Fluoride Treatment in Osteoporosis Pauline Pitt and Hedley Berry King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK
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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.67.786.323 on 1 April 1991. Downloaded from Postgrad Med J (1991) 67, 323 - 326 i) The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1991 Leading Article Fluoride treatment in osteoporosis Pauline Pitt and Hedley Berry King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK Introduction The use offluoride for the treatment ofestablished Fluoride in clinical practice vertebral osteoporosis in adults with the sympto- matic crush fracture syndrome is approved for use Fluoride is known to stimulate osteoblasts in in 8 European countries.' This treatment was culture." Its use has been associated with increase suggested by the low prevalence of osteoporosis in in alkaline phosphatase activity and it stimulates some areas where the drinking water contained both collagen synthesis and calcium deposition." moderately high concentrations of fluoride` and High concentrations may exert a toxic effect on by the enormously increased bone density charac- osteoblast function.'2 teristic of fluorosis.5 At least 4 studies have been carried out to assess There now exists a wealth of evidence and some the long-term effect offluoride treatment on spinal controversy regarding the use of fluoride, and this bone mass. Some ofthe results are conflicting. Two article addresses the main issues involved. prospective controlled trials have been carried out and recently reviewed in detail.' One in France used a daily dose of 50 mg for 2 years and the other copyright. Pharmacokinetics in the USA used a high-dose regimen of 60 mg or 90 mg given on alternate days for 4 years. Fluoride is absorbed passively and rapidly from the In the French prospective collaborative study gastrointestinal tract largely as hydrofluoric acid.6 466 patients (421 women and 45 men) between the The main site of absorption is the stomach, and in ages of 50 and 92 years were investigated.'4 A total conditions ofreduced gastric acidity or concurrent of 257 received sodium fluoride 50 mg per day ingestion of milk or this (25 mg twice dailyjust before lunch for calcium may be reduced. and dinner) http://pmj.bmj.com/ Using sugar-coated sodium fluoride, peak serum 2 years. The control group of 209 patients was concentrations are achieved within 2- 3 h.7 Initially treated with calcium 1 g/day and vitamin D 800 50% ofabsorbed fluoride is taken up into bone and IU/day (93 patients); calcitonin 50 IU/day for 5 the fraction not so utilized rapidly excreted in the days every 3 weeks and phosphorous 1-1.5 g/day unne.' (85 patients); calcitonin plus calcium (12 patients); Several preparations of fluoride are available calcium plus phosphorous (17 patients); and phos- and include both enteric-coated and slow-release phorous plus etidronate (2 patients). In addition preparations in addition to the more simple sugar- the fluoride group received 1 g ofelemental calcium on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected coated tablets. Use of the latter twice daily results per day and a vitamin D supplement of 800 IU per in 2 peak and trough serum concentrations. The day. Ofthese 466, 316 patients were followed for 24 peaks may well exceed toxic concentrations and the months. The fluoride group had a significantly troughs be below the therapeutic range.' The use of reduced crush fracture rate per year compared with slow-release preparations may be more useful, controls on other therapies. In addition the mean giving a peak at around 4 h and a less rapid decline number of new crush fractures was reduced in the in serum concentrations, maintaining them within fluoride group but this only reached significance the therapeutic range even 12 h after ingestion.7 between 12 and 24 months. There is interesting information evolving about the There are two prospective double-blind studies use of monofluorophosphate and its possible recently reported from the USA: one from the earlier effects on bone density compared with Mayo Clinic'5 and the other from the Henry Ford sodium fluoride.'" hospital.'6 In the Mayo Clinic study 202 women aged between 50 and 75 with postmenopausal osteoporosis were studied. They were required to Correspondence: H. Berry, M.A., D.M., F.R.C.P. have one or more vertebral fractures defined as a Received: 9 October 1990 decrease in vertebral height of greater than 20%. 