




1 PBAlI:A.OB PART I-cont. 2 Introductory note about the district with annexures. 1 Section (ii). 8 Rural Seatistica-(Information regarding area, number STATISTICS. of occupied houses, literacy, distribution of popUla­ tion by livelihood cla.sses, oultivated area, smaU­ PA.RT I. scale industrial establisbments and inddenoe of lepro~y in villages) with appendix giving a list of Section (l). villages with 8 population exceeding 5,000 but treated as rural 92 3 "A" General Population Table8- (iii). A.I-Area, Houses and Population 15 S,ctwn 9 Uf'oonStatiatits-(Information rege.rding area, number A.II-Variation in popUlation during fifty years 16 of occupied hoUSes, li~racy, distribution of popula.­ A.In-Towns and. villages classified by population 18 tion by livelihood classes, small-scale industrial establishments and incidence of leprosy in each ward A.lV-Towns classified by population with variations 20 of each census town} 26& since 1901 PART lI. A.V-Towns arranged talukwise with population by Livelihood Classes 10 "C" 110U861wld and Age (Sample) Tables- C·I-Househrlld (size) 290 4 "E" Summary Figures Jor 'l'alUk8 •• 26 Con-Livelihood c18E!ses by Age-groups 292 5 •• B " Economic Tahle,- C·IV -Age and Literacy •• 294 B.I-Livelihood Classes and Sub·classes 29 11 "D " Social and OuUural Tablu- B.ll-Secondary means of livelihood .. 36 D.I-Languages- B.llI-Employers, Employees and Independent (i) Mother.tongue 298 Wcrkers in Industriss sud Services by Divi­ sions and Subdivisions 40 (ii) Bi.lingualism 302 D.II-Religion 308 «I Small·acale [ruluBtriu Tablu- D·III-Soheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe~ 310 I-Distribution of Small·scale Industries in Census tracts ,,- 67 D.IV-Migrants-Tract whE're en,umerated 313 n-Employment in Textitle Establishments in Census D.VI-Non·Indian Nationals 320 tracts 68 D.VII-Livelibood Classes by Educa.tional Standards. 322 III-Employment in Non·Textile Establishments in Census tl'acts 73 U Distrie' Occupational Abs,ract-(Abstroot showing means of livelihood groups and sub-groups under 7 "L tt 1nci4ence oJ Leprosy by Livelihood Olass68 for non.agrioultural occupations and the number of self- Taluk8 90 supporti'1@ pe1'8Ons engaged in them) 33S PREFACE

The Government used to compile and publish District Manuals for each district prior to 1905. The manuals became obsolete within a few years of their publication, containing as they did not only matter of a more or less permanent character Buch as physical character· istioB, history, religion and ethnography, but also statistical matters which soon became out of date. The Government decided to replace the District Manuals by another publication' known as the District Gazetteer, consisting of two volumes, A and B. The A volume containe~ descriptive matter and such general figures, as might be necessary to explain the text, and the B volume contained detailed statistios. They also decided that the B volume should be brought out periodically, especially after each decennial census. Between 1905 and 1927 A volumes for thirteen districts were published. In 1927 they were discontinued. B volumes for all the districts were published between 1906 and 1915. They were continued to be published even after the 1931 census. They were not published a.fter the 1941 census. .

Village Statistics, containing the results of the census for every village in the State, were first oompiled and published in 1872, at the instance of Mr. C. E. Gover, who was then the Census Officer in Madras. His suocessor, in 1882, considered that this publication led to needless expenditure and trouble in printing the tables villagewar, but the Government decided that the Village Statistics should continue to be published. The practice of issuing Village Statistics at every census was followed subsequently. The Village Statistics merely showed the number of ocoupied houses and population of each village and town by religions.

The idea of preparing the present volume, viz., the District Census Handbook for each district was put forward by Sri R. A. Gopalaswami, I.C.S., Registrar-General, , and ex-officio Census Commissioner of India, as part of a plan intended to secure an effeotive method of preserving the census records prepared for areas below the District level. He proposed that all the district census tables and census abstracts prepared during the process of Borting and compilation should be bound together in a single manuscript volume, called the District Census Handbook, and suggested to the State Governments that the handbook (with or without the addition of other useful information relating to the district) should be printed and published, at their own cost, in the same manner as the Village Statistics in the past. In accepting this suggestion, the Government of Madras decided to print and publish the more important portion of statistical data relating to the district a.nd to preserve the rest of the records in a manuscript volume for any future use to which they may be put.

2. The statist:cal data. embodied in the District Census Handbook have to be understood f rom the b3.ckground of the changes introduced in the 1951 census. The most important and !llndamental change introduced in the 1951 census consists in the substitution of an eoon~mic olanificlotion ofth9 p3:>ple for the olas3ifioation ba.sei on Religion and Communities ii

adopted in the past. The people were divided into two broad livelihood categories, the Agricultural and Non-Agricultural. Four agricultural classes and four non-agricultural classes were prescribed as shown below ;- Agricultural Ola:sses- I. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned, and their dependants, II. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unowned, and their dependants. III. Cultivating labourers and their dependants. IV. Non-cultivating owners of land, agricultural rent receivers and their depen­ dants. N em-Agricultural Olasse8- Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means oflive'ihood frorn- V. Production other than cultivation, VI. Commerce, VII. Transport, and VIII. Other serv.ices and miscellaneous sources. Each of the above eight livelihood classes were divided into three sub-classes with reference to their economic status as below: - (i) Self-supporting persons, (ii) Non-earning dependants, and (iii) Earning dependants. These livelihood sub-classes have been defined in detail in the fly-leaf notes attached to Economic Table B-1 included in this Handbook. All non-earning dependants are economically passive, and all earning dependants are economically semi-active. All self-supporting persons are ordinarily economically active but the classes and groups specified below constitute an exception to th's rule ;- (1) Self-supporting persons of Agricultural Class IV,

(2) Self-supporting persons of Livelihood Class VIII who deri'\l'e their principal Ineans of livelihood from any source other than through economic activity, viz.- (a) Non-working owners of non-agricultural property, (b) Pensioners and remittance holders, (e) Persons living on charity and other persons with unproductive occupations, and (d) Inmates of penal institutions and asylums. Economically active persons engaged in cultivation are either cultivators or cultivating labourers. Economic Table B-1 gives particulars of the population classified according to the eight livelihood classes and the three sub-classes mentioned above.

Economically active persons engaged in industries and services have been classified with reference to the nature of the commodity produced or service performed. They are further divided into three sections. viz., Employers, Employees and Independent We:.-kers: iii

l~c.)nomic Table B-III gives particulars of the economically active persons classified under the divisions and subdivisions of industries and services of the Indian Census Economio Classification Soheme. Table 0-1, included in this Handbook covers the population of sample households and Tables 0-11 and C-IV cover a ten per cent sample population. The method adopted for extracting these samples has been described in detail in the fly-leaf notes attached to the relevant tables.

3. Scheme o[the OenSU8 Handbook .-The Handbook has been divided into two parts; Part I consists of three sections, namely, Section (i) containing the general population tables (Alseries), the Economic Tables (B series), Summary figures for Taluks (Table E). Tables I, II and III relating to Small Scale Industrial establishments and Table L shOwing the incidence of leprosy; Section (ii) containing the Rural statistics, and Section (iii) containing the urban statistics, and Part II containing the Household (size) Table C-I, and Tables showing Livelihood classes and literacy by age groups (0-11 and O-IV), the Social and Cultural Tables (D series) and an abstract of non-agricultural occupations in the district. Among the tables included in the Handbook, Table A-lV-Towns classified by population with variations since 1901, Economic Table B-II-Secondary means of livelihood under each livelihood class and Table C-II-Livelihood classes by age groups furnish information at the district jeveL The other population tables in the A-series, the summary figures for Taluks (Table E) and the infirmity Table L showing the incidence of leprosy furnish information for each taluk in the district with a district total. The rural statistics in Part I-Section (ii) furnish basic information in respect of every village and town arranged according to census tracts. In addition to the total popUlation of the villages, and its distribution among the eight livelihood classes, information regarding the number of literates, the cultivated area, the number of small-scale industrial establishments under categories, textile and non-textile and the number of leprosy cases and doubtful cases has been included.

The urban statistics in Part I Section (iii) furnish similar information except that relatirig to cultivated area in respect of every unit classified as: city or census town in the district with ward-wise data. All other tables included in the Handbook provide information for units called census tracts with totals for the district.

4. Oensu8 Tracts.-A distinctive feature of the census statistics is its rural urban break­ up designed with a view to compare the conditions and characteristics of the rural and urban population. The rural areas of each district were therefore kept distinct from the urban areas. For facilitating tabulation these areas were d:vided into a number of rural and urban tracts. As far as possible, the rural area in each taluk was constituted into a single rural tract. In a few cases however where the taluks were small in size with reference to their population, the rural areas of more than one taluk were taken together as a single rural tract. The urban tracts have been formed out of areas declared as cities and census towns in each district. Every city was treated as a separate tract. Towns other than cities were grouped toge~her to form. non-city urban tracts. Wherever possible, the toW1lS in each taluk were constituted into a single non-city urban tract. In cases where the toWns :n a. taluk had a population of less than 50,000 the towns in more than one taluk were grouped. iv

together to form. a non-city urban tract. AU the rural tracts in. the State have been assigned numbers in. one series, the non-city urban tracts in another series and the city tracts in a third series. In all the tables where the data have been furnished. for tracts, the tracts have been denoted by numbers that have been assignedll to them. A list of tracts into which the district has boon divided and the areas comprised in each is furnished in the fly-leaf note to economic Table B-1 relating to the district. The districts, taluks and villages mentioned in the Tables and Abstracts have been shown along with the cenaus location code numbers assigned to them for purposes of census operations.

The numbers g~ven to the Tables in this publication correspond to those given in the '- State Census Report. Elaborate notes explaining the scheme of each Table havo been introduced in the fly-leaf attached to each with a view to enable the reader to get a precise idea of the data. furnished in the Tab:e. 5. Tables relating to Sm,a/l-scale Industries.-In the year 1950 a census of Small-scale Industries was instituted under the orders of the Government. The object was to get some idea about small industries such as cottage and home industries, small establishments, workshops, etc., where articles were produced, repaired or otherwise treated for sale, use Or disposal and small m·nes. The enquiry was confined to establishments to which the Factories Act was hot applicab!e. Individuals who worked on their own and did not employ other people were left out of account. From the data. collected three Tables were prepared and they have been included in the Handbook. Information giving village-wise and ward-wise information for Small-scale Industries have been incorporated in the rural and urban statistics. The details collected and embodied in the Tables are not to be consi­ dered accurate or exhaustive, as the enumeration staff employed had not been trained for the purpose and some cases of under enumeration were noticed. However, the figures given in the Tables may be sufficient to give an insight into the nature of the industries prevalent in the different parts of the district. 6. Opportunity has been taken to put in a short introductory note detailing the salient points connected with the district, such as the physical features, climate, rainfall, irrigation and drainage facilities, roads and other communications, crop statistics, education, indus­ tries and other matters of general interest. The information contained in the introductory note is based on the materials furnished by Collectors of ,districts and Departments of Government. The District Gazetteer was also freely referred to. The relevent paragraph of the 1951 Census Report discussing the growth ofpopu~ation in the district has also been incorporated in the proper pace. A district map showing taluk. boundaries, physical features, important roads and places with a population exceeding 5,000 is also attached. It is hoped that this Handbook will serve as a book of reference on matters relating to the district and that it w11 be found useful both by Departments of Government and the public .J. I. ARPUTHANATHAN~ Superintendent oj OenSUII Opemtions, Madras. 9" I .------

MAP I OF THE TANJORE DISTRICT Sca17 1 Inch=8 Miles \.'.

30 30' ",/ . ./ . r \ ...

STRAIT REFERENCE Disbrict head quarters (underlined thus)

Division head quarte-rs , , .. -Q~'. \. Tahsildar'. hea.d quarters , , _...,. .... _. .. -'i.",..MANATHAPURAM./· Deputy TahBildar'. be.. a quo.rbers ., /., ARANTAN~i Towns

Madukkur• Vi1l8.ges above 5000 inhabita.nts District boundary

Taluk boundnry

Railway line with Station (Metre gauge)

_. ~. _ St"t.e HighwaY3 with mile 800ne

Major Distriot Roa.d

Other District Road

0a.n.. 1

The LOllgitudes are referrible to the GreMwich Met'idian River with stream taking that ct Madrss Observatory 8& 80:,4:ti4·East. Other VilIlloges Tiruppunava!lal L-______-+- I ______79~ 7930'

Bog. No. 7'1'53-42.5 Balw, P.Z.P., C.S.D" Madra•. 18. TANJORE DISTRICT.


I. (a) Situation and Physical Okaracteristics.-The Ramanathapuram district. The sea board en the district lies on the east coast of the Madras State. east consists (Jf two parts, viz., (1) the Bay of It is situated between 9°.50' and llo·25' of the northern Bengal extending from the north eastern corner of latitude and 78° 45' and 79° 50' of the eastern longitude. the district almost in a straight line due south up to On the north the river Coleroon separates it from Point Calimere and (2) the Palk Strait separating Tiruchirappalli and South Arcot districts. On the west Ceylon from the main land. The district consists west it is bounded by the Tiruchirappalli district of the following eleven taluks comprised in six and on the south by the Palk Strait and the Revenue Divisions.

Name of Revenue Headquarters of the Taluks <'ompmed in the Area in Headquarters of t.he Division. Revenue Division. Revenue Division. square miles. taluk.

Tanjore .. Tanjore Tanjore 421 Tanjore. f Kumbakonam 212 Kumbakonam. Kwnbakonam .. •• L Papanaaam 228 . Mayuram. Mayumm fMayuram " %82 Msyuram 00 "\..Sirkali .. 171 Sirkali • N agapattinam JNa.gapattinam 240 N a.gapattinam. Nagapattinam ""\..Nannilam .. 291 Nannilam. ., Mannargudi. Mo.nna.rgudi f Manna.rgudi 301 Mannargudi .. .• L Tiruthuraipundi 496 , Tiruthura'pundi.

Pattukkottai •• {pattuk kottai 698 . Pattukkottai • • Arantangi 3118 Ara.n~i. TQta 3,738

The district has within its boundaries, the small slightly above the level of the surrounding country. French Settlement of Karaikal, situated on the coast The old delta area is a large alhwial even plain of paddy midway between the mouth of the Coleroon and Point fields diversified by groves of - cocoanuts, mangoes Calimere. The French Settlement oontains llO and other trees. The level of the land in the district villages. The ~aluks.of Sirkali, Ma~uram, Nagapatti~ slopes gently from west to east. 'There is also a nam, TiruthuraIpundi, Pattukkottm and Arantangl gentle slope from north to south noticeable in Mannar­ about the sea. gudi taluk and the north-eastern portion of Arantangi taluk. In the slope is from The district consists of two natural divisions, north-west to south·east towards the sea. The villages namely, (i) the delta area and (ii) the uplands. ,!he bordering the coast in Tirnthuraipundi taluk are upland area consists of the southern part of the TanJore sandy. There are sand dunes for a width of two taluk the north-west and south-west portions of miles on the coast in Nagapattinam taJuk. In the Patt~kkottai taluk and a major portion of Arantangi south of Tiruthuraipundi taluk there is a thick taluk. The delta area consists of what are knewn growth of jungle from Vedaranyam to Muthupet as the old delta and the new delta. The old delta intercepted by salt swamps and lagoons. represents the ~rea irri~ated by th~ :r;iver Cauvery and its tributanes; whIle the area Ir11gated by the (b) Rivers.-Tbe Cauvery is the chief river of the Grand Anieut canal and its branches of the Cauvery district. Rising in the mountains of Coorg the river MeUur Project constitutes the new delta. traverses the Mysore State; flowing thence along There are no hills whatever in the district. The the northern boundary of the Coimbatore district, Table Land comprising sedimentary rocks tbe river skirts parts of the western and southern of laterite and sand stone situated to the south and boundary of the Salem district and enters the sQuth.west of Tanjore town forms Il small plateau Tiruchirappalli district. At a spot 9 miles west of TAN.-l 2

Tirucbirappalli the river goes into two branches, the The Veerasholanar is a distributary of the Cauvery northern branch bearing the name of Coleroon and :flowing through Kumbakonam and Mayuram taluks. the southern branch retaining the name of Cauvery. On the border of the Tanjore distriot the two very The Grand Anient canal of the Cauvery Mettur nearly reunite; thereafter the Coleroon takes a north­ Project flows through Tanjore, Pattukkottai and easterly course, passes along the entire northern Arantangi taluks. , boundary of the taluks of Tanj ore , Papanasam, Manniar which was formerly a. distributary from Kumbakonam, Mayuram and Sirkali and enters the Coleroon has now been given direct supply from the sea at the extreme north eastern corner of the the Cauvery. The old course from Coleroon is no district' while the Cauvery splits itself into numerOus longer in use. branche~ to cover the whole of the delta with a vast network of rivers and irrigation channels. The parent Mudalamuthuvari and ChcUagampattivari are two stream :flows through Tanjore, Papanasam, Kumba­ jungle streams in Tanjore taluk which discharge the konam and Mayuram taluks and debouches into the flood water of their catchment area into the Vennar. sea at Kaveripatnam about eight miles north of Tran­ quebar. The main branches of the Cauvery are the The Uppanar is a drainage river in Sirkali taluk. Vannar, the Kudamurutiyar and the Arasalar a.nd these again branch themselves into smaller rivers. There is a navigation channel called the Vedaran­ yam cann.l running almost parallel to the coast from The Vennar gives off two branches. Vadavar Nagapattinam to Vedaranyam. and Vettar in Tanjore taluk. The Vadavar flows through Tanjore, Papanasam and Mannargudi taluks The" drainage channel Chakkilian Voikkal with and empties itself in Vaduvoor erL The Vettar catchment area in Tiruthuraipundi and Nagapatti­ fbws through Papanasam, Nannilam and Nagapatti~ nam taluks has been connected to the sea to make it nam t:\luks, giving up a distributary called Odam­ function properly as a drainage course. bokkiyar in Nannilam taluk. On the border of The other important streams in Pattukkottai Mannargudi taluk the Vennar lets off two more taluk are the Ka,ttar, the Nasavalmiar, the Maharaja branches called the Pamaniyar fI owing thi'ough Samudram, the Agniar, the Ponaikuthiyar and the Mannargudi, Tiruthuraipoondi and Pattukkottai Ambuliyar and they serve as major drainages. The taluks and the Korayar £bwing through Mannargudi Kannanar is another drainage course in this taluk. and Tiruthuraipundi taluks. Still further down the Vermar supplies two more distributaries, namely, the The rivers in the Arantangi taluk are merely Pandavayar and the Vellayar flowing through jungle streams, the chief of whil!h are the Narasinga Mannargudi and Nagapattinam taluks. Cauvery flowing west to east and the Vellar flowing pamllel to it further ~outh. Mulliyar and its branch Adappar and the Hari­ chandranathi are distributaries of the Korayar flowing (e) Forest8.-The forests in the district cover an through Tiruthuraipundi taluk. area of 40·24 square miles. They are situated in Tiruthuraipundi, Pattukkottai and Arantangi taluks. The Kodamuruti branch of the Cauvery gives The forests in Tiruthuraipundi taluk covering an rise to the Thirumalairajanar and the Mudikondan extent of 38·16 square miles are reserved forests flowing through Papanasam, Kumbakonam and Nanni~ containing mangroves and scrub jungle. The extent lam taluks. Lower down the KodllIDurutiyar bifurcates of forest in Pattukkottai taluk is 1·51 square miles of itself into two rivers and they go by the name of the scrub jungle consisting of estate forest taken over. Puttal' and the Sholasudamaniyar. The latter flows The forests in Arantangi taluk comprise 0·3l square through Papanasam and Nannilam taluks. mile of estate forest taken over and 0·26 square mile of estate forest not taken over. These are fuel forests The Puttar flows through Papanasam and Nanni­ of.,average quality. lam taluks and gives off a branch called the Valappar which :flows through Nannilam taluk. (d) Olimate and Rainfall.-The atmosphere of the delta is somewhat damp. The hot season begins 'fhe Arasa]ar, the third main distributary of the from March and the heat subsides after June, Cauvery floVrs through Papanasam, Kumbakonam when water is let into the canals and fields. The a.nd Nauuilltm t:tluks. thermometer drops gradually till December and January and begins to rise again from February. The Nattar and its branch the Kirtimanar are A statement showing the monthly mean of daily distributaries of Arasa.lar and flow through Kumba­ maximum and daily minimum temperature, highest k@nam and Nannilam ta.luks. recorded and lowest recorded temperature and the 3 mean monthly rainfall for the years 1881-1940 lowest recorded temperature and the monthly rainfall and the monthly mean of daily maximum and daily for the year 1951 as recorded at Nagapattinam is minimum temperature, the highest recorded and given below ;- 1881-1940. 1951.

Temperature. Temperature. Montbs. r------·~------~ Mean Actual. Mtan of' Mean of Highest Lowest of Mean of Mean of Highest Lewest rainfall daily daily recorded. recorded. totaJ daily daily recorded. recorded. (inckes). maximum. minimum. rl1lnfall maximum. minimum. (inches). January 82·3 71·8 89 61 2.73 81-1 73·6 83 67 1'44 February 84·8 73·2 96 60 0'83 81·7 70·2 84 67 M)O March 88·2 76·3 104 6Z 0'79 86·9 77-l 97 69 0·31 April 92·0 79·7 107 68 1.11 89·2 79'3 97 74 5·20 Ma.y 97-3 80'7 109 69 1.57 95·5 81·Z 104 75 4·93 June 97·7 79'8 107 69 1.23 97·9 SO·t) 101 78 0·66 July 96·0 78·9 )07 71 1.70 93·9 78'8 101 72 2'40 August 94·1 77·0 105 69 3'05 95·3 79·0 99 73 1-44 September 92·7 77·4 100 69 3'30 91·9 79·5 98 76 0'86 October .. 88·7 76'5 99 69 10'58 90'7 78'3 95 73 3·CiO November 84·3 74·4 94 63 17·54 85·2 75·5 92 62 H'83 December 82·0 72·3 93 62 10·95 82·7 72·1 89 6S 1-98 For the Jear 90·0 76'6 109 60 55·38 89·3 'iN 104 62 84'64 The average annual rainfall and the average number of rainy days in a year for each taluk are given below :- Number Number Taluk. 'Average annuaJ of lainy Taluk. Average annual of rainy rainfall in inches. days in rainfall in Jncbes. dtlYs in a year. a year. SirkaJi 53·80 56·0 Mannargudi 44·86 55·8 Mayuram •• 50·81 54·7 Nagspattinam 55·44 54'3 Kumbakonam 42-94 52·0 Pattukkottai 39'66 52'5 Tsnjore 36-81 48·1 Tiruturaipundi 50·06 54-5 Pspanasam 42-18 50'7 Arantangi •• 35·33 53'5 Na.nnilam 48'18 53·5 Most of the rainfall is had during the north-east monsoon from October to January. The taluks on the coast of the Bay get more rainfall than those further inland.

(e) Soils.-The northern and eastern portions The soils may be divided into four classes­ of the district form the delta of the Cauvery. They Alluvial, Jegar, red and arenaceous. Alluvial and comprise Kumbakonam, Mayuram, SirkaIi and Nanni­ regar cover a large txtent of the district, the alluvial lam taluks and parts of Tanjore, Papanasam, Mannar­ being confined to the taluks of Tanjore, Papanasam, gudi, Tiruthuraipundi and Nagapattinam taluks. Kumbakonam, Mayuram and Nannilam and the The southern part of the district lies about regar occurs in all taluks except Pattukkottai and 50 feet higher with light SOilK and comprises the whole Arantangi. The percent,age distribution of soils uEder of Pattukkottai and Arantangi taluks, southern • wet ' and • dry , in each taluk of' the district is given portions of Tanjore and Papanasam taluks and the below:- western portion of Mannargudi taluk. Wet. Dry.

Taluk. Alluvial.r------~------~ Regar. Red. Arena- Alluvial. Regar. Red. .Arena­ ceous. ceOWl. Tanjore 32 39 29 6 10 84 Papa.na.sa.m 28 68 ~ 38 22 40 Kumbakonam 64 36 59 41 MayuraID 70 23 7 61 21 18 Sirkali 76 24 53 47 Nannilam 55 45 56 4~ Nsgspattinam g~ 8 45 55 Mannargudi 87 13 15 85 Tiruthuraipundi 93 1·0 6 61 11 28 Pattuk~ ottai 99·7 0·3 !!9'7 0·3 Arantangi 99 1 87 n Total 249 569 245·7 48·3 220 812 406·7 161·3 TAN. C-lA 4

(/) Irrigation and drainage Jacilitie8 and liabi~ity of the monsoon. But the people do not suffer on to Jamine.-The distriet ranks high in the State WIth account of this, as they migrate to the adjoining regard to irrigation facilities. The irrigation is carried deltaic parts of the district for food and employ­ on mostly from the river Cauvery through a ~umber ment. of its branches and chapnels. The Cauvery gIves an assured supply of water. <\.fter the compl~tio~- of the Papanasam taluk.-The entjre taluk is under wet reservoir at Mettur wMier-supply for lrngatlOn has cultivation with good facilities for irrigation from the been properly with reference to the. regul~ted r~q~re­ Cauvery and its branches. Th~re is no possibility of ments of the ayacut and wastage has been mIIllmised. famine in this taluk. The construction of the reservoir at Mettur has made it possible for the ryots to bring an additional 301,000 acres of dry land under wet cultivation. The irriga­ Nannilam taluk.-The taluk is irrigated by the tion sources in the tracts outside the delta are mostly branches of the Cauvery and the Vennar which are tanks and they are found almost entirely in the also used for drainage. The taluk does not suffer upland taluks of Pattukkottai, Tanjore and Arantangi. much from drainage difficulties. There is no possi­ There are many private wells irrigating limited bility of famine in this taluk. extents. Mannargudi taluk.-The north-western portion Sirkali taluk.-The taluk is irrigated part,ly of the taluk which is comparatively high in level Co~eroon. ~he by the Cauvery and partly by the was orjginaJIy mostly a dry area. The ~dvent of the supply from Coleroon is got from the South RaJ an Cauvery·Mettur Project has made it possible to bring channel taking off from an anicut built across the the entire area under wet cultivation. The rivers Coleroon called the Lower Anicut. Pudumanniyar Vennar, Koraiyar, Pamaniyar, and the Vadavar branching from the Coleroon receives also supply Extension channel of the Cauvery Mettur Project from the Cauvery. There are some channels like are the main irrigation sources. There are no drainage Poraivoikal Kazhumalayar, Manikarnikiyar which difficulties as the taluk gently slopes from north to serve both ~s irrigation and drainage channels. Being south, and west to east. The taluk is not liable to at the tail end of the Delta, the taluk gets its supply famine. last. The taluk is a low lying tract subject to drainage difficulties. Improvements to the existing drainage are under way. Famine is practically unknown in the Nagapattinam taluk.-The taluk is served by the talulr. Vennar, tho Vettar, the Odambokiar,_ the Pandavayar, the Kattar, ar_d tho Vellayar. Improvements to the Chakkilian Voikkal, a major drain, have boon recently Mayuram taluk.-The Manniar and the South exocutc,d. In a few coastal villages Which are higher Rajan Channel irrigate the northern part of the taluk. in levol than the villages to their wost, pE-ddy is raised The Cauvery and its branches serve the southern with tho help of monsoon rains. Dry crops are also portion of the taluk. The tail e~d suffers from. drai­ rajwd in thow vill2,ges with the aid of spring water nage difficulties during heavy rams. RectIfica~lOn of frcm small Jlcr..ds dug in the fields. The taluk is not defects in drainage is being carried out from time to time. The taluk is immune from famine. liable to famine.

Kumbakonam taluk.-A network of channels Patt1lkkmtai taluk.-River Pamaniar irrigates taking off from the Cauvery and its branches irrigate abcut a dC2en ville,gos in tho eastern fringo of the this taluk. The South Rajan Channel from the taluk. The Grar.d Anicut Canal irrigates the eastern Lower Anicut irrigates a small area in this taluk also. aLd southorn portior~'J of the taluk. Tho north western Famine is unknown in the area. part of tho taluk ar,d a £small E.~rtdion .in t~e .SOUt~h­ wost arc dry areas with a ew l'auue mlllor lITlga IOn taJI.,ks. In tho event of failure of crops m:dor the Taniore taluk.-The river Cauvery, its branch . r'd ta:nks tho reoplo migrato to the doltalc areas . ._, C rmn.lO.l:' d .. th the Vennar and the Grand Anicut Canal of the auvery There aro a number of jungle stre~ms rauung .6 Mettur Project irrigate the northern and eastern taluk, tho chief of which are the Agmar, the Maharaja portions of the taluk. Uyyakondan extension ehannel, Sam1.:dram ar-d the Kannanar. a branch of the Kattalai high level channel of the • Tiruchirappalli district supplements the supply from the rainfed streams of the upland region. There are Tiruthuraipundi taluk.-The Vennar, the Haris­ 197 minor irrigation works, mostly rainfed, .in the h rdran&dhi tho Mulliar, the Ad'1ppar, the Korayar upland tracts of the "taluk. -fhe upland portIOn.s of ~~" the Pa~aniyar all belonging to the C~uve:ry the taluk are liable to drought in the event of _fallure river system irrigate tho taluk. The extensIon of 5

:irrigation partly by pumping ax.d partly by gra~itation effeoted are expeoted to give muoh relief. The ta.luk under the Mulliar river is a special feature undertaken is not liable to famine. recently by which nearly 5,000 acres of manavari lands are sought to be brought under wet cultiva_ Arantangi taluk.-The Grand Anicut Canal and tion. The coastal villages are deper..dent on rains. its extension channel irrigate about one-thiId of the ThQ taluk usually suffers from drainage congestion, area of this taluk. Irrigation in the rest of the taluk is carried on from minfod tanks. The upland areas particularly during the North-East Monsoon ru:d con­ are liable to drought in the event of the failure of the siderable damago to crops is caused by submersion of rains, but the people manage the situation by migrat­ the crops. But improvements which are now being ing to the neighbouring truuks.

The particulars of the number of Minor Irrigati()n, works in each truuk and tho area served by them and the area servtd by the ·najor irrigation works are furnished below:-

Taluk. Area irrigat:ed Number of Area irriga­ by Major MinOl' Works. ted by minor Irrigation Irrigation Works. Works.

