The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera)

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The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter 136 Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 36 (2/3): 136–147 (2015) The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with geographic and taxonomic notes Aline V. Miranda, Márcio A. e Silva, Carlos G. C. Mielke, Danielle Cerri, Márcio Felix and Jane Costa Aline V. Miranda, [email protected]; Márcio A. e Silva, [email protected]; Laboratório de Biodiversidade Entomológica, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brazil, 4365, 21040­360 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Carlos G. C. Mielke, Av. dos Pioneiros, 1494, 84145­000 Carambeí, PR, Brazil; [email protected] Danielle Cerri, [email protected]; Márcio Felix, [email protected]; Jane Costa, [email protected]; Laboratório de Biodiversidade Entomológica, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brazil, 4365, 21040­360 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Abstract: A survey on the Saturniidae specimens de po sit ed In the following years, the collection had been incr eas ed in the Ent omological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz In s ti­ in number and representation in different groups of tute (Os wal do Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Bra zil) was in sects, including those without relation with dis ea ses carried out. A total of 327 species and 9370 speci mens were regis ter ed, distributed within four subfamilies: 875 Ar se nur­ trans mission. Thus, the Oswaldo Cruz Institute became inae (42 spp.), 3100 Ceratocampinae (76 spp.), 4619 Hemi­ a nature history museum, which the main objec tive leuc inae (185 spp.), and 776 Saturniinae (24 spp.). New and would be to inventory the Brazilian fauna and flora relevant geographic data are mentioned. The ♀♀ of Dir phia (Ben chimol & Sá 2005, Costa et al. 2008). Later in 1952, sombrero Le Cerf, 1934 and Pro hy le sia rosalinda Draudt, Joseph Zikán’s collection was partially acq ui red by 1929 are figured and described, the for mer for the first time. the institution, which added immense insect di ver si ty Automerella rubicunda (Schaus, 1892), stat. rev., has its sta­ (Benchimol & Sá 2006). The intense loans and con sults tus revalidated to full species rank. in the collection express its great im por tan ce, espe cially Key words: Biodiversity, inventory, taxonomy, collection. the exchange of information with natio nal and foreign institutions (Rangel 2009). Die Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) der Entomologischen Samm lung des Instituts Oswaldo Cruz, Oswaldo Cruz However, in the same decade, the institution’s name Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, mit geogra phi- chang ed to Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), also schen und taxonomischen Anmerkungen marked by another political historical episode descr ibed Zusammenfassung: Die Saturniidae aus der entomo lo­ by Lent (1978). Within the national context, the coun try gi schen Sammlung des Instituts Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo was under a military dictatorship that ge ner at ed some Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) wurden erfaßt. legal interventions in the institute through acts. Some Ins gesamt 9370 Exemplare aus 327 Arten wurden regis­ of them ceased the political rights from ten scien tists triert, verteilt auf die vier Unterfamilien: 875 Arsenurinae (42 spp.), 3100 Ceratocampinae (76 spp.), 4619 He mi leu­ of Fiocruz for ten years and among them, three were ci nae (185 spp.) und 776 Saturniinae (24 spp.). Neue und entomologists. They were forbidden to teach or pur­ auf fällige geografische Fundnachweise werden erwähnt. sue research in any institute that had the financing of Die Weibchen von Dirphia sombrero Le Cerf, 1934 und the military government. This episode, known as “Mas­ Pro hylesia rosalinda Draudt, 1929 wurden gefunden und sacre of Manguinhos”, leads to serious pro blems for the be schrie ben, die erstgenannte zum ersten Mal. Der Status institute’s autonomy for biological collections, espe cially. von Au tomerella rubicunda (Schaus, 1892), stat. rev., wird With the absence of a curator, the collection was moved auf vol len Artrang revalidiert. to the basement of the Evan dro Chagas Hospital and stayed there for four years. In that process of precarious Introduction treatment, due to the transport and the ter rible conditions The Entomological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz In sti­ of tem pe ra ture and humidity, hun dreds or thousands of tute (CEIOC) is a secular scientific collection which insects were lost. In the same man ner, library references had its starting point in 1901 with the description of and labels with valuable in for mation had been damaged the mosquito Anopheles lutzi (Cruz, 1901) (see Ben chi­ or separated from