Order Out of Chaos In Survival Research


A few weeks before Joseph B. Rhine died in ^^1980, I visited him at his big old house I \in Durham, North Carolina. As we talked, with his wife, Louisa, silent but attentive in the room, it was plain that in spite of his failing hearing and near blindness his mind was still active. During our conversation, he talked about his desire to see action during World War I and how he tried to enlist in the Army. He was turned down because of his defective hearing and poor eyesight. He applied to the 1% Research into Navy and was again rejected. When the Marine Corps refused him because of his hammertoes, reincarnation and he challenged the Marine doctor to a hike—and survival is confused a Marine uniform was his. and chaotic. When I wrote my biography of Rhine (Berger Investigative and 1988a), I included this story, because to me it judicial bodies made illustrates Rhine's enormous determination and his iron will, the very qualities he needed to up of respected introduce parapsychology to America. He gave members of the parapsychology its terms, its concepts, its psychical research theories, and its test procedures, and he endeavored, against much incredulity and and skeptical skepticism, to endow his work with scientific communities have status. Because of Rhine, parapsychology has now been formed to become a household word in the United States, bring some order to and mistakenly and through misunderstanding, has come to be used interchangeably with, or the situation. in preference to, the term psychical research. This usage implies a failure to realize that each discipline occupies a different investigative area. To impress scientists, Rhine established parapsychology as an experimental and quan- titative inquiry into psi in the laboratory. Psychical research, on the other hand, is a qualitative inquiry and includes the collection and evaluation of reports of spontaneous cases, including . Today, Rhine's succes-

390 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 14 sors, who share his hope of impressing element has been missing that there science with laboratory experiments is a wide difference of opinion con- and statistics, have largely ignored this cerning the true worth of previous qualitative side. But it should not be investigations and evaluations. The ignored. Spontaneous cases provide a vast majority of the most important natural field of study of alleged investigations that seem to have telepathic and related phenomena as supplied evidence for, or at least that compared to the artificial conditions have been suggestive of, survival after of the laboratory. And only the spon- death or reincarnation have been taneous cases—apparitions, dreams, mainly one-man shows. The past gives hauntings, out-of-body experiences, us plenty of examples and they still mediumship, and claims of reincarna- abound today: Sir 's tion—bear upon the intriguing, highly investigations of the physical medi- emotional, and still absolutely unre- ums Florence Cook and D. D. Home- solved question of whether human Richard Hodgson's investigation of consciousness continues beyond bod- the mental medium ; ily death in discarnate or reincarnated James H. Hyslop's investigation of the form. mental mediums Mrs. Chenoweth and It is important, therefore, that Mrs. Smead; the Reverend C. Drayton reports of spontaneous cases be Thomas's sittings with the mental investigated and evaluated, but with medium ; the proviso that such investigation Gustav Geley's experiments with the and evaluation be done in a way that physical medium Franz Kluski; Harry will discover if they give convincing Price's investigation of Borley Rec- evidence of the survival of the con- tory, which has been called "the most sciousness of, or the reincarnation of, haunted house in England." a deceased person. The key word is The Golden Age of mediumship convincing. It is because this essential ended more than 50 years ago, and


