2016 - River City Rifle & Pistol Club Mason City, Iowa 200 Yard Varmint Benchrest Rifle Matches May 21st, June 11th, September 24th and October 22nd Registration & Sight In 8-9 AM, Match 9AM – 1PM OPEN, FACTORY, and STOCK classes – up to .30 caliber Three targets in each class – 10 shots for record each target Cost: $25 Entry for 1 class or, $35 Entry for 2 classes or, $40 Entry for 3 classes (You select only one of the above) Awards – 1st and 2nd Place Plaques – Each Class Lunch after match completion included (about 12:30 PM) Contact: Dave Johnson Email:
[email protected] VARMINT RIFLE MATCHES – RULES AND REGULATIONS FIREARMS CLASSIFICATIONS There are three (3) classes of firearms allowed for use in the matches. These classes shall be called STOCK, FACTORY and OPEN. Competitors may participate in any or all of the three (3) classes. Stock Class 1. Must be standard production guns made by a firearms manufacturer who makes at least fifteen thousand (15,000) guns per year – no factory custom guns (example: Remington 40X) will be allowed in the Stock Class. 2. Must have a factory action, factory trigger assembly, factory barrel, and factory stock. 3. Stock must be a factory varmint or factory sporter style – no flat bottom benchrest type stocks. 4. Must be thirty (.30) caliber or smaller. 5. Must be chambered for a standard production cartridge – no PPC, BR, tight necks, Ackley’s or other wildcats. Custom and handloaded ammunition will be allowed as long as the rifle is chambered for a standard cartridge. 6. Accurizing of the factory components is acceptable (examples: action tuning, pillar bedding, re-crowning, trigger jobs, etc).