medizinische genetik 2021; 33(2): 147–155

Janna Leiz, Maria Rutkiewicz, Carmen Birchmeier, Udo Heinemann*, and Kai M. Schmidt-Ott* Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on factor binding Received February 3, 2021; accepted June 24, 2021 Introduction

Abstract: Transcription factors (TFs) bind DNA in a Transcription factors (TFs) are regulatory that sequence-specifc manner and thereby regulate target bind DNA in a sequence-specifc manner. Along with chro- expression. TF binding and its regulatory activity is matin accessibility and histone modifcation, TFs regulate highly context dependent, and is not only determined by the expression of target depending on cell type, de- specifc cell types or diferentiation stages but also relies velopmental stage, or external signals; for a detailed re- on other regulatory mechanisms, such as DNA and chro- view on the regulatory epigenome and histone modifca- matin modifcations. Interactions between TFs and their tions see [1, 2]. DNA binding sites are critical mediators of phenotypic Over 1,000 potential TFs have been identifed in hu- variation and play important roles in the onset of disease. mans. In general, TFs are highly conserved among species A continuously growing number of studies therefore at- and recognize specifc nucleotide sequences or motifs in tempts to elucidate TF:DNA interactions to gain knowl- non-coding regulatory regions of the genome. Binding is edge about regulatory mechanisms and disease-causing based on the complementarity of the DNA sequence and variants. Here we summarize how TF-binding characteris- structure. As recognition sites are rather short, tics and the impact of variants can be investigated, how usually 6–12 bases, and every TF has numerous bind- bioinformatic tools can be used to analyze and predict ing sites throughout the genome, many TFs bind coop- TF:DNA binding, and what additional information can be eratively as multimers to ensure highly specifc and sta- obtained from the TF protein structure. ble interactions. To add an additional layer of control to Keywords: transcriptional regulation, genomic variants, the rigorously regulated process of , many TF:DNA binding, binding prediction TFs recruit cofactors or depend on binding of specifc lig- ands [3]. Though the majority of the genomic DNA is usually densely packed in nucleosomes and higher-order struc- tures, making it inaccessible to TFs, a special class of TFs,

*Corresponding authors: Udo Heinemann, Max-Delbrück-Center for called “pioneer factors,” are able to bind to their recogni- Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), tion sites even in condensed chromatin. They thereby in- Macromolecular Structure and Interaction, Berlin, Germany, e-mail: duce changes to the chromatin structure that enable bind- [email protected]; and Kai M. Schmidt-Ott, ing of other factors needed to initiate transcription [4]. To Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie amplify the expression of a protein-coding target gene, Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department TFs guide RNA polymerase II to gene promoter regions of Nephrology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Germany; and Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular to start the transcription process (Figure 1). TFs can also Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), Molecular and block binding sites for other proteins and thereby, depend- Translational Kidney Research, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, ing on the specifc context, act as repressors. How DNA Germany, e-mail: [email protected] sequence variants in TF binding sites impact site recog- Janna Leiz, Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member nition and transcriptional regulation is difcult to pre- of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Nephrology and Intensive Care Medicine, dict. Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Germany; and Though we tend to think of TFs as either occupying Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz particular sequences in the chromatin or not, many TFs Association (MDC), Molecular and Translational Kidney Research, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany, e-mail: [email protected] Maria Rutkiewicz, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), Macromolecular Structure and Carmen Birchmeier, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in Interaction, Berlin, Germany, e-mail: the Helmholtz Association (MDC), Developmental Biology and Signal [email protected] Transduction, Berlin, Germany, e-mail: [email protected]

Open Access. © 2021 Leiz et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 148 | J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on binding

Figure 1: Transcriptional activation is mediated by chromatin state and transcription factor binding. Densely condensed chromatin (closed) prevents transcription factors and other proteins needed to initiate transcription from binding, thereby inhibiting gene expression. Open chromatin on the other hand is accessible for proteins to bind to promoter and enhancer regions. Transcription factors can either directly guide RNA polymerase II to promoter regions of target genes or work in cooperation with other factors and mediators to assemble a tran- scription initiation complex. TF, transcription factor; Pol II, RNA polymerase II; CoF, cofactor; M, mediator.