Summer 1990 391 haunted houses like Borley Rectory each asks us to trust in his statements are not much in fashion anymore. implicitly and to rely on his proce- Nevertheless, the parade of modern dures, observations, and conclusions. investigators and their different But we don't know whether any claims of telling evidence continues: particular investigator is sane, honest, L. Stafford Betty wrote of his inves- objective, or competent, or whether tigation of a poltergeist case in which he is fraudulent or has been deceived. he concluded that a deceased person The history of parapsychology and was the agent (Betty 1984); I reported psychical research contains several an experiment of the cross- chapters in which the real character correspondence type that was sugges- of the investigators has been un- tive of survival (Berger 1987b); Karlis masked. In parapsychology, Walter J. Osis claimed that experiments in out- Levy, whom Rhine made director of of-body experiences supported the his Institute for Parapsychology, was hypothesis that the human being has discovered doctoring data (Rhine an ecsomatic aspect capable of sepa- 1975). S. G. Soal, a respected mathe- ration from the body and independent matician and experienced experimen- operation outside it (Osis and McCor- ter, was also shown to have mick 1980); George Meek claims to manipulated data (Markwick 1985). In have electronic proof of survival of psychical research, Crookes, the death based on instrumental com- eminent scientist, has been accused of munication with the dead (Meek using Florence Cook's fraudulent 1982); D. Scott Rogo maintains that seances in order to cover up and phone calls from the dead have been maintain a sexual liaison with her (Hall received (Rogo and Bayless 1980). All 1962). Geley, a medical doctor, has these claims relate to discarnate been charged with suppressing the survival. medium Eva C.'s fraud (Lambert Because of the work of Ian Steven- 1954). was taken to task son, some people think there is proof for deliberate fraud in the Borley of another form of survival—reincar- Rectory investigation (Dingwall, nation. Belief in reincarnation is a vital Goldney, and Hall 1956). Even Hodg- element of Hinduism and is accepted son, whom I have held up as an by the great majority of the people excellent example of the critical and of India; and although apparent cases careful psychical researcher (Berger of the phenomenon have been re- 1988a), has been accused of emphas- ported in India for centuries, they izing evidence that favored his con- were never empirically investigated clusions and underemphasizing that until Stevenson's pioneering efforts. which did not (Thouless 1968). In As a result of his studies of young Stevenson's case, no accusation of children in India and elsewhere who wrongdoing has ever been made. Yet claim to remember prior lives, Steven- some personal bias may have crept son claims that the most probable into his investigations; there may have explanation of many of these cases is been a judicious selection and presen- not ESP or possession, but reincarna- tation of positive data in order to tion. support a personal belief in life after death. Other defects in his investiga- Now, although each of these inves- tions exist as well (Berger in press). tigators differs from the others in the methods he uses and in the kinds of It seems clear that no marvelous phenomena with which he deals, all phenomena uncovered through the have one thing in common. In effect, work of any one investigator are

392 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 14 acceptable unless verification has been Since scientific and academic circles received from other independent refuse to waste time on survival and investigators. Repetition or confirma- reincarnation, little notice has been tion of a phenomenon or conclusion taken of the fact that in psychical can provide the power to convince that research the situation is no less has been missing by vastly increasing confused and chaotic than it is in the chances that it is valid and un- parapsychology. Confusion and end- tainted. less and pointless disagreement run Although Rhine tried with all his rampant. In case after case, old as well might to make ESP and PK acceptable as new, armchair critics who review to science, he admitted to me that he them find all sorts of defects in the had failed. Indeed, the situation is even way investigators have conducted worse today than when I spoke with investigations, from poor methodol- him, because attacks against parapsy- ogy to poor, distorted, or dishonest chology have mounted steadily since reporting. the founding of the Committee for the Even when two researchers are Scientific Investigation of Claims of working together to investigate the the Paranormal. I have written else- same facts in the same reincarnation- where that parapsychology is "an out- type case, they cannot agree. For post under siege" (Berger 1988a). It example, Rakesh Gaur was born in is in a confused and chaotic state, as 1969 in Rajasthan, India. When he was both external critics, such as C. E. M. five years old, he told his parents that Hansel (1966; 1980) and Ray Hyman he had lived a prior life as a carpenter (1986), and internal ones, such as in a place called Tonk, some 225 Charles Akers (1984) and Susan J. kilometers away, that he had been Blackmore (1986), attack its experi- married to a woman named Keshar, ments in extrasensory perception and and that he had been electrocuted. psychokinesis on grounds ranging When the child was taken to Tonk, from methodological and statistical he recognized the widow and son of flaws and failure to preclude sensory Bithal Das, a carpenter who had been cues to the charge that subjects and electrocuted in 1955. Two investiga- experimenters have cheated. tors interviewed the child, the parents, They have good reason for suspi- and interested witnesses, and made a cion and skepticism. A case in point record of all statements and checked is Soal's experiments with Basil Shack- and verified them by interviewing all leton between 1941 and 1943. They the people who said they had known were the most famous ever conducted the dead carpenter. In the end, the two on British soil and were looked on for investigators sharply disagreed on decades as fraud-proof and the most how the case should be interpreted 1 convincing evidence of ESP ever (Pasricha and Barker 1971). produced. Yet evidence of Soal's Nothing is settled; there is no fraudulent manipulation of data has consensus on any case or on the been uncovered. The lesson here is database for survival and reincarna- that a fraud-proof experiment in the tion. After a hundred years of inves- laboratory or a fraud-proof investiga- tigations, the situation is best tion in the field does not exist, and described by recalling a series carried we have to be skeptical about claims some years ago by American and or results unless independent exper- English television called "The Long imenters or investigators are able to Search." In one of the programs, confirm them. originating from Jerusalem, a rabbi

