Friday, April 23 Revelation 22:1-5 | Psalm 130 | Haggai 2 Saturday
Friday, April 23 Tuesday, March 2 Revelation 22:1-5 | Psalm 130 | Haggai 2 Matthew 13:44-end | Psalm 89:1-18 | Hosea 1 Saturday, April 24 Wednesday, March 3 Revelation 22:6-end | Psalm 131 | Zechariah 1:1-6 Matthew 14 | Psalm 89:19-end | Hosea 2 Sunday, April 25 Thursday, March 4 Luke 1:1-23 | Psalm 132| Zechariah 1:7-end Matthew 15:1-28 | Psalm 90 | Hosea 3 Monday, April 26 Friday, March 5 Luke 1:24-56 | Psalm 133 | Zechariah 2 Sunday, February 28—Saturday, May 1 Matthew 15:29-16:12 | Psalm 91 | Hosea 4 In this current iteration of the Project 119 Bible reading plan, Tuesday, April 27 you will find three Scripture readings listed for each day of the Saturday, March 6 Luke 1:57-end | Psalm 134 | Zechariah 3 week. There will be a New Testament reading, an Old Testa- Matthew 16:13-end | Psalm 92 | Hosea 5 ment reading, and a selection from the Book of Psalms. If you Wednesday, April 28 read all three passages each day, you will read the entire New Sunday, March 7 Luke 2:1-21 | Psalm 135 | Zechariah 4 Testament each year, most of the Old Testament every two Matthew 17:1-23 | Psalm 93 | Hosea 6 years, and the book of Psalms three times each year. Thursday, April 29 Monday, March 8 Luke 2:22-end | Psalm 136 | Zechariah 5 You are encouraged to read as much of the Bible as you can Matthew 17:24-18:14 | Psalm 94 | Hosea 7 each day.
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