each other causing an irrecoverable mol & Sá 2005, Costa et al. 2008). During this period, loss of part of this col lec tion (Lent 1978). Recently, part there were many malaria cases in Brazil and engaged of the specimens was re covered with the col la bo ra tion in sa ni ta ry works in various regions within the country, of researchers from other Brazilian collections (Co s ta et the scien tists of Manguinhos (local name where lies the al. 2008). CEIOC in Rio de Janeiro) began collecting insects from Nowadays, developmental projects for the restr uc tu­ dif ferent groups. The development of the en to mo logy ra tion and modernization of the CEIOC, including the and the CEIOC have close relationship with these ex pe­ in creasing of the Lepidoptera collection are on course. ditions and their researchers leaders, as Dr. Lau ro Tra­ In spite of the historical facts mentioned above, this vas sos, constituting thus true testimonies of re searches col lection is still one of the most relevant in Brazil, in rea lized at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute di rect ly with the par ticular the Saturniidae section, the family treated Brazilian reality and its developmental projects (Ben chi­ in this article. Several initiatives have been taken with mol & Sá 2005, Costa et al. 2008). the support of the institution and financial national © 2015 by Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter 137 agen cies (National Council of Research and Techno lo gy material are from Southeast Region of Brazil, which com­ and Na tional Bank of Development, mainly) in or der prises Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Ja neiro, and to mo dernize, develop and maintain this scientific col­ São Paulo states. The remaining material is from Ama­ lection. It is also important to mention that several zon, Cerrado (central Brazil), Northeast Re gion of Bra­ lists of type­specimens have been published faci li ta ting zil, and few from other countries. Cer tain ly, the Sa tur­ researches on the entomologic collections of Os wal do niidae collection is one of the most im portant in Brazil, Cruz Foun da tion (Gonçalves et al. 1993, Mar chon­ especially in the Southeast Region. For each species, Silva et al. 1996, Cardozo­de­Almeida et al. 1999, 2003). whene ver possible, the locality is mentioned with coun­ Another re levant information is that DNA ex trac tion try, state from North to South (in case of Brazil) and from Ano phe les gambiae specimens from CEIOC was mu nicipality between pa ren the ses in alphabetical order. possible al low ing to recover the history of the invasion When ever a new geog ra phic record is added, this is poin­ of that spe cies in Brazil, in 1930 (Par ma ke lis et al. 2008). ted out in the list us ing “EGD”. Some data from this Saturniidae collection had been Some of Travassos’ and Zikán’s labels refer to local sites pub lished by Travassos (1957, 1958, 1959), Travassos or old places names or even, in the later, only dat es in et al. (1964), Travassos & Noronha (1965a–c, 1967a– many cases. As the municipality is cited in the pre sent c, 1968a–f, 1970a–g), and Travassos & Rê go Barros article, these old or local names were replaced by the (1966). In spite of the detailed speci mens’ information actual municipality. in some of these articles, only the Ar senurinae and the This comprises: ES: Vale do Itaúnas (= Pedro Canário). Ce ratocampinae were treated. In the present paper , an GO: Campinas (= train station in Goiânia). MG: Fa zen da in ventory of the Saturniidae (Ar se nurinae, Ce ra to cam­ dos Campos (= Virgínia). MS: Porto Esperança (= train pi nae, Hemileucinae, and Sa tur niinae) spe ci mens de po­ station in Corumbá); Salobra (= train station in Mir anda). sit ed in the CEIOC is pro vid ed. Relevant in for ma tion on PA: Cachimbo (= air­base in Novo Prog res so). PR: Alto da expansion of the geog raphic distribution of the taxa is Serra (= Morretes). RJ: Barão de Vassou r as (= Vassouras); high lighted. The ♀♀ of Dirphia som bre ro Le Cerf, 1934 Corcovado, Manguinhos, Paineiras (= Rio de Janeiro); and Prohylesia ro salinda Draudt, 1929 are figured and Ipiaba (= Barra do Piraí), Japuíba (= Ita guaí). RR: Rio described, the for mer for the first time. Automerella Surubai­Pará (= Amajari). SP: Emas (= Pir assununga); ru bicunda (Schaus, 1892) has its status revalidated to full Eugênio Lefévre (= Santo Antô nio do Pinhal); Ipiranga, species rank. Butantã (= São Paulo); Umu a rama (= Cam pos do Jordão). Material and methods For the handwritten labels by Zikán with date only, the locality was referenced according to O. Mielke (1971). The Saturniidae collection was reorganized following Le maire (1978, 1980, 1988, 2002). Identifications were Descriptions and taxonomy com pleted according to the same author, comparisons to holotypes and specimens identified in other collec­ Description of the female of tions.
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