MARITIME BULLETIN News and Information from the Port of Hampton Roads Volume 70, No 8, August, 2006 This months Maritime Bulletin is Sponsored by: California Multimodal Inc. It’s Official HRMA Now Virginia Maritime Association Meade Stone, Jr. signs document to officially change HRMA to Virginia Maritime Association The historic event is being witnessed by ( l-r) Capt. George Watkins, Art Moye, Jr., Capt. J. William Cofer, Robert Armbruster and Kip Hinkle July 20, 2006 marked a new day in the Association’s history book. After 61 years as the Hampton Roads Maritime Association, the Association officially changed its name to the Virginia Maritime Association. Since its incorporation in 1920 as the Hampton Roads Maritime Exchange our trade association has strived to meet the changing needs of our members and the businesses impacted by the Port. In 1945, as part of its evolution, the organization was renamed the Hampton Roads Maritime Association. Even as our mission remains to promote, protect, and encourage waterborne commerce, the membership and scope of our influence continues to increase throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Changing the Association’s name to the Virginia Maritime Association more accurately reflects our role as the trade association for Virginia’s maritime industry. Published by the Virginia Maritime Association, Norfolk, Virginia email:
[email protected] -- web site: VIRGINIA MARITIME ASSOCIATION Officers Chairman of the Board Charles E. Brinley President Meade G. Stone, Jr. Vice Presidents Robert P. Armbruster Joseph A. Dorto Kip Hinkle Executive Vice President & Secretary Arthur W. Moye, Jr. Treasurer Transporting the World’s Cargo Judy M.