ACS. Sirkali 74,580 Mayuram 137,044 Kumbakonam 76,217 Tanjore 93,459 194 10,152'60 Papanasam .. 146,000 Nannilam 142,270 Mannargudi 130,376 Nagapattinam 96,423 Pattukkottai 128,531 27 2,383'33 Tiruthuraipundi' 84,276 Arantangi 24,765 130 10,553'93 Total 1,138,941 851 23,089·86

(g) Area cultivated with food and commercial except Public Works Department and Municipal roads traps.-Pi ddy is the chief fO( d crop of t.hB district is given below:- ard is raisod oxtonsively throughout tho district. Pro· Major Other Village Cholam, Cumbu, Ragi, Varagu aLd Maizo are culti­ Name of truuk. villcial district district roads. Total. vatod in small areas. Groongram, Rcdgram and High roads. roads. Blackgram are the pulses cultivated in the district. ways. Chillies, Gingelly Grourduut, cotton ard tobacco Ml:LES. MILES. MILES. MILES. MILEs. are raised on small extents here ar_d there. Cocoanut Sirkali 34 49 3S 121 ar.d plantain are the main gard'1n crops, grown in Mayuram 93 44 155 292 backyards ard rivorsid'ls. A statement showing the Kumbakonam 117 29 96 242 area of the foed-crops, pulses ar..d commercial crops Tanjore 04 121 45 93 313 cultivated in the various taluks uf the district in Papanasam .. 19 68 21 48 156 1949-50 which Was a norn.al year for the district is NanniIam 11 93 90 125 319 furnished in Annexure I. Mannargudi .. 67 52 144 263 (h) Gommunications-(i) Roads.-The district is Nagapattinam 17 66 115 192 390 connected with the TiruchirappaUi district by roads Pattukkottai. • 136 84 42 262 leading to Ud"'yarpa]a.yam in the north-wost, Tiru­ Tiruthuraipundi .. 76 88 104 268 chirappalli City in the west ard Pudukkottai in the Arantangi 82 24 2'8 13' south-west. The district has 3,421 milos of roads Total 101 953 641 1,065 2,760 comprising 101 miles of Provincial Highways, 953 miles of Major district road'3, 641 milos of other district The Provincial Highways ar..d Public Works roads, 1,065 milos of village road'3, 408 miles of Public Department roads are maintained in fair condition. Works Department roads ar.d 253 miles of Municjpal throughout the district. The District Board roads in. roads. The ta]uk wise distribution of tho roads Nagapattinam. Mannargt:di, Mayuram a:r:.d portiona • of Tiruthuraipundi taluks a.ro n.ot in good. condition. II. (a) (i) Growth of Population.-ThlJ particulara of Tho roads in Tanjoro, Papa.n.asam, Kumbakonam , the popUlation of the district and taluks in 1941 and Sirkali, Pattukkottai and Aran.tang.i taluks are main­ 1951 a.nd of the Percentag<'l variation are furnished ~ained in fair condition. The village roads aro generally below:- in a bad state. The maintenance of roads is a problem owing to great difficulty in getting metal at reasonable Namo of distriClt Population. Percent- and taluk. t ..A.. age of cost. Acquisition of lands for new roads is being 1941 1951 variat.OI4 attended to. Tanjore district 2,563,375 2,982,670 ItH (ii) Railways.-Tho district has 302 miles of SirkaJi taluk 147,173 163,891 IH Maytll'lMll taluk 286,170 321,493 12·3 Motre-gauge line of the Southern. Railway of which 1 101 miles are in French territory. The main line from Kumbakonam ta uk 300,954 348,104 IS·7 Madras to Dhanllshkcdi runs via Sirkali, Mayuram, Tanjore taluk 316,207 381.984 20·8 704, Kumbakonam, Papanasam and Tanjore taluks. A Pa.panllSMn te.luk 201,599 216.498 branch line from Tanjore via Nidamangalam, N annilam taluk .. 223,457 248,487 11·2 Mannargudi taluk 214,795 248,830 15·8 Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam runs up to Nagore. g.g From Ma.yuram a branch line proceeds to Tranquebar Nagapattino.m truuk 237,790 261,236 Pattukkottai taluk 302.194 401,818 33·0 and another Ii ne up '~o KaTaikudi in Ramanatha­ puram district passing through Poralam, TiruvarUl" Tiruthuraipundi taluk 214,132 248.942 16·3 Tiruthuraipundi, Pattukkottai and Aran.tangi. From Arantangi taJuk .. 118,904 141,387 18·9 Peralam a branch line takes off to Karamal. From . "The recorded population has registered an Thiruthuraipur.di a branch line takes off to Point mcrease of 16·4 per cent during the decade 1941-51 Ca1imaro. A bran.ch line connects Nidil.lnan,gala.1ll ~8 against 7·4 per cent in the previous decado. This with Mannargt:di. All the taluk hea,qquarters are IS a purely agricultural district and constitutes the connected by railway. hea~t of the ~auvery d0lta. The Cauvery-Mettur ProJect 0ame lllto operation dUl.-iug the decade There is a railway out-agency at Tiruvaiyaru 1931-40. Being it heavy surplus district for rice for passengers, parcels aLd gocds served by Tanjore tbe. district has T'ro,~pered vel'y wen indeed Junction aLd an out-agency at Tirukattupalli for durIng the def'ane 1941-51. Even normally, this parcels an.d goeds served by Railway Station. district, reyuires a lot of extra labour during the There is an out-agency at Vallam for parcols an.d goods traw:pialltn,tion season, i.e., during the months of served by Tanjore Junction. J uly-Septem ber and the harvesting season, J anu~ (iii) P08t8 and Telegraph8.-There are Post and ary-March. But, owing to the fooa scarcity during Telegraph Hea.d Offices at Nagapattinam, Tanjore the docade 1941-51, and particularly on, account cf a.r:d Kumbakonam. There are 55 Sub-Post and the failure of the north-east monsoon since 1947• Telegraph offices, 33 non-combined Sub·Post offices there has been a la.rge-scale immigration of labour.. ar..d 641 branch Post offices in the district. Their ing classes for work and food. The immigra.n.t ialukwise distribution is given lmlow:-- population in this district, as enumerated at this Census is 172,500. The chief contrioutors a.re Branch Sub. Posts and Posts and R:am~athapuram district, 65,076; Tiruchirapalli Name of taluk. Post Poat Tele. Tel< grapts distnct, 41,258 and South Arcot district, 21,558. The offices. office llTapbs Sub. number of people Who have gone out of the district non­ Head office. combined. office. is not far less: 139,872-52,038 to Tiruchirappalli, 33,548 to Madras City, 18,018 to South Areat district, Arantangi 24 I 2 5,548 to Chingleput district and 4,329 to Coimbatore Knmbakonam 70 7 1 9 district. This number includes of course a certain Mannargudi " 54 3 nUll: ter of temporary absentees, but the rest are Hayuram 68 '1 5 mostly persons Who are e') ployed in the servioos or Nagapattinam 62 4, 1 7 are engaged in professional or business activities. Nannilam 70 1 6 Tho largo increase of 33 per cent in Pattukkottai Papanasam •• 49 1 6 taluk reflects the fact that this is the ta1uk, Which Pattukkottai 78 2 {. has been most benefited by the extension of irrigation Tanjore '10 6 1 6 IT ade peasible by tho Cauvery-Mettur Project. The 'l'iruthuraipundi 63 1 -4 same cause explains the largo increase in Arantangi Birkali '3 3 3 taluk .p 8'9 per cen~). The low incroo.se of 9·9 per cent Jl), Nagapattmam is duo to the migration to Total .. 04' 33 3 55 Malaya frOID this taluk. ,

MANNABGUDI TALux. has shown the lowest i~crease Beds. (7,4 POI' cent) ill this district. It is a purely agrICultu­ Government Hospital, Mannargudi 30 ral taluk and is surrounded by the much Illore attrac­ tive and advanced taluks of Tanjore, Kumbakonam Local Fund Dispensaries. a.nd Mannargudi." Koothanallur and Needamanga.lam Rural Dispensary• .' (Extracted from the Census Report-Part I.) Xalappal (ii) Vital Statistic8.-Particulars of yearly births MAYUBAM TALux. a.nd deaths and deaths due to various causes in the Government HospitaJ, Mayuram 4.0 district for the decennium 1941-50 are given in L.F. Hospital, Porayar •. 12 Annexure n. The district has returned an average Local Fund Dispensaries. birth-rate of 27·7 per mille during the decade against Kuttalam, Ma.naJmedu, Sankarampandal and Kill· the rate of 31·7 for the State. The} birth ·rate gradually yanur. Rural Dispensary. ,decreased from 28·75 in 1941 to 24·43 in 1945 and then Thirukadayur increased to 29·20 in. 1951. The average d<;ath-rate Was 22·1-a little more than the average rate of 21·2 TmUTURAIPUNDI TALux. for the State. Cholera. is epidemic in the district and Government Hospital, Tiruturaipundi 12 has had its toll in all the years except 1941, 1945. and Women and Children's Hospital, TinIturaipundi 10 1946. The deaths from smallpox in the district in Local Fund DiBptm8arie8. 1944-45 were very high and represented three-fourths Vedarsnyam and Muthupet of total deaths from that disease during the decade. The average mortality mte from fevers is 2·0 per mille Rural Dispensaries. and is very low When oompared to the average rate of Talanayar and Vilakudi 5'4 for the State. The average death-rates from PATTUKKOTl'AI TALux. dyl'entery and diarrhcea and respiratory disoases Government Hospital, Pattukkottai .. 14 are less than tho normal for the State. The average Local Fund Di8pensaries. maternal mortality rate of 13·8 hits been very high as Adirampatnam, Gandarvakottai, Orathanad, Thambi· compared with that of R·I per ],000 births for t,he kottai and Vadaseri. State. Rural Dispensaries. (b) Medical Relief Arranyemenfs.-A list of the Neiveli and Feravurni •• medical institutions in the distrjct with infolmation SIRl\:ALI TALux. regarding the number of beds provaided in them is Local Fund Hospital, Sirkali ., 24 .given below:- Local Fund Di8pensary. TANJORR TALUE:. Va.itheeswarankoil Beds. Rural Dispensaries. R.M. Hospital, Tanjore 500 EdamanaI, Tiruvengadu and Anaikaranchattrrun Local Fund Dispensarie8. NANNILAM TALUK. Tirukattupalli 6 Loca.l Fund Hospital, N annilam TinIvaiyaru and Vall am 12 Local Fund DiBpensaries. Mun£cipal Dispensaries in Tanjore City. Kodavasal, Peralam, Arnmaiyappan, Enangudi and Keelavasal, Fookara Street, Manambuchavadi and Perumpanniyur. Ka.runthattangudi. Rural Dispensaries. Rural Dispensarie8. Koradachery, Manavalanallur, Vikrapandiyam and Budalur, Kallaperumbur and Mela Ulur Tirumarugal.

KUMBAKONAM TAT.lJ'K. AaANTANGI TALUIt. Government Hospital, Kumbakonam " Local Fund Dispensary, Arantangi, Avadayarkoil and 110 Mimisal. Maternity Hospital, Kumbakonam 15 NAGAl'A'l'TINAM TALux. Local Fund Dispen8arics. Government Hospital, Nagapattinam " 120 Aduthurai, Tiruv daimarudur, Nachiarkoil, Tim­ panandal and . Government Hospital, Tiruvarnr 30 Government Women and Children Dispensary, Naga­ Municipal Di8pensarie,~. pattinam. Kumbakonam and Melacauvery Municipa.l Dispensary, Nagapattmam •. Rural Diepcnsaries. Local Fund Diepen84riu. Pandanallur and Sholapuram •. Valivalam and KivaJur 8

NAGAl'A.'l".rINAM TALUK-BOnt. (c) Water-S'Upply and Drainage.-Ther6 is no' Beds. Rural .DispenBaries. underground drainage anywhere in the district. The water-supply arrangements for drinking purposes are 'l'irupundi! Kilayur a.nd SeIllbi.aJnaha,devi adequate throughout the district except in a portion PAP4NASAM TALUK. of Arantangi taluk. The Tanjore, Kumbakonam and £0007, Fwnd Dispensaries. Nagapattinam Municipalities provide protected wa,ter­ supply by pipes. Tho nUlL ber of public wate.r-supply Ayyampet ValangiIna.n 3 w 11s corstructed in each taluk are fumiEhed below:- Pandar,J.Vadai Arornapet NUtnber of Pa.pa.na.sam Name of taluk. wells con­ structed. Rural Dispensaries. Sirkali Nil Avoor. KabistaJam. Haridwe.ram.angalam. Ganapathi· l\Iayuram III agraba.ram and l\[ilatur. Kumbakonam 74 Tanjoro 162 Thero is a Mission Leprosy Hospital at Rumba­ Papanasam 9 Nannilam 127 konaru with 488 beds. The Government Hospital Mannargudi 13 at Nagapattinam also affords treatment for leprosy N agapattinam 79 Pattukkottai 122 cases. There is a minor X-Ray unit at the Govern­ Tiruturaipundi 114 ment Headquarters Hospital at Tanjoro. Arantangi .. 35

(d) Fairs and Festivak.-A list of fairs and festivals in each taJuk ()f the district is givtn below :- Pla.ce where fair or festival is held. Name of fair or festival. Period of observance. Remarks. Tanjore TaluJv- Tiruvaiyaru Sapthasathanam April Visit of the deity to seven prescribed places. Do. Sri Thyagaraja Aradhana January Celebrated in honour of Saini; Thyagaraja one of the greatest of composers of devotional· songs. Mayurnm Taluk­ MsyurlUll Town .• Kadumug&m •• Octobel'·November Holy bathing in the Cauvery at a particular ghat to which the deity of the .local temple~ MaYllranadha IS taken in. procession. Nagapattinam 7'alu~ Nagore •• •• Kandoori Once in ten months • A Muslim festival which attracts all sections of people irrespective of caste, creed and :religion from allover India. VeIanganni near Nagapattinam. Velanganni Arokiamatha •• September A Christian festival which attra6t$­ all sections of people irreBFective­ of caste, creed and J.cligi(ln from all over India. Foreign pilgrims also visit the place fol' the festival. Sikkil .-. Skandashasti November Tiruvarur Sri Tbyagaraja Car festival May One of the biggest of temple cars in the State is dragged round the temple, thousands of people taking part in dragging. KumbakrJnam Taluk-­ Kumbakonam Town .... Masi Makham festival •• •• February This festival is celebrated on a very grand scale once in l~ years. This is called Maha Makham and attracts pilgrims from all ovor India. Swamimalai Thirukrithigai festival •• N ovember-December (Karthi. gai montk). Neerathanallur Cattle fair March The fail' attracts agricult1IJ'iat. from surrounding districts. Mannargudi Talulo-­ Mannargudi Tbeppa Utsavam May .Arantangi Taluk-- AvadBya.rkoil • • ArudradarBanam festival January Tirueuraipundi TaEuk-Nil. Sirl&ali TaZuTe- Sirkali •• • • Tirwnulaipal festival •• •• April-JLay 9

III. Educativ'nal Institution8 -A taluk-wise state­ . V. Items of gene~ar importance.-Nagapattinam is ment showing the number of the various educatioDa.1 a sea-port town with wharf. Ships are anchored off institutions and their strength as on 31st March the coast. Coastal steamets call at the port to dis­ 1951 is furnished in Anne,,;ure III. charge and taka in cargo. 'rhe passenger steamer to the Federated Malay States regularly calls at the IV. Industrv-(i) OottQ,ge and small-scale.-A state­ port.· ment shbwing the particulars of the number of establish­ ments of the important cottage and small-scale indus- ' The Brahadeswarar temple at Tanjore is a fine piece tries and the approximate number of persons employed of ancient architecture. The Bull' ;NanCli ' carved in them in each taluk of the distict is furnished in out of one solid piece of rocK and installed in front of the Annexure IV. idol is a remarkable piece of sculpture. (ii) Large-scale .industries.-There are no large-. scale industries in Mannargudi and Arantangi taluks. o The Saraswathi Mahal Library in the ·Tanjore Palace The large scalo industries in the other taluks and the contains ancient and rare manuscripts. number of persons employed are given below:- There is a Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Singipatti in Number Number Tanjore taluk. Name of taluk•• Nature of industry•. ofestab- of per. lishments. sons employ- The Mahamakham festival at Kumbakonam takes ed. place once in 12 years and it attracts very large crowds Tanjore Rice Mills 22 316 from all over India. . Furniture and fixtures. 3 143 The Dharmapuram Mutt and Tiruva,dudurai Mutt Kumbakonam Rice Mills 19 336 Transport equipment. in Mayuram taluk are devoted to Saivite religion and 2 186 culture. . Printing Press 16 183 , Tiruturaipundi ., Rice Mills 9 355 The Dargah at Nagore and tha, Roman _Catholic Salt Factories 5 950 Church at Velanganni in Nagapattinam taluk are Tobacco 6 189 famous centres of pilgrimage. ~ttractillg ~ople of al1 Papanasam Rice Mills 13 101 religions. . Mayuram •• Rice Mills 20 387 Cotton Weaving Mills. 12 234 Tanjore district is reputed as the home pf the Carna-tic Nagapattinam Rice Mi!ls 32 '554. Music. Saint Thyagaraja and MuthuswaIlli Dikshitar, Tobacco 11 175 two of the music trinities were born in Tanjore district. Metal Rolling 3 514 They composed and propagated their songs there. Sirkali Rice Mills 16 449 An annual music festival is held in January at Nannilam •• Rice Mi1IS 8 158 Tiruvaiyam in Tanjore taluk· in honour of Sri Pattukkottai Rice Mills 19 163 Thygaraja.

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Area in Occupied houses. Taluk. square Villages. Towns. miles. Total. Rural. Urban. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Birkali ., 171 94 3 33,339 28,793 4,546 MaymaID 282 164 3 63,004 51,815 11,189 Kum'bakon8ll'1 212 181 2 65,738 50,281 15,457 Tanjore •. 421 180 4 68,777 49,494 19,283 Papanasam 228 162 3 42,382 37,958 4,424 Nannilam 291 205 2 51,943 48,682 3,261 Mannargudi 301 157 3 51,228 42,888 8,340 Nagapattinam " 240 166 2 49,749 35,295 14,454 Pattukkottai ,. 698 336 3 70,712 64,714 5,998 Tiruturaipundi 496 128 3 52,499 45,069 7,430 Aranthangi 398 478 1 28,443 26,989 1,454 District Total 3,740 2,251 29 577,814 481,978 95,886 (3,738) Population. .. Taluk. ,--- Persons. Males. Females. ~ Total. Rural. Urban. Total. Rural. Urban. Total. Rural. Urban. (8) (9) (10) . (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Sirkali '163,891 138,336 25,555 80,475 67,789 12,686 83,416. 70,547 12,869 Mayuram 321,493 255,335 66,158 156,404 123,755 32,649 165,089 : 131,580 33,509 Kumbakonam ., 348,104 242,221 105,883 171,782 )19,409 52,373 176.32~ 122,812 53,510 Ta.njOre ,-: 3~n,984 254,310 127,674 190,375 126,761 63,614 191,609_ 127,549 64.060 Papanasam 216,498 192,357 24,141 106,277 94,210 12,067 " 110,221 98,147 12,074, Na.nnilam 248,487 233,861 14,626 120,840 113,534 7,306 127,647_ 120,327 7,320 Mannfi.rgudi 248,830 202,440 46,390 122,735 99,956 22,779 126,095 102,484 23,611 Nagapattinam .. 261,236 176,131 85,105 127,050 85,861 41,189 134,18& 90,270 43,916 1?attukkottai • , 401,818 365,463 ~6,355 200,513 182,549 17,964 201,305;' 182,914 18.391 Tiru~uraipundi 2~8,942 211,152 37,790 123,241 . . 104,7,15 18,526 125,701 106.437 19,264 Ara.ntha.ngi 141,387 133,168 8,219 67,802 63,665 4,137 73,585, 69,503 4,082 District Total 2,982,670 2,404,774 577,898 1,467,494 1,182,204 ·286,290 1,515~'f78 1,222,570 292._ r 16

'18. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-U-Variation in Population during fifty years. This table compares the population, of the district and have been adjusted for subsequent territorial changes, if of each taluk in the district as ascertained at the Census of any, in order to afford a correct basis for comparison. 1951 with the corresponding figures of the five previous The adjusted figures show the population of taluks and Censuses. The figures recorded at the previous Censuse3 the district as constituted at present.

Net '-Taluk. Fersons. Variation. variation, Male8. Variation. Females. Variation.. 1901-1g51. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

__ l_Sir~li 1901 116,563 54,755 61,808 1911 128,895 12,332 61,193 6,438 67,70f 5,894 1921 .131,226 2,331 63,373 2,180 67,853 151 1931 133,187 1,961 64,009 636 69,178 1,325 1941 147,t73 13,986 71,782 7,773 75,391 6,213- 1951 163,8~1 16,718 47,328 80,475 8,693 83,416 8,025

2 Mayurarn 1901 ~~7,019 115,009 132,010 1911 261,686 14,667 122,750 7,741 138,936 6,926 1921 251,440 10,246 118,887 3,863 132,653 6,383 1931 262,361 10,921 123,386 4,499 138,975 6,422 1941 286,170 23,809 136,820 13,434 149,350 10,375- 1951 821,498 35,323 74,47.4 166,404 19,584 166,089 15,739' 3 Kurnbakonam. 1901 268,101 128,419 139,682 1911 279,178 1l,077 133,644 5,225 145,534 5,852- 1921 269,565 9,613 129,798 3,846 139,767 . 5,767 1931 28Q,985 11,420 136,223 6,425 lU,762 4,995· 1941 30!>,954 19,969 147,022 10,799 153,932 9,170· ~Q51 348,104 47,150 80,003 1'l1,782 24,760 176,322 22,390

4 Tanjore 1901 284,232 137,335 146,897 1911 298,571 14,339 143,925 6,590 154,646 7,749· 1921 287,229 11,342 140,73'1 3,188 146,492 8,154 i931 299,242 12,013 147,205 6,468 152!037 5,545· 1941 316,207 16,965 156,999 9,794 159,208 7,171 1951 381,984 65,777 97,752 190,375 33,376 191,609 32,401

5 PapanasaIl1 •. 1901 175,722 83,755 91,967 1911 186,324 10,602 88,808 5,053 97,616 5,549' 1921 181--,166 5,158 .. 81,486 1,322 93,680 3,836· 1931 185,731 4,565 90,087 2,551 95,691: 2,014 1941 201,59S. 15,868 99,158 9,121 102,441 6,747 1951 216,498 14,899 40,776 1~6,277 7,119 110,221 7,780-

6 NannilaIl1 1901 2140~788 98,445 116,343 1911 217,267 2,479 99,757 1,312 117,610 1,167 1921 2«16,726 10,541 96,548 3,2(1) 110,178 7,332 1931 212,535 5,809 98,967 2,419 113,568 3,390 1941 223,457 10,922 105,221 6,254 118,236 4,668. 1951 248,487 25,030 33,699 120,~40 15,619 127,647 19,411

19M 188,107 89,991 98,116 ,. 7 Mannargudi. 1911 196,983 8,876 94,006 4,015 102,9:J'l 4,861 192'1 191,991 4,992 91,700 2,306 100,291 2,686: 1931 200,899 i 8,908 95,729 4,029 105,170 4,879' 1:941 -2!4~795 13,896 • 103_,!Jft9 : 8,280 110.'196 5,626: 1951 248,830 34,035 60,723 122,735 18,736 126,095 15,290. l~

:tao TAN10RE DISTRICT. A-II-Variation in Population during fifty years.

Net Taluk. rersons. Variatjon. variation, Males. Variation. Females. Va.riation. 1901-1951. . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

8 Nagapattinam. 1901 217,607 100,134 117,473 1911 233,210 15,603 110,098 9,964 123,112 5,639 1921 223,335 9,875 106,531 3,567 116,804 6,308 1931 220,536 2,799 104,549 1,982 115,987 817 1941 287,790 17,254 115,387 10,838 122,403 6,416- 1951 261,236 23,446 43,629 127,050 11,663 134,186 11,783 9 Pattukkottai. 1901 242,467 117,800 124,667 1911 258,084 15,617 125,844 8,044 132,240 7,573 1921 277,798 19,714 135,916 10,072 141,882 9,642 1931 278,637 839 135,458 458 143,179 1,297 1941 302,194 23,557 149,412 13,954 152,782 9,603 1951 401,818 99,624 159,351 200,513 51,101 201,305 48,523 10 Tii:uthurai- 1901 185,091 89,046 96,045 pundi. 1911 194,949 9,858 92,312 3,266 102,637 6,592: 1921 192,398 2,551 92,103 209 100,295 2,342 1931 201,116 8,718 96,058 3,955 105,058 4,763 1941 214,132 13,016 104,145 8,087 109,987 4,92:9 1951 248,942 34,810 63,851 123,241 19,096 125,701 15,7140 11 Aranthangi •. 1901 109,390 53,615 55,77;) 1911 110,898 1,508 52,328 1,287 58,li70 2,791$ 1921 117,041 6,143 55,355 3,027 61,686 a,1l6 1931 110,691 6,350 52,117 3,238 58,574 3,112 1941 118,904 8,213 57,120 5,003 61,784 3,210 1951 141,887 22,483 31,997 67,802 10,682 73,685 11,801

District Total .. 1901 2,248,051 .. 1,067,829 1,180,222 1911 2,fS66,045 117,994 1,124,665 56,836 1~41,380 61,158 1921 2,329,915 36,180 1,118,434 6,231 1,211,481 29,899 1931 2,385,920 [56,005 1,143,738 25,304 1~42,182 30,701 1941 2,563,375 177,455 1,247,065 103,327 1,:U6,310 74,128 1951 2,982,670 419,295 734,619 1,467,494 220,429 1,616,176 198,866 18. TARJORE DISTRICT. A-ill-Towns and Villages Classilled by Population.

This table shows the total number of inhabited towns (3) Towns and villages with population of 10,000 and and villages in each taluk of the district distributed on above-· population basis under three main heads with sub·heads under each as follows:- (a) with population of 10,000 to 20,000. (I) towns and villages with less than 2,000 population­ (b) with population of 20,000 to 50,000. (a) popuJation witb.less than 500. (c) with population of 50,000 to 100,000. (b) population between 500 and 1,000. (d) with population of 100,000 and above. (c) population between 1,000 and 2,000. (2) Towns and villages with popula.tion of 2,000 to II. For definition of a "Town" and "Village" S~ 10,000- fly·leaf to Table A-I. (a) with population of 2,000 to 5,000. (b) with populat:on of 5,000 to 10,000

Total Towns/Villages with less than 2,000 population. number inhabited Total population. Total. Less than 500. Taluk. Towns/ Villages. Porsons. Males. Females. NumblJr. Males. Fem.ales. Num.oor. Males. Females.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) -(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 )

:Sirkalj 97 163,891 80,475 83,416 71 34,519 36,214 J4 1,623 1,752 Maytnam 16'7 321,493 156,404 H35,089 128 73,989 77,959 6 1,066 1,109 KUmbakonam ., 183 348,104 171,782 176,322 149 65,068 66,753 41 5,052 5,062 Tanjol'e 1S4 3S1,9S4 190,375 191,609 146 76,68;) 77,697 25 3.540 3,572 papanasam 165 216,498 106,277 110,221 140 57,952 59,SO.5 40 6,170 6,233 Na.n,uilam 207 248,487 120,840 127,647 183 83,208 87,497 33 4,747 4,988 Mannargudi 160 248,830 122.735 126,095 12.7 57,965 58,986 28 3,206 3,149 Na.gapattinam 168 261,236 127,050 184,186 145 54,445 56,923 46 5,103 5,445 Pattukkottai .. 339 401,818 200,513 201,305 283 101,073 101,192 1I3 l2,920 12,799 Tjruthuraipundi 131 24S,942 123,241 125,701 8S 44,202 44,990 9 1,243 1,256 Ar&ntangi 479 141,387 67,802 73,585 469 51,086 5',398 -4,19 30,764 32.176 District Total 2,280 2,982,670 1,487,4" 1,515,176 1,929 700,192 722,4014 7'14 75,434 77,54t

Towns and vil1ages ~jth Town/Villages with less than 2,000 population-cont. population of 2,000--10,000.

500 to 1,000. 1,000 to 2,000. Total. Taluk. ----, Number. Males. Females. Number. Ma.les. Fem~les: Number. Ma.les. Fema.les.

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

SirkaJi 24 9,661 10,086 33 23,235 24,376 25 38,211 39,672 Mayuram 45 17,290 18,234 77 55,633 58,616 37 53,637 57,456 Kumbakonam. 45 17,149 17,635 63 42,867 44,056 32 54,341 56,059 Taojore 42 16,215 HI,5IS 79 56,930 57,609 36 1')7,919 57,667 Papanasam 47 16,711 17,220 53 35,071 36.352 25 48,325 50,416 Nannilam 80 29,107 30,514 70 49,354 51,995 24 37,632 40,150 Mannargudi 45 16,836 17,089 54 37,923 38,748 31 44,268 45,842 SdgapattinarD 52 19,349 20,217 47 29,993 31,261 21 31,416 33,347 l'attukkottai 88 32,250 32,372 82 55,903 56,021 54 84,119 S4,1l4 '_'iruthtnaipundi 36 13,338 13,375 44 29,621 30,359 41 65,138 6iI,560 AlaBtangi 38 12,768 13,881, 12 7,554 8,341 10 16,716 19,187 Distriet Total 541 200,6701 20"1,119 811 W,084 437,734 388 68i,722 650,470 11.

:18. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-m-Towns and Villages classified by Population.

Towns and villages with population of 2,00~IO,OOO-con.t.

_------~ Taluk_ 2,000 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 Total. r- Number. Males. Females. Number. Males. Females. Number. Males. Females. (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

8irkali 24, 35,397 36,583 1 2,814 3,Q89 1 7,745 7,530 Mayura.m 36 49,766 53,621 1 3,87l 3,835 2 28,778 29,674 Kwnbakonam 28 41,675 43,124 4 12,666 12,935 2 52,373 53,510 Tanjore .• 33 46,648 46,446 3 11,27l 11,221 2 55,771 56,24& Papanasam 19 27,222 28,560 6 21.103 21,856 Nannilam 21 28,050 29,984 3 9,582 10,166 Mannargudi 31 44,268 45,842 2 20,502 21,267 Nagapattinam 20 28,653 30,362 i 2,763 2,985 2 41,189 43,916 Pattukottai 48 65,055 65,159 6 19,064 18,955 2 15,321 15,999 Tiruthuraipundi 39 56,006 56,820 2 9,132 9,740 2 13,901 14,151 Arantangi 8 10,329 11,703 2 6,387 7,484

District Total 307 433,069 448,204- 29 98,653 102,266 15 235,580 :.142.292

Towns and villages with population of 10,000 and above.

10,000 to 20,000 20,000 to 50,000 50,000 to 100,000 100,000 and above. Taluk. -----"------I Number. Males. Females. Number. Males. Females. Number. Male!!. Females. Number. Males. Females.

(30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (fI)' Sirkali .. 1 7,745 7,530 lIayoram 1 7,098 7,918 21,680 21,7&6 Kumbakonam •• 1 6,970 7,270 1 45,403 46,240 Tanjore •• 1 5,727 5,609 1 50,044 50,636 PaplloD8ll6ID Nannilam Kannargudi 1 5,430 6,479 1 15,072 14788 Nagapattm..tu •. 13,598 13,653 1 27,591 30,263 Pattukottai 2 15,321 15,999 Tiruthuraipundi 2 13,901 14,151 Arantangi Dlstrkt Total t 62,192 64,956 a 50,350 50,1i7 2 72,994 7&,508 1 50,044 ,50.631""

T.a.N.-3A. 20


A-IV-Cities and Towns classified by Population with variations ~ince 1901.

This table shows the population and di~ tribution of s~x Cla.ss. Limits of Populat.ion, of cities and towns of the district at each of the last SIX IV 10,000 to 20,000. ~numerations. V 5,000 to 10,000. 2. The following towns have boon treated as cities for VI Under 5,000. the 1951 Census:- (1) Tanjore. 4. Where possible, the former population of places; in (2) Kumbakonam. treated for the first time as towns 1941 and at this Census has been extracted from Village Statistics. Where (3) Nagapattinam. this could not be done, the columns' have been left blank. 3. The cities and towns have been arranged in this table ACcording to their popuLl.tion in 1951 under the following 5. The population of towns for previous Censuses. six classes :- are those then recorded. No adjustments have been made for intervening Changes in area. Class. Limits of Population. 6. MuniCipality, Panchayat and Cantonment are indio I 100,000 and over. cated by the use of thE' letters (M), (P), (C), respectively within brackets. II 50,000 to 100,000. nI 20,000 to 50,000. 7. Towns newly appearing at this census have been printed in italics.

Net Town. Taluk. Persons. Varia. variation MoU8. Varia· Femalu. Varia­ tion. 1901-1951. tion. tion.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ClruB I. Tanjore (M) Tanjore .. 1901 57,870 27,611 30,259 1911 60,3401 2,471 28,777 1,166 31,564 1921 59,918 1,305 - 428 29,353 576 30.560 - 1,004 1931 66,889 6,976 33,590 4,237 33.299 1941 68,702 2,739 1,813 34,166 575 31,637 1,238 1951 100,680 31,978 42,810 GlaSB II. 60,044 15,879 50,636 16,099 Xumbakonam (M) KUIl1bakonam .. 1901 59,678 28,(]50 1911 31,023 64,6407 4,974 31,327 2,677 33,320 1921 60,700 2,297 - 3,9-t7 29,626 - 1,701 3UJU - 2,246 1931 62,317 1,617 30,738 1,1l2 1941 In 679 505 67,008 4,691 32,921 2,183' 34,087 1951 91,643 2,508 24,635 31,970 4c5,40J 12,482 46,24D 12,153 Nagapattinam (M) .. Nagapattinant •. 1901 57,190 26,540 30,650 1911 60,168 2,978 29,996 3,455 192} 30,173 - 477 54,016 - 6,152 26,321 - 3,674 27,695 1931 48,527 - 2,478 - 5,489 23,1#3 - 3,178 25,384 ,- 2,311 1941 52,936 4,409 26,134 2,991 26,802 1951 57,854 4,918 1,418 Cla88 III. 004 27,591 1,457 30,263 3,461 Mayurarn (M) •. .. Kayuram 1901 24,276 11,'141) 1911 12,531 27,121 2,845 13,264 1,519 13,857 192} 28,617 1,496 1,326 14,007 743 14,610 753 193} 31,887 3,270 15,572 1,565 194} 16,315 1,705 32,670 783 16,074 502 16,596 195} 43,486 281 10,766 19,160 21,680 5,606 21,'156 5,160 Xannargudi (M) .. Mann8l'gudi 1901 20,449 9,961 10,488 1911 ~1,398 949 10,556 595 10,842 354 1921 21,636 238 10,808 252 1931 10,828 - 14 22,764 1,128 11,339 531 11,423 1941 28,288 597 524 11,577 238 11,711 SS6 1951 29,860 6,572 9,411 15.072 3,495 14,788 3,077 'l'i~(M) •• . . Nagapattinam .. 1901 15,436 1',308 8,128 1911 16,408 972 7,938 63n 8,470 1921 24,124 342 7,716 12,309 4,371 11,815 3,345 1931 20,871 -3,753 10,024 - 2,285 1941 10,317 -1,468 22,275 1,904 10,965 941 11,310 1951 27,251 963 4,976 11,816 13,598 2,6a3 13.653 2,343 21

J8. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-IV-Cities and Towns classiJIed by Population with variations since 1901.

Net Town. Ta.luk. Persons. Varia- variation Male8. Varia. Females. Varia- tion. 19()1-1951. tion. tion. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) OlaR81V. Pattukkottai (P) Pattukkottai 1901 7.504- 3,636 3,868 1911 8,515 1,01l 4,168 532 4,M7 479 1921 9,623 1,108 4,849 681 4,774 427 1931 10,981 1,358 5,494 645 5,487 713 1941 12,709 1,728 6,464 970 6,245 758 1951 18,246 5,537 10,742 9,363 2,899 8,883 2,638

Vedaranyam (P) Tiruthuraipundi 1901 14,138 6,818 7,320 ·. 1911 14,632 494 6,855 37 7,777 4J57 1921 14,4.5 157 6,919 94 7,.526 -251 1931 15,036 561 1',240 291 7,796 270 1941 14,508 528 6,954 286 7,554 -242 1951 16,945 2,437 :2,807 8,236 1,282 8,709 1,155

Sirkali (P) · . Sirkali 1901 9,722 4,846 4,876 1911 11.116 1,394 5,543 697 5,573 697 1921 12,360 1,244 6,182 639 06,178 605 1931 12,814 454 6,422 240 6,392 214 1941 12,804 -10 6,454 32 6,350 -42 1951 15,275 2,471 5,553 1,745 1,291 7,530 1,180

'Tranquebar (P) .. Mayuram .. 1901 13,142 5,9,55 7,187 1911 13,268 126 6,0114 129 7,184 - 3 1921 11,520 1,748 5.310 774 6,21IJ - 974 1931 12,796 1,276 5,963 653 6,'8:iJ 623 1941 11,111 1,685 5,135 828 5,976 - 857 1951 15,016 3,905 1,874 7,098 1,963 7,918 1,942

,1\ 'r.: 'Tiruvadaimarudur (P) .. KumbakonaDl . . 1901 11,237 5,331 5,906 1911 12,549 1,312 5,986 655 6,563 657 1921 11,511 1,038 5,565 421 :;,946 ,::.,0.617 1931 12,759 1,248 6,137 572 "6,622 . 676 1941 11,683 - 1,076 5,7.93 344 5,890 - 732 1951 14,240 2,557 3,003 6,970 1,177 7.270 1,380 Adirmllpattin8lrIl (P) . . · . Pattukkottai 19'H 10,494 4,671 5,823 1911 10,686 192 4,705 34 5,981 158 1921 10,274 412 4,442 263 5,832 149 1931 10,893 619 4,811 :}69 .,6,082 2 0 1941 10,004 889 4,997 186 5,007 - 1,075 1951 13,074 3,070 2,580 5,958 961 7,116 2,109

Kutbanallur (P) Mannargudi 1901 3,104 1,256 1,848 1911 3,406 302 1,396 140 2,010 162 1921 2,966 440 1,195 201 1,771 239 1931 4,038 1,072 1,616 421 2,422 651 1941 9,805 3,767 4,428 2,812 5,377 2,955 1951 11,909 2,104- 8,805 5,430 1,002 . ·6,479 1,102

'Tiruvruyaru (P) · . Tanjore .. 1901 7,821 3,724 4,097 Tiruvadi. 1911 8,190 369 3,900 176 4,290 193 1921 8,494 304 . 4,1'/2 272 4,322 32 1931 7,741 753 3,880 292 3,861 461 1941 9,302 1,561 4,616 736 4,686 825 1951 11,336 2,034:, 3,515 5,727 1,111 5,609 923

'Tiruthuraipundi (P) .. " Tiruthuraipundi 1901 5,400 2,579 2,821 1911 6,015 615 2,913 334 3,102 281- 1921 6,487 472 3,356 443 3,131 29 1931 7,351 864 3,761 405 3,590 459 1941 8,071 720 !-,170 409 3,901 311 1951 11,107 3,036 5,707 5,665 1,495 5,442 1,541 Ola83 v. .Muthupet (P) .. Tiruthuraipundi 19

S8. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-IV-Cities and Towns classified by Population with variations since 1901.

