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September 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988

9-15-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 15, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, September 15,1988, Vol. 75, No. 19, 16 Pages Guyon responds to women's issues By Brad Bushue StaHWriter Guyon discussed at a meeting manent WOfficl1'S task foree The first step for the com­ of the 'Nomen's Caucus under the leadershiJ) of Uma mittee, Guyon said, would be GusE.xle President John C. Guyon Wednesday afternoon. Sekaran, the l)eP)aiotment of to take data compiled on responded, evasively ac­ DC'IlIIa Kolb, an attorney Managemtmt ~ii-woman. women at SIU.{:, which states cording to some members of representing Ii sexual The first bve members of the that salaries for women are the audience, to the issues harrassment client whose case task force were named by lower than those of men identified by a temporary task was overturned by Guyon in Sekaran, who said the com­ overall, and work on a salary force created to evaluate the May 1987, said "I don't think mittee would "request the equity program. status of women at ~he he had anything to say for committment and involvement Guyon addressed the University. w;)mt:Il." of administration, work revision of the Sexual Sexual harrassment, subtle Guyon approached the together using an un­ Harrassment Policy and discrimination and recruit­ "prime recommendation" of disputable, data-based Complaint Resolution ment and retention of wor.len the task force by anno:mcing management system and get Gua ..,. Guyon were among the subjects the enstatement of a per- set in the right direction ... ..CAucua.PIIge. ....drtlng the 1M... Tuition guidelines could be exceeded By Nora Bentley Pettit said. Staff Writer The average for tuition and SIU bas k t within the fees from the National Illinois Boa~ of Higher American Council on Education's guidelines that Education is $1,566. SIU's ask state universities to limit tuition and fees for the tuition to one-third the cost of semester are $951.70. instruction, but with the "We're low for the kind of proposed tuition increase the university we are," Pettit said. guideline will be exceeded. SIU is a research university, SIU is at 32.2 percent of the he said, and because of this cost of instruction per student "OU' cost of instruction is now, Ross Hodel, deputy higher than others." director of the mHE, said. SIU bas a more substantial Chancellor Lawrence Pettit library, more doctoral said that it is not known how programs and other programs far over the guidelines Sill will that cost more, he said. gl" because the instructional "We're putting more into the CCl8t must be recalculated education students are getting ..,--­ and charging less," he said; ev~ L~~ity is close to the "We're paying for this national average of state universities tuiuon and fees, SeerumoN,PageS New student catalogs

