Standing Match Rules (2020) WESTERN PA LONG RANGE GROUNDHOG MATCH South Fork Rifle Club 1085 Washington Ave. Sidman, Pa. 15955
Standing Match Rules (2020) WESTERN PA LONG RANGE GROUNDHOG MATCH South Fork Rifle Club 1085 Washington Ave. Sidman, Pa. 15955 MATCH FEE- $ 12.00 PER GUN POKER FEE- $ 3.00 PER GUN RIFLE CLASSES: Factory Varmint – Rifle must be original factory varmint. Barrel, stock and action must be original. No modifications or accurizing except stock bedding and / or trigger work, safety must work. Recrowning only if original crown is worn. Any power scope allowed. Rifles must be common mass produced in this factory class. (Savage 12 BVSS,12 LRP, Rem 700, Ruger 77, Win 70, Mossberg, Interarms) Factory Super Stock – Designated rifles that are exempt from Factory Varmint. No accurizing, changing of stocks, or metal work allowed. Accuracy assist 3” or less may be attached to front of stock. Only bedding or trigger work allowed to be done. No modifications to the rifle other than those stated. Any power scope allowed. (Savage 12 LRPV, 12 F CLASS, 12 BR, Remington 40X, Sako, Cooper, McMillan, Tikka, all other “high end” varmint rifles) AR CLASS- 223/5.56 caliber semi-auto rifles. Any power scope maybe used. Targets at 100 and 300 yards. Shooter must have brass catcher / deflector and a chamber flag to show rifle is locked open and clear. Light Unlimited - any customized rifle 14 lbs. or lighter. Custom barrel, custom stock, custom twist or accurizing done to rifle. Any scope and any trigger are allowed. And any rifle determined by Match Director to be in this class. Heavy Unlimited - any customized rifle over 14 lbs. but max weight of 22 lbs.
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