Town. Taluk. Persons. Variation. Net .Males. Variation . FemalelJ. Varia- variation tion. 1901-1951.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) OlOB8 V--cont. AY}'ampettai (P) PapanaBam 1901 9,454 4,505 4,949 1911 9,754 300 4,6'13 168 1i,081 132 1921 9,796 42 4,8'11 198 4,925 156 1931 10,163 367 4,963 92 5,200 275 1941 7,546 - 2,617 3,'169 - 1,194 3, 'l'l '1 - 1,423 1951 9,352 1,806 -102 4,693 924 4,659 882

Papanasam (P) '0 Papanasam 1901 2,089 1,001 1,088 1911 2,467 378 1,213 212 1,254 166 1921 2,662 195 1,286 73 1,3'16 122 1931 3,169 507 1,634 348 1,635 159 1941 7,635 4,466 3,818 2,184 3,817 2,282 1951 8,753 1,1l8 6,664 4,369 551 4,381; 567

Valllml (P) o. Tlmjore • 0 1901 7,590 3,599 3,991 1911 7,701 III 3,612 13 4,089 98 1921 7,647 - 54 3,579 - 33 4,068 -21 1931 8,534 887 4,068 489 4,466 398 1941 8,076 - 458 3,931 J37 4,145 - 321 1951 8,720 644 1,130 4,286 355 4,434 289

Arantangi (P) 0 0 .. Arantangi 1901 2,936 1,336 . . 1,600 1911 3,065 129 1,430 94 1,635 35, 1921 3,092 27 1,425 -5 1,66'1 32 1931 3,081 -II 1,409 - 16 1,6'12 5, 1941 3,338 257 .. 1,589 180 1,'149 77 1951 8,219 4,881 5,283 4,13'1 2,548 4,082 2,333,

Kuttaiam (P) .. Uayuram 1001 4,7'12 2,244 2,528 1911 5,276 504 2,574 330 2,702 174 1921 4,877 - 399 2,430 144 2,44'1 25& 1931 6,367 1,490 3,159 729 3,208 761 1941 6,848 481 3,308 149 3,54IJ 332 1951 7,706 858 2,934 3,871 563 3,835 295,

NMlinilam (P) _ Na,m,u,am 1901 6.727 3,153 3,574 - - 1911 2,745 - 3,982 1,259 - 1,894 1,486 - 2,088 1921 2,608 - 137 1,207 -52 1,401 - 85 1931 3,026 418 1,463 256 1,563 162 1941 3,103 77 1,491 28 I,61ft 49· 1951 '1,416 4,313 689 3,783 2,292 3,633 2,021

KodaV(J8a'. (l?) •• .. NUr&mbm 1001 5,419 2,622 2,797 I!Hl 4,805 614 2,299 323 2,506 291 1921 4,369 - 436 2,073 - 226 2,296 - 210' 1931 4,909 54& 2,332 259 2,671 281 1941 5,080 171 2,457 125 2,623 46- 1951 7,210 2,130 1,791 3,523 1,066 3,68'1 1,064

Tirukattupalli (P) .. Tanjore •• 1901 8,542 4,139 4,1.03 1911 7,064 - 1,478 2,962 - 1,177 4,102 - 301 1921 5,538 - 1,528 2,696 266 2,840 - 1,262- 1931 6,408 870 3,182 486 3,22<1 384 1941 5,609 - 797 .. 2,860 322 2,749 475 1M) 6,938 1,329 -1,604 3,557 697 3,381 632

""langiDlan (1)) Papanasam 1901 5,::9 2,609 2,850 . 1911 5, $ - 33 2.566 -43 2,860 10· 1821 4,'108 - 718 2,297 - 269 2,411 - 449 1981 5_ 51B 2,544 247 2,683 272 IMI 5,rrO 543 2,893 349 ',877 194 1.51 6,086 ~6 577 3,005 112 3,031 lU- !3

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-IV-Cities and Towns classUled by Population with variations since )901.

Town. Taluk. Persons. Variation. Net J.'l:fales. Variation. li't!mal '3& • Varia- variation tion. 1901-1951.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (~) (9) CIa" V-cont. 'Tirumalaivasal (P) .. 8irkali 1901 4,244- . . 1,969 2,275 1911 4,996 752 2,243 272 2,763 4V8 1921 4,648 - 353 2,111 - 133 2,.532 - 221 1931 4,807 164 2,1'17 66 2,630 98 1941 6,118 1,306 3,198 1,021 2,915 2M 1951 5,908 210 1,659 2,814 - 384 3,089 174

-{)rtAfJ,nad (P) " Pattukkottai 1901 UUl 1921 t,345 .. 6(}8 73'1 1931 3,898 2,548 2,019 1,4011 1,874 1,137 1941 4,752 859 2,303 284 2,1149 575 1951 5,035 283 2,643 340 2,392 -57 Ol£u8 VI • ..Needamongalam (P) .. Manmwgudi 1901 a,893 1,411 1,482 1911 2.888 -10 1,396 -15 1,487 5 1921 2.780 - 103 1,423 ~7 1,367 -130 1931 2,,857 77 1,379 - 44 1,478 121 1941 3,521 664 1,722 343 1,799 321 1951 4.621 1,10'0 1,728 2,f4'n 555 2,344 545 (P) .. Sirkali .. 1901 4,518 2,100 2,418 19l1 4785 267 2,216 116 2,569 151 1921 6,708 1,923 3,673 1,457 3,035 466 1931 5,372 - 1,336 2,687 - 986 2,685 -350 1941 3,882 - 1,490 1,885 - 802 1,997 - 688 1951 4,377 495 -141 2,127 242 2,250 253 District Total .. 1901 352,641 167,322 18/i 319 1911 373,246 20,605 179,881 12,559 193365 8,046 1921 379,903 6.657 185,670 5,789 194,233 868 1931 396,982 17,079 194014 8,344 202.968 8,735 1941 426,154 29,172 210,095 16,081 216.069 13,091 1951 577,896 151,742 225,255 285,290 75,195 Z92,6(J6 76,547 24

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. A-V-Towns arranged talukwise with Population by Livelihood Classes.

, Ill" This ta.ble shows the analysis of the Urban. popula~i.?n (ii) Non-Agricultural Glasses. in towns by livelihood classes, instead of by commurutles as in the previous Censuses. Persons (including dependants) who derive their- principal means of livelihood from- 2. Under the Indian Census Economic Classification V. Production (other than cultivation). Scheme, the people have been divided into two broad VI. Commerce. livelihood categories, viz., the Agricultural classes .and the Non-agricultural classes. There are four Agrwultural VII. Transport. classes and f('ur Non-agricultural classes as shown VIII. Other service,; and miscellaneous sources. below:- 3. In this table the figures for the agricultural liveli. (i) Agricultural Clas8es. hood classes I to III are not given separately but have been clubbed tog;!ther. ' I. Cultivators of lil-nd wholly or mainly mmed and 4. The towns in each taJuk of the district are arranged their dependants. in the order of their population as in Table A.IV. 5. MuniCipality, Panchayat and Cantonment a~ indio II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned cated by the use of the letters (M), (P). (C), re3pectively and their dependants. within brackets. . m. Cultivating labourers and their dependants. 6. For the definition of a "Town" see fly.leaf to Table A·I. IV. Non.cultivating owners of land. agricultural rent 7. Towns newly appearing at this Census hav!:' been reCQivers a.nd their dependants. printed in italics. LivelihOod classes.

Non.agricultural classes.

Persons (including dependants)---.. who Population. derive their principal means of liveljhood from Taluk. Name of town. PersoDg. Males. Females. V. Production other than VI. Commerce. cultivation. r----A. _;}Iales. FemaleE'. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Sirka1i SirkaJi (P) 15,270 7,74,5 7,530 1,031 933 1,202 Do. Tirumalajvasal (P). 5,90a 1,210 2,814 3,089 983 920 375 Do. Vai thAeswaranko.i1 4,377 2,127 2,250 611 (P). 231 232 174 156 Mayuram Mayuram (M) 43,436 21,680 21,756 4,364 4,195 4,154 Do. Tranquebar (P) IS,016 7,098 7,918 4.287 1,750 1,456 888 1,606 Do. Kuttalam (p) 7,706 3,871 3,835 860 846 517 540 Kumbakon'1.ID Kumbakonam (M). 91,643 45,403 46,240 11,408 11,179 1l,417 11,685 Do. Tlru, adajmal'udur 14,240 6,970 7,270 (P). 2,161 2,059 908 1,043 Tanjore Tanjore (M) 100,6S0 50,044 50,636 Do. Tiruvaiyaru 9,709 8,752 9,638 10,213 11.336 5,727 5,609 803 (Tiruvadi) (P). 645 1,084 1,123 Do. Vallam (P) 3,r;20 4,286 4,434 621 627 '614 Do. Tirukattupalli (P). 6,938 621, 3,557 3,381 452 409 657 Papanasam Ayyampettai (P) 59~ 9,352 4,693 4,659 1,825 1,696 Do. Papanasam (P) 8,753 891 819 4,369 4,384 785 728 684 Do. Valangiman (P) 6,036 3,005 665 3,031 500 481 509 524 Kannilam Nannilmn (P) 7,416 3.783 3.633 491 453 472 Do. Kodavasal (P) 7,210 3,523 410' 3,687 467 461 41)4 44$ }Iannargudi .. Mannargudi 1M) 29,860 15,072 Do. 14,788 2,554- 2.411 2,635 2,509 Kuthanallur (P) " 11,909 5,430 6,479 518 Do. Needamangalam (Pl. 450 897 1,280 4,621 2,277 2.344 218 219 426 Nagapattinam Nagapattinam (M). 456 57,854 27,591 30,263 5,709 Do. T,ruvarur (M) 5,520 7,243 8,897. 27.251 13,598 13,6u3 1,856 1,703 3,405 "Pattukkottai Pattukkottai (P) .. 3,337 18,246 9,363 8,883 1,096 1,0'14 Do. (P). 13,074 1,514 1,387 5,958 7,116 1,382 1,319 1,301 Do. Orlhanad (P) 5.03{; 2,643 2,392 1,541 266 229 699 497 25

18. TAHJORE DISTRICT. A-V-Towns arranged talukwise with population by Livelihood Classes. Livel·bood classe8. __...___ ---. Non-agricultural classes.

Perilons (including dependants) who l' opulation. derIve their princIpal means "r liveliliood from r- Taluk. NaJne of t<)WD. Persons. Males. Feffial"s. V. Production other than VI. (01Du:.en,,'. cultivation. ~ Males. Females. Males. Females.

(11 ('2) (3) (4) (.')\ (6) (7) is) (9) Tiruthuraipundi Vedaranyam (P) 16,945 8,236 8,709 2,060 2,149 479 523 Do. Tiruthura,pundi (P). 11,107 5,g65 .3,442 61S 566 1,166 1,059 Do. Muthupet (P) 9,738 4,625 5,113 1,152 1,207 1,133 1,380 Arantangi Arantangi (P) . 8,219 1,l3'1 4,082 806 691 998 1,048 District Total 577,896 285,290 292,606 56,676 53,540 56,384 60,468 Livelihood classes--cont.

Non-agricultural classes-cont. Agricultural classes. --. r-----"-- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of IV. Non-cultivating I-ill. Cultivators, livelihood front owners of land cultivating Taluk. Name of town. .-- agricultural rent labourers and their VIII. Other receivers and their ~ependants. VIT. Transport. services and dependants. miscellaneous sources.

Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. F~les. Males. Females. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

Sirkali Sirkali (P) " 227 231 2,885 2,776 707 787 1,693 1,593 Tirumalaivasal (P) 138 137 410 440 232 287 676 694 Vaitheeswarankoil 106 96 670 734 52 98 894 934 (P). Ma.yuram Mayuram (M) 2,012 1,81S 7,846 7,841 1,595 1,945 1,709 1,670 Tranquebar (P) 284 250 2,467 2,582 380 493 1,329 1,531 Kuttalam (P) 134 135 1,052 975 285 368 I,()23 97l Kumbakonam Kumbakonam (M). 2,299 2,134 14,759 15,036 2,950 3,636 2,570 2,570 TiruvadaiDlarudur 134 167 2,265 2,331 385 514 1,117 1,156 (P), Tanjore Tanjore (M) 3,492 3,418 21,991 22,471 1,898 2,485 3,316 3,297 Tiruvaiyaru (Tiru- 193 184 2,166 2,021 443 547 1,088 1,089 vadi) (P) Vallam (P) 19 26 1,289 1,352 192 231 1,551 1,677 Tirukattupalli (Pl. 105 84 1,308 1,256 224 269 811 767 Papanasam Ayyampettai (P) 103 98 1,038 1,091 391 468 445 487 Pa.panasam (P) 60 51 1,481 1,474 178 281 1,181 1,18i Valangiman 113 101 1,109 1,077 144 217 630 631 Nannilam N annilam (P) 3'1 51 1,468 1,395 141 1'l8 1,1'l4 1,14. Kodavasol (P) 37 48 1,305 1,331 261 276 1,049 1,12' Mannargudi .. Mannargudi (M) 486 487 6,169 6,Il8 982 1,217 2,246 2,046 Kuthanallur (P) 156 134 1,469 1,727 951 1,368 1,439 1,520 Needamangalam (P). 117 130 1,028 931 151 208 337 400 Naga.pa.ttinam Nagapa.ttinam (M). 2,276 2,389 10,174 11,042 1,022 1,248 1,167 1,167 Tiruvarur CM) 701 653 4,740 4,747 915 1,287 1,981 1,926 Pattukkottai Pattnkkottai (P) 275 242 3,728 3,501 142 146 2,608 2,603 Adirampa.ttinam (P). 52 75 1,887 2,848 430 338 906 99& Orlhanad {PI 38 31 1,186 1,067 69 83 185 485 Tiruthuraipundi Vedaranyam (P) .. 81 62 2,277 2,489 350 456 2,989 3,030 Tiruthuraipundi (P). 283 289 2,008 1,890 158 207 1,432 1,431 Muthupet (P) HI 100 1,173 1,237 345 424 711 765 Arantangi Arantangi (P) 231 211 ~ 1,402 2'1 33 '134 ~9'i' District Total 14,300 ~ ~ ~05,182 16.000 20,095 39,H1 It._ TAN.-' 26

18. TAlflORE DlSTRlCT. E-Summary figures by taluks. The data contained in this table have been given for each 4. Previous census figures of population have been taluk in the distript. adjusted with reference to the merger of States, transfer 2. The areas shown in column (2) of the table for the of enclaves, and inter district transfers, if a.ny.. The district and the taluk "total" are the latest figures fur- rural and urba.n popula.tion figures have been taken as Dished by the Centra.l Survey Office, Ma.dras. The areas they were at the 1941 and 1931 censuses and as they are given for "urban" are those furnished by the District at the present Census, rega.rdless of the changes of rural Officers. Tbe a.reas for t, rural" have been obtained by areas into urban areas and vice ver8a from Census.to Census, deducting the figures for ., urban" from those for district for the purpose of calculating percmtage variation between and taluk " total." 1931 and 194:1 and between 1941 and 1951. For calculat- ing density for c' rural" and .' urban" for 1941, the areas of 3. The district area furnished by the Surveyor-General, the towns newly 'formed at the present Census rounded to India, which has been shown in Table A-I, could not be the nearest square mile have been deducted from the areas adoptod in this table as Talukwise figures have not boou given for urban in column (2) for 1951 and added to the furnished by him. The distriot areas given by the areas given for ., rural," in the district and taluks where Surveyor-General differ in varying degrees from those neW' towns have been recognized. furnished by the Central Survey Office, Madras. Percentage Population. variation. Density. Aream ,...--J--.~ District 3lld ta.luk. square 1951_ 1941. 1941-1951. 1931-1941. 1951. 1941. miles. .----"--t Persons. MlJ.les. Females. Persons. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) District Total 3,788 2,98it,670 1,467,494 1,515,176 2,563,375 16·' 7-4 798 686 R1fral Total 3,626 2,404,774 1,IB2,204 1,222,570 2,137,221 12'5 7·5 663 588 U1'l>an Total 112 577,891 285,290 292,606 426,151 35·6 7·3 5,160 4,13'1 8irkali Ta.luk- Total 171 168,891 80,475 83,416 147,173 11'4 10·5 958 861 Rural 160 138,336 67,789 70,647 121,371 11-2 12·9 865 7'1'1 Ur6Gn 11 25,555 12/J86 12,869 22,798 12'1 - 0·8 2,323 2,073 Mayurapl ,Tal\1k.- Total 282 321,493 156,404 165,089 286,171) 12·3 9·1 1,140 1,015 Rural 268 255,335 123,755 131,580 235,541 8'4 11·5 953 8'1S1 Urban 14 66,158 32,849 33,509 50,629 30''1 0·8 4,'126 3.616 Kumbakona.v;t, Taluk- Total 212 348,104 171,782 176,322 300,954 15'7 7·1 1,642 1~420 Rural 204 242,221 119,409 122,812 222,263 9·0 7·9 1,187 1,090 Urban 8 105,883 52,373 53,510 78,691 34'6 4'8 13,236 9,836 Tanjor.e Taluk- ToJ;a1 421 381,984 190,375 191,669 316,207 20·8 5·7 907 7tH Rural l03 264,310 126,761 127,549 224,518 13'3 7'1 631 fj57 Urban 18 127,674 63,814 84,080 91,689 39'2 2·4 7,093 5.094 Papanasam Taluk- Total 228 216,498 106,277 IlO,221 201,599 7·4 8·5 9oo 884 Rural 225 192,357 94,210 98,147 180,848 0·6 61 855 803 Urban 3 24,141 12,087 12,074 20,951 15·2 3(101 8,047 8,984 Nannilam Taluk- Total 291 248,487 120,840 127,647 223,457 U·2 5·1 854 768 Rural 286 233,861 113,534 120,327 223,457 "·7 5el 818 776 Urban 5 14,626 7,306 7,320 2,925 Mannargudi Talnk- Total 301 248.830 122,735 126,095 214,'795 15'8 6G 827 '714 Rural 288 202,440 99,966 102,484 181,702 11'4 Z·O 703 629 U·rban 13 46,390 22,7'19 23,611 33,093 40'2 45·4 3,568 2,'1~8 Nagapattina.:ot Taluk- Tolial 240 261,236 127,050 134,186 237,790 9'9 7·8 1,088 991 Rural 231 1'16,131 86,861 90,270 162,578 8·3 '1·2 762 704 Urban !} 85,105 41,189 43,916 75,212 13·2 9·2 9,456 8.351 Pattukkottai Taluk- Tota.l 698 4eH,SIS 200,513 201,305 302,194 33'0 8'5 576 433 Rural 687 365,463 182,549 182,9H. 279,481 ao-s 8·E 532 4tJ6 UrlJqn 11 36,355 17,964 ' 18,391 22,713 60·1 3·S 3,306 2.2'11 Tjrutb.lll'aipundi Taluk- Total ., .. 496 248,942 123,241 125,701 214,132 16·3 6·~ 502 432 Rw-ql 478 211,152 101,715 106,437 183,755 11·9 7·0 442 384 Urban 18 37,790 18,526 19,264 30,377 24'4 3·4 2.099 1,688 Arantangi Talu',- Total 398, 14,1,387 67,802 73,585 llS,904 18'9 \ 7·4 355 299 Rural J96 133,168 63.665 69,503 11.8;904 12·0 7·4 336 299 U,~aJt 2· 8,219 l,137 4,082 4,110 27

18. TAIUORE DISTRICT. E-Summary figures by taIuts.

Livelihood classes.

Agricultural classes, IV. Non-cllitivating I. Cultiva.tors of land II. Cultivators of lahd III. Cultivating owners of land, District and taluk. wholly or mainly wholly or mainly labourers and their agricultural rent owned a.nd their unowned and their dependants. rei:leivers and their dependants. dependants. dependants. r---~ ~ Ma.les. FemaleS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

District Total 383,701 392,232 231,766 231,797 351,285 366,104 54,783 74,203

Rural'l'otal 363,726 372,lU 223,713 224,189 340,013 354,281 38,783 54,108

Urban Total 19,916 20,058 8,053 7,608 11,212 11,828 16,000 20,095

Sirkali 'r~uk- Total 10,513 10,7M 19,930 19,354 22,954 24,592 3,227 4,313 Rural 9,692 10,108 18,491 18,032 21,951 2J,869 2,236 8,141 Urban 821 676 1,439 1,822 1,003 1,228 991 1,172 Mayuram Taluk- Total 19,208 20,240 34,04'7 34,257 4Q,294 43,129 9,739 13,157 Rural 17,0'19 18,073 88,395 33,S86 39,014 41,795 7,479 10,351 Urban 2,129 2,167 652 671 1,280 1,334 2;260 2,806 Kuntbakonam Taluk- Total 14,798 15,075 31,882 31,697 34,860 36,325 8,782 11,182 Rural 13,520 13,859 30,950 30,790 83,383 34,722 5,447 7,032 Urban 1,278 1,216 982 90'1 1,477 1,608 8,885 4,150 Tanj~re Taluk- Total 57,929 57,645 19,832 19,551 37,306 38,541 5,624 7,437 Rural 53,930 53,783 18,71,6 18,455 35,675 36,769 2,867 3,905 Ur{lan 3,999 3,862 1,086 1,096 1,631 1,772 2,767 3,532 Papanasam Taluk- Total 17,264 17,605 22,503 22,416 38,085 84,766 5,751 7,897 Rural 16,378 16,678 21,927 21,845 32,291 33,961 5,038 6,931 Urban 886 927 (i76 571 794 806 713 966 Nannilam Taluk- Total 18,371 19,818 20,898 20,114 41,333 43,868 6,876 9,889 BU1'aZ 17,613 18,998 20,186 19,412 40,681 43,118 6,474 9,435 Urban 758 820 763 702 702 750 402 461 Mannargudi Taluk- Total 34,408 35,683 18,501 18,437 34,923 35,601 4,334 6,174 Rural 32,564 33,888 17,561 17,480 33,695 34,887 2,250 3,381 Urban 1,844 1,795 950 957 1,228 1,214 2,081, 2,7'93 Nagapattinam Taluk- Total 20,57!t 21,558 7,962 7,789 35,961 38,131 5,001 6,865 Rural 18,797 19,670 7,331 7,380 35,226 37,435 3,064 ~330 Urban 1,782 1,888 631 509 795 696 1,937 ,515 Pattukkottai Taluk- Total 117,909 118,191 16,914 17,307 32,8-12 32,745 2,639 3,()21 Rural 115,218 116,104 16,551 17,048 31,867 31,708 1,998 2,454 Urban 2,891 2,78'1 363 269 fH5 1,037 641 56' Tiruthuraipundi Taluk- Total 44,491 45,800- 17,533 17,116 32,266 32,917 2,168 3,,189 Rural 41,183 42,336 16,919 16,542 30,996 31,738 1,315 2,102 Urban 8,808 3,4'l3 6U: 6'14 1,210 1,179 858 1,087 Arantangi Taluk- Total 28,231 29,824- 21,700, 23,759 5,551 5,489 642 1,079 Rural -.... 27,'1:;1 29,37'7 21.m 23,7'18 5,344 6,279 615 1,()46 Urb

18. TABIORB DISTlUClT. E-SummarJ ftgures by taluks.

Livelihood 01a.t!Se8~t. Non.agriculturalolasses.

Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means oflivelihood from VIII. Other District and taluk. V. Production servioes and other than VI. Commtu·ce. VII. Transport. miscellaneous cultivation. sources. r--~ r--~ ~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.

(19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26)

District Total 137,238 127,764 98,518 110,806 21,485 20,256 188,768 192,014

R1Wal Total 80,562 71,224 42,134 50,338 7,135 6,424 86,079 86,832

Urban Total 56,676 53,.540 56,384 60,468 14,300 13,832 102,689 105,182

!irkali Taluk- Total 9,603 9,120 4,117 5,208 959 867 9,172 9,178 Rural 7,358 7,035 2,366 3,231 488 403 5,207 0,228 Urban. 2,215 2,085 1,751 1,977 471 464 3,965 3,950 Mayuram Taluk- Total 16,464 15,269 10,348 12,641 3,407 3,049 22,897 23,347 Rural 9,490 8,772 4,789 6,208 977 846 11,532 11,949 Urban 6,971 6,497 .5,559 6,433 2,430 2,203 11,365 11,398 - Total 28,681 27,517 19,643 21,215 3,681 3,447 29,455 29,864- Rural 15,112 11,279 7.318 8,487 1,248 1.146 12,431 12.497 Urban 13.569 13,238 12,325 12,728 2,~33 2,301 17,024 17,367 TanjQre Talllk- Total 17.683 15,768 14,739 15,353 4,262 4,156 33,000 33.158 Rural 6.098 5,335 2,746 2,800 453 444 6,246 6,058 Urban 11,585 10,433 11,993 12,553 3,809 3,712 26,754 27.10f) Papan.aB&1I1 Taluk- Total 9,787 9.123 6,144 6,444 808 763 10,935 1l,207 R1Wal 6,677 6,218 4,060 4,436 532 513 7.307 7,565 Urban 3,110 2.905 2,084' 2,008 276 250 3,628 3,64ft Nannilam Taluk- Total 9,91i 9,185 6,934 8,172 1.358 1,221 15,152 15:380 RuraZ 8,960 8,271 6,058 7,317 1,284 1,122 12,379 12,651 Urban 958 914 876 855 74 99 2,773 2,726 Mannargudi Taluk- Total 7,772 6.900 6,386 7,010 1,265 1,190 15,146 15,100 Rural 4,482 3,820 2,428 2,765 506 439 6,480 6,324 U .. ban 3.290 3,080 3,958 4,245 759 751 8,666 8,7'16 Nagapattinam Taluk- Total 15,294 14,301 15,188 17,727 3,742 3,708 23,323 24,107 Rural 7,729 7,078 4.540 5,493 765 666 8.409 8,318 Urban 7,565 7,223 10,648 12,234 2,977 3,042 14,911, 16,789 Pe.ttukkottai Taluk- Total 9,467 8,708 6,703 6,817 534 .500 13,535 14,016 Rura~ 6,723 6,156 3,289 3,392 169 152 6.734 6,600 Urban 2,744 2.552 3,414 3,425 365 ·148 6.801 7,416 Thiruthuraipundi Ta.luk- Total 8.724 8,269 5,083 5,556 1.088 1.010 1l,948 11,835 RuraZ 4,894 4.347 2,305 2,594 613 559 6.190 6,219 Urban 3,830 3,922 2.778 2.962 l75 451 5,458 5,616 Arantangi Taluk- Total 3,845 3,604 3,233 4.663 a:n 345 4,205 .,822 Rural 3,039 2,913 2,235 3,615 100 131 2,864 3,420 Uman 806 691 998 1,048 231 211 1,341 1.40t 29

18. TAKJORB DISTRICT. B-ECQNOMIC TABLES. B-I-Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes.

This table shows by rural/urban break-up for each Oity Tract8. census tract in the district the distribution of population, sex· wise, among the eight livelihood classes and the three No. 22-'l'anjore City in Tanjore taluk. sub-classes, viz., sf..lf-supporting persons, non-earning No. ~3--Kumbakonam City in Knmbakonam taluk. dependants and earning dependants under each livelihood No. 24-Nagapattinam City in Nagapattinam taluk. class into which the economic characterist.ics of the people 3. The livelihood classification is based on t,he principaJ. have been classified under the J.C.E.C. Scheme--vide fly­ means of livelihood of the self-supporting persons, the leaf to Table A· V. principal means of livelihood for earning and non-earning dependants being the same as that of the self-supporting 2. The areas comprised in each p.f the Cfnsus tracts persons on whom they are dependant. into which this district has been delimited for the purposes of Census tabulation are given below:- . 4. "The principal mE'ans of livelihood" is the means of livelihood which provides the largf'st or the major part Rura.l Tracts. of the income in the ca~e of self-supporting persons who have mere than one means of livelihood. In the case No. I 57-Sirkali. All the villages and of otht-r self.supporting persons, it is the only means of panchayatB not Iivelihood. treated as Census towns. 5. A p~r:>on has been regarded as "Self.supporting" Do. In Mayuram taluk. if the income secured by the person is sufficient at least No. 158-Mayuraro for his (or her) own maintenance at the level of living and No. 159--Kumbakonam. Do. In Kumbakonaro adopted by him (or her) at the time of the CerulUs. The taluk. income secured may be in cash or kind. Anyone who is No. 16O-Tanjore. Do. In Tanjore taluk. not a "Self-supporting" person in this sense has been regarded as a dependant. An ,e earning" dependant is a No. 161-Papanasam. Do. In Papanasam taluk. person who secures an income which is not sufficient to No. 1 62-Na.nnilam. Do. In Nannilam taluk. support him (or her). A pe"son who does not seCure any No. 163-Mannargudi. Do. In Mannargudi income either in' cash or kind, is a ,e non-earning ., depen­ taluk. dant. No. 1 64-Nagapattinam. Do. In Nagapattinam 6. The non-earning dependants include persons perform­ taluk. ing housework or other domestic or. personal service.:; No. 165-pattukkottai Do. In Pattukkottai for other members of the same family household, but do taluk. not include "unpaid family workers" or pers~ms who No. 16~Tiruthuraipundi Do. ln Tiruturaipundi take part along with the mem hers of the family household taluk. in carrying on cultivation or a home industry as a family enterprise. These latter persone have been classed as either No. 167-Al."antangi. Do. In Arantangitaluk. self-supporting or earning dependants according to the share of income attributable to them. Non-Oity Urban Tracts. 7. The self-supporting persons shown in Livelihood No. 47-Sirkali, Vaitheeswarankoil and Tirumalaivasal towns in Class VIII include also persons who derive their income Sirkali taluk. otherwise than through productive activity, i.e., persons Mayuram, Tranquebar and Kuttalam town in Mayuram talllk (and) Tiruvadaima.rudur town in Kumbakonam coming under the following groups, details for which are taluk. given in the fly.leaf to Economic Table B-III :- No. 48--Tiruvadi, Vallam and Tirukattupulli towns in Tanjore (1) Persons living princip(111y on income from non­ taluk _(and) Pap~nasam, Ayyampettai and_Valangiman agricultural property; towns In Pspanasam taluk. (2) Persons living principally on pensions, remit· No. 49-Ns'1nilam a.nd Kodavasal towns in Nannilam taIuk, tances, scholarships and funds; Tiruvarur town in Nagapattinam taluk (and) Tiru­ turaipundi, Veda ran yam and Mut.hupet towns in (3) Inmates of jails, asylums, alms, houses and reci. Tiruturaipundi taluk. pients of doles ; No. 50-Ma.nnargudi, Kuthanallur and Needamangalam towns in (4) Beggars and vagrants; and Mannq,rglldi taluk, Pattukkottai, AdirampEttirHlm and Orthanad towns in Pattukkottai talnk (and) Arantangi (5) All other persons living principally on income town in Al'antangi taluk. derived from non-productive activity. 80 r [ l I

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TAN.-5~ 36 18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B·U-Secondary means of Livelihqocl· This table give f, in each of th s ~r the district the number of persons importance to theIr principal means of livelihood. In EconOmio Tabl: eIght livelihood classes mentioned in respect of earning dependants, it is the means of livelihood livelihood, a dB-I,. who possess a secondary means of whioh provides the earning, or the largest part of their nature of ~uc~ cross classifies them (according to the income if they have more than one source of income. livelihood c1ass:.eans of livelihood) under the same eight 3. Non-earning dependants and self-supporting per~ons 2. The seconda ~... . who l:J.ave no secondary means of livelihood are excluded supporting . ry ~eans of hvelihood shown for self- from this Table. persons IS the means of livelihood next in

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,_.___ ~ ______.A..~ - ., Cultivation of owned land.