are controlled in a more complex manner. Some TFs are sociated with altered target gene expression and disease produced in response to external or internal stimuli in a [9, 10]. This emphasizes the necessity of examining ge- pulsed, oscillating, or sustained manner. Consequently, netic variants in the context of patient clinical phenotypes. the genes that are switched on by such TFs depend on For example, single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) in the pro- their expression dynamics [5, 6]. The TF MyoD, a mas- moter region of coagulation factor F9 have been associ- ter regulatory factor of skeletal muscle known for its abil- ated with a specifc subtype of the blood-clotting disor- ity to initiate the muscle-specifc diferentiation program, der hemophilia B. More than 20 diferent SNVs in three is one example. In proliferating muscle precursor cells, distinct clusters afecting highly conserved po- MyoD oscillates with a periodicity of 2–3 hours, thereby sitions in the binding sites of the TFs HNF4α, ONECUT1/2, keeping the cells in an undiferentiated state. This oscil- and C/EBPα have been identifed. All three binding sites latory MyoD pattern changes before the cells diferentiate. are in close proximity, and disruption of either one of When MyoD expression becomes sustained, cells start to them signifcantly decreases promoter activity, indicating diferentiate and undergo fusion into myotubes [7]. This a possible cooperation of HNF4α, ONECUT1/2, and C/EBPα implies that the biological function of TF binding should to control F9 expression. This example shows how alter- not only be investigated statically, but in a time resolved ations of single bases in TF-binding motifs can disrupt fashion. TF:DNA interactions and critically alter gene expression The impact of mutations in genes coding for TFs and leading to disease [11]. resulting structural changes of the proteins have been in- Here, we review diferent in vitro and in vivo tech- vestigated and linked to diseases in many studies. Be- niques that can be used to investigate TF:DNA binding cause the protein-coding exome covers less than 2 % of characteristics and describe how the impact of variants on the , the focus of variant analysis has been the binding capacity can be measured. We outline the re- expanded to non-coding regulatory regions (Krude et al. cently made advances of bioinformatic tools and machine this edition, Guo et al. this edition). Approximately 80 % learning approaches to predict and analyze TF-binding of all genome-wide association study (GWAS) hits afect sites (TFBSs) in the human genome. We further review the non-coding DNA and many of them are thought to act techniques for deriving quantitative TF:DNA afnity data through diferential TF binding [8]. Although it is often and discuss how they can be related to high-resolution challenging to identify disease-associated variants and to structures of TFs bound to their DNA targets. We fnish by prove causation, several studies show that variants in the discussing future challenges relating structures of target regulatory genome alter TF:DNA interactions and are as- DNA-bound TFs with quantitative afnity data. J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding | 149