Summer 1990 393 was asked whether Jews are argumen- alternative paranormal one. An inter- tative people, he replied, "Where you pretation of a case as suggesting or find two Jews, you'll find three demonstrating survival or reincarna- opinions." Similarly, among those tion can be given only after normal psychical researchers who are inter- or other paranormal interpretations ested in survival and reincarnation, have been ruled out. Guidelines for there are three opinions. One is that such critical evaluations (Berger the investigations in these areas are 1988b) would include the examina- all flawed and fall far short of proof; tion of the testimony of witnesses, a second is that they furnish clear-cut written documents, and all circum- or at least suggestive evidence; a third stances surrounding a case and would opinion, often voiced by Gardner require cross-examination of wit- Murphy, is that one cannot believe or nesses and corroboration from wit- disbelieve and that the whole matter nesses or other sources. After the rests on dead center. conclusion of its investigation, the task force will present its findings to Order Out of Chaos a panel of judges in an evenhanded way with arguments and counter- In the belief that the time has come arguments. for taking steps to try to untangle this web and establish some kind of order, Tribunal: After the completion of an investigative group and a judicial inquiries and presentation to the body, both of which will deal with the tribunal of findings and opinions by question of the cogency of survival the task force with full opportunity and reincarnation cases, have been being given to an investigator whose formed by the International Institute case is being examined to present his for the Study of Death (USD), a side, the panel of judges will examine multidisciplinary and multicultural all spontaneous cases of apparent organization formed to throw light on survival or reincarnation brought many aspects of death, including the before it. The tribunal will decide possibilities of survival and reincarna- impartially and authoritatively all tion (Berger 1987). questions relating to the cases in order to present to the world a just inter- Task Force: A task force of inves- pretation of the facts. The tribunal tigators will conduct independent and consists of independent and eminent impartial inquiries into all cases scientists and scholars who support "suggesting" or supplying substantial the aims of the tribunal and have been evidence for survival or reincarnation. invited to serve by the USD. Some The USD will encourage investigators members are from the psychical to refer their cases to the task force research community and some, such for either joint investigation or rein- as Paul Kurtz, are from the commun- vestigation. The USD may also refer ity of skeptics and critics outside cases coming to its attention and psychical research. meriting investigation. The purpose of I would be less than candid if I did the task force is to determine whether not confess that the concept of a the phenomenon reported actually tribunal has been challenged by some occurred, if it was correctly reported, people. These Doubting Thomases and whether it can best be explained believe that it is a naive delusion that by survival or reincarnation or by an the perennial controversy over the alternative normal theory or an survival hypothesis can ever be re-

394 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 14 solved. This objection brought home advocates to the tribunal and the to me once again that the subject of tribunal has ruled on the case, we hope survival is highly charged with emo- to have the highest standard of tions, hopes, and fears and can cause evidence that can be applied to a case even rational people to act irrationally and to have received the most and to create a dogma or argument informed opinion. The determinations to hide behind in order to avoid it. made by a panel of judges ought to I do not see how or why the role be regarded with confidence that they or function of the tribunal set up by are a fair and just exposition of a case the USD to decide the dispute over and should have a binding authority. survival and/or reincarnation is any They should command more attention more difficult or different from the and respect than all the reports and functions of many other types of findings of individual investigators judicial and nonjudicial bodies that and all the criticisms of reviewers of handle and decide every day all kinds their work put together. of complex matters in criminal and A series of such decisions over civil courts, administrative agencies, the next decade should either bring and commercial and labor arbitra- us evidence of survival and rein- tion. carnation so convincing that the Suppose that someday in the future scientific and academic worlds can- a case comes to the court whose not ignore it or show us plainly that evidence for the reality of survival or our present methods of investi- reincarnation is enough to convince gation have provided no empirical the tribunal. The widely held Western basis for the survival or reincarnation assumption that at death we are hypothesis. In either case, the inves- extinguished like a candle would be tigative and judicial bodies should help overturned. William James once said: bring more order and make more "If you wish to upset the law that all progress in an area where neither crows are black, you must not seek exists today. to show that no crows are; it is enough to prove one single crow to be white." Note Such a case would be the white crow of survival. But lest there be any 1. In this case, Pasricha believed that misunderstanding, it is not the role Rakesh Gaur knew a great deal about Bithal of the tribunal to look for such a case Das before going to Tonk and that he in order to support the survival probably acquired this information paranor- hypothesis. If there are no convincing mally although it was not necessarily a case of reincarnation. Barker perceived no para- cases, the tribunal will say so and if normality at all and thought the case was all its decisions are negative and do only a product of the widespread belief in not confirm that hypothesis, one India of reincarnation. Although Rakesh justifiable conclusion would be that Gaur had made a few general statements such negative data drive additional about a prior life before going to Tonk, the nails into the coffin of the hy- recognition tests he passed there and what pothesis. he did and said there could have been the result of being supplied with cues. Apart from this, I believe that the case is extremely Conclusion: After a case has been weak. It suffers from the defect that the investigated by the task force, after child's parents did not keep a written record positive and negative data and criti- of the child's statements about a prior life cisms and countercriticisms have been and the case depended on the ability of presented by advocates and devil's witnesses to remember.

