patients in the U.S.17 Between 1998 and death increased by 22% with every 10-year in- crease in age.2 The dialysis arm of the North © 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. American Pediatric Transplant Cooperative Study 0272-6386/05/4504-0103$30.00/0 (NAPRTCS) registry includes data on 4,546 pa- doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.018 tients Ͻ21 years of age. Of 205 deaths reported

S10 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S10-S15 OVERVIEW S11

to the NAPRTCS dialysis registry, cardiopulmo- Dutch children with CKD Stage 5 was reported nary events were the second leading cause of to be 30 times higher than in the general Dutch death (44/205, 22%).19 age-and gender-matched pediatric population.16 In a retrospective USRDS study of 1,454 Medi- Young age, black race, hypertension, and a pro- care-eligible incident pediatric chronic dialysis longed period of dialysis have been associated patients identified from 1991 to 1996, 107 deaths with increased cardiac mortality in chronic pedi- were noted during the follow-up period (each atric CKD Stage 5 patients. cohort was followed for 3 years). Of those, 41 (38%) were cardiac-related.15 Cardiac deaths oc- Cardiovascular Disease Events (Moderately curred in a greater percentage of blacks (5%) Strong) compared with whites (2%). The cardiac death In the USRDS study noted above, CVD events rate did not decrease during the study period; were examined in the six incident pediatric chronic (14.4 and 14.5 per 1,000 patient years for the dialysis cohorts from 1991 to 1996.15 All patients 1991 and 1996 cohorts, respectively). were Ͻ20 years of age at the start of dialysis and Similar mortality data have been reported for each cohort was followed for up to 3 years. Of the European and Asian pediatric CKD Stage 5 pa- 1,454 incident pediatric patients who started chronic tients with cardiac deaths ranging from 30%- dialysis between 1991 and 1996, 452 (31%) devel- 57% of all deaths.16,20-24 Overall mortality in oped CVD.15 Arrhythmia was the most common S12 OVERVIEW

cardiac event and it developed in approximately Atherosclerosis. There is a paucity of data 20% of the study patients. Other cardiac-related pertaining to atherosclerosis in children; this events were vascular heart disease (VHD) (12%), includes the general pediatric as well as the cardiomyopathy (10%), and cardiac arrest (3.0%). chronic pediatric dialysis populations. The 2002 The frequency of a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy USRDS ADR states that 10%-15% of prevalent was noted to double during the USRDS study pediatric chronic dialysis patients have a diagno- period. Arrhythmias, including sinus tachycardia, sis of AHD. Musculoelastic intimal thickening is premature ventricular contractions, and heart block considered an early stage in the development of have been reported in pediatric chronic dialysis atherosclerosis and it has been reported in a patients.25-28 The 2002 USRDS Annual Data Re- small series of pediatric hemodialysis patients.29 port lists cardiac arrhythmia (hyperkalemia ex- In this study, a biopsy of the recipient iliac artery cluded) as the cause of death in 4% (14% of all was performed at the time of kidney transplanta- cardiacÐrelated deaths) of pediatric chronic dialysis tion in 12 pediatric hemodialysis patients aged patients for 1998 to 2000. Data on the incidence 11-17 years. Five (42%) arteries had fibroelastic and prevalence of nonfatal MI, angina, and LVH intimal wall thickening, two (17%) had microcal- were not reported. cification in the intimal layer, and two (17%) had OVERVIEW S13

fibroatheromatous plaques (14). Six of the twelve 26 transplant) since childhood. Coronary artery patients had uropathy as the primary cause of calcification was present in 34 of 37 patients CKD Stage 5 and atherosclerotic changes were (92%) scanned, and did not correlate with wors- present in the vessel sample obtained from all six ening intimal medial thickness.34 Coronary ar- of these patients. In contrast, only one of six tery calcification was associated with higher patients with a diagnosis of glomerulonephritis levels of C-reactive protein, plasma homocys- as the cause of CKD Stage 5 had atherosclerotic teine, and intact PTH, as well as a higher changes. Serum phosphorus and the calcium- calcium-phosphorus product.34 Coronary calcifi- phosphorus product were higher in the uropathy cation may represent arteriosclerosis and not group. The duration of CKD Stage 5 was, on necessarily atherosclerosis in children on chronic average, 2 years longer in the uropathy group.29 dialysis. The distinction is usually made on (Weak) autopsy material. Clearly, whether or not coro- Coronary artery disease. Limited data are nary artery and other vascular diseases are available in pediatric patients. One group re- accelerated in children and young adults on ported accelerated coronary artery disease at chronic dialysis requires further study. (Weak) autopsy in 12 CKD Stage 5 patients Ͻ20 years of Valvular heart disease/aortic valve calcifica- age.30 Intimal thickening was present in 50% of tion. A recent study examined the prevalence the CKD Stage 5 patients compared to 25% of 16 of aortic valve calcification in young adults who autopsy specimens obtained from pediatric pa- had experienced CKD Stage 5 since childhood. tients without CKD Stage 5. Musculoelastic col- In this study, 30 of 140 Dutch patients who had lagenous changes of the intima were present in onset of CKD Stage 5 at age 0-14 years (years 83% of CKD Stage 5 autopsy specimens com- 1972 to 1992) were on chronic dialysis (19 HD, pared to 25% of the control specimens. Indirect 11 PD) at the time of cardiac evaluation in 1998 35 Aortic valve calcification was deter- methods of determining coronary atherosclerotic to 2000. mined by echocardiography. Aortic valve calcifi- disease have been studied in children. Coronary cation was present in nine patients (30%) and by artery calcification has been studied by electron- multiple regression analysis was associated with beam computed tomography (EBCT) in 39 young a prolonged period of peritoneal dialysis.35 At adults (mean age 19 years) on chronic dialysis; autopsy, it was found that four out of eight the presence of coronary calcification was found chronic pediatric dialysis patients had Moenck- in association with older age, a longer period of eberg-type arteriosclerosis and diffuse vascular chronic dialysis, a higher mean phosphorus level, and cardiac valve calcification.36 (Weak) a higher daily calcium intake, and a higher mean 31,32 calcium-phosphorus product. Confirmation Hypertension/left ventricular hypertrophy. of CAD in these patients was not done with the Hypertension is commonly seen in 49% of gold standard of coronary angiography. In addi- children with CKD37 and 50%-60% of patients tion, there were limited data available on tradi- on dialysis.38 Left ventricular hypertrophy, left tional cardiovascular risk factors and the associa- ventricular dilatation, and systolic and diastolic tion of elevated coronary calcium. A study dysfunction have been documented using echo- reported findings of soft-tissue calcification at cardiography in studies of children on mainte- autopsy in 72 of 120 (60%) pediatric patients nance dialysis.39,40 Left ventricular hypertrophy 33 with CKD Stage 5 treated from 1960 to 1983. is a known risk factor for CVD and mortality in Of the 120 patients, 54 (45%) were on chronic adults on chronic dialysis but this has not been dialysis at the time of death. Soft-tissue calcifica- proven in children. The prevalence of LVH by tion was present in 76% of the patients who had echocardiography in 64 children on maintenance undergone chronic dialysis and 61% had severe dialysis was 75%.40 Some authors report in- systemic calcification. Coronary calcification by creased severity of LVH in pediatric hemodialy- helical CT and intimal medial thickness by sis compared to peritoneal dialysis patients.40,41 Doppler ultrasound have been studied in a cross- Established LVH has been reported at the initia- sectional analysis of 39 young adults (mean age tion of maintenance dialysis in 20 of 29 (69%) 27 years) with CKD Stage 5 (13 chronic dialysis, patients aged 4-18 years.42 The results of this S14 OVERVIEW study implied that LVH begins to develop in recommendations provided by the American children with earlier stages of CKD Stage 5. Left Diabetes Association.49 (C) ventricular hypertrophy was found to progress in Guideline 12.5. Determination and manage- 14 of 29 patients who had LVH on initial ment of blood pressure in children should follow evaluation. Progression in these patients was recommendations by The Fourth Report on the associated with increased systolic blood pres- Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High sure. In the Litwin study of patient survival and Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents.50 mortality in 125 children from Poland on chronic (C) dialysis, CVD accounted for 11 of 16 (69%) 12.5.a: Optimal systolic and diastolic blood 36 patient deaths. Five of the eleven patients who pressure should be Ͻ95% for age, gender, and died of cardiac disease underwent autopsy and height. (B) were found to have LVH. Screening for LVH by 12.5.b: Management of hypertension on dialy- electrocardiogram in children is not recom- sis requires attention to fluid status and antihyper- mended due to the very low sensitivity of the tensive medications, minimizing intradialytic 43,44 test. Echocardiogram is a more reliable fluid accumulation by (C): measure of LVH in children and adolescents. (Weak) ● education by dietitians every 3 months ● low salt intake (2 g/day sodium intake) RECOMMENDATIONS ● increased ultrafiltration ● Summary of Pediatric Clinical longer dialysis duration Recommendations ● intradialytic sodium modeling to minimize intradialytic hypotension Guideline 1.2. Children commencing dialy- ● more than 3 dialysis treatments per week sis should be evaluated for the presence of ● antihypertensives: consider if medications cardiac disease (cardiomyopathy and valvular are cleared on dialysis. disease) using echocardiography once the patient has achieved dry weight (ideally within 3 months Guideline 13. Management of dyslipidemias of the initiation of dialysis therapy). (C) Children for prepubertal children with CKD and CKD commencing dialysis should be screened for Stage 5 should follow recommendations by traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as National Cholesterol Expert Panel in Children dyslipidemia and hypertension. (C) and Adolescents. Postpubertal children or adoles- Guideline 5.3. Children with VHD should cents with CKD Stages 4 and 5 should follow the be evaluated by echocardiography. Management recommendations provided in the K/DOQI Clini- of valvular disease should follow recommenda- cal Practice Guidelines for Managing Dyslipi- 51 tions provided by the ACC/AHA Guidelines for demias in Chronic Kidney Disease. (C) the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Guideline 15. All children on dialysis with Disease VI.45 (C) anemia should follow the K/DOQI Guidelines Guideline 6.4. Children should be evaluated for Treatment of Anemia.52 (C) for the presence of cardiomyopathy (systolic and Guideline 16. There are no data available diastolic dysfunction) using echocardiographic from large-scale studies of risk modification on testing. (C) which to make evidence-based recommenda- Guideline 8.1.c. All dialysis units caring for tions. Two small studies in young adult chronic pediatric patients need to have on-site external dialysis patients have shown coronary artery automatic defibrillators and/or appropriate pedi- calcification to be associated with a higher atric equipment available. Automated external calcium-phosphorus product. Although clinical defibrillators may be used for children 1-8 years practice guidelines for management of bone of age, and should ideally deliver pediatric doses metabolism and disease in pediatric patients with and have an arrhythmia detection algorithm.46-48 CKD will be forthcoming, we recommend main- (C) taining the corrected total calcium and phospho- Guideline 11. Determination and manage- rus levels within the normal range for the ment of children with diabetes should follow laboratory used and the calcium-phosphorus prod- OVERVIEW S15 uct below 55 mg2/dL2 in children on chronic tors, and identify possible interventions. Cardio- dialysis. (C) vascular risk factors are likely to be similar to those in adults and include high blood pressure, Research Recommendations dyslipidemia, obesity, physical inactivity, ane- Longitudinal studies to determine the magni- mia, calcium and phosphorus abnormalities, fam- tude of CVD and identify cardiovascular disease ily history of CVD and its risk factors, genetics, risk factors are needed in pediatric chronic dialy- inflammation, malnutrition, oxidative stress, hy- sis patients, studies are needed to quantify the perhomocysteinemia, and smoking (in adoles- magnitude of risk, identify modifiable risk fac- cents). SECTION I. GUIDELINES ON EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES

HE ASSESSMENT and treatment of both dilol) published in dialysis patients. Therefore, T risk factors and end organs are essential in most guidelines described in this section are the management of cardiovascular diseases. The referred from published guidelines in the general first section will deal with the end organs and population. Nonetheless, there are unusual fea- will focus on cardiac, cerebrovascular and periph- tures in the dialysis patients that the practitioners eral vascular diseases. Cardiac diseases have need to be aware of. For example, the pathophysi- justifiably received the most attention because ology and rate of progression of cardiac valvular they are by far the most common cause of calcification appear to be different from those in cardiovascular deaths in dialysis patients. Cere- the general population. Surveillance and treat- brovascular diseases and peripheral vascular dis- ment strategies should take these caveats into eases, however, also lead to substantial morbid- consideration. On the other hand, the implant of ity and mortality and have often been overlooked tissue valves is proscribed in the existing ACC/ by practitioners and clinical researchers. AHA guidelines. More recent and stronger evi- The workgroup has faced dilemma in the dence, however, suggest that tissue valves are scope and depth of the coverage of end organ associated with equivalent outcomes in dialysis diseases. There has been only one small random- patients. These similarities, not only differences, ized trial that demonstrated beneficial effects of between dialysis patients and the general popula- specific cardioprotective drugs (namely, carve- tion also need to be emphasized. The section on end organ diseases is written © 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. for not only the nephrologists, but also the gen- 0272-6386/05/4504-0104$30.00/0 eral practitioners, cardiologists, vascular sur- doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.019 geons and other practitioners.

S16 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: p S16 GUIDELINE 1: EVALUATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN ADULT AND PEDIATRIC PATIENTS

Cardiovascular disease is prevalent in patients formed in all patients at the initia- receiving dialysis therapies, and it affects long- tion of dialysis, once patients have term outcomes as well as the ability to deliver achieved dry weight (ideally dialysis in some situations. Thus, it is important within 1-3 months of dialysis ini- to evaluate the extent of all aspects of CVD in tiation) (A), and at 3-yearly inter- dialysis patients. In those patients with limited vals thereafter (see Guideline 6). life expectancy due to severe noncardiac comor- (B) bidity, evaluation and therapy should be individu- 1.2 Children commencing dialysis should alized. be evaluated for the presence of cardiac 1.1 At the initiation of dialysis, all pa- disease (cardiomyopathy and valvular tients—regardless of symptoms—re- disease) using echocardiography once quire assessment for cardiovascular dis- the patient has achieved dry weight ease (CAD, cardiomyopathy, valvular (ideally within 3 months of the initia- heart disease, CBVD, and PVD), as well tion of dialysis therapy). (C) Children as screening for both traditional and commencing dialysis should be screened nontraditional cardiovascular risk fac- for traditional cardiovascular risk fac- tors. (C) tors such as dyslipidemia and hyperten- 1.1.a Echocardiograms should be per- sion. (C)

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: p S17 S17 GUIDELINE 2: CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) due to atheroscle- 2.1.g If the patient has “incomplete” rotic CAD is common in dialysis patients. While coronary revascularization after its evaluation and treatment are important compo- CAB surgery (i.e., not all isch- nents of the ongoing care of dialysis patients, emic coronary beds are revascu- there are special considerations for both the larized), then evaluation for CAD evaluation and treatment in dialysis patients due should be performed annually. to the issues of preservation of kidney function, 2.1.h If there is a change in symptoms vascular access, and bleeding tendencies. related to IHD or clinical status 2.1 The evaluation of CAD in dialysis pa- (e.g., recurrent hypotension, CHF tients depends on individual patient sta- unresponsive to dry weight tus. (C) changes, or inability to achieve 2.1.a If the patient is on the kidney dry weight because of hypoten- transplant waitlist and is diabetic sion), evaluation for CAD is rec- (and initial evaluation is negative ommended. for CAD), then evaluation for CAD every 12 months is recommended. 2.1.i Dialysis patients with significant 2.1.b If the patient is on the transplant reduction in LV systolic function waitlist but is not diabetic and is (EF<40%) should be evaluated classified as “high risk,”* then for CAD. evaluation for CAD every 24 2.1.j Evaluation for heart disease months is recommended. should occur at initiation of dialy- 2.1.c If the patient is on the transplant sis and include a baseline electro- waitlist and is classified as not cardiogram (ECG) and echocar- high risk,* then evaluation for diogram (see Cardiomyopathy CAD every 36 months is recom- guideline for echocardiography mended. after dialysis initiation). Both of 2.1.d If the patient is on the transplant these tests provide information waitlist with known CAD (and pertinent to, but not restricted to, not revascularized), evaluation for CAD evaluation. Annual ECGs CAD should be performed every are recommended after dialysis 12 months. initiation. 2.1.e If the patient is on the transplant 2.2 In patients fulfilling 2.1.a-2.1.i above, waitlist and has a history of PTCA CAD evaluation should also include or coronary stent, evaluation for exercise or pharmacological stress echo- CAD should be performed every cardiographic or nuclear imaging tests. 12 months. “Automatic” CAD evaluation with 2.1.f If the patient has “complete” cor- stress imaging is currently not recom- onary revascularization (i.e., all mended for all dialysis patients (i.e., ischemic coronary vascular beds patients not fulfilling 2.1.a-2.1.i). Stress are bypassed), the first re-evalua- imaging is appropriate (at the discre- tion for CAD should be per- formed 3 years after coronary tion of the patient’s physician) in se- artery bypass (CAB) surgery, then lected high-risk dialysis patients for every 12 months thereafter. risk stratification even in patients who are not renal transplant candidates. (C) 2.3 Patients who are candidates for coro- * High-risk (more than 20% per 10 years cardiovascular nary interventions and have stress tests event rate risk) according to Framingham data includes that are positive for ischemia should be those with two or more “traditional” risk factors, a known history of coronary disease, LV ejection fraction Յ40%, or referred for consideration of angio- PVD.53 graphic assessment. (C)

S18 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S18-S20 GUIDELINE 2: CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE S19

2.4 Special considerations in dialysis pa- ing modalities for CAD evaluation are risk strati- tients regarding CAD evaluation in- fication (i.e., prediction of likelihood of future clude the following: (C) events related to CAD), detection of obstructive 2.4.a To minimize the risk of potential CAD, and assessment of myocardial ischemic volume overload from the perfor- burden after coronary revascularization and/or mance of angiographic studies, medical therapy. iso-osmolar radiocontrast media (e.g., iodixanol) should be used. Diagnostic Techniques 2.4.b Some dialysis patients have re- The optimal modality is strongly dependent on sidual renal function; there are individual institutional expertise. Exercise ECG no data on the value of “nephro- is not recommended because of poor exercise protective” strategies to reduce tolerance in general, and high prevalence of left the potential risk of contrast ne- ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in dialysis pa- phropathy in these patients. The tients, although published data have suggested a use of N-acetylcysteine (and io- lower accuracy for CAD detection in dialysis dixanol) is appropriate in dialysis patients using stress nuclear or echocardio- patients with residual renal func- graphic imaging techniques, compared to the tion, as both may offer benefit general population.55 without known harm. Sodium bi- Stress echocardiography can be performed in carbonate and hydration are not different ways. Similar to exercise ECG, exer- routinely recommended, as intra- cise echocardiography is, in general, unsuitable vascular volume expansion may for the majority of dialysis patients due to noncar- pose risk to dialysis patients with diac exercise limitations. Echocardiography, in increased cardiac filling pressures. conjunction with stress by dobutamine, is a stan- 2.5 In patients undergoing invasive coro- dard method. However, it should be cautioned nary procedures, it is important to that this method may be associated with approxi- avoid internal jugular sites and to pre- mately 2%-4% risk of transient atrial fibrillation serve brachial and radial arteries for in dialysis patients, compared to only 0.5% in the future dialysis catheter and arterio- general population.56 Stress echocardiography venous fistula creation, respectively. (C) can also be performed in conjunction with a 2.6 Patients undergoing planned invasive vasodilator, such as adenosine or dipyridamole. procedures for evaluation or treatment The accuracy of this method in dialysis patients of CAD should be assessed for hemor- is poorly defined. The combination of dobut- rhagic risk and presence of anemia, as amine and a vasodilator has also been advocated anticoagulants and/or antiplatelet for stress echocardiography, but there are no agents may be administered adjunc- published data on this technique in the dialysis tively for percutaneous coronary inter- population. An advantage of echocardiography is vention. (C) that prestress imaging can provide additional information on LV ejection fraction and dimen- RATIONALE sions, valvular disease, pulmonary artery pres- At least a third of incident dialysis patients sure, and volume status, as well as associated have a history of CAD.54 In some patients, the pericardial disease (e.g., pericardial effusion). development of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction (Weak) or clinically evident CHF may be a reflection of The same techniques of stress can be applied underlying IHD. Evaluation for CAD should be to nuclear scintigraphy. Stress by exercise poses considered even in dialysis patients who are not the same problem as exercise ECG and exercise candidates for kidney transplantation, since they echocardiography because of the limited noncar- have high event rates for CAD, early hazard of diac exercise tolerance in dialysis patients. Stress acute myocardial infarction (MI) after initiation by adenosine and dipyridamole in conjunction of chronic dialysis, and high mortality rate follow- with nuclear scintigraphy is a standard method ing acute MI. The purposes of using stress imag- recommended by the American College of Cardi- S20 GUIDELINE 2: CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE ology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) tion between coronary calcification and luminal guideline on imaging. Data on dobutamine- diameter in dialysis patients is less certain than in induced stress scintigraphy in dialysis patients the general population, since vascular calcifica- are very limited. Combined stress using exercise tion in this population is often the result of and a vasodilator produced promising results in a medial calcification rather than atherosclerosis. single-center study of dialysis patients,57 but it At the present time, EBCT (or other ultrafast CT) has not been well examined in diabetic dialysis is not recommended for the diagnosis of CAD in patients (only 14% of Dahan’s study cohort had dialysis patients. Experience with cardiac mag- diabetic CKD). For the purpose of risk stratifica- netic resonance imaging (MRI) in dialysis pa- tion, the published data suggest that the accuracy tients is very limited and the technique is not of dobutamine echocardiography and vasodilator- widely available. (Weak) induced stress nuclear scintigraphy are compa- LIMITATIONS rable in kidney transplant candidates. A meta- analysis that grouped both techniques together ● Most studies deal with patients who are eli- found that stress imaging was predictive of fu- gible for kidney transplantation. There are ture cardiac death and MI in kidney transplant only sparse data on general dialysis patients. candidates.58 (Weak) ● The specific noninvasive screening method for For the purpose of detecting obstructive CAD CAD is dependent on the institution. in dialysis patients, the available data suggest ● No decision analysis has been done on the that vasodilator-induced stress nuclear scintigra- trade-off of performing angiography versus phy is less sensitive than dobutamine echocardi- further diminution of residual kidney function. ography. These data are predominantly derived IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES from diabetic dialysis patients who were being evaluated for kidney transplantation, as these ● The diagnosis of obstructive CAD in patients patients have been the focus of clinical studies on who do not have symptoms of myocardial noninvasive CAD screening. This distinction may ischemia may raise difficult therapeutic issues be important in monitoring patients for the detec- in some patients, as the choice of subsequent tion of occult re-stenosis after percutaneous cor- treatment is predominantly opinion-based. Ad- onary intervention. ditional costs and potential risks of therapy Ultrafast cardiothoracic (CT) scan or electron- could be incurred with the diagnosis of previ- beam computerized tomography (EBCT) can de- ously unsuspected CAD through screening. tect calcification of the coronary arteries. Lim- RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ited data suggest that, while EBCT has a potential role in risk stratification in dialysis patients, the ● Prospective trials are needed to examine the physiological consequences of coronary calcifi- accuracy of noninvasive imaging in dialysis cation cannot be assessed by EBCT. The correla- patients and its utility for clinical management. GUIDELINE 3: ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES

The diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes mended although controlled trials in dialysis (ACS) in dialysis patients and in the general patients are lacking. These therapies have been population is usually based on the triad of symp- found to be protective in retrospective observa- toms, ECG findings, and cardiac biomarkers. tional studies in various stages of CKD.8,59-61 The outcomes of patients on dialysis with ACS Abciximab and tirofiban (glycoprotein platelet are often poor, which may be related to the lack [GP] IIb/IIIa inhibitors) should also be consid- of a consistent and standard approach to the ered as adjunctive therapy in ACS in dialysis treatment of ACS. patients. The use of adjunctive antithrombotic 3.1 All dialysis patients presenting with and antiplatelet agents during PCI presents spe- ACS should be treated as in the nondi- cial problems in dialysis patients, because of the alysis population, with the exception of increased risk of hemorrhage. Bivalirudin is a specific attention to drugs that have direct thrombin inhibitor specifically studied in altered clearances in kidney failure (e.g., dialysis patients with dosing recommendations low molecular weight heparin). These and should be preferentially considered. When a therapies include percutaneous coro- GPIIb/IIIa antagonist is used, abciximab and nary intervention (PCI), CABG, anti- tirofiban should be considered preferred agents, platelet agents, beta-blockers, thrombo- since no dosing changes are required for abcix- lytic therapy, and lipid-lowering agents. imab, and dialysis-specific dosing recommenda- (C) tions are available for tirofiban. Abciximab is 3.1.a Dialysis patients with ST-segment typically used for PCI, as the clearance of the elevation MI should receive acute drug is not altered in dialysis patients. There are reperfusion therapy (as do pa- tients in the nondialysis popula- CKD—but not dialysis—patient studies dealing tion). With the potential for with this issue. One study reported safety of Ͼ 62 increased hemorrhagic risk asso- abciximab for Cr 2.0 mg/dL, while another showed no increase in bleeding for renal failure ciated with thrombolytic therapy, 63 emergent PCI is the preferred versus no renal failure for abciximab in PCI. treatment if it is available. (C) However, increased bleeding with abciximab in 64 3.2 The timing of dialysis in the first 48 renal failure has been reported. Increased bleed- hours after ACS should take into ac- ing but reduced in-hospital mortality in CKD count individual risk factors. (C) patients with ACS treated with IIb/IIIa antago- nists has also been shown.65 (Weak) RATIONALE There are no data regarding the safety or risk associated with HD in the first 48 hours after ACS. Collaboration between nephrology teams and cardiology teams caring for these patients should take into consideration volume status, electrolyte disturbances, and bleeding potential. Dialysis prescriptions should be adjusted to maxi- mize benefits while reducing the risk of hypoten- sion during this vulnerable period. The mortality after acute MI (Fig 1) in dialysis patients has been reported to be approximately 75% in 2 years, in part due to inadequate post-MI treatment.7 Prophylactic care that is considered to be standard in the general population may improve upon this very poor outcome in dialysis patients. Therefore, the use of aspirin, beta- blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Fig 1. Estimated mortality of dialysis patients after inhibitors, and thrombolytic therapy are recom- acute MI. Reproduced with permission.7

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S21-S22 S21 S22 GUIDELINE 3: ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES

LIMITATIONS patients due to concerns with hemorrhage. The risk of hemorrhage in dialysis patients will be ● There have been very few dialysis-specific higher with fibrinolytic, antithrombotic, and clinical trials. antiplatelet agents. ● It is difficult to assess bleeding diathesis, and therefore risk associated with GPIIb/IIIa inhibi- tors, in individual dialysis patients. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES ● Clinical trials of ACS treatment are required ● There may be reluctance of clinicians to that specifically target all ranges of CKD, employ fibrinolytic agents for ACS in dialysis including dialysis patients. GUIDELINE 4: CHRONIC CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE

The processes by which atherosclerotic dis- RATIONALE ease may be exacerbated by the uremic milieu, Management of CAD (Weak) and the outcomes of patients on dialysis with established CAD, are worse than outcomes in the Maintenance of target dry weight is important general population. for the management of heart disease. Target dry 4.1 The medical management of chronic weight should be periodically assessed because it CAD in dialysis patients should follow may change over time. This is particularly true that of the general population. In par- for diabetic and elderly patients, since their ticular, patients should receive acetylsal- muscle mass may decline over time. Caution should be exercised when using nitrates in low icylic acid (ASA), beta-blockers, nitro- preload states (e.g., hypovolemia at the end of glycerin, ACE inhibitors or angiotensin HD session), as these states may potentiate the receptor blockers (ARB), statins, and/or hypotensive effect of the drug. The hemody- calcium-channel blockers (CCB) as in- namic and electrophysiological effects of CCBs dicated. Dose adjustments are required are markedly different from each other, and these for medications that are renally ex- differences should be evaluated when selecting a creted or dialyzed. (C) suitable therapy. 4.2 Unique aspects of management in the Clopidogrel is approved in the general popula- dialysis population include: tion for the secondary prevention of atheroscle- 4.2.a Maintenance of hemodynamic dry rotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events, weight. (C) including CAD. Most dialysis patients would 4.2.b Maintenance of hemoglobin lev- theoretically be candidates for long-term clopi- els in accordance with K/DOQI dogrel therapy. It should be prescribed for all Guidelines.52 (B) patients with coronary stents and considered in 4.2.c Modification of dosing regimens other patients with stable CAD or established so that cardiovascular medica- ASCVD. All dialysis patients with CAD who are tions do not adversely impact the not allergic to ASA should receive ASA. The delivery of dialysis and ultrafiltra- efficacy-to-risk ratio of ASA in combination with tion. Nocturnal dosing of medica- clopidogrel—compared to ASA alone—for the tions should be considered. (C) secondary prevention of ASCVD events is un- 4.2.d Loop diuretics to increase urine known in dialysis patients; one undefined risk is output may be helpful for those hemorrhage. There are data indicating a two-fold relative hemorrhagic risk with ASAϩclopidogrel patients with substantial residual 66 renal function. (C) versus placebo alone. Since it may signifi- 4.3 In patients with obstructive CAD le- cantly increase the risk of hemorrhage, clopi- dogrel should be withheld (typically for 1 week) sions, PCI and CABG are appropriate before major elective surgery. In contrast, with- revascularization techniques. (C) holding ASA before surgery is usually unneces- 4.3.a Drug-eluting or conventional sary. Since the use of clopidogrel is mandatory stents should be implemented ac- for at least 30 days after coronary stent place- cording to local practice. The inci- ment, elective major surgery—including renal dence of restenosis after PCI with transplantation—should generally be postponed drug-eluting stents is reduced in to allow for discontinuation of clopidogrel be- the nondialysis population. As the fore surgery. For this reason, in the immediate risk of restenosis is higher in poststent period (when clopidogrel is required), dialysis patients, the use of drug- it may be appropriate to temporarily suspend the eluting stents is favored. active waitlist status of patients awaiting cadav- 4.3.b Patients with three-vessel and/ eric renal transplantation until the clopidogrel or Left main disease should can be discontinued. This decision should be undergo CABG as preferred made by consultation of the patient’s nephrolo- therapy. (C) gist, cardiologist, and transplant surgeon (with

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S23-S26 S23 S24 GUIDELINE 4: CHRONIC CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE

Fig 2. Estimated all-cause survival of dialy- sis patients after CABG, PTCA, and stenting. Bars indicate SEMs. Reprinted with permission ( attention to the clinical profile of the particular tion. There are currently no data on the impact of patient). coronary brachytherapy or drug-eluting stents on re-stenosis after PCI in dialysis patients, but Coronary Revascularization (Weak) these techniques may improve the long-term The short-term and long-term mortality after outcome of dialysis patients after PCI. coronary revascularization procedures in dialysis These general trends notwithstanding, the se- patients is considerably higher than those in the lection of coronary artery revascularization tech- general population. Coronary revascularization niques should also be guided by local institu- can be performed with either surgical or percuta- tional experience, since a wide variety of outcome neous approaches. In diabetic dialysis patients, data from single centers has been reported in the there is no difference in survival between percu- literature. taneous angioplasty with and without stenting. In The risk of re-stenosis after percutaneous cor- contrast, stents offer better outcomes than angio- onary angioplasty and stent placement is higher plasty without stents in nondiabetic dialysis pa- in dialysis patients than in the general population tients. In either diabetic or nondiabetic patients, (see Table 1).55,71 The failure rate of various the mortality at 6-9 months in retrospective stud- types of coronary grafts has not been studied in ies is higher after PCI, compared to coronary angiographic series in dialysis patients. In addi- bypass surgery, although the mortality after PCI tion, re-stenosis in dialysis patients may not be is lower within 90 days after the procedure (see clinically apparent, since dyspnea and angina 55,67 Fig 2 and Table 1). Observational studies can occur in the setting of volume overload. support the conclusion that surgical coronary Therefore, in all dialysis patients who have under- revascularization is associated with better out- gone PCI, provocative stress imaging should be comes than percutaneous coronary intervention 67-69 considered to detect clinically silent re-stenosis in dialysis patients. The survival advantage 12-16 weeks after PCI. This latter recommenda- of surgical coronary bypass over PCI in dialysis tion may be modified as more data on drug- patients is attributable to the use of internal 70 eluting stents in dialysis patients become avail- mammary artery bypass grafts. Therefore, di- able. alysis patients most likely to benefit from coro- nary bypass surgery are those who are suitable LIMITATIONS candidates for internal mammary graft utiliza- tion. In dialysis patients not receiving internal ● All published studies are retrospective analy- mammary grafts, there is no apparent survival ses. There are no randomized controlled trials advantage compared to PCI, but there is still a comparing PCI and surgical bypass of coro- reduced rate of repeat coronary revasculariza- nary arteries in dialysis patients. GUIDELINE 4: CHRONIC CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE S25 S26 GUIDELINE 4: CHRONIC CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE

● There have also been no studies in the dialysis term outcome could be better with surgery. population on the newest generation of drug- This early mortality could be a concern for eluting stents (e.g., stents eluting sirolimus or quality assurance entities, as in-hospital and paclitaxel). 30-day mortality are traditionally used as benchmarks. As in-hospital mortality for PCI IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES is considerably less than CABG (and the ● There is concern over the potential effects of benefit of CABG is only apparent at greater antianginal agents on intradialytic hemodynam- than six months post-procedure), it is plausible ics. that PCI could appear more attractive by ● The increased risk of hemorrhage associated commonly used benchmarks. The cost for with ASAϩclopidogrel therapy may deter its drug-eluting stents is also a potential concern. use, especially before major surgery. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ● Higher in-hospital postoperative mortality in dialysis patients, compared to PCI, might ● Randomized trials of PCI are required, using discourage some institutions from performing sirolimus-eluting or paclitaxel-eluting stents coronary bypass surgery, although the long- compared to coronary bypass surgery. GUIDELINE 5: VALVULAR HEART DISEASE