324 P. PITT & H. BERRY Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.67.786.323 on 1 April 1991. Downloaded from As described the treatment group received 60 mg or fibrous or mosaic bone may occur. This being the 90 mg of sodium fluoride on alternate days and the case it is not recommended that high doses be used. control group was given matching placebo. Both However, in situations where low-dose fluoride is also received 1,500 mg per day of elemental cal- given with calcium supplementation in vitamin cium. A total of 135 patients completed the 4 years D-replete subjects, histomorphometry shows the of therapy. Using dual-photon and absorptiometry newly formed bone matrix to be of normal and quantitation ofthe lumbar spine, femoral neck appearance and adequately mineralized.20 and intertrochanteric region there was a cumul- Some authors have suggested that there may be ative increase in bone mineral density of 35% for an increased incidence offractured neck offemur in the lumbar spine, 12% for the femoral neck and patients on fluoride therapy.'5 Interestingly these 10% for the femoral intertrochanteric region. patients had received high doses (average daily Single photon absorptiometry of the radial shaft dose of 75 mg) of fluoride, and as yet the authors showed a reduction of 4% in the fluoride group. have not published the results of the bone histo- Despite these increases in bone mass at the lumbar morphometry in these subjects. Other investi- spine and femur the 15% reduction in the number gators'4 using lower doses with calcium and of women experiencing a new crush fracture in the vitamin D supplementation have not found any fluoride group was not statistically significant. such problems. There was also no relationship between the changes in bone mass of the lumbar spine and the fracture rate. Side effects The Henry Ford Hospital study, again using 60 mg or 90 mg of fluoride on alternate days with Gastroenterological side effects are common, calcium supplementation, investigated 84 osteo- occurring in between 10 and 40% of patients, and porotic females with at least one radiographic appear to be both dose and preparation depen- vertebral fracture. There was no quantitation of dent.7 The most frequent complaints are nausea bone density and a new vertebral fracture was and vomiting, although mild gastrointestinal defined as in the Mayo Clinic study with bone scans bleeding may occur.' With the use of sugar-coated being used to detect new fractures. Seventy-five sodium fluoride, gastroscopy ofpatients revealed a copyright. patients completed a 4-year treatment period; 529 high incidence of abnormality although no control new vertebral fractures per 1,000 patient years were subjects were examined.2' In low dosage, i.e. less observed in the non-fluoride group and 718 in the than 50 mg per day, and with enteric-coated fluoride group. The rates were not significantly tablets, there was no difference between patients different. and controls.'4 In individual patients symptoms The American studies do not suggest that the use can generally be relieved by giving the fluoride after of high-dose fluoride therapy is associated with a meals, lowering the dose or changing to enteric- reduction in the incidence of vertebral fracture coated or slow-release preparations. http://pmj.bmj.com/ despite the evidence for increased bone density in Transient lower extremity pain syndrome occurs the Henry Ford study. The use of lower-dose in up to 50% of patients,22 although some investi- treatment with calcium and vitamin D supplemen- gators have found similar incidences of episodic tation as described by the French collaborative osteoarticular pain in osteoporotic patients being study would support this use offluoride in reducing treated with and without fluoride.'4 Nonetheless, the incidence of new vertebral fractures when the incidence of pain in the ankle and foot was compared with other forms oftherapy as described. higher in those on fluoride and may be due to fatigue fractures, which can progress to clinical on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected breaks. Radionuclear bone scan may be a useful Risks investigation, showing increased uptake in the calcium ofpatients in whom X-ray is normal.23 The There is some concern that the quality and hence management is temporary discontinuation of mechanical characteristics of the new bone laid fluoride therapy but maintenance of calcium sup- down may be abnormal, even though, as discussed plementation. Interestingly, in one study patients above, it is frequently associated with increased who developed this complication had greater in- bone density. Certainly severely fluorotic bone is creases in lumbar spine bone mineral density than stronger in compression"7 but weaker in tension those who did not.'0 than normal bone.'8 It appears that the effect of fluoride on bone depends on the dose used and Monitoring therapy and the problem of whether it is given with calcium. Histomorphomet- non-responders ric analysis has shown that high-dose therapy, especially without calcium supplementation, can be Approximately 20% of patients do not appear to associated with osteomalacia'9 and abnormal respond to fluoride therapy with a change in bone FLUORIDE TREATMENT IN OSTEOPOROSIS 325 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.67.786.323 on 1 April 1991. Downloaded from mass.' Some authors suggest that this may be a fluoride therapy for established vertebral crush reflection of poor absorption from the gut and fracture syndrome has been shown to be of value hence lower serum fluoride levels and reduced and associated with an increase in bone density and skeletal fluoride content.24 Previously patients have a reduced incidence of vertebral fracture.