A Garand for JC Garand Matches

The first thing you look for is up. Is the tight in the ? Does it take som e effort to close the guard?

If the answ er to these questions are yes them you are extrem ely lucky and the rest of your problem s can be easily fixed.

The first thing you need to do is rem ove the low er and put the back in the stock and lock in the trigger group. Look dow n inside at how you barrel fits inside the stock.

The barrel m ust N O T be touching the stock. O n m ost CM P you w ill need to rem ove som e w ood som ew here. The barrel should float from the to the low er band. W ood touching the barrel in this area w ill cause flyers and a different zero as the rifle w arm s up.

W hile you are at it m ake sure the O P rod is not touching the stock anyw here. Rem ove w ood if needed.

N ow rem ove the rifle from the stock and put your low er handguard back on. The handguard m ust not be m aking contact w ith the receiver enough that it is a really tight fit betw een the receiver and low er band. There has to be a slight gap betw een the receiver and handguard. If the handguard is too long and it puts any pressure on the receiver it w ill cause a huge difference in zero from cold to hot.

The handguard should also float on the barrel. You should be able to run a piece of thin paper betw een it and the barrel. M ost of the tim e it is not only touching the barrel but putting a lot of pressure on the barrel.

This also causes m any zero and accuracy problem s. Rem ove w ood until only the retaining clip touches the barrel.

N ow com es the upper handguard. The m ost com m on problem that you find is the is tight against the upper handguard. This is a M AJO R screw up that can cause as m uch as a foot difference in your zero at only 100 yards from a cold rifle to a hot one. Com bine this problem w ith a too tight low er handguard and your 100 yard zero can m ove as m uch as 15 inches from your first cold shot to your 20th round. This m akes for poor and any sort of long range accuracy im possible.

There m ust be just a bit of clearance betw een the upper handguard and gas cylinder. The handguard M U ST have som e slack in it. Som e people can't stand the thought of this but you m ust learn to accept it if you w ish to keep the rifle JCG m atch legal. You can do a N M m od to fix this but it is not too good for a field rifle.

After you get the w ood correct expect to find that you now have a huge difference in your zero. You w ould not believe just how flexible the G arand barrel is. Stock and handguard problem s can bend the barrel causing problem s w ith your zero.

Do all of this right and m ake sure the O P rod is not touching anything it is not supposed to and your G arand w ill becom e a m uch better shooter.