The presence of valvular heart disease (VHD) The same frequency of follow-up impacts long-term outcomes, as in the general is appropriate in other dialysis population. In addition, VHD in dialysis patients patients who would be suitable may impair the ability to adequately deliver candidates for aortic valve re- dialysis, which, in turn, may limit ultrafiltration placement based on overall clini- and toxin removal, resulting in exacerbation of cal status. (C) CVD. 5.2.d Newly or increasingly symptom- 5.1 Evaluation of VHD in dialysis patients: atic (e.g., displaying dyspnea, an- 5.1.a Patients should be evaluated for gina, fatigue, and unstable intra- the presence of VHD and for dialytic hemodynamics) patients follow-up of VHD in the same with VHD should be (re)-evalu- manner as the general population ated for VHD severity by echocar- except for frequency of follow-up diography (and referred to a car- for aortic stenosis. (C) diologist for further evaluation if 5.1.b Special considerations for echo- the patient is deemed suitable for cardiographic evaluation in dialy- intervention on clinical grounds). sis patients: (C) 5.1.b.i Dry weight optimization 5.3 Children with VHD should be evalu- should be achieved prior ated by echocardiography. Manage- to testing, to enhance the ment of valvular disease should follow interpretation of results. recommendation provided by the ACC/ (B) AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Dis- 5.1.b.ii The interpretation of re- 45 peat echocardiographic ease VI. (C) evaluations should be done with consideration of the relationship be- RATIONALE tween the echo exam and either the HD treatment Medical Treatment or the presence or ab- Cardiac calcification, including that of heart sence of PD fluid in the valves, occurs at a faster rate in dialysis patients peritoneal cavity. (B) compared to the general population. The rate of 5.2 Management of VHD in dialysis pa- progression of aortic stenosis is faster in dialysis tients: patients.76,77 A rate of aortic stenosis progression 5.2.a Published recommendations for of 0.23 cm2/year versus 0.05-0.1 cm2/year has the management of VHD in the been reported in the general population.77 This is general population should be fol- presumably a complication of the metabolic mi- lowed. (C) lieu of uremia, which includes hyperparathyroid- 5.2.b Both mechanical and tissue valves ism and high calcium-phosphate product (see the can be used for replacement, with K/DOQI Bone Metabolism and Disease Guide- similar outcomes, in dialysis pa- lines).78-80 It is uncertain whether pharmacologi- tients. (B) cal agents can alter the rate of progression of this 5.2.c Asymptomatic dialysis patients on process, although sevelamer has been shown to the transplant waitlist with mod- retard coronary arterial and aortic calcification erate or more severe aortic steno- specifically in the dialysis population, based on sis (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) clinical data utilizing EBCT.81 In addition, st- should have annual Doppler echo- atins have been suggested to inhibit calcification cardiograms (as aortic stenosis and bone formation in cardiac valves, currently progresses faster in dialysis pa- the subject of a proposed clinical trial in the tients than general population). general population. (Weak)

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S27-S29 S27 S28 GUIDELINE 5: VALVULAR HEART DISEASE

Cardiac filling pressures are greatly affected by intravascular volume. The maintenance of dry weight is a critical part of the management of valvular heart disease. Operative Treatment (Weak) Balloon valvuloplasty is not recommended for aortic stenosis in the general population because of poor long-term results due to re-stenosis, and it is also not recommended for dialysis patients. Severe mitral calcification (and mitral insuffi- ciency) is quite common in dialysis patients, making mitral valvuloplasty inappropriate for many dialysis patients. Percutaneous balloon val- vuloplasty of the mitral valve in dialysis patients should be performed only in centers with experi- enced operators. The risk of in-hospital and long-term mortality associated with aortic and/or mitral valve replace- ment is considerably higher in the dialysis popu- lation compared to the general population. In the U.S., the in-hospital mortality of dialysis patients with valvular replacement surgery is almost 20% and the two-year mortality is approximately 60%.67 The selection of the type of prosthetic heart valve is the only practice guideline related to valvular heart disease that is at significant vari- ance from the current ACC/AHA guidelines. The current ACC/AHA practice guidelines proscribe the use of bioprosthetic (i.e., tissue) heart valves for HD patients (Class III: “conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that the procedure/treatment is not useful and in some cases may be harmful”). This proscription is based only on four cases collected over two decades ago, which led to the perception that bioprosthetic valves were associated with accel- erated calcification and failure in HD patients. The more recent epidemiological data on 5,825 dialysis patients (4,545 were HD only, and there was no difference in the HD subset) undergoing cardiac valvular surgery from the USRDS found that approximately 900 patients had biopros- thetic valves. Similar findings are reported in smaller series on the noninferiority of biopros- thetic valves in dialysis patients (Table 2). There was no difference in two-year mortality (60%) in patients who received bioprosthetic valves (rela- tive risk ϭ 1.00) and those who received me- chanical valves (Fig 3). Therefore, both tissue GUIDELINE 5: VALVULAR HEART DISEASE S29

Fig 3. Estimated all-cause survival of dialysis patients after heart valve replacement surgery with tissue and non- tissue prosthetic valves. Bars indicate standard er- rors. Reprinted with permis- sion ( (bioprosthetic) and nontissue (mechanical) pros- new K/DOQI Guideline for the use of bio- thetic heart valves are appropriate for dialysis prosthetic valves. Ideally, the ACC/AHA patients. In dialysis patients with a history of guideline on this particular issue would be life-threatening hemorrhage and no other indica- changed. tions for chronic anticoagulation, bioprosthetic valves may even be preferable. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS ● Observational studies of the newer generation ● The mortality risk of nonintervention or de- of bioprosthetic valves (e.g., stentless valves) layed intervention is not known. are required. ● Studies on the timing of valve replacement in IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES relation to survival will provide valuable infor- ● The current guideline provided by the AHA/ mation (e.g., do clinicians wait too long to ACC task force could be a deterrent to this refer patients for surgery?). GUIDELINE 6: CARDIOMYOPATHY (SYSTOLIC OR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION)

The prevalence of systolic or diastolic dysfunc- important exception of potential effects tion, or overt LVH, is estimated to be at least of therapeutic agents (e.g., ACE inhibi- 75% at dialysis initiation (see also Guideline 1). tors or beta-blockers) on intrahemodia- De novo and recurrent heart failure occurs in a lytic hemodynamics. (C; B for carve- substantial proportion of patients on dialysis, and dilol) impacts on morbidity and mortality, as well as 6.2.a Congestive heart failure unre- the ability to deliver adequate dialysis. sponsive to changes in target dry 6.1 Evaluation of cardiomyopathy (systolic weight may also be a complica- or diastolic dysfunction) in dialysis pa- tion of unsuspected VHD or IHD; tients: clinical re-evaluation should be 6.1.a Dialysis patients should be evalu- considered in these patients. (C) ated for the presence of cardiomy- 6.2.b Dosing of therapeutic agents may opathy (systolic or diastolic dys- need to be empirically individual- function) in the same manner as ized to hemodialysis schedules (in the general population, using hypotensive patients). (C) echocardiographic testing. (C) 6.2.c The consistent maintenance of eu- 6.1.b Patients should be re-evaluated if volemia is a cornerstone of treat- there is change in clinical status ment of CHF in dialysis patients. (e.g., symptoms of CHF, recur- (C) rent hypotension on dialysis, post- 6.3 Target “hemodynamic dry weight” may cardiac events) or considered for need to be adjusted to compensate for kidney transplant. (C) hemodynamic effects of therapeutic 6.1.c Echocardiograms should be per- agents. (C) formed in all patients at the initia- 6.4 Children should be evaluated for the tion of dialysis, once patients have presence of cardiomyopathy (systolic achieved dry weight (ideally and diastolic dysfunction) using echo- within 1-3 months of dialysis ini- cardiographic testing. (C) tiation) (A), and at 3-yearly inter- RATIONALE vals thereafter. (B) 6.1.d As in the general population, di- Diagnosis (Moderately Strong) alysis patients identified with sig- Congestive heart failure in dialysis patients is nificant reduction in LV systolic a complex condition. It often reflects the interac- function (EF <40%) should be tion of hypertensive heart disease (resulting in evaluated for CAD (if not done LVH and noncompliant vasculature), hypervol- previously). This evaluation may emia, anemia, IHD, and—to a lesser extent— include both noninvasive testing VHD. In addition, there are abnormalities of the (stress imaging) and invasive test- myocardial ultrastructure (e.g., fibrosis) that may ing (coronary angiography). In make the dialysis patient particularly vulnerable patients at high risk for CAD to ischemia and, importantly, sudden cardiac (e.g., those with diabetic CKD), death (SCD), the single largest cause of death in coronary angiography may be ap- this population. Left ventricular hypertrophy, LV propriate, even in patients with systolic dysfunction (decreased ejection frac- negative stress imaging tests, due tion), and CHF are independent predictors of to lower diagnostic accuracy of poor survival in dialysis patients, as in the gen- noninvasive stress imaging tests eral population. In one prospective cohort study84 in CKD patients. (C) abnormal LV systolic function and LV geometry 6.2 The treatment of cardiomyopathy in were independently associated with mortality. the dialysis population is similar to that Other studies also suggest the prognostic impor- in the nondialysis population, with the tance of echocardiographically-defined LV sys-

S30 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S30-S33 GUIDELINE 6: CARDIOMYOPATHY (SYSTOLIC OR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION) S31 tolic dysfunction85,86 and LV mass84-88 as predic- tors of cardiovascular outcome (Table 3, Table 4). Left ventricular hypertrophy and systolic dys- function cannot be accurately assessed solely by history, physical examination, or chest X-ray. Left ventricular systolic performance, however, can be accurately measured by echocardiogra- phy, gated nuclear scintigraphy, ultrafast CT, contrast ventriculography, or cardiac MRI. Echocardiography (M-mode, 2-D, or Doppler) provides information on LV function, chamber dimension and geometry, presence of LVH, pul- monary artery systolic pressure, VHD, and vol- ume status. No other single imaging modality provides this potential wealth of data in the screening of noncoronary heart disease. Treatment (Moderately Strong) The consistent maintenance of euvolemia and normal blood pressure is a goal of treatment. Good volume control is a cornerstone of antihy- pertensive therapy and cardiac management. Cli- nicians must be alerted to the changing lean body mass in these patients and adjust the target dry weight accordingly, on a periodic basis. When CHF appears to be refractory, ultrafiltration with simultaneous direct-pressure monitoring using right-heart catheterization (e.g., a pulmonary ar- tery catheter) may be helpful to define the opti- mal intravascular volume. Echocardiography can provide key, noninvasive measurement of car- diac filling pressures and volume status with Doppler imaging for estimation of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vein (and diastolic transmitral), qualitative assessment of pulmo- nary venous and left atrial pressure, and inferior vena cava (IVC) imaging for estimation of right atrial pressure. Optimal blood pressure in HD patients has not been defined clearly, and should probably incorporate predialysis and postdialysis systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Quotidian long-duration dialysis may be more effective in optimizing fluid volume in patients who have difficulty attaining presumed dry weight with conventional, thrice-weekly HD. In the general population, large multicenter studies have validated the efficacy of certain agents for the treatment of CHF in patients with impaired LV systolic function. Agents that are known to improve cardiovascular outcome in clinical trials (e.g., beta-blockers) are preferred. S32 GUIDELINE 6: CARDIOMYOPATHY (SYSTOLIC OR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION)

Special dosing regimens may be necessary to facilitate the delivery of HD and ultrafiltration. Among all the medications used to treat CHF in the general population, only carvedilol has been shown to be effective in a randomized trial in the dialysis population. In a single, small study of dialysis patients with dilated cardiomyopathies, carvedilol was found to improve LV function and decrease hospitalization, cardiovascular deaths and total mortality.89,90 The degree of improve- ment was comparable to that observed in the general population. Other beta-blockers may have effects similar to carvedilol, but there are no studies to confirm or refute this hypothesis. Pend- ing further data, carvedilol should be the pre- ferred beta-blocker for the treatment of dialysis patients with severe dilated cardiomyopathy. (Moderately Strong) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have been used extensively in the general popu- lation for the treatment of CHF. In randomized placebo-controlled trials, ACE inhibitors have been shown to improve survival in patients with depressed LV function and symptomatic heart failure, and to improve survival in asymptomatic patients with depressed LV function. However, minimal data exist on the use of ACE inhibitors in dialysis patients with CHF. Nonetheless, the Work Group recommends that these agents be used in patients with CHF and impaired LV function. The dosing schedules may need to be individualized for each dialysis session in order to avoid intradialytic hypotension. One random- ized prospective study, employing a 2 ϫ 2 design on simvastatin and enalapril, found a 30% 6-month drop-out rate as a result of hypotension in the enalapril arm.91 (Weak) Digitalis glycosides (e.g., digoxin) should be considered as third-line therapy for CHF. A ma- jor indication for this class of agent is ventricular rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation. In most dialysis patients, diuretics are ineffective and not indicated for removing excess volume. There is a paucity of data on the use of spirono- lactone or eplerenone in dialysis patients with CHF. Serum potassium levels have been reported to increase in dialysis patients receiving spirono- lactone and potassium loading. Pending further safety data, this agent should be used with great caution, or not at all. (Weak) GUIDELINE 6: CARDIOMYOPATHY (SYSTOLIC OR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION) S33

LIMITATIONS use. Further, the detection of cardiac abnormali- ties (such as LV dysfunction) may increase the ● There is only a single, small trial for carvedilol in dialysis patients. necessity for other diagnostic tests, such as stress ● There are no data on the use of ACE inhibitors imaging or contrast angiography, for the assess- in dialysis patients with potential hypotension. ment of CAD. ● The longitudinal cohort study on echocardio- graphic changes in chronic HD patients by RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS Foley and Parfrey was conducted in patients ● More clinical trials on treatment of CHF in recruited from 1982-1991, mostly before the dialysis patients are required. A randomized, 84 use of erythropoietin. Despite the newer prospective trial on primary beta-blocker therapies that became available since then, therapy to reduce the risk of CHF and death cardiac events are still the major cause of would be a worthwhile project in dialysis death and cardiac mortality increases with patients, especially in diabetics. years on dialysis, according to USRDS ● Valuable information may be derived from a data.2 Long-term echocardiographic surveil- large longitudinal cohort study of echocardio- lance of dialysis patients in the modern graphic changes in the incident chronic HD treatment era is lacking. The appropriate time interval for re-evaluation in chronic and PD populations, in the modern era of dialysis patients is therefore uncertain. cardiac therapeutics. ● Further large cross-sectional studies are re- IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES quired to examine the prevalence of cardio- Although echocardiography is widely avail- myopathy in the chronic HD and PD popula- able, the cost is not low, and this may deter its tions. GUIDELINE 7: DYSRHYTHMIA

Patients on maintenance dialysis are at in- Potentially life-threatening ventricular dysrhyth- creased risk for dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and mias and silent myocardial ischemia were noted SCD. The risk of SCD or cardiac arrest increases in 29% and 36%, respectively, on Holter monitor with age and dialysis duration. performed 24 hours before, during HD, and 7.1 Evaluation of dialysis patients: continued for 20 hours after dialysis in a small 7.1.a All dialysis patients, regardless of cohort of 38 HD patients.105 Furthermore, atrial age, should undergo a routine dysrhythmias were noted in 10% of patients in a 12-lead ECG at the initiation of cohort of 106 maintenance HD patients106 and dialysis. (C) 76% of patients demonstrated varying degrees of 7.1.b Patients with dysrhythmias ventricular dysrhythmias in a cohort of 127 main- 102 should be treated in the same tenance dialysis patients. The risk of new manner as the general population onset dysrhythmias was shown to increase in with regard to antiarrhythmic patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD), with ventric- agents (including beta-blockers) ular dysrhythmias increasing from 30% to 43% and pacing devices (including in- and supraventricular dysrhythmias (SVA)increas- ternal defibrillators). Refer to ing from 40% to 57%, respectively, during a Ϯ 107 Table 5 for dosage adjustments mean follow-up period of 20 4 months. and drugs to be avoided. (C) (Moderately Strong) Risk factors for increased arrhythmogenicity RATIONALE include compromised myocardium (due to either underlying CAD, decreased coronary reserve Risk Factors blood flow, or the consequences of uremia on myocardial function and structure), increased Patients on maintenance dialysis therapy are at QTc interval or dispersion, electrolyte abnormali- increased risk for dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, ties, intradialytic hypotension, concomitant pres- and SCD. Dialysis patients with underlying struc- ence of LVH (present in almost 80% patients on tural or functional CVD are at much higher risk dialysis), and autonomic dysfunction (with or for these dysrhythmias and cardiac arrest be- without diabetes).108-110 (Moderately Strong) cause of increased dysrhythmogenicity due to Dialysis patients have frequent electrolyte ab- dynamic changes in electrolytes, volume status, normalities such as fluctuating levels of potas- blood pressure and the use of multiple medica- sium, ionized calcium, magnesium, and other tions. Even nondiabetic dialysis patients have a divalent ions.111 Due to the intermittent nature of markedly increased cardiac event rate and de- the dialysis procedure, patients on HD have wide creased event-free survival as compared to the fluctuations in volume status, and potassium and 93 general population. (Moderately Strong) bicarbonate levels, in between dialysis treat- Ischemic heart disease is present in many ments.97,112 These fluctuations are partly driven patients even at the time of initiation of dialysis. by the level of potassium and calcium in the CKD Stage 5 patients with either symptomatic or dialysate fluid used during the prior session of asymptomatic coronary artery disease are at in- treatment, and wide variability in eating habits 94-97 creased risk for dysrhythmias and SCD. This due to varying adherence to dietary modifica- risk is potentiated with concomitant presence of tions necessary to control the calcium-phosphate anemia98 and left ventricular hypertrophy99 or product.112-115 All these factors culminate in an increased left ventricular mass index, often dysrhythmogenic diathesis. (Weak) present in CKD patients at the initiation of dialy- Atrial fibrillation (A.fib) is perhaps the most sis therapy.100,101 (Weak) commonly diagnosed dysrhythmia in the general The prevalence of baseline ECG abnormalities population, and also in the dialysis popula- and the development of new dysrhythmias and tion.106 A historical cohort study of the USRDS silent myocardial ischemia is related to the con- DMMS Wave 2 revealed that A.fib was more comitant presence of CAD, and is also directly common in dialysis patients than in the general proportional to the duration of dialysis.102-105 population, although the study did not show

S34 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S34-S36 GUIDELINE 7: DYSRHYTHMIA S35 S36 GUIDELINE 7: DYSRHYTHMIA whether A.fib was related or unrelated to valvu- LIMITATIONS lar disease.116 (Weak) ● Although there is an existing and evolving Treatment body of evidence about the primary and sec- ondary prevention of cardiac events in the There is strong evidence for the use of differ- form of arrhythmias in the general population, ent interventions either for primary or secondary such evidence is apparently lacking from the prevention of arrhythmias and cardiac arrest in growing population of CKD and dialysis- the high-risk general population (patients with 117-120 121,122 dependent patients. CAD, CHF and near-fatal cardiac ● 123-126 Without definitive evidence from prospective events ). Since dialysis patients are at in- trials in the dialysis population, there may creased risk for CV events, it is reasonable to remain an increased concern over the safety assume that these interventions will be effective, and efficacy of interventions. despite the lack of evidence in the dialysis popu- lation. Pending further research, there is pres- IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES ently no reason to withhold these interventions in The use of internal defibrillators may be pre- dialysis patients. (Moderately Strong) cluded due to: The use of beta-blockers in nondialysis pa- tients is recommended for the primary preven- ● lack of data in the dialysis population; tion of SCD,127 and improves outcomes in pa- ● invasive nature; and tients with CHF.128,129 Similarly, the USRDS ● potential interference with dialysis catheters. Wave 3 and 4 study showed decreased risk of RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS death in patients who were on beta-block- ers.130,131 A small study demonstrated that dialy- ● Modifications in the CMS form are required to sis patients may not tolerate sotalol due to an increase the accuracy of data capture for increased risk of torsade de pointes.132,133 (Weak) arrhythmias and near-fatal cardiac arrest in The use of novel agents such as Ximelagatran, dialysis patients. direct thrombin inhibitor, fixed-dose therapy with- ● Studies are needed to assess the outcome and out coagulation monitoring as an alternative to the effectiveness of different preventive and coumadin therapy for the prevention of strokes treatment strategies to improve the dismal in patients with nonvalvular A.fib, has been dem- outcome of near-fatal arrhythmias in dialysis onstrated to be effective in the general popula- patients. tion.134-136 However, the use of Ximelagatran in ● There is a strong need to evaluate the mecha- dialysis patients has not been studied. (Weak) nisms of sudden death in this population. GUIDELINE 8: EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATION

The capability for effective, rapid defibrilla- RATIONALE tion (with negligible risk of inappropriate treat- Sixty-one percent of all cardiac deaths in dialy- ment) is widely available with the development sis patients have been attributed to arrhythmic of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs). Given mechanisms.17 The rate of cardiac arrest during the high prevalence of dysrhythmias (see Guide- HD has been reported to be 7 events per 100,000 line 7), the availability of AEDs in dialysis dialysis sessions.95 The mortality rate immedi- facilities may impact the outcomes of patients ately following cardiac arrest in the general popu- who experience cardiac events during dialysis lation is 7%-10% per minute, and survival is therapy. unlikely if defibrillation does not occur within 10 8.1 All dialysis units should have on-site minutes. Therefore, rapid defibrillation is essen- capability for external cardiac defibril- tial for improving survival in dialysis patients lation. Automatic external defibrilla- experiencing cardiac arrest. The safety and effi- tors are the simplest, most cost-effec- cacy of AEDs have been validated in diverse tive means to achieving this guideline, settings, such as airports, casinos, and commer- as they do not require advanced life cial aircraft. They are designed to be used even support training by staff for operation, by nonmedical personnel, and do not require require minimal maintenance, and are advanced training or advanced cardiac life sup- designed for use by nonmedical person- port (ACLS) certification. (Moderately Strong) nel. (A) In a study based on Emergency Medical Ser- 8.1.a Basic life support (CPR) training vices (EMS) data in Seattle and King County for dialysis unit staff is recom- from 1990-1996, there were 47 cardiac arrests in mended as an enhancement to the dialysis centers, with an annual incidence per effectiveness of AEDs, as it in- center of 0.746.137 There were 41 witnessed cludes instruction in use of AEDs, events, and bystander CPR was administered in airway and circulatory support 41 patients. In 29 patients (62%) the cardiac during cardiorespiratory arrest, rhythm was ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ven- and management of noncardiac tricular tachycardia (VT). While the overall sur- emergencies (such as choking). vival to hospital discharge was 30%; it was 38% (B) for the VT/VF patients. These data reflect the 8.1.b Non-automatic defibrillators are expertise of EMS crews in Seattle/King County also appropriate devices for pro- and make a compelling case for on-site defibril- viding on-site defibrillator capa- lator capability in all dialysis units. bility, but they require more main- Pediatric-modified, FDA-approved AEDs are tenance and operators certified in now commercially available; thus the official advanced cardiac life support AHA Guidelines 2000 on Resuscitation, which (ACLS). (B) do not support the use of AEDs in smaller 8.1.c All dialysis units caring for pediat- children are no longer current.138 Evidence for ric patients need to have on-site this recommendation is provided by studies in external automatic defibrillators children46,48 It is anticipated that all AEDs ap- and/or appropriate pediatric equip- proved for sale in the U.S. will be equipped with ment available. Automated exter- optional modules or other electrode modifica- nal defibrillators may be used for tions suitable for pediatric use (children Ͻ25 kg children 1-8 years of age, and and Ͻ8 years old) by the time these Guidelines should ideally deliver pediatric are published, but it is recommended that indi- doses and have an arrhythmia de- vidual dialysis units verify the AED capabilities tection algorithm.46-48 (C) of on-site units. The Commissioner of Health, 8.1.d The goal should be the availabil- New York State, has issued an official advisory ity of AEDs in all dialysis units (effective 7/01/02) promoting the safe and effec- within 12 months of the publica- tive use of pediatric-modified AEDs in children tion of these Guidelines. (C) under age 8.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S37-S38 S37 S38 GUIDELINE 8: EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATION

Dialysis centers providing care for smaller IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES children will need to establish their own proto- ● All dialysis staff should be encouraged to cols consistent with accepted pediatric practice guidelines for pediatric resuscitation. It is recom- attempt the use of AEDs in the event of cardiac mended that a pediatric nephrologist helps formu- arrest, regardless of the availability of other late center practice guidelines for this special types of defibrillators or certified ACLS person- group of patients. “Standard” AEDs (designed nel. for use in patients 8 years or older) could thus be ● While an AED is available at a rather moder- used with these removable pediatric modifica- ate cost, it is still an additional expense for the tions. These pediatric-modified devices deliver dialysis unit. 50 Joules of electricity (compared to 200 Joules ● Some units may be concerned about staff for standard AEDs). (Moderately Strong) training and the maintenance of AEDs. LIMITATIONS RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ● Automatic external defibrillators are easy to operate and the operator does not require ● Observational studies are required to examine medical training, but AEDs need to be widely mortality trends after the implementation of available. this guideline. GUIDELINE 9: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the RATIONALE general population in the U.S. and many other countries, with large economic and human bur- Prevention dens as a consequence. Patients with CKD are at Few studies have identified risk factors for increased risk for stroke relative to the general stroke in the dialysis population. The available population. data suggest that high blood pressure, markers of 9.1 All dialysis patients should follow the poor nutrition, age, diabetes, and ethnicity place AHA Guidelines for the prevention, patients at greatest risk. Of these factors, only screening and evaluation, and treat- blood pressure and nutrition are potentially modi- ment of stroke. A summary of the fiable. The largest study assessing risk factors for AHA guidelines with any caveats re- stroke used data from the United States Renal lated to dialysis patients is shown in Data System (USRDS). Several factors were 139 Table 6. (C) found to be associated with stroke. African- 9.2 Special considerations in dialysis pa- Americans with a history of CVD had a lower tients include: risk for incident stroke than Caucasians. Lower 9.2.a Anticoagulation in nonvalvular serum albumin, subjective malnutrition and lower atrial fibrillation: Dialysis pa- weight were associated with a higher risk for tients are at increased risk for stroke. Higher blood pressure, older age, and bleeding and careful monitoring diabetes were also associated with a higher risk should accompany intervention. for stroke. There was no association between (C) incident stroke and cholesterol, calcium, phospho- 9.2.b Acute stroke in dialysis patients: rus, or parathyroid hormone. Measures of malnu- trition and diabetes were not associated with Given that acute stroke syn- hemorrhagic stroke, while polycystic kidney dis- dromes can be due to either ease, African-American race without a history of thrombotic or bleeding events in CVD, and male gender were associated with a dialysis patients, the immediate higher risk for hemorrhagic stroke. Data from goal of localization and cause is identified polycystic kidney disease, higher particularly important in dialysis blood pressure, higher ECG voltage, and lower patients because of increased risk KT/V as risk factors for cerebral hemorrhage.140 of bleeding associated with antico- A small study from Japan demonstrated that agulants in this population. There- hypertension was a risk factor for stroke.141 fore, imaging with established Factors not found to be associated with stroke methods should be undertaken. included male gender, age, diabetes, smoking, (C) dyslipidemia, and duration of dialysis. However, 9.3 Treatment of stroke and transient isch- a survival analysis was not performed and statis- emic attack (TIA): tical power was limited. The epidemiology of 9.3.a Treatment of TIAs and strokes stroke is different in Japan and caution should be should follow the same principles used when generalizing these data to U.S. dialy- used in the general population for sis patients. both medical management and surgical management, with the Screening/Evaluation exception of thrombolytics in HD There are some data to suggest that dialysis patients. (C) patients have higher measures of subclinical vas- 9.3.a.i Assessment of the risk of cular disease142 and that these measures predict bleeding in patients re- cardiovascular events and death. Carotid ultra- cently receiving heparin on sound measurements of elasticity or arterial stiff- dialysis should be con- ness measured in the common carotid artery ducted when considering assessing incremental modulus of elasticity have the use of thrombolytics. demonstrated a positive relationship between ar- (B) terial stiffness and cardiovascular mortality.92

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S39-S42 S39 S40 GUIDELINE 9: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE GUIDELINE 9: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE S41

Greater carotid intimal medial thickness has also and treatment of stroke. However, the epidemi- been shown to be associated with a greater risk ology of stroke is different in the dialysis for cardiovascular events.143 Carotid artery incre- population. In addition, exposures related to mental elastic modulus has been associated with dialysis may alter the effectiveness and compli- an increased risk for cardiovascular events. Each cations associated with treatment. All recom- one standard deviation increase was associated mendations regarding screening and treatment with a 1.7-fold increased risk for cardiovascular are opinion-based and should be taken with events.92 There are no studies that have assessed caution. whether these measures predict stroke specifi- ● There are limited data regarding stroke that are cally, or if screening decreases events. Routine specific to the dialysis population. Data ad- screening using carotid ultrasound is not recom- dressing the association between risk factors mended in asymptomatic patients. and stroke are scant. Data supporting screen- ing for stroke are based on limited and weak LIMITATIONS data, while data addressing treatment do not exist. ● There are extensive data from the general ● There are no data in the dialysis population population regarding risk factors, screening regarding medical or surgical management of S42 GUIDELINE 9: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE

stroke. However, due to the high risk of implement effectively in the dialysis popula- bleeding in the CKD population, caution should tion. be used when treating with antiplatelet agents. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ● Altering modifiable risk factors can be imple- ● Stroke risk is very high in the CKD popula- mented and has been shown to be effective in tion. Effective screening strategies do not the general population. Screening and treat- exist, nor do studies assessing interventions. ment of stroke is routine in the general popula- Studies addressing these issues are greatly tion, and should therefore be possible to needed. GUIDELINE 10: PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE

Both diabetic and nondiabetic dialysis patients tion.146 Toe brachial index (TBI) is not affected are at risk for peripheral vascular disease by vascular calcification.146 Even though ABI (PVD),144,145 with approximately 15% of inci- and TBI are simple, inexpensive, noninvasive dent patients having a clinical diagnosis of PVD. methods, further studies are warranted to deter- 10.1 Diagnosis of PVD: mine whether screening for asymptomatic PVD 10.1.a At the time of dialysis initia- with these tests improve limb survival. tion, all patients should be Checking arterial pulses and assessing skin evaluated for the presence of integrity should be part of a physical examina- PVD. (C) tion, particularly in diabetic dialysis patients. As 10.1.b Evaluation should include PVD is a strong predictor of cardiovascular mor- physical examination including tality in the general and dialysis population,147,148 assessment of arterial pulse and early diagnosis of PVD and aggressive medical skin integrity. (C) therapy (smoking cessation, lipid-lowering 10.1.c Further specialized studies, therapy, glycemic control, blood pressure con- such as duplex studies or inva- trol, and the use of ACE inhibitors and antiplate- sive testing, should be under- let agents) might improve cardiovascular sur- taken if abnormalities are vival in dialysis patients (Table 7). detected upon physical exami- nation and interventions are considered. (C) Therapy of PVD (Weak) 10.2 Approach to therapy of PVD: (C) There are no randomized, controlled trials for 10.2.a Patients with PVD should be PVD in dialysis patients that establish the effi- treated in the same manner as cacy of any pharmacological agents or other the general population in re- interventions. In the absence of evidence to the gard to smoking cessation, contrary, it might be reasonable to extend the lipid-lowering therapy, glyce- therapy of PVD in the general population to the mic control, blood pressure con- dialysis population. The therapy of PVD depends trol, and the use of ACE inhibi- upon the presence of claudication and critical leg tors and antiplatelet agents. In ischemia in the general population.149 addition, supervised exercise When compared to the general population, regimens and medications to outcomes after revascularization for PVD in di- increase vasodilation should be alysis patients are inferior.150,151 The problems considered in patients with with revascularization in PVD in dialysis pa- claudication and without criti- tients include: high perioperative and 1-year mor- cal leg ischemia. Established tality; decreased wound healing; loss of limb national guidelines, similar to despite patent graft; and prolonged hospital stay those for stroke, are not avail- and poor rehabilitation.152-156 Therefore, some able for PVD in the general authors have argued for the liberal use of primary population. amputation in dialysis patients.157 However, careful patient selection for revascu- larization in dialysis patients might result in RATIONALE acceptable outcomes. A study of 44 HD patients who underwent revascularization reported a Screening for PVD (Weak) 2-year survival rate of 48%, perioperative mortal- Ankle brachial index (ABI) (ankle systolic ity of 9%, primary graft patency at 1 year and 2 blood pressure divided by brachial systolic blood years of 71% and 63%, respectively and limb pressure) is a simple method of screening for salvage at 1 year and 2 years of 70% and 52%, PVD. However, ABI might be falsely elevated in respectively.158 In this study, an aggressive ap- dialysis patients because of vascular calcifica- proach to limb salvage was favored when pa-

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S43-S44 S43 S44 GUIDELINE 10: PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE

tients were found to be ambulatory or able to use LIMITATIONS the affected extremity for purposes of weight ● There are no randomized, controlled trials of bearing or transfer. Attempted limb salvage was any of the interventions for therapy of PVD in not advocated for patients who were chronically dialysis patients. bedridden, or those with uncontrolled infection ● The above recommendations are based on or tissue necrosis precluding a reasonable expec- retrospective, observational studies in dialysis tation of limb salvage. patients. Further large, prospective observa- Therefore, symptomatic PVD in dialysis pa- tional studies and randomized, controlled tri- tients should not automatically result in amputa- als are warranted. tion in all patients. Revascularization (surgical or angioplasty with stent) might be the preferred RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS method of treatment of symptomatic PVD in ● Further studies are warranted to examine the selected dialysis patients. Extensive tissue necro- feasibility and effectiveness of ankle:brachial sis in nonweight-bearing limbs and preoperative or toe:brachial indices as screening tests for infection might be indications for primary ampu- asymptomatic PVD in reducing limb amputa- tation. tion rates. SECTION II. GUIDELINES ON MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS

Traditional risk factors—such as diabetes, hy- Furthermore, lifestyle issues such as smoking, pertension, dyslipidemia—and those specific to physical activity, depression, and anxiety are the dialysis patients (anemia and mineral metabo- cornerstones of therapy as in the general popula- lism abnormalities) require regular assessment tion. The treatment options are often similar, but and treatment as per current recommendations. the impact of these factors is potentially more The relative importance and weight of each of profound in dialysis patients. These factors are these risk factors in the dialysis population is not all discussed in this section. Special attention known and, in the absence of controlled trials in will be paid to the difference between the usual this population, current recommendations from recommendations and those for dialysis patients. existing organizations should be followed, with special consideration given to potential risks.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: p S45 S45 GUIDELINE 11: DIABETES