Summer 1990 395 References rev. ed., ESP and Parapsychology: A Critical Reevaluation, Prometheus Books, Akers, C. 1984. Methodological criticisms of Buffalo, N.Y., 1980; new rev. ed., The parapsychology. In Advances in Parapsy- Search for Psychic Power, Prometheus chology, 4:112-164, ed. by S. Krippner. Books, 1989. Jefferson, N.C., and London: McFarland. Hyman, R. 1986. Parapsychological research: Berger, A. S. 1987a. A new approach to an A tutorial review and critical appraisal. old subject: The International Institute Proceedings of the IEEE, 74:823-849. for the Study of Death. American Society Lambert, R. 1954. Dr. Geley's report on the for Psychical Research Newsletter, 13(1):5. medium Eva C. Journal of the Society for . 1987b. Aristocracy of the Dead. Psychical Research, 37:62. Jefferson, N.C., and London: McFarland. Markwick, B. 1985. The establishment of . 1988a. Lives and Letters in American data manipulation in the Soal-Shackleton Parapsychology: A Biographical History, experiments. In A Skeptic's Handbook of 1850-1987. Jefferson, N.C., and London: Parapsychology, ed. by P. Kurtz. Buffalo, McFarland. N.Y.: Prometheus Books. . 1988b. Evidence of Life After Death: Meek, G. 1982. Spiricom: Electronic com- A Casebook for the Tough-Minded. Spring- munications with the "dearly departed." field, 111.: Charles C. Thomas. New Realities, 4(6):9. . In press. Reincarnation by the Osis, K., and D. McCormick. 1980. Kinetic numbers: A criticism and suggestion. In effects at the ostensible location of an Reincarnation: Fact or Fable, ed. by A. S. out-of-body projection during perceptual Berger and J. Berger. Wellingborough, testing. Journal of the American Society for U.K.: Crucible. Psychical Research, 74:319. Betty, L. S. 1984. The Kern City poltergeist: Pasricha, S. K., and D. R. Barker. 1981. A A case severely straining the living agent case of the reincarnation type. European hypothesis, journal of the Society for Journal of Parapsychology, 3:381-408. Psychical Research, 52:345. Rhine, J. B. 1975. Comments. Second report Blackmore, S. 1986. The Adventures of a on a case of experimenter fraud. Journal Parapsychologist. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prome- of Parapsychology, 39:306, 325. theus Books. Rogo, D. S., and R. Bayless. 1980. Phone Calls Dingwall, E. J., K. M. Goldney, and T. H. from the Dead. New York: Berkley. Hall. 1956. The haunting of Borley Thouless, R. H. 1968. Review of obituary: Rectory. Proceedings of the Society for The "Hodgson Report" on Madame Psychical Research, 51:1. Blavatsky by Adlai E. Waterman. Journal Guptha, L. D., N. R. Sharma, and T. C. of the Society for Psychical Research, 44:344. Mathur. 1936. An Inquiry into the Case of Shanti Devi. Delhi: International Aryan League. Arthur S. Berger is director of the Hall, T. H. 1962. The Spiritualists. London: International Institute for the Study of Allen & Unwin. (Reprinted as The Death, P.O. Box 8565, Pembroke Pines, Medium and the Scientist: The Story of PL 33084. He is an attorney, a thana- Florence Cook and William Crookes, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y., 1984.) tologist, and an educator and is coeditor Hansel, C. E. M. 1966. ESP: A Scientific of Perspectives on Death and Dying Evaluation. New York: Charles Scribner's; (Charles Press, 1989).