Livelihood CI_s. ,--~ . ---. Total. ,-Self·___ supporting..A.. __ persons.----.. Earning dependants. ,- ..... ,-___--A. .. Males. . Females. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Agricultural Classes. I. Cultivators ofland wh . ll. Cultivators of I olly or mainly owned .. 564 11{) 564 llOi lll. Cultivating laboand wholly or mainly unowned .. 955 95 870 39 85 56 IV. Non.cultivatin urers ...... 817 382 604 92 213 290; receivers. g oWners of land; agricultural rent 309 53 272 46 37 7' Total (Agricultural Classes) 2,645 640 1,746 177 899 463

Non.Ag'l'icultural Olasses. (Persons who der' h . .lve.t ell' principal means of lIvelihood from) V. Production (oth h . VI. Commerce er t ·an cultivation) 883 170 . 711 .22 172 148 VII. Transport : : 880 65 727 27 153· 38 VIII. Other services and '.' .• . . . . 80 1 73 7 1 mlscellllAeous sources 1,585 101 1,490 45 95 56 Total (Non-Agricultural Ccasses) 8,428 387 3,001 94 427 243

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood fr w

,---~- ~ Cultivation of unowned land. Livelihood classes. r-- --.A..-- . .l- Total. Self· supporting persons. Earning dependants." ,----~--"-- ,.... ,---~---., Males. Females. Males. Females. Mal~s. Fem~s. I (8) (9) (10) (11) ~12) (13) AgrieuUu'I'alOlasses. , I. Cultivators ofland wh 11 . ll. Cultivators of lOy or mainly owned •• 7,391 1,084 6,020 464 1,371 620 III. Cultivating lab:!;;holly or mainly unowned •. 1,230 1,049 1,230 1,049 IV. Non.cultivat· ...... 4,415 1,081 2,884 218 1,531 863 receivers. mg OWners of land; agricultural rent 188 41 146 15 42 !6 Total (Agricultural Classes) 13,224 8,255 9,050 697 1t,174 2,558

Non-Agricultu'I'al Olasses. (Persons who de . . r l'lv~ thell' principal means of Ivelihood from)' . V. Production (oth than ·153 VI . Commerce .,er cultivation) 445 335 12 no 141 VII. Transport... • • 377 70 286 23 91 47 VIII. Other services d •••. • .. •... •• 66 5 53 13 6 an mIScellaneous S01l1'Ce8 . 954 8'7 793 23 161 64 Total (Non. Agricultural ~Iasses) 1,842 315 1,467 58 875 257 31

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B;-II:SeeondarJ .mea~ of ldveJplood.

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ----....___ ~ Employment as cultivating labourer. Livelihood classes. ,------~-~------~~------~ Total. Self-supporting persons. Earning dependants. ~___.A._ __~ ~~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females ..

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19} AgriGultural Glasses.

I. Cultivators ofland wholly.or mainly owned 4,809 , 2,417 2,814 603 1,995 I,Sh II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 7,443 8,120 3,907 447 3,536 7,673 III. Cultivating labourers 7,487 22,378 7,487 22,378 IV. Non-cultiv.ating owners ofland; agricultural rent 262 209 193 80 69 129 receivers.

Total (Agricultural Classes) 20,001 .83,124 6.914 . 1,130 13,087 31,994

Non-Agricultural Glasses. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

'; V. Production (other than cultivation) 919 328 424 32 495 296 VI. Commerce 355 195 191 ' 63 164' 182 VII. Transport 108 56 39 " , 1 .' 69 155 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 992 870 421 84 571 7S6

Total (Non~AgricuItural Classes) .. 2,374- 1,449 1,075 180 1,299 1,269

Number of persons deriyjng their secondary means of livelihood from

Rent on agricultural land. Livelihood classes. Total. Self-supporting persons. Eaming dependants. r--~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. lremales.

(20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Agri#lultural Olasses.

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 315 122 269 51 46 71 II. Cultivators of land wholly or'mainly unowned 216 56 160 12 56 ,44 ID. Cultivating labourers 295 249 182 133 113 116 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent 212 113 212 113 receivers.

Total (Agrlculturai Classes) 1,038 540 611 196 427 344

Non-Agricultural Olasses. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

V. Production (other than cultivation) 681 94 .585 :31 96 63 VI., Commerce 1,202 161 1,100 46 102 r 115 VII. Transport 173 12 .157 .. 3 -,16 '9 VIII. ~ , ' . Other services and miscellaneous sources 2,052 181 1,978 4"2 74 13'

Toial (NOD-Agricultural Classts) 4,108 448 .' 3,B2O 128 288 3'11 38

18. TANI0RE DISTRICT. B-U-seeondary means of Livelihood.

Number of persons deriving their secondary meBJlS of livelihood from Production (other the.n. cultivation). Livelihood classes. 'fotal. Self.supporting persons. Earning dependants. r--___'_ r------A------~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) AgriGuUural Classes.

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 4,756 739 3,690 291 1,066 448 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 2.026 341 1.246 63 780 278 III. Cultivating labourers 3.127 620 1.222 97 1,905 523 lV. Non.cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent 1,550 204 1,295 86 255 lIS receivers.

Total (Agricultural Classes) 11,459 1,904 7,453 537 4,006 1,367

Non.AgrwuUu'ral Clas868. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

V. Production (other than cultivation) 2,729 1,100 583 48 2,146 1,052 VI. Commerce 577 115 216 28 .• 361 87 VII. Transport 127 24 33 2 .. 94 22 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 803 305 360 32 443 273- Total (Non·Agricultural Classes) 4,236 1,544 1,192 110 3,044- 1,434

Number of persons deriving their secondlUy means of livelibood from. Commerce. Livelihood classes. Total. Self-supporting persons. Earning dependants.

Males. Females. Males. Females: Males. Females.

(32) (33) (34) ~5) (36) (37) Agrkultural Classes.

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 6,046 748 5,020 342 1,026 40& n. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 1,527 389 1,236 98 291 291 m. Cultivating labourers 1,208 935 797 ·631 411 404- IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent 2,187 507 1,838 333 349 174 receivers.

Total (Agricultural Classes) 10.968 2,579 8.891 ~304 2,077 1,275.

N on-AgrkuUural Classes. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

V. Production (other than cultivation) 794 369 0323 46 471 323 VI. Commerce 1,697 281 . -604. ,. 61 -1',093 220 VII. Transport 125 48 " 40 o. 6 ··85 42' vm. Other ~rvices and miscellaneous sources 717 209 327 53 390 156

Total (Non· Agricultural OJ_sea) 3,383 907 1,294- 166 2,039 741 'd. TA.UIlRE DISTRICr. B-n.-8eeonclary means of Livelihood. j

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,- TnmBport. Livelihood c18l:ll:lel:l. ~ Total. Self.supporting pel'SOns. Earillng dependan~. _.4 r- I ..A-----, r--;----"-- - -~ Males. FemaJes. - MaJes. Females. Males. 'FemaJes. (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) AgriculturaZ Clas8es.

1. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 1,112 19 797 8 315 11 II. Cultivators of hmd wholly or mainly unowned 1,201 6 968 2 233 4 III. Cultivating labo~rs 218 11 133 2 85 9 IV. Non· cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent 140 6 106 4 34 ~ receivers. - )

Total (Agricultural classes) 2,671 42 2,004 16 667 26

Ncm.Agrioultural Clas8es. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

V. Production (other than cultivation) 64 1 26 3~ 1 VI. Commerce 95 5 46 49 5 VII. Transport 153 15 26 1 127 14 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 116 6 47 1 69 - 5

Total (Non.Agricultural Classes) 428 27 145 2 283 25

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r- ----"------Other services and miscellaneous sources. ~ Livelihood classes. r- ~- TotaJ. Self.supporting perE'ons. Eaming dependant;-' r---"------. r--~ r--~ MaJes. Females., MaJes. FemaJes. Males. FemaJes.

(44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) Agrwultural Clas8es.

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 7,250 780 5,993 341 1,257 439 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 2,688 326 2,200 71 488 255 III. Cultivating labourers 1,371 494 929 123 442 371 IV. Non.cultivating owners of land; agriculturaJ rent 2,588 330 2,267 206 321 124 receivers.

Total (Agricultural Classes) 13,897 1,930 11,389 741 2,508 1,189

Non.AgrioulturaZ Classes. (Persons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) ,

V. Production (other than cultivation) 559 250 237 30 322 220 VI. Commerce 579 135 274 35 305 100 VII. Transport 127 41 26'. 6 101 35 VIII. Other services a!\d miscellaneous sources 2,765 1,066 870 63 1,895 1,003 Total (Non-Agricultural Classes) 4,030 '1,492 1,407 134 .2,623 1,. 18. TAN.JORE DISTRICT. B-llI-Employers, Emplojees""and Independent Workers-tnlndustries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions. "This. -table- -'gives ..figures . lOr ~BAcli~ c-ensu8 'tract in ·tbe.· ... 6. '1;')le Non-agricultural clas~e~ .classified in Ec.o~~mic district. The areas comprised in eaoh,census tract have :r'able ~-I correspond t.o t?-e di":IsIon.s and subdivIsIons been specified brthellY'leaf to Table-B"i: . In --this table -:--mt&-whi.ch they are dUltrlbutedm thlS ta.ble as follows:- the ~lf-s.uppo~tiDg ~ers~!.ls iI_l tJ!~. fO\l!'~~,No~-agr:ic.'l.ltUt'3.! _ Livelihood class. Division and Subdivisions of the classes given in EconomIC Tal?Ie B-I are di8~lbu~tld m ~he ~ -, I.O.E.O. Scheme. various divisions and' subdivisions of Industries and Class V-Production Division O.-Primary Industries not else- . 01 :1': t' other than cultiva· where specified. seriVWes under the Indian Census E conomlC aSSUlCil. Ion tion. Division l.-Mining and Quarrying. Scheme, according to their secondary economic status, Division 2.-Proce$~ and Manufacture namely, Empluyer, Employee, and Independent worker. of Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and products thel'~f. Division 3.-Processing and Manufactlll:e­ ,2. (An) Empl~yer (is) a person who employs. other Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof. persons in order to carryon tho business from WhICh ~e Division, 4.-Processmg and Manufacture­ secures his livelihood and pays them a salary or wage m Not elsewhere specified. cash or kind. Class VI-OolllIllerce. Division 6.-0olllIllerce. Class VII-Transport. Subdivisions 7·0 to 7·4 of Division 7.­ 3. (An) Employee (is) a person whQ. ordinarily wor~s Transport, Storage and Oonununications_ for some other person for a salary or a wage, whether In Class VIII-Other Division 5.-Construction and Utilities. cash or in kind in order to earn his livelihood. Services and mis­ Division 7.-Transport, Storage and cellaneous sources. Communications with the exception of 4. (An) Independent worker (is) a. porson who works on subdivisions 7·0 to 7·4. Division S.-Health, Education and his own without being employed by anyone for a salary or Publie Administration; and wage and who does not also employ anyone else in order Division 9.-Services not elsewhere speci­ to earn his livelihood.· . fied. Class VIII also includes persons who derive their principal 5 Under tho New Indi~n Census Economic Olassifica.­ means of livelihood from miscellaneous .sources (otherwise tio~ Scheme, all Employers and Independent ~orkers have than through eoonomic a.ctivity), e.g., income from invest-· been classified with reference to the commodity produced ments, pensions and family remittances, proceeds of beg­ or services performed by them individually_As regards ging and other unproductive activities. These are not, Employees all persons engaged in Production, Commerce, however, included in this table as it is limited to Industries or Transporl (and not being don~e8tic serva~t~) have and Services. Hence, there will be a difference to this been classified with reference to theIr own actlvlty and extent between the total self-supporting persons of the without reference to that of their employer. Domestic Non- gricultural classes in Economic Table B-1 and the servants have been classified in one 8ubdivisio!! without total of this table. The reconciliation will be effected reference to the nature of their work. All othe:r by adding the figures given in the next paragraph. Employees (including all managerial and' supervisory 7. Details of persons who derive their principal means of employees clerical services, messengers, w~tchmen and unskilled labour of ev~ry description) have' been classified livelihood otherwise than through productive activity with reference to the commodity produced or services and who are included under livelihood Class VIII men­ rendered by their Employers. tioned in the fly-leaf to Economic Table B-I are gIven below:- Unproductive activities. r- Persons living Persons living' Inmates of jails, Beggars All other persons principally on principally on , asylums, alms and living principally- Tract No. Total. income from income from houses and . vagrants. on income deri. non-a~icultural pensions, remit· recipients of ved from non- property. tances, scholar- doles. productive acti- ships and fun~ .. vities.

(i) (li) (ill) (iv) (v)

~ r----'"----.. r-~ ,...----...... __~ ~ ".--~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. • (I) (2) (a) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) . . (13)

PQfBl- )

15i 80 13. 21 5P. a ,~ • 158 293 115 5 74 49 1 179 If· 40 57 - 159 .-. '525 69 68 36 295 33 162 180 90 21 10 9 80 12 181. .. 245 65' 9 '24 4S 188 39' 2 4:1

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B-lli.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions. Unproductive activities.

Per30ns livmg Pel'Sons living Inmates of jails . Beggars All other persons principally on principl.Jlyon asylums, alms and living principally Tract No. Total. ilJoome from incomefl'om bousts and vagra.nts. on illcome deri. non agricultural pensions, remit· recipients of ved from non- property. tances, s, holar· doles. productive actl- ships and funds. vities.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Class I. Class II. CIILBS III. Class IV. Class V. ~ ~ ...... ,----"--....., ~ ,------A----, ~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Ma.les. Females. Males•. F~males. Males. Females. (I} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Ill) ( 12) (13\

Rural-cont. 162 249 217 15 1 76 235 126 13 163 97 Sf) 11 18 13 68 23 164 174 S9 3 1 39 43 131 44 1 1 165 97 29 14 4 83 25 lSI:) 191 62 4 141 15 3 50 40 167 9 2 1 5 I Rural Total 2,046 718 23 49 434 246 127 4 1,246 359 216 60

Urban- 47 Non-City 58 39 6 16 8 I 41 25 48 Do. 229 61 20 25 65 20 29 11 114 5 1 49 Do. 222 103 2 41 58 20 1 158 42 3 50 D'). 359 270 1 122 173 37 196 97 3 22 City 610 212 28 387 48 2 5 221 121 23 D'). 639 264 84 183 229 8 323 73 24 Do. 350 100 75 6 73 2 202 92 Urban Total 2,464 1,039 182 289 950 279 70 16 1,255 465 7 District Total 4,510 1,757 205 338 1,384 525 197 20 2,501 814 223 •. 60

All Industries and Rervices.

Tract No. Total. Employers. EmployooE. Independent workers. ,-__--A. r------. ---. Po' M. F. M. F. 1\1. F. M. F. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ;: Rural- 157 8,843 7,717 1,126 474 77 2,658 153 4,585 896 158 . 13,643 11,496 2,147 1,752 279 '~,498 455 5,246 1,413 159 19,553 16,943 2,610 1,535 286 .>,657 620 9,71)1 1,704 160 8,044 7,216 828 1,012 !)2 2,498 130 3,706 601J. 161 10,102 8,378 ],724 1,315 467 3,191 561 3,872 696 162 16,756 14,35/'; 2,401 267 60 5,631 627 8,457 1,714 163 8,007 6,924 1,083 253 18 2,862 305 3,809 760 164 12,134 10,076 2.058 1,054 162 3,814 364 5,208 1,532 165 9,692 8,5~9 1.153 1,434 115 2,OOJ 287 5,104 751 166 . .. 7,924 6,859 1,065 473 iiS 2,506 208 3,880 802 167 3.111 2.707 404 622 69 630 lIO 1,455 225

Rural Total 11'7,809 101,210 16,599 10,191 1,680 35,946 3,820 55,073 11,09~ ,b Urban- 47 Non·City 15,857 14,139 1,718 2,559 84 7,073 845 4,507 789 48 do. 9,048 8,03S 1,010 846 89 3,351 395 3.841 526 49 dry. 13,722 12,080 1,642 954 94 5,733 436 5,393 I,ll2 50 do. 17,054 15,127 1,927 1,352 35 7,261 908 6,514 984 22 City 23.243 20,546 2,697 1,588 64 11,120 1.072 7,838 1,561 23 do. 20.238 18,051 2,187 1,636 70 8,3S6 724 8,029 1;393 '24 do. 12.389 IO,81!) l,il70 1,463 182 6,946 714 2,410 674 l ! ~- . ;::" '" ~ j> " Urban Total 111,551 98,800 12,751 10,398 618 49,870 5,0940 38,532 7,039 L·:~~l~.:!; ~ D'lStriet Total 2,29360 200,010 29,350 20,589 2,298 85,816 8,9140 93,~O5 18,138· Tu.-6 '2 ta. TAN10RE DISTRICT. B-m-Employers~ Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Division O--Primary Industries not elsewhere specified. Subdivision O'l-Stock Raising.

Tract No. Total. Employers. Employees. Indopendent Employees. Employees. Indepedent workerll' , workers. r--"'~ r--"-----> r---"---l ~ ,~ ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (Il) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24} Jit.val- 157 2,141 21 49 1 447 4 1,645 16 4 I 66 2 187 12 158 1,355 247 ::U5 21 455 38 685 188 27 9 123 15 112 18 159 1,363 101 145 5 188 18 1,030 83 8 2 67 9 'i40 43 IGO 704 27 49 ., 177 4 478 23 16 42 3 51 17 161 947 75 177 18 378 26 392 31 10 10 70 16 150 13 162 1,126 79 11 1 354 24 761 54 5 I 291 24 315 40 IG3 654 83 12 274 44 368 39 4 237 44 301 34 164 1,100 51 228 .. 348 7 524 44 27 .. 126 7 100 27 165 1,228 148 182 23 121 42 955 83 27 21 94 35 128 42 166 822 44 32 4, 244 13 546 27 19 4 182 13 142 6 167 674 30 %5 ]2 208 10 211 8 6 20 6 Rural Total 12,144 906 1,855 85 3,194 225 7,595 596 147 54 1,318 168 1.632 252 Urban.-- 47 Non.City 955 156 240 15 369 33 346 108 23 8 35 48 Du. 157 14 4, 32 3 121 11 .. 1 3 I 10 49 Do. .. 662 80 H 7 56 7 592 66 1 4 11 4 27 15 50 Do. 1,207 52 93 4 265 16 849 32 76 5 113 10 22 City 155 J II .. 62 . . 82 1 1 .. 38 27 1 23 Do. 334 114 12 2 63 9 259 103 1 I 24 75 U 24 Do. 975 19 233 1 .504 6 238 12 12 19 39 6 Urban Total 4,445 436 607 29 1,351 74 2,487 333 15 5 192 12 290 89 District Total 16,589 1,342 1.962 114 4,545 29910,082 929 t62 59 1,610 180 1,922 341

Subdivision 0'2-Rearing of sma.ll anima.ls and insects. Subdivision O·3.-P)Antation Industries.

Tract No. Employers . Employees. Independ~nt Employers. EmI,loyees. Independent workers. workers. r--"----> r----'----t ~ ..--'-----0 ~ r----'----. .M. F. K. F. M. F. M . F. M. F. M. F.

(25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (80) (31) (32) (33) (84) (35) (36) RmIloJ- 157 2 1 7 10 92 158 1 16 ll8 II 135 12 278 13 159 3 I4 2 133 1 lOS 4 805 19 160 31 .. 116 I (00 3 161 8 131 8 284 10 174 14- 162 4 5 .23 2 43 339 9 163 2 8 37 54 5 164 2 7 6 2 10 l7 liS5 1 10 .. 1 1 1 166 I) 8 19 2 3 167 1 Rural Total 11 38 89 4 430 20 74& 28 2,162 81 Urban- 47 Non.City 36 13 48 29 34 22 48 Do. I 2 2 3 2 9 I 30 2 ~: !~ 49 Do. g 50 Do. 'I j 4- 2 3 4 6 271 22 City ] .. 23 Do. 2 1 4 8 89 5 25 1 130 2 24 Do. 6 6 1 40 Urllan Total 3 • 8 8 8 89 63 it 145 as 808 B. 15 1 8. 9'1 93 493 34 890 81 2.'140 District "otal '" .. US 43

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

SubdiviSion O·4-Forestry and wood cuttJllg. Subdivision O'5-Huntlng (lucludlDg trapping and game propagation).

Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Ind£pendent workers. workers. ~ ,--~ ,--..A.---.o ~ r--"-----. ,------'----, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (~8) RuraJ- 157 6 24 1 158 15 20 5 29 4 3 159 4 2 8 19 19 1 160 10 9 2 1 161 3 13 19 1 162 4 19 $ W3 164 ,I 1 9 165 2 9 166 ~ 42 3 2 167 Rural Total 22 2 66 5 170 29 1 1 25 Urban- 47 Non.City 13 42 56 48 Do. 2 40 I 49 Do. 5 9 50' Do. 15 75 II 227 4 22 City 1 8 11 23 Do. 4 10 38 24 Do. 3 1 22 11 23 Urban Total 24 114 11 389 61 11 28 District Total 46 2 180 16 559 90 12 24 25

Subdivision O·6-Fisrung. Division I-Mining and Quarrying. ---. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Total. Employers. Employees. workers. Tract No. ~ ~ ~ .. . '\ ,---A---.. ~ ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(49) (00) (51) (52) (53) (54) (M) (66) (67) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) BUral..,..., 157 38 363 2 1,341 .3 1 1 1 1 158 55 1 176 6 247 153 58 14 Hi 29 159 2 51 8 1 5 2 160 2 9 17 1 161 33 11 40 4 2 2 162 6 57 5 16 6 10 163 .. 11 24 4, I 23 , 164 198 212 399 49 9 10 17 8 22 1 165 154 2 14 6 818 40 127 17 102 8 166' 8 48 34} 16 30 30 16T 255 6 187 10 205 8 53 17 5 2 44 4 15 Rural Total 741 9 1,028 24 3,527 280 368 81 47 2 192 8 129 21 'Urban- 47 ~ron·City 203 2 285 4 262 17 48 Do. 5 28 3 1 I 2 1 49 Do. 4 2 10 I 478 23 504 44 3 1 16 7 485 36 60 Do. 78 4 106 235 14 217 13 215 13 2 22 C~ 5 8 37 27 1 4 1 16 7 23 Do. 15 24 D~~ 201 I 465 6 137 6 9 I 2 1 6 I .- • "Orban Total 49:1 9 869 10 1,192 60 '160 60 10 2 . 210' ~2f 500 37 ., Dbtrlet Total 1,284 18 1,897 340 4,719 290 1,128 91 " 57 4 '-MIl: \ '.-: 629 58 TAN.-6-A 18. TA!110RE DISTRICT. B-llI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision l'O-Non-metallic mining and quarrying Subdivision l'I-Coal mining. not otherwise classified. Tract No_ -. r------A------______~ Independent IndependeD~ Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ~ r---"---. ~ ,.....--A----, r---'-----. ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) Rural- 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 3 Rural Total s Urban- 47 Non-City 48 Do. I 49 Do. 50 Do. 22 City 23 Do. 24 Do. Urban Total I District Total 1 3

Subdivision l'a-Metal mining except Subdivision l'2-Iron ore mining. iron ore mining. . r------A----- __ ------__ ~ Independent Independent Trq,ct No. Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ~ ,...--J'-.. ..----"-----I ~ ~ r----A--.. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) RUral- 157 .. 158 159 16() 161 }62" 163 ,- 5 ]64 165 \. 1661, , 167

Rural Total 5 Urban- 47 Non·City 48 Do. , 49 .Do. 50 Do. 22 City 23 Dc.. !4 Do. 2 Urban Total 2 Distrlet Total '1 45

18. TAlfJORE DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and In.dependent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions. Subdivision 1'4--Crude petroleum and natural....._, gas . Subdivision 1·S-Stone.quarrying clay and sand pit. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. Traci No. ,...--J-----., ,...--A-----.., ~ ~ ,.--A-----., ,-.....______, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) Rural- 157 1 1 158 14 14 29 159 1 5 2 161) 161 2 162 6 10 163 I 18 -t 164 9 4 8 12 I 165 166 30 167 I) 2 44 I 15 Rural Total 29 2 76 8 101 21

Urban- 47 Non·city 48 Do. ,2 49 Do. ,2 4 50 -Do. 22 City 4 1 16 7 23 Do. ~4, Do. 1 ' I 3 1 Urban T()tal 6 1 21 14 t District Total 35 3 97 8 117 ::2

Subdivision I·6-Mica. Subdivision 1'7-Salt, salt petre and saline substances.

Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent ' Employers. Empl9yees. Independent r--"-______workers. workers. ,------A--. ,----A-----, ~ ~: ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(99) (IOO) (IOl) (102) (103) , (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (IOD) (lW) Rural- 157 158 159 J '0 '61 J6::? ]63 164 1 13 ,0 165 11 102 8 ]66 ,. 167 Rural Total 18 .. 11.6 18 .. '

Urbsll- ,,' 4,7 Non· City ,. 48 Do. 49 Do. iI 4 7 48-1 '~6 ;,0 Do. .. 215 13 .2 j' City .. ..:.';{- Du • Do. .'. 1 1 Urban Total .... - 4 1 229 at 484 3 District Total .. '", 22 1 3<6 20 .. 502 36' 46

18. TAnORE DISTBICT. B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Division 2-Processing and manufacture-- Subdivision Z'O-Food industries otherwise-- Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and products thereof. unclassified. r- Tract No. Total. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Emploj ees Independent. workers. workers. ,.---"----. ,-----A----. ,---'----, ~ ''-~ ,---"---, ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (Ill) (112) (113) (U4) (1I5) (U6) (II7) (118) (U9) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) Rural- 157 573 fO 52 6 233 14 283 70 1 10 158 1,152 161 171 10 339 33 642 lIS 5 3 5 1 9 3 159 4,069 600 222 23 985 287 2,862 290 10 2 8 80 6 I 0 734 36 97 210 10 427 26 11 .. 9 , . 65 2 161 1,056 120 216 38 368 27 472 55 13 I ,) [ 52 162 1,625 205 45 3 675 51 905 151 1 2 23 9 163 469 66 33 162 30 274 36 4 5 36 3 164 1,191 213 173 300 59 622 154 7 9 9 61 56 165 575 163 90 175 48 310 115 1 166 538 140 52 5 152 46 334 89 9 8 167 140 45 30 11 21 99 24 9 Rural Total 12,122 1,839 1,181 85 3,711 626 7,230 1,128 51 6 44- 12 354 87 Ur an- 47 Non.City 2,012 93 320 1 983 59 709 33 25 II 8 48 do. 1,361 89 116 4 436 16 809 69 5 16 18 4 49 do. 884 157 92 29 420 36 372 92 3 1 10 36 1} 50 do. 1,239 83 109 2 478 24 652 57 1 2 22 City 2,358 131 184 4 947 29 1,~27 98 13 44 .£7 23 do. 2,490 294 191 10 1,211 70 1,288 214 9 20 I 21 1 24 do. 603 23 140 2 225 12 238 9 34 28 23 1 Urban Total 10,947 870 1,152 52 4,700 246 5.095 572 90 1 129 1 155 15 District Total 23,069 2,709 2,383 137 8,411 87212,325 1,700 141 7 173 13 509 103

Subdivision 2II-Grains and pulses. Subdivision 12'2-Vegetable and dairy produots.

Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independen~ workeril. workers. Tract:No. ~ ~ ,..----A----. ,.-----.A---, ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) Bural- 157 11 145 2 11 I 12 19 158 30 196 14 46 19 16 22. 2 73 .2 159 45 9 188 25 57 14 20 16 1 88 3 160 14 66 26 4 4: 1 10 161 17 4: 62 6 12 6 1 1 8 162 14 1 417 29 69 16 26 47 4: 163 6 100 17 28 3 3 .2 42 4: 164 73 244 30 103 31J 3 8 25 4 165 16 106 5 46 2 21 3 29 .2 166 11 90 17 17 6 8 1 8 45 5 167 5 ,') 20 30 15 3 2 18 1

Rural Total 243 14 1,619 165 434 117 90 2 105 6 ~ 2S, Urban- 47 Non·City :. 26 .2 1 .2 .. 4 48 Do. 19 1 137 I 32 3- 4 1 37 1 22 1 49 DI). 31 18 221 28 40 42 17 50 Do, 17 1 121 10 105 4 2 " 7 3 "22 City 44 1 222 16 24 7 21 1 96 2 109 11 ,24 Do. 30 5 130 3 14 9 II 32 58 ',23 Do. 26 50 5 43 .2 8 1 8 _, ' Urbaa Total .. 16& 26 906. as. 258 87 40. a 184 4 217 1a: DJstrie* Total: 411 4f1 ~ 23D. 193. 1840 13G 4- 289 10 621 1'1 47

:(.8. TAN.TOBE DIST~CT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 2·3-Sugar Industries. Subdivision 2·4--Bevera.ges.

Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ~ ,---A----. ~ ,---A----. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) -Rural- 157 23 .. 14 3 2 6 158 5 1 28 I 7 6 15 16 159 1 5 23 6 19 22 9 160 2 1 7 13 43 161 1 4 a 1 19 26 18 162 10 67 II 2 6 64 163 1 1 22 2 12 2 164 14 20 90 11 4 11 8 165 .. 5 18 9 166 4 1 76 5 2 9 3 167 I 3 Rural Total .. 22 69 5 322 3'1 89 129 174- 16 Urban- i7 Non.City 10 2 15 4 48 Do. 11 23 2.5 2 49 Do. 3 2 13 3S 50 Do. .. 4 S 22 City I 13 65 9 23 Do. 1 II 3S 9 24 Do. 2 12 13 5 I Urban Total .. 4 5 10 66 200 52 3 District Total 22 73 5 32'1 4'1 135 329 .au 19

Subdivision 2·5--Tobacco. Subdivision 2·&-Cotton Textiles.

Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ~ r--"---. _____...._., ,.--A---., Tract No. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

l(I49) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) 1(156) (157) (158) (159) (160) ::Rural- 157 6 .. I 8 9 52 5 158 3 20 I 7 53 2 37 4 262 lJi 169 18 98 G 566 220 2,207 194 160 1 35 112 7 183 I~ 1 282 . 244, 161 2 2 .. 133 17 279 3" 162 I 36 I 8 5 18 154 4 297 12 16S - 17 164 10 45 4, 29 41 43 16 246 31 185 .. .. il 14- 166 2 8 2 II 63 1 UJ7 I

Rural Total 15 128 6 49 5 394- 40 1,181 268 3.610 383 .!Urban- I 47 Non.City 22 81 99 tol 432 36 276 ., 48 Do. 1 5 52 ! 187 13 601 oj .9 D,'l. 7 69 2 1 10 4 16 5 86 )1 110 Do. 6 72 3 26 lOll 7 416 43 14 252 3 1& 2 22 City 61" 47 359 , 34 23 Do. 10 48 iii 39 2 369 ~ 572 " " J~' ~24 Do. 30 87 6 ,. 1 ! 7 2' Urltaa Total 90 614 15 218 5 HI to 1,t55 1,0 =.3t6 3_ Distriet Total .. 105 742 It 287 10 638 fie 2,336 •.at8 .. ,5.9J1 ... 4:8

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B-ll-IEmployers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 2·7-Wearing apparel (except footwear) Subdivision 2·S-Textile Industries otherwise and made up Textile goods . unclassified. . "Tract No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. wor)!;:ers. ~ r'---'----, r----"----, ,----A.------, ~ 1\1. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) Rural- 157 5 I 8 31 14 4 26 12 140 62 158 38 2 17 2 79 2 15 3 23 8 106 60 159 16 25 2 104 6 13 5 131 38 247 56 160 12 5 35 2 11 2 56 12 161 24 5 13 38 1 10 61 10 162 3 6 llO 6 6 16 17 202 88 163 1 7 1 27 3 17 32 9 91 24 164 21 8 49 7 8 II 165 7 12 49 41 34 42 166 93 166 5 7 24 2 14 2 17 29 93 62 167 14 2 14 4 1 10 8

Rural Total 146 8 110 6 560 28 136 14 298 157 1,183 475 U:rban- 47 on· City 28 24 35 76 1 347 21 230 19 48 Do. 19 20 86 I 5 3 1 12 7 49 Do. 20 3 47 I 138 9 4 3 I 37 17 50 Do. 44 107 2 56 2 9 1 61 2 61 8 22 City 45 135 1 174 6 10 21 2 363 37 23 Do. 54 3 140 1 120 20 26 428 270 4, 24 Do. 36 I 32 73 ,. 4 2 4 Urban Total 246 7 505 5 682 42 130 5 863 26 977 92 District Total 392 15 615 11 1,242 70 266 19 1,161 183 2,160 567

Subdivision 2·9-Leather, Leather Products Division 3-Processin~ and manufactul'&-metals and footwear. chemicals and Products thereof. ----.. r------__.,A.._ Independent IndependE'nt. Employers. Employees. workers. Total. Employers. Employees. workers. ~ ~ ,-----'-----, ,.-A..---, ,...--A---..., ~ ,.....--.A---, Tract No. M. F. M. F. M. F. M F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(173) (174) (175) (176) (177) (178) (179) (ISO) (181) (182) (lS3) (184) (185) (l~6} Rural- 157 I 2 16 150 1 8 26 116 I 158 17 247 3 50 47 3 150 .' 4 8 159 1 6. I 47 5 827 24 U3 10 288 7 426 7 160 t· 1 8 453 2 83 73 297 2 161 . 6 2 1 4 180 21 41 8 23 4 116 9 162 2 18 369 9 46 314 163 \. 2 9 2 178 3 28 15 135 3 164 232 35 47 150 165 2 8 4 268 54 38 176 159 12 18 129 166 • ~I" 4 . 2 3 3 167 4 14 90 l4 7 69 Rural Total 16 1 28 1 140 15 3,153 57 447 18 628 14 2,078 25, t[rban- . " 47 N on·City + • 64 44 56 670 83 231 356 ." ':tI,8 D>. 8 13 170 6 22 32 1 l16 . 5 ~ 149 Do. 4 15 17 302 7 35 I 131 4, 136 .2 '00 DQ. .. () 386 9 30 I 107 4 249 4 22 City .{. 8 65 80 983 32 90 I 616 10 277 21 23 D~. 1 5 16 1.192 24 95 2 503 4 594 18· 24 Do. I 3 27 510 8 93 315 7 102 1 . ,. ' . Uiban TOtal 77 1 14IJ- 214 4,213 86 448 5 1,935 ao 1,830 51 '. r ~ "~]')lStrie' T~ 93 a t63 t 3M 15 '1,366 143 896 23 2,563 44 3,908 '16. ,~

18. TAlI.JORB DISTRICT. B-nl-Employers, Employees a!ld ~dependent Workers in Indus~ies and Services ~y . . --.. Divisions and Subdivisions. .