11.1 All dialysis patients who have diabetes on HD165 or PD.166,167 Through decreased metab- should follow the American Diabetes olism, anemia, and shorter life of red cells, the 49,160 Association guidelines. (C) hemoglobin A1C may under-represent glycemic control, and a level Ͼ7% in a dialysis patient RATIONALE may represent glycemic control similar to a non- Ͻ Glycemic Control (Weak) dialysis patient with a hemoglobin A1C 7%. The precise target of hemoglobin A that is The rationale for this ADA recommendation is 1C associated with the best outcome in dialysis based on substantial evidence from the Diabetes patients has not been clearly established. Clini- Control and Complications Trial (DCCT),161,162 cians are cautioned that insulin doses and oral and the U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UK- hypoglycemic doses may change substantially PDS)163,164 that the careful control of blood during the transition from earlier stages of CKD glucose has a significant effect on decreasing the to dialysis. The decrease in insulin catabolism complications of diabetes. Combined with sub- associated with the further loss of kidney func- stantial observational evidence of the link be- tion may reduce insulin requirements. On the tween prolonged hyperglycemia and complica- other hand, the glucose contained in the dialysate tions, the recommendation has strong evidence- based support. However, these relationships have (especially peritoneal dialysate) may increase not been validated specifically in dialysis pa- the requirement of hypoglycemic agents. tients. Tight control has potential problems for The use of newer insulin regimens and insulin patients on dialysis, and there is some evidence preparations (with properties that are closer to normal physiology) should be encouraged, possi- that hemoglobin A1C may not be as predictive of glycemic control in patients on dialysis. bly in consultation with a specialist in diabetes The ADA recommendation indicates that ex- management. There are some oral hypoglycemic tremely tight control may increase the incidence agents that either should be used with caution, or of hypoglycemic events, and may produce weight not used at all, in dialysis patients (see Table 8). gain. Hypoglycemia may be worsened by nausea and the inability to eat, as well as by longer Nutritional Therapies and Care (Weak) duration of drugs and increased half-life of insu- The rationale for metabolic and nutritional lin. Therefore, care should be taken to prevent management in diabetes comes primarily from a hypoglycemic episodes in patients on dialysis review by the ADA of the existing evidence, who experience significant nausea or gastrointes- which supports nutritional interventions in the tinal complaints. In addition, if excellent glyce- control of diabetes and its complications.160,168 mic control gradually increases a patient’s solid In contrast, although health and dietary habits for weight, it should be reflected in the adjustment of diabetics are generally consistent with those for dry weight for the purpose of postdialysis weight dialysis patients, there are special dietary consid- targets. erations for patients on dialysis. The level of

There is evidence that hemoglobin A1C is not dietary protein recommended for dialysis pa- as representative of glycemic control in patients tients exceeds the ADA recommendation for pa-

S46 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S46-S48 GUIDELINE 11: DIABETES S47

tients with diabetic nephropathy not requiring blood pressure. Diabetic patients on dialysis may dialysis, because the prevention of malnutrition be more prone to postural hypotension and labile is a primary concern for dialysis patients. In blood pressure than nondiabetic dialysis patients. patients not requiring dialysis, the slowing of A higher supine blood pressure may be necessary progression of CKD is a major concern in which in order to prevent symptomatic postural hypoten- protein restriction probably has a role. High- sion. Individual judgment and patient evaluation protein diet may also cause more electrolyte is required to match goals with symptoms. imbalance and retention of nitrogenous waste products in nondialysis patients. On the other Antihypertensive Therapy (Weak) hand, dietary phosphorus restriction is often nec- The use of diuretics in patients on HD cannot essary to decrease hyperphosphatemia in dialysis be recommended for blood pressure control, un- patients. For more detailed recommendations, 169 less there is substantial residual kidney function see the K/DOQI Guidelines on Nutrition, and that responds to diuretics.171,172 The choice of the sections on nutrition and calcium-phospho- initial pharmacological therapy for hypertension rus product in this document. in dialysis patients is otherwise similar to those Exercise (Weak) not on dialysis; however, the kidney-protective effect of ACE inhibitors and ARBs are less of a Patients who are on dialysis may have to concern. Limited data suggest that ARBs may modify their exercise routines to match their protect residual kidney function for patients on dialysis schedule, since postural hypotension, chronic PD. There is weak evidence that some dizziness, and washout sensations are not uncom- beta-blockers may hinder peritoneal transport in mon, and exercise immediately after dialysis patients on PD,173,174 but this evidence is not may be poorly tolerated. sufficient to warrant withholding the use of beta- Hypertension Control (Weak) blockers in dialysis patients when they are clearly The rationale for these recommendations de- indicated. rives from extensive reviews of the link between Finally, as detailed in Table 9, there are some hypertension and cardiovascular morbidity and antihypertensive agents that should not be used, mortality for the general population and the or should be used only with care, in dialysis statement of the Seventh Joint National Commit- patients. tee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.170 The opti- Cardiac Disease Screening (Weak) mal blood pressure for dialysis patients, how- The NKF K/DOQI Guidelines support the ever, has not been firmly established (see Guide- need for cardiac screening in patients on dialysis, line 12 in this document). Although the JNC VII especially since the combination of diabetes and recommendation for blood pressure control in advanced kidney disease substantially increases patients with CKD is Ͻ130/80 mm Hg, blood the likelihood of coronary disease. The tech- pressure control in patients on HD is compli- niques for screening and their caveats in dialysis cated by the volume and electrolyte shifts sur- patients are described in Guideline 2 in this rounding dialysis procedure that acutely changes document. S48 GUIDELINE 11: DIABETES

LIMITATIONS RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ● Many of the recommendations supported by ● Long-term, randomized controlled trials are the ADA on the care of diabetes are based on needed to strengthen the evidence for the large clinical studies that provide strong direct application of the ADA recommenda- evidence for the particular recommendation, tions to patients on dialysis. but those studies do not target dialysis ● More research is needed on the effect of renal patients. dietary restrictions in diabetic patients. GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE

The management of blood pressure is an preferred because they cause important component of CVD risk manage- greater regression of LVH, re- ment for all aspects of CVD: CAD, cardiomy- duce sympathetic nerve activ- opathy, VHD, CBVD, and PVD. There are ity, reduce pulse wave velocity, unique challenges in both the measurement may improve endothelial func- and management of blood pressure in dialysis tion, and may reduce oxidative patients. stress. (C) 12.1 Measurement of blood pressure: 12.4.b Antihypertensive drugs should 12.1.a In patients who have under- be given preferentially at night, gone multiple surgical proce- because it may reduce the noc- dures for vascular accesses in turnal surge of blood pressure both arms, blood pressure and minimize intradialytic hy- should be measured in the potension, which may occur thighs or legs. However, health- when drugs are taken the care professionals should use morning before a dialysis ses- appropriate cuff size and mea- sion. (C) sure blood pressure only in the 12.4.c In patients with difficult-to- supine position. (B) control hypertension, the dia- 12.2 Predialysis and postdialysis blood pres- lyzability of antihypertensive sure goals should be <140/90 mm Hg medications should be consid- ered (see Table 10). (C) and <130/80 mm Hg, respectively. (C) 12.3 Management of blood pressure by 12.5 Determination and management of adjustment of dry weight: blood pressure in children should follow 12.3.a Management of hypertension in recommendations by The Fourth Re- dialysis patients requires atten- port on the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure in tion to both management of fluid Children and Adolescents.50 (C) status and adjustment of antihy- pertensive medications. This re- 12.5.a Optimal systolic and diastolic quires close collaboration among blood pressure should be <95% for age, gender and height. (B) health-care providers. (B) Excessive fluid accumulation 12.5.b Management of hypertension on between dialysis sessions dialysis requires attention to should be managed with: (B) fluid status and antihyperten- sive medications, minimizing in-  Education and regular tradialytic fluid accumulation by counseling by dietitians (C):  Low sodium intake (2-3  education by dietitians ev- g/day sodium intake) ery 3 months  Increased ultrafiltration  low salt intake (2 g/day so-  Longer dialysis dium intake)  More than 3 dialysis treat-  increased ultrafiltration ments per week  longer dialysis duration  Drugs that reduce salt  intradialytic sodium model- appetite ing to minimize intradia- 12.4 Management of hypertension with lytic hypotension drugs in dialysis patients:  more than 3 dialysis treat- 12.4.a Drugs that inhibit the renin- ments per week angiotensin system, such as  antihypertensives: consider ACE inhibitors or angiotensin if medications are cleared II-receptor blockers should be on dialysis.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S49-S57 S49 S50 GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE

rate variability during orthostasis is impaired in many CKD patients due to the coexistence of autonomic dysfunction. (Moderately Strong) Blood Pressure and CVD Blood pressure and cardiovascular events. Hy- pertension is very prevalent among dialysis pa- tients (50%-60%, when hypertension is defined as blood pressure Ͼ150/90 mm Hg for HD patients). The prevalence would be even higher if we were to use the JNC VII definitions above. In a study of 2,535 HD patients, only 14% were normotensive on no drugs and among the hypertensive patients, only 30% were controlled.175 Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients receiving maintenance HD, especially in the first year of treatment. A history of long-lasting arterial hypertension is associated with an increase in cardiovascular deaths in these patients. Hypertension is the single most impor- tant predictor of coronary artery disease in ure- mic patients, even more so than cigarette smok- ing and hypertriglyceridemia.176 Although a direct relationship between levels of blood pressure and cardiovascular events has not been clearly established by controlled studies, hypertension RATIONALE in dialysis patients should be considered a major cardiovascular risk factor. The lack of a signifi- Definitions cant correlation between blood pressure and car- Hypertension. The Seventh Report of the diovascular events in dialysis patients may be Joint National Committee for the Prevention, due to poor ventricular function, leading to lower Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High blood pressure in some patients, when the fol- Blood Pressure (JNC VII) has defined hyperten- low-up duration is relatively short. (Weak) sion in adults in the general population as sys- It was found that, after adjusting for age, tolic blood pressure Ն140 mm Hg and diastolic diabetes, IHD, hemoglobin and serum albumin, blood pressure Ն90 mm Hg, and has defined each 10 mm Hg rise in mean arterial blood normal blood pressure Ͻ120/80 mm Hg.170 pressure was independently associated with a Orthostatic Hypotension. This is defined as progressive increase of concentric LVH, the de- a fall in blood pressure of at least 15 mm Hg velopment of de novo cardiac failure and de novo systolic and 10 mm Hg diastolic after standing ischemic heart disease.177 Other studies how- for at least 2 minutes. Although these levels of ever, have not shown a consistent association decline in blood pressure are usually associated between blood pressure and subsequent mortal- with symptoms of cerebral anoxia, some patients ity in the dialysis population. A “U-shaped” may remain asymptomatic. By contrast, some relationship between blood pressure and mortal- patients may become symptomatic with lesser ity was observed, with excess mortality risk in decreases in blood pressure. Thus, any quantita- patients with the lowest and with the highest tive definition of orthostatic hypotension may be levels of blood pressure.178 Systolic blood pres- misleading, and orthostatic hypotension should sure Ͼ180 mm Hg was associated with poor be diagnosed whenever the patient manifests outcomes.179-181 It has been suggested that obser- symptoms of brain hypoxia upon standing. Heart vations longer than 5 years are required to see the GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE S51 beneficial effect of blood pressure control. In a use of ACE inhibitors may have a favorable cohort study of 432 CKD patients (261 HD and effect on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular 171 PD) followed prospectively for an average mortality that is independent of blood pressure of 41 months, each 10 mm Hg rise in MAP changes.195 (Weak) increased the relative risk of LVH by 48% on follow-up echocardiography, increased the risk Measurement of Blood Pressure of de novo CHF by 44%, and the risk of de novo in CKD Patients IHD by 39%. Interestingly, in this study low Methods. Blood pressure should be mea- mean arterial pressure was independently associ- sured according to existing guidelines.196-198 The ated with mortality.182 (Weak) dialysis personnel should be trained and regu- A substantial body of evidence indicates that larly retrained. The patient must be seated qui- increased pulse pressure (PP), particularly in etly for at least 5 minutes in a chair, with feet on middle-aged and older subjects, is an indepen- the floor, and arm supported at heart level. Blood dent predictor of risk of coronary heart disease, pressure should be measured at least 5 minutes compared with mean arterial pressure (MAP). before the needles for dialysis access are placed, Pulse pressure represents the pressure increase as this may cause substantial stress in some during systole over diastolic blood pressure. It patients. Blood pressure should also be measured may be related to increased LV mass, decreased in the standing position (at least 2 minutes) and aortic compliance, and small-vessel remodel- the arm should be supported at heart level. Blood ing,183-185 and is associated with reduced coro- pressure should be measured both before and at nary vasodilator capacity.186 Reducing PP in the end of dialysis. Caffeine, exercise, and smok- hypertension may normalize small artery struc- ing should be avoided for at least 30 minutes ture.187 In a recent study of a large cohort of prior to measurement. The auscultatory method nondiabetic patients on chronic HD, pulse pres- of blood pressure measurement should be used sure was found to be an independent predictor of and the disappearance of Korotkoff sounds should total mortality,188 and was superior to systolic define diastolic blood pressure. Appropriate cuff and diastolic blood pressure in predicting total size should be selected so that the cuff bladder mortality. Arterial stiffness can be measured non- encircles at least 80% of the arm. The equipment invasively using the pulse wave velocity (PWV) should be regularly inspected and validated con- technique, which is also an independent marker sidering that, in one study, automated blood of cardiovascular risk in the general popula- pressure recordings overestimated blood pres- tion.189 Epidemiological studies have shown that sure by 14/7 mm Hg before dialysis.199 (Moder- PWV is increased in CKD patients and it is an ately Strong) independent marker of cardiovascular risk in In patients who have undergone multiple sur- these patients.190 Aortic stiffness depends on the geries for vascular accesses in both arms and arterial wall structure and function, which can be blood pressure is technically not measurable in influenced by blood pressure and aging.191 A the arms, blood pressure could be measured in recent prospective cohort study of 180 CKD the thighs or legs. However, health-care profes- patients on maintenance HD, followed for a sionals need to be properly trained, and should mean duration of 52 Ϯ 36 months, has shown use appropriate cuff size and measure blood that carotid pulse pressure and aortic PWV were pressure only in the supine position. It must be strong independent predictors of all-cause (includ- kept in mind that blood pressure in the lower ing cardiovascular) mortality. Brachial blood limb does not represent blood pressure measured pressure, including pulse pressure, had no predic- in the arm. Systolic blood pressure and pulse tive value for mortality.192 (Moderately Strong) pressure are amplified from the aorta towards Pulse wave velocity frequently improves when peripheral arteries and amplification increases blood pressure is reduced, particularly when ACE with the distance from the heart. Therefore, lower inhibitors193 or CCBs194 are used. In CKD pa- limb blood pressure is higher than brachial pres- tients, the failure of PWV to improve in response sure. The difference is usually expressed as ankle- to decreased blood pressure is associated with arm-pressure index. In young subjects the ankle worse cardiovascular outcome. Moreover, the pressure could be higher than arm pressure by as S52 GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE much as 30%. In older subjects, ankle and arm on maintenance HD,211-214 the lack of diurnal pressure tend to be the same. Therefore, the variation in blood pressure and of the nocturnal reference value for systolic blood pressure of dipping of blood pressure can affect as many as 140 mm Hg is valid only for brachial pressure; 74%-82% of patients. At times, in these patients, the reference value for lower limb blood pressure nocturnal blood pressure can be greater than is basically unknown. (Moderately Strong) blood pressure measured during the day. Be- In patients with severe vascular calcifications, cause blood pressure is usually measured during indirect measurements of blood pressure may be the day, this may lead to the erroneous impres- inaccurate. Intra-arterial measurements of blood sion of good antihypertensive control.215 Using pressure could provide true blood pressure, but ABPM, it was observed that, in HD patients, this is not feasible in most dialysis units. (Weak) blood pressure decreased after dialysis and dur- Predialysis vs. postdialysis blood pressure. ing the first night, but by the next morning (Weak) It is unclear which blood pressure read- reached predialysis levels and it did not decrease ing should be used as the guide for therapy and during the second night.216 control of CVD. Some data suggest that predialy- The phenomenon of nondipping can be im- sis systolic blood pressure correlates best with proved with volume depletion and, perhaps, by LVH.200 Another report suggests that postdialy- dosing drugs at night rather than in the morning. sis blood pressure is the most representative The mechanisms responsible for the abnormal of mean interdialytic blood pressure measured circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with renal failure remain elusive. Autonomic (ABPM).201 Others have suggested that an aver- dysfunction,217 reduced physical activity,218 sleep age of predialysis and postdialysis blood pres- disordered breathing219,220 and volume over- sure may be a better predictor of mean interdialy- load221 have all been implicated. Since the phe- sis blood pressure.202 In reality, neither is a nomenon of nondipping is more prevalent among particularly good predictor of interdialytic blood salt-sensitive patients with essential hyperten- pressure.203 This issue is complicated by the sion, and since this disturbance improves with known fall in blood pressure during dialysis in a salt restriction,222,223 one would predict that vol- large number (40%-50%) of patients, and by the ume expansion would play a major role in HD fact that this fall is short-lived (12-24 hours). patients. However, not all evidence supports a Thus, perhaps ABPM or self-measured home primary role of volume expansion in the phenom- blood pressure are better markers of interdialytic enon of blood pressure nondipping.224-226 blood pressure load; however, for practical and The correlation between blood pressure mea- financial reasons, these tools cannot be applied to sured in the physician’s office and cardiovascu- the totality of dialysis patients. lar end-points is usually weak. A large body of Circadian blood pressure variability and car- evidence from subjects with essential hyperten- diovascular risk. (Weak) Ambulatory blood sion has shown that average 24-hour ambulatory pressure monitoring has improved the existing blood pressure correlates with incident cardiovas- knowledge of the relationship between circadian cular events227-231 better than office blood pres- variability of arterial blood pressure and end- sure. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has organ damage. Normally, blood pressure tends to better long-term reproducibility than casual blood be the highest during the morning, and gradually pressure measurement in HD patients.232 decreases during the course of the day to reach A relationship also seems to exist between the the lowest levels at night.204-207 Some hyperten- absence of nocturnal dipping of blood pressure sive patients (approximately 10%-25% of pa- and the severity of cardiovascular target organ tients with essential hypertension) fail to mani- damage.209 In a study of 57 treated hypertensive fest this normal nocturnal dipping of blood HD patients, it was observed that after an aver- pressure, defined as a night-time blood pressure age follow-up of 34.4 Ϯ 20.4 months and after fall of Ͼ10%. These patients are called “nondip- adjusting for age, gender, and previous cardiovas- pers,”208,209 whereas those with a normal circa- cular events, an elevated nocturnal and 24-hour dian rhythm are called “dippers.” Among pa- PP, and low office diastolic blood pressure pre- tients with advanced renal disease,210 and those dict cardiovascular mortality.233 However, one GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE S53

has to remember that among HD patients there is dependent patients.237 It is of interest that whilst a substantial day-to-day variability in the day- the normalization of the extra-cellular volume night blood pressure profile.212 Moreover, noctur- was achieved in the first month of dialysis treat- nal blood pressure measurements predict cardio- ment, blood pressure continued to decrease for vascular outcome only in patients with another 8 months, despite the withdrawal of reproducible blood pressure profiles.234 antihypertensive medication. The reasons for long, slow dialysis achieving a more effective Pathophysiology of Hypertension blood pressure control may be due to more in Dialysis Patients effective control of the ECV expansion with a The pathogenesis of hypertension in CKD low rate of hypotension episodes. Moreover, dry patients is complex and multifactorial. (Table weight is probably more difficult to achieve with 11). short dialysis than with long, slow HD. Role of sodium and volume status. (Moder- In dialysis patients, normal blood pressure can ately Strong) Excessive intravascular volume be achieved independently of the duration and is a major pathogenic factor of hypertension in dose of dialysis, provided that the control of the patients with CRF. However, the relationship postdialysis ECV is adequate. Decreased ECF between weight gain during two dialyses and expansion is responsible for a significant portion hypertension is unclear. Some studies have estab- of HTN control in HD regardless of modality, lished that volume gain affects interdialytic blood but variability in achieved ECV is significant.238 pressure, whereas other studies have not shown Longer and more frequent dialysis. (Weak) such a relationship.235 Long, slow dialysis was shown to achieve a The HEMO study observed that volume status better blood pressure control and survival.239 influenced both predialysis and postdialysis blood Other investigators have also shown better regres- pressure.236 However, the intradialytic reduction sion of LVH with slow dialysis.240 Several stud- in body weight (or interdialytic fluid gain) is ies have shown that short, daily HD treatment helpful but insufficient to describe volume status may be associated with a significant reduction and to predict blood pressure changes in HD of blood pressure, reduced use of antihyperten- patients. sive medications, and lowered LV mass in- The strongest evidence supporting a role for dex.226,241,242 In other studies, daily dialysis extracellular volume expansion derives from ob- (short diurnal or nocturnal) improved blood pres- servations that, when excessive body fluids are sure control, but only short daily HD resulted in removed with slow dialysis (8 hours ϫ 3 times lower ECV.243 weekly) and “dry-weight” is achieved, blood The improvement of blood pressure observed pressure normalizes in more than 90% of dialysis- with short, daily HD is not necessarily due to less S54 GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE postdialysis ECFV. Unchanged postdialysis has not been noted in patients receiving rhEPO ECFV has been reported after the conversion to for other reasons, suggesting that renal disease nocturnal HD and after excellent blood pressure may confer a particular susceptibility251 to the control was achieved.244 Some have suggested hypertensive action of rhEPO. The rise in blood that short daily HD may decrease SNS activity. pressure during rhEPO administration usually In patients who remain hypertensive despite occurs within 2-16 weeks, although some pa- intense ultrafiltration, sodium and volume excess tients may experience a rise in blood pressure may play only a secondary role. The lack of several months after the initiation of therapy. correlation between exchangeable sodium and/or Patients who are at greater risk for developing extracellular volume and blood pressure in these hypertension during rhEPO therapy are those 245,246 patients supports this notion. with severe anemia, those in whom anemia is Role of CAPD. (Weak) Since CAPD allows corrected too rapidly, and those with pre-existing for more consistent control of extracellular fluid hypertension. volume than HD, it has been suggested that CAPD may provide better control of blood pres- Management of Blood Pressure sure than HD. Within 12 months of starting in Dialysis Patients CAPD, between 40%-60% of hypertensive pa- Target blood pressures. Despite the obvious tients no longer required antihypertensive importance of defining an ideal goal blood pres- drugs.247 sure for HD patients, this issue has not been Better blood pressure control achieved during resolved. According to JNC VII recommenda- the first 2 months appears to be volume-related. tions, normal blood pressure is Ͻ120/80 mm After the initial 6 months of CAPD treatment, 170 the sustained reduction in blood pressure does Hg. In patients with essential hypertension, receiving antihypertensive therapy, the recom- not correlate any longer with changes in volume Ͻ and it is more likely related to removal of pressor mended goal blood pressure is 135/85 mm Hg. This recommendation is largely based on the hormones, although precise measurements of 252 blood volume have not been performed.248 After HOT study. The same study indicated that, in 1-2 years of CAPD treatment, blood pressure diabetic patients, the goal blood pressure should may rise again, and so does the need for antihy- be set lower and should probably be below pertensive drugs, presumably due to fluid reten- 130/80 mm Hg. tion related to sclerosis of the peritoneum, de- In patients with renal disease, particularly those creased efficiency of the peritoneal membrane in with proteinuria greater than 1 g per 24 hours, a removing fluids, and reduced kidney function. goal blood pressure of 125/75 mm Hg provides Role of erythropoietin. (Moderately maximum protection against progression of re- 253 Strong) The advent of recombinant human nal disease. This recommendation, however, erythropoietin (rhEPO) has substantially im- does not apply to African-Americans with hyper- proved the management of anemia and the qual- tension and renal disease in whom no difference ity of life in patients with chronic renal failure. in progression of renal disease was observed 254 However, increasing the hematocrit with rhEPO between MAP of 107 and 92 mm Hg. Further- can lead to several adverse side effects, including more, these studies did not address the effect of worsening of hypertension. different levels of blood pressure control on During studies in dialysis and pre-phase III CVD. multicenter trials of rhEPO in dialysis patients, It has been suggested that blood pressure of an increase in diastolic blood pressure of more less than 150/90 mm Hg is a reasonable goal for than 10 mm Hg and/or a need to increase antihy- most patients undergoing HD. The Work Group pertensive therapy occurred in 88 of 251 (35%) on chronic renal failure and renovascular hyper- of previously hypertensive patients. A similar tension, however, recommended a goal blood increase in blood pressure was noted in 31 of 71 pressure of Ͻ130/85 mm Hg.255 In the only (44%) of normotensive patients; in 32% of these prospective study so far performed in the dialysis patients, antihypertensive therapy had to be insti- population, a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg tuted.249,250 This adverse rise in blood pressure minimized the occurrence of LVH and death.182 GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE S55

Fig 4. Hypertension treatment algorithm in dialysis patients.

It is the opinion of this Work Group that, in If those measures are unsuccessful (and fre- HD patients, a reasonable goal is predialysis quently they are), antihypertensive drugs should blood pressure Ͻ140/90 mm Hg (measured in be initiated. As a first line of treatment in the the sitting position), provided there is no substan- majority of patients, we propose the use of ACE tial orthostatic hypotension and these levels are inhibitors or ARBs. The latter also reduce LVH not associated with substantial and symptomatic in HD patients, and may be more potent than intradialytic hypotension. (Weak) ACE inhibitors.195,256-258 In an observational Treatment algorithm. (Weak) The manage- study, the use of an ACE inhibitor has been ment of hypertension in dialysis patients is associated with decreased mortality in cohorts of frequently challenging and it requires the knowl- CKD Stage 5 patients.259 edge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- Table 12 describes some of the criteria to be namic properties of all the agents used. We used in the selection of antihypertensive drugs in propose an algorithmic approach to the manage- dialysis patients based on compelling indications. ment of hypertension in dialysis patients (Fig 4). In patients with previous myocardial infarc- Lifestyle modifications should be an integral tion or with well-established coronary artery part of the management of hypertensive CKD disease, ␤-blockers should be preferred. Expo- patients. The importance of salt restriction should sure to beta-blockers is associated with de- be continuously emphasized. Achievement of creased mortality in CKD (see also Guideline dry weight and reduction of ECFV should be 6).130 Calcium channel antagonists and antiÐ pursued, although this is not easy to monitor or alpha-adrenergic drugs should be an integral part accomplish, and it may not be effective in every of the management of hypertension to achieve patient. control if necessary. Observational studies sug- S56 GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE

gest that CCBs are associated with decreased Several factors can cause resistant hyperten- total and cardiovascular mortality.260 In the most sion, including patient noncompliance, inad- severe forms of hypertension, multiple antihyper- equate regime, drug-to-drug interactions, pseu- tensive drugs are needed, including minoxidil. If doresistance, secondary hypertension, and full doses of one agent are ineffective, a second unrecognized pressor mechanisms (Table 13). or a third drug should be added. If blood pressure Paradoxical rise of blood pressure during is not controlled with dialysis and three antihyper- dialysis. (Weak) Hypertension induced by HD tensive agents of different classes, the patient is a topic that has received little attention. It should be evaluated for potential secondary occurs in a small number of patients during HD. causes of resistant hypertension. If no evident The causes of this phenomenon have not been cause for resistant hypertension is found, and the well worked out. Sometimes it is precipitated by patient remains hypertensive after a trial with removal of certain antihypertensive drugs during minoxidil, one should consider treating the pa- dialysis. tient with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy- Hemodialysis reduces blood levels of some sis (CAPD). If CAPD proves ineffective, surgi- ACE inhibitors (enalapril, ramipril) but not oth- cal or embolic nephrectomy should be considered. ers (benazepril, fosinopril, methyldopa, atenolol, Resistant hypertension. (Weak) In dialysis acebutolol, nadolol, minoxidil and nitroprus- patients, hypertension is considered resistant if side); by contrast, levels of clonidine, carvedilol, blood pressure in a compliant patient remains labetalol, CCBs and ARBs do not change signifi- above 140/90 mm Hg after achieving dry weight, cantly (see Table 12). At times, excessive volume and after an adequate and appropriate triple-drug depletion may result in hypertension rather than regimen. In elderly patients with isolated systolic in hypotension. This has been attributed to exces- hypertension, resistant hypertension is defined as sive stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system the failure of an adequate regimen to reduce precipitated by the decrease in blood volume. An systolic blood pressure to less than 140-150 mm alternative possibility, which has not been prop- Hg. The regimen should include nearly maximal erly investigated, is that this might be the result doses of at least three different pharmacological of excessive activation of the sympathetic ner- agents selected from ACE inhibitors, calcium vous system and resulting vasoconstriction. antagonists, ␤-blockers, antiadrenergic agents, In a recent study of seven patients with this or direct vasodilators, such as hydralazine or characteristic, all with marked cardiac dilation, minoxidil. intense ultrafiltration reduced blood pressure and GUIDELINE 12: BLOOD PRESSURE S57

cardiac dilation and eliminated the paradoxical el- outcomes were deterioration of renal func- evation of blood pressure during dialysis.261 The tion but not CVD. explanation of this phenomenon remains elusive. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES LIMITATIONS ● Measurement and recording of blood pressure ● One major limitation of these guidelines is the is already implemented in most HD programs. lack of large-scale clinical trials correlating Not all dialysis programs, however, routinely levels of blood pressure with cardiovascular measure blood pressure in the sitting and disease events. Particularly puzzling is the upright position both before and after dialysis. U-shaped relationship between systolic blood Further definition and evaluation of the associ- pressure and cardiovascular morbidity and ated costs and benefits are required to deter- mortality, and the apparent lack of high blood mine the need for and implementation of pressure effects on cardiovascular disease events until systolic blood pressure reaches 24-hour ABPM. ● approximately 180 mm Hg. The increase mor- Longer and/or more frequent short dialysis tality in patients with lower blood pressure may be necessary to achieve control of blood could be related to poor ventricular function. pressure and fluid/volume status in many The lack of effects of blood pressure on patients. However, current Medicare reim- cardiovascular events over a wide range of bursement policies, and patient resistance to blood pressure between 100-180 mm Hg could more frequent and/or longer dialysis renders be related to variable ventricular function, and the implementation of these recommendations to “survival bias,” whereby high-risk patients difficult. with higher blood pressure may not have survived to be entered into the study. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS ● Another limitation of these guidelines is related to the great variability of blood pressure with ● More studies are necessary to better determine dialysis and the lack of firm criteria on definition goal blood pressures in dialysis patients. of hypertension in this patient population. ● Studies are needed to determine which antihy- ● Another major limitation of these guidelines pertensive drugs are best suited for dialysis is the lack of controlled studies on the effect patients. of different blood pressure goal and differ- ● More studies are necessary to determine opti- ent therapeutic intervention on CVD events. mal dosing (dose and time of administration) Most of the recommendations are based on of antihypertensive drugs in dialysis patients. inference from studies performed in the ● Further studies are needed to ascertain the general population with normal renal func- potential advantage of daily dialysis over tion. Other studies were performed in pa- dialysis performed 3 times weekly to achieve tients with various degrees of kidney dis- better blood pressure control and better cardio- ease, but not on dialysis therapy, and the vascular outcomes. GUIDELINE 13: DYSLIPIDEMIA

Since the NKF K/DOQI Clinical Practice malnutrition. In contrast, a higher serum choles- Guidelines for Managing Dyslipidemia in terol level was associated with an increased risk Chronic Kidney Disease Patients were estab- in the absence of inflammation/malnutrition. For lished only recently,51 we refer to those guide- CVD mortality, an inverse trend was not statisti- lines. However, we add the information on four cally significant in the presence of inflammation/ recent studies that provide some new insights on malnutrition, and a positive association was evi- the inverse association between cholesterol level dent in the absence of inflammation/malnutrition. and mortality, as well as further indirect evidence The authors concluded that the inverse associa- of the beneficial effects of lipid-lowering therapy. tion of total cholesterol level with mortality in Furthermore, unpublished results of the recently dialysis patients is likely due to the cholesterol- completed “4D Trial” on the effect of statins in lowering effect of systemic inflammation and chronic HD patients recently became available malnutrition, not to a protective effect of high and will be discussed. cholesterol concentrations. These findings would Management of dyslipidemias for prepubertal support the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in children with CKD and CKD Stage 5 should dialysis patients. follow recommendations by National Choles- terol Expert Panel in Children and Adolescents. Indirect Evidence for Lipid-Lowering Therapy Postpubertal children or adolescents with CKD in Kidney Disease (Weak) Stages 4 and 5 should follow the recommenda- Even if the present guidelines focus on dialy- tions provided in the K/DOQI Clinical Practice sis patients, further indirect evidence for the Guidelines for Managing Dyslipidemias in beneficial effect of lipid-lowering intervention Chronic Kidney Disease.51 comes from three additional studies. A multi- center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- RATIONALE trolled trial of 40-80 mg fluvastatin was con- ducted in 2,102 kidney transplant recipients Association between Dyslipidemia and CVD in followed for 5-6 years.263 Fluvastatin reduced Dialysis Patients (Weak) LDL cholesterol concentrations by 32%. Risk The previous guidelines listed the studies, reduction for the composite primary endpoint which investigated an association between cho- including myocardial infarction, cardiac death lesterol levels and CVD, and discussed the often- and cardiac interventions did not reach signifi- observed “paradoxical association” between dys- cance although the fluvastastin group experi- lipidemia and CVD in HD patients, i.e., that enced a third fewer cardiac death and nonfatal higher cholesterol levels are apparently associ- MI than the placebo group. Coronary interven- ated with better outcomes in HD patients. As one tion procedures and other secondary endpoints of several explanations it was mentioned that were not significantly different between the two none of the previous studies was a long-term, groups. prospective cohort study and that illness, inflam- Another study was performed in more than mation, and poor nutrition might have con- 19,000 hypertensive patients with at least three founded the relationship between dyslipidemia other CVD risk factors.264 Patients with non- and CVD. This was recently observed in a study fasting cholesterol concentrations of 6.5 mmol/L investigating the association of cholesterol levels or less were randomly assigned additional atorva- with all-cause and CVD mortality in a prospec- statin 10 mg or placebo. A prespecified subgroup tively followed cohort of 823 patients who initi- analysis in 6517 patients with kidney dysfunc- ated dialysis treatment.262 During a median fol- tion revealed a significantly lower risk for the low-up of 2.4 years, 324 deaths (including 159 primary endpoint (nonfatal MI or cardiac death) CVD deaths) occurred. Average serum choles- in the atorvastatin group when compared to pla- terol level was lower in the presence of inflamma- cebo. tion/malnutrition than in its absence. A higher A randomized trial of pravastatin versus pla- baseline total serum cholesterol level was associ- cebo in 4,159 patients with previous MI and total ated with a decreased risk of all-cause mortality plasma cholesterol level Ͻ6.21 mmol/L per- overall and in the presence of inflammation/ formed a post hoc analysis in 1,711 patients with

S58 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S58-S59 GUIDELINE 13: DYSLIPIDEMIA S59

