Kennedy Federalizes Alabama Guardsmen Servicao of Connecticut Will Meet Your Cenvenieneo Tomorrow at 10 Am
> ■ ■ ' ' V , MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 196t ■ * in Street Stores Open Tonight and Thursday Until 9 p. m. PAGE EIGHTEEN Hattrb^Blfr iEuftting if^raU* The Weather Average iWly Net Press Ron Forecast of C. S. Wembrn Bureau About Town osk any soios For the Week Haded September 7, 1968 Fair and cool tonight. Low around SO. Wedneeday mnny bi Tile Chapman Joy drola oC^the OPEN parson North Methodist Church will meet 13,560 the morning, partly sunny later Wednesday at 2 pjn. at the church Member of the Audit High 75 to 80. ,nn Parker St. Memhers are re* a char9n account.., BnreM of OiroidaUaB Manchester-^A City of Village Charm minded to bring their earned dol -L lars Hostesses for the meeting will TUESDAY PRICE SEVEN CENTS be the club officers. Free Main St. and Rear of Storo Parking MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1963 (OlaasUied Advertising on Page 14) Main Street, Manchester.. .643-4123 VOL. LXXXn, NO. 290 (SIXTEEN PAGES) The BJighth District Fire Dept, And will hold a department meeting, oonoemlng the parade on Satur day, tonight at 7:30 at the fire- houM, Main and Hilliard Sts. THURSDAY ... the store with yillage Charm... OPEN 6 DAYS , The executive board of the Man For chester A.uxlllary of the Children’s Kennedy Federalizes Alabama Guardsmen Servicao of Connecticut will meet Your Cenvenieneo tomorrow at 10 am. at the home ^ OdondsUcuuL of. of Mrs. Paul Marts, 176 W, Ver till 9 non St. r ” The executive board of the Buckley School PTA will meet to The ABC’s of a Warm and night at 8 in the teachers’ kmnge Married Men Excluded from Draft by Presidential Order of the school.
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