Generative Logic in Digital Design Robert H. Flanag an University of Colorado, USA rflanag
[email protected] This exploration of earl y-stage , arc hitectural design pedagog y is in essence, a r ecord of an ongoing transformation underway in arc hitecture , from its practice in the art of g eom- etry of space to its practice in the art of g eometry of space-time. A selected series of stu- dent experiments, from 1992 to the present, illustrate a pro gression in arc hitectural the- ory, from Pythag orean concepts of mathematics and g eometry, to the symbolic r epresen- tation of space and non-linear time in film. The dimensional expansion of space, from xyz to xyz+t (time), r epresents a tactical and strategic opportunity to incorporate multi- sensory design variab les in arc hitectural practice, as w ell as in its pedagogy . Keywords. g enerative; process; derivative; logic; systemic. Generative Space Time Geometry In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Computer Aided Two additional design considerations Design automated the symbolic, geometric r epre- emerged from this study of geometric progression sentation of space, and it did so through the and generative principles: 1. Time emerged as a application of principles of modularity, iteration, dimensional design variable, described by the and recursion. Coincidentally, this created an geometry xyz+t; much as film incorporates non- opportunity for the digital designer to bypass the linear symbolic content as the message carrier, intended management functions of CAD, r epre- architectural design is capable of employing non- sentation and validation, and instead to expanded representational, symbolic means as its message its potential application of r ecursive and deriva- carrier.