CKD.265 After a median follow-up of almost 5 events by 36%, coronary revascularization by years, the incidence of the primary end point 31%, stroke by 48%, and death by 27%. The 4D (coronary death or nonfatal MI) was lower in investigators concluded that the negative results patients receiving pravastatin than in those receiv- might have been due to the advanced cardiovas- ing placebo, suggesting that pravastatin is effec- cular diseases in the chronic HD patients, and tive for secondary prevention of cardiovascular because statin therapy was initiated too late. events in persons with mild chronic kidney insuf- Therapy might better be started during the early ficiency. stages of disease progression as demonstrated by the CARDS study. There are, of course, other 4D Trial potential explanations for these results, which Together with the Heart Protection Study,266 would warrant further studies. Whether the effect all four studies support the hypothesis that lipid- of statin reported in the 4D Trial on diabetic lowering intervention might be beneficial in pa- dialysis patients is different in nondiabetic dialy- tients with kidney insufficiency. sis patients or chronic PD patients needs to be The latest results came from the “4D Trial” further investigated. (Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie) which have not yet been published. It was a randomized, Recent NCEP Report on ATP III Guidelines placebo-controlled study in 1,255 type 2 diabetic A recent report from the National Cholesterol patients on chronic HD.267 Out of those patients, Education Program (NCEP) discussed the impli- 619 were treated with 20 mg atorvastatin com- cations of clinical trials on the Adult Treatment pared to 636 matched controls treated with pla- Panel III (ATP III) guidelines.269 Results from cebo for a median of 4 years. The statin was safe the Heart Protection Study and the PROVE IT and effective in reducing the median serum LDL Study suggested that additional benefit may be cholesterol level by 42% throughout the study obtained by reducing LDL cholesterol levels to period. However, the primary endpoint—defined substantially below 100 mg/dL. Since other stud- as the composite of cardiac death, nonfatal MI, ies are underway to prove the efficacy of lower- and fatal or nonfatal stroke—was only reduced ing LDL to very low levels, the NCEP report by 8% which was not statistically significant stated that “until these trials are completed, pru- (Christoph Wanner for the 4D Study investiga- dence requires that setting an LDL-C goal of tors, American Society Nephrology 37th Annual Ͻ70 mg/dL for high-risk patients must be left as Meeting, October 2004). This was in distinct a therapeutic option on the basis of clinical trial contrast to the recently published CARDS trial evidence, whereas a goal of Ͻ100 mg/dL can be (Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study) in retained as a strong recommendation. Factors type 2 diabetic patients who had not yet devel- that favor a decision to reduce LDL-C levels to oped significant kidney disease.268 In that study, Ͻ70 mg/dL are those that place patients in the atorvastatin reduced the rate of acute coronary category of very high risk.” GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS

While there are few data specific to CVD in 14.4 Physical activity recommendations: dialysis patients regarding smoking, physical ac- 14.4.a Many dialysis patients are se- tivity, and psychological factors (depression, anxi- verely deconditioned and there- ety, and hostility), the evidence in the general fore may need a referral for population is clearly in favor of addressing each physical therapy to increase of these issues. In order to ensure that clinicians strength and endurance to the caring for dialysis patients do not overlook the point where they are able to importance of each of these factors, we have adopt the recommended levels dedicated an entire guideline to them. of physical activity. 14.1 All dialysis patients should be coun- 14.4.a.i Patients who qualify seled and regularly encouraged to stop for cardiac rehabilita- smoking. (A) Referral to smoking ces- tion should be referred sation specialists is recommended. (C) to a specialist. (C) 14.1.a Special consideration should be 14.4.a.ii The goal for activity given to cessation of smoking in should be for cardio- depressed individuals with little vascular exercise at a ability to engage in physical moderate intensity for activity. (C) 30 minutes most, if not 14.2 All dialysis patients should be coun- all, days per week. Pa- seled and regularly encouraged by tients who are not cur- nephrology and dialysis staff to in- rently physically ac- crease their level of physical activity. tive should start at (B) very low levels and du- 14.2.a Unique challenges to exercise rations, and gradually in dialysis patients need to be progress to this recom- identified in order to refer pa- mended level. (C) tients appropriately (e.g., to 14.4.b Follow-up: physical therapy or cardiac re- 14.4.b.i Physical functioning habilitation) and to enable the assessment and en- patients to follow regimens suc- couragement for par- cessfully. Such challenges in- ticipation in physical clude orthopedic/musculoskel- activity should be part etal limitations, cardiovascular of the routine patient concerns, and motivational is- care plan. Regular re- sues. (C) view should include 14.3 Measurement of physical functioning: assessment of changes 14.3.a Evaluation of physical function- in activity and physi- ing and re-evaluation of the cal functioning. (C) physical activity program 14.5 Depression, anxiety, and hostility should be done at least every 6 should be identified and treated in months. (C) dialysis patients. (B) 14.3.b Physical functioning can be 14.5.a Every dialysis patient should measured using physical per- be seen by the dialysis social formance testing or question- worker at initiation of dialysis, naires (e.g., SF-36). (C) and at least biannually thereaf- 14.3.c Potential barriers to participa- ter, to assess the patient’s psy- tion in physical activity should chological state, with specific be assessed in every patient. focus on the presence of depres- (C) sion, anxiety, and hostility. (C)

S60 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S60-S67 GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS S61

14.5.b Dialysis patients should be Hostility involves negative behavior and feel- treated for depression, anxiety, ings, often directed at interpersonal relation- and hostility if they are experi- ships. It includes such characteristics as anger, encing these psychological cynicism, and lack of trust.270 states. (C) Smoking (Moderately Strong) RATIONALE Cigarette smoking is universally recognized as an independent risk factor for CVD. Smoking, Definitions therefore, should also be discouraged in patients Physical activity. Bodily movement that is with CKD. However, this recommendation is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle even more compelling, considering the relation- and that substantially increases energy expendi- ship between smoking and poor outcomes in ture. dialysis and transplant patients (Table 14). The Regular physical activity. Accumulation of at frequency and duration of contact with dialysis least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical health-care providers should facilitate concerted activity on most—and preferably all—days of and serious efforts directed towards assisting the week. Moderate intensity is at levels appropri- patients to discontinue smoking. ate to the capacity, needs, and interest of the individual. Physical Activity (Weak) Physical functioning. Ability of the indi- Dialysis patients have extremely low levels of vidual to participate in required activities of physical functioning and exercise capacity, and living. are often physically inactive. Physical inactivity Physical capacity. Measured ability to per- is known to be a risk factor for CVD and overall form specific tasks, such as performance testing mortality272 as well as increasing risk for devel- and exercise testing. oping several chronic conditions, including dia- Major Depression is typically characterized betes273,274 and hypertension.275 In the general by having a depressed mood and a significant population, regular physical activity: reduces high loss of interest in all activities that persists for a blood pressure in persons with hypertension; minimum of 2 weeks and is accompanied by a reduces depression and anxiety; helps to control minimum of four of the following symptoms: weight; helps to maintain healthy bones, muscles, appetite or sleep disturbances; psychomotor retar- and joints; helps older adults become stronger dation or agitation; fatigue; feeling guilty or and better able to move about without falling; worthless; problems with concentration; or sui- and promotes psychological well-being. This evi- cidal ideation.270 Because many of the somatic dence is clearly documented in the U.S. Surgeon symptoms associated with depression are also General’s Report on Physical Activity and symptoms of uremia, the cognitive symptoms Health.276 Several other national guidelines rec- may be better used when assessing depression in ommend regular physical activity as part of treat- dialysis patients. ment for cardiovascular-related risk factors, spe- Anxiety has both physiological and psychologi- cifically, the Sixth Report of the Joint National cal symptoms. The psychological aspects, which Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evalua- may be more relevant when assessing those with tion, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure277 pre-existing medical problems, include: feelings and the National Cholesterol Education Project of powerlessness; a sense of impending danger; Adult Treatment Guidelines III.278 In fact, in exhaustive alertness; self-absorption that inter- both of these documents, lifestyle change (which feres with ability to effectively problem-solve; includes regular physical activity) is the first and extreme doubts about a threatening occur- recommendation. rence and one’s ability to deal with it; and Data in dialysis patients indicate that self- worries that are difficult to control and may reported physical functioning is highly predic- interfere with functioning. The concerns may be tive of outcomes such as hospitalizations and with or without cause, are pervasive, and last death, even when corrected for case mix and longer than would be expected.271 comorbidity.279 Likewise, a recent study has S62 GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS

shown that objective laboratory measures of with exercise training, warrants attention to this physical fitness are independently predictive of lifestyle issue.281-297 mortality, with patients with low maximal oxy- gen uptake (Ͻ17 mL/kg/min) showing signifi- Psychological Factors (Moderately Strong) cantly higher mortality.280 It is not known whether The purpose of this guideline is to identify improving exercise capacity and/or increasing those individuals at increased risk for developing physical activity will result in reduction in hospi- or worsening CVD due to their psychological talizations or death in dialysis patients. state. There is a strong association between de- Although no randomized clinical trials have pression, anxiety, and hostility, and CVD in the been performed to assess the effects of physical general population. No research was identified activity on cardiovascular risk in patients with that addressed the association of psychological renal failure, the preponderance of evidence and state per se with CVD in dialysis patients. How- existing guidelines for physical activity for other ever, since there is a high prevalence of depres- populations at high risk for CVD suggest similar sion and anxiety, as well as documented hostility, implementation of physical activity for patients in this population, it is reasonable to recommend with renal failure. The well-documented litera- assessment and treatment of these conditions that ture on low levels of physical functioning in this are known elsewhere to be highly associated population, and evidence that it can be improved with CVD. GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS S63

Depression. In the 1980s, two meta-analy- affects other variables, such as adherence, that ses of the research literature evaluating psycho- may impact survival.303 logical functioning and CVD found conflicting Anxiety. Most early studies suggested that results. One strongly suggested that depression anxiety was, at the most, only slightly related to relates to CAD, including its development, while CVD.298,299 An exception was a 5-year prospec- the other found that depression did not predict tive study of 10,000 adult men which found that the occurrence of CAD.298,299 Another study of not only was anxiety an independent contributor 498 men found that depression was only slightly to the development of angina pectoris, but the associated with incidence of CHD.300 However, likelihood of developing angina increased as the 307 recent evidence from 13 rigorously designed level of anxiety rose. Later evidence from research studies linking patients exhibiting de- three research studies, one involving 34,000 pressive symptoms or experiencing major depres- healthy subjects, further documented a signifi- sion with higher cardiovascular morbidity and cant association between anxiety and the devel- 270 mortality suggests depression may be an indepen- opment of cardiac events and SCDs. Others dent risk factor in CVD progression.270,301 A have shown that social anxiety both significantly predicts CHD development as well as increases meta-analysis of 11 epidemiological studies found 300 that the relative risk for developing CHD was its incidence. Multiple studies have estab- 1.64 in depressed individuals.300 Multiple stud- lished that those who experienced both depres- sion and anxiety had a compounded cardiac ies that followed patients with coronary heart 270 disease for up to 2 years found that depression risk. Other research has documented the rela- predicted the occurrence of angina pectoris, MI, tionship between anxiety and cardiac events, including MI302,308,309 and SCD.310 and angioplasty and/or coronary artery bypass Approximately 45% of 128 dialysis patients in surgery.302 Depression also resulted in more than one study exhibited clinical anxiety.305 As with a fourfold increased independent risk of mortal- depression, the mean anxiety score of HD pa- ity, giving it the same prognostic value as a prior tients has been found to be significantly higher history of MI.302 than that of normal subjects.304 Rates of depression of 30%-50% have been Hostility. Research evaluating the relation- reported in dialysis patients who use self- ship of hostility with CVD has shown mixed reported measures of depressive symptoms, results in the general population. Three prospec- although lower rates have been reported when tive, controlled studies representing 1,250 sub- DSM III-R criteria are used to assess for major 303 jects in the general population, which used the depression. HD patients’ mean depression Cook-Medley Hostility Inventory as a measure score has been documented to be significantly 304 of hostility, demonstrated that the presence of higher than that of normal subjects. In one hostility predicted CAD events and overall mor- study of 128 dialysis patients, 25.7% exhibited tality.298 Further support for hostility being an symptoms of depression and 26.6% scored independent risk factor for CAD comes from a within the range of clinical depression. Ap- meta-analysis of 45 research studies.311 Data proximately 50% of participants scored within from the Western Collaborative Group Study the range that indicated a potentially clinically showed that potential for hostility was a signifi- 305 significant depression. A more recent study cant predictor for developing CHD.299 Addi- found that approximately 25% of the 1,000 HD tional studies revealed that hostility was indepen- 279 patients studied were depressed. Forty- dently related to coronary atherosclerosis and three percent of 9,382 hemodialysis patients significantly predicted the development of scored within the depressed range of the Cen- CHD.299 It was found that patients with docu- ter for Epidemiological Studies Depression mented hostility had a 1.9 risk ratio for experienc- Screening Index.306 Multiple studies have dem- ing MI, angina, and cardiac death after control- onstrated that depression is associated with ling for other traditional risk factors.302 decreased overall survival in dialysis patients. The intensity of anger, which is a component It has not been established whether depression of hostility, has also been associated with CVD. is an independent risk factor or if depression In a prospective study of 1,305 individuals, those S64 GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS who experienced a higher level of anger were in pathological alterations in cardiac autono- found to have a 3.2 times higher risk of having a mous tone. This could involve either increased fatal or nonfatal coronary event compared to sympathetic stimulation or impaired vagal con- those who reported the lowest level of anger.310 trol, both of which have been linked to mortal- Another study documented that the relative risk ity.270 Sympathetic-adrenal medullary and adre- of experiencing another MI was 2.3 within 2 nal cortical activity are higher when anxiety is hours of an anger episode in 1,623 post-MI present, and this may also be a contributor to patients.302 CVD.307 Anxiety may also result in coronary The Kellner Symptom Questionnaire, which vasospasm that can cause atherosclerotic plaques was administered to female subjects, showed to rupture.302 that not only were dialysis patients more de- People who exhibit hostility and are exposed pressed, they were also more hostile than the to certain stimuli, such as mental tasks, have healthy control group.312 A study of dialysis been shown to have higher blood pressure and patients and their partners documented that those heart rates than those who are not hostile,270,298 on dialysis experienced a variety of psychologi- as well as other physiological changes that are cal reactions, including anger.313 linked to CVD.270,302 Physiological factors associated with depres- Assessment and suggested treatment of depres- sion, anxiety, and hostility. (Weak) Depres- sion, anxiety, and hostility. (Weak) Although sion, anxiety, and hostility may be associated there are no studies specifically addressing the with CVD through several mechanisms. For relationship between psychological factors and example, these factors may lead to nonadher- CVD in dialysis patients, the prevalence of these ence with the dialysis or diet regimen, which factors, as discussed earlier, makes treatment an may impair cardiovascular functioning. In ad- important issue. There is documented evidence dition, a patient who is experiencing any of that psychological and social interventions, in these psychological states may be more prone addition to standard cardiac rehabilitation, can to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as smok- significantly reduce mortality and morbidity and ing, that could have a negative impact on have positive influences on cholesterol, blood cardiovascular health. pressure, and heart rate.302 Additionally, there are pathophysiological ef- Adequate dialysis and anemia control are im- fects when a person experiences depression, anxi- portant contributors to overall well-being and ety, or hostility. Depression has been associated quality of life for dialysis patients. These factors, with impaired platelet functioning, hypercortisol- combined with an assessment of the patient’s emia, heightened plasma and urinary cat- physical health and potential side effects of medi- echolamines, increased heart rate, altered vagal cation, should first be evaluated as possible con- control, and a reduction in the variability of the tributors to depression and anxiety. heart rate. Each of these may have a negative Typically, referral to a psychologist may be impact on the prognosis of CHD.301 Patients necessary for psychometric testing, although qual- experiencing depression have exhibited sympa- ity-of-life assessments, which include depres- thoadrenal hyperactivity, and it has been sug- sion, have become routine in many dialysis facili- gested that this may contribute to the develop- ties. Several instruments measure levels of ment of CVD due to the cathecholamines’ effects depression, anxiety, and hostility (Table 15). The on cardiac functioning and platelets.301 Depres- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which is used sion has also been associated with the inflamma- frequently, is a well-validated instrument.303 The tory response, and consequent CAD progres- BDI Fast Screen is a self-report instrument that sion.302 Other physiological changes associated was developed specifically to measure depres- with depression that negatively impact cardiovas- sion in patients who have medical illness.315 The cular function are hypercoagulability, systemic Cognitive Depression Index, a subset of the BDI, and localized inflammation, and cardiac rhythm controls for the possible impact of somatic symp- alterations.314 toms, which may artificially inflate depression Some patients with anxiety have exhibited rates when assessing the dialysis population.303 decreased heart rate variability, which may result The SF-36 has also been established as a good GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS S65

screening tool for depression with center HD techniques was also found to lower hostility, as patients.279 The World Health Organization Qual- well as cardiac deaths.270 ity of Life-100 (WHOQOL-100) and its abbrevi- The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy was ated version, WHOQOL-BREF, were developed found to lower anxiety and reduce depression in for use throughout the world in a variety of the general population,311 and has also effec- cultures. These instruments contain a psychologi- tively reduced hypertension and the morbidity cal domain that assesses depression and anxi- and mortality from CVD that is associated with ety.316 The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) hypertension.318 Relaxation techniques were also has been commonly used and is considered to be equal to or more effective than other psychologi- one of the best standardized tests to measure cal interventions in lowering physiological anxiety.317 Similarly, the State-Trait Anger Ex- arousal in persons with CVD. Biofeedback, one pression Scale (STAXI) has also been used exten- form of relaxation, lowered hypertension in 60% sively. It has predictive validity and vast norma- of study participants with CVD.318 Other tech- tive data, and distinguishes between the niques, such as controlled breathing, have been suppression and the expression of anger.318 An- found to be significantly associated with reduc- other measure of hostility is the Cook-Medley tion in MIs, as well as all-cause mortality.270 Hostility Inventory, which is taken from the Chronic HD patients who were taught simple Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory progressive relaxation exercises had signifi- (MMPI). This instrument has been found to cantly lowered anxiety levels, while a control predict CAD events, CHD mortality and overall group remained unchanged.317 Multiple studies mortality.298,319 with the general population have documented Social support has been shown to lower depres- that anger is also treatable using a variety of sion in the general population.303 Poor social different interventions.311,318 support has also been associated with an in- Patient education has been documented to creased incidence of CAD.270 Group counseling impact psychological state. Patients who partici- that focused specifically on modifying Type A pated in an educational program about CKD personality traits, such as hostility, was found not (which included information on its treatments only to reduce Type A characteristics, but also to and potential impact on quality of life) prior to significantly reduce cardiac deaths in a con- beginning dialysis were found to have signifi- trolled study of over 800 post-MI participants. cantly lower levels of anxiety and improved Group instruction that included stress reduction moods compared to a control group. This differ- S66 GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ence remained for the first six months after lost to follow-up, and not controlling for initiating dialysis.320 As discussed earlier in this variables that could affect the outcome. guideline, physical activity can also significantly ● This guideline is largely based upon observa- impact the dialysis patient’s well-being. tional studies, meta-analyses, and review ar- If patients exhibit depressive or anxiety symp- ticles. No research could be found that evalu- toms that do not respond to other treatments, ated the association between psychological psychotropic medication should be considered. factors and CVD in dialysis patients. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or atypi- cal antidepressants, such as nefazodone or bupro- IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES prion, may be considered for use in CVD pa- tients who are depressed. These antidepressant Psychological Factors medications may have fewer potential negative ● In the U.S., regulations governing dialysis cardiovascular effects than many other antidepres- facilities mandate that Masters-prepared social sants.301 Studies have documented that pharma- workers with clinical specialization perform a cological intervention has had positive effects on psychological and social assessment of pa- the psychological functioning of patients with tients when they begin dialysis. Social work- CKD.321 ers, as part of the multidisciplinary team, are LIMITATIONS also mandated to reassess stable patients every six months and unstable patients as part of Smoking team care planning. ● Nephrologists and other dialysis health-care ● Cessation of smoking in dialysis patients may providers may not routinely assess dialysis be difficult to achieve, as in the general patients’ psychological functioning. They may population. not feel confident in assessing psychological ● There are no comprehensive studies of the use function and may think that this task falls of the pharmacotherapies recommended for outside their area of expertise. They may also smoking cessation in dialysis patients. not be aware of the prevalence of these Physical Activity psychological traits in the dialysis population, the positive associations between these traits ● There are no randomized trials in dialysis and CVD, or the interventions that have been patients of the effects of exercise on cardiovas- shown to reduce psychological distress. cular risk profile; however, there are random- ● The various interventive techniques discussed ized trials in dialysis patients that demonstrate for psychological factors could be imple- the effects of exercise training on physical mented by the dialysis facility social worker or functioning. Many patients are severely debili- by referral to an outside mental health profes- tated and will require lower levels of rehabili- sional. Medicare will cover 50% of the charges tation efforts. These levels may not be suffi- for outpatient mental health treatment, after a cient to modify cardiovascular risks; however, deductible is met, if it is provided by an they will prove adequate to improve physical approved Medicare provider. functioning. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS Psychological Factors Smoking ● Research studies have produced conflicting data that may be due to using different defini- ● Studies are required in CKD patients to exam- tions of the constructs, examining components ine the pharmacokinetics/safety of pharmaco- within a construct rather than using the entire therapies known to be effective in smoking construct, or using varying methods of measur- cessation. ing psychological constructs. Additional prob- ● Randomized trials are needed to determine the lems in some studies included small sample most effective interventions for smoking cessa- sizes, large percentages of a study population tion in dialysis patients. GUIDELINE 14: SMOKING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS S67

● Randomized, controlled trials are needed to ● Studies are required to determine how to determine the effects of smoking cessation on effectively incorporate physical activity into cardiovascular and all-cause outcomes in dialy- the routine care of dialysis patients. sis patients. Physical Activity Psychological Factors ● Randomized clinical trials are needed to study ● the effects of exercise training on cardiovascu- Research is needed to study the presence of lar risk in dialysis patients. psychological distress in dialysis patients. ● ● Studies are required to determine the optimal Further studies are required to examine the exercise prescription and to develop practical impact of psychological distress on cardiovas- ways of incorporating physical activity and cular functioning and outcomes in dialysis assessment of physical functioning into the patients. routine care of dialysis patients. ● Studies are required in dialysis patients to ● Studies are needed to define the barriers to examine the impact of therapeutic interven- exercise in dialysis patients and to develop tions, which are used to treat psychological motivational strategies to increase participa- conditions associated with CVD, on psycho- tion in regular physical activity. logical states and cardiovascular events. GUIDELINE 15: ANEMIA

The impact of anemia on CVD (specifically, outcome between groups, the trial was stopped LVH) and exacerbation of CAD is well described early due to a trend suggesting poorer outcomes in the dialysis population. Given the prevalence among those with higher hematocrit levels. of anemia in the dialysis population, and its The Canadian Normalization of Hemoglobin association with poor outcomes, anemia is con- Trial randomized 146 CKD patients with either sidered a “uremia-specific” CVD risk factor. concentric LV hypertrophy or LV dilation333 to 15.1. All dialysis patients with anemia receive doses of erythropoietin to achieve a he- should follow the K/DOQI Guidelines moglobin of either 10 or 13 g/dL (100 or 130 for Treatment of Anemia.52 g/L). In the patients with concentric LVH, changes in LV mass index were similar between groups. RATIONALE (Weak) In the patients with LV dilation, changes in Anemia results in decreased peripheral vascu- volume index were also similar between groups. lar resistance and plasma viscosity, and in- However, those with concentric LVH were less creased venous return. A reduced hemoglobin likely to develop progressive LV dilation if they level lowers oxygen delivery, resulting in in- were assigned to the high hemoglobin group. creased heart rate and venous tone. These factors cause increased cardiac output, which increases LIMITATIONS arterial volume and LV wall tension. The cumu- ● There is a clear association between poor lative effect is LVH, arterial hypertrophy, and outcomes and low hemoglobin, but there are arteriosclerosis. Guidelines have been previ- little data to suggest that hemoglobin levels ously developed by the K/DOQI Anemia Work Ͼ 52 13 g/dL are associated with improved out- Group. comes. The data supporting an association Observational studies have demonstrated an between anemia treatment and improvements association between anemia and adverse cardio- in CVD are limited. vascular outcomes in CKD patients. One such study demonstrated that a hemoglobin level Ͻ8.8 IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES g/dL was independently associated with LV dila- tion, cardiac failure, and total mortality.331 Other ● Identification and treatment of anemia can be studies have supported these findings, and are easily implemented, making it readily ame- reviewed in the previous anemia guidelines.52 nable to intervention. The use of erythropoi- It is not known if treatment of anemia prevents etin to treat anemia is currently a standard care cardiovascular events in CKD patients. The Nor- practice and is feasible. mal Hematocrit Trial randomized 1,200 patients RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS with heart failure or ischemic heart disease to a target hematocrit of 30% or 42%, and assessed ● Studies are needed to determine the most time to first myocardial infarction or death.332 appropriate hemoglobin value to reduce the Although there was no significant difference in risk of nonatherosclerotic heart disease.

S68 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: p S68 GUIDELINE 16: ARTERIAL STIFFNESS, VASCULAR AND VALVULAR CALCIFICATION, CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS AND PTH

The role of abnormalities of calcium, phospho- tween 150-300 pg/mL rus, and PTH in contributing to arteriosclerosis, (16.5-33.0 pmol/L). (B) subsequent arterial stiffness, calcification and 16.3.b.ii. Treatment strategies cardiac valve calcification is an area of intense for PTH values <150 research. The importance of these parameters to pg/mL (16.5 pmol/L) CVD outcomes and the biological plausibility of and >300 pg/mL (33.0 these variables in CVD processes require atten- pmol/L) should be de- tion to them as “uremia-related” risk factors. veloped according to 16.1 All dialysis patients should have pulse the K/DOQI Bone Dis- pressure (PP) determined monthly be- ease Guidelines.78 (B) fore dialysis. 16.1.a For PP >60 mm Hg and sys- RATIONALE tolic blood pressure >135 mm Hg, it is recommended that PP Arterial Stiffness (Weak) be reduced by achieving ideal Increased arterial stiffness in dialysis patients body weight and the use of is the result of chronic flow/volume overload, antihypertensive medication uremia-induced endothelial dysfunction, fibro- with the target PP being 40 mm elastic intimal thickening, increased extracellu- Hg. (B) lar matrix, and medial calcification.334 Arterial 16.2 Identification and treatment of calcifi- stiffness may cause CVD because it increases LV cation: after-load and decreases the diastolic pressure, 16.2.a If arterial calcification is identi- resulting in a decrease in coronary perfusion. fied by plain radiography in Arterial stiffness can be assessed by measure- any of the following sites (ab- ment of PWV using B-mode ultrasonography. dominal aorta, carotid arteries, However, pulse wave velocity is not easily mea- ileo-femoral axis or femoro- sured in clinical practice. In contrast, PP can be popliteal axis), identification of easily measured and is an attractive surrogate for calcification at another site PWV. Pulse pressure, the difference between should be sought. (C) systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reflects LV 16.2.b If vascular calcification is ejection and aortic elasticity. Similar to PWV, present in two or more sites, increased PP has been associated with increased consideration should be given all-cause mortality in nondiabetic HD patients.188 to prescription of a non-cal- Others have reported that pre- and post-dialysis cium-containing phosphate blood pressures have independent associations binder. (B) with mortality in a manner that implicates wide 16.3 All dialysis patients should follow cur- pulse pressures.130 (Moderately Strong) rent K/DOQI Guidelines for treatment Patients who had a decrease in PWV with a of calcium, phosphate, and PTH.78 decrease in blood pressure also had regression in 16.3.a Serum phosphorus should be LVH.335 Further, it has been shown that patients maintained between 3.5-5.5 whose PWV could be decreased by correcting mg/dL (1.13-1.78 mmol/L). (B) hypertension had better survival rates than those 16.3.b PTH should be measured every whose PWV did not change with blood pressure 3 months using an intact PTH decrease.195 Whether a decrease in PP would assay (first-generation immuno- also identify those with better survival is not radiometric assay). (C) known. In a study of 22 HD patients with type 2 16.3.b.i. For prevention of diabetes, there was an improvement in PWV CVD, the target PTH among patients treated with fluvastatin.336 value should be be- Whether the improved PWV associated with

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S69-S75 S69 S70 GUIDELINE 16 statins would improve cardiovascular outcomes uses ultrasound and soft-tissue radiographs to requires further study. (Weak) estimate arterial calcification in the common The evidence supporting an association be- carotid arteries, abdominal aorta, iliofemoral axis tween arterial stiffness and increased risk of and femoro-popliteal axis. The overall score death in dialysis patients is derived from prospec- ranges from 0-4 based on the number of calcified tive cohort studies using PWV as the estimate for sites. Good inter-observer reproducibility has arterial stiffness. A study of 243 chronic HD been reported. It is a valid predictor of all-cause patients with a PWV Ͼ12.0 mL/sec compared to mortality and cardiovascular mortality.343 How- Ͻ9.4 mL/sec had an odds ratio of 5.4 for all- ever, the Work Group felt that the experience cause mortality and 5.9 for cardiovascular mortal- with this technique was limited, and that there ity.190 The evidence supporting an association would be major barriers to its acceptance and between pulse pressure and mortality in dialysis implementation. (Weak) patients is based on two prospective cohort stud- The recommendation made by the K/DOQI ies. The first study cohort consisted of 1,243 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bone Metabo- chronic HD patients followed for 9 years.188 lism and Disease in CKD was that a non-calcium- During the mean follow-up of 76 months, the based binder be used if there was evidence for mortality rate among those with PP Ͻ59 mm Hg severe vascular calcification.78 While the diagno- was 28%, compared to 38%, 46%, and 60% for sis is based on an incidental finding of vascular those with PP 60-79, 80-99 and Ͼ100 mm Hg calcification on plain radiography, no suggestion respectively. Using multivariate analysis for non- is made for frequency of diagnostic evaluation diabetic patients, there was an 8% increase in the nor is there a definition for severe vascular calci- relative risk for all-cause mortality associated fication. with each 10 mm Hg increase in pulse pressure. Young dialysis patients with detectable coro- The second study cohort consisted of a random nary artery calcification had a mean daily cal- sample of 11,142 subjects followed from 1994- cium carbonate dose of 6,456 mg compared to 2000.130 Higher systolic and lower diastolic blood 3,325 mg among those who had no detectable pressure were associated, in a multivariate analy- calcium.32 Older age, male gender, diabetes, di- sis, with an increased risk of death. The associa- alysis vintage, higher serum calcium, and higher tions are strong and consistent. (Moderately serum phosphorus have been associated with Strong) higher coronary artery calcification scores.339 Prevention of hyperphosphatemia is critical, but Vascular Calcification dietary phosphorus restriction and conventional The calcium content in coronary arteries of HD are often not adequate. An orally adminis- dialysis patients is much higher than that found tered phosphate binder is required. An alterna- in age-gender-matched controls and in nonure- tive to calcium-based phosphate binders is desir- mic patients with CAD.337 Moreover, there is an able. One currently available alternative is association between the Agatston338 score and sevelamer hydrochloride. In a randomized clini- the prevalence of atherosclerotic disease in HD cal trial, subjects treated with sevelamer for 12 patients.339 However, the ACC/AHA did not months did not have a statistically significant recommend EBCT for the diagnosis of obstruc- increase in the coronary artery or in the aortic tive coronary disease due to the low specificity of calcification scores while those treated with cal- this test.340 However, EBCT remains a valuable cium carbonate or calcium acetate had a contin- surrogate outcome when used in the tightly con- ued increase.81 The serum phosphorus values trolled environment of the randomized clinical were well controlled in both groups. The inci- trial. For clinical practice, spiral CT may be a dence of hypercalcemia (16% vs. 5%) and the feasible alternative341 but there are insufficient prevalence of an undesirable suppression of PTH data to recommend routine use of this technique. at the end of the study (57% vs. 30%) were (Weak) greater in the calcium-treated group. (Moder- A valid and reproducible estimate of vascular ately Strong) calcification that is easily applied in clinical The calcification score at which to initiate practice is required. The method of Guerin342 treatment with a non-calcium-based phosphate GUIDELINE 16 S71 binder is unclear. Ideally, calcium-based binders should be avoided entirely, but there are cost considerations as the currently available non- calcium-based binder (sevelamer hydrochloride) is considerably more expensive. The Work Group recommends that, if vascular calcification is noted in one part of the vascular tree (either carotids, aorta, ileo-femoral or femoropopiteal) and the calcium-phosphorus product exceeds 55, plain radiographs of the other areas should be made. If positive in one other area, a non-calcium-based phosphate binder should be considered. It is recognized that vascular calcification on plain radiographs does not disqualify arteriosclerosis (which may respond to reduction in calcium- phosphorus product) from atherosclerosis (which is unlikely to respond). (Weak) (Table 16) Lanthanum carbonate is a non-calcium-based phosphate binder but there are insufficient pub- lished data on its efficacy and safety.344 Valvular Calcification Valvular calcification was found to be much more common in CKD patients treated with HD than in age-matched and gender-matched con- trols.345 There is an increased prevalence of valvular insufficiency with calcification of the mitral (29% vs. 6%) and aortic valves (22% vs. 6%). Using EBCT, calcification was reported in 45% of the mitral and 34% of the aortic valves in HD patients, compared to an expected 3%-5% in controls.339 Others found significant increases in valvular calcium estimated by EBCT over a 12-month period.337 There is no convincing evi- dence linking valvular calcification to abnormali- ties in serum calcium, phosphorus, or PTH. Val- vular calcification is associated with a worse survival, perhaps mediated by increased LVH, for those with aortic valve calcification. There is also an increased risk for death among PD pa- tients with valvular calcification (Table 17).346 (Weak) Serum Phosphorus Observational studies in HD patients show a statistically significant increase in the risk for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality with se- rum phosphorus Ͼ6.5-6.6 mg/dL (2.10-2.13 mmol/L) (Table 18).347,348 The evidence linking increased serum phosphorus to vascular calcifica- tion is based on the observation that vascular S72 GUIDELINE 16 GUIDELINE 16 S73

calcification is an active process of ossifica- tion.349 Prior to the deposition of calcium in medial smooth muscle cells, bone matrix proteins are detectable. The linkage of hyperphosphatemia to development of vascular calcification is based on the observation that phosphorus can induce the production of bone-forming proteins in the vascular smooth muscle.350 The in vitro evidence for the role of inorganic phosphorus in the patho- genesis of vascular calcification has been re- viewed.351 Exposure of cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells to concentrations of phos- phorus similar to those found in CKD patients increased the expression of osteogenic factors. An additional mechanism by which hyperphos- phatemia might cause cardiac disease is in- creased cardiac fibrosis.352 The progression of vas- cular calcification in coronary arteries has been associated with high doses of calcium-based phos- phate binders32 and there is progression in patients prescribed a mean dose of 1,500 mg elemental calcium daily.81 (Moderately Strong) The strategies to treat hyperphosphatemia and the evidence for the use of non-calcium-based phosphate binders are described in the K/DOQI Bone Disease Guidelines.78 PTH It is common to consider hyperparathyroidism as a traditional risk factor for CVD (Table 19). The relative risk for all-cause mortality was 1.18 in the quintile with PTH values Ͼ511 pg/mL (56.2 pmol/L) compared to the referent quintile of PTH values 34-91 pg/mL (3.7-10.0 pmol/L) in an observational study.347 In another study, the relative risk for sudden death was 1.06 in the quintile with PTH values Ͼ496 pg/mL (54.6 pmol/L) compared to the reference quintile with PTH values 91-197 pg/mL (10.0-21.7 pmol/ L).348 (Weak) Patients with histological evidence for adynamic bone disease have decreased ability to buffer exog- enous calcium loads than do patients with high- turnover bone disease or those with mixed uremic osteodystrophy.353 Intact PTH has been used as a surrogate marker for bone metabolic activity. In PD patients, a prevalence of 63.2% for biopsy-proven low-turnover bone disease was reported.354 An intact PTH value Ͻ200 pg/mL (22.0 pmol/L) has been used to define relative hypoparathyroidism in HD patients.355 (Weak) S74 GUIDELINE 16 GUIDELINE 16 S75