Cong..... 1ona1 candldatae Glenn Paehllrd, left, and Patrtck Kelley. to be available soon By Phylll. Coon Publications, said. StalfWriter Many students search Poshard, Kelley show differences The newest undergraduate University catalogs to choose a catalog is hot off the press, but major, he said. By Seo" Perry depressed Southern IllinOis mitment to promote higher the director of University The University puts out StaHWriter economy, taxes, national education," Kelley said. Publications said he's not sure three course catalogs. The defense, the war on drugs and Poshard agreed, saying when students will be able to undergraduate. graduate and In an atmosphere resem­ education. "better education will mean a get one. School of Law catalogs COlltain bling a high si!hool basketball Both a~ that higher stronger nation." "In about a week we should course information and game, e:iucation IS in trouble and that Posbard said he is in favor of have a release date for requirements that students Congressional candidates something should be done federal policies to assist students," Albert Mifflin, must meet, Forest said. Patrick Kelley and Glenn aboutit. anyone that wishes to go to director of University The undergraduate and Poshard debated the issl'''S Kelley proposed a follow-up college as long as the policies publications, said. "Right now School of Law catalOGS are Wednesday night that one of on a George Bush proposal to were cost saving and efficient. we're just releaSing the printed yearly, but the them will face in January. create a savings plan to help Both candidates said they catalogs to academic graduate catalog is frinted About 1,000 spectators meet tile cost of higher thought the debate was a departments... every other year, Fores said. packed into the gym at education. success. Kelley said the debate The newest catalog, which "Each year we print about Shawnee Community College, The savings bond system is was successful in bringing out doesn't go into effect until fall 25,000 undergradua te carrying the banners of their being tried in DlinOis and bas the diffeJ'f'JlCt!S between the 1989, has an aerial picture of catalogs," Forest said. "It favorite candidate. been very successful, ac­ candidates, which was a pre­ Old Main Mall on the front costs the University 10. $1.50 a Taking questions from a cording to a representative of debate goal. cover and an aerial picture of copy. Tbe law catalog costs a the Illinois Bureau of the Poshard said the voters can the Arena on the back cover, bit more because of all the ~~'::'dfd:~~er outYi~~~l, th~~~ Budge~. clearly see the distinction George Forest, the editor of stances On ~uch issues as the "There needs to be a com- between the candidates. publications 8t University ..CATALOG,PIIge. :ru .\lorning i Nitzes' fingerprints not found on items I Odd scholarships :~dc:r!~.~d r:of:a':~n car, ~ J.C. ~enney receipt analysis is possible. Miley's body bas not been available . found m the Nltzes trast and Glenn Schubert, also from identified Staff Wmers an in-dash AM and FM the Bureau of Forensic Nitz is' cbarged with the -PageC Forensic experts testified cassette deck. Sciences, said a head hair April 6 murder 01 Miley. I Wednesday that they didn't Pittman said neither Nitz's found on Miley's wrist "ap- Sgt. Phillip Sylvester, Simpscn fit find either of the l'litzes' nor Rita Nitz's fmgerprints peared to be crushed." Illinois State Police Depart- for new season fingerprints on items con- were on the items. A witness bas testified that ment of Criminal In- I nected with the D'.urder of State's Attorney Charles she saw Nitz beat a man with a vestigationl said he pthered Micha~ID.Miler.. Garnati said it~ms .Nitz baseballbatApril6~tilhe:fell mens' ana womens tennis -·-Page 16 DaVld M. Pittman of the allegedly bought With Miley'. to the ground outside Nltz'S shoes, mens underwear, a pair Illinois Bureau of Forensic credit cards after his death trailer. of Ace bandages and two pair Sciences in Carbondale were not checked for finger- Schubert said he found no of blue jeans from the' : Sunny. 10. I examined a piece of chrome prints because thP.t is not hair on a bat taken from Nitz' L ______~ _ ____' trim recoveree from Miley's routine. if another method of property. Hair found on "NlTZ,Pa,u ./ !-iiiiOMtfsPinfi~-z'i;::-i L NEED '$1 00 ff FREE Delivery. 4\ 1r.t.) "~ I Newswrap I • 0 1 32oz. PepsI \'::;:~ :-~'. I MORE I Medium, Large with delivery of smoll ,s / I \"'{.(I- i \\Torld Ination I or X-Large or medium pina ; , , I SPACE? I Plua 2i32oz. Pepsi's ~ 'J: : L,m" eme per pilla with large or X_la,ge',I,: . '-':'> I call ! S. Korean students stage I We Always Deliver FREE Pepsi's I University Loft Company lIst try to disrupt Olympics :I. ______-529-1 ]44 ~ ___ -'! SEOUL, South Korea (UP!) - South Korean students surged into a wall of riot police to block a runner carrying the Olympic delinred torch Wednesday in their first attempt to disrupt the Games $ 7 5 beginning this Weekend, witnesses said. Other students at a Seoul University tossed about 25 homemade firebombs at riot police who offered little resistance and refrained from using tear T-BIRDS 529·3953 I gas, other witnesses said. They said bus riders who watched that / ,clash jeered the students and told them to go home. SHORT tJ~· -- South African commandos storm hijacked bus Ort ~ ~lJ MASERU, Lesotho (UPI) - South African commandos stormed a hijacked bus under the cover of darkness W~esday, causing an undetermined number of casualties and freeing Catholic pilgrims held hostage by Lesotho guerri!las demanding CflSH? l~\ to see Pope John Paul II. Witnesses saw the bodies of three ~en being loaded into ao ambulance that rushed to a oearliy hospital. BINDING Another ambulance was seen picking up other casualties. low cost • fast service Arafat talks of establishing indf'pendent state

35C~\ STRASBOURG, France (UPI) - Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasser Arafat, statin(!: he is ready to meet

I Israeli officials to discuss establishing an independent Across from SI U Palestinian state, urged Israeli voters Wednesday to support On the Island "peace-lovers" amor;.g Jewish politicians. Arafat, in khaki R~~~!!!ht -A military tunic and trademark Arab itaffiyah headdress, ap­ 529·3101 111 Washington 549·0788 peared elated and made strikingly conciliatory remarks towards Israel in a news conference on the second and last day of a European Parliