January 25, 1979 25¢ Per Copy U.S
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ASSOC. JEWISH HISTORICAL R. I. 130 SESSIONS S T. PROV IDENCE , RI 0 2 906 Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN I? I AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXI, NUMBER 47 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979 25¢ PER COPY U.S. Aid To Mideast Eyed Same For 1979 WASHINGTON (JTA): United States tablishment of new bases in the Negev. economic and military assistance to Israel, Egypt is expected to be rewarded with Egypt and other Middle East countries and military assistance that thus far has been "Gaza and the Jordan West Bank" in the limited to training expenses in connection Carter Administration's upcoming budget with the sale of U.S. military aircraft last will be approximately in the same amount year. tha t have been all ocated in each of the past Accord ing to so urces at the State two fiscal years. it was learned this week . Department, Israel wi ll probably receive The budget for the fiscal year will begin about S 1.972 billion of which 5785 mill ion next Oct. I . will be for budget assistance from the Agen Administration sources said they did not cy fo r International Development, 57.2 expect the military assistance to be in million in ag ricultural commodities under creased because of austerity programming the Food fo r Peace Program and 51 billion planned by the White House. In addition, in military aid. This is apart from the Sinai the sources said White House experts funding. believe that the Middle East countries, Egypt's total is expected to be about including Israel, do not require additional 5935,785,000 a part from military U.S. assistance. assistance. Al D's support will be 5750 million, Food for Peace 5184,831,000. Gaza The actual figures on the Mideast may and the "Jordan West Bank," as the budget not be disclosed until the presentation of reads, will receive 51,055,000 and 51,735,- them is formally made by the Administra 000, respectively, in Food for Peace. AMERICAN VIGIL FOR ETHIOl'IAN JEWRY: Members and 1upporten of the American Aaaacla tion to House and Senate committees, Jordan is being provi ded with about tion for Ethiopian Jew, demonstrated Sunday, Jan. 7, at the laoiah l'eace W9II In New Yor~ probably in March. This practice was 5232,623,000, of which 5100,523,000 is in City, opposite the United Nation,, in the flnt American vigil for the Jew, of Ethiopia_ Thew fo llowed last year because of Mideast sen military and economic assistance, 593 Jew, are now being ma1aocred, penecuted and sold into slavery In the now war-torn Afrkan sitivity. million in AID budget support and 57,523,- country. Neither will the budget show what 000 in Food for Peace. Lebanon's alloca The protHton marched to the Wall from the Consulate General of la,ael, where they had amounts may be allocated to Israel and tion totals about 579,183,000, with 520 gathered in aalidarity with a 1imultaneou1 vigil by the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel Egypt if a peace agreement is signed. At the million fr om AID; 58,583,000 in Food for at Prime Minister Menachem Begin'• office in Jeruaolem. Camp David conference last September, the Peace a nd 550 million in economic S.. related story on page 7. U.S. had agreed to compensate Israel for assistance. Syria's total is put at about the loss of its Sinai bases, the cost of its 5 107,224,000, with 590 million in AID withdrawal from the Sinai and the es- funds and 5 17 ,224,000 in Food for Peace. That note stipulates that Article VI , U.S. Sends Atherton paragraph 11, does not sever the peace trea As Envoy ty from the Camp David "framework for peace," the document dealing with the To projected Palestinian autonomy. Article YI , Israel, Talks Are Reheated paragraph 11 itself says the treaty must be J ERUSALEM (JTA): U.S. Special envoy heading a large Egyptian delegation for way to satisfy both sides' concerns over Ar executed " independently of any instrument Alfred Atherton had two working sessions cooperation ta lks with the Sudanese ticle VJ, paragraph 5. external to this treaty." this week with a team of Israeli legal government. The third legal-textual issue being tackled Israel's view is that the article does sever specialists led by Dr. Eliahu Ben-Elissar, Israeli sources reported a relaxed ·and by Atherton, Article YI, paragraph 11 , is the treaty, in operative terms, from the chief political aide to Premier Menachem businesslike atmosphere at the talks with likely to prove the most difficult. Israeli Camp David "framework." Otherwise, Begin. Informed sources said there was sub Atherton. The American diplomat, flanked sources indicated no sigh whatever of Israel argues, the treaty would be " linked" stantial progress on Article IV of the draft by State Department legal aide Herbert readiness to soften the Israeli rejection of to the Palestinian autonomy which, in the peace treaty (the "review clause") and that Hansell and U.S. Ambassador Samuel the "interpretative note" to this article final analysis, depends not on Israel or the talks ·were now focusing on Article YI, Lewis, is apparently making special efforts whi ch was drafted joi ntly by Yance and the Egypt but on the Palestinians for its im paragraph five (the " priority of to understand Israel's concerns and dispel Egyptians. plementation. obligations" clause). the unpleasant memories of the tough talks Atherton is expected to remain here over wit h Secretary of State Cyrus Yance a the weekend a nd then proceed to Cairo for month ago. talks. By then, Egyptian Prime Minister The breakthrough on Article IV, it was M ustapha Khalil, a key figure on the Egyp understood, flows from Israel's acceptance ti an side of the negotiations, will have of the Egyptian contention that the article returned from Khartoum where he is as presently drafted could conceivably enable Israel to refuse ta review the Sinai security arrangements in the future. '78 Inflation Accordi,igly, an "explanatory note" is likely to be drafted, which will provide that the two sides have the right to call for a In Israel review and that if one of them does so call, the other will be obliged to take par\ in the Reached 50% review. The results of such a review would have to be agreed upon by both sides - as TEL A VIV: Israel's inflation rate ap Article IV specifically states. proached SO percent last year, according to Still unclear is the time-span between the official data released in Jerusalem this final Sinai withdrawal and the holding of a week. ma ndatory review. Israel rejected Egypt's The central bureau of statistics said con proposal for a live-year deadline ....:. or sumer prices increased from January to indeed for any specific deadline - arguing December by 48.1 percent while average that this would give the treaty a transient prices in 1978 were 50.6 percent higher than quality. But informed sources expect that in 1977. language will be found expressing the The inflation rate was the highest since it desirability of the review after a reasonable hit 54 percent in 1974 in the aftermath of period of time. the Yorn Kippur war, when worldwide fuel During the sessions, the American team prices rose sharply and Israeli currency was is understood to have submitted an substa ntially devalued. exhaustive definition of circumstances in EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE:&ther R. Landa, prealdent of the Notional Council of J ■wi1h David Neumann, a spokesman for the which Egypt would have the right to Women (NCJW), confers with l1raell l'rflid ■ nt Yltzhak Navon (right), and U.S. Commi1- statistics bureau, attributed last year's rises intervene against Israel under its inter _. .. 1loner of Education, Dr. Ernest • L. Bayer, during a recent U.S.-l1raell Colloquium on to steadily increasing foreign-exchange Arab defense treaties. These circumstances Educational Polley held in J ■ ruaol ■ m, January 1979. rates for imports, local inflation reflected in would be strictly circumscribed: They Th ■ educational exchange betwNn leading American ancl la,a ■ ll educatan and higher labor costs, higher fuel costs and would not include, for instance, an Israeli pollcymak■n wa, co-1ponaared by the NCJW Rnearch Institute for Innovation ln Education creeping reductions in Government sub punitive raid against Palestinian terrorist at the Hebrew Unlvenlty, the United Stain Office of Education and the la,aell Minister of sidies on bas ic food commodities. bases in Lebanon. The U.S. hopes in this Education. 2-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979 Dear Faith, I PAINTING Obituaries The Bat Mit:avah invitations you interior or picked out are beautiful. May you exterior : bring much happiness to your Jami . CUSTOM HARVEY PANSY S. CHARLOTTE BAKER ly. Funeral services for Harvey Pansy, 30, of Funeral services for S. CharloHe Baker, HANGING. 57 Michael Drive, Cranston, were held Sun 81, formerly of Briggs Street, Cranston, QQ nlou.ltS low Prkos · day, Jan. 21, at Mount Sinai Memorial who died Thursday, Jan. 18, at the Jewish cpe,/tS0ll\O ~ ~ ~ · ' fl'ff Estimates Chapel. Home for the Aged where she lived since Gvannrtootl Mr . Pansy apparently drowned las t August, were held Friday, Jan. 19, at Woriunuship Thursday, Jan. 18, at the Exeter Country the Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. .Ted Club, when his snowmobile plunged 45 SEEKONK ST.. PROV. 331-5304 Miss Baker sold furniture for several Pierce Painting · through ice and snow on a pond.