Factors suppressing PTH include hypercalce- IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES mia, increased vitamin D levels, diabetes melli- tus and increasing age. Despite being associated Arterial Stiffness with these risk factors for CVD, hypoparathyroid- ● Measurement and recording of PP can be ism was found to be an independent predictor of easily implemented. Therefore, PP could be mortality.355 In several studies, low PTH levels identified as a risk factor amenable to interven- do not show a convincing association with a tion. The interventions (targeted ideal body variety of markers of cardiovascular outcomes. weight, lowering of blood pressure and use of There are several intact PTH assays available, statins) are also feasible. the most frequently used currently being the Ni- chols assay. This assay measures both active PTH Serum Phosphorus and PTH fragments which might be either inactive or inhibitory. This assay has been used in the ● The regular measurement of serum phospho- majority of studies reported in the literature. The rus and the prescription of diets containing measurement of serum PTH and the target values 800-1,000 mg phosphorus are common prac- for CKD patients are discussed in the K/DOQI tices in most dialysis units. The limitation on Bone Disease Guidelines.78 the dose of oral calcium-containing phosphate binders is new and will require a change in LIMITATIONS prescribing habits. There may be fiscal barriers to the use of sevelamer. This might be allevi- Arterial Stiffness ated by the use of a combination of calcium- based binders and sevelamer.356 ● The data addressing the relationship between increased PP and increased mortality rates are PTH robust, while data relating high pulse pressure with medial calcification are less robust. The ● The discussion of hypoparathyroidism is based data supporting the efficacy of interventions to on relatively new concepts from a small number decrease the pulse pressure and to improve of articles published since 2001. The credibility clinical outcomes are relatively weak. Earlier of aggressive therapy for treating relative hypo- interventions that prevent the development of parathyroidism will be greeted with skepticism, noncompliant blood vessels might be more given the long-term focus on hyperparathyroid- effective than the treatment of established ism. The association of relative hypoparathyroid- vascular stiffness in dialysis patients. ism with worse outcomes may be confounded by the relationship with age and diabetes. There will Serum Phosphorus be continued reliance on PTH as a surrogate for ● The evidence linking hyperphosphatemia to an bone turnover but this may be clarified with the increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular introduction of intact PTH assays. mortality is based on observational data. The RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS evidence linking hyperphosphatemia with vascu- lar calcification is based on empirical data that ● Further studies are required to examine the use are consistent with clinical observations. The of statins in patients with PP Ͼ60 mm Hg. randomized clinical trial comparing sevelamer ● Evaluation of interventions is needed that might to calcium-containing phosphate binders showed prevent or reverse the decrease of vascular a convincing decrease in the rate of vascular compliance in patients with increased PP. calcification.81 However, the demonstration of ● The validity of the semi-quantitative estima- improved clinical outcomes awaits longer-term tion of vascular calcification as a predictor of studies. survival requires confirmation in other centers. ● The mechanisms by which vascular calcifica- Evaluation of alternative methods for estima- tion leads to specific cardiovascular events are tion of coronary artery calcification (e.g., not clear, and further studies are required. multislice CT) is needed. SECTION III. STATE OF THE SCIENCE: NOVEL AND CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES

The following sections have been prepared to Cardiovascular complications of IDH include: ensure that the state of the art and science related ischemic (cardiac or neurological) events; vascu- to CVD includes novel concepts, therapeutic lar access thrombosis; dysrhythmias; and mesen- strategies, and emerging areas of pathophysiologi- teric venous infarction.364 Long-term effects of cal and practical importance to the care of dialy- IDH include: volume overload due to suboptimal sis patients. ultrafiltration and use of fluid boluses for resusci- The reader will notice that the format of this tation; LVH, with its associated morbidity and section is different, reflecting its different perspec- mortality; and interdialytic hypertension. tive: namely, the relative lack of evidence on which to base plausible guideline statements. Discussion The evidence that does exist, and is cited in this Evaluation of risk. During the past 10 years, section, is either completely in nondialysis popu- despite improvements in dialysis technology, the lations, or is purely associative information, with frequency of IDH has remained unchanged at no intervention in any population yet tested. about 25% of all HD sessions.365 In addition, the Thus, it would be a problem to include guideline incidence of IDH will continue to increase as an statements or recommendations. increasing number of elderly patients will de- Nonetheless, this section describes the current velop CKD, and also due to the progressive status of knowledge with respect to risk factors increase in the number of diabetic patients with and biomarkers, and represents an overview of CKD. Patient subgroups most likely to have IDH key areas for future clinical trials. The reader is include those with diabetic CKD, CVD, poor encouraged to review this section, and examine nutritional status and hypoalbuminemia, uremic his or her current understanding and practice neuropathy or autonomic dysfunction, severe ane- within the context of these highlights. mia, age Ն65, and predialysis systolic blood The literature review has been conducted us- pressure Ͻ100 mm Hg. ing the same systematic strategy as for the previ- There are no large-scale, epidemiological stud- ous guidelines in this document. The reviews ies to define the risk factors that are associated presented here have been thoughtfully con- with the risk of developing IDH, although IDH structed so that clinicians can adopt different appears to be more common in patients with practices based on them. However, for reasons diabetes and predialysis hypotension. Both nor- cited above, the ability to truly recommend or motensive or hypertensive dialysis patients can suggest changes in practice would be premature develop IDH. The degree of IDH in the same at this time. patient may vary from time to time or may have seasonal variations. INTRADIALYTIC HYPOTENSION A small group of patients (5%-10%) may have low systolic blood pressure (Ͻ100 mm Hg) at Introduction the initiation of dialysis.364 This group includes Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is defined as a anephric patients, those who are on dialysis for a decrease in systolic blood pressure by Ն20 mm longer period, and diabetic patients with persis- Hg or a decrease in MAP by 10 mm Hg associ- tent orthostatic hypotension due to autonomic ated with symptoms that include: abdominal dis- dysfunction. Patients on dialysis with autonomic comfort; yawning; sighing; nausea; vomiting; dysfunction show an exaggerated drop in sys- muscle cramps; restlessness; dizziness or faint- tolic and diastolic blood pressures and MAP, ing; and anxiety. It impairs the patient’s well- compared to those without underlying auto- being, can induce cardiac arrhythmias, predis- nomic dysfunction.366 Other risk factors include poses to coronary and/or cerebral ischemic events. older age (Ͼ60 years), female sex, diabetes mel- In addition, IDH precludes the delivery of an litus, presence of CAD, and the use of nitrates adequate dose of dialysis, as hypotension epi- before a dialysis session. sodes lead to the compartment effect and result Patients with CKD have defective reactivity of in suboptimal Kt/Vurea. the resistance vessels as well as the capacitance

S76 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S76-S80 STATE OF THE SCIENCE S77

vessels during the HD sessions.367,368 The exact tors relating to IDH treatment are presented in mechanism of this poor vascular responsiveness Table 20. is not known; however, recent data from isolated ultrafiltration and hemodiafiltration have shown Dialysis Interventions that vascular responses remained intact as these Dialysate temperature modeling. During modalities are not associated with increase in standard dialysis, an increase in core body tem- core body temperature.369 perature is usual and increases the risk for IDH. The following subgroups of chronic HD pa- The increase in body temperature is either re- tients should be evaluated carefully for the risk lated to heat load from the extracorporeal sys- of developing IDH: tem, or secondary to volume removal. Volume removal is associated with increased metabolic ● Patients with diabetic CKD Stage 5 rate with decreased thermal losses either directly, ● Patients with CVD: or secondary to peripheral vasoconstriction370 LVH and diastolic dysfunction with or with- and impaired convective mechanisms of heat out CHF loss. LV systolic dysfunction and CHF Temperature monitoring is difficult in dialysis Patients with valvular heart disease patients due to variability in room, core body, Patients with pericardial disease (constric- and dialysate temperatures, as well as the lack of tive pericarditis or pericardial effusion) sensitive equipment to monitor the dialysate- ● Patients with poor nutritional status and hy- blood temperature gradient. The use of low- poalbuminemia temperature dialysate (i.e., lower than the pa- ● Patients with uremic neuropathy or autonomic tient’s core temperature) compared with standard dysfunction due to other causes dialysate-temperature (37-38¡C)371,372 decreases ● Patients with severe anemia the frequency and intensity of symptomatic hypo- ● Patients requiring high volume ultrafiltration; tension. Low-temperature dialysis improves the more than expected interdialytic weight gain reactivity of capacitance and resistance vessels, ● Patients with predialysis SBP of Ͻ100 mm Hg and is associated with improvement in cardiac ● Patients 65 years or older age. contractility.373,374 Routine measures for the treatment of IDH Isothermic dialysis. Maintenance of isother- include the use of Trendenlenburg’s position mic dialysis involves keeping the temperature and saline boluses to increase the systolic constant during the dialysis treatment. Each per- blood pressure to 100-110 mm Hg. In addition, cent change in ultrafiltration-induced body weight it is advisable to assess for the signs of ortho- requires removal of 6% heat to prevent an in- static hypotension before the patient is dis- crease in core body temperature.370 It was shown charged from the dialysis unit. Additional fac- that differences in vascular reactivity in patients S78 STATE OF THE SCIENCE with standard HD, hemodiafiltration, or isolated reaching almost normal levels before the end of ultrafiltration remained unchanged if energy trans- dialysis. fer was similar.369,375 Sodium modeling prevents the development In a recent multicenter analysis, the impact of of IDH by: a) an increased ECF sodium level at thermoneutral dialysis (preventing any transfer the time of peak UF rate improves shift of water of thermal energy between dialysate and extracor- from ICF to the ECF compartment with im- poreal circulation) on hemodynamic stability in proved venous refill and prevention of the Bezold- selected hypotension-prone patients was com- Jarisch reflex;387,388 and b) hypertonic dialy- pared to isothermic dialysis (keeping the predialy- sate—to a greater extent—accelerates urea sis body temperature unchanged) by using blood- equilibration between ICF and ECF while urea temperature monitoring. The frequency of removal is at its peak during the first hour of 389 intradialytic morbid events decreased by 25% dialysis. with isothermic HD.376 During isothermic treat- Limitations of dialysate sodium modeling in- ments, body temperature was maintained at pre- clude the following: a) there is poor temporal correlation between the time of onset of IDH and dialysis temperature settings and was tolerated 390 without adverse effects, as compared to a simple an antecedent decrease in blood volume; b) decrease in dialysate temperature that often leads there is a significant interdialysis and interindi- to rigors and shivering.377 vidual variation in serum sodium, and for any Dialysate calcium modeling. The long-term given level of serum sodium, the amount of hemodynamic and osseous consequences associ- diffusible plasma water varies based on total ated with the use of different levels of dialysate body water, serum proteins and other nondiffus- 391 and c) the devel- calcium need careful evaluation. The use of ible elements in the plasma; opment of postdialysis hypernatremia can be low-calcium dialysate has been associated with associated with thirst, dysphoria, hypertension, decreased LV contractility and a corresponding and increased interdialytic weight gain.384 In decrease in blood pressure.378,379 It was further some instances, a reverse sodium profile is pre- associated with a significant intradialytic de- scribed, in which the dialysate sodium concentra- crease in blood pressure in both healthy and tion increases toward the end of the session when cardiac-compromised HD patients and patients plasma volume is lowest. Various profiles of with decreased LV ejection fraction.378,380 Sig- 380 ultrafiltration modeling can also be used to de- nificant changes in blood pressure, myocar- crease the incidence of hypernatremia. dial contractility378,380,381 and changes in intra- dialytic blood pressure in cardiac compromised Pharmacological Interventions 382 patients have been associated with the changes Midodrine. Midodrine prevents IDH by Յ when dialysate calcium concentration is 2.5 maintaining the central blood volume (CBV) and mEq/L. A dialysate Ca of 3.5 mEq/L may lead to cardiac output, and a marginal increase in periph- 78 hypercalcemia and decreased bone turnover. eral vascular resistance (PVR). A single dose of Furthermore, limited studies have shown only midodrine (5 mg) administered 30 minutes be- marginal benefit on the frequency of IDH epi- fore the dialysis session was associated with an sodes with the use of dialysate Ca Ͼ3.0 mEq/L. improvement in intradialytic and postdialytic sys- Dialysate sodium modeling. Sodium profil- tolic and diastolic blood pressures and MAP, ing is based on the principle that there is a linear compared to dialysis sessions without the use of relationship between the changes in plasma so- Midodrine.392 Others have reported the contin- dium concentration and blood volume (BV). The ued efficacy of midodrine use for more than 8 intradialytic decrease in plasma volume can be months without development of adverse as much as three-fold greater with dialysate events.393 sodium of 134 mEq/L than with a dialysate Midodrine is effectively cleared by HD and its sodium of 144 mEq/L.383-386 In this technique, half-life is reduced to 1.4 hours by HD.394 Such the dialysate sodium concentration at the begin- pharmacokinetic data are not available in PD ning of treatment is hypertonic, and during the patients at the time of writing these guidelines. final hours of dialysis is progressively reduced, Midodrine has minimal cardiac and central ner- STATE OF THE SCIENCE S79 vous system effects, due to its specificity for ␣1 common pathogenic mechanism with IDH: a receptors, and it does not cross the blood-brain paradoxical withdrawal of central sympathetic barrier. The most frequent side effects of mido- outflow, resulting in sudden decrease in blood drine are piloerection, scalp itching or tingling, pressure with bradycardia. Both retrospective nausea and heartburn, urinary urgency, head- and prospective studies in small number of pa- ache, nervousness, and sleep disturbance. Long- tients demonstrated that treatment with sertraline term use has been associated with supine systolic hydrochloride was associated with an improve- hypertension in less than 10% of patients; this ment in the hemodynamic parameters in patients side effect warrants cessation of therapy.395 Pa- with IDH.402-404 Side effects of sertraline in- tients should also be monitored for bradycardia, clude dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, somnolence, as midodrine is associated with reflex parasympa- and headache. thetic stimulation.396 Since midodrine is admin- Resistant IDH. Resistant cases of IDH istered on the days of dialysis, both prodrug and should be treated with a combination of modali- active metabolite are removed effectively by ties, such as combination of midodrine and dialy- HD; therefore, the risk of developing supine sate temperature profiling, combination of dialy- hypertension is possible, but very rare. sate temperature profiling and 3 mEq/L dialysate Midodrine should be used cautiously in pa- calcium, or combination of dialysate temperature tients with CHF and in those using other negative modeling and sodium modeling. Such patients chronotropic agents such as beta-blockers, should also be offered alternative measures to digoxin and nondihdropyridine CCBs. Concomi- prevent and treat IDH. For example, isolated tant use with other ␣-adrenergic agents—such as ultrafiltration and other techniques providing a ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanol- high convective solute transport (such as hemo- amine—should be avoided, as this may aggra- filtration and hemodiafiltration) are associated vate supine hypertension. Midodrine can also with decreased incidence of IDH and improved antagonize the actions of ␣-adrenergic blockers hemodynamic stability compared to conven- (such as terazosin, prazosin and doxazosine) and tional HD, due to improved plasma refill and could result in urinary retention. appropriate neurohormonal response to loss of The combination of cool dialysate and predi- intravascular volume.236,405-407 alysis doses of midodrine may lead to decreased There are limited data to make any recommen- frequency and intensity of symptoms of IDH dation about the benefit of extended daily dialy- without side effects. sis or nocturnal HD to prevent the development Carnitine. Hemodialysis therapy for more of IDH. However, these two modalities of dialy- than 6 months is associated with reduction of sis therapy have the advantage of slow ultrafiltra- plasma and tissue levels of carnitine and carni- tion rate and the possibility to prevent the activa- tine esters. Carnitine deficiency is associated tion of Bezold-Jarisch reflex and subsequent with several metabolic defects, defined as dialy- cardiodepressor response. However, more clini- sis-related carnitine disorders, including IDH.397 cal studies are needed to prove the efficacy and A multicenter trial of intravenous L-carnitine cost-effectiveness of these two modalities in the therapy at 20 mg/kg into the dialysis venous port treatment of IDH.408-410 with each session of dialysis was associated with Limitations. It is unclear if episodes of IDH, reduced frequency of IDH and muscle cramps per se, are associated with increased morbidity (44% versus 18% and 36% versus 13%, respec- and mortality. The data supporting the effective- tively), as compared with the placebo group.397-399 ness of various therapeutic options for the treat- The reasons for this beneficial effect are not clear, ment of IDH are available in the form of case but could be due to improvement in vascular smooth series and case reports. Very few multicenter muscle and cardiac muscle function. randomized studies have been published. Sertraline. Sertraline is a selective serotonin Objective assessment of dry weight using such reuptake inhibitor and has been shown to im- methods as IVC sonography, or bioimpedance or prove symptoms in patients with neurocardio- tissue impedance techniques, have not been rig- genic syncope,400 idiopathic orthostatic hypoten- orously tested in relation to IDH and long-term sion,401 and IDH.402 These disorders share a clinical outcomes. S80 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

Research Recommendations very carefully to avoid the use of short-acting A randomized study in patients with IDH is anti-hypertensive medications and peripheral va- needed to assess the safety, efficacy, and cost- sodilators immediately before the dialysis ses- effectiveness of automated feedback systems that sion. continuously adjust ultrafiltration rate, dialysate Hemodialysis patients at risk for, or predis- sodium, and dialysate temperature. Controlled posed to, IDH may benefit from lowering dialy- studies are also needed to examine the use of sate temperature, dialysate sodium modeling, continuous on-line hematocrit monitoring to cal- and maintaining dialysate calcium at 3 mEq/L. culate the rate of ultrafiltration and blood volume Further benefits may be derived from treatment and impedance measurements in the assessment with pharmacological agents that prevent the of actual dry weight and desired goal for ultrafil- development of IDH. tration. If modifications in dialysis prescription and adjustments in antihypertensive medications do Conclusions not improve IDH, these patients should be consid- Patients with CKD who are at risk for IDH ered for extended daily dialysis or nocturnal HD. may require evaluation for the presence of under- If no improvement is seen after these measures, lying cardiovascular and autonomic function. patients may be counseled for living-donor kid- The patients’ medications list should be verified ney transplantation. BIOMARKERS TROPONIN Introduction

The diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes in The diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes and dialysis patients and the general population is risk stratification in nonischemic settings are usually based on the triad of symptoms, electro- discrete, but complementary tasks. It is a key cardiographic findings, and cardiac biomarkers. issue that a time-appropriate rise and fall of the The presence of a time-dependent elevation in cardiac biomarker occurs in acute coronary syn- serum cardiac troponin T or I levels in the setting dromes; as serum troponin elevation is prognos- of acute coronary syndromes is associated with tically important, but not necessarily indicative increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortal- of acute coronary syndrome. The operational ity. characteristics of different-generation troponin assays vary widely and—unfortunately, as new Discussion assays become available—nullify conclusions at- An emerging indication for the measurement tributable even to recent data. Although troponin of cardiac troponins is risk stratification in asymp- I may “currently” be the best cardiac biomarker tomatic HD patients, in the absence of other for diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (see signs and laboratory tests suggestive of acute Fig 5B; only 45 of 733 [6%] asymptomatic coronary syndromes (Table 21,Table 22). Sev- dialysis patients had any detectible troponin I), eral published studies have demonstrated that the based on “specificity” criteria, this may not nec- presence of elevated serum cardiac troponin T, essarily be correct for the next generation of and—to a lesser extent—troponin I, is a power- troponin I and T assays. ful predictor of mortality in HD patients. In a prospective study of 733 asymptomatic outpa- Research Recommendations tients on chronic HD, serum troponin was highly A prospective, randomized clinical trial on predictive of all-cause mortality (Fig 5).411 Pa- troponin testing and clinical decision-making tients without detectible troponin T had a 2-year would provide valuable information. There is a 8% mortality, with progressively higher mortal- need for prospective cohort studies on the corre- ity predicted by increasing ranges of the biomar- lation between troponin levels and the burden of ker. Patients with troponin T Ͼ0.1 ␮g/L had a CAD, as well as fatal and nonfatal CAD-related 2-year mortality of approximately 50%. Another and nonÐCAD-related events. study found a significant correlation between the increase in serum troponin T levels and the Conclusions severity of CAD in a subset of asymptomatic HD Therefore, serum troponin T levels should be patients.412 It is plausible that the elevation in considered for risk stratification in chronic dialy- serum cardiac troponins in asymptomatic dialy- sis patients. In HD patients, the blood samples sis patients is a reflection of silent IHD and should be collected before dialysis. The utility of nonischemic cardiomyopathy, and troponin lev- troponin T for risk stratification in PD patients els have been related to LV mass.413 Troponin has not been reported, but there is no obvious elevation (as seen in dialysis patients, i.e., not reason to suspect that these patients differ from following a time-appropriate rise and fall after an HD patients in this regard. The assay for tropo- index ischemic event) has been reported in pa- nin T is widely available. However, it is currently tients with severe nonischemic cardiomyopathy. unclear how this information can be utilized. For Regardless, it is clear that these elevations in example, should an elevated serum troponin T cardiac troponin levels in dialysis patients are level be followed by another diagnostic test (e.g., not spurious findings. The clearance of troponins stress imaging) or therapeutic intervention (e.g., may be altered in dialysis patients, but the source the administration of beta-blockers)? To deter- is cardiac. mine the appropriate therapeutic consequences, The potential clinical duality of troponin test- understanding of the precise causes of death in ing in dialysis patients needs to be recognized. dialysis patients with elevated serum troponin

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S81-S89 S81 S82 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

levels, and the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, must be improved. A credible case can be made for recommend- ing the measurement of serum cardiac troponins in dialysis patients for the purpose of risk stratifi- cation (distinct from the diagnosis of acute coro- nary syndrome). Indeed, in May 2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the mea- surement of troponin T in patients with chronic renal failure (i.e., dialysis) for the express pur- pose of risk stratification (i.e., prediction of mor- tality). The K/DOQI Work Group has not desig- nated this as a practice guideline, however, because of uncertainty at the present time regard- ing appropriate clinical strategies using this infor- mation.


Introduction Patients arrive at CKD Stage 5 with significant cardiovascular risk factors and, once on dialysis, they die at a more rapid rate than would be predicted by their Framingham risk factors alone. Recently, much interest has focused on the role of nontraditional risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as an excessive inflammatory response. Although the concept that inflammation plays a central role in the pathophysiology of atheroscle- rosis has gained a lot of recent interest, we do not know yet whether inflammation reflects vascular injury or is instead a cause of vascular injury. However, recent data suggest that inflammatory biomarkers, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the archetypal acute phase reactant C-reactive pro- tein (CRP), are not only markers but also media- tors of atherothrombotic disease in man. In the general population, high-sensitive C-reactive pro- tein (hs-CRP) appears to be the best inflamma- tory biomarker employed to detect enhanced absolute risk of CVD. Moreover, there is evi- dence supporting the use of CRP in primary prevention of CVD; in fact, CRP may be a stronger predictor of cardiovascular events than the LDL-cholesterol level. It has been speculated that a persistent inflammatory response may me- diate malnutrition (i.e., wasting) and progressive atherosclerotic CVD by a number of pathogenic mechanisms. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S83 S84 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

directly involved in atherothrombogenesis that extends beyond its previously accepted role as an inflammatory marker. Thus, CRP and other bi- omarkers of inflammation, such as IL-6, TNF-␣, and fibrinogen, may contribute to atherogen- esis.436 The circulating calcification inhibitor, fetuin-A, has recently attracted interest as its level decreases during chronic inflammation, and patients with low serum fetuin-A levels showed a significantly poorer survival rate compared to those with normal or high-normal values.437 Sev- eral studies have shown that elevated CRP pre- dicts all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in both HD322,422,424 and PD423,438,439 patients. Fig 5. Kaplan-Meier survival curves by baseline Moreover, in PD patients, elevated CRP was troponin levels. The number of patients at risk at baseline, 1 year, 2 years, and 2.5 years for each cutoff independently shown to predict nonfatal myocar- 440 is shown at the bottom of the graph. The 99th percen- dial infarction and increased incidence of tile refers to the normal reference limit. The 10% CV CVD.438 Also, recent data from the MDRD study refers to the lowest concentration that demonstrates a ϭ 10% total precision. The ROC cutoff refers to concen- (n 801) showed that, after adjusting for tradi- trations optimized for the sensitive and specific detec- tional CVD risk factors, the odds of CVD were tion of MI. Reproduced with permission (http://lww- 411 1.73 times greater in patients with high CRP .com). levels.421 Further support for linking inflamma- tion to poor outcomes is evident from two recent Discussion large studies of 7,719441 and 25,661442 HD pa- Whereas chronic inflammation is a common tients, respectively, showing a direct association phenomenon in European420 and North Ameri- between neutrophil counts and mortality. can421,422 CKD patients, the prevalence of inflam- In the current evaluation (Table 23), we have mation seems to be lower in Asian CKD patients defined inflammation as elevated CRP (usually (Table 23).423,424 This suggests that genetic fac- defined as a serum level Ͼ5-10 mg/L). In some tors and/or cultural habits (such as food intake) studies, other inflammatory markers such as IL-6, may affect the inflammatory response in dialysis have been used to assess the presence of inflam- patients. Recent studies suggest that a reduction mation. Most studies with high applicability did of kidney function per se may be associated with show that elevated CRP predicted all-cause mor- an inflammatory response, both in mild CKD425 tality in dialysis patients.322,359,422,438,439 Nota- and advanced kidney failure.426,427 Factors com- bly, in the only study in which no significant mon in dialysis patients, such as clotted access relationship was observed between the odds risk grafts,428 failed kidney grafts429 atherosclero- of death and CRP,362 the observation period was sis,430 and persistent infections431,432 may con- only 6 months. Most studies with high applicabil- tribute to an acute-phase response, thus elevating ity322,422,439 also showed that elevated CRP pre- inflammatory biomarkers such as CRP and IL-6. dicted cardiovascular mortality in CKD. The A recent evaluation of a historical cohort of majority of papers with a lower level of applica- 393,451 U.S. dialysis patients demonstrated that bility also show that elevated CRP predicts all- septicemia was associated with increased cardio- cause mortality and/or are associated with cardio- vascular death risk.433 Although the association vascular disease. Taken together, the presence of between CVD and inflammation is well docu- inflammation predicts both all-cause and cardio- mented in CKD patients,434,435 we do not know vascular mortality in CKD patients. if the acute-phase response merely reflects estab- lished atherosclerosis or if acute-phase reactants Limitations are actually involved in the initiation and progres- There is no consensus in the literature with sion of atherosclerosis. However, an increasing regard to the optimal “cut-off” point of CRP used body of evidence suggests that CRP may be to define the presence of inflammation in CKD STATE OF THE SCIENCE S85 S86 STATE OF THE SCIENCE patients. Moreover, most studies have used only contamination), back-filtration, and bioincompat- a single determination of CRP (or IL-6), which ible dialysis membranes. may be problematic since inflammatory biomar- kers vary with time in dialysis patients.443 Diffi- OXIDATIVE STRESS culties and differences in the definition of cardio- vascular mortality may also limit the applicability Introduction of the present studies. Also, there are no con- Oxidative stress is defined as the tissue dam- trolled studies in which the effects of various age resulting from the imbalance between an anti-inflammatory treatment strategies have been excessive generation of oxidant compounds and evaluated in this patient population. Finally, the antioxidant defense mechanisms. It should be cost-effectiveness of CRP screening in dialysis recognized that the generation of oxidative com- patients has not been evaluated. pounds is an important mechanism of normal physiology, playing a role in both inflammation Research Recommendations and tissue repair processes. Thus, oxidative stress Future research should aim at finding the opti- represents part of the defense mechanisms against mal “cut-off” point at which elevated CRP pre- invading micro-organisms and malignant cells, dicts outcome in CKD. Studies are needed to as well as a signal for tissue healing and remodel- investigate the possible interactions between the ing. However, in a pathological situation, chronic presence of inflammation and both traditional activation of oxidative processes may contribute risk factors (such as dyslipidemia) and nontradi- to cell and tissue injury. tional risk factors (such as oxidative stress, vas- As oxidants are highly reactive species with a cular calcification, advanced glycation end- half-life of only seconds, in vivo determination is products and endothelial dysfunction) for generally not feasible. However, some lipids, atherosclerosis. Research is also required to in- proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are vestigate the impact of age, gender, physical modified by oxy-radicals and have lifetimes rang- activity, diet, race and genetic factors on the ing from hours to weeks. Therefore, these mark- prevalence of inflammation in CKD. Nonpharma- ers may serve as clinical surrogate markers of cological and pharmacological interventions for oxidative stress (Table 24). As oxidative stress patients with signs of inflammation should be occurs when the production of oxidants exceeds developed and evaluated for efficacy in reducing local anti-oxidant capacity, the prevention of the inflammation and improving clinical outcomes harmful effects of reactive oxygen systems—by in this patient group. The independent role of both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant potential proatherogenic inflammatory biomark- systems—are of major importance.447,448 Sev- ers such as CRP, fetuin-A, and IL-6, in the eral deficiencies in different components of anti- processes of atherogenesis and progression, need oxidant defense mechanisms have been demon- to be tested in the uremic milieu. strated in CKD. These include reduced levels of vitamin C, increased levels of oxidized vitamin Conclusions C, reduced intracellular levels of vitamin E, Based on the studies reviewed, CRP predicts reduced selenium concentrations, and deficiency outcomes and improves risk prediction. There- in the glutathione scavenging system.448 fore, it would be beneficial to assess CRP levels in dialysis patients on a regular basis, and to seek Discussion sources of infection or inflammation. A highly Increased generation of oxidants in CKD. In sensitive method for measuring CRP is recom- the human body, oxidative activity is generated mended. Various causes of inflammation may be in the mitochondrial respiratory chain and in the identified in dialysis patients. Overt and occult phagocyte NADPH oxidase system.447,448 Among infectious processes (such as clotted arterio- phagocyte-derived oxidants, chlorinating reac- venous grafts) require appropriate treatment. Fac- tions catalyzed by myeloperoxidase (MPO) may tors associated with dialysis treatments that may be the most important. Activation of polymorpho- provoke an inflammatory response include im- nuclear cells and secretion of MPO may link pure dialysate (due to endotoxin or bacterial oxidative stress to both inflammation and endo- STATE OF THE SCIENCE S87

thelial dysfunction in CKD patients.449 The clini- levels of advanced oxidation protein products cal importance of MPO activation is further (AOPP) in CKD patients have been demon- underscored by the fact that both elevated leuko- strated.461 Oxidative compounds may also inter- cyte and blood MPO levels are associated, in the act with nucleic acids to form 8-hydroxy-2=- general population, with signs of CAD.450 Fur- deoxyguanosine, which has been used to evaluate thermore, in patients with acute coronary syn- leukocyte DNA damage. Significantly elevated dromes, MPO serum levels predicted subsequent levels of this marker of oxidative stress have cardiovascular events451 and identified patients been documented in CKD.462 at risk for cardiac events.452 Consequences of increased oxidative stress Available evidence suggests that the balance in CKD. In the general population, increased between pro- and anti-oxidant capacities is shifted vascular oxidative stress was shown to predict towards an increased oxidative stress in ure- cardiovascular events in those with CAD.463 mia.447,448 Factors contributing to increased pro- Several recent studies indicate that increased oxidant activity in CKD may include typical oxidative stress may contribute to the excessive characteristics of the CKD patient population, burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortal- such as advanced age and diabetes, uremia, ity also in CKD. It was shown that the serum chronic inflammation, malnutrition and factors anti-oxLDL antibody titer is an independent pre- associated with the dialysis treatment per se. dictor of cardiovascular mortality in CKD pa- Indeed, several recent studies have shown that tients.464 An association between AOPP and ca- various indicators of oxidative stress are in- rotid arteriosclerosis was reported in HD creased in patients with CKD.453-455 Although patients.465 This finding was corroborated by a some groups have reported a normal lipid peroxi- recent study showing that AOPP was an indepen- dation,456 most investigators457-459 have re- dent risk factor for CAD in the general popula- ported increased lipid peroxidation in CKD. Pro- tion.466 Moreover, whereas oxidative stress was teins and amino acids may also be elective targets related to impaired endothelial function in a of oxidant-mediated injury, and an increased group of 37 CKD patients with moderate renal formation of 3-chlortyrosine (a specific marker dysfunction,467 another group found that endothe- of MPO-catalyzed oxidation) has been demon- lial dysfunction is unrelated to LDL oxidation in strated in HD patients.460 Moreover, increased a cross-sectional analysis of 23 dialysis and 16 S88 STATE OF THE SCIENCE nondialysis CKD patients.468 Clearly, the relation- dox active metals. Thus, it could be speculated ship between oxidative stress and endothelial that malnutrition, which is interrelated to chronic dysfunction in CKD needs to be addressed in inflammation,434 may further contribute to cardio- larger patient groups. The relationship between vascular morbidity and mortality by reducing malonyldialdehyde (MDA) levels as an indicator both antioxidant defenses due to poor nutritional of oxidative stress and the development of athero- intake. Taken together, these observations may sclerosis was recently demonstrated in a cross- provide one explanation why hypoalbuminemia sectional study of 76 HD patients.469 Finally, two and inflammation so strongly correlate with car- recent studies have demonstrated that two surro- diovascular mortality in both the general popula- gate markers of oxidative stress, oxLDL470 and tion477,478 and CKD patients.322,479 plasmalogen471 were associated with increased Treatment strategies for increased oxidative cardiovascular mortality in patients with ad- stress in CKD. Although epidemiological data vanced CKD. It is also notable that other compli- suggest that the intake of vitamin E is inversely cations in dialysis patients, such as amyloidosis, related to the development of CVD, large, pro- anemia, hypertension and malnutrition may be spective, randomized controlled trials all have linked to increased oxidative stress.447,448 Al- failed to show that vitamin E supplementation though increased oxidative stress seems to be improves cardiovascular outcomes in the general associated with many complications of CKD, no population.480 Moreover, a recent study showed large, prospective epidemiological studies have that, whereas vitamin E supplementation did yet demonstrated a link between oxidative stress reduce circulating oxidized LDL, it did not re- and patient outcome. duce the progression of atherosclerosis in the Linking oxidative stress to inflammation and general population.481 On the other hand, a study malnutrition. As increased oxidative stress, in- has shown positive results of vitamin E supple- flammation, and malnutrition all are common mentation on outcome482 and the combination of features of CKD, it has been speculated that vitamin E and C slowed the progression of ca- there may be significant associations between rotid artery lesions in another study.483 As dis- them.449 Indeed, several recent clinical studies cussed elsewhere484 there may be a number of suggest links between oxidative stress, inflamma- reasons why vitamin E supplementation failed to tion and malnutrition. The presence of inflamma- improve survival in these patient groups. In CKD tion and the duration of dialysis are the most patients, oral vitamin E supplementation has important determinants of oxidative stress in HD been shown to reduce the oxidative susceptibility 472 485 patients. Associations between F2-isopros- of LDL, and to prevent the oxidative stress tanes and CRP levels have been reported in HD associated with anemia therapy or improve eryth- patients.453,454 A significant positive correlation ropoietin responsiveness.486 The SPACE trial is found between acute-phase proteins and mark- tested the effect of vitamin E (800 IU/day) on a ers of oxidative stress in a group of 64 predialy- combined cardiovascular endpoint in 196 HD sis patients.473 It has also been demonstrated that patients with pre-existing CVD, and showed a AOPPs act as mediators of oxidative stress and significant benefit from vitamin E supplementa- monocyte respiratory burst, which points to tion.487 In contrast, a recent study reported no monocytes as both targets and actors in the survival benefit of vitamin E in patients with immune deregulation associated with CKD.461 mild to moderate CKD.488 In another recent Different isoforms of vitamin E may have differ- study, treatment with the antioxidant acetylcys- ent activities. Thus, the administration of ␥-to- teine was associated with a reduced number of copherol (in contrast to ␣-tocopherol) to patients cardiovascular events in patients undergoing with CKD results in a decrease in circulating HD.489 Moreover, vitamin C supplementation in levels of CRP.474 Finally, evidence suggests that chronic HD patients can reduce the lymphocyte malnourished CKD patients have increased oxi- 8-OHdG levels and the production of intracellu- dative stress compared to well-nourished pa- lar reactive oxygen species.490 Based on these tients,475 which is of interest as S-albumin can results, larger trials that are sufficiently powered act as a binding protein for products of oxidation to assess the effects of antioxidants on mortality of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins,476 and re- appear highly desirable in CKD patients. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S89

As the interaction between dialysis mem- required to investigate the possible interactions branes and blood neutrophils can trigger oxida- between the presence of oxidative stress and tive stress491 direct scavenging at the membrane both traditional risk factors (such as dyslipide- site is another attractive therapeutic approach. mia) and non-traditional risk factors (such as Thus, specific dialysis techniques (such as vita- inflammation, vascular calcification, advanced min E-modified cellulose membranes) have been glycation end-products and endothelial dysfunc- introduced in an attempt to reduce oxidative tion) for atherosclerosis. Studies are also needed stress. However, although some studies have to determine which oxidative stress pathway demonstrated beneficial effects of vitamin E- (i.e., nitrosative, chlorinated or carbonyl stress) 492 coated dialyzers on markers of oxidative stress, is quantitatively the most important in CKD 493 endothelial dysfunction, and cytokine induc- patients. Nonpharmacological (such as diet) and 494 tion, no study yet has, to the best of our pharmacological (such as vitamin E and acetyl- knowledge, demonstrated any benefit of these cysteine) interventions for CKD patients with expensive dialyzers on cardiovascular morbidity signs of increased oxidative stress should be or mortality. Other modifications of the dialysis developed and evaluated for efficacy in reducing procedure may also reduce oxidative stress. Re- oxidative stress and improving clinical outcomes cently, it was shown that high-flux HD was in this patient group. associated with an improvement in some mea- 495 sures of protein oxidation. Another aspect of Conclusions the management of CKD with potential clinical implications for oxidative stress is the treatment Oxidative stress, which is an important part of of anemia. As red blood cells contain high levels the host defense mechanism, may play a crucial of antioxidants (in particular, reduced gluta- role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in thione), it is possible that a rise in red cell mass CKD. Associations exist between increased oxi- may increase the total antioxidative capacity.496 dative stress, inflammation and endothelial dys- On the other hand, the intravenous injection of function, which may contribute to increased risk iron may induce an increase in protein oxida- of cardiovascular disease. As oxidants have very tion465,497 and carotid atherosclerosis.465 There- short half-lives they cannot be reliably evaluated fore the relationship between anemia manage- in the clinical situation. Thus, the determination ment and oxidative stress may be complicated. of oxidative stress relies on the use of more stable surrogate markers. Oxidative stress ap- Research Recommendations pears to play an important part in the pathogene- Studies are needed to determine which surro- sis of CVD in CKD patients. However, the ben- gate marker of oxidative stress best predicts efit of antioxidant treatment strategies in this outcome in CKD patients. Further research is patient group remains undefined. NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC FACTORS BODY WEIGHT AND MANAGEMENT Introduction

The Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Discussion Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and In contrast to the general population, higher Obesity in Adults were published in 1998 to BMI is associated with better outcomes in dialy- address the increasing problem of overweight sis patients, even when overall health status is and obesity in the United States.498 This docu- considered. The preponderance of associative ment reports strong evidence that overweight evidence suggests this BMI paradox in dialysis and obesity increases morbidity from hyperten- patients confers a survival advantage.499-502 sion, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, CHD, stroke, However, BMI may be an inappropriate mea- gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea sure of body composition in patients with renal and respiratory problems, and endometrial, breast, failure, since it is complicated by excess fluid prostate and colon cancers. Overweight and obe- weight and muscle wasting, and may be related sity also increase all-cause mortality. to malnutrition. A recent study measured lean There is strong evidence that weight loss in body mass and thus was able to evaluate the overweight and obese individuals reduces risk association of body composition (i.e., muscle factors for diabetes and CVD. Weight loss has mass as indicated by 24-hour urinary creatinine been associated with reductions in blood pres- excretion) in addition to BMI, and cardiovascu- 503 sure, reductions in triglycerides, total choles- lar and overall outcomes. This study showed terol and LDL cholesterol, increases in HDL that, as in other studies, patients with high BMI Ͼ 2 cholesterol, reductions in blood glucose in ( 27 Kg/m ) had lower all-cause and cardiovas- overweight and obese persons without diabe- cular death rates than those with normal BMI. However, the survival advantage of a high BMI tes, and reductions in blood glucose and HbA1c in some patients with type 2 diabetes. No was only confined to those with low body fat; even in the low BMI group, high body fat and prospective trials exist to show that weight low muscle mass were associated with increased loss changes mortality. risk of death. In the NIH Guidelines, the definition of over- Thus, in terms of body composition, it appears weight is a body mass index (BMI) of 25-29.9 that maintenance of muscle mass and lowering 2 Ͼ 2 Kg/m and obesity as a BMI of 30 Kg/m . The of body fat are important in reducing cardiovas- panel also suggested that waist circumference cular risk. Evidence suggests that exercise train- should be used as a marker of abdominal fat, ing (aerobic exercise and resistance training) Ͼ Ͼ with measurements of 102 cm in men and 88 increases muscle mass, as does nandrolone de- cm in women indicating high risk. These mea- canoate in dialysis patients.504 There are no ran- surements are not direct measures of body com- domized clinical trials to determine the effects of position (i.e., fat mass and lean body mass), either of these interventions, or caloric restric- which are more accurately measured using total tion to lower body fat, on cardiovascular or body water, total body potassium, bioelectrical all-cause mortality in dialysis patients. impedance, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) (see the chapter on Malnutrition in this Clinical Applications document), MRI, and computed tomography. In The following considerations are based on the epidemiological studies, BMI is the favored mea- NIH Clinical Practice Guidelines.498 Clearly spe- sure of excess weight to estimate relative risk of cial attention related to nutritional status is neces- disease, since it is a simple, rapid and inexpen- sary for patients with renal failure. The BMI data sive measure that can be applied generally to that have established the theory of the “BMI adults. Likewise, CT and MRI are more accurate paradox” in dialysis patients have resulted in measures of abdominal fat, but impractical for few, if any, interventions for weight management clinical use; thus, the recommendation for mea- in dialysis patients. Certainly, no randomized surement of waist circumference. clinical trials have been conducted to test stan-

S90 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S90-S106 STATE OF THE SCIENCE S91 dardized approaches to weight management in therapy and weight maintenance, and should be dialysis patients. Likewise, the confounding fac- undertaken in combination with behavioral tors of nutritional deficiency and those of deter- therapy that assesses the patient’s motivation mining lean body mass, fat mass, and fluid weight levels and other factors that contribute to the complicate goal setting and monitoring of any success of an exercise program. For additional programs. Nonetheless, reduction in fat mass and information, see Guideline 12. maintenance of muscle mass may be important in dialysis patients. Special Treatment Groups Weight loss. While the recommended weight Smokers. All smokers, regardless of their loss goal for the general population is to reduce weight status, are likely to benefit from smoking body weight by approximately 10% from base- cessation while minimizing weight gain. If weight line, the safety and efficacy of weight loss in the gain does occur, it may be treated through dietary overweight dialysis patient is unknown, as is the therapy, physical activity, and behavioral therapy, potential benefit to CVD outcomes. Therefore, maintaining the primary emphasis on the impor- weight loss in the dialysis patient should be tance of abstinence from smoking. approached with close monitoring by a regis- Older adults. A clinical decision to forego tered dietitian and physician. Further weight loss obesity treatment in older adults should be guided can be attempted, if indicated, through further by an evaluation of the potential benefits of assessment to ensure fat loss and not muscle loss. weight reduction for day-to-day functioning and Until weight loss studies are completed in dialy- reduction of the risk of future cardiovascular sis patients, rates of weight loss should be indi- events, as well as the patient’s motivation for vidually determined. weight reduction. Care must be taken to ensure Dietary therapy. For the general population, that any weight reduction program minimizes the lowering caloric intake and increasing exercise likelihood of adverse effects on bone health or are recommended for weight loss in overweight other aspects of nutritional status. and obese persons. Reducing fat as part of a low-calorie diet is a practical way to reduce Conclusions calories. Weight loss for the dialysis patient re- Strong evidence in the general population has quires an individualized meal plan that is deter- shown that overweight and obesity are associ- mined by a registered dietitian working with the ated with increasing risks of a variety of cardio- patient. Such a diet plan would need to meet the vascular complications, and with higher all- nutritional recommendations for dialysis patients cause mortality. However, no studies have in regards to micro- and macro-nutrients (see the examined standardized approaches to weight NKF-K/DOQI Nutrition Guidelines169) while de- management in dialysis patients. Overweight or creasing total calories appropriately. Monitoring obese patients are likely to benefit from weight of laboratory values and food intake during a reduction, but plans will need to be carefully weight loss diet is critical due to the paucity of individualized and monitored for each patient. information regarding weight loss in dialysis patients. It is important to avoid the popular diets OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS that could induce adverse metabolic complica- tions. Examples include high protein types, food- Introduction combining diets, and diets that encourage unusu- Fatty acid biochemistry. There are four fami- ally large portion sizes of fruits and vegetables. lies of polyunsaturated fatty acids in mammalian Physical Activity. Exercise is recommended tissue: ␻-3, ␻-6, ␻-7 and ␻-9 (Fig 6). The fatty as part of a comprehensive weight loss therapy acids that are considered to be essential to human and weight control program because it 1) mod- health belong to the first two families: 18:3, ␻-3; estly contributes to weight loss in overweight 18:2, ␻-6; and arachidonic acid (20:4, ␻-6).505 and obese adults; 2) may decrease abdominal fat; The main dietary sources of ␻-3 fatty acids are 3) increases cardiorespiratory fitness; and 4) may cold-water fish, canola oil, soybeans, walnuts, help with maintenance of weight loss. Physical flaxseeds, and their products. Omega-6 fatty ac- activity should be an integral part of weight-loss ids are found predominantly in all other veg- S92 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

Fig 6. Desaturation and elongation of the major families of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Reproduced with permission.8

etable oils and foods prepared with them, while substitution of ␻-3 fatty acids for arachidonic ␻-9 fatty acids are predominantly found in olives acid in the sn-2 position of cell membrane phos- and olive oil. pholipids. The replacement of the ␻-3 fatty acid Inter-relationship between ␻-3 fatty acid bio- eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5, ␻-3) for the 20:4, chemistry and CVD. The beneficial effects of ␻-6 arachidonic fatty acid alters the proinflamma- ␻-3 fatty acids on CVD risk appear to be related tory thromboxane-prostanoid balance by attenu- to their impact on several risk factors identified ating the rate of dienoic eicosanoid production, to have a role in the development of CVD. These results in a decrease in triglyceride levels, and include: systemic inflammation, thrombotic ten- confers antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory dency, lipid levels, endothelial function, reduc- properties.505,509,512 Omega-3 fatty acids have tion of proinflammatory responses, cardiac been reported to decrease platelet activation, and rhythm, and—to a lesser extent—hyperten- improve vascular tone513 and endothelium- 506-509 sion. Mechanisms thought to be respon- mediated vasodilation.511,514 Recent studies indi- ␻ sible for the beneficial effects of -3 fatty acids cate that ␻-3 fatty acids also impact the metabo- on CVD risk and treatment are listed in Table 25. lism of adhesion molecules and cytokines (see The results from these studies have been ana- Table 25).515,516 lyzed and summarized for review elsewhere (1, Hypotheses regarding the role of ␻-3 fatty 6, 7, 11, 12).506-508,510,511 ␻ acids on decreasing sudden death and arrhyth- The effect of -3 fatty acids on some of these mias relate to inhibition of the fast, voltage- risk factors has been demonstrated by partial dependent sodium current and the L-type cal- cium channels, inhibition of thromboxane production, and beneficial effects on factors that affect heart-rate variability.517,518 Diet and risk reduction. The role of diet in risk reduction of CVD in the general population has been debated for over 100 years. Early ani- mal studies demonstrated that diets high in cho- lesterol and saturated fat resulted in atherosclero- sis. Human studies in the 1950s showed that diets high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids STATE OF THE SCIENCE S93

increased serum cholesterol levels. Epidemiologi- on CVD risk factors and surrogate markers in cal data indicated that elevated serum cholesterol dialysis patients. levels predicted the risk of CHD.507,509 As a One recent study reports the effect of fish result of these studies, initial dietary recommen- intake in dialysis patients.531 In a cohort of 216 dations focused on lowering dietary cholesterol incident dialysis patients, those who reported intake to 300 mg or less, decreasing saturated fish consumption were 50% less likely to die fatty acids to Ͻ10% of fat calories and total fat to compared to those who did not report fish intake 519 Ͻ30% of total caloric intake. The application during the study interval (pϭ0.02). Multivariate of these guidelines to the diet were accomplished analysis indicated that younger age, black race, by cutting back on animal fat intake, replacing and high mental health scores at baseline were butter with margarine, and using corn and other also associated with a lower mortality risk. vegetable oils in food preparation and salads Omega-3 fatty acid substitution was not objec- rather then partially hydrogenated fats and lard. tively documented in this study. Despite this Advancing research over the years has now limitation, the results suggest a beneficial effect identified that CVD has many metabolic compo- of ␻-3 fatty acids via fish consumption and nents, of which several are modifiable by dietary further studies are warranted. fatty acids. In addition to affecting serum lipid Fatty acid guidelines for general health main- levels (Table 26),269 dietary fatty acids—specifi- ␻ tenance. The IOM recently published Accept- cally those of the -3 class—attenuate proinflam- able Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AM- matory mediators and mechanisms that have DRs) that have been established for protein, been identified to have a role in the development carbohydrate, fat, ␻-6 and ␻-3 fatty acids.506 of CVD.506,508,520 The AMDRs are based on the results of epidemio- As a result of the growing abundance of litera- logical studies and a literature review that evalu- ture including epidemiological and randomized ated associations between diet intake and risk of clinical trials evaluating omega-3 fatty acids, the chronic disease. The AMDR for fat is 20%-35% American Heart Association (AHA) and the Insti- of calories, 5-10% of calories for linoleic acid tute of Medicine (IOM) have recently included a ␻ recommendation for inclusion of ␻-3 fatty acids ( -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs) and in the diets of Americans for the purpose of 0.6%-1.2% of energy for alpha-linolenic acid ␻ ␻ prevention and treatment of cardiovascular dis- ( -3 PUFAs). Up to 10% of the AMDR for -3 ease.506,508 Prudent application of these new fatty acids can be consumed as eicosapentaenoic guidelines should be considered for the potential acid (EPA) and/or docosahexenoic acid (DHA); of prevention and treatment of CVD for the 0.06%-0.12% of energy. It is important to avoid ␻ kidney patient on renal replacement therapy until excessive intake of -3 fatty acids as there have data specific for this patient population become been reports of adverse effects on immune func- available. tion and a potentially increased risk of excessive bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke.506 An intake of Discussion Ͻ3 g/day is unlikely to cause clinically signifi- While there is an abundance of literature on cant bleeding.508 ␻-3 fatty acids and kidney disease,521-530 no The IOM also has introduced a new reference randomized clinical trials have been completed value, Adequate Intake (AI), for the general that evaluate the effectiveness of ␻-3 fatty acids population. It is defined as the recommended S94 STATE OF THE SCIENCE average daily intake level based on observed or Limitations. There are more questions than experimentally determined approximations or es- answers regarding essential fatty acid metabo- timates of nutrient intake by a group (or groups) lism, oxidative stress, CVD, and diet in the of apparently healthy people that are assumed to dialysis patient. The lack of evidence in the be adequate. This value is used when the Recom- dialysis population makes extrapolation of guide- mended Dietary Allowance (RDA) cannot be lines for the general population to the dialysis determined.506 patient questionable. However, the abundance of The AI for alpha-linolenic acid is 1.6 g and evidence suggesting a beneficial effect of ␻-3 1.1 g for men and women, respectively. Up to fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables, the ongo- 10% can be consumed as EPA and/or DHA. This ing data that saturated and trans-fatty acids are amount of ␻-3 fatty acid can be obtained by not heart-healthy, and the continued high preva- eating at least two servings of fatty fish per week lence of CVD morbidity and mortality in this or by taking supplements. For linoleic acid, the patient population justifies prudent application AI is 17 g/day for adult men and 12 g/day for of healthy eating guidelines until hard data for adult women. Table 27 identifies amounts of ␻-3 this patient population become available. fatty acids provided by selected food sources and Incorporation of fruits, vegetables, grains, and supplements. nonfat dairy products can be problematic for many dialysis patients due to the need to restrict Clinical Applications dietary potassium intake to (on average) 2 g/day. Overall approach. The AHA Guidelines for In addition, foods enriched in alpha-linolenic CVD prevention include encouraging the intake acid (flaxseed, walnuts, soy) are high in potas- of fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat or nonfat sium, and contribute dietary protein and phospho- dairy products, fish, legumes, poultry, and lean rus (Table 28). Therefore, these foods are un- meats. Food choices should be modified to re- likely to be a reliable source of ␻-3 fatty acids Ͻ duce saturated fats ( 10% of calories), choles- for the dialysis patient. Alternatively, the oils of Ͻ terol ( 300 mg/dL) and trans-fatty acids by these foods (walnut and flaxseeds) as well as substituting grains and unsaturated fatty acids canola oil can be safely incorporated into the diet from fish, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. Salt for dialysis patients. intake should be limited to Ͻ6 g/day. Alcohol Յ intake should also be limited ( 2 drinks per day Research Recommendations in men and women) among those who drink.508 Response to therapy. Routine review of di- Studies are required to identify the essential etary intake and laboratory values should be fatty acid status of CKD patients, both progres- sufficient to monitor tolerance to the inclusion of sive and for those on renal replacement therapy. ␻ Studies should also evaluate the interrelation- foods enriched in -3 fatty acid at least twice per ␻ week. ships among -3 fatty acid supplementation, For patients with documented CHD, initial oxidative stress, CVD and dialysis therapy. Clini- bimonthly check of bleeding times would be cal trials are needed to evaluate the role of prudent, followed by monthly check with routine dietary fatty acid modification on CVD risk and laboratory values once stable. Lipid levels, includ- outcomes in CKD patients on renal replacement ing triglycerides, should be monitored. therapy. Further clinical trials should evaluate Patients taking 2-4 g of EPAϩDHA supple- current nutrition recommendations for the gen- ments should maintain bimonthly checks of eral population modified to the diet recommenda- bleeding times with triglyceride monitoring as tions for CKD patients. part of routine monthly laboratory values. Follow-up. For those patients taking thera- Conclusions peutic doses of ␻-3 fatty acids for hypertriglycer- Based on the available evidence, it is benefi- idemia, supplementation can be modified to a cial for well-nourished, stable dialysis patients, lower dose of 1 g/day upon normalization of the who have no evidence of CVD, early CVD, or lipid profile and/or inclusion of foods enriched in established CVD, to include food sources of ␻-3 ␻-3 fatty acids 1-2 times per week. fatty acids in their diet at least twice weekly. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S95

HOMOCYSTEINE thionine (activated methyl cycle). The controlling enzymes in these two pathways are cystathionine Introduction synthase (CBS), methionine synthase (MS) and Homocysteine is the demethylation product of 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase the amino acid methionine. Once degraded, ho- (MTHFR), the latter of which supplies the methyl mocysteine enters the cysteine biosynthetic path- group required by MS in the methylation of way (transulfuration), or is remethylated to me- homocysteine. Each enzyme requires a member S96 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

of the B vitamin family as a co-factor. A second- research activity exploring interventions for the ary pathway for the remethylation of homocys- treatment of HHCY for the prevention of CVD in teine is by betaine methyltransferase, a pathway both the general population and in CKD patients that occurs in the kidney and liver. The kidneys receiving renal replacement therapy. account for approximately 70% of plasma clear- ance of homocysteine. The majority of plasma Discussion homocysteine is in the protein-bound form. The Association data. Whether the association normal plasma concentration of homocysteine is between HHCY and CVD applies to patients approximately 5-10 ␮mol/L. Degrees of hyperho- receiving renal replacement therapy is unclear. mocysteinemia (HHCY) approximately defined Several studies have demonstrated that HHCY is as mild are 15 ␮mol/L, as moderate are 25 an independent risk factor for CVD or a CVD ␮mol/L, as intermediate are 50 ␮mol/L, and as outcome in HD patients.159,327,357,435,548-561 Oth- severe are Ͼ50 ␮mol/L.532-536 ers have found negative or inconclusive re- In the general population, HHCY has been 562-566 suggested by many studies to be a risk factor for sults. A recent study reports that in 94 HD CVD, including atherosclerosis and arterial and patients taking a multivitamin, lipid peroxidation 537-547 and inflammation—but not HHCY—were the venous thrombosis. It is not entirely clear 470 whether a mild increase in plasma homocysteine main risk factors for mortality. contributes to the pathogenesis of vascular dis- Summaries of data pertaining to the associa- ease or is a marker for increased risk.537-539 tion of HHCY and CVD in the general popula- Pathogenic mechanisms that have been postu- tion are available. A literature review of 33 lated include activation of the coagulation cas- prospective cohort studies evaluated MI, stroke, cade, damage to endothelial cells either directly CV morbidity, CV death, and/or all-cause mortal- 537,547 or through an oxidative stress response, and lipid ity. In 73% of the studies, there was a peroxidation.540-544 The association between significant association between elevated homocys- HHCY and CVD has not yet been proven to be teine and the aforementioned outcomes; 27% of the causal. Clarification of the interrelationships be- studies were inconclusive. In CKD patients receiv- tween HHCY and CVD will require completion ing maintenance dialysis, 19 studies suggested an of prospective, randomized intervention trials, association between elevated plasma homocysteine several of which are in 546progress. Despite the levels and CVD.159,327,357,435,470,552-566 However, lack of a solid relationship, there is significant a causal relationship between HHCY and CVD has STATE OF THE SCIENCE S97 not been established in either the general or CKD nutrients, they are not normalized, and remain in population. the range of 15.9-29.9 ␮mol/L. Possible reasons Treatment of HHCY in the general popula- for this resistance include impaired folic acid tion. Intervention studies in the general popula- metabolism and impaired folate absorption.551 tion have demonstrated that dietary supplementa- Supplementation with betaine or serine, and with tion with folic acid, vitamin B12 and/or vitamin B6, the addition of betaine to folic acid, has not lowers plasma homocysteine levels.546,547,567-570 A demonstrated a reduction in elevated plasma meta-analysis of randomized trials of homocys- homocysteine levels.569 Results from interven- teine-lowering vitamin supplements concluded tional studies designed to determine whether that daily supplementation with 0.5-5.0 mg fo- modifying plasma homocysteine levels affect late and 0.5 mg vitamin B12 would be expected cardiovascular outcomes in dialysis patients are to reduce homocysteine levels by 12 ␮mol/L to not available at this time. approximately 8-9 ␮mol/L.567 Interventional studies designed to reduce plasma homocysteine Clinical Applications levels and determine if this reduction modifies Existing guidelines for the general popula- cardiovascular outcomes need to be completed. tion. The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Observations of HHCY in dialysis patients. Health Care completed an evidence-based re- Hyperhomocysteinemia is a common observa- view of the literature regarding both the associa- tion in the CKD population.551 The prevalence tion of elevated homocysteine levels and CAD, of HHCY in HD patients has been reported in the and the effect of lowering homocysteine levels range of 85%-100%, with the higher end ob- with vitamin supplementation or diet.546 This served in patients who were not receiving a standard multivitamin supplement.551 Concentra- evaluative process yielded several results show- tions of homocysteine range from 20.4-68.0 ing associations between total homocysteine lev- ␮mol/L.551 Mildly elevated levels of homocys- els and CAD risk, but there was insufficient teine occur in approximately 5%-7% of the evidence to make therapeutic recommendations general population, while severe HHCY is regarding screening for, or management of, rare.533,537,567 Patients without kidney failure HHCY. with mild HHCY are described as asymptomatic Applicability to the dialysis patient. There is until the third or fourth decade, when CAD and a strong inverse correlation between serum folate recurrent arterial and venous thrombosis de- levels and plasma homocysteine levels, and a velop.533 The severe elevations of homocysteine weaker correlation between homocysteine levels 532 seen in patients on maintenance dialysis therapy and plasma levels of vitamins B6 and B12. In could be one of the nontraditional risk factors for the general population, administration of the the 50% mortality rate from CVD observed in deficient nutrient will correct the defi- 568,570,582 this patient population. ciency. In the dialysis patient, the admin- Plasma homocysteine levels in HD patients istration of folate, and vitamins B6 and B12 have have been reported to be lowered by dietary been reported to lower, but not normalize, plasma 567-577 supplementation with folic acid that is given homocysteine levels. It has been observed 571-581 that patients who are not receiving a multivita- with or without vitamin B12 and B6. Other therapies that have been examined include intra- min supplement have higher levels of plasma venous folinic acid and MTHF. Doses of orally homocysteine.553 As a result, routine vitamin administered nutrients in these studies ranged supplementation for the dialysis patient becomes from 1 mg-60 mg folic acid, with or without up important not only for adequate nutritional sta- to 110 mg vitamin B6 and with or without up to 1 tus. B vitamin supplementation is necessary to mg vitamin B12. The higher doses of oral folate replace the losses from dialysis, and to prevent did not have a better result compared to the lower an independent, additive elevation in serum ho- doses in terms of the post treatment plasma mocysteine levels that could be due to deficient homocysteine levels. or marginal intake of folate, riboflavin (vitamin 583 These studies demonstrate that, while plasma B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and/or cobal- 578 homocysteine levels can be reduced by these amin (vitamin B12). S98 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

Research Recommendations Lp(a). Depending on the population under inves- Further data are required regarding the effect tigation, this association explains between 30%- of vitamin therapy on clinical outcomes. 70% of the variability in Lp(a) levels. Since most studies showed that lipids were not Conclusions useful for atherosclerosis risk assessment in dialy- sis patients, many studies during the last decade As in the general population, the literature for focused on nontraditional lipid abnormalities. dialysis patients is inconclusive regarding HHCY Lp(a) was a promising candidate because of the and CVD. Current studies indicate that normal- strong evidence from the general population that ization of the plasma homocysteine levels in the Lp(a) is a risk factor for CVD.586-589 kidney patient population cannot be effectively The NKF-K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guide- obtained through folate, B6, or vitamin B12 lines for Managing Dyslipidemias in CKD Pa- supplementation. In addition, any lowering of tients51 focused primarily on lipids, and less on the plasma homocysteine level that has been those abnormalities that cannot be intervention- reported, has not been shown to effect CVD ally influenced at present. Due to the strong outcomes. However, the evidence does show that interest in Lp(a), this review examines the litera- vitamin deficiency, particularly that of vitamins ture relating Lp(a) and/or the apo(a) polymor- B2,B6,B12 and folic acid, contribute to HHCY. phism to CVD. Current opinion and evidence suggests that it is prudent to supplement, rather than risk defi- Discussion ciency, especially when supplementation is safe Lp(a) concentrations and apo(a) size polymor- at the recommended levels. Therefore, dialysis phism in renal disease. In the early stages of patients are likely to benefit from a daily vitamin renal disease, Lp(a) starts to increase, often long supplement that provides the recommended pub- before glomerular filtration rate is de- lished vitamin profile for dialysis patients, with creased.590,591 This holds true mostly for patients special attention to the inclusion of folic acid, with HMW apo(a) isoforms and not for those with LMW apo(a) isoforms when compared to and vitamins B2,B6 and B12. apo(a) isoform-matched controls.322,590,592-595 LIPOPROTEIN(A) AND This isoform-specific increase was observed in APOLIPOPROTEIN(A) POLYMORPHISM several—but not all—studies in non-nephrotic renal disease and HD patients, but not in patients 596,597 Introduction with nephrotic syndrome or in PD pa- tients.594 Those treatment groups showed an in- Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an LDL-like lipopro- crease in Lp(a) in all apo(a) isoform groups, tein, consisting of an LDL particle to which the probably as a consequence of the pronounced glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] is at- protein loss they experience. In support of this tached. Apolipoprotein(a) shows a high homol- assumption, a decrease of Lp(a) following a ogy with plasminogen and competes with it for successful kidney transplantation can be ob- binding on plasminogen receptors, fibrinogen, 584 served in HD patients with HMW apo(a) iso- and fibrin. This apolipoprotein contains a heri- forms598,599 and in CAPD patients with all apo(a) table number of so-called kringle-IV (K-IV) re- isoform groups.600 peats, providing the basis for the apo(a) K-IV There is evidence that malnutrition and/or 585 repeat polymorphism. The molecular weight inflammation have an Lp(a)-increasing ef- of apo(a) increases with the number of K-IV fect.322,434,601,602 However, the elevation of Lp(a) repeats (300 kDa to Ͼ800 kDa) and is inversely can be observed already in the earliest stages of related to the Lp(a) plasma concentrations. That renal impairment590 as well as in HD patients322 means that individuals with high molecular- with HMW apo(a) phenotypes and normal CRP weight (HMW) or large apo(a) isoforms have, on and/or normal serum amyloid A levels. These average, low Lp(a) concentrations, and those results suggest that CRP only modifies Lp(a) with low molecular-weight (LMW) or small iso- concentrations, but they fail to explain the apo(a) forms exhibit usually high concentrations of phenotype-specific elevation of Lp(a). STATE OF THE SCIENCE S99

Association of Lp(a) concentrations with a median of 33.7 months; again, Lp(a) concentra- CVD. The association of Lp(a) with atheroscle- tions were not associated with total mortality.605 rotic complications was investigated in numerous On the other hand, when prevalent atheroscle- studies in dialysis patients. The results, however, rotic CVD at the start of renal replacement therapy were ambiguous in prospective as well as in retro- was investigated in the same cohort, Lp(a) con- spective studies.143,159,322,325,357,419,555,561,603-633 centrations were associated with prevalent dis- Most of the retrospective studies, including those ease in whites younger than 60 years, but not with the largest patient numbers, found no associa- among blacks or those older than 60 years. In tion between Lp(a) levels and cardiovascular com- addition, apo(a) isoforms were not associated plications. The same holds true for prospective with prevalent atherosclerotic CVD.606 studies (Table 29). A study of 129 HD patients reported significantly higher Lp(a) concentrations Clinical Applications in those who suffered a CVD complication during Considering all these studies, it seems that the 4-year observation period.610 The two largest Lp(a) concentrations might not be very fruitful prospective studies, however, did not observe an for risk prediction. However, from two prospec- association between high Lp(a) concentrations and tive studies (total of 1,300 patients) and most of CAD events603 or total mortality,605 respectively. the cross-sectional studies (including more than Association of the apo(a) size polymorphism 1,000 patients) the evidence is strong that the with CVD. Almost all studies that did not only apo(a) size polymorphism is associated with vari- measure Lp(a) concentrations but also per- ous endpoints. The diverging results for Lp(a) formed apo(a) phenotyping consistently showed concentrations might be caused, at least in part, an association between the apo(a) K-IV repeat by the methodological problems with the Lp(a) polymorphism and CVD complications (Table measurement, which is not standardized. The 30).357,603-605,613,617-619,624,630 A study of 167 apo(a) polymorphism might be a better predictor HD patients reported the apo(a) phenotype to be as discussed previously.603,634 This fact is based a better predictor for the prevalence and the on the above-described apo(a) isoform-specific degree of carotid atherosclerosis than the Lp(a) elevation of Lp(a).592,594 In hemodialysis pa- plasma concentration.618 Similarly, others found tients with only large apo(a) isoforms, Lp(a) LMW apo(a) isoforms (besides age and oxidized concentrations increase and come closer to the LDL) to be predictive for the presence of carotid concentrations usually seen in patients with small plaques in 109 predialysis patients with terminal isoforms. Therefore, the risk for atherosclerotic chronic renal failure.434 A doubling of the fre- complications can no longer be discriminated by quency of LMW apo(a) phenotypes was ob- means of Lp(a) concentrations. The apo(a) phe- served in those CAPD patients who had suffered notype, however, gives approximate information a CAD event.630 A large cross-sectional study in about the prior contribution of Lp(a) to the risk 607 HD patients described an association of for atherosclerosis. This is probably more impor- LMW apo(a) phenotypes with CAD events.604 tant, since the predisease period (with its specific Another study of 440 HD patients prospectively atherosclerosis risk) lasted longer in most of the followed for a period of 5 years found a strong patients than did the present situation. It is further- association between the LMW apo(a) phenotype more conceivable that patients with a LMW and CAD events defined by stringent criteria apo(a) phenotype and a more pronounced athero- (definite myocardial infarction, percutaneous sclerosis preload develop a more rapidly-pro- transluminal coronary angioplasty, aortocoro- gressing atherosclerosis after commencement of nary bypass or a stenosis Ͼ50% in the coronary renal insufficiency or hemodialysis treatment. angiography) (Fig 7).603 Patients with LMW At present, no easily practicable method for apo(a) isoforms had, on average, twice the num- lowering Lp(a) is available and sufficient proof ber of coronary events per 100 patient-years.603 is lacking that lowering Lp(a) is favorable. This Similarly, the CHOICE study recently reported holds true for the general population, as well as that LMW apo(a) isoforms were associated with dialysis patients. The question remains whether total mortality in an inception cohort of 864 the apo(a) K-IV repeat polymorphism should be incident dialysis patients who were followed for determined in dialysis patients. S100 STATE OF THE SCIENCE STATE OF THE SCIENCE S101 S102 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

also common before the start of dialysis.434,638 Various factors contributing to malnutrition in CKD patients are presented in Table 31. The decline in nutritional status during the course of progressive kidney failure may be caused by disturbances in protein and energy metabolism, hormonal derangement, as well as by spontane- ous reductions in dietary energy and protein intake.640 However, as it has been demonstrated that patients treated with HD for a long time become malnourished despite adequate dialysis dose and protein intake,641 several co-morbid conditions may also contribute to PEM among Fig 7. Coronary event-free survival and apo(a) phe- dialysis patients. In particular, chronic inflamma- notypes. Adjusted results are obtained from a multiple tion, CVD, diabetes mellitus, and other superim- Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Num- posed illnesses may produce anorexia and malnu- bers near the survival curves represent the number of patients with HMW and LMW apo(a) phenotypes at risk trition. It was recently reported that diminished at the times 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. Repro- appetite (anorexia) was associated with higher 603 duced with permission ( concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines.642 Evidence suggests that the presence of PEM is Research Recommendations associated with inflammation in CKD pa- tients.421,434,643,644 Moreover, both PEM at base- Further large dialysis cohorts should investi- line and worsening of PEM over time are associ- gate the value of Lp(a) concentrations and Apo(a) ated with a greater risk for cardiovascular death phenotypes for risk assessment. This question in dialysis patients328,645 and strong associations should especially be addressed in PD patients as between the presence of malnutrition and CVD well as in various ethnicities. A possible interac- have been documented both in predialysis434 and tion of various apo(a) isoforms with lipids and dialysis643 populations. On the other hand, a other cardiovascular risk factors should be inves- recent study646 documented no association be- tigated. Experimental therapeutic strategies to tween BMI and hospitalized acute coronary syn- lower Lp(a) should be examined in randomized, dromes in a large group of incident Medicare controlled clinical trials, especially in high-risk dialysis patients. The exact mechanism(s) by populations such as dialysis patients. which PEM may increase the risk of CVD are Conclusions not known. However, as PEM and low BMI recently have been associated with both in- Although Lp(a) levels are not a suitable factor 475,647 for CVD risk prediction in dialysis patients, there creased oxidative stress and impaired endo- thelium-dependent vasodilation with reduced bio- is strong evidence that the apo(a) size polymor- 647 phism is associated with various clinical end- availability of nitric oxide, these may be points. mechanisms that contribute to the high preva- lence of CVD in malnourished CKD patients. As MALNUTRITION nutritional status is so strongly associated with outcome, it is important to define which nutri- Introduction tional indicators to use in the clinical setting. Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and wast- However, the optimal protocol to diagnose and ing are common among CKD patients,635-637 and monitor the response to nutrition intervention are associated with higher rates of morbidity and has not yet been defined. Therefore, the current mortality.169,441,635,638,639 Although various fac- approach is to integrate parameters that have tors associated with the dialysis procedure, per been shown to have nutritional relevance; i.e., se (such as dialyzer membrane bio-incompatibil- clinical assessment, food intake, biochemical as- ity, and nutrient losses), may contribute to PEM, sessment, body weight, body composition, and recent studies have shown that malnutrition is psychosocial evaluation. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S103

Discussion mation (measured by CRP levels) is also ac- Validity of serum albumin as a nutritional counted for in multiple-regression analysis, low marker. Over the past few years, the process of serum albumin levels tend to lose predictive 322,422,445 nutrition assessment and management of the CKD power, suggesting that inflammation may patients has been presented with new challenges be a more powerful predictor of poor outcome. 441 regarding validity and reliability. This is largely Indeed, in two recent studies of 7,719 and 442 due to the fact that parameters previously relied 25,661 HD patients, respectively, the risk of upon for visceral stores assessment, predomi- mortality was directly associated with the neutro- nantly serum albumin (and, to a lesser extent, phil count. The interactions between inflamma- prealbumin), are independently altered by sys- tion and nutritional status may be complex, as temic inflammation. Several studies have demon- inflammation and dietary protein intake exert strated that a low serum albumin concentra- competing effects on serum albumin levels.651 In tion is strongly associated with both mortal- fact, inflammation may cause the same changes ity181,362,441,479,649 and cardiac disease479 in CKD in serum protein levels and body composition as patients maintained on either PD or HD. More- PEM, even with adequate calorie and protein over, among 1,411 HD patients enrolled in the intake. Recent studies have shown that inflamma- HEMO study, patients in the low albumin group tory cytokines, such as TNF-␣ and IL-6, are had significantly greater prevalence of CHD.650 associated with protein synthesis and catabolism However, in studies in which the effect of inflam- in the body, and downregulate albumin synthe- S104 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

sis.652 The poor correlation documented between CKD patients.445,654,655 Moreover, external albu- serum albumin and other nutritional parame- min losses, such as albuminuria and losses in ters445,653 implies that non-nutritional factors ac- dialysate, may significantly contribute to hy- tually may be more important in determining poalbuminemia in CKD.655 Finally, over-hydra- serum albumin levels than dietary intake and tion, which is a common feature in dialysis nutritional status per se in CKD patients. Indeed, patients, may also contribute to low serum albu- a number of factors other than protein intake and min levels. nutritional status may affect the serum albumin Among a number of other available biochemi- concentration in CKD patients (Table 32). Be- cal nutritional indicators, prealbumin and serum side inflammation, age and co-morbidities, such creatinine may have unique validity, when re- as CVD and diabetes, have been shown to be searchers reach a more detailed mechanistic un- strongly associated with serum albumin levels in derstanding of their functions. Prealbumin is STATE OF THE SCIENCE S105

curiously misnamed, as it is not structurally related to albumin in any way, but is in fact the thyroxin-binding protein, transthyretin. Transthy- retin levels are more sensitive to nutritional sta- tus than serum albumin levels. Both are sup- pressed when hepatic protein synthesis switches to the production of acute-phase proteins, but transthyretin levels change more rapidly. There- fore, transthyretin represents a good index of liver anabolic protein synthesis. However, the clinical picture is complicated, because transthy- retin is reabsorbed and/or metabolized by the proximal tubule.656 Therefore, serum levels of transthyretin rise as kidney function declines.442 Nonetheless, transthyretin levels correlate strongly with serum albumin and have been shown to provide prognostic value independent of albumin in HD patients.657 Because serum creatinine concentration reflects muscle mass, somatic protein stores, and dietary protein in- take, and also predicts outcome in CKD,181 it may be another useful marker of nutritional status in CKD. However, creatinine levels are also affected by inflammation and other factors such as age, sex, race, residual kidney function, variation in creatinine metabolism, and dialysis dose.441,651 Other potentially useful nutrition markers. Clearly, other nutritional indices are needed to assess nutritional status in CKD. Ideally, a nutri- tional marker should not only predict outcome, but it should also be an inexpensive, reproduc- ible, and easily performed test that is not affected by such factors as inflammation, gender, age, and systemic diseases. Unfortunately, no such ideal nutritional marker is available at present. Thus, the use of a broad panel of putative indicators may best facilitate the epidemiological and clini- cal assessment of nutritional status (Table 33). The assessment of dietary intake has been com- monly used to assess nutritional status. In particu- lar, the normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR) has been widely used as a measure of dietary protein intake, assuming a state of protein bal- ance. Indeed, nPCR is much simpler to deter- mine than dietary protein intake from diet diaries or interviews.658 However, a recent study ob- served no relationship between mortality and either baseline or 6-month follow-up measure- ments of nPCR in 7,719 U.S. adult HD pa- S106 STATE OF THE SCIENCE tients,441 raising doubt about the clinical useful- malnourished patients from those with normal ness of this nutritional parameter. nutrition.666 Several methods have been used to monitor lean body mass in CKD, e.g., anthropometrics, Research Recommendations creatinine kinetics, multifrequency bioimped- Studies are needed to identify the incidence of ance (BIA) and DEXA. Of these, DEXA seems hypoalbuminemia due to visceral protein store to be the most reliable, especially if serial mea- depletion vs. hypoalbuminemia due to chronic surements are made.659 However, to the best of inflammation. Effective nutrition and medical our knowledge, no studies have yet evaluated management interventions need to be identified whether lean body mass (by DEXA) predicts that are specific for malnutrition vs. inflamma- outcomes and/or is associated with CVD. By tion vs. metabolic challenges. Studies are also using DEXA, a reliable estimation of the amount required to examine how long-term nutritional of body fat mass can also be done. However, as intervention affects cardiovascular risk and spe- DEXA is not widely available, other nutritional cific risk factors for accelerated atherosclerosis, indicators are needed.660 Although measures such such as oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunc- as BIA and handgrip muscle strength (HGS) are tion, in CKD patients. practical and convenient, they, too, suffer from Conclusions limitations.661-663 Protein-energy malnutrition and wasting are Subjective global assessment (SGA), on the strong predictors of mortality among CKD pa- other hand, is widely available and seems to be a tients. Although several biochemical and anthro- reliable predictor of poor outcome in both sexes 445 pometric measurements correlate with nutri- (Table 34). It is a combined subjective and tional status, there is not a single measurement objective test of the patient’s medical history and that provides complete and unambiguous assess- physical examination, including recent weight ment. While serum albumin is a robust and loss, dietary intake, gastrointestinal symptoms 664,665 well-documented indicator of mortality risk in and visual assessment of subcutaneous fat. CKD patients, its value as a nutritional marker In addition, several large prospective studies has been questioned because levels are affected have demonstrated that SGA is a reliable predic- by a number of non-nutritional factors. As SGA tor of poor outcome in dialysis patients, suggest- is a simple and inexpensive indicator that pre- ing that it provides a meaningful assessment of dicts outcome, this test could be useful in identi- 441,635 nutritional status. Although SGA has sev- fying malnourished CKD patients at high risk. eral advantages, such as its low cost, rapid perfor- The utility of the SGA for nutrition assessment mance, and strong predictive value for mortality, and management of this patient population re- it should be appreciated that visceral proteins are quires further verification. At present, the use of not assessed and that the sensitivity, precision a broad panel of nutritional indicators, such as and reproducibility over time of SGA have not BMI, SGA, handgrip strength (or other measure been well studied. In a recent study, it was found of muscle mass), waist circumference, serum that whereas SGA may not be a reliable predictor albumin, and serum creatinine may be the best of degree of protein malnutrition (as assessed by approach to provide useful information about the total body nitrogen), it may differentiate severely nutritional status in any given clinical situation. RISK STRATIFICATION OVERVIEW OF RISK STRATIFICATION

Risk stratification is the categorization of pa- The second kind of risk stratifiers is that that is tients with a special disease into risk strata that “fixed” and cannot usually be changed. Ex- reflect the probability to develop a certain event amples are age, gender, and—in particular— or an exacerbation of the disease. The categoriza- genetically determined conditions. Biomarkers tion is based on several factors, e.g., demo- also belong to this category, since they cannot be graphic variables, comorbidities, or conditions changed, but they point to an already damaged that are already known to be associated with an cardiovascular system or to a cardiovascular sys- increased risk for the endpoints of interest. It is, tem which is at high risk of future damage. therefore, the goal of risk stratification to identify Typical examples discussed earlier include tro- 411,412,414,419,680 those patients who have the highest risk to de- ponins or particular genetic vari- velop an endpoint. The most important task of ants of the apo(a) gene, the so-called LMW (or 603-605,613,617-619,624,630 risk stratification is to improve the health status small) apo(a) isoforms. Al- by slowing or preventing complications through though age, gender, or special genetic variants early detection or appropriate intervention be- are fixed stratifiers, they should be considered in fore a fatal or nonfatal event occurs. One oppor- any decision regarding intervention. For ex- tunity to do so is to offer the patients disease ample, patients with adverse conditions should management programs. be followed more closely by noninvasive tests It is important to distinguish between two (e.g., ultrasound of the carotid arteries) and in shorter time intervals, since cardiovascular different kinds of stratifiers. The first kind in- changes often develop rapidly. If an invasive test cludes those conditions that can be detected and (e.g., coronary angiography) is indicated, these changed by avoidance (e.g., smoking) or interven- adverse conditions might support its use. How- tion (e.g., high blood pressure or hypercholester- ever, at present, no randomized controlled stud- olemia). Data from the general population show ies in CKD patients are available that have inves- that these changes are associated with a lower tigated whether risk stratification by these fixed incidence of cardiovascular events. In CKD pa- stratifiers is beneficial, when it is either followed tients, data are often rare and it is necessary to by a “forced” structured disease management extrapolate results from the general population. program or by “routine” care. On the other hand, many of these conditions are reported to show paradoxical associations in di- FAMILY HISTORY AND GENETICS alysis patients. For example, many studies show a higher BMI to be associated with a higher Introduction mortality risk in CKD patients, which is com- Family history (Table 35) is a strong predictor pletely opposite to what is observed in the gen- 668-672 of CVD in the general population. It remains eral population. This association is even predictive for CVD even after correction for independent of serum albumin, clinical assess- measured familial risk factors such as hyperten- ment of nutritional status, and comorbid condi- sion, cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.681-685 The tions. Similar associations with mortality, which familial aggregation of genes and shared environ- are opposite to those in the general population, ment strongly contribute to the increased fre- were reported for cholesterol and homocys- quency of a positive family history. A study of 181,562,673-677 teine. Studies that described associa- more than 120,000 families from the Health tions opposite to what is known from the general Family Tree Study and the Family Heart Study population resulted in a discussion of a so-called observed that 14% of the families that had a reverse epidemiology in dialysis patients.678,679 positive family history of CHD accounted for In many cases, there is an explanation for this 72% of persons with early CHD (onset before apparent paradox on further examination of the age 55 for men and age 65 for women) and 48% data, as was recently shown for the reverse of CHD at all ages. For strokes, 11% of families association between cholesterol and mortality in with a positive family history for stroke ac- dialysis patients.262 counted for 86% of early strokes (before age 75)

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S107-S114 S107 S108 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

and 68% of all strokes.681 Family history collec- 677687 have a reduced enzyme activity and about tion is therefore a validated and inexpensive tool 20% higher homocysteine concentrations,688 es- for family-based preventive medicine and medi- pecially when associated with low folate in- cal research in the general population. However, take.689 A meta-analysis of all case-control obser- there are no sufficiently powered studies in the vational studies from the general population CKD population that have investigated the value revealed that the TT genotype was associated of this tool for risk assessment. Instead, several with 16% higher odds of CHD compared to studies have examined a handful of candidate individuals with the CC genotype.690 Five stud- genes for CVD in dialysis patients. ies, mostly in HD patients, investigated this polymorphism in relation to various cardiovascu- Discussion lar endpoints (Table 36).562,565,691-693 Four of the The studies on candidate genes can be strati- five studies found an association with outcome in fied into three groups. Two groups were already univariate and/or in multivariate analysis562,691-693 investigated in more than three patient cohorts which was not confirmed by another large and showed, in the majority of the studies, either study.565 Recently, a prospective follow-up a statistically significant association with CVD study694 of earlier reported cross-sectional analy- endpoints in dialysis patients (e.g., the apo(a) sis in 459 patients was published.562 In contrast size polymorphism and the MTHFR polymor- to the earlier findings, the prospective follow-up phism) or rejected such an association (ApoE study did not show an association of this muta- and ACE polymorphism). The third group inves- tion with CVD.694 Taken together, it seems that tigated candidates mostly in one cohort, and its there might exist an association between this results need to be confirmed by further studies. mutation and CVD; however, the association is uncertain (Table 36). Positive Genetic Association Studies Apo(a) size polymorphism. There is clear Negative Genetic Association Studies evidence that the apo(a) K-IV repeat polymor- Apolipoprotein E polymorphism. The ApoE phism is associated with CVD in the general polymorphism is significantly associated with population, as well as in dialysis patients [see intermediate phenotypes (e.g., concentrations of section on Lp(a) and apo(a) size polymorphism]. ApoE, ApoB, total and LDL cholesterol)695 and In brief, almost all studies found an association disease endpoints (coronary or peri- between LMW apo(a) phenotypes and atheroscle- pheral atherosclerosis) in the general popula- rotic complications or total mortality (see Table tion.696,697 Only a few studies have investigated 30). the ApoE polymorphism in relation to atheroscle- 677C3T polymorphism of the MTHFR rosis in CKD patients and reported contrasting enzyme. A recent meta-analysis suggested that results.614,628,698,699 Thus, it appears that the elevated homocysteine is, at most, a modest ApoE polymorphism is not helpful for atheroscle- independent predictor of IHD and stroke in the rosis risk stratification in dialysis patients (Table general population.686 Interestingly, moderate - in 37). creases of homocysteine are reported in subjects ACE polymorphism. A common ACE gene who are carriers of a variant of the MTHFR gene. variant is known, with an insertion (I) or deletion Those with a C-to-T substitution at position (D) of a 287-bp fragment within intron 16. The D STATE OF THE SCIENCE S109 S110 STATE OF THE SCIENCE allele is associated with increased ACE levels phism. This test can be done at any time, but the and the polymorphism explains about half of the time of first presentation is preferred for an early variation in plasma and tissue levels of ACE. An stratification. Patients with LMW apo(a) pheno- association between the DD genotype and CAD types are exposed to an increased risk for mortal- in the general population is controversial.700 In ity and CVD. Testing for MTHFR variants does dialysis patients, most studies (especially the not add significant information to that already larger ones) did not reveal an association with obtained by measuring homocysteine levels. Fur- clinical endpoints of cardiovascular disease (Table ther genetic testing is not indicated at the mo- 38).691,701-707 ment. Interesting candidates under investigation. Patients with a positive family history and/or a The anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 LMW apo(a) phenotype may be considered high (IL-10) counteracts the cascade of inflammatory risk, and they may benefit from intensive risk 708 factors leading to an acute-phase reaction. An factor assessment and interventional manage- interesting observation was recently reported for ment. a polymorphism in the promoter of the IL-10 709 gene. This polymorphism, at position -1082, MENOPAUSE leads to low production of IL-10 (-1082A 710 allele) and the AA genotype is associated with Introduction a higher cardiovascular morbidity709 compared The mean age of women with CKD Stage 5 to the GG genotype. This reflects the reduced suggests that the majority of these women are ability of the -1082 AA genotype to downregu- postmenopausal.17 Different patterns of abnor- late inflammatory processes as compared to the malities may be seen in women with CKD before -1082 GG genotype. Myeloperoxidase is an abundant enzyme in and after menopause. The primary hormonal the production of free radicals. A functional defect observed in premenopausal women with genetic variant of this enzyme in position -463 CKD is due to hypothalamic dysfunction. In (G3A) is associated with a lower myeloperoxi- women of reproductive age and normal renal dase expression and a lower prevalence of CVD function, a sustained midcycle increase in estra- in HD patients.711 diol causes an increase in hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This Research Recommendations hormone then stimulates the pituitary gland to The predictive value of family history of CVD increase leutinizing hormone (LH) secretion and, should be investigated in patients with renal with an increase in progesterone and estradiol, disease. Further large dialysis cohorts should follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in- investigate the value of Lp(a) concentrations and crease. This hormonal pattern leads to normal apo(a) phenotypes for risk assessment. This ques- ovulation and menstruation. In the majority of tion should especially be addressed in PD pa- premenopausal uremic women, the positive feed- tients as well as in various ethnicities. Arising back mechanism of estradiol on the hypothala- candidate genes for CVD should be investigated mus is blunted. The midcycle increase of proges- in dialysis patients. terone, LH, and FSH is impaired, and anovulatory menstrual patterns predominate.712-714 Estradiol Conclusions levels in uremic women are comparable to nor- Family history and/or genetic testing are poten- mal in the follicular phase, but a reduced mid- tial tools for CVD risk assessment or risk stratifi- cycle peak has been documented.713 Hyperpro- cation, since they examine factors that cannot be lactinemia is present in approximately 70% of changed by intervention. At the moment, insuffi- women with CKD due to reduced renal clear- cient data are available to determine whether ance, increased secretion by the anterior pitu- family history is as predictive for CVD in dialy- itary, and anterior pituitary resistance due to the sis patients as it is in the general population. downregulatory effects of dopamine.715 Meno- Laboratory testing for genetic factors may be pause occurs at a younger age among women considered for the apo(a) K-IV repeat polymor- with CKD; the median age of menopause is STATE OF THE SCIENCE S111 S112 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

50-51 years in normal women and 47 years olism, estrogen also inhibits vascular smooth among women with CKD.716 muscle cell proliferation in vitro, a process that contributes to atherogenesis.723 Discussion The use of HRT in the general population has Menopause and cardiovascular risk. In the become increasingly controversial. Reports from general population, the risk of CVD increases the WHI have documented significant reductions after menopause. This is thought to be due to loss in hip fracture and colorectal cancer rates among 724 of the protective effect of estrogen on lipids and postmenopausal women treated with HRT. vascular function. The role menopause plays in Although estrogens have been reported to im- the accelerated CVD that is characteristic of prove the lipid profile by increasing high-density CKD is not known. lipoprotein and decreasing low density lipopro- tein,725 the WHI did not find an overall benefit Hormone Replacement Therapy among those receiving both estrogen and proges- 724 Prevalence. Although appropriate indica- terone. In addition, studies have demonstrated tions for estrogen replacement therapy are contro- an increased risk of venous thrombosis among 724,725 versial, 5%-11% of women with CKD over 45 women who use estrogen. Patients with years of age are treated with hormone-replace- CKD have an increased risk for pulmonary embo- ment therapy (HRT).716,717 Younger, better- lus and are at risk for vascular access thrombosis. educated Caucasians are more likely to receive The association between HRT and venous throm- HRT.717 It is not known whether reports from the bosis, particularly vascular access thrombosis, Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), indicating a among women with CKD remains unstudied. lack of cardioprotective effect associated with Dosing. Previous reports have suggested that HRT in healthy women, has impacted the use of renal failure may alter the pharmacokinetics of HRT. estrogen, and that dose adjustments are neces- Cardioprotection. There are few reports that sary in patients with CKD. One study reported have assessed the impact of HRT on cardiovascu- that, after a single dose of estradiol, serum con- lar outcomes among CKD patients. In the gen- centrations of estradiol and estrone were 2-3 726 eral population, HRT is known to lower LDL times that of the controls, while another re- cholesterol and Lp(a), and increase HDL and ported that urinary excretion of estradiol in men triglycerides. The most common lipoprotein ab- with normal renal function was 78%-83% over 4 727 normalities in CKD include reduced HDL and days compared to 1.4% in men with CKD. elevated LDL, triglycerides, and Lp(a). Since the Other potential risks of estrogen, such as breast only lipoprotein abnormality that has been asso- cancer, coagulopathy, or CAD, may be dose- ciated with CVD in dialysis patients is Lp(a), it is dependent. A recent study found that estradiol possible that HRT has positive cardiovascular serum concentrations among post-menopausal effects in CKD patients.610 women with CKD requiring maintenance HD One small study in women with CKD demon- were over 20% greater than those among women strated an increase in HDL and ApoA-I with no with normal renal function, in spite of reducing change in total cholesterol, LDL, Lp(a), or trig- the dose of ␤-estradiol by 50%. These data lycerides after 8 weeks of treatment.718 Estrogen suggest that women with CKD should receive a also modifies vascular function and atherosclero- 50%-70% lower dose of ␤-estradiol to achieve sis among women without CKD. In the general equivalent concentrations. Measurement of estra- population, estrogen increases stroke volume, diol levels (and possibly FSH levels) may be of heart rate and contractility, and reduces periph- value in selected postmenopausal women with eral vascular resistance in postmenopausal CKD receiving HRT. It is likely that any benefit women.719-721 Regression of atherosclerotic would be relative to the blood concentration and plaques has been shown to occur among women not the actual dose, and there may be potential following institution of HRT.722 Although this harm in having excessively high blood concentra- may, in part, be due to alterations in lipid metab- tions. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S113

Research Recommendations ity amputation rates.731,732 In a controlled study, Little is known regarding cardiovascular out- 45 HD patients were assigned to intensive educa- comes associated with menopause. Observa- tion and care management that included preven- tional studies should assess the impact of meno- tive foot care and 38 HD patients were assigned 733 pause on CVD risk. Given that there are over to usual care. Over the 12-month follow-up 30,000 women with CKD treated with HRT, period, there were no amputations in the study studies should assess if the use of HRT is associ- group while there were five lower extremity ated with improved CVD outcomes. amputations and two finger amputations in the control group. Conclusions Given the lack of data from the CKD popula- Clinical Applications tion, it may be prudent to follow the recently The ADA Position Statement has discussed published guidelines from North American Meno- several measures that can be implemented for pause Society, which state that the treatment of preventive foot care in diabetic patients.730 Foot menopause symptoms remains the primary indi- examination at the initiation of dialysis is likely cation for HRT, and that HRT not be used solely to reveal high-risk foot conditions, such as periph- for primary or secondary prevention of CHD.728 eral neuropathy, altered biomechanics, PVD, ul- For those women with CKD on HRT, doses of cers, and severe nail pathology. Identification of estrogen replacement that are 50%-70% lower any of these risk factors may necessitate further than those among women with normal renal regular examinations. Minor conditions may be function would have an equivalent effect. treatable to prevent complications; however, other conditions (e.g., increased plantar pressure) may PREVENTIVE FOOT CARE IN DIABETES require referral to a foot-care specialist. Introduction A major issue will be raising the awareness of preventive foot care in diabetic dialysis patients, In 1994, the annualized rate of amputation and patient education in preventive foot care among Medicare diabetic and nondiabetic pa- measures is desirable as part of routine care. tients on dialysis was 11.8 and 2.3 per 100 144 Education of dialysis health-care professionals is respectively. Compared to dialysis patients also important. with glomerulonephritis as the cause of kidney failure, diabetic dialysis patients had 8.9-fold Research Recommendations higher odds of undergoing amputation.144 The 30-day perioperative mortality in dialysis pa- Long-term studies are warranted to examine tients who underwent amputation was 16%.729 the effectiveness of screening with ABI, and Thus, there is an exceedingly high risk of ampu- early diagnosis of PVD, on reducing the develop- tation in diabetic dialysis patients, with its atten- ment of critical limb ischemia and the rates of dant loss of quality of life and high perioperative amputation. Randomized, controlled trials are mortality. Hence, it is imperative to implement needed to study the effects of antiplatelet agents measures to decrease the amputation rates in and statins in asymptomatic and symptomatic diabetic dialysis patients. Adoption of preventive PVD on the development of critical limb isch- care of the diabetic foot has been outlined in the emia and the rates of amputation. American Diabetic Association (ADA) Position Statement,730 and these recommendations, with Conclusions certain modifications, may be applied to CKD There are no randomized controlled trials of patients. intensive education and care management versus usual care of feet in diabetic dialysis patients. Discussion Nonetheless, diabetic dialysis patients are likely Several clinical studies in the nondialysis dia- to benefit from examination of the foot as part of betic population have shown that coordinated the routine dialysis care. In this regard, recom- programs to screen for high-risk feet and to mendations made by the ADA are applicable to provide regular foot care decreased lower extrem- the care of diabetic dialysis patients. S114 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

ASPIRIN that the use of aspirin and beta-blockers follow- ing MI was associated with lower mortality in Introduction patients with CKD.61 Thus, there are reasonable There are no randomized controlled trials in data to support the use of aspirin following MI. dialysis patients that establish the safety and The major risk of aspirin therapy is gastrointes- efficacy of aspirin for primary or secondary tinal (GI) bleeding. A randomized controlled trial prevention of atherosclerotic events. However, of aspirin plus clopidrogel versus placebo to since CKD patients are among the highest-risk prevent AVgraft thrombosis was terminated early groups for atherosclerotic events, it might be because of GI bleeding.66 However, a retrospec- reasonable to use aspirin in dialysis patients tive observational study of USRDS data did not without contraindications for aspirin therapy. find increased risk of GI bleeding with aspi- rin.736 Discussion Research Recommendations There are no data on use of aspirin in primary prevention of CVD in dialysis patients. In an ● Randomized controlled trials of aspirin as observational study of 3,374 incident dialysis primary or secondary prophylaxis in prevent- patients with and without CAD in the USRDS ing cardiovascular events with attention to GI Dialysis Morbidity Mortality Study Wave II, bleeding are warranted. patients on aspirin had 2.9-fold higher hazard of ● The cost-effectiveness of aspirin (risk of GI acute coronary syndrome in unadjusted analy- bleeding versus reduction in cardiovascular 734 sis. However, this result was nonsignificant in events) needs to be studied. multivariate analysis. Even though this study used Medicare data to track acute coronary syn- Conclusions dromes, not all of the study patients were on Aspirin may be useful for primary prevention Medicare. of atherosclerotic disease in dialysis patients, In an analysis of the Cooperative Cardiovascu- with careful monitoring for bleeding complica- lar Project, dialysis patients who received aspirin tions. Its use following MI is warranted, based on following MI had 43% lower odds of dying the available evidence. Further large, prospec- within 30 days in a multivariate analysis.735 tive, observational studies and randomized con- Another observational retrospective study found trolled trials are required. METHODS FOR REVIEW OF ARTICLES AIMS

The overall aim of the project was to develop of the Evidence Review Team, who then as- clinical practice guidelines for the evaluation and sembled groups to be responsible for the develop- management of CVD in CKD patients who re- ment of the guidelines and the evidence report, quire either HD or PD. respectively. These groups collaborated closely The Work Group sought to develop the guide- throughout the project. lines using an evidence-based approach. Evi- The Work Group consisted of “domain ex- dence regarding the guideline topics was derived perts,” including individuals with expertise in from a systematic summary of the available nephrology, epidemiology, cardiology, nutrition, scientific literature on the epidemiology of CVD social work, pediatrics, and internal medicine. In among dialysis patients, the evaluation and man- addition, the Work Group had a liaison member agement of cardiac, cerebrovascular, and periph- from the Renal Physicians Association. The first eral vascular disease among dialysis patients, the task of the Work Group members was to define evaluation and management of specific risk fac- the overall topic and goals, including specifying tors for CVD among dialysis patients, and cardio- the target condition, target population, and target vascular risk stratification among dialysis pa- audience. They then further developed and re- tients. fined each topic, literature search strategy, and OVERVIEW OF PROCESS data extraction form (described below). The Work Development of the guideline and evidence Group members were the principal reviewers of report required many concurrent steps to: the literature, and from these detailed reviews, they summarized the available evidence and took ● Form the Work Group and Evidence Review the primary roles of writing the guidelines and Team that were to be responsible for different rationale statements. aspects of the process The Evidence Review Team consisted of neph- ● Hold meetings to discuss processes, methods, rologists (two senior nephrologists and a nephrol- and results ogy fellow) and methodologists from Tufts-New ● Develop and refine topics England Medical Center with expertise in system- ● Define population of interest atic review of the medical literature. They were ● Create draft guideline statements and ration- responsible for coordinating the project, includ- ales ing coordination of meetings, refinement of goals ● Create draft summary tables and topics, creation of the format of the evidence ● Create data extraction forms report, development of literature search strate- ● Create and standardize quality assessment and gies, initial review and assessment of literature, applicability metrics and coordination of all partners. The Evidence ● Develop literature search strategies Review Team also coordinated the methodologi- ● Perform literature searches cal and analytical process of the report, coordi- ● Screen abstracts and retrieve full articles nated the meetings, and defined and standardized ● Review literature the methodology of performing literature ● Extract data and perform critical appraisal of the literature searches, of data extraction and of summarizing ● Grade the evidence the evidence in the report. They performed litera- ● Tabulate data from articles into summary ture searches, retrieved and screened abstracts tables and articles, created forms to extract relevant ● Grade the strength of the recommendations data from articles, and tabulated results. Through- ● Write guideline statements and rationales based out the project, and especially at meetings, the on literature. Evidence Review Team led discussions on sys- tematic review, literature searches, data extrac- Creation of Groups tion, assessment of quality and applicability of The Co-Chairs of the K/DOQI Advisory Board articles and the body of evidence, and summary selected the Work Group Co-Chairs and Director reporting.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S115-S120 S115 S116 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

Development of Topics mal studies were preferred, case series were also The goals of the Work Group targeted a di- included. No systematic process was followed to verse group range of topics, which would have obtain textbooks and review articles. been too large for a comprehensive review of the Studies for the literature review were identi- literature. Based on their expertise, members of fied through MEDLINE searches of English lan- the Work Group focused on the specific ques- guage literature conducted between March and tions, and employed a selective review of evi- October 2002. These searches were supple- dence: a summary of reviews for established mented by relevant articles known to the domain concepts (review of textbooks, reviews, guide- experts and reviewers through December 2003. lines and selected original articles familiar to The MEDLINE literature searches were con- them as domain experts); and a review of pri- ducted to identify clinical studies published from mary articles and data for new concepts. 1966 through the search dates. The primary search was designed to capture studies pertaining to all Refinement of Topics and Development topics. Supplemental searches were made to of Materials maximize retrieval of studies pertaining to spe- The Work Group and Evidence Review Team cific topics, including: anxiety and hostility, developed a) draft guideline statements; b) draft carnitine, diet, hormone replacement therapy, rationale statements that summarized the ex- pediatrics, and peripheral vascular disease. Devel- pected pertinent evidence; and c) data extraction opment of the search strategies was an iterative forms requesting the data elements to be re- process that included input from all members of trieved from the primary articles. The topic refine- the Work Group. The text words or MeSH head- ment process began prior to literature retrieval ings for all topics included “renal replacement and continued through the process of reviewing therapy,” end-stage renal disease and related individual articles. terms. The searches were limited to studies on Data extraction forms were designed to cap- humans and published in English, and focused ture information on various aspects of the pri- on either adults or children, as relevant. mary articles. Forms for all topics included study MEDLINE search results were screened by setting and demographics, eligibility criteria, members of the Evidence Review Team. Poten- causes of kidney disease, numbers of subjects, tial papers for retrieval were identified from study design, study funding source, dialysis char- printed abstracts and titles, based on study popu- acteristics, comorbid conditions, descriptions of lation, relevance to topics, and study size. For relevant risk factors and cardiovascular out- studies of risk factors and treatments, those with comes, statistical methods, results, study quality fewer than 10 subjects were excluded; for epide- (based on criteria appropriate for each study miology studies, those with fewer than 30 sub- design, see below), study applicability (see be- jects were excluded. Studies of risk factors had low), and sections for comments and assessment to evaluate a cardiovascular outcome to be in- of biases. cluded. Studies of risk factor or cardiovascular Training of the Work Group members to ex- treatments, including surgery, had to be compara- tract data from primary articles occurred at meet- tive; thus single-cohort case series were ex- ings, and subsequently by e-mail and during cluded. After retrieval, each paper was read to teleconferences. verify relevance and appropriateness for review, based primarily on study design and ascertain- Literature Search ment of necessary variables. Some articles were The Work Group and Evidence Review Team relevant for two or more topics. Domain experts decided in advance that a systematic process made the final decision for inclusion or exclusion would be followed to obtain information on of articles. All articles included were extracted topics that relied on primary articles. Only full and are contained in the summary tables. Numer- journal articles of original data were included. ous additional articles that did not meet the Editorials, letters and abstracts were not in- specific criteria necessary to qualify for inclusion cluded. Selected review articles were included were reviewed, with or without extraction, for for background material. Though reports of for- use as background material. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S117

In an iterative process, the topics for which articles would be analyzed in depth and summa- rized were restricted to those topics that had not been sufficiently summarized previously by other K/DOQI Work Groups or others and provided evidence for the specific guidelines. For most topics, given the small number of available stud- ies, all comparative studies with at least 10 dialysis patients per arm were included. For certain topics with relatively large numbers of studies, stricter criteria were used. For studies of serum calcium, phosphorus, and PTH as predic- tors of CVD, only studies that reported that they were sufficiently powered for these predictors were included. Studies that evaluated tobacco use as a risk factor for CVD had to both define smoking use categories a priori and have a minimum of 100 subjects. Studies of both Lp(a) and genetic markers were required to have at least 10 subjects with CVD outcomes. For predic- tors with sufficient numbers of studies, only associations with CVD event outcomes were included. These included: C-reactive protein, ran- dom serum troponin levels, smoking, echocardio- gram measurements, and surgical interventions for coronary artery disease. Intermediate out- comes, including vascular calcification, intima- media thickness, and ventricular arrhythmia were included for other predictors analyzed. For cer- tain predictors, studies were also included that reported prevalent (as opposed to future) CVD. These included genetic markers and ankle-arm brachial index. Overall, 16,691 citations were screened (9,078 from the primary search; 7,613 from supplemen- tal searches), from which 396 articles were re- trieved and reviewed. An additional 151 articles, added by Work Group members and domain experts, were reviewed. Of these, a total of 86 articles met sufficient criteria to be included in summary tables. Format for Evidence Tables Two types of evidence tables were prepared. Detailed tables contain data from each field of the components of the data extraction forms. These tables were used to efficiently track and transmit data about all extracted studies. They were completed by the Evidence Review Team from extraction forms filled out by Work Group members. They were then given to the Work S118 STATE OF THE SCIENCE

Group members, but are not included in the report. Sample is representative of the target population, or results are definitely applicable to Summary tables describe the strength of evi- dialysis population irrespective of study sample. dence according to four dimensions: study size Sample is representative of a relevant sub-group (of both HD and PD patients) and duration, study of the target population. For example, sample is applicability, results and methodological quality. only representative of people with a narrow range of GFR, or only a specific relevant Within each table, the studies are first grouped by subgroup, such as elderly individuals or patients outcome type. Outcomes are ordered by all- with diabetic kidney disease. cause death, CVD death, and CVD events. Stud- Sample is representative of a narrow subgroup ies with intermediate and prevalent outcomes are of patients only, and not well generalizable to shaded at the bottom of the tables. Within each other subgroups. For example, the study includes only patients with a rare disease. outcome, studies are ordered first by methodologi- Studies of such narrow subgroups may be cal quality (best to worst), then by applicability extremely valuable for demonstrating (most to least) and then by study size (largest to “exceptions to the rule.” smallest). When relevant, outcome thresholds (e.g., of troponin I levels) or definitions of predic- Results. In general, the result is summarized tors (for genetic predictors) are included. Results by both the direction and strength of the associa- are presented using summary symbols, as de- tion. Depending on the study type, the results fined below. An example of an evidence table is may refer either to dichotomous outcomes, such shown in Table 39. as the presence of a specific genotype or a Study size and duration. The study (sample) laboratory test above or below a threshold value, size is used as a measure of the weight of the or to the association of continuous variables with evidence. In general, large studies provide more outcomes, such as serum laboratory tests. The precise estimates of prevalence and associations. magnitude of the association and both the clini- In addition, large studies are more likely to be cal and statistical significance of the associations generalizable; however, large size alone does not were considered. Criteria for indicating the pres- guarantee applicability. A study that enrolled a ence of an association varied among predictors large number of selected patients may be less depending on their clinical significance. Both generalizable than several smaller studies that univariate and multivariate associations are pre- included a broad spectrum of patient popula- sented. Associations are generally represented tions. Similarly, longer duration studies may be according to the following symbols: of better quality and more applicable, depending on other factors. Positive association (positive predictor predicts Applicability. Applicability (also known as a clinically meaningful increase in CVD or generalizability or external validity) addresses worsening of intermediate CVD outcome) the issue of whether the study population is No association (predictor is not associated with CVD outcomes) sufficiently broad so that the results can be gener- Negative association (positive predictor predicts alized to the population of interest at large. The a decrease in CVD outcomes) study population is typically defined primarily Statistically significant association (generally P by the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The tar- Ͻ 0.05) get population was defined to include patients with end stage renal disease (primarily those on For studies of troponin I and T, sensitivity and dialysis). A designation for applicability was specificity data are included when reported. For assigned to each article, according to a three- clarity, the results for studies of surgical interven- level scale. In making this assessment, sociode- tions for coronary artery disease are presented as mographic characteristics were considered, as CABG, Stent, or Tissue to indicate studies for were the stated causes of chronic kidney disease, which the intervention had significantly better and prior treatments. Applicability referred to outcomes, or CABG for studies where there was either the HD population or the PD population, a trend toward better outcomes with coronary as appropriate. artery bypass graft. STATE OF THE SCIENCE S119

Quality. Methodological quality (or internal validity) refers to the design, conduct, and report- ing of the clinical study. Because studies with a variety of types of design were evaluated, a three- level classification of study quality was devised:

Least bias; results are valid. A study that mostly adheres to the commonly held concepts of high quality, including the following: a formal study; clear description of the population and setting; clear description of an appropriate reference standard; proper measurement techniques; appropriate statistical and analytic methods; no reporting errors; and no obvious bias. Not retrospective studies or case series. Susceptible to some bias, but not sufficient to invalidate the results. A study that does not meet all the criteria in category above. It has some deficiencies but none likely to cause major bias. Significant bias that may invalidate the results. A study with serious errors in design or reporting. These studies may have large amounts of missing information or evidence supporting the individual topics ad- discrepancies in reporting. dressed by the guideline statements. Strength of evidence was assessed by assigning either “A,” “B,” or “C” (Table 41). An “A” rating indicates Summarizing Reviews and Selected “it is strongly recommended that clinicians rou- Original Articles tinely follow the guideline for eligible patients. Work Group members had wide latitude in There is strong evidence that the practice im- summarizing reviews and selected original ar- proves health outcomes, and benefits substan- ticles for topics that were determined not to tially outweigh harms.” The “B” rating indicates require a systemic review of the literature. “it is recommended that clinicians routinely fol- low the guideline for eligible patients. There is Translation of Evidence to Guidelines moderate evidence that the practice improves Format. This document contains 14 guide- health outcomes.” A “C” rating indicates “it is lines. The format for each guideline is outlined in recommended that clinicians consider following Table 40. Each guideline contains one or more the guideline for eligible patients. This recom- specific “guideline statements,” which are pre- mendation is based on either weak evidence, or sented as “bullets” that represent recommendations on the opinions of the Work Group and review- to the target audience. Each guideline contains ers, that the practice might improve health background information, which is generally suffi- outcomes.” cient to interpret the guideline. A discussion of the The strength of evidence was graded using a broad concepts that frame the guidelines is pro- rating system that takes into account: 1) method- vided in the preceding section of this report. The ological quality of the studies; 2) whether or not the rationale for each guideline contains a discussion of study was carried out in the target population, i.e., specific topics that support the guideline state- patients with CKD on dialysis, or in other popula- ments, together with a classification of the strength tions; and 3) whether the studies examined health of evidence. The guideline concludes with a discus- outcomes directly, or examined surrogate measures sion of limitations of the evidence review and a for those outcomes, e.g., valve calcification instead brief discussion of implementation issues and re- of CVD death (Table 42). These three separate search recommendations regarding the topic. study characteristics were combined in rating the Strength of evidence. The overall guideline strength of a body of evidence provided by the is, in general, graded according to the strength of composite of the pertinent studies. S120 WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES

In addition, the Work Group adopted a conven- ters were not systematically searched. However, tion for using existing expert guidelines issued important studies known to the domain experts for populations other than the target population. that were missed by the literature search were Grades assigned by the guideline-issuing bodies included in the review. for the strength of evidence were adopted. When Exhaustive literature searches were hampered the guideline or the evidence was not graded, this by limitations in available time and resources Work Group assumed that the guideline would that were judged appropriate for the task. The be based on at least moderately strong evidence. sensitive search strategies required to capture The extrapolation of ungraded guideline recom- every article that may have had data on each of mendations from the general populations to the the questions frequently yielded upwards of target population was considered to support grade 10,000 articles. Given the large number of top- B recommendations. ics, this approach was not feasible. The difficulty Limitations of Approach of finding all potentially relevant studies was compounded by the fact that in many studies, the While the literature searches were intended to be comprehensive, they were not exhaustive. information of interest for this report was a MEDLINE was the only database searched, and secondary finding for the original studies. We searches were limited to English language publi- used our best judgment in developing search cations. Hand searches of journals were not per- strategies to balance the yield of potentially formed, and review articles and textbook chap- useful articles and feasibility. WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES

Kline Bolton, MD, FACP, is Professor of Division of Nephrology and Hypertension Cen- Medicine at University of Virginia in Charlottes- ter. Dr. Campese received his M.D. from the ville, where he is Chief of the Division of Ne- University of Bari in Italy. In 1974 he came to phrology and Director of the Nephrology Clini- the United States via the University of Southern cal Research Center, Kidney Center and Renal California for a fellowship in hypertension and Operations. He has received special honors from was subsequently promoted to full Professor of organizations ranging from the American Soci- Medicine with tenure in 1985. His main research ety for Clinical Investigation to the International interests are neurogenic factors in renal hyperten- Society of Nephrology. He has published many sion and salt-sensitivity in hypertension. He is articles in journals ranging from American Jour- the author or co-author of more than 235 scien- nal of Kidney Diseases and Kidney International tific publications. Dr. Campese has been active in to Immunologic Renal Diseases, and contributed many professional societies, including the Na- to numerous textbooks, including the Textbook of tional Kidney Foundation, the American Society the Autoimmune Diseases and the Textbook of of Nephrology, and the American Society of Nephrology. Dr. Bolton is Chairman of the Renal Hypertension. He is a member of the Leadership Physicians Association Work Group on Appropri- Committee of the Council for High Blood Pres- ate Preparation of Patients for Renal Replace- sure. He has served or is serving on the editorial ment Therapy. In addition, Dr. Bolton serves on board of several renal and hypertension journals. the Advisory Boards for Amgen and Ortho- Blanche M. Chavers, MD, is Professor of Biotech. His research interests are in refining the Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota. She is epitope(s) involved in causing Goodpasture’s a member of the American Society of Nephrol- syndrome, treating glomerulonephritis, and dis- ogy, the American Society of Pediatric Nephrol- ease management of CKD and ESRD. ogy, the American Society of Transplantation, Srinivasan Beddhu, MD, is Assistant Profes- the International Society of Nephrology, and the sor of Medicine at the University of Utah and International Society of Pediatric Nephrology. Director, End-Stage Renal Disease Program, Salt Dr. Chavers is Deputy Director of the Cardiovas- Lake VAHealthcare System, Salt Lake City, UT. cular Special Studies Center at the United States He received his medical degree from Madras Renal Data System, NIH. Dr. Chavers is on the University, Madras, and completed his ne- Public Policy Committee of the American Soci- phrology fellowship at the University of Pitts- ety of Pediatric Nephrology, she is the American burgh, Pittsburgh, PA. His major area of research Society of Nephrology’s representative to UNOS, interest is atherosclerosis, inflammation and nu- and she is a member of the American Society of trition in chronic kidney disease. He has pub- Transplantation’s Kidney and Pancreas Trans- lished several peer-reviewed articles in this area plant Committee. Dr. Chavers is Co-editor of the in journals such as the Journal of American American Journal of Kidney Diseases. She has Society of Nephrology, Kidney International, been published numerous times in a variety of American Journal of Medicine and American journals and books. Her areas of research and Journal of Kidney Disease. He has received special interest include cardiovascular disease in funding from several sources including the children with kidney disease, pediatric kidney Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality transplant outcomes, and diabetic nephropathy. (AHRQ). He has been a reviewer for many ne- Dr. Chavers has received grants from the Depart- phrology journals and reviewed abstracts for the ment of Health and Human Services for the American Society of Nephrology meetings. He National Health and Nutrition Survey IV is a member of the American Society of Nephrol- (NHANES) and the United States Renal Data ogy, National Kidney Foundation, and Interna- System. tional Society of Nephrology. Alfred K. Cheung, MD, is a Professor of Vito M. Campese, MD, is Professor of Medi- Medicine in the Division of Nephrology & Hyper- cine, Physiology and Biophysics at the Keck tension and the Executive Director of the Dialy- School of Medicine, University of Southern Cali- sis Program at the University of Utah. He re- fornia in Los Angeles, where he is Chief of the ceived his Nephrology fellowship training at the

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 45, No 4, Suppl 3 (April), 2005: pp S121-S126 S121 S122 WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES

University of California, San Diego, under the Transplantation; Peritoneal Dialysis Interna- research mentorship of Dr. Lee Henderson. His tional and the Hong Kong Journal of Nephrol- research interest has focused on chronic kidney ogy. Dr. Churchill’s research interests include disease and HD. In addition to serving as a adequacy of dialysis (Co-Principal Investigator member of the editorial board of several jour- for the CANUSA group), anemia of renal dis- nals, he has served as an Associate Editor of the ease, quality of life in ESRD, vascular access and four editions of the National Kidney Foundation economic analysis. He has 140 peer-reviewed Primer on Kidney Diseases, and the Journal of publications and 9 book chapters. He is the Chair American Society of Nephrology. Dr. Cheung is of the Amgen Canada Scientific Advisory Board the principle investigator of grants from the and has received research funding from Amgen. National Institutes of Health and the Department He has also been a consultant for Genzyme of Veterans Affairs for the study of novel strate- Corporation. gies to prevent vascular access stenosis. He is Jordi Goldstein-Fuchs, DSc, RD, is Clinical also the Chair of the Kidney Disease Research Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada Consortium, which was formed in 2003 for the School of Medicine, Department of Internal purpose of performing multicenter studies re- Medicine and is completing a second term as lated to chronic kidney disease and dialysis. In Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Renal Nutri- the last 15 years, he has served on a number of tion. She also works with DaVita, Inc. as a committees in the National Kidney Foundation researcher and clinical dietitian in Reno, NV. Dr. and the American Society of Nephrology, and Goldstein first became interested in kidney dis- has lectured frequently in national meetings of ease while studying for her Master’s degree at those organizations. He is currently the Chair of the MGH Institute of Health Professions. Her the D-Subcommittee in the National Institute of research thesis was in the area of urea kinetic Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for modeling. The resulting publication was awarded grant reviews. Dr. Cheung has co-authored over the Mary P. Huddleson Award by the American 100 papers and book chapters. He is actively Dietetic Association. After working as a renal involved in the care of patients with chronic dietitian for several years, Dr. Goldstein returned kidney disease and the training of fellows for to graduate school and received her Doctor of clinical nephrology and research. Science degree in Nutritional Sciences from Bos- David N. Churchill MSc, MD, FRCPC, ton University. Her doctorate work was in the FACP, is Professor of Medicine in the Faculty of area of essential fatty acids and experimental Health Sciences at McMaster University, Hamil- kidney disease. She is the author or co-author of ton, Ontario. He was the Director of the Division over 25 scientific publications and book chap- of Nephrology from 1989-1999. Currently, he ters. Dr. Goldstein is now participating in re- has a cross-appointment in the Department of search in chronic kidney disease and energy Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Mc- expenditure, and essential fatty acids with the Master University. He has been a member of the Comprehensive Dialysis Study. She is the recipi- Scientific Advisory Board of the Kidney Founda- ent of the 2003 Service Award from the National tion of Canada for 3 terms since 1987 and the Kidney Foundation Council on Renal Nutrition. National Kidney Foundation Research Review She is a member of several nutrition and kidney Committee since 2002. From 1995-1998, he was societies including the International Society of Chair of the ISPD Committee on International Renal Nutrition & Metabolism, the Council on Studies. Dr. Churchill was the Vice-Chair of the Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Founda- original DOQI Peritoneal Dialysis Work Group tion, and the American Dietetic Association. Dr. and is currently a member of the KDOQI Advi- Goldstein is a reviewer for several nutrition and sory Board. He was also the Chair for the Cana- nephrology journals. dian Society of Nephrology Committee on Clini- Charles A. Herzog, MD, is Director of the cal Practice Guidelines from 2000-2003. He is an Cardiovascular Studies Center, United States Re- Associate Editor for the Journal of the American nal Data System. He has been a cardiologist at Society of Nephrology and is a member of the Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) in Editorial Boards for Nephrology, Dialysis and Minneapolis and a University of Minnesota fac- WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES S123 ulty member for 20 years; he recently became and has a leadership role as Co-Chair in a NIH Professor of Medicine at the University of Min- multicenter trial on renal artery stenosis. Over nesota. Since 1985 he has been the cardiology the years he has been active in many professional consultant to the ESRD program at HCMC (dialy- societies including the American Society of Ne- sis and renal transplantation). He founded the phrology and National Kidney Foundation, and program in interventional cardiology and served he is the recipient of the President’s and Distin- as the director of the cardiac catheterization guished Service Awards from the National Kid- laboratory at HCMC from 1985 to 1991. Since ney Foundation. Dr. Henrich is an elected coun- 1997 he has been the director of the cardiac cilor of the American Society of Nephrology and ultrasound laboratory at HCMC. Dr. Herzog is a is slated to serve as President of the Society in Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. 2006-2007. He is a member of several presti- His areas of research or special interest include gious scientific societies including the Associa- cardiac disease and ESRD and echocardiogra- tion of American Physicians, American Society phy. Dr. Herzog has received research support of Clinical Investigation, the International Soci- from Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Medtronic, and the ety of Nephrology, and the American Clinical National Institutes of Health (NIDDK). He has and Climatological Association. Dr. Henrich is a been a consultant for Amgen, Bayer Ag (Chair- reviewer and editorial board member for several man, Critical Event Committee, CHORUS trial), renal and internal medicine journals. Camtel Medical (Minntech), Ortho-Biotech/ Karren King, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, is a Johnson & Johnson (Critical Event Committee, kidney disease social work consultant. She served CHOIR trial), Guidant, and NIH (member as president of the National Kidney Foundation’s DSMB, FAVORIT trial). He has received lecture (NKF) Council of Nephrology Social Workers honoraria from Bayer, Ortho-Biotech/Johnson & (CNSW). She also served on the NKF Executive Johnson, and First Nuclear. He recently was Committee and Board of Directors, as Chair of appointed trustee of the Roche Foundation for the NKF Patient Services Committee and on Anemia Research (ROFAR). numerous other NKF committees both nationally William Henrich, MD, is the Theodore E. and within the NKF affiliate. She was a member Woodward Professor and Chairman of Medicine of the NKF’s Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initia- at the University of Maryland School of Medi- tive, HD Adequacy Work Group, as well as the cine. He also serves as Physician-in-Chief of the Renal Physicians Association / American Soci- University of Maryland Medical Center. Dr. Hen- ety of Nephrology Workgroup that developed the rich joined the Department as Chairman in Feb- Clinical Practice Guideline on Shared Decision ruary of 1999. A nephrologist with special inter- Making in the Appropriate Initiation of and With- ests in end stage renal disease and analgesic- drawal from Dialysis. She is a past member of related renal disease, he received his M.D. from the Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Coun- the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, cil, the Missouri Kidney Program Advisory Coun- Texas. He then served his internship and resi- cil and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, dency in medicine at the University of Oregon Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care, End Medical School Hospitals and Clinics, and fellow- Stage Renal Disease Peer Workgroup. She cur- ship in renal diseases at the University of Colo- rently serves on the Executive Committee and rado Medical School. He is the author or co- Board of Directors of the Center for Practical author of over 200 scientific publications. He is Bioethics. She was also appointed by Secretary also the editor of the popular dialysis textbook Donna Shalala to serve as a member of the The Principles and Practice of Dialysis, just Secretary of Health and Human Services Advi- released in its third edition. Dr. Henrich has sory Committee on Xenotransplantation. She is maintained an active investigative interest in the editor of the NKF’s Family Focus patient heart disease in dialysis patients, hemodynamic newspaper. She also served on the editorial board stability during dialysis, analgesic nephropathy of Geriatric Nephrology and Urology and was an and the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. He Associate Editor of Advances in Renal Replace- currently leads a NIH-sponsored multicenter ment Therapy. Ms. King is co-author of a chapter study of the effect of analgesics on the kidney on kidney disease in the Encyclopedia of Disabil- S124 WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES ity and Rehabilitation. She has also published 19 Gregory School of Nursing, Perth Amboy, NJ. papers and made over 60 presentations, both She has been in nephrology since 1967 and has nationally and internationally, on the psychologi- served in most HD roles. She is an acute care cal and social aspects of kidney disease. She has dialysis nurse at Robert Wood Johnson Univer- been the recipient of the National CNSW Merit sity Hospital. She was Research and Vascular Award and its President’s Award, the National Access Coordinator at Dialysis Clinics Inc. in NKF’s Distinguished Service Award, the Chair- North Brunswick, NJ, coordinating clinical trials man’s Award and the Martin Wagner Memorial for the Vasca Lifesite Device, a new antibiotic, Award, and was the first recipient of the Univer- Cefazolin dosing in HD and a new method for sity of Missouri School of Social Work Outstand- rinsing dialyzers. She co-authored several ar- ing Alumni Award. ticles on vascular access. In 1999, she wrote an Florian Kronenberg, MD, is Professor of abstract and did a survey on practice variations Genetic Epidemiology in the Department of of heparinization for HD and the basis for the Medical Genetics, Molecular and Clinical Phar- practices. It was published in the Nephrology macology at the Innsbruck Medical University, Nursing Journal and presented as a poster at a Austria. He is Head of the Division of Genetic National ANNA Symposium. Her interests have Epidemiology as well as of the Genotyping Unit been urea kinetics, anticoagulation for HD, vas- of the “Gene Discovery Core Facility.” Dr. Kro- cular access, nephrology specific quality assur- nenberg received his M.D. from the University ance in hospital settings, regulatory support, and of Innsbruck, Austria. After specializing in Medi- currently, infection control. Sandy has main- cal Biology and Human Genetics he joined the tained membership in the American Nephrology University of Utah, Salt Lake City for a two-year Nurses Association (ANNA) since 1969. She research stay. He then headed the research unit founded the Garden State Chapter of ANNA in “Genetic Epidemiology” at the Institute of Epide- NJ and currently serves as its conference man- miology at the GSF (National Research Center ager. While president of the chapter, she founded for Environment and Health, Munich, ) Reach Out for Children with Kidney Disease for two years. Recently he became Full Professor (ROCK), a fundraising project for pediatric kid- at the Innsbruck Medical University. Dr. Kronen- ney patients. She has also held various local, berg served as principal investigator in several regional, and national positions with ANNA and studies on genetic risk factors for atherosclerosis does numerous presentations for nephrology pro- and disturbances in lipid metabolism especially fessionals. As a volunteer she strives to promote in high-risk populations such as patients with the goals of ANNA within the workplace. She kidney diseases or patients with peripheral arte- maintains membership in the American Nurses rial disease. He contributed several publications Association and the NJ State Nurses’ Associa- on the association of lipoprotein(a), the apoli- tion. Sandy is also a member of the Association poprotein(a) phenotype as well as lipoproteins for Professionals in Infection Control and Epide- not only in kidney patients but also in the general miology (APIC). She is currently preparing for population. He has published about 75 peer- board certification to enable her to practice as an reviewed articles, and about 20 reviews and book infection control professional. chapters. Besides other awards he has been the Patricia L. Painter, PhD, is an Adjunct Asso- recipient of the Bernd-Tersteegen Award of the ciate Professor in the Department of Physiologic German Dialysis Society as well as the Knoll Nursing at the University of California, San William Harvey Prize. Dr. Kronenberg is on the Francisco. She also manages the Exercise Physi- Editorial Board of the Journal of Renal Nutrition ology Laboratory at UCSF. Dr. Painter has pub- and Experimental Gerontology and Current Wom- lished many articles in journals such as Trans- en’s Health Review. plantation, Kidney International, Journal of B. Sandra Miholics, RN, CNN, is an Indepen- Clinical Investigation, and Journal of Cardiovas- dent Nephrology Nurse Consultant for Nephrol- cular Physical Therapy. She was a member of ogy Outsourcing, providing Clinical Support Ser- the Board of Trustees for the American College vices to the nephrology community. Sandy of Sports Medicine and received a Distinguished received her nursing diploma from Charles E. Service Award from the National Kidney Founda- WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES S125 tion. Dr. Painter has also received grants from and the NSF. His research interests include the organizations such as Satellite Healthcare, Amgen, mathematical modeling of disease, cost effective- and the National Institute of Health. Her areas of ness and decision analytic modeling, health ser- interest are exercise physiology in end stage renal vices research and clinical information systems/ disease and after organ transplantation. quality improvement. Rulan Parekh, MD, MS, is an Assistant Pro- Catherine Stehman-Breen, MD, MS, re- fessor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine at the ceived her medical degree from the University of Johns Hopkins University. She is a previous Chicago in 1990. She received her residency and recipient of the American Kidney Fund clinical fellowship training at the University of Washing- scientist fellowship and the Carl W. Gottshalk ton where she also received a Masters of Science ASN Award for clinical investigation. In addi- degree in Epidemiology. She spent six years as a tion, Dr. Parekh has received research funding faculty member in the Division of Nephrology at from the Child Health Center of the National the University of Washington. Her primary re- Institutes of Health, NIDDK-NIH, the Thomas sponsibilities included managing the Clinical Re- Wilson Sanitarium, and the National Kidney search Training Program and the development of Foundation of Maryland, to study cardiovascular the Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Research disease in children with end stage renal disease. Program. Her research focused on bone and She is also participating in an NIDDK-NIH spon- cardiovascular disease in renal disease patients. sored multicenter collaborative study, the Family Dr. Stehman-Breen was also active in a variety of Investigation of Nephropathy in Diabetes (FIND). national programs including participation as a mem- She is a scientific reviewer of grants for the ber of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board for National Kidney Foundation of Maryland, and the NIH sponsored Vascular Access Trials Consor- the Clinical Scientist Selection Committee of the tium. She is currently an Associate Director of American Kidney Fund, and abstract reviewer Clinical Research at Amgen. for the American Society of Nephrology meet- Peter Stenvinkel, MD, PhD, is an Associate ings. Dr. Parekh was also a work group member Professor at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, for the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initia- Sweden and a senior lecturer at the Karolinska tive (K/DOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines for University Hospital, Stockholm. He was a visit- Managing Dyslipidemias and is a current mem- ing Associate Professor at the University of Cali- ber of the K/DOQI Advisory Board. She is a fornia at Davis, California from 2000 to 2001. member of the advisory committee on obesity His main research interest is various aspects of and minority children of the International Soci- inflammation, malnutrition and metabolism in ety on Hypertension in Blacks (ISHIB). ESRD patients. He has published about 110 Mark S. Roberts, MD, MPP, is a practicing original papers and contributed to 11 book chap- internist and Associate Professor of Medicine and ters. Dr. Stenvinkel was a Baxter Extramural Health Policy and Management and Chief of the Grant awardee in 1996 and a Söderbergs Founda- Section of Decision Sciences and Clinical Systems tion awardee in 2003 from which he has received Modeling in the Division of General Medicine at research grants. He has been a member of the the University of Pittsburgh. A nationally recog- Baxter Medical Advisory Board since 2002. He nized expert in modeling and decision sciences, he is a member of the Editorial Boards for the is an Associate Editor for Medical Decision Mak- Journal of American Society of Nephrology and ing, and is Chair of the Healthcare Technology and Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Dr. Sten- Decision Sciences study section of the Agency for vinkel is a member of American Society of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He is a Nephrology, International Society of Nephrol- core faculty member of the Center for Research on ogy, Society of Nutrition and Metabolism, Swed- Health Care, a multidisciplinary health services ish Society of Nephrology and Swedish Society research center at the University of Pittsburgh, and of Hypertension. Dr. Stenvinkel is on the Advi- Co-Director of the NHLBI-funded Clinical Re- sory Board for Amgen from which he also re- search Training Program. He is funded as a prin- ceives a research grant. He has given about 70 ciple investigator or co-investigator on multiple invited lectures at various international meetings NIH grants from the HHLBI, NIDDK, NIGMS and congresses. S126 WORK GROUP BIOGRAPHIES

Ravinder Wali, MD, is Assistant Professor of UMSOM, and Registrar at the University of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology at the Glasgow School of Medicine, NHS Trust, Royal University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Infirmary, Glasgow, Great Britain. He has au- Wali received his M.D. from the Kashmir Medi- thored several scientific papers, and is a profes- cal College in India, and an MRCP from the sional member of several scientific societies, Royal College of Physicians, Great Britain. He including the American Society of Nephrology, completed his internship and residency at the the American Society of Transplantation and the Georgetown Medical School and VA Medical National Kidney Foundation. Center in Washington, D.C., followed by a fellow- Miriam F. Weiss, MD, FACP, is Professor of ship in Nephrology and Transplantation at the Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. University of Maryland School of Medicine in She is a member of the Division of Nephrology, July 1999. Following this he was offered a fac- Department of Medicine at University Hospitals ulty position, which he accepted. His areas of of Cleveland, and founding Medical Director of interest are cardiovascular disease in patients the Home Dialysis Program at UH. As a clinical with chronic kidney disease and following kid- translational researcher, she has published on the ney transplantation, renal failure and chronic management of complications of peritoneal dialy- allograft nephropathy. His faculty positions in- sis. In the laboratory she is investigating the role clude Staff Physician at the VABaltimore, Assis- of advanced glycation end products in uremia tant Instructor in the Division of Nephrology at and in diabetic nephropathy. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The Work Group appreciates the careful review Peter McCullough, MD, MPH; Sue McManus, of the draft guidelines and suggestions for improve- BCNP; Sherry Meadows, RN; Gary Myrthil, ment by external reviewers. Each comment was MD; Benjamin Navarro, MD; Martin Neff, MD; carefully considered and, whenever possible, sug- Pauline Nelson, RD; Marianne Neumann, RN, gestions for change were incorporated into the final CNN; Keith Norris, MD; David Parra, PharmD, report. As a result, the K/DOQI Cardiovascular BCPS; Uptal Patel, MD; Thakor Patel, MD; Disease in Dialysis Patients guidelines is the prod- Jorge Patino, MD; F Pizarelli, MD; Velvie Pogue, uct of the Work Group, the Evidence Review Team, MD; Sally Rice, LCSW, DCSW; Patricia Rob- the NKF, and all those who contributed their effort erts, MS, RN, CNN; Michele Root, CNS; Sylvia to improve the Guidelines. Rosas, MD; Jocelyne Saikali, MD; Isidro Sa- The following individuals provided written lusky, MD; Augusto Sam, MD; Ruth Sardeson; review of the draft guidelines: Mahmoud Abu- Kristine Schonder, PharmD; Anton Schoolwerth, mandil, MD; Olufemi Adeleye, MD; Jane Alder- MD, FAHA; Stephen Seliger, MD; Ranjit Shail, dice, MD; Harith Aljebory, MD; Gerard Ames, MD; Alexander Shutov, MD; Israel Silva; Bh- MD; Nayle Araguez, MD; Koichi Asahi, MD; upinder Singh, MD; Yolanda Solis, RN, CCRN; George Bailie, PharmD, PhD; Vinod Bansal, Rita Solomon-Dimmitt, RD, LDN, CSR; Sand- MD; Paul Barre, MD, FRCP (C); Rashad Bar- eep Soman, MD; Diane Soulliard; Leslie Spry, soum, MD; Gavin Becker, MD, FRACP; Bryan MD, FACP; Peter Thomson, MD; Hung-Bin Tsai, Becker, MD; Jeffrey Berns, MD; Mary Beth MD; Wai Tse, MD; Allen Vander, MD; Raymond Callahan, ACSW, LMSW, ACP; Josefa Borrego Vanholder, PhD, MD; David VanWyck, MD; Hinojosa, MD; Davide Bottalico, MD; Deborah Anitha Vijayan, MD; Johannes Wagner, MD; Brommage, MS, RD, CSR, CDN; Rafael Burgos- Roberta Wagner; Rowan Walker, MBBS, FRACP, Calderon, MD; Vallorie Clarke-Bates; Maria MD; Fang Wang, RD; Jean-Pierre Wauters, MD; Coco, MD; Giorgio Coen; Maire Cole; Allan Lynne Weiss, MD; Anthony Wierzbicki, MD, Collins, MD, FACP; Leesa Conley, BSN; Joanne DPhil; Elaine Williams, DO; Elizabeth Witten, Cooke, MS, RD, CSR; Helen Currier, RN, CNN; Luca De Nicola, MD; Thomas Depner, MD; Paul MSW, ACSW, LSCSW; Jang Won Seo, MD. Dombrower, MD; Neval Duman, MD; Rowland Organizations that took part in the review Elwell, PharmD; Sebastiao Ferreira, MD; Paul process include: American Association of Kid- Fine, MD; Frederic Finkelstein, MD; Danilo ney Patients; American Federation for Medical Fliser, MD; Michael Fredericks, MD; Linda Fried, Research; American Nephrology Nurses Associa- MD; Paula Frost, RD, CSR, LD; Masafumi Fuka- tion; Bard Peripheral Vascular; Biovail Pharma- gawa, MD; Jessica Funes, RN; Sana Ghaddar, ceuticals, Inc.; Bone Care International; ESRD RD, PhD; Carlos Gomez-Alamillo, MD; Jocelyn Network #6; NIDDK of the National Institutes of Goss; Darren Grabe, BS, PharmD; Jane Greene, Health; The University of Kansas; UCLA Medi- RD, CSR, LDN; Pradeep Gupta, MD; Seong cal Center. Gyun Kim, MD; Gunnar Heine, MD; Alan Hull, Participation in the review does not necessar- MD; Adriana Hung, MD; Atul Ingale, MD; Areef ily constitute endorsement of the content of the Ishani, MD; Takahito Ito, MD; Sushamma Jo- report by the individuals or the organization or seph, RD; Serkan Kahraman, MD; Lynette institution they represent. Kartechner; Markus Ketteler, MD; Shikha Kho- The National Kidney Foundation, as well as the sla, MD; Janice Knouff, RN, BS; Nelson Kopyt, Work Group, would like to recognize the support of DO, FACP; Harvey Kramer, MD; Craig Lang- Satellite Healthcare for the development of the man, MD; Edgar Lerma, MD, FACP, FASN; Guidelines. The National Kidney Foundation is Gerard London, MD; Alison MacLeod, MD; proud to partner with Satellite Healthcare and Gen- Denise Mafra; Harold Manley, PharmD, BCPS; zyme Therapeutics on this important initiative.

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