How can transcription factors and How can we measure transcription their binding motifs be factor:DNA interactions and the investigated? impact of DNA variants on transcription factor binding? There are several techniques to identify potential reg- ulatory domains with TFBSs and to assay chromatin The ChIP-seq techniques map the TF-binding DNA sites accessibility on a genomic scale. Widely used in an in a genome-wide fashion, but result in low spatial res- ever-increasing number of publications are chromatin olution and permit only limited assessment of binding immuno-precipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) strength. They can also show some unspecifc and/or and the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using non-functional binding. That is why in vitro techniques sequencing (ATAC-seq) (Guo et al. this edition). are employed to accurately measure TF:DNA interactions ChIP-seq enables the study of protein:DNA interac- and the impact of DNA variants on TF-binding. Ideally, tions and generates genome-wide maps of TFBSs or hi- in vitro assays used for this purpose are able to accu- stone modifcations. The technique depends on cross- rately determine the dissociation constants for both high- linking a protein of interest, e. g., a specifc TF, to DNA and low-afnity binding [17]. A further issue is the scal- which is then fragmented. Using specifc antibodies tar- ability of the assay. Screening large numbers of vari- geting the protein of interest, protein-bound DNA frag- ants is still a challenge in terms of cost and time ef- ments are isolated and can be sequenced and mapped ciency. back to the genome. ChIP-exo, a modifcation of the ChIP- Such tests require homogeneous and purifed pro- seq protocol, uses an exonuclease to trim the TF-bound tein samples. As it is often difcult to express full-length DNA, thereby improving the signal-to-noise ratio and the TFs at high levels [18], only the DNA-binding domain resolution of TFBSs [12]. ChIP experiments can be uti- (DBD) is usually expressed in a host system and further lized for de novo motif discovery and provide informa- purifed using high-performance chromatography. To fa- tion about sites of high transcriptional activity and poten- cilitate the purifcation, a peptide tag, most commonly tial TF target genes in the cell of interest [13]. Data are al- hexahistidine (His6) or glutathione S-transferase (GST), ready available for a multitude of TFs in many diferent cell is fused to either the N- or the C-terminus of the pro- types, tissues, and conditions. Information about TF:DNA tein. In some cases, creating a fusion protein that includes interactions and discovered motifs are stored in numer- an additional solubility tag is necessary, and commonly ous open-access databases, such as JASPAR [14], and can the purifcation and solubility tags are proteolytically re- be employed for genome-wide studies (Garda et al. this moved before the fnal purifcation stage, as they may in- edition). terfere with DNA binding or otherwise alter protein prop- ATAC-seq was frst established in 2013 and provides a erties. robust and uncomplicated alternative for methods such as The electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) is DNase I hypersensitive sites sequencing (DNase-seq) and among the basic assays used for in vitro studies of pro- formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements tein binding to DNA. EMSA is a simple laboratory method coupled with sequencing (FAIRE-seq), which require time- where the change in migration between free and protein- consuming sample preparations and high amounts of in- bound DNA through a polyacrylamide or agarose gel is put material. ATAC-seq uses a hyperactive mutant of the assessed, as the speed of migration depends on the size, prokaryotic Tn5 transposase to cleave DNA in open chro- charge, and, to a lesser extent, the shape of the analyzed matin regions and ligate it to sequencing adaptors. La- molecules or complexes. However, EMSAs are not suit- beled DNA fragments are then purifed, amplifed, and se- able for analysis of large numbers of DNA variants and quenced, providing genome-wide profles of chromatin ac- do not easily yield dissociation constants. Fluorescence cessibility [15] (Guo et al. this edition). anisotropy binding assays, on the other hand, enable the Recently, ATAC-seq has been used in single-cell ap- determination of quantitative binding afnity data, but proaches to further broaden the scope of experiments and they require the DNA variants to be fuorescently labeled, data resolution. In combination with single-cell RNA se- which makes them suboptimal for analyzing a large num- quencing, this is a powerful tool to combine epigenomics ber of DNA variants (Figure 2A). with transcriptomics and study cellular heterogeneity of Methods that have been successfully used to deter- the regulatory landscape [16]. mine dissociation constants (KD values) for TF:DNA afn- 150 | J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding

Figure 2: Selection of methods used to experimentally assess TF:DNA interactions. (A) Simplifed functional scheme and an example of typi- cal results from methods for investigating specifc DNA sequences: electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), microscale thermophoresis (MST), and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). (B) Simplifed schemes of high-throughput approaches such as protein-binding microar- rays (PBMs), Cognate Site Identifer (CSI), and evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment coupled with sequencing (SELEX-seq). J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding | 151 ity include isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and mi- How can bioinformatics approaches croscale thermophoresis (MST). Due to the sensitivity of predict transcription factor binding KD measurement ranging from pM to mM, MST was proven to be efective in quantitating both high- and low-afnity sites and the impact of non-coding binding events. It usually requires fuorescently labeled protein, which may be easily obtained as a fusion pro- variants on binding? tein, e. g., GFP-TF. For the ITC experiment neither the TF Bioinformatics approaches facilitate processing of large nor the DNA needs to carry a fuorescent label. Nonethe- datasets and data integration to exploit the potential of less, larger amounts of both TF and DNA variants are re- quired to determine the afnity (Figure 2A). However ef- a growing body of data sources in order to predict TFBSs fective, neither ITC nor MST can be considered as op- and the impact of human genomic variants. The input to timal for testing a large number of variants in a single such bioinformatic tools includes high-throughput data experiment as it only determines the afnity of one lig- from methods that map DNA binding specifcities of TFs. and. The most widely used datasets for this purpose are de- To test tens of thousands of double-stranded DNA (ds- rived from ChIP-seq, ChIP-exo, or SELEX experiments. Po- DNA) molecules, protein-binding microarrays (PBMs) are tentials for the integration of such datasets with additional most often used. Their main limitations are a lack of com- databases are abundant (Garda et al. this issue). For in- mercially available chips and the need for a rather strin- stance, they can be combined with data that more broadly gent washing step, which may result in loss of TFs bind- map open chromatin based on DNA footprints, such as ing with low afnity (Figure 2B). An interesting variation from ATAC-seq or DNase-seq. In addition, the informa- of PBMs is Cognate Site Identifer (CSI), which is based on tion can be overlaid with databases that cover disease- preparing a microfabricated array displaying every permu- associated variants with the goal of identifying potential tation of a dsDNA sequence of up to ten positional vari- disease mechanisms (Garda et al. this edition). ants, assessing the efect on binding of each possible vari- To discover or map TFBSs and predict the impact of ant in the same experiment. For more detailed information non-coding variants on binding, a multitude of bioinfor- about other methods that measure binding events occur- matic methods is available. For example, enumeration- ring on a surface see references [19, 20]. Those methods based approaches (e. g., Yeast Motif Finder) map word-like are proven to be efective for all ranges of TF:DNA binding defnitions of motifs across chromatin sequences. They afnities, but it should be noted that they often require us- may introduce degenerate positions and motifs of variable age of complementary methods that determine afnity in length, but they are computationally intense and lack fex- solution [17]. ibility [22]. In contrast, probabilistic methods work with Another approach to high-throughput measurements positional weight matrices (PWMs), which assign proba- of TF:DNA interactions is based on the generation of bilities to each base of the DNA sequence at diferent po- high-complexity libraries of random or genomic DNA sitions. Analysis of large sets of TF-associated DNA se- fragments. Systematic evolution of ligands by exponen- quences can be used to de novo predict PWMs associated tial enrichment (SELEX) is commonly used for develop- with this TF. This can be achieved by PWM-based tools, ment of the library (Figure 2B). It starts with the synthe- such as MEME (Figure 3A) [23]. These approaches are lim- sis of a gigantic library of randomly generated oligonu- ited in the setting of very large datasets and highly depend cleotides fanked by constant 5′ and 3′ ends that serve on the TF under scrutiny [24]. as primers. After addition of the TF of interest, the se- quences that did not bind are removed by afnity chro- Recent years have witnessed dramatic advances in the matography or by capturing the target on paramagnetic feld of deep learning, which ofers scalable and fexible beads. The bound sequences are amplifed by PCR and computational approaches for pattern discovery and op- can undergo another round of more stringent selection erates on large amounts of sequence data. Deep learn- or can be sequenced immediately, depending on the ing enables integration of high-throughput datasets of method variant. To learn more about library-based high- TF-binding and open chromatin with databases of ge- throughput TF:DNA interaction measurement methods nomic variants to facilitate prediction of DNA–protein as- see reference [21]. sociations and to anticipate the impact of non-coding variants on these interactions. For instance, DeepBind uses convolutional neural networks to predict DNA–pro- tein interactions [25]. In this approach, which is based 152 | J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding

position that is directly linked to prediction and therefore provide an easy-to-interpret visualization of the predicted variant efect on the binding afnity (for a recent review see [26]).

Structural studies of binding site recognition by transcription factors: How do they relate to quantitative afnity data and how can they inform binding site prediction algorithms?

High-resolution structures of target DNA-bound TFs yield tremendous insight into the molecular basis of these proteins’ ability to recognize their specifc promoter or enhancer sequences and to discriminate against non- cognate sequences or close variants, e. g., SNVs, of the target sequence. Determination of these structures relies on sophisticated, well-established, but low-throughput analytical techniques: X-ray difraction yields the high- est spatial resolution, but requires single crystals of the TF:DNA complex; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Figure 3: Position weight matrices and mutation maps provide infor- spectroscopy provides structures with more limited spa- mation about transcription factor-binding motifs and the impact of tial resolution, but also yields insight into complex dynam- single-nucleotide variants. (A) Position weight matrix of a transcrip- ics; and single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo- tion factor derived from de novo motif discovery provided by MEME. EM) has recently joined the methods allowing to derive (B) Example of a mutation map highlighting the predicted impact of atomic models of macromolecular complexes [27, 28]. Al- sequence variants in a heatmap (red indicates increased binding; blue indicates decreased binding). Single-nucleotide variants are though a large number of TF:DNA complex structures are 1 highlighted in the map. SNV, single-nucleotide variant. known and deposited in the (PDB), for all the structural detail they reveal these structures are of limited use for assessing the impact of SNVs on TF binding because they typically only display TF bind- on tools originally developed for image classifcation, ge- ing to high-afnity and consensus DNA sites, leaving non- nomic sequences are treated as fxed-length sequence win- specifc binding or SNVs unstudied. dows composed of four channels (A, C, G, T). DeepBind Crystal, NMR, or cryo-EM structures of TF:DNA com- uses a set of sequences of variable lengths and, for each plexes allow an intimate view into the protein:DNA inter- sequence, an experimentally determined binding score, face that determines binding specifcity (Figure 4A). The which can be quantitative measurements or binary class most obvious source of specifcity is the pattern of hy- labels. For training, DeepBind is supplied with large DNA drogen bonds formed by the protein backbone or side sequence datasets, often of terabyte size, which can be chains with the polar base pair edges exposed in the derived from diverse approaches, including ChIP-seq and grooves of dsDNA. Hydrogen bonds and salt bridges to the SELEX. Following training, DeepBind can score new se- sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA are generally non- quences, including human genome regions from refer- specifc, but contribute to the overall TF afnity for its tar- ence genomes or from individuals with genetic diseases. get site (Figure 4B). Van der Waals contacts between TF Recently, improved deep learning-based approaches have and cognate DNA are less directed; collectively, they de- been developed to provide single-nucleotide resolution maps, e. g., a mutation map (Figure 3B). They consist of an importance score for each nucleotide variant at each 1 J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding | 153