Subdivision 3·().-Manufacture of metal products Su~vision 3·I-Iron and steel (Basic Manu· otherwise unclassified. facture).

Tract No. Independent Independent Employe.-s. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. ' workers. ~ ~ ~. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(187) (188) (189) (190) (1~1) (192) (93) (1~4) (195) (196) (197) (19~) Rural- 157 6 23 104 1 .. 108 95 46 . U9 . . . . 3 .. 159 101 10 261 7 405 7 2 4 2 160 (i~ (II 269 2 .. 161 11 (I 9 28 3 13 4 98 9 162 4 3 80 2 33 175 163 28 H 125 3 .. 1 164 29 19 115 1 2 4 165 46 27 160 3 166 12 ,9 117 3 .. 167 14 (I 64

Bur., Total 3~1) 10 471 7 1,567 16 83 3 52 7 283 9 rb&n- 47 NOD·City 55 134 .. 292 .. 408 Do. 4 9 1 75 4 2 " 3 20 49 Do. 15 61 73 1 1 1 1 50 Do. l'O 1 99 4 238 4 .. 22 City ;J~ 60 5 109 4 2 5 9 23 Do. 70 I 353 3 488 16 24 Do. 16 10 53 1 25 276 6 11

Urban Total ~~4 2 7.26 13 1,328 29 29 1 285 6 41 1 District Total 579 12 1,197 20 2,895 45 62 4 337 13 384 10

Subdivision 3·2--Non·ferroUB metals (Basic manufacture). Subdivision 3' 3-Transport equipment. Independent IndependeIlt Tract No. Employers Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. ' 'workers. ,.-A----.. ,...--A-----, ~ ,...--A-----, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. lvI. F. (190) (200) (201) (202) (203) (204) (205) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210) Rural- 151 2 2 10 158 8 I 26 159 10 10 160 14 10 28 161 4 2 8 162 3 9 58 163 . ~ 4 7 164 .. 4 17 29 165 .. S .J 13 166 .. 2 -; 167 .. . . 5

Rural Total 4 :\5 .6.t ~QIi Urbtm- 47 Non.City 28 ,~4 58 48 Do. .. 1,5 ,9 19 1 49 Do. I 9 ~O 42 50 Do. , :J 4 22 City 81l 71 23 Do. ~4 ,8,4 59 24 Do. ,4;8 ,1,4 23 Urban Total 1,I!S 312 270 1

If!' Dli&rlet Total 'r 1 1.83 373 1{'t". 481 1 TAN.-7 50

18. TARIORB DISTRICT. B·DI-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 3'4-Electrical machinery, apparatus, Subdivision 3'S-Machinery (other than electri­ appliances and supplies. cal machinery including engineering workshops.)

Traet No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,.----.._., ~ ~ ,...... -A--, ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (211) (212) (213) (214) (215) (216) (217) (218) (219) (220) (221) (222) Rural- 157 ]58 2 I l59 I 160 1 161 'I 162 163 2 164, 165 .. ' 16j 7 ;,. 167

Rural Total 1 5 7 Urban- 4? Non-City 48 Do. I 4,8 Do. 7 !J 1 3 50 Do. 1 22 City 1 26 14 30S 17 23 Do. 4 21 27 I 24 Do. 2 Urban Total 8 56 1 5 322 26 District Tolal 10 1 56 327

Subdivision 3' 6--Basic Industrials chemicals, Subdivision 3'7-Medical and Pharmaceutical fertiliser and Power alcohol. Preparations.

Tract No. Independen' Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,.----A-.. ~ ,----A-----, ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. P. (223) (224) (225) (226) (227) (228) (229) (230) (231) (232) (233) (234,> Rural- 157 158 159 160 161 162 1 1 3 .' . 164 I 8 165 H6 167 Rural Total t 8 3 Urban- 47 Non-City 48 Do. 3 2 1 {9 Do. 50 Do. ~2 City 1 11 1 1 23 Do. 1 24 Do.

Urban Tota) 1 12 13 1 2 1 District '[ ota) 2 20 16 1 2 t 51

RE DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 3·S-Manufacture of Chemical Division 4-Prooossing and Manufacture not products otherwise unclassified. elsewhere specified. Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Total. Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ,.---A-----" ,...... ------' ,-----A----, ~ ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (235) (236) (237) (238) (239) (24;0) (241) (242) (243) (244) (245) (246) (247) (248) Ruml- 157 1 871 10 72 190 1 609 9 15S S '5 1,219 110 294 . 33 261 26 664 51 159 6 13 1,681 145 113 18 281 28 1,287 99 160 .. 1 864 63 120 144 7 600 56 161 ... 1 4 I 909 135 184 35 190 48 535 52 162 • I 1,631 159 26 206 23 1,399 136 163 1,031 88 20 183 21 828 67 164 I 2 1.123 135 138 164 15 821 120 165 6 1.243 75 215 5 95 I 933 69 166 3 915 73 . 67 .. 80 3 768 70 167 513 58 106 12 35 14 372 32 Rural Total 11 1 30 8 12,000 1,051 1,355 103 1,829 187 8,816 761

Urban-- 47 Non-City 2 I 778 7 139 .. 309 330 7 48 Do. .. 7 622 38 51 2 139 1 432 35 49 Do. S 28 4 8 1 719 23 60 2 143 516 21 50 Do. 5 6 464 16 24 " 121 5 319 II 22 City 15 1 120 5 45 17 1,439 71 III 19 613 15 715 37 :23 Do. 7 1 44 I 19 I 1.719 95 72 I 519 9 1,128 85 24 Do. 4 13 15 481 149 124 98 4 259 145 Rural Total .. 34 2 219 10 94 19 6,222 399 581 24 1,942 34 3,699 341 District Total 45 3 249 10 102 19 18.222 1,450 1.986 127 3,771 22112,515 1,102

Subdivision 4'O-Manufacturing Industries Subdivision 4'}-Products of Petroleum otherwise unclassified. and coal. rToot No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ~ ~ ,------A-----, ,...---A-----., ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (249) (250) (251) (252) (253) (254) (255) (256) (257) (258) (259) (260) Rural- 157 23 31 148 .. 158 91 4 53 3 143 5 159 20 2 54 9 404 12 160 6 3 161 54 3 67 10 156 9 162 5 31 231 163 8 25 196 164 27 27 204 II I) 165 66 I 15 1 185 6 166 12 10 152 1 167 24 10 113 2 - Rural Total 380 10 329 23 1,935 35 11 5 Urban- 47 Non-City Hi 60 1 48 Do. 24 85 1 195 2 49 Do. 25 42 294 5 50 Do. 3 22 City 55 101 371 2 23 Do. 43 231 1 632 34 24 Do. 59 52 lIS 4 Urban Total 206 526 2 1,670

Disirlei Total 586 10 855 25 3,605 83 11 5 TAN.-7A '52

18. TAlfJOBE DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Eniployees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Difisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 4'2-Bricks, tiles and otheJ: Subdivision 4·3-Cement pipes and stJ:uctUl"al clay products. other cement products.

Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent TrlWii No. wOJ:kers. workers. ~ ~ ,.-A----., ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (261) (262) (2631 (264) (265) (266) (267) (268) (269) (270) (271) (272) RUl"aJ- 157 I 7 .. 1 158 3 4 7 .. 2 2 159 ;5 39 8 16 4 1 1 1 3 '1 15 41 160 • " 161 2 162 66 16 105 27 1 1 163 1 28 55 S 164 22 13 47 2 165 II 1 8 67 41 166 6 1 167 Bural Total 46 1 173 24 350 90 2 1 2 1 4 ,

Urban- , 4'1 Non·City 1 2 .2 48 Do. 3 3 1 49 Do. a 8 I 50 , Do. 1 1 2 .. 22 City 1 83 6 11 1 15 I 23 Do. I 21 8 1 12 i 24 Do. I 1 . . Urban Total 4 114 6 33 5 27 3 BiaUlet Total 50 1 287 30 383 95 2 1 29 1 1 3

Subdivision 4·4-Non.metallic mineral products. Subdivision 4o·S-Rubber products.

EJnployers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent Tract No. workers. workers. r--:--"----. ~ ,..----.A---, ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

,~ (273) (274) (275) (276) (277) (278) (279) (280) (281) (282) (283) -{284) Rural- 157 25 66 I 138 3 158 49 6 25 6 121 19 159 44 7 37 2 256 40 160 27 16 3 150 28 161 39 9 23 12 105 10 162 3 10 4 246 32 163 2 4 2 174 23 164 7 3 125 37 165 21 ,. 6 96 166 17' . IS 2 165 39 167 31' . 4'- 10 5 93 6 Rural Total 265 26 215 37 1,669 237 Urban- 47 Non.City 4 29 84 6 48 Do. 4 2 29 S 49 Do. 23 :I 2 50 Do. 6 90 .~ 194 4 22 City 4 70 7 11 1 2 1 23 Do. a 3( 95 3 1 Ii 24 Do. 1 2 8 12 'Urban:Toial 21 226 7 440 47 2 2 b District 16taJ 286 26 441 44 a,109 284 2 2 11t '5~

18. TAIfJORE DISTRICT. I B-llI-Employers, Employees and IJ,id.e"ndent Workers in Industries and SerVices by Divisions and. Slibdivisions.

Subdivision 4·6--Wood and wood products other Subdivision 4'7-Furniture and fixtures. than fW'Diture and fixtures.

'Draet No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ~ ~ ,--A---, ~ M. F. M. F. M. . F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (285) (286) (287) (288) (289) (290) (291) (292) (293) (294) 'I' (295) (296) Rnral- 157 24 88 315 6 158 153 22 176 17 394 20 159 43 8 127 7 602 40 2 160 86 105 4 403 2S 161 88 23 97 26 266 33 3 1 5 162 16 96 3 S15 77 163 9 119 17 397 36 HI4 79 106 4 444 76 165 II7 3 66 585 22 166 38 52 1 445 29 167 • 51 8 15 9 166 24 Rural Total 704- 64 1,047 88 4-,832 391 3 1 7

Urban- 47 Non.City 133 255 183 48 Do. 10 2 46 202 25 49 Do. 23 2 71 189 12 50 Do. 18 28 121 5 22 City 43 19 185 5 3U 18 1 10 $ 23 Do. 11 52 359 44 1 24 Do. 44 29 2 130 129 Urban Total 282 23 666 7 1,495 233 1 10 3

District Total 986 87 1,713 95 6,327 624- 4 11 10

SubdiviSion 4'S-Paper and paper products. Subdivision 4'9-Printjng and allied industries.

Tract No. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. EmploJetls. IndepeBdent -workers. workers. r---- ,---...... _____. ,------A------, ,----L----, ,--A---, ,---A-----. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(297) (298) (299) (300) (301) (302) (303) (304) (3Q5) (306) (307) (S08) Rural- 157 4 158 I 1 2 159 24 i. '1 160 1 1 3 161 2 I 162 I :I I 163 7 2 6 164 3 15 I 165 166 :I 167

Rural Total 1 5 "1 61 11 19 . UrbaIL- 47 N:>n-Ci.y 1 8 1 48 Do. 13 3 ! 49 Do. 12 27 50 Do. 2 .;. 22 City 1 4 5 6 146 6 23 Do. 1 13 I 169 8 26 3 24 Do. 20 15 G

Urban Total t 4 i 5 65 t 3'70 8 41 3- DIWlct Tofil 2 4- 1 5 70 2 fat if ~o 3-- 54

18. TAlfIOBB DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Serviees by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Division 5--Construction and Utilities. Subdivision 5·o.-Construction and maintenanoo of works otherwise unclassified. -----"-----., Total Employer8. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. TraoliNo. ,---A----., r--"----l ,-___..___, ,----A----, ,.-----A---, ,,--.A.---, ,---A--.. M. F. M. F. M. F. ;\1. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (309) (310) (3U) (312) (313) (314) (315) (316) (317) (318) (319) (320) (321) (322) BUal- 157 236 13 4 3 76 8 156 .2 158 .. 645 74 61 1 241 64 343 9 7 IS 23 ~6 159 689 25 8 1 206 IS 475 6 1 13 160 218 8 27 91 4 100 4 I 161 443 141 9 3 179 133 255 5 162 1,006 85 49 804 7] 153 14 ~ 155 35 86 3 163 15 6 9 164 3H 21 2 3 95 10 250 8 165 208 19 28 104 17 76 2 166 552 62 76 :H3 22 263 40 167 53 16 4 9 13 40 3 • Rural Total 40,412 f64 268 11 2,024 360 2,120 93 16 174 59 HIS 4 Urban- 47 Non-City 462 32 354 90 18 18 14 48 Do. 454 48 45 221 34 188 14 49 Do. . 491 41 12 434 31 45 10 .. 4 50 Do. 741 25 24 329 14 388 10 2 I 3 22 City 982 205 30 490 180 462 25 23 Do. 1,174 307 16 3 496 146 662 158 Z 28 10 103 24 D(.. 710 70 59 12 446 40 205 18

Urban Total 5,0140 728 540 16 2,506 463 1,968 249 2 2 1 28 13 101 District Total 9,400 1,192 808 27 4,530 823 4,088 342 18 .2 175 87 139 111 . SubdiviSion 5'I-Construction and Maintenance- Subdivision 5'2--Qonstruction and Maintenance_ BUildings. Road'!, Bridges and other Transport works. ,_- Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employoos. Independent. workers. workers. ,-____....____, ,-___..___, ,.---A----., ".----A----.. ~ '.rraet No. M. F. ).J. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (323) (324) (325) (326) (327) (328) (329) (330) (331) (332) (333) (33t) Rural- 157 2 3 43 8 152 2 2 30 4 158 :>3 1 173 28 311 8 24 4 15~ ~ 77 3 449 6 1 43 5 6 160 27 66 4 99 161 9 3 175 133 255 5 162 39 515 2 66 4 I 67 9 4 163 4 9 164 3 71 4 250 8 5 165 26 34 1 76 2 53 3 166 76 4.'1 5 118 5 156 13 145 3s.- 167 4 9 12 40 3 I Rural Total 245 10 1,212 200 1,835 43 3 1 373 36 180 3., Urban-- 47 Non-City 3M 76 16 18 14 48 Do. 41 83 4 166 14 II 3 49 Do. I 232 4a 6 II 27 3 I' 50 Do. 10 125 5 372 8 12 43 12 22 City 30 107 14 338 23 1 23 Do. 10 I 91 10 629 53 3 33 15 14 2" 24 Do. 43 12 304 40 198 18 II 44 6 Urbaa T&tal 489 13 1,018 89 1,168 186 37 158 18 36 ~ Dlstriet T&taI 734 23 2,230 281l 3,588 179 400 1 53t M tlll8 4lt 55

~8. TANIORE DISTBlCT. B-ill-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision J'3-Construction and Maintenance- Subdivision 5'4--Construction and Maintenance ... Telegraph and Telephone Lines . operations-Irrigation and other Agricultural works. Tract No. Employers. Employees. . Independent. Employers. Employees• Independent workers. workers. ... ,-J'----. ~ ... M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(335) (336) (337) (338) (339) (340) (341) (342) (343) (344) (345) (3~) RUral- 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 ! 166 167 Rural Total 2 Urban- 47 Non· City 1 5 48 Do. S 1 49 Do. 50 Do. B 22 City 23 Do. 24 DG.

Urban Total 19 1 District Total 2 1 19 1

Subdivision 5'S-Works and Services-Electric SubdivisiOns 5·S-Works and Services-Domestic power and gas supply. and industrial water-supply. ,,- r- Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,.------'----, r---"-----o r- ,---A----., Tract No. M. F. :M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (347) (348) (349) (350) (351) (3S2 (353) (354) (355) (356) Rural- (357) (358) 157 1 158 I; 2 159 41 7 160 161 1 162 29 163 164 1 12 165 166 6 167

R1UaJ Total :3 95 9 Urban- 47 Non.City 2 4S Do. 4 30 2 19 1 49 Do. 74 1 50 Do. 33 1 22 City 103 124 23 Do. 3 52 1 8 12 1 24 Do. 4 5 i. 29 1 Urban Total 7 296 3 158 5 .... 2 District Total 9 391 3 1" 5 44 2 56 is. TAIIJORE DISTRICT. B-ID-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Servlees by 'bivlsions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 5'7-Sanitary Works and Services- including scavengers. Division ti--Commerce. Tra.ct No. I~ependent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Total. Employers. Employees. workers. ,.--A------. ,.-----A-----. ,----"----. ,..--'-----""\ ,....--A-----, ,----"----. ,~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(359) (360) (361) (362) (363) (364) (365) (366) (367) (368), (369) (370) (371) (372) Rural- 157 2 1,141 733 218 67 115 36 S08 630

158 0 2i 13 2,169 1,126 636 205 251 49 1,282 872 159 ~5 9 3,422 1,205 587 154 669 74 2,166 977 160 24 4 1,273 392 265 61 176 31 832 300· 161 3 1,710 632 383 85 189 48 1,138 499, 162 38 25 3 2,685 1,199 85 13 405 37 2,195 1,149 163 2 1,105 481 78 15 175 26 852 440 164 12 I 1,976 953 251 79 327 68 1,398 806 165 17 13 1,551 235 361 52 165 16 1,025 167 166 6 4 1,094 433 141 35 202 21 751 377 167 507 147 127 41 82 19 298 87 Rural Total 170 85 7 18,lSSS 7,5S6 3,132 807 2,756 42512,745 6,304

Urban.- 47 Non-City 12 2 1,971 421 680 4Z 601 33 690 346 48 Do. 90 28 1,948 214 461 64 558 29 929 121 49 Do. 96 27 2,968 285 333 39 1,637 28 998 218 50 Do. I 127 9 2 3,690 257 842 7 1,239 2 1,609 248 22 City 271 166 I 4,318 472 816 11 1,367 13 2,135 448 23 Do. 308 92 5,199 531 1,020 44 1,880 14 2,299 473 24 Do. 65 2.947 368 455 26 1,819 50 673 292 . Urban Total 1 969 324 1 3 23,041 2,548 4,4l07 233 9,101 169 9,333 2,146 District Total 1 1,139 389 1 10 41,67410,084 7,739 1,04011-,857 59422,0'78 8,450'

Subdivision 6'0-Retail trade otherwise Subdivision 6· I-Retail trade in foodstuffs unclassified. (including beverages and narcotics).

Independent, Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. Tract No. ~ ~ ..-----"---.. ,----"--. ,..---"----, ~ M. F. M. b:. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (373) (374) (375) (376) (377) (378) (379) (380) (381) (382) (383) (384) }tural- 157 157 58 66 11 472 265 43 4 10 24 263 334 158 53 88 45 27 238 618 520 108 175 14 835 228 159 163 79 205 23 797 428 311 73 315 31 992 5()6. 160 84 13 74 7 246 42 124 31 75 16 517 223 161 74 10 44 11 246 140 236 68 102 35 769 350 162 17 5 104 15 361 '77 42 6 168 21 1,524 968 163 20 2 30 2 191 66 47 10 lI8 22 60] 361 164 45 27 75 17 302 372 194 48 207 49 988 422" 165 136 18 67 6 400 74 185 33 61 7 544 84 166 24 15 24 10 I1H 183 112 19 154 11 525 172 167 53 7 20 13 95 43 19 2 49 5 77 15 Rural Total 826 322 754 1402 3,499 2,308 1,833 402 1,434 285 7,635 3,. Urban-- 47 Non-City 222 10 238 9 283 45 20] 28 163 15 286 256 48 Do. 7l 6 115 6 115 26 232 18 254 IS 029 76 49 Do. S 13 187 10 118 62 184 9 1,003 8 567 13& 50 Do, ISO 2 290 I 384 50 580 4 798 1 1,061 18& 22 City 466 2 547 8 680 84 211 7 393 3 1,141 251 23 Do. 276 32 682 I 712 153 383 11 754 12 1.221 193 24 Do. 198 3 795 4 185 65 117 20 391 30 27a 20&

UrbaD Total 1,421 88 ~2,854 ~9 2,477 ~5 1,908 n 3,'156 ,81' 5,080 1,310

Dlsnlct Total 2,24'1 390 3,608 11l~ 5,976 2,'{~ 3,741 499 5.190, _ ~r9, ~,715 1,9'13 6'1

18. TANIOBB DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by . Divisions and Subdivisioris.

Subdivision 6·2-Re.taj] trade jn fup! (including Subdivision 6'3-Retail trade in text,J" and petrol). leather gOQds. -. Tract No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. EmplQyees. workers. ,..---.-A---, ,---.....____, ,---Jo----.. .---'-----. ,---A--., ,---A--., M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(385) (386) (387) (388) (389) (390) (391) (392) (393) (394) (39S) (396) Rural- 157 2 4, 15 5 32 1 11 158 9 6 IS 46 9 20 a 138 3 159 10 11 23 2 71> 84 12 248 14 160 8 6 9 J 2 2 17 161 7 I 6 2 30 2 14 38 2 162 6 25 12 38 1 79 11 168 1 1 6 1 4 1 30 8 1M 3 4 17 2 5 28 1 40 7 165 1 4 10 1 28 32 3 40 1 166 4 3 3 2 40 167 1 2 2 6 Rural Total 39 45 117 12 227 17 258 22 887 46

Urban.-- 47 Non·City 12 1 2fi I 24 4 99 2 69 5 40 15 48 Do. 5 9 :! 'I 3 49 1 48 104 49 Do. 2 26 1 24 1 91 5 101 3 73 2 50 Do. 40 I 59 63 6 40 92 95 2 22 C\ty. 12 11 39 55 2 92 1 1M 3 23 Do. 40 96 118 6 123 29::! 146 6 24 Do. 37 83 6 26 3 48 466 6 54 4 Urban Total 148 2 309 10 301 23 505 11 1,160 15 826 Sla District To1ai 187 2 354 10 418 35 732 28 1,418 37 1,313 78

Subdivision 6·4-Wholesale trade in foodstuffs. Subdivision 6'5-Wbolesale trade in comma· djties other than foodstuffs. ---. Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. EmplOYEes. IndepEndent Tract No. workers. workers. r------'-----. ,---~ ~ ~---. .-----'---. .-----'---. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(397) (398) (399) (400) (401) (402) (403) (404) (405) (406) (407) (408) Rural- 157 158 I J 2 22 1 2 159 2 4 1 1 1 4 160 7 7 3 35 14 1 5 9 20 161 31 10 55 5 .. 1 2 162 5 45 36 1 4 2 6 129 6 163 4 7 13 1 1 2 1 4 164 165 4 13 2 2 166 2 2 167 52 32 11 I 115 25

Rurar Total 106 32 85 3 260 29 44 2t 12 6 149 28 Urban-

~ 47 Non.City 90 20 II I 4 10 48 Do. 10 37 4 62 3 63 4 135 15 49 Do. 5 4 2 4 8 a 309 114 6 50 Do. 22 City 18 28 26 2 .. J 23 Do. 6 5 81 95 2 3 1 4 .2 24 Do. 5 .1 1 2 1 2 VtIIa* Total 134 1 95 5 125 103 79 16 379 6 264 25 Dlstrlef Total 240 33 180 8 385 132 123 37 891 12 418 53 TA.H.-8 (8. TAliJORE DISTRICT.

B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by . Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 6·6--Real Estate. Subdivision 6·7-Ill8urance.

Tract No. Employt'rs. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. ,--A-----., ~ ~ ~ ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. 1<'. M. F. M. P. (409) (410) (411) (41:l) (413) (414) (415) (416) (417) (418) (419) (420) l{ural·- 157 158 2 159 1 1 2 l60 2 l61 3 2 4 " 1 162 33 13 3 1 1 163 1 2 I 164 165 .2 166 1 1 167 Rural Total 5 38 2 20 3 9 1 4 Urban- 47 Non·City I It 1 48 Do. 1 19 Do. 2 10 8 ;;0 Do. 22 City 26 102 12 23 Do. 24 Do. S 36 2 13 2 5 20 38

Urban Total 8 38 2 409 104 6 48 1 39 District Total 13 76 4- 69 107 8 57 2 43

Subdivision 6·8--Money.lending, banking and Division 7-Transport; storage and communications, other financial business.

Employers. Employees. Independent Total. Employers. EmplOY(C8I!. Independent Tl-act No. workers. workers. ,...----A--. ,....-----'---- ,....-----'---- ,---A----. ,..---'--, ,---'-----, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(421) (422) (423) (424) (425) (426) (427) (428) (429) (430) (431) (432) (433) (434) Rural- 157 3 .) 58 31 289 5 163 121 158 6 4- I 29 23 519 3 7 1 499 2 13 159 22 2 43 8 98 27 731 4 31 1 376 I 324 2 160 5 3 9 3 31 10 298 6 39 1 196 5 63 .16 161 2 1 19 3 297 32 23 2 173 26 101 4 162 I) 4- 27 83· 90S 9 612 287 163 2 II 10 4- 283 3 3 183 1 97 :2 164- 4- 4 13 1 51 3 499 1 454 44- 165 3 1 1 18 5 123 13 1 103 7 19 6 166 2 1 15 29 22 ~77 7 221 149 167

'Rural Total 52 13 121 14- 374- 215 4,377 66 128 5 3,015 47 1,284 14 Urban-- "'7 Non·City 48 1 7~ 3 35 26 1,692 85 69 6 1,323 62 300 17 48 Do. 32 36 32 1 35 1 320 6 11 193 6 lI6 49 Do. 35 1 2 90 5 718 16 55 4 515 6 148 6 S 6 .2 784- 19 21 50 Do. 603 16 160 3 22 City 5!l 284 1 108 6 1,947 7 32 1,473 6 44.2 1 48 17 18 1,270 10 41 1 23 Do. 190 768 8 461 2 24 Do. 37 23 81 6 1,034 30 85 14 820 14 129 2 'Urban Total 398 38 462 7 372 84 7,765 173 314 24 5,695 118 1,756 3t 583 21 279 239 442 District Total 450 51 746 12,t42 29 8,710 185 2,990 -t6 69

18. T AKJORE DISTRIOT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 7'0-Transport and communjca;l;ions otherwisp Subdivision 7·1-Transport by road. unclassHied and inoidental filervices. ,.----"-- ,.------'--- Employers. Employees. Independent, Employers. Employees. Indtptndent Traot No. workers. workers. ,.---A---. ,,----A------. ,.----A----..., .----"----. ,----"------, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (435) (436) (437) (438) (439) (440) (441) (442) (443) (444) (445) (446) Rural- 157 5 57 lI6 158 7 1 251 13 159 31 ] 191 ] 323 2 160 I 39 28 2 63 161 23 2 70 9 10] 4 162 9 265 285 163 3 145 I 95 2 164 320 42 165 53 19 166 7 92 13.> 167 I 12 Rural Total 1 1 1 126 4 1,473 13 1,204 8

Urban- 47 Non.City 2 7 5 66 6 319 10 292 15 48 Do. 11 83 116 49 Do. .35 4 141 1 147 6 50 Do. 19 330 5 Hi7 3 22 City 32 535 442 1 23 Do. 41 532 5 461 2 24 Do. 4 5 2\-l 45 3 309 2 68 2 Urban Total 6 12 34- 269 13 2,249 23 1,683 29 District Total 6 1 13 1 34 394- 17 3,722 36 2,887 37

Subdivision 7'2-Transport by wat~r. Subdivision 7·a-Transport by All'. r -----'------. ,-- Tract No. Employers. Employees. Indopendent Employers. Employees. Ind6pendent workers. workers. ~--. ,.-----A---... ,_--"--_.._" ,---"'-----, .------'----. ~ M. F. 1\1. F. :\I. F. :'If. F. M. F. M. F.

(447) (448) (449) (450) (451) (452) (453) (4.34) (4.>5) (436) (457) (45S} Rural- 157 12 5 158 1 159 I I 160 1 161 lfi2 2 163 2 164 6 2 165 166 6 14 ]67 2 5 4 Bural Total 3 31 SO 2 Urban- 47 Non-City 2: 3 2 48 Do. 2 49 00_ 2 1 50 Do. 2 2 4 3 22 City 1 23 Do. 24 Do. 36 11 174 1 32 2 Urban Total 39 11 179 7 39 2 5 Dlstrict Total 42 11 210 7 69 2 7 1'AN-SA 18. TAIJORE DISTRICT. B-HI-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 7·4--Railway transport. Subdivision 7'5-Storage and warehousing.

Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employees. Independent workers. workers. r---"----. .------'----0 ~ Tract No. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1\1 F. M. F. M. 'F· l (459) (460) (461) (4G2) (463) (464) (465) (466) (467) (468) (469) (470) Rural- 167 68 158 180 2 159 121 160 117 i 5 161 61 12 8 162 144 163 38 164 13 16i 22 1 6 6 166 76 HI7 16 5 Bural Total 906 22 13 6 6 Urban-- 47 NOD·City 45 1 48 Do. 273 3 49 Do. 165 7 1 50 Do. 738 4 22 City 138 23 Do. 211 11 U Do. Urban Total 2,182 70 1 1 Dlmtot Total 3,088 92 :14 7 6

SubdiviSion 7·6--Postalservices. SubdiviSion 7·7-Telegraph services.

Employers. Employees. Independent ~ployers. Employees. Independeni; workers. workers. Traot No. ,.-~ ....---"-----, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(471) (472) (473) (4U) (475) (476) (477) (478) (479) (480) (481) (482) Rural- 157 26 15S 65 2 159 58 2 160 36 161 29 I) 4 162 202 163 164 62 165 28 166 47 167 13 Rural Total 588 5 8 Urban-- 47 Non-City •• 384 41 48 Do. 61 5 49 Do. 89 ! 5 60 Do. 101 ill City 174 1 10 II Do. 87 2 SI 1 24 Do. ll! 4

Urban Total 1,008 1i 28 1 Dlstriot Total 1,574 21 36 7 18. TABJORB DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees aDd Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 7·8--Telephone Services. Subdivision 7·9-Wireless Services.

Employers. Employees. Independent Employers. Employet's. Independent Tract No. workers. workers. ~ ...... ------'-- r----.A------...... ------'-- ,-_...______., .---"----'\ 1'4. F. M. F. M. F. l\I. F. M. F. M. F. ("83) (484) (485) (486) (487) (488) (489) (490) (491) (492) (493) (494) Rura.l- 157 Hi8 159 I 160 5 un 1 162 I HIS 164 3 165 166 167 RlIl'aI Total 10 5 'Urban- 47 Non-City 48 1,'0. .2 49 Do. 5 50 Do. 4, 22 City 13 2 23 Do. 2 24 Do. 3 Urban Total 27 4 Dlstrlot Total 37 9

Division 8--Health, Education and Publie Subdivision S·l-Medical and other Administration. Health Services. -----. ,- Total. Employers. Employees. Ind, pendent Employers. Employees. Independent Tract No_ workers. workers. ,----J---.. r--A----. ,.....--A---, ~ ,---"--, ,----A---.. ::\i. F. :M:. F. 1.1. F. ::\1. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (495) (496) (497) (498) (499) (500) (501) (502) (503) (504) (505) (506) (507) (508) Rural- 157 959 32 5 892 4 62 28 4 56 4 62 7 158 1,727 73 47 1,521 49 159 24 14 31 7 107 22 159 1,524 65 14 38 1,300 19 210 S 4 35 ... 162 8 160 890 55 8 5 830 34 52 16 5 2 16 5 48 9 161 1,190 182 :i9 64 971 107 160 11 19 32 :57 48 106 8 162 1,857 78 2 39 1,593 14 262 25 .2 15 . 14 255 25 163 1,352 83 3 I 1,309 67 40 15 2 68 7 20 15 164 1,375 88 13 1,264 61 98 27 13 22 8 85 21 165 933 34 221 652 33 60 1 9 13 60 I 166 994 39 12 873 25 109 13 4 14 11 83 13 167 161 19 2 125 16 34 3 2 12 I 9 I

Rural Total .. 12,962 748 38~ 14811,330 429 1,2i6 171 74 38 339 110 997 130

'Urban- 47 Non-City 1,352 157 40 1,184 .39 128 98 85 23 103 II 48 Do. ~O8 103 19 825 91 64 I2 9 41 14 44 12 49 Do. 1,526 138 1 1,472 lIS 53 20 1 97 21 52 13 .50 Do. 2,617 199 7 7 2,512 172 9~ • 20 fI 3 99 26 88 16 22 City 3,283 361 16 I 3,120 342 147 18 Ii 293 102 122 12 23 Do. 1,528 227 32 I 1,352 221 144 5 22 86 65 III 4 24 Do. 1,286 157 26 .3 1,217 110 43 42 24 I) 68 65 42 38 Urban Total .. 12,500 1,342 141 1411,682 1,113 177 216 78 9 769 3t6 562 106

Dlstrlot Total .. 25,462 2,090 527 18223,012 1,5421,923 3806 152 47 1,100 426 1,559 236 62 t8. TANJORE DISTllIClf. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision S·2-Educationa,l Services and Subdivision 8,S-Army, Navy and Air foree. Research. ,.------__ .A. ______-- __ ""'"I Tra,ot No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. J.- . , •• J.- _ - ...... ~ , ~ r' ,- - -...... --~ r--.A-----. r--_"_'_ -~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (509) (510) (511) (512) (513) (5H) (515) (516) (517) (iUS) (€H9) (520) Rural- 11)7 1 215 21 15S 33 350 39 52 2 159 14 34 341 14 48 1iO 3 3 329 26 4 7 161 40 32 242 25 54 3 162 39 50S 7 163 1 1 312 23 20 164, 243 53 13 6 165 212 56 25 166 S 1 313 6 26 167 30 IS 25 2 Rural Toial 312 110 2,939 224- 249 41

Urban- 47 Non-City .. 40 792 13 25 87 48 Do. 10 310 64 20 49 Do. 369 77 1 7 50 Do. 1 4 519 100 10 4 22 City 1 725 220 25 6 23 Do 10 468 115 33 I 24 Do. 2 S8 44 1 4 Urban Total 63 I) 3,271 633 115 109 District Total 375 115 6,210 857 364 150

SubdivisiQn 8'4-PQlice (other than villa.ge Subdivision S'5-Vi.J.1age Officers and servants, watchmen). including village watchmen. Tract No. r---'-----"'------...... r--'---- -"--- - -~ ---, Independent Independent Employers. Employees. r--..Jo---workers. __ Employers. Employees. workers. ,.----...... ,.__-. r----.A--~ r---"--...... ,--_.A-...-..... r--.J-.--__ , M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. ·F. (521) (522) (523) (524) (525) (526) (527) (528) (529) (5301 (531) (532) Rural- 157 32 497 15S 52 875 159 47 727 160 33 381 161 26 484 162 47 857 163 54 610 1M 52 726 165 68 356 166 38 367 167 Rural Total 449 5,880

Urban- 47 Non-City .. 8 59 48 Do. 99 62 49 '00. 194 . 156 50 Do. 173 184 22 City 563 30 23 Do. 122 30 24 DQ. 183 32 Urban Total 1,342 553 District Total 1,791 6,483 63

1S. TAlfJOBB DISTRICT. B-llI-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Subdivision g·6-Employees of Municipalities Subdivision 8'7-Employees of St&te and Local Boa.rds. Governments. r--- --, -...... , Tract No. Independent Independent Employe!:$. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,...--..A.-.-...... , r---.A-...... , r---.A.'---, ,.--..A._...... , ,..--...... __...... , ,-...-~..A. __-. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (533) (534) (535) (536) (537) (538) (539) (540) (541) (542) (543) (544) Rural- 15'1 8 67 158 9 3 143 159 33 108 160 1 2 2 161 29 24- 121 9 162 8 102 163 153 33 29 164- 9 88 165 18 8 129 168 8'1 8 2 167 2 14- Rural Total 357 78 805 9

Urban-- 4'1 Non.City 26 23 199 48 Do. 33 11 265 49 Do. 74- 5 557 15 50 D'o. 86 25 1 !2 City 350 2 1,070 2 23 Do. 185 20 328 9 24- Do. 240 1 539 Urban Total 994 87 2,958 27 District Total ,1,351 165 3,763 36

Subdivision 8·8--Employees of the Union Subdivision 8·9-Employees or Non·Indian Governments. ...., ,...-______Governments...A.-- __ ...., Tre.ct No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,..----.A--...... , ,..-----"---. ,..---"---...... , ,..----..A.,--., ,--~--. ,..-----..A-_..., M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (545) (546) (547) (548) (549) (550) (551) (552) (553) (554) (555) (556) Bural- 157 17 158 16 45 159 9 160 68 1 161 12 I 162 56 163 83 4- 1M 124- 165 12 16i 52 167 67 2 Rural Total 516 8 45 Urban- 47 Non.City •. 15 48 Do. 5 2 10 49 Do. 25 50 Do. 1,451 20 22 City 81. 16 8 23 Do. 55 78 12 24, Do. 55 12 Urban Total 1,687 38 108 12 Dlatriet Total 2,203 46 153 12 64

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Subdivisions.