Figure 4: Crystal structure of GRHL1 (PDB ID: 5MPF) in complex with a DNA fragment. (A) Binding of the Grainyhead Like Transcription Factor 1 (GRHL1) dimer (shades of blue) to its DNA target site and the shape complementarity between TF and DNA (yellow). (B) Example of hydro- gen bonds crucial for target sequence recognition.

fne the shape complementarity between TF and dsDNA At present, we cannot be sure how these algorithms could and thereby contribute to the overall binding energy. be designed. Artifcial intelligence (AI) is currently revo- lutionizing many felds of computational biology, includ- ing the prediction of three-dimensional protein structures Future challenges from linear sequences, an achievement considered highly improbable until very recently [30]. If ways can be found A particular challenge rests in relating structures of tar- to muster the immense computer power required to do get DNA-bound TFs with quantitative afnity data as de- such calculations, AI may contribute to predict the conse- scribed above. It is usually possible to ascertain that the quences of SNVs on TF binding, gene regulation, and, ulti- structure of a TF:TFBS complex is biologically relevant mately, disease associations. This detailed understanding by mutating key residues of the protein or the DNA as of the impact of genomic variants on patient phenotypes identifed by structure analysis and assaying the subse- will increase the molecular diagnosis rate for patients with quent binding behavior. Taking the example of the Grainy- suspected rare genetic disease, leading to improved medi- head/CP2 transcription factors, proteins of core interest cal management for patients and their families. to us, both protein and DNA variants lacking crucial in- teracting residues were clearly defcient in binding as de- Author contributions: All authors have jointly drafted the termined by EMSA, ITC, and in vivo reporter assays [29]. manuscript, accept responsibility for the entire content of However, it is considerably more difcult to derive accu- this manuscript, and approved its submission. rate binding energies for a TF:DNA complex from crystal Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, FOR 2841 structures. The main reason for this lies in the fact that the “Beyond the exome”. various contacts at the TF:DNA interface are closely related Competing interests: Authors state no confict of interest. to the thermodynamic binding enthalpy, but do not allow Informed consent: Does not apply, review, no study sub- to assess the entropic contributions to the free energy of jects involved. binding, which arise from restricting the conformational Ethical approval: Does not apply, review, no study sub- space of TF and DNA in a complex and from solvation and jects involved. desolvation efects, and hence the dissociation constant of a complex. The ability to derive afnity parameters from TF:DNA structures is crucial for supporting eforts towards pre- References dicting the consequences of SNVs for gene regulation through a specifc TF. If these predictions aim to go be- [1] Klemm SL, Shipony Z, Greenleaf WJ. Chromatin yond the established motif fnding methods based on large accessibility and the regulatory epigenome. Nat Rev Genet. 2019;20:207–20. databases and sequence similarity, as described above, [2] Bártová E, Krejcí J, Harnicarová A, Galiová G, Kozubek S. they will probably have to integrate structural and bio- Histone modifcations and nuclear architecture: a review. J physical data along with large-scale sequencing results. Histochem Cytochem. 2008;56:711–21. 154 | J. Leiz et al., Technologies for profling the impact of genomic variants on transcription factor binding

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Prof. Dr. Kai M. Schmidt-Ott Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Nephrology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Germany Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), Molecular and Translational Kidney Research, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany [email protected]