Division 9--Services not elsewhere specified. Subdivision 9'O--Services otherwise unolassitled. Traot No. r- ....., ------" Independent Independent Total. Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. r--..A.-.-, r----"--~ r---"--....., r--.A-"'_....., r---.A---....., r---.A.,--....., r-.A.--~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (557) (558) (559) (560) (561) (562) (563) (564) (565) (566) (567) (568) (569) (570) Rw-al- 157 1,356 225 61 511 86 784 139 75 8 133 31 158 2,405 350 257 8 869 191 1,279 151 17 3 56 6 159 2,629 441 301 36 1,359 173 969 232 139 160 1,782 239 324 25 601 35 857 179 20 28 16 161 1,644 386 223 214 718 142 703 30 1 5 1 162 3,132 596 31 4 930 407 2,171 185 17 II 163 1,813 272 76 2 554 116 1,183 154 164 2,184 588 203 80 702 136 1,279 372 51 36 38 15 129 51 165 2,253 466 265 35 446 123 1,542 308 27 71 479 78 166 1,378 271 74 10 503 78 801 183 11 26 2 93 ~ 167 463 67 77 2 74 12 312 53 24 13 7 55 23·

Rural Total .. 21,039 3,901 1,892 416 7,267 1,49911,880 1,986 107 36 368 133 96Z 220 Urban- 47 Non·City 4,247 767 634 20 1,983 581 1,630 166 95 175 775 i 48 Do. 2,095 491 116 19 913 213 1,066 259 I 2 385 130 550 146 4:9 Do. 3,306 851 349 11 909 199 2,048 641 11 306 131 1,650 492 50 Do. 3,782 1,254 202 13 1,392 642 2,188 599 22 City 5,054 1,416 294 27 2,416 477 2,344 912 2 394 209 I,Oln 562 23 Do. 3,145 585 157 7 1,594 243 1,394 335 6 212 574 1 24: Do 2,264 745 246 122 1,501 47l 517 152 20 4-

Urban Total .. 28,893 6,109 1,998 21910,708 2,82611,187 3,064 113 4 1,492 470 4,600 1,210

District Total .. 44,93210,010 3,890 63517,975 4,325 23,067 5,050 220 40 1,860 598 5,562 1,430

Subdivision 9·I-Domestic Services (but not mcluding services rendered by member.. of family Subdivision 9·2-Barbers and beauty shops. households to one another). - ___..A--. ______...... Tract No...... , r-- Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. r---.A.--...... r---..A.-.-....., ,.---"--...... r--...... ---.., r---.A----, .. ____.____, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F~ (571) (572) (573) (574) (575) (576) (577» (578) (579) (580) (581) (582} Rural- 157 I 94: 64 24 3 8 22 123 158 4 4 I4D 14:9 71 8 25 82 100 .2 159 115 116 58 23 97 14,2 160 I 1 65 16 26 34 60 57 202 4, 161 5 1 130 99 35 10 37 19 66 1 136 162 425 364 53 50 3 16 537 163 224: 96 251 69 6 26 3 189 2 164 1 10 178 87 315 91 18 36 144 165 4:1 25 2 39 58 28 207 166 1 I 1'25 54 94: 91 15 22 196 167 3 5 15 11 45 J

Rural Total 13 17 1,540 1,070 984 418 245 19 463 4 2.081 9 Urban- 47 Non.City 120 1,013 519 370 35 3 10 !O 48 Do. I 60 47 27 20 6 15 I 73 49 Do. 57 35 37 29 40 57 28 I 50 Do. I 3 702 542 1,250 455 29 26 1 161 3 22 City 3 495 210 304 158 44 21 179 23 Do. 3 1 141 192 74 177 22 38 2 112 I 24: Do. 27 13 1,099 440 153 10 10 16 102

Urban Total 155 17 3,567 1,985 2,215 864 168 6 188 4 675 5 District Total 168 34 5,107 3,055 8,149 1,283 413 26 646 8 a,756 14 6i

18. TANIOBB DISTRICT. B-III-Employ.ers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions·and Subdivisions.

Subdivision 9·4---Hotels. Resta.mants and Subdivision g·3--Laundries and Laundry services. Eating houses. ..N --., ~-_----. 'l'!act No. Independent Independent Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. ,--- r---.A."__--., .---..11.-..., r _____.A----., r__"__..., r------. __,,__-""\ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

(583) (584) (585) (586) (587) (588) (689) (590) (591) (592) (593) (59') Rural- 157 7 25 1 151 25 43 48 13 186 71 158 31 82 7 159 14 137 3 109 16 285 91 159 2 23 17 265 30 193 36 366 2G 68 166 160 93 3 83 2 233 28 U6 20 163 11 180 ii 161 20 40 71 3 163 4 94 100 163 2 153 9 162 2 6 8 601 35 22 4 103 18 446 43 163 7 41 :; 209 34 56 2 62 6 284 41 164 19 7 29 10 167 16 80 27 69 9 305 190 165 64 7 49 13 386 70 137 27 161 13 247 112 166 9 2 20 7 160 16 32 6 49 6 99 52 167 17 2 12 2 88 17 16 14 3 54 8 Bural Total i71 61 441 75 i,582 289 926 225 1,307 122 2,307 871 Urban- 47 Non-City 6 13 78 4 293 11 90 35 235 SO 48 Do. S 21 6 ~8 7 69 11 216 25 126 99 49 Do. 23 24 31 8 III II 273 29 120 99 50 Do. 15 44 I 82 6 145 9 416 60 318 121 22 City 21 31 4 130 15 lI5 23 741 38 135 149 23 Do. 5 8 3 78 9 87 5 647 40 129 lIS 24 00. 16 31 6 39 24 124 27 201 6 123 93 Urban Total 85 6 159 33 526 73 944 97 2,584 263 1,186 '159 District Total 356 67 600 108 3,108 362 1,870 322 3,891 385 3,493 1,630

Subdivision 9'5--Recreation services. Subdivision 9·fr-Lega!.A. and ______business services. --., r- -. r-- Independent Independent Employees. workers. Employers. Employees. workers. Employers. ___ .Jo.----.. Tract No. r--.Jo.----., .---.A..---. r--...Iu-.---., r--.A."__--., r----"-- ---., M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. (595) (596) (597) (598) (599) (600) (601) (602) (603) (604) (605) (606) Rural- 157 1 12 86 9 41 153 24 1 17 .. 171 29 1 2 1 4 159 4 132 15 225 13 20 13 160 19 I 39 I 58 10 1 33 .. 161 21 In 44 72 1 12 4 18 7 6 162 4 22 .. 362 46 20 163 2 32 I 84 8 9 164 5 60 2 101 19 16 165 6 66 64 7 2 166 1 19 5 81 1 3 1 9 2 1 167 I 4 Raral Total 88 33 443 24 1,804 143 17 5 168 8 31 1 Urban- 47 NOD-City 2 69 8 15 41 1 61 2 4,S Do. 11 56 60 1 62 1 32 3 49 Do. 77 90 6 2 68 50 Do. 3 1 29 " 141 5 9 85 .. 23 22 City 25 1 135 5 245 25 56 458 5 117 23 Do. .. 9 1 204 2 178 22 22 94 .. 84 24 Do. .. 10 3 27 39 2 35 57 2 5 2: Urban Total 60 6 697 19 763 76 122 799 9 390 7 District Total 148 29 1,040 43 2,067 219 189 5 967 17 421 S T.A.lf.-t .. 18. TAIUORE DISTRICT. B-III-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries aDd ar.rvtc.1IJ Divisions and SubcliVislons.

Subdivision 9·S-Religious. Charitable and Subdivision 9'7-~ letters and journalism• Welfare services. .A- -, rw ---. Independent mdepenclent Employsl'B. Employees. wol'ksl'B. Employers. ,.....___,.Employees. wor.brs. Traet No. r--.A----. r-""--. r---.A.-~ ,__....._-. ,---....__ ...... M. F. K. F. M. F. M. F. K. F. K. :1'. (607) (608) (609) (610) (611) (612) (613) (614:) (615) (616) (617) (6IS) RIUal- 157 .. 1 194 81 158 I, 1 4 34- 419 15 369 1 159 11 102 467 187 160 .. 1 1 1 14, 133 4: 141 14, 161 5 33 29 216 30 137 I) 162 7 338 165 163 1 5 160 5 165 164 30 3 29 246 13 115 i 165 1 1 74 1 1114 2 166 .. 4 2 233 4 72 2 167 1 1 1 3 2() 60 4 Rural Toml 2 3'1 1 33 1 ao 2,500 72 1,646 34 UrbaD- 47 Noa·City 18 -121 3 585 {) 7S 25 48 Do... S 7 4 91 3 lOG 3 49 Do. 1 13 1 164" U2 11 ~ 50 Do. 1 ., 90 8 212 9 2! Cit.y 9 17 25 21 1 124: 6 1&8 3 28 Do. 1 11 13 2 239 4 152 7 24 Do. 6 7 6 18 79 43 17 50 17 UrlNul Total 21 43 - 80 t 330 83 1,284 48 762 69- District Toml as 80 1 1t8 2 553 113 3,784 111) 1,408 103 67

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:18. TAIfJORE DISTRICT. PART II C-HOUSEHOLD AND AGE (SAMPLE) TABLES. C-I-Household (size). This table has been prepared in respect of a population the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and other oovering the members of sample households seleoted classes not treated as non-backward by the State Govern­ from the entries in the Nationltl Register of Citizens on the ment for the purpose of 1951 Census. Anglo-Indians are basis of one household for everyone thousand households. included among the non-backward classes. The sam!>le . households selected include roughly every tenth household in every hundredth house-numbering 3. Columns (:'.) to (5) of the table relata to the house­ block in the Rural areas and every fiftieth household holds and household population in each tract in the in every twentieth house.numbering block or locality district while columns (6) to (17) relate to the sample in Urban areas. households selected. 2. The .Agricultura,}' and the ·non-ag:i-icultural classes 4. The figures have been given for eaeh Census tract refer to the four agricultural and the four non-agricultural vide fly. leaf to Table B-I in the district. classes given in Table A-V. The Backward Classes include

. ~otal Total Sample households. number of number Tract No. households. Total household population. of sample Samples of household pop~lation. households. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Rural- 157 30,610 137,923 67,528 70,395 25 110 55 55 158 56,923 254,657 123,246 131,411 55 271 134 137 159 53,831 241,065 ll8,639 122,426 55 244 121 123 160 58,083 252,026 125,559 126,467 64 269 144 125 161 45,304 191,237 93,642 97,595 35 136 68 68 162 55,314 231,767 ll2,410 119,357 42 153 69 84 163 46,311 198,544 97,685 100,859 39 160 84 76 164 41,270 175,607 85,564 90,043 54 218 107 III 165 76,178 360,344 179,869 180,475 82 370 191 179 166 48,628 209,990 104,049 105,941 44 194 96 98 167 29,226 130,638 63,828 66,810 19 86 47 39

Rural Total 541,678 2,383,798 1,172,019 . 1,211,779 514 2,211 1,116 1,095

Urban- 22 City 20,033 96,981 47,938 49,043 7 30 14 16 23 Do. 18,858 90,358 44,425 45,933 36 172 87 85 24 Do. 11,697 57,145 27,151 29,994 5 25 12 13 47 :K OTI-Cty 22,523 103,832 51,089 52,743 22 104 53 51 48 Do, 11,432 50,655 25,256 25,399 2 11 5 6 49 Do. 17,794 78,924 38,953 39,971 6 29 II 18 50 Do. 19,244 89,405 43,797 45,608 15 81 40 41 Urban Total 121,581 567,300 278,609 288,691 93 452 222 230

District Total 663,259 2,951,098 1,450,628 1,500,470 607 2,663 1,338 1,325

Agricultural .• 443 960 963

Non-Agricultural .. ' - 164 378 362 Backward 427 1,878 961 917

Non.Backward 180 785 377 408 291

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. C-I-Household (size).

Sample households-cont.

Size of households.

Tract No. Small. MediUIll. Large. Very large.

3 members or less, 4--6 members. 7-9 members. 10 members or above. ( ""- Number. Persons. Number. Persons. Number. Persons. Number. Persoru,

(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Rural- 157 8 18 13 58 2 14 2 20 Hi8 I~ 35 29 140 5 37 5 59 159 17 39 29 137 9 68 160 25 54 32 156 5 37 2 22 161 16 34 14 66· 5 36 162 23 53 16 76 2 15 1 9 163 Ie 31 18 90 5 39 164 21 51 29 131 3 23 1 10 165 35 80 29 136 14 109 4- 45 166 14 31 23 108 6 45 1 10 167 7 16 9 39 2 16 I 15 Rural Total 198 442 241 1,140 58 439 17 190

Urban- 22 City 2 5 5 25 23 Do. 13 29 17 81 3 35 3 27 24 Do. 1 2 2 8 2 15 47 Non.City 9 17 8 37 2 14 3 36 48 Do 1 1 1 10 49 Do. 2 6 3 15 1 8 50 Do. 2 6 11 59 2 16 ' .. Urban Total 80 66 46 225 10 88 7 7a District Total 228 508 287 1,365 68 527 24 263

Agricultural ., 166 369 213 1,010 48 366 16 178

N on.Agricultural 62 139 74 355 20 161 8 85

Backward 155 349 207 980 50 379 15 170

N on.Backward 73 159 80 385 18 148 9 93 292

18. TANIORE DISTRICT. C-II-Liveliltood Classes by Age-groups. This table shows the livelihood distribution by age­ The first five slips were placed in the pigeon hole " GO> groups for Rural, Urban and District totals in respect of a then one slip was placed in the pigeon hole "S." There­ sample popUlation based on a ten per cent sample taken after for every nine slips placed in the pigeon hole "G," out when the enumeration slips were initially sorted. one slip was placed in the pigeon hole "S" until the Tbe ten per cent sample was taken out as follows ;- total number of slips left was less than 9 anq these residuary slips were all put into hole "G." All the slips contained Each enumeration pad which consisted generally of 100 in the pigeon hole marked" S" were taken out, counted enumeration slips was broken and the slips relating to and marked as 'Sample' slips. displaced persons which had been noticed during the process of the preliminary scrutiny were removed from 2. No smoothing formula has been adopted in preparing the pack of slips for being dealt with separately. The the table as in previous Censuses and the figures have been pack was then "cut" as in a card-game. The lower tabulated as actually returned in suitable age-groups. portion was placed above the upper portion and the slips were dealt into two pigeon holes one marked " G" and 3. The figures under age '0' represent infants below the other marked "S" as follows ;- Qne year. Livelihood clssses. r------,--~------______~ ___ ~ Sample Population. Agricultural classes . .----"--~ II. CultivatOrs IV. Non-culti­ I. Cultivators of land wholly or III. Cultivating vatmg owners of Age-group. Persons. Males. Female'S. of land wholly or mainly un,)wned labourers and their land, agricultural mainly owned and and their dependants. rent receivers and their dependants. dependants. their' dependants.

Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fema.les. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Rural­ o 4,867 2,493 2,374 778 740 463 481 662 626 l()3 80 1- 4 22,684 1l,235 11,449 3,525 3,353 1,978 2,119 3,248 3,313 427 425 5-14 55,448 27,919 27,529 8,397 8,115 5,334 5,290 8,286 8,244 1,097 1,117 1:)-24 41,979 20,338 21641 6,394 6,499 3,789 4,028 6,034 6,297 619 39,574 852 25-34 18,730 20,844 5,602 6,217 3,611 3,835 5,730 6,382 426 785 35-44 32,187 16,292 15,895 4,925 4,959 3,064 2,853 4,828 4,698 446 733 45-54 23,752 11,866 11,886 3,815 3,808 2,271 2,079 3,144 3,367 378 595 55-64 13,133 6,540 6,593 2,150 2,060 1,222 1,153 1,553 1,727 305 436 65-74 5,239 2,683 2,556 867 755 428 459 531 578 153 245 75 andover 1,453 700 753 254 273 104 112 144 146 66 87 Age not stated 56 32 24 12 10 12 2 5 7 Total 240,372 118,828 121,544 36,719 36,789 22,276 22,411 34,165 35,385 4,020 6,355 Urban- 1,191 O 605 686 45 41 15 14 15 19 :J5 41 1- 4 5,061 2,503 2,658 177 189 76 49 107 107 146 144 5-14 12,930 6,477 6,453 510 503 162 175 282 243 458 448 15-;24 H,693 5,942 5,751 401 355 151 141 199 221 368 379 25-34 9,163 4,387 4,'776 211 309 140 129 237 213 151 266 7,242 35-44 3,683 3,559 207 235 103 107 193 169 152 273 45-54 5,487 2,787 2,700 167 208 86 68 125 106 144 238 55-64 3,249 1,496 1,753 122 94 36 37 56 77 131 199 65-74 1,283 587 696 49 59 13 8 19 18 59 76 75 andover 445 175 270 14 22 2 6 7 5 23 34 Age not '3tated 13 5 8 1 2 1 Total 57,757 28,647 29,110 1,904 2,015 784 734 1,240 1,180 1,667 2,099 Distriot­ o 6,058 3,098 2,MO 823 781 478 495 677 645 138 121 1- 4 27,745 13,738 14,Q07 3,702 3,542 2,054 2,168 3,355 3,420 1573 569 5-14 68,378 34,396 33,982 8,907 8,618 5,496 5,465 8,568 8,487 1,555 1,565 15-24 53,672 26,280 27,392 6,795 6,854 3,940 4,169 6,233 6,518 987 1,231 25-34 48,737 23,117 25,620 5,813 6,526 3,751 3,964 5,967 6,595 577 1,051 35-44 39,429 19,975 19,454 5,132 5,194 3,167 2,960 5,021 4,867 598 1,006 29,239 14,653 45-54 14,586 3,982 4,016 2,357 2,147 3,269 3,473 522 833 55-64 16,382 8,036 8,346 2,272 2,154 1,258 1,190 1,609 1,804 436 635 65-74 6,522 3,270 3,252 916 814 441 467 550 596 212 321 75 andover 1,898 875 I,Q23 268 295 106 lI8 151 151 89 121 Age not stated 69 37 32 13 10 12 2 5 9 1 Total 298,129 147,475 150,854 38,628 38,804 23,060 23,145 35,405 36,565 5,687 7,454 293

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. C-II...... Livelihood Classes by Age-groups.

Livelihood classes.

Non-agricultural classes.

Persons (including their dependants who derive thpir principal means oflivelihood from). Age·group. V. Production VIII. Other other than cultivation. VI. Commerce. VII. Transport.. services and miscella. neous sources. ,...----"------" Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Male'!. Ferr:ales.

(I3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Rural- 0 150 157 95 llO 18 19 224 161 1- 4 712 823 443 460 71 76 831 880 5-14 1,774 1,655 981 1,047 137 134 1,913 1,927 15-24 1,433 1,405 670 869 104 127 1,295 1,564 25-34 1,314 ],234 617 846 136 119 1,294 1,426 35-44 1,144 794 604 692 109 63 1,172 1,103 45-54 828 681 448 514 69 58 913 784 .55-64 464 341 238 339 22 37 586 500 {l5-74 166 134 100 131 5 14 433 240 75 and over 42 43 30 37 1 59 55 Age not stated 1 2 1 2 2 Total 8,028 7,269 4,226 6,046 672 647 8,722 8,642

Urban- O 115 109 128 125 27 34 225 203 1- 4 530 513 436 497 143 132 888 927 5-14 1,176 1,101 1,210 1,257 301 327 2,378 2,399 15-24 1,183 1,105 1,1l3 1,153 233 316 2,294 2,081 25-34 963 942 859 994 252 268 1,574 1,655 :35-44 737 591 755 749 228 158 1,308 1,277 45-54 527 487 579 494 112 115 1,047 984 .55-64 284 289 315 364 53 86 299 607 '65-74 117 109 103 154 21 24 206 248 '75 and over 23 35 39 51 4 2 63 115 Age not stated 2 4 3 Total 6,655 5,281 5,537 5,840 1,374 1,462 10,486 10,409


0 265 266 233 235 45 53 449 364 1- 4 1,242 1,336 879 957 214 208 1,719 1,807 5-14 2,950 2,756 2,191 :!,304 438 461 4,291 4,326 15-24 2,616 2,510 1,783 2,022 337 443 3,589 3,645 25-34 2,277 2,176 1,476 1,840 388 387 2,868 3,081 35-44 I,S81 1,385 1,359 1,441 337 221 2,480 2,380 45-54 1,355 1,168 1,027 1,008 181 173 1,960 1,768 55-64 748 630 553 703 75 123 1,085 1,107 65-74 283 243 203 285 26 38 639 488 75 andover 65 78 69' 88 5 2 122 170 Age not stated 1 2 3 6 5 Total 13,683 12,550 9,763 10,886 2,046 2,109 19.208 19,141 18. TANJORE DISTRICT. C-IV-Age and Literacy. , This is yet another table prepared in respect of the 3. The figures are given for each census tract denoted ten per ce.n~ s;tqtples. qf the general population (vide by its number in column (1). The areas covered by each fly-leaf to Table C-II). c~nsus tract' in' the district have been specified in the .fly-Ieaf.to Table BTL . . 2. Age ir~ups' 0 and' ito' 4 given 'in 'rable" C-II" have been combined -into (me, age group, and the, age group. 4. 'Literates' are those who are able to read and write 5 to 14 has been split into two sub-groups 5 to 9 and 'any simple'letter in any language. 10 to 14. Persons of age-group 0 to 4 are treated as 5. Persons who are partly literate, i.e., persons who are illiterate. .able to rea~ only, have been i~cluded among the illiterates. Details for such persons are give 13elow.:-

Tract No. Age not stated. Age, 1-4 Age, 5-9 Age. 10-14 Age, 15-24 Age, 25-34 ~ ,---A---, ,,-----'---, ,--.....___, ~ r----"---. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Rural Total 1 882 129 666 156 515 187 546 189, Urba.n Tota.l 1 180 97 188 90 64 85 48 sa District Total .. 2 562 226 804 246 579 272 594 202

Tract No. Age, 35-44 Age, 45-54 Age, 55-64 Age, 65-74 Age, 75 .A-and___ over. -,. .---"----, -"-_--, r- __ ..A. --., r---"----. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Rural Total 429 99 299 52 176 23 52 8 15 3 Urban Total 50 46 28 27 12 12 5 4- 5 1 District Total .. 479 145 827 79 188 85 57 12 20 4-

Sample population. Age, 0-4. .-- --. ,----"------, Tract No. Total Literate. Illiterate. Total. ___...__ A.. ,-----"------, ( ,------"-----.,. Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Rural- 157 13,814 6,781 7,033 2,141 417 4,640 6,616 833 808 158 25,529 12,434 13,095 4,129 1,156 8,305 11,939 1,434- 1,424 159 24,218 11,859 12,359 4,003 837 7,856 11,522 1,323 1,437 160 25,419 12,738 12,681 4,155 814 8,583 11,867 1,320 1,309 161 19,224 9,483 9,741 3,116 870 6,367 8,871 1,017 1,088 162 23,379 11,380 11,999 4,29& 940 7,084 11,059 1,366 1,478 163 20,238 10,091 10,147 3,365 662 6,726 9,485 1,161 1,192 164 17,601 8,670 8,931 3,314 ,707. 5,356 8,224 1,131 1,080 165 36,543 18,441 18,lO2 4,629 509 13,812 17,593 1,994 1,942 161> 21,110 10,560 10,544 3,099 &80 6,867 9,864 1,437 1,319 167 13,297 6,385 6,912 1,873 273 4,512 6,639 712 746- Rural Total 2,40,372 1,18,828 1,21,544 88,720 7,865 80,108 1,13,679 18,728 18,823 Urban- 22 City 10,066 5,019 5,047 3,128 1,710 1,891 3,337 532 457 23 Do. 9,189 4,637 4,552 2,878 1,451 1, 759 3,101 499 483 24 Do. 5,785 2.814 2,971 1,696 746 1,118 2,225 317 3?8 47 Non·City 10,564 5,189 5,375 3,026 1,423 2,163 3,952 565 571 48 Do. 5,101 2,596 2,505 1,450 608 1,146 1,897 271 28L , . 4:9 Do. 7,969 3.914 4,055 2,116 949 1,798 3,106 449 481 50 Do. 9,083 4,478 4,605 2,636 1,243 .1,842 3,362 475 543: Urban Total 57,757 28,647 29,110 16,930 8,130 11,'117 20,980 8,108 3,144

District Total 2,98,129 1,47,475 1,50,654 65,650 15,995 91,825 1,34,659 . ·16,836 16,967 ·296,

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. ,C-IV-,-Age al)d Literacy. Tract No. Age, 5-9. Age, 10-14. ~ _. , -, ~ ---., Literate. Illitera te. Literate. ·Illiterate.

~-,--;'I- ~ r- r------"------. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Rural- 157 ll6 40 697 792 295 87 554 714 138 185 114 1,296 '1,404 587 247 848 1,125 li59 162 100 1,211 1,295 498 152 910 1,218 16{} 114 108 1,327 1,362 316 196 1,102 1,1li3 161 123 94 914 1,050 406 192 733 881 162 177 75 1,121 1,255 589 206 716 1,155 163 157 75 1,096 1,102 460 158 774 968 164 124 77 800 985 423 174 608 804 165 145 45 1,956 1,853 521 131 1,624 1,967 ]66 165 81 1,169 1,199 510 119 769 1,149 167. 76 29 692 729 238 64 615 S0 5

Rural Total 1,544 838 12,279 13,026 4,843 1,726. 9,253 11,939 Urban- 22 City 262 176 222 314 453 430 215 218 23 . Do. III 72 381 370 367 295 153 221 24. Do. 66 32 189 260 212 163 148 159 47 ,Non-City 142 159 423 385 446 319 189 339 48 Do. 68 60 213 184 224 148 77 144 49 Do. 106 103 301 371 309 176 ]83 279 .50 Do • 125 131 337 381 423 266 132 298 Urban Total .. 880 733 2,066 2,265 2,434 1,797 1,097 1,658 District Total 2,424 1,571 14,345 15,291 7,277 3,523 10,350 13,597

Age, 15-24. Age, 25-34. Tract. ,--- -, Literate Illiterate. Literate. Illiterate. ,------.A- -, r-~ r---..A..__--, Males. Fem:ales. :Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femalps. (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) RuraI- 157 461 131 630 1,103 419 81 640 1,099 158 983 379 1,113 1,972 796 197 l,llO 2,01l 159 900 267 1,063 1,947 840 ]51 922 1,964 160 1,033 240 1,196 2,042 966 ]29 1,185 2,112 161 693 275 91)2 1,578 631 138 901 1,416 162 958 273 909 1,791 896 210 844 1,826 163 755 203 999 1,550 747 no 864 1,692 164 725 157 666 1,381 747 156 605 1,370 165 1,070 168 2,361 3,139 1,043 93 2,059 3,230 166 866 152 915 1,683 708 144 796 1,541 167 410 85 680 1,125 372 47 639 1,127

Rural Total 8,854 2,330 11,484 19,311 8,165 1,456 10,565 19,388 Urban- 22 City 880 665 210 405 497 230 287 566 23 Do, 791 472 170 496 499 252 191 484 24 Do. 412 259 143 318 342 133 81 354 47 Non-City 703 327 458 654 654 254 103 657 48 Do. 377 177 142 335 267 107 142 311 49 Do. 552 337 218 430 364 169 232 521 50 Do. 674 334 212 542 543 232 .185 506

Urban Total 4,389 2,571 1,553 3,180 3,166 1,377 1,221 3,399

District To1al 13,243 4,901 _1'3,037 22,491 11,331 2,833 11,,786 22,787 296

18. TAMJORE DISTRICT. C·IV-Age_and Literacy. Age, 35--44 Age,4S-54 Tract No. ----. Literate. Illiterate. Literate. Illiterate. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) Rural- 157 381 4.8 526 828 25<) 19 404 660 158 •• 6M 116 1,058 1,586 441 69 804 1,245 159 740 81 772 1,4~9 476 63 649 1,130 160 819 61 1,070 1,804 489 46 782 1,190 161 571 93 813 1,199 395 43 561 895 162 783 {)7 820 1,403 425 50 779 1,180 163 542 55 785 1,288 403 39 607 910 164 554 79 655 1,094 423 33 466 822 165 892 39 1,784 2,386 599 25 1,191 1,762 166 543 86 719 1,222 491 53 546 946 167 343 29 438 862 266 13 414 693 Rural Total 6,852 784 9,440 15,111 4,663 453 7,203 11,433 Urban- 22 City 455 92 185 496 313 61 133 437 23 Do. 451 173 155 359 367 106 108 286 24 Do. 283 73 112 306 223 42 73 245 47 Non.City 425 159 186 516 344 109 138 430 48 Do. 209 64 118 263 182 29 94 190 49 Do. 389 98 132 399 219 39 1,60 309 50 Do. 344 133 239 428 308 87 125 330 Urban Total 2,558 792. 1,127 2,787 1,956 473 831 2,227 District Total 9,408 1,576 10,567 17,878 6,619 926 8,034 13,660

Age, 55-64. Age, 65-74. Tract No. __.J. Literate..__ Illiterate. Literate. Illiterate . I Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) Rural- 157 135 6 216 380 57 4 109 175 158 2SS 23 417 754 127 S 162 323 159 243 16 540 709 105 3 419 292 160 268 21 423 590 124 11 154 237 161 194 28 328 506 84 5 112 227 162 309 17 356 625 123 7 150 266 163 203 19 310 578 71 3 103 163 164 208 22 302 431 89 9 94 197 165 267 4 578 928 72 3 193 277 166 313 29 312 528 90 16 120 183 167 119 5 211 374 43 82. 147 Rural Total 2,547 190 3,993 6,403 985 69 1,698 2,481

Urban- 22 City 182 42 66 282 65 12 30 117 23 Do. 187 58 66 259 87 21 29 101 24 Do. 97 27 40 166 48 15 15 62 47 Non.City 221 60 62 256 61 24 39 97 48 Do. 84 19 56 127 30 2 24 4~ 49 Do. n8 16 88 193 46 9 26 96 50 Do. 138 41 91 207 56 14 31 77 Urban Total 1,027 268 469 1,490 893 97 194 599 District Total 3,574 453 4,462 7,893 1,378 166 1,892 3,OSS 291

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. C-IV-Age and Lit&racy. Age 75 and over. Age not stated. Tract No.' -J' ,.-- - Literate. lliiterate. LiteratE'. Illiterate. ~---.. r--~ Malcs. Femal('s. MalE's. Females. ,Males. Females. Male!>. Females. (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) Hllral- 157 22 1 29 55 2 2 158 38 3 58 94 5 1 159 39 4 45 91 2 160 26 2 24 65 a 161 18 1 33 28 1 1 3 3

162 35 5 23 76 1 4 163 27 25 42 2 164- 20 29 59 1 I 165 19 1 62 102 1 10 7 166 13 80 92 4 2 167 6 1 29 31 Rural Total 263 18 437 735 4 1 28 23

Urban- 22 City 21 2 11 45 23 Do. 18 2 7 42 24 Do 13 2 27 47 Non-C~ty 30 10 46 2 48 Do. 8 2 S 13 1 1

49 Do. 13 2 7 25 ' 2 2 50 Do. 24 5 15 47 1 :3 Urba.n Total 127 25 48 245 2 2 3 6

District Total 390 43 485 980 6 3 31 29 298

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-Languages. (i) Mother-ior.gu6. This table shows for each census tract (vide fly-leaf 2. Mother-tongue means the language spoken by the to Table B-1) in the district the languages spoken as person from the cradle. In the case of infants and deaf mother-tongue and the number of persons speaking each mutes the mother-tongue of the mother is taken as the on~ of them. ' mother-tongue. Tamil. Telugu. Sourashtra. Urdu. Tract No. r- Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Rural- 157 66,382 69,023 913 918 2 2 127 . 130 158 122,185 130,074 1,215 1,170 1 2 81 96 159 1I4,489 117,456 3,774 4,084 439 469 165 177 ltJO 124,630 125,096 1,414 1,781 30 31 164 181 161 92,567 96,056 763 1,178 417 409 209 234 162 111,276 117,733 1,582 1,918 164 150 163 162 163 98,,733 101,451 908 788 53 47 164 84,148 88,334 1,099 1,335 87 98 165 181,407 181,637 888 1,016 1 85 105 166 104,348 105,819 294 553 11 12 167 63,409 69,299 183 187 4 5 4 Rural Total 1,163,624 1,201,978 13,033 14,928 1,054 1,067 1,150 1,246 Urban- 22 City 40,789 39,483 3,541 4,238 1,160 1,694 1,950 2,313 23 Do. 37,731 37,620 2,375 2,658 3,311 3,579 560 710 24 Do_ 26,029 28,380 769 977 % 308, 472 47 Non·City 48,570 49,592 2,009 2,141 921 1,023 200 301 48 Do. 21,328 21,268 1,945 2,067 1,551 1,422 154 216 49 Do. 37,338 38,137 1,109 1,287 18 15 267 238 50 Do. 41,820 42,605 1,885 2,457 39 122 231 292 Urban Total 253,605 257,085 13,633 15,825 7,000 7,857 3,670 4,542 Distriet Total 1,417,229 1,459,063 26,666 30,753 8,054 8,924 4,820 5,788 Marathi. Kannada. Malayalam. Hindi. Tract No. I r--~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Rural- 157 52 56 128 175 15 4 73 106 158 73 91 60 44 95 54 32 37 159 120 180 234 276 149 114 33 56 160 38 54 237 253 178 85 58 65 161 57 66 46 70 125 107 24 16 162 43 66 79 76 159 100 60 103 163 44 37 92 80 65 26 48 47 164 18 16 368 400 99 53 9 12 165 29 39 29 32 58 50 43 32 166 20 26 14 5 18 8 2 3 167 3 1 13 6 Rural Total 491 631 1,290 1,412 974 612 382 477 Urbsn- 22 City 1,679 1,911 145 223 374 405 220 179 23 Do. 614 869 321 476 351 190 98 73 24 Do. 124 140 34 45 163 127 112 91 47 NOD-City 214 266 107 141 245 150 27 35 48 Do. 206 224 121 117 259 115 72 62 49 Do. 217 210 221 224 217 103 42 14 50 Do. 271 256 160 100 288 141 182 109 Urban Total 8,325 3,870 1,109 1,326 1,897 1,281 753 563 Distriet Total 3,816 4,501 2,399 2,738 2,871 1,843 1,135 1,040 299

13. TANJORE DISTRICT. (i) Mother-tongue-cont.

Gujal'ati. Arabic. English. Malaya. Tract No. ,..----._A---, r- Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Rural- 157 1 91 124 1 158 1 2 .. 3 7 159 2 160 2 1 2 161 2 2 9 162 5 4 2 7 163 1 2 1 2 2 164 9 7 18 3 10 2 165 7 1 I 166 5 I

167 2 I

Rural Total 21 14 121 129 9 11 6 32 Urban- 22 City 122 U8 42 54 23 Do. 33 41 4 5 I 24 Do. 2 43 19 2 6 47 Non City 5 2 2 I 48 Do. I 1

49 Do. 7 50 Do. 2 Urban Total 161 166 89 80 2 15 District Total 182 180 121 129 98 91 8 47

Pushtu. Burmese. French. Punjabi. Tract No. "-- "-- ~-----. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) Rural- 157 2 3 158 1 3 2 2 159 160 13 161

162 I 1 163 9 1 I 164 I 3 165 1 166

49 Do. I I 50 Do. Urban TGtal 6 6 3 S ,21 17 1 Distrillt Total 80 10 9 23 3 22 17 1 TAN.-38A 3(10

18. TAN.JORE DISTRICT. (i) Mother~tongue-cont.,

Coorgi or Kodagu. :Bengali. Swedisll. Marwarl, Tract NQ. ~------.~------~ Males. Females. Males, Females. Males. Females. Males. , Females.,

(34) (35) (36) (37) (3S) (39) (40) (41) Rural- 157 1 1 158 4. 159 4 160 161 162 163 1 164 165 166 167 Rural Total 1 8 1 1 Urban- 22 City 4 7 4 23 Do. 1 24 Do. 3 47 Non-City 3 1 48 Do.

49 Do. 1 50 Do. 4 Urban Total 10 4 1 2 7 4 District Total 11 4 9 2 7 5 1

Asaamese. Sinhalese. Nepali. Portuguese. Tract No. .---~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females,

(42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) Rural- 157 3 2 158 159 160 16} 162 1 1 163 164 2 165 166' 167 Rural Total 8 2 1 1 2 Urban- 22 City 1 1 23 Do. 24. Do. ., 1 47' 'Non-City 48 Do. .. 49 Do. 50'" Do. Urban Total 2 3 District Total 3 2 3 301

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. (i) M Qther-ton(/ue~ont.

Javanese. ChintlS6. Persian. Siamese. Tract No. r---'-----. Males. Females. Males. Femltles. Males. Females. Males. Females.

(50) . (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) Rural- 157 1 158 159 160 161 162 163 1 164 165 166 1 167

Rural Total 1 2 Urban- 22 City 23 Do. ~4 Do. ' 1 47 Non-City 1 48 Do. ..

49 Do. . . : .. 50 Do. Urban Total

DIstrict T Dill ! " 302

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~- ...... 0 :::. e- o ; ;a :.a ~ .g ~ ~ ...... :...... :...... :...... :...... ~:::..~ .... C'l ...... _...... _. .... c:1 ...... e e"" - :::...... _. ._...... ::...... ~ ._. ~ ;a ;a 1 -.~ -.~ .~ ;a -... ] ] ] ~ 1 ~ .S .S .9 ~ j ] ~ ~ 8 Eo< Eo< ~ ] ~ ~ ~ ~ l 1 1II = ~ foI r. 'r< Eo! ~

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• • It-I 3Q8

18. TANJORB DISTRICT. D-D-Religlon. This ta.ble shows for ea.ch census tract (vide fly-ll'a.f Jews. The other religions are classified into triba.l and to Tablo B-1) in the district. the ditltribution of population non-tribal and only the totals are given in the ta.ble. sex-wise among the major religions, namely, Hindus, Sikhs, 2. The figures shown under "O~hei Religions" in Jains, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Muslims, Christians and . columns (~3) and (24) represent persons wl.o returned themselvesas "Atheists". Total population. Hindus. Sikhs. ,..-___...A .... ___ """""\_ ,_. ---'- J! -~ Tract No. Persona. Males. Females. Males. Females. Ma.le;;. ema.les. -(2) (5) (6) (I) (3) (4) (7) (8) Rural- 157 138,336 67,789 70,547 64,369 66,418 158 255,335 123,755 131,580 112,795 116,934 159 242,221 119,409 122,812 108,110 110,460 160 254,310 126.761 127,549 111,636 112,679 161 192,357 94,210 98,147 82,617 84,869

J6.2 233,86J 113,534 120,327 104,091 109,065 163 202,440 99,956 102,484 94,961 97,302 164 176,131 85,861 90.270 80,425 82,907 165 365,463 182,549 182,914 174,592 174,683 166 211,152 104,715 100,437 101,982 103,369 167 133,168 63,665 69,503 54,021 66,330 Rural Toeal 2,404,774 1,182,204 1,222,570 1,089,599 1,115,Ot6 Urba.n- 22 City 100,680 60,044 50,636 42,670 42,764 .23 Do. 91,643 45,403 46,240 41,660 41,868 24 Do. 57,854 27,591 30,263 20,715 21,478 47 Non-City 105,953 52,305 53,648 47,957 47,897 48 Do. 51,135 25,637 25,498 22,253 21,929 49 Do. 79,667 39,430 40,237 33,571 33,815 50 Do. 90,964 44,880 46,084 35,615 34,096 1 Urban Total 577,896 285,290 292,606 244,M:1 243,837 7 District Total 2,982,670 1,467.494 1,515,176 1,334,040 1,858,853 7 Jains. Buddhists. ZorOastrians. ,--__Muslims.A.. Tract-No. r------~------~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fem&les. Males. Females. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (l4) (15) (16) Rural- 157 2 1 1 2,257 2,841 158 7,440 10,1)69 159 1 7,368 8,397 160 2 3,508 3,674 161 8,541 10,423 162 21 18 3 6,678 8,684 163 3 1 2,672 3,002 164 1 :1,1)8'1 4,994 165 4,71P 6,247 166 2 1 I.7OS 2,049 167 6,303 9,683 Rural Total 30 31 1 -, 54,769 69,968 Urban- 22 City 109 111 2 1 3,263 3,257 23 Do. 105 90 2,087 2,866 24 Do. 5,655 7,443 47 NOII.City 28 10 2,662 3,344 48 Do. 2,039 2,176 49 Do. 36 33 1 1 5,209 6,031 60 Do. 29 51 7.841 1O,6~8 VrbaD Total 807 296 1 38,756 35,774 District Total 387 316 4 8 :1 83,525 105,737 /


18. TAMJOIlB DISTill CT. D-D-ReUgion. Other Religions. r- Jews. Tribal. Non-Tribal. Traet No. Christians. Females. Males. ]!'ema.l6s. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. (22) (23)· (24) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

Rural- 1,286 157 1,161 10 9 3,510 3.668 24 26 158 3,928 159 3,907 128 5 160 11,492 11,191 161 3,052 2,855 162 2,744 2,557 33 30 163 2,287 2.149 164 1,855 2,367 26 38 165 3,212 2,946 37 62 166 986 966 167 3,341 3,490 258 160 Rural To1ai .. 37,547 37,403

Urban- 26 4, 22 City 3,969 4,508 17 7 23 Do. 1,534 1,409 8 36 24 Do. 1,213 1,306 8 22 47 Non.City 1,650 2,371 192 131 48 Do. 1,153 1,263 . 66 61 547 296 49 Do. 15 94 174 60 Do. 1,301 1,089 411 435 Urban Total 11.867 12,242 15 669 69b. District Total 48.914 49,645 15 31{)

18. TAIfIORB DISTRICT. D-m-Soheduled CasteS and Soheduled Tribes.

This table furnishe8~the numbers of the I::icheduled 3. List of Scheduled Castes rela.ting to Ma.d.ra.s State Castes and Scheduled Tribes sex-wise enumera.ted in each as given in" The Oonstitution (Scheduled CaStes) Oruel' Census tra.ct (Rura.lor Urba.n) in the district. ' 1950 ", is given below:- ' 2. Areas covered by each Census tract in the district have been given in the fly-leaf to Table B-1.

1 Adi·Andhra. 27 Haala. 53 Nalakeyavu. 2 Adi·Dravida. 28 Holeya. 54 Nayadi. 3 Adi·Karnataka. 29 Jaggali. 55 Pagadai. 4 Aji1a. 30 Jambul."vlu. 56 Painda.. 5 Arunthathiyar. :n Kadan. 57 Paky. 6 Ba.ira. 32 Kalladi. 58 Pallan.

7 Bl;\kuda. 33 Ka.nakkan. ;)9 Pambada.

8 Bandi. ~4 Karimpalan. 60 Pamidi. 9 Bariki. 35 Kodalo. 61 Panan. 10 Bavurj. !l6 Koooa. 62 Panchama. II Bellarti. :n Koraga. 63 Panniandi. 12 Byagari. 3S Kudubi. 64 Paraiyan. 13 Chachati. :l9 Kudumban. 65 Pilravan. 14' Chakkiliyan. 40 Kuravan. 66 Pulayan., 15 Chalavadi. 41 Kurichchan. 67 Puthjrai Vannall. 16 Chltmar. 42 Madarl. 68 Raneyar. 17 Chandala. 43 Madiga. 69 Samagara.. 18 Cheruman. 44 Maila. 70 Samban. 19 Dandasi. 015 Mala (including Agency Malas). 71 Sapari. 20 Devendraklllaihan. 46 Mala Dasu. 7:! Semman. 21 Dam ot' Dombara. Paid;, Pano. 47 Malasar. 73 Thoti. 22 Ghaai, or Haddi, Belli. Sacha,ndi. 48 Matangi. 74 Tiruvalluvat. 23 Godagali. 49 Mavilan. 75 Valluvan. 2>l Godari. 50 Moger. 76 Valmiki. 25 Godda. in Muchi. 77 Vettuvan. 26 Gosangi. ,)2 Mundala. 311

t g. TARJORE DISTRICT. o..m-SCheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

4. List of Soheduled Tribes relating to Madras State as given in "The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, i\J5Il ," is given below :~- , 1 ru:a.na,hnd Sano Tikiria Kondhs and Vanity Kondhs. Rhattada. 23 Kota. 4- Bhumias-Bhnri Hhumia, and Bodo B humi a.. 24 Kotia--Bartika, Benthe Oriya, Dhulia or Dulia, Halva 5 Chenchu. Paiko, Putiya, Sanrona and Sidho Paiko. <6 Gadabas-Boda Gadaba, Cerllam, Gadab&, Fl'anji Gadaba, 25 Koya Or Guod, with its subsoots-Raja or Rasba K;oyas, JodiB. Gada Gadaba., Olaro GadabOl" Pangi Gadaha and Lingadhari Koyas ,ordinary) and Rottu Koyas. Pranga Gadaba. 26 Rudiya. 7 G-Qndi-Modye. Gond a,~d Rajo Gond. 27 KUl'Ulll8ns. ~ Goudu_Bato. Bhirit.hyll. Dudhokouria. Hate.. Jatako and 28 M~nna Dhorua. Joria.. 29 Maune. t. Kosalya GOUdUH-Bosothoriya Goudus, Chitt.l Goudus, 30 Mukha Dhor_Nooka Dhora. Sangayath Gouclus, Doddu Karrtariya, Dudl' Kamaro, La.diya Goudus and Pullosoriya Goudus. 31 Muria. 10 ~'[aga.thaGoudus-Vernia Goudu, BoodoMagatha, Dongayath 32 Paigarapu. Goudu. Larlya GOlulu, Ponna Magatha and Sana Magatha. 33 Pala.si. 11 Halva. 34 Paniyan. 12 Jadapus. 35 Porjaa--Bodo Banda., Da.ruva, Didua, .Jodia, Mundili, 13 Jatapus. Pengu, Pydi and Saliya. 14 Kammario. 36 Reddi Dhoras. 11) Kattunayakan. 37 Savara_Kapu Savaras, Khutto Savaras and 'Maliya Savaras. 16 Khattis-Khatti. Kommal'ao and Lohara. 38 Sholaga. 17 Kodu. 39 Toda.. 18 Kommar. 40 Inhabitants of the Lacadivtl, MilllCOy and Amindivi Islands 19 Konda Dhol'a~. who, and both of whose parents, were born in these 20 Konda. Kapus. Islands.

5. The tra.ct·wise figures for Anglo-India.ns a.re given sex·wise below:-


Tract No. Persons. ::'\{ales. Females.

(1) (2) (3) (4) Rural- lIi9 5 160 26" 26 162 3 3 164 5 Ii

Rural Total 39 31 8

Urban- 22 City 122 U 81 24 Do. 15 2 13 '7 Non· City 1 1 Urban Total 188 43 95 District Total 177 74 lOa 312

18. TANJORE DISTRICT. D-m-Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes. Tract No. ~------,~------~ Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 171 ltllral- 157 52,298 25.S&~ 26,416 158 72,784 35,739 37,045 159 55,133 27.513 27,620 169 58,048 28,801 29,247 161 48.973 23,641 25,332

162 71,371 35.075 36,296 163 57,805 28,762 29,043 164 59,562 29,751 29,811 165 57,118 28.070 29,048 166 64,915 32.894 32,021

167 17.698 8,920 8.738

Rural Total 615,665 805,048 310,617 . "

Urban- 22 City 5,763 2,916 2,847 23 Do. 3,360 1,669 1,691 24 Do. 3.573 1,755 1,818 47 Non-City 8,546 4,213 ",333 48 Do. 3,953 1,974 1,979

49 Do. 9,985 5,201 4,7M 50 Do. - 5,977 3,018 2,959 Urban Total 41.157 20,746 20.411

District Total 656,822 325,794 381,028 313 t8. TAllSORE DISTRICT. D-IV-Migmnts~Traet' where enumerated. This" taole gives for each census tract the number 3. In respect of persons shown as born elsewhere of persons born in the district and outside but enumerated in Groups B, C, D and E of the Table the details regard­ in the district. ing place of birth are given below :- 2. The areas included in each Census tra.ct have been given in the fly-leaf to Table B-1. Males. Females. Males. .8. (vO) Elsewhere in Asia- Females • Mabia 2 4 D. (iii) Elsewhere in Africa- . Indo-Clhina .. 22 90 East Afrioa 1 Indonesia 10 2Z Egypt 2 1 Iran •• 1 2 Rhodesia .. 1 Thailand .1 South West Africa 5 C. (il) Elsewhere in Europe- E. (1) Elsewhere In America- Belgium 1 South America :I France 16 Sweden 1 Rural Tracts. No. 157. No. 158. No. 159. District. State, etc., or COlllltry r-----.....___ r------"'- ,---~ where born. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Total Population .. 138,336 67,789 70.547 255.335 123.755 131,589 242,221 119.409 122,812 A • Born in India 138,053 67,630 70,423 254.931 123.566 131,366 241,928 119,256 122,667 c. Within the State of enumeration. 137,789 67,534 70,255 254,081 123,260 130,821 241,553 119,030 122,523 (i) Distdct of enumeration .. 130,931 64,fl19 66,112 247,077 120,170 126,907 231,654 114,677 116,977 (ii) Other districts 6,858 2,7l5 4,143 7,004 3,090 3,914 9,899 4,353 5,546 II. States in India beyond the 50 33 17 85 53 32 160 133 Btate of enumeration. 27 (i) Sta.tes adjacent to the State 40 24 16 66 40 26 150 129 of enumeraf.ion. 21 Ca) Orissa (6) Hyderabad II 6 fi I 1 (c) Bombay .. 7 1 6 5 1 f: (d) Mysore .. 11 3 8 7 4 3 6 3 (e) Coorg .. .. 3 (I) Travancore-Cochin 29 21 3 41 29 12 138 124 14 (ii) Other States 10 9 1 19 I:J 6 10 4 & {a) Assam 1 1 (6) Madhya Pradesh 1 I .2 2 3 1 (e) Punjab .. 2 (d) Uttar Pradesh 3 3 2 1 1 (e) West Bengal 4, 7 3 2 .2 (f) Rajasthan 8 8 5 2 3 :1 2 (g) Ajmer 1 (h) Delhi .. .. I 1 1 1 (iii) Elsewhere in India 214 63 151 765 252 513 210 93 117 B. Countries in Asia beyond India. 281 158 123 401 18'1 214 296 152 1M (i) Afghanistan (ii) Burma 143 75 68 169 81 88 163 92 71 (iii) Ceylon 40 30 10 25 16 9' 40 17 23 (iv) Nepa.l 2 2 (v) Pakistan .. .. 5 5 4 4 (vi) Strait Settlements and Ma.laya 91 49 42 187 78 109 81 36 46 (vii) E~ere in Asia 7 15 7 4 3 8 6 1 5 C.CoUDtriesin Europe (i) United Kingdom and North Ireland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe .. D. Countries In Africa 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 I (i) :Mauritius . . • • (ii) Union of South Africa 2 1 1 I 1 1 I (iii) Elsewhere in Africa •. 2 2 1 1 R. Countries in America •• (I) Elsewhere in America - - TAN.-40 - 314

18. TARJORE DISTRICT D-IV-JDgrants-Traet. where enumerated.

R-qra]. Tra.ct&--c:ont.

No.160. No.161. No.162. District. State, ete., or Country r------"------. where born. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) .. (18)

Total PopuIatiou 2M.310 126,781 127,549 192,357 94,210 98,147 233,861 113,534 120.~27

A. BOfD iD Iudia 253,956 126,558 127,398 192,170 94,185 98,085 233,308 113,257 120,051 I. Within the State oj enumeration. 253,777 126.467 127,:nO 192,009 94,056 97,953 231,480 112,560 118,920

(i) District or enumeration 232,336 116,635 115,701 183,087 89,750 93.337 221,2.92 107,290 114,002 (ii) Other districts 21,441 9,832 !1,609 8,922 4,306 4,616 10,188 5,270 4,918 II. States in India. beyona the 141 77 64 87 41 46 146 84 62 State 0/ enumeration. (i) States adjacent to the State 125 70 55 '73 36 37 135 81 54 of enumeration. (a) Orissa. 1 1 (b) Hyderabad 4 I 3 1 1 (c) Bomba.y 7 4 3 4 4 12 6 6 (d) Mysore .. 36 16 20 14 8 6 27 14 13 (e) Coorg (f) Travancore·Cochin 78 49 29 55 28 • 27 94 61 33

(ii) Other Sta.tes 16 7 9 14 [) 9 II 3 8

(a) Assam 1 1 (b) Madhya Pradesh 2 2 1 1 , (e) Punjab .. (d) Uttar Pr&desh 4; 4 4 .4 1 1 (8) West; Bengal 4 1 3 8 8 4 4 (J) Rajasthan (g) Ajmer (ll) Delhi 6 4 2 1 1 5 1 4 (iii) Elsewhere in India as u 2& '14 38 36 1,682 613 1.009 B. Countries iD Asia beyoud IDdia. 350 ~ 149 187 76 112 563 277 27il

(i) Afghanistan Sf} 308 149 (ii) Burma'. ~ . 49 40 43 24 19 159 ,42 (iii) Ceylon 147 78 69 43 28 15 65 23 (iv) Nepal (v) Pakistan ... 2' 2 (vi) Strait Settlements and Malaya III 71 40 42 2{) 22 169 99 "16 (vii) Elsewhere in Asia .• .. 1 ~9 $ 56 II 6 li

C).,Countries iD Europe (i) United Kingdom and North Ireland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe '). .J, ., D. Countries iD Afriea .. '"4 2 a

(i) Mauritius .. ;~ !)~~,~ (ii) Union of Sout.h Africa 4, 2 2 (iii) ElseWhere in Africa. .. . . " , B. Countries iD America f~"""lr': ~7~d1. Ij ...... ~.' . , .. ,_. ;.:'.~ .. ~~ (i) Elsewhere in Am~ioa ,., <.. " ~: .'. , 315

18. TANlOBE DISTRICT. D-IV-MigranlS-Tract where enumerated. Rural Tracts----com. ---" N~. 163. No. 164. No. 165. District, Stare, etc., or Country where born. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons." Males: Females. (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) Total Population 202,440 99,956 102,484 176,131 85,861 90,2'70 365,468 182,549 182,914

A. Bom ia India 202,013 99,756 102,857 175,768 85,702 90,068 364;842 . '182,198 182,844 I. Within the State o! enumeration. 201,787 99,598 102.189 175,347 85,542 89,805 364,754 182,137 182.617 (i) District of enumeration 192,460 94,716 97,744 171,136 83,372 87,764' 336,128 167,647 168,481 (ii), Other distriots 9,327 4,882 4,445 4,211 2,170 2,041 28;626 14,490 14,136 I J.. States in India beyond the 200 143 57 391 139 252 70 53 17 State 0/ enumeration. (i) States adjaoent to the State 130 102 28 35 15 20 67 50 17 of enumeration. (a) Orissa .. (b) Hyderabad 4 1 S 2 2 (0) Bombay 50 43 '1 2' 2 (d) Mysore .. 8 7 1 8 2 6 1 1 (e) Coorg (j) Travanoore·Cochin 68 51 17 23 11 12' 66 49 17 (ii) Other Stat.es 70 41 29 356 124 232 3 3 (a) Assam (b) :Madhya Pradesh 26 14 Uo S· ! 1 2 2 (0) Punjab ...... (d) Uttar Pradesh 12 9 S· !' , . 2 «() West Bengal .. 351- 122' .229 (I) Rajasthan 5 4 I' .. 1 1 (g) Ajmer (h) Delhi 27 14 13 (iii) Elsewhere in India 26 15 11 30 21 5' 18 8 10

8. COllDtrieS in Asia beyond India. 426 200 226 368 159 204 620 360 870 (i) Afgh801rista.n (ii) Burma 241 111 130 176 87 89 '100 52 48 (iii) Ceylon 36 21 15 26 14, l! 370 224 1'6 (iv) Nepal .. .(v) Pakistan .. (vi) Strait Settlements and Malaya 147 68 79 1M 56 98 149 74 75 (vii) Elsewhere in Asia 2 !. f' !" 6' 1 1 C. CouDlries iD Europe .. '(i) United Kingdom and North lreland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe

D. Couatries iD Afriea 1 1 I 1 .. . ·(i) Ma.uriinus 0) Union of South Africa (iii) Elsewhere in Afrioa •. I '1 .. 1 1

B; Cou~u;ea In Amer'ioa (i) Elsewhere in America

T~,N.-"OA 316

18. TAJI.JORE J)ISTBlCT. D. IV-Migrants-Tract where enumerated.

Rural Traflts-.-cont. No.166. No. 167. Rural total. District, State, etc., or Country ,.------A-- wherebom. Plll'BOns. Males. Females. Persons. Meles. Females. Persons. Males. FemaJes. (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (3S) (341 (35) (36) Total Population 211,152 104,71-5 106,437 133,168 68,665 69,503 2,404,774 1,182,204 1,222,570

A. BOB in IDdia 210,923 104,620 106,S03 182,495 63,344 69,151 2,400,882 1,180,021 1,220,361 1. Within the State oj enumeratirm 210,838 104,580 106,258 132,482 63,335 69,147 2,395,397 1,173,Otl9 1,°17,798 (i) District of enumeration ., 208,146 103,084 105,062 125,360 60,357 65,003 2,350,695 1,158,109 1,192,586 (ii) Other districts 2,692 1,496 1,196 7,122 2,978 4,14,4 1,482,811 726,206 706,605 11. Sk£te8 in India beyrm4 tke 11 5 6 11 S 3 1,802 769 583 Sf,ate oj enumeration.

(i) States adjacent to the State 11 5 tI 9 7 2 841 '559 282 of enumeration. (a) Onssa 1 1 (b) Hyderabad 33 9 U (e) Bombay 87 57 3() (d) Mysore 3 3 2 2 123 60 8& (e) Coorg (J) Travancore·Cochin 8 5 3 7 5 2 607 488 174 (ii) Other States 2 I 511 210 801

(a) Aesam 2 2 (b) Madhya Pradesh 40 25 15 (e) Punjab •• 20 14 6 (d) Uttar Pradesh 1 I 29 19 10 (e) West Bengal 1 1 377 127 250 (I) Rajasthan 22 17 5 (0) Ajmer (It) Delhi 41 20 21 (iii) Elsewhere in India 74 35 39 2 1 8,133 1,153 :1,980

B. Countries in Asia beyond India. 229 95 134 878 321 352 4,879 2,t75 2,204

(i) Mgl;anistan (ii) Burma 114 53 61 U2 42 70 1,658 815 848 (iii) Ceylon 28 10 18 469 235 234 1,289 69G 598 (iv) Nepal 2 2 (v) Pakistan 11 13 (vi) Strait settlements and Malaya 87 32 55 92 44 48 470 284 288 (vii) Elsewhere in Asia ...... 109 24 85

C. Countries in Europe (i) United Kingdom and North .-. Ireland. . (ii) Elsewhere in EUl'opo ""' D. Countries in Afriea 13 ·8 5

(i) Mauritius

(ii) Union of South Africa ~ .. 8 4 4 (iii) Elsewbere in Africa 5 4 1

'S. (lountries in Ameriea

(i) Elsewhere in America. 317

18. TAIlJORE DISTRICT. D-JV-Migrants-Traci where enumerated. Urban Tracts. 22. Crty, 23. C.ty. 24. City. District, State, etc., or Country ,------'------"1 where born. Persons. MaJes. Femwes. Persons. Males. Femrues. Persons. Males. Females. (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) Total Population 100,680 50,044 50,686 91,643 45,403 46,240 57,854 27,591 30,268

A. Born in India 99,975 49,716 50,259 91,407 45,294 46,113 57,6400 27,490 30,150 I. Within the State oj enumeration. 99,002 49,290 49,712 90,536 44,831 45,7Ofi .'>7,115 27,249 29,866 (i) District of enumeration 84,584 41,779 42,805 79,109 39,256 39,903 51.473 24.964 26,509 (ii) Other districts 14,418 7,511 6,907 11,377 5,575 5,802 5.6'2 2,285 3,357 II. States in India beyond thR 735 348 387 554 316 23S 151 83 68 State of enumeration. (i) States adjacent to the State 640 298 342 406 233 173 131 69 62 of enwneration. (a) Orissa. 1 1 (b) HyderabaU 19 19 21 17 4 3 2 (c) Bombay •. 59 u4 5 91 47 44 8 8 (d) MYBore •• 182 85 97 108 49 59 30 15 15 (e) Coorg a 3 (j) Travlm~ore.Cochin 376 140 236 183 120 63 90 44 46

(ii) Other States 95 50 45 148 83 65 20 6 Ca) Assam 1 1 (b) Madhya Pradesh 7 1 6 (e) Punjab •• 6 5 I (d) Uttar Pradesh 41 24 17 35 14 21 15 11 4 (e) West Benga) 25 10 15 34 19 15 3 2 1 (J) Rajasthan 15 9 6 55 39 16 1 1 (g) Ajmer ) 1 (M Delhi 24 II 13 (iii) Elsewhere in India ~38 78 160 317 147 170 374 158 216

B. Countries in Asia beyond India. 699 324 3'15 218 104 114 210 97 113 Ci) Afghanistan 1 I 1 1 (ii) Burma 351 167 184 III 51 60 68 38 30 (iii) Ceylon 63 63 26 13 13 16 4 12 (iv) Nepal ·4 4 8 8 4 4 (v) Pakistan 16 13 3 2 2 1 1 (vi) Strait Settlements and Malaya 253 74 179 67 32 36 119 49 70 (vii) Elsewhere in Asia 11 2 9 4 \I 1 1

(l. Countries in Europe 2 1 1 12 12 3 3 (i) United Kingdom and North 1 1 2 2 Ireland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe 1 1 12 12 1 1

D. Countries in Afrlea I. 5 1

(i) Mauritius (iI) Union of South Africa 3 2 1 1 1 (iii) Else~?ertl in Africa .• 1 1 4

B. Countries in ~merlca 1 1 1 1 (i) Elsewhere in America 1 1 I 318

1;. TIUI.JORE DISTRlCT, D-IV-Migrants-Tract where enumerated.

U rba.n 'l'ra.ct&-cont.

47. Non-City. 48. Npll·City. 49.Non.City. .---~ District, Stare, etc., or Comtry .------"- Females. where born. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Persons. ~ales. Fema.J8I'. (46) (47) (4.8, (49) (50) (51} (52) (53) (54) 79,667 Total pop"Jation 105,953 5a,305 53,648 51,135 25,637 25,498 39,430 40,237" 25,586 25,430 79;463 39,343 40,120- A. Born ill India. 105.651 5a,155 53,496 51,016 78,941 1. W itAin the State oJ enumeration. 104,847 51,801 53.046 50,826 25,492 25,334 39,063 39,878 23,284 23.188 73.166 35.901 (if District of enumera.tion 97,406 48,189 49,217 46,472 37,265· 2,146 5,775 3,162 (ii) Other district.s 7,441 3.612 3.829 4,354 2,208 2,618 186 II. States in India beyond the 246 136 nO 146 75 71 105 81 State a/enumeration. 55 136 89 (i) S1mtes adjacent to the State 167 92 75 130 75 of enumeration. (a) OriSstl 7 6 6 (b) Hyderabad 7 7 7 g 29 30 13 5 22 19 - (Il) Bombay u9 7 19 9 10 19 10 (d) Mssore .. 27 20 (e) Coorg 43 31 91 61 30 89 54 - (j) Travancore·Cochin 74 16 16 50 16 (ii) Other States 79 44 35

(a) AssaDl 5 5 1 1 (b) Madhya Pradesh 2 2 (0) PuPjab .• 7 I (d) Uttar Pradesb 49 22 27 3 11 11 13 3 (e) West Bengal 5 2 29 II (j) Rajasthan 22 18 4 .0 (g) Ajmer (11) Nhi 1 19 336 175 161 (ill) Elsewhere in India 558 218 44 68 86 B. ClOUlltries in A.sia beyond India. 290 141 149 116 11'"

(i) Afghanistan 62 39 14 25 99 41 (ii) BIll'OlB 128 66 35 17 3 14 39 29 (iii) Ceylon 47 12 I) (iv) Nepal 12 2 1 1 "(v) Pakistan 2' 55 28 27 55 11 (vi) Strait Settlements '& Malay'" 110 60 50 5 3 2 4 2 (vii) ElseWhere in Asia 3 1 2

c: Countries in Europe (i) United Kingdom and North Ireland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe 2 2 1 3 :1 t D. CouDtries in Africa 10 9 (i) Mauritius 3 3 3 - 1 I - 6 6 - (il) Union of South Africa. - 1 1 - (iii) Elsewhere in Africa .• - ,. ' B. CoUDtrle's In America .. (i) Ela&whQre in Amerioa - 31i

18. TABIORB DISTRICT. D-IV-Migrants-Tract wbere enumerated.

Urban Traots-com.

~ 50.1\1on.City. Urban Total. District Total. Distr,ict, State, etc., or Country r------~------~ where born. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. ... (55) (56) (57) (58) (59\ (60) (61) (62) (63) Total Population 90,964 44,880 46,084 577,896 285,290 292,606 2,982,670 1,48'1,494 1,515,176

A. 110m in India 90,655 44,725 45,930 575,807 284,309 291,498 2,976,189 1,464,330 1,511,859

I • Witkin' tke State oj enumeration. 90,354 44,528 45,826 571,621 282,254 289!367 2,967,518 1,460,353 1,507,165

(i) District of enumeration 83,151 40,702 42,H9 515,411 254,075 261,336 2,795,018 1,376.592 1,418,426 (ii) Other disq..icts 7,203 3,826 3,377 56,210 28,179 28,031 172,500 83,761 88,739

II. States in India beyond the 218 145 73 2,236 1,208 1,028 8,671 3,977 4,694 State oj enumeration.

{i} States adjacent to the State 191 118 73 1,801 974 827 2,642 1,533 1,109 of enumeration. (a) Orissa 1 1 5 5 (b) Hyderabad 9 2 7 72 46 26 95 55 40 (el Bombay II 3 8 268 165 98 350 222 128 (d) Mysore •. 19 12 7 404 200 204 527 260 267 (e) Coorg 3 3 3 8 (J) Travancore.Collhin 152 101 51 1,055 563 492 1,662 998 668 (ii) Other States . 27 27 435 2M 201 9406 444 502 (a) Assam 1 1 3 3 (b) Madhya. Pradesh 13 :2 11 53 2'1 26 (e) Punjab 8 7 1 8 7 1 (tl) Uttar Pradesh 3 3 150 75 75 179 94 85 (e) West Bengal 21 21 112 57 55 489 184 305 (j) Rajasthan 2 2 124 79 45 146 96 50 (g) Ajxner 1 1 1 1 (n) Delhi 1 1 26 12 14 67 32 35 (iii) . E1Bewhere in India 83 52 31 1,950 847 1,103 5,083 2,000 3,083

B. Countries In AsIa beyond India. 306 154 152 2,042 954 1,088 6,421 3,129 3,292 mAfghanistan 2 2 2 :2 (ii) Burma 116 42 74 912 419 493 2,570 1,284- 1.336 (iii) Ceylon 91 61 30 299 185 114 1,588 881 707 (iv) Nepal 10 10 31 28 3 33 30 3 (v) Pakistan 7 3 4 29 20 9 40 31 9 '(vi) Strait Settlements and Malaya. 61) 31) 30 724 289 ~5 2,034- 916 1,118 1Vii) Elsewhere in Asia •• 17 3 14 45 11 34 154 35 119 (l. Countries in Europe, 2 2 21 ," 17 21 17 (i) United Kingdom and North .3 3 3 3 Ireland. (ii) Elsewhere in Europe ... 2 18 1 17 18 1 17

D. countries in Afriea , .. ,1 1 24 21 13 37 29, 8 ,(i) Mauriti¥l! ,. ,,3 3 ·3 B (ii) Union 0:( South Africa , 1 1 iii 18 2 '23 17 -6 ,6 (iii) ElSEYWh~e in A~~ca •• ,~. ,$ ,1 11 .9. <, 2: " , I " .' II- E. Countries in America 2 2 2: 2 '(i) Elsewb~ in Am~rica 2 2 .,., :2 2: 320

18. TAlfJORE DISTRIOT. D-VI-Non.. Indlan Nationals. This table rela.tes to ., Nationality," i.e.• citizenship 2. The a.rea, included in eaoh Census tract have berm status, and furnishes sex·wille figures of non-Indian given in By.leafto Table B.I. N ationa.1s enumerated in ea.ch tra.ct in the district.

Total. Nepa,leat. British. American. ~ TraotNo. Ptmloaa. Males. Females. Ma.les. Females Ma.les. Fema.les. Males. Felllale8_ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Rural- 157 62 19 43 158 146 49 97 159 23 21 2 160 I I 161 I I 162 152 87 65 163 87 47 40 164 73 21 52 165 3 a 166 16 10 6 167 1 1 Rural Total 566 254- 311 Urban- 22 City 18 2 16 .. 1 23 Do. 123 46 77 1 24 Do, 85 41 44 1 2 2 47 Non-City .. 4 4 1 48 Do. 2 I I 49 Do. 137 62 75 50 Do. 22 10 12 Urban Total 391 162 229 1 2 3 1 1 District Total 956 416 540 t 2 3 1 1

French. Portuguese. Malayan. African non.cl&fsified Ceylonese. Tract No. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females_ (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Rural- 157 16 39 I 2 158 32 60 6 18 159 21 2 160 1 161 1 162 85 65 1 163 3 I 19 12 7 5 164 6 18 4 15 165 1 2- 166 1Q 5 1 167

Rural Total 173 190 29 47 1 10 9 Urban- 22 City 2 & 1 23 Do. 40 73 3 2 1 J: 24 Do. 30 37 4, 1 47 Non..City 1 ~ 48 Do. I I ".. 49 Do. 60 67 1 5 00 Do. '1 6 1 " I Urban Total 140 191 4 3 6 9 2 .~ DJatrict.. Total.. 3UI 3S1 4 :I 35 56 1 12 12 321

18 TAlflO.RB DISTRICT. D-VI-Non-Indian Nationals.

Burmese. Chinese. Dutch. Indonesian.

Tract No. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. ~ Females. .. _ ..J:tt .. " ~ (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) jJj j (28) RIll'6I- 157 "I 3 HiS 8 15 3 109 " 160 161 162 1 163 18 22 164 6 19 165 l5 166 167 I

Rural Total 34 57 3 7 5

Urban- 22 City 6 2 23 Do. I 1 24 Do. S ~) 47 Non·City 48 Do.

49 Do. I 2 1 60 Do. I 2

Urban Total .. 6 16 2 t Dlstrie' Total .. 40 73 3 9 5 1

TAN.-41 18. TANIORE DISTRICT. D-VII-Livelihood Classes by

Tbis ta.ble Bhows the distribution of the literate popula.­ tiun sex-wise a.mong the eight livelihood classes by e


I. Oultivawrs of land II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly Educational standa.ro. Tota.l. owned and their unowned and their dependants. dependants.

Persons. Males. Females. Ma.les. Males. Males. Females.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (til (7) (8)


Literate 24,116 :.lO,O15 4,101 4.894 1,359 4,234 447 Middle School 190 161 29 63 5 16 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higber Secondary. 187 180 7 41 3 15 Intermediate in Arts or ScienCle 29 28 1 15 1 I

Degr668 Qr DiplomfUl.

Grauuate in Arts or Science 15 15 II 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or SClience .. I 1 1 Teaching 8 2 6 J Engineering 3 3 1 Agriculture Veterinary .. Commerce Legal 4 4 I Medical 1 1 Others

TOQI 24,554 20,410 4,144 5,028 1,868 4,267 447


Literate !7.049 36,426 ·10,623 9,068 3,192 8,246 970 Middle School .. 3,000 2,699 301 746 76 321 22 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 635 624 11 135 3 48 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 84 84 45 2

Degrees or Diplomall.

Graduate in Arts or Scienue 53 I 23 1 2 Post Gradua.te in Arts or Science Teaching 47 37 10 2 I Engineering •• 2 2 2 Agriculture 1 1 I Veterinary Commel'Ce 1 1 Legal 6 6 4 Medical 6 6 1 Others 6 6

Total 50,891 39,945 10,946 10,025 3,274 8,620 993 323

Educational Standards.

2. A person who can read and write a. simple Jet.ter ill any Janguage has been treated &8 literate.

classes. Non-agricultural classes.

III. Cultivating IV. Non-cultivating Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from labourers and their owners of land, dependants. agricultural rent receivers and their VIII. Other servioos dependants. V. Production other VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. and miscellaneous than cultivation. SOUICes. • "- Males. Females. Males_ Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. FeD)ales. Males. Females

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

3.443 304 1268 645 2,187 289 1,219 190 212 28 2,558 839 5 39 9 12 3 3 2 21 12 2 35 13 4 1 2 68 3 4 8

1 2

4 1 2 1

1 2 1

8,450 304 1,348 658 2,212 292 1.227 191 216 28 2,662 856

3.190 641 3,941> 2,340 3,966 574 2,401 579 369 92 5,240 2,233 135 51 642 31 191 1 119 6 53 25 492 91 15 132 I 15 1 13 1 31 1 235 3 20 1 2 14

15 13 .. 4 32 •

1 2 1 4 6

3,Sf(; 692 4,762 2,372 4,172 578 2,534 586 456 118 6,088 2,835 TAN.-41A 3:14

18. TAIt'.JORB DISTRICT. D-VD-Livelihood Classes by Agricultural

I. Cultivators of la.nd II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly Educa.tional standard. Total. owned and their unowned and their dependants. ----...... ___----, dependants• Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6} (7} (8) RURAL TRACT No. 169 (KUMBAXONAM TALux). Literate 48,277 39,106 9,171 5,170 1,739 8,596 Middle School 2,389 972 2,050 SS9 662 16 264 I Matricula.te, S.S.L.C. or Higher SeClOndary. 677 ~54 23 139 4 44 Intermediate in Arts or Science 150 150 84 3 Degrees or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arls or Science 79 79 53 4 Post· Graduate in Arts or Science •. 15 15 Teaching 55 62 3 Engineering I 1 Agriculture 2 2 Veterinary 1 I Commerce Legal Medical 6 6 2 Others 6 6

Total 51,658 42,122 9,536 6,010 1,759 8,911 973 RUE.6-L TRACT No. 160 (TANJORZ TALUX).

Litera.te 51,778 42.340 9,438 21,573 &,807 5,619 l,oJ04 Middle School 1,599 1,387 212 699 75 44 Matriculate, 8.S.L.C. or Higher Seconda.ry. 618 588 30 246 10 II Intermediate in Arts or Science 50 50 22 1 Degrees or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science 29 29 14 Post·Graduate in Arts or Science .. 4 4, 2 Teaching 53 53 22 Engineering 3 3 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 2 2 ] Medical 2 2 Others 3 3

Total 54.t41 M,461 9.680 22.679 3,892 5,678 1.004 RlffiAL TRACT No. 161 (PAPAN.ASAM TALux). Literate 36,425 28,056 8,369 7,020 2.169 4,728 Middle Sohool ...... 651 874 560 91 199 23 76 7 Matricnlate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 507 494 13 127 22 Intermediate in Arts or Science 65 64 I 14 3 Degreea or Diplomas.

Gradua.te in Arts 01' Science .. 58 58 19 Post·Gradua.te in Arts or Science .. Teaching 31 25 6 15 3 Engineering 1 1 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical 2 2 Others

rotal 87.740 29,260 8,480 7.894 2,195 4,829 881 325

EducatioDal Standards. classes. Non.agricultural classes. --. IV. Non.cultivating Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from III. Cultivating owners of land, lab<,>urers and their agricultural rent VIII. Other services dependants. receivers and their V. Production other VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. and miscellaenous dependants. tha.n cultiva.tion. sources.

Hales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. FemaltlB. (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

4.116 324 2,796 2,160 7,944 1,350 3,619 1,216 576 155 6,281} 1,255 33 5 458 76 117 87 299 35 30 14 287 105 16 2 141 3 32 3 66 2 27 189 9 2 17 :~ 8 10 23

16 3 2 15 17 2 33 3 l 2 1

4- 6 4.168 331 3,446 2,239 8.096 1,440 3,997 1,253 643 169 6,851 1,3n

7,467 1,079 1,450 1,247 2,625 687 1,437 382 201 59 1,968 1,173 57 22 155 42 49 3 65 9 4 6 314 55 6 145 3 11. 2 23 I 20 1 123 13 15 1 I 2 8

6 9 2 1 3 27 3

I 2 2 1 7,531 1,101 1,779 1,292 2,888 692 1,526 392 227 66 2,455 1,241

4,685 .557 2,905 2,035 3,044 500 2,341 595 245 81 3,088 1,558 6'7 8 49 10 42 19 21 1 I) 91 23 20 123 4 11 22 16 153 8 I 23 I 3 a 17

1 28 2 8

I I 7 2 I


4,775 565 3,1~9 2,051 3,097 519 2,400 596 269 82 3,367 326

18. TARJORE DISTRICT. D-VII-Livelihood Classes by Agricultural ..A.-

I. Cultivators of land II. Cultivatorf! ofland • wholly or mainlv wholly or mainly Educational standard, Total. owned and their unowned and their dependants. dependants. r-~ Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) RURAL TRACT No. 162 (NANNILt.M TALux:). Literate 44,767 37,711 7,056 9,542 1,284 6,749 92 Middle School 3,205 2,822 383 942 92 219 13 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 743 722 21 224 7 25 Intermediate in Arts or Science 94 91 3 41 3: Degrees or Diplomas.

Graduato in Arts or Scienco 47 45 2 22 Post.Graduate in Arts or Science .. Teaching 26 23 3 3 fl' Engineering " 1 1 1 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 1 I 1 Legal 8 8 4 Medical 5 5 2 Others

Tota) 48,897 41.429 7,468 to,782 1,384 6.998 108 RURAL 'rRACT No. 163 (MANNAROUDJ TALUK). Literate 35,536 29,304 6,232 13,254 2,629 6,290 692 Middle School 2,394 2,185 209 616 63 382 17 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 760 742 18· 281 6 25 1 Intermediate in Arts or Science 22 22 13 :3 Degrees or DipllYnlAB.

Graduate in Arts or Science 19 18 9 I 2 Post·Graduate in Arts or Science .. 4 4 Teaching 88 87 1 17 Engineering .. Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 2 2 1 Legal 3 3 1 Medical 1 1 Others

Total 38,829 32,368 6.461 14.192 2,699 6.702 710 RURAL TRACT No. 164 (NAGAPATTINAM TALUK). Literate 36,486 28,930 7,556 10,863 3,038 2,947 463 Middle School 1,349 1,156 193 467 50 47 6 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 465 461 4 187 2 9 Intermediate in Arts or Science • . • • 26 26 12 1 Degrce8 or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science 24 24 10 I Post·Graduate in Arts or Science .. 2 2 1 Teaching 27 25 2 7 Engineering .. I I 1 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 1 I Medical 4 4 1 Others

Tota' 38,385 30.680 7.755 11,049 3,090 3,005 469 327

Educatio~ ,Standards. ~lasses. ._------Non-agricultural clasBeR. III. Cultivating IV_ Non-cultivating r----.------~------~Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from la.bOlU ers and their owners of land, dependants_ agricultural rent VIII. Other services receivers a.nd their V. Production other V. Conunerce. VII. Transport. and miscellaneous dependants_ than cultivation. soarces. .------"--> Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

4,,737 420 2,886 2,014 3,430 539 3,145 682 514 101 6,708 1,924 184 3 610 66 138 32 270 4 32 9 527 ,164 7 130 18 41 26 1 251 13 13 3 5 29

I) 17 1 3 1 17 2

3 1 I 2

4,928 423 3,552 2,080 3,586 571 3,459 686 577 112 7,552 2,104

:3,610 -i13 608 805 1,663 188 1,278 355 253 55 2,348 1,095 102 2 600 31 62 4 128 8 7 6 288 78 16 I 102 2 7 28 11 272 8 1 5

6 4 2 3 65 I

1 2 1

3,731 416 1,315 838 1,733 192 1,435 363 271 61 2,989 1,182

3,64,2 709 1,593 787 3,214 450 2,516 643 36S 89 4,287 1,377 61 7 108 22 74 10 99 14 3 297 84 8 48 I 12 37 4- 156 1 3 3 1 6

1 2 1 9 1 18 2

I 3

3,711 9'16 1,754 810 8,305 480 2,858 857 378 89 4,717 328

18. TAHIORE DISTRICT. D-VU-'-Livelihood Classes by Agricultural _.A.-

I. Cultivators' of land II. Cultivators of land wholly or IDainly Eduoational standard. wholly or mainly Total. owned and their unowned and their dependants.__. depenqants. "\ Persons. Males. Females. Males. , Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (.5) (6) (7) (8) RURAL TRACT No. 165 (PATTUK.J KOTTAI T.u.ux). LiLerate 48,608 44,027 4,481 31,95<1 2,766 Middle School 874 .2,666 269 670 204 107 80 37 .1fatriculate. S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 186 173 13 Intermediate in Arts or Science 21 6 4 15 14 I 4 1 Degrees or Diplo'11W8.

Graduate in Arts or Science 13 13 1 Post·Graduate in Arts or Soience 2 Teaching 9 9 2 Engineering Agriculture 1 1 Veterinary 1 Commerce Lega.l Medical a :1 Other,s

Total 49,609 44,910 4,699 32.089 2,853 8,710 269 RURAr. TRA.CT No. 16(} (Tntu:tlW:&A.I' PUND1: TALtlK). Literate 47,883 41,679 6,204 20,509 3,361 5,076 599 Middle School 689 648 41 307 Matrioulate, or S.B.L.C. Higher Secondary. 16 37 1 348 340 8 128 2 15 Intermediate in Arts or Sllience 20 20 1 Degree8 or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science 21 21 10 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science~ .. 2 2 Teaching 14 14 4 Engineering .. Agl'iculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 4 4 Medioal 4 4 Others 17 17 Total 49.002 ~.749 6,253 20,958 3.379 5,128 601 RURaL TRACT No. 167 (ARANTANGI TALUl!:). Literate 20,760 18,298 2.46~ 9,685 1,015 4,047 Middle School 504 319 421 83 107 7 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 65 62 .2 3 9 4 1 Intermedia.te in Arts or Science 17 17 3 Degrees or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science 3 3 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science •. Teaching Engineering Agrioulture Veterinary C()mmerce Legal .. Medical Othors fotal 21.349 18.S01 1.648 9,806 1,011 ,058 322 329

Educational Standards. classes. Non.agricultural classes. ------~r_------~------~IV. Non.cultivating Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of liveJJhood fJ om III. Cultivating owners of land, labourers and their agricultural rent VIII. Other services dependants. receivers and their V. Production other VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. and miscellaneous dependants. tha.n cultivation. sources. r----"---. r----"---. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femaled. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fema.les. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

2,587 38 688 201 1,994 184 1,679 274 53 17 2,406 732 38 65 18 38 5 70 9 3 2 312 90 3 12 1 8 1 5 3 117 5 1 3 1 5

I 9



2,629 38 769 220 2,040 190 1,755 283 59 19 2,859 827

3,492 341 S13 466 1,765 191 1,306 252 289 64 8,429 940 17 1 18 8 23 2 1 2 237 19 15 21 1 20 16 2 124 3 2 1 3 14

5 I 5 2 10

4: 4: 17 3,524 342 859 486 1,774 191 1,350 254 810 58 8,846 962

828 74. 373 153 936 107 1,067 220 4.0 8 1,322 566 4 5 2 68 10 105 23 125 46 4: 2 43 2 1 1 12


832 74 385 155 1,004 117 1,175 243 40 8 1,502 814 TAN.--42 330 18. TANJORE DISTRICT. D-VD-Livelihood CJasse, by Agricultural r--- I. Cultivators of land II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or J1lt1.inly Educational st&Ildard. Total. owned and their unowned and their ,-______..A.. depennants. dependants. r-----"- Persons. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

RURAL TOTAL. Literate 441,585 365,892 '15,693 143,032 26,359 59,198 6,703 Middle School 16,844 14,759 2,085 4,815 496 1,450 67 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 5,191 5,040 151 1,538 43 225 4 Intermediate in .Arts or Science 572 566 6 253 2 14 3

Degrees ()'I'DiplcmlllJ. Graduate in Arts or Science 362 358 4 173 3 12 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science .. 28 28 4 Teaching 358 327 31 71 Ii I Engineering .. 12 12 Ii Agriculture 4 4 1 I Veterinary 1 1 Commerce 4

CITY TRACT No. 22 (TANJO;Rl;; CITY). Literate 37,836 23,094 14,742 826 706 149 58 Middle School 3,791 2,340 1,451 326 138 2.4 4 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 3,350 2,961 389 218 18 6 1nteI'Dlediate in Arts or Science 376 338 38 21 2 1 Degrees or Diplomas. Graduate in AI·ts or Science 282 266 16 15 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science .. 19 18 1 I Teaching 155 73 82 3 Engineering .. 35 35 1 Agriculture 14 14 Veterinary 1 1 Commerce 3 3 Legal .. 64 64. 6 Medical 42 36 6 Others Total 45,968 29,243 16,725 1,417 864 182 62

CITY ThACT :N o. 23 (K~MDAKONAJ\I CITY). Literate 31,632 18,956 12,676 258 358 324 39 Middle School .. .. 8,104 5,834 2,270 166 92 18 6 Matrieulate. S.S.L.C. al' Higher Secondary. 2,620 2,355 265 llS 7 8 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 664 632 32 38 ~ .. Degree8 or DiplomfJ,s. Graduate in.Arts or Science 1,036 1,017 19 24 2 Post-Graduate in .Arts or Science .. 28 27 1 Teaching 117 105 12 3 Engineering 11 11 Agriculture Veterinary 2 2 Commerce 3 3 Legal •• 142 142 3 Medical 31 29 2. Otherll .. Total 44,390 29,118 15,277 610 459 362 46 331

Educational Standards. classes. Non·agricultura.l classes. r- Ill. Cultivating IV. Non.cultivating Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means oflivelihood from labourers and their owners of land, r- dependants. agricultural rent VIII. Other services receivers and their V. Production other V. Commerce. VII. Transport. and miscellaneous dependants. than cultivation. sources. ~------. .-~ Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (9) (10) (11) (12) • (13) .(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

U,797 4,900 19,326 12,853 32,768 5,059 22,008 5,388 3,120 739 44,643 13,692 703 99 2,649 307 799 174 1,212 111 140 64 2,991 767 108 3 893 Jil 128 7 261 5 156 6 1,731 68 4 101 I 8 19 26 141

3 81 2 6 1 80 1 2 22 4 31 5 3 217 20 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 10 7 2 26 2 30

42,619 5,002 23,098 13,181 33,705 5,240 23,511 5,504- 3,444 810 49,896 14,548

135 42 1,068 979 4,808 1,590 5,899 2,920 1,599 1,018 8,610 7,429 13 198 165 280 56 251 129 174 51 1,074 908 4 196 22 164 11 445 20 304 21 1,624 297 27 2 15 32 4 36 2 206 28

1 16 1 10 22 2 19 I 182 12 2 1 • 1 3 II i'i 2 2 1 60 81 I 3 3 27 14 I 3 7 2 2 46 1 35 .,

153 42 1,521 1,170 5,285 1,657 6,659 3,075 2,133 1,094- 11,893 8,761

:7.129 25 1,149 1,766 5,195 2,229 5,091 3,244 1,029 501 5,681 4,514 7 4 661 329 854 177 1,953 463 211 59 1,964 1,140 1 264 40 176 14 628 30 122 6 1,038 167 I 144 5 24 125 2 U 285 25

1 89 1 19 666 8 210 16 3 1 23 12 4 86 12 1 10

2 3 57 2 7 73 .. 1 3 25 2

239 29 2.377 2.141 6,275 2.420 8,4076 3.740 1.S84 566 9.400 6.876 332

H. TANJORE DIsmIOT, DeVIl-Livelihood Classes by Agriculturai r- -~~ I. Oultivators of land II. Oultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly Educational standard. Total. owned and their unowned and their ~ depend~nts. dependants. ~ -, "------, ,.-----A. Persons. Male.;. l"emalcs. .:'.iales. Females. Males. Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

(JITY TRACT No. 24: (NAGAFATTINliLCITY). Literate 17,129 10,392 6,737 356 303 73 27 Middle School 1,975 1,047 928 124 31 II 3 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 635 529 106 47 8 Intermediate in Arts or Science 64 53 11 3 D6{lT66B or Diplom,as. Graduate in Arts or Science 26 23 3 3 Post. Graduate in Arts or Science .. Teaching 6 3 3 Engineering 3 3 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal .. 7 ~. 2 Medical 2 1 Others Total 19,847 12,058 7,789 535 334 92 30· NON-CITY URBAN TRACT No. 47 (SIR;S:ALI, MAYURAM AND KUMBAKONAM TALuKs). Literate . , 26,573 16,552 10,021 1,622 772 619 18!; Middle School 6,104 3,032 3,072 261 6$ 79 5 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 1,183 1,005 178 143 5 4 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 332 318 14 207 De{lree8 OT Diplo'lnaB. Graduate in Arts or Science 190 171 19 29 2 Post· Graduate III Arts or Science 10 10 Teaching 53 12 41 2 Engineering 3 3 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 2 2 Legal .. 1 1 Medical 11 II Others Total 34,462 21,117 13,345 2,262 845 706 195 NON-CITY URBAN TRAOT No. 48 (TANJORE AND PAPANASAM TALUKs). Literate 16,755 11,844 4,911 1,490 442 367 79 Middle School 1,019 708 311 122 14 33 lO' Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 955 869 86 85 10 Intermediate in Art.s or Science 73 71 2 5 1 Degree8 or Diplomas. Gra.duate in Arts or Science 63 62 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science .. 15 15 Teaching 62 58 4 2 Engineering 3 3 I Agriculture 1 1 Veterinary Commerce Legal .. 7 7 Medical 12 12 1 Others

Total 18,965 13,650 6,315 1,701 456 411 890 ·333 Educational Standards. cla8ees.'-'" N on·agricultural classes.

IV. Non-oultivating Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from ill. Cultivating owners of land, r- labourers and their agricultural rent VIII. Other services dependants. receivers and th 3 Ir V. Production other VI. Commerce. VII. Transpor1t,_ snd miscellaneous dependants. than cultivation. sources. r-___"______" Males. Females. Males. Females_ Males. Fema.les. Males. Females. Males. Females. Ma.les. Females. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

56 3 462 399 :1.489 722 .5,238 2,336 1,081 422 637 2,025 2 154 44 :?76 3.50 211 46 2 67 49 84 523, lIS 3 50 6 IIlO S 69 13 55 76 3 2 30 I 9 6 10

5 2 4 2 7 3

3 3 2 1

5 " 1 1

60 3 742 446 2,821 795 5,802 2,556 1,207 484 799 3,141

479 244 2,208 2,136 6,257 630 1,354 2,305 1,025 16 5 769 2,988 2,976 325 107 1,259 753 228 187 113 25 5 197 751 1,922 12 92 6 145 75 16 6 403 28 2 73 11 13 3 6 53 9

44 2 14 1 1 19 18 I :: 9 l:I H 1 I 1

1 1 11

500 249 2,804 2,257 7,622 1,389 1,757 2,1)71 1,161 800 4,305 5,039

3iiO 68 851 611 2,652 2,093 5 691 930 252 ~100 3,779 1,930 1 88 45 81 15 51 2 1 20 34 9 294 197 165 19 54 56 8 24 16 9 473 49 4 4 41 2

2 I 2 58 II 1 ~ 3 I 53 4- I 1

'" 1 7 .. 10

367 70 1,138 736 2,787 706 13.204 958 317 118 4,720 2,18Z rl'AN.~~ 334 t& TAlilOBB DISTRIOT. D-VD-Livelihood Classes by Agricultural .-- I. Cultivators ofland II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly Educational standard. Total. owned and their unowned and their dependants . dependants. -...... PelsoIls. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) i7) (8)

NON.CITY URBAN TRAOT No. 49 (NANNILAM, . NAGAPATTINAM AND TrRUTHURAIFUNDI TALUKS). Literate 23,995 16,305 7,690 2,814 1,111 .509 101 Middle School 1,891 1,508 383 65 14 86 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 761 727 34 135 7 10 Intermediate in Arts or Science 75 70 5 21 Degrees Qr Diplor_. Graduate in Alts or Science 68 66 2 II Post· Graduate in Arts or Science .. 2 1 I 1 Teaching 18 9 9 1 Engineering 1 1 Agriculture 2 2 Veterinary Commerce 1 1 I Legal .. 5 5 3 Medical 3 1 2 I Others Total 26.822 18.696 8,126 3,052 1,133 605 101 NON.CITY U&BAN TRACT No. 50 (MANNARGUDJ, PATTUKKOTTAI ~ ARANTANGJ TALuxs). Literate 30,230 20,228 10,002 2,996 1,493 486 125 Middle School 2,849 2,]65 684 11] 15 18 8 Matriculate. S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 1,968 1,702 266 201 5 4 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 226 193 33 17 Deg·rees or Diplomas. Graduate in Arts or Science 153 125 28 H1 2 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science _. 6 6 Teaching 257 133 124 14 Engineering 3 ;{ 1 Agriculture 1 1 Veterinary Commerce Legal .. '24 24 4 Medical 10 7 3 Others Total 35,727 24,584 11,143 3,849 1,530 508 184

URBAN TOTAL. Literate 184,]50 117,371 66,779 10,362 5,185 2,527 618 Middle School 25,733 16,634 9,099 1,175 372 269 36 Matriculate, SJ:l.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 1l,472 10,148 1,324 947 42 50 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science 1,810 1,675 135 312 2 oJ Degree8 or Diplomas. Graduate in Alts or Science 1,818 1,730 88 101 4 3 post-Graduate in Art." nr Science .. 80 77 3 1 I Teaching 668 393 275 10 14 2 Engineering 59 56 3 2 1 Agriculture 18 18 Veterinary 3 3 Commerce 9 9 1 Legal .. 250 250 18 1 Medi~al III 97 14 2 Others Total 226.181 148,461 77,720 12,931 :'i.62f 2,856 6b7 339

EducatiGnai Standards.

eIasses. Non-agricultural classes...... ______~- " r- IY. Non-eultivating Penson!! (inoluding dependantll) who derive their principal means oflivelihood from i III. Cultivating owners of land, .....__ labourens and their agrioultQral rent VIII. Other services dependant", receivers and thei!" V. Production other V. Commeroe. VII. Transport. and miscellaneous dependants. than eu tivatioll. sop.rues • .--__.A.-_~ .-~ 'Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Motles. Females. (9) (10) (H) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2tl)

371:1 73 1,231 SUIl :l,8S1 1.10S ;~,35t! 1,738 542 272 4,5~1 2,47b 6 2 113 42 80 2 !l51 II 77 18 128 294 89 :l 35 1 III :l 93 5 254 17 13 4 8 240 ;)

(j ~ 3 6 38 :2 I 2 1 6 8 1 2


38; , 75 1,457 8'53 3,004 1,111 4.4~1 1,752 718 295 5,044 2,806

503 125 1,677 1,2!H 3,133 735 4,.2U 2,190 651 260 6,508 3,'R3 38 18 103 41 lOR 44 33 64 69 29 1.685 465 2(1 1 161 ,\ 6') 41 53 ~ 1,162 242 19 1 8 1,*,8 32

14 I 3 88 25 6 6 2 1 126 107 2

20 . 7 :l 563 146 1,980 1,340 3,305 780 4,848 2,258 781 298 9,750 4,657

2,lH .'i80 8,646 8,0.n 27,415 7,705 27,3(17 15,663 6,179 3,342 32,794 25,635 87 30 1,644- 773 2,938 1,114 3,817 1,085 724 240 5,980 5,449 34 4 1,19U 103 631 38 1,606 145 681 68 5,OO!l 921 1 250 !) fi7 1 212 10 76 2 763 III

3 1.6 4 3~ 709 3 1ltl 66Z 76 14 1 I 7 1 2 5Z 30 2 0 2 l 1 2 34Z 256 :! 8 4 2 40 17 3 1 7 64 5 9 153 3 3 89 14

2,267 614 12,019 8,943 31,099 8,858 33.877 18,910 7,'701 3,655 45,911 32,482 TAN.-43A S86

18. TAUORB DISTRICT. D-VD-Livelihood Classes by

Agricultural - ----~------' ----"- I. Cultivators of land II. Cultiva.tol'l3 of land wholly or ma.iniy wholly or mainly EduoatioDl\1 sta.ndard. Total. owned and their unowned and their dependants.,.__ dependants. "'-- .... I PersollS. Mldes. Females. ' Males. Females. Males. Females. (1) (2) (3) (4) (Il) (6) (7) (S)


Literate 625,735 483,263 142,472 153,394 31,544 61,725 7,321 Middle School 42,577 :n,393 11,184 5,990 868 1,719 103 Matriculate, S.S.L.C. or Higher Secondary. 16,663 15,188 ],475 2,485 85 275 7 Intermediate in ArtB or Science 2,382 2,241 14,1 565 4 18 3

D~ or Diplomas.

Graduate in Arts or Science 2,IS0 2,088 92 274 7 15 Post.Graduate in Arts or Science •. lOS 1M 3 5 1 Teaching 1,026 720 306 81 19 3 Engineering .. 71 ~8 3 7 I Agriculture 22 22 1 1 Veterinary 4 4 Commerce . 13 13 3 Legal :. 278 278 29 I Medical 145 131 14 8 Others 32 32 Total 691,238 585,546 165,690 162,842 32,529 63,767 '1,'34 337

Educational standards.

-classes. Non-agricultural classes. ~.------~ IV. Xon.cu]~ivating Persons (in ,luding dependants) who derive their principal meallS of livelihood frolll m. Cultivating owne18 of land. -- -...... ____~-~--- labourers and their agl'icuI1;uraI rpnt VllI. Other servl dependants. re

.-4,3.938 0,480 27,1172 20,904 ~Q,183 12,764 409,315 2l,Oln \1,299 "",081 77~437 39,32 790 120 4,293 1,080 3,737 1,288 5,029 1,196 864 304 8,971 6,21 142 .. 2,083 118 759 45 1,867 150 837 74 6,740 98 5 351 10 65 1 231 10 102 2 904 11

257 .. 40 715 3 39 1 742 7 " 16 1 1 7 1 2 74 4 61 .. 6 5 1 1 3. .')59 27 3 s 5 2 45 1 19 4 2 1 7 74 5 9 160 5 3 115 I .) 30

-+I.88ti 5.616 35.117 22.124 64,804 14.098 57,188 22,414 11.145 4.465 95,807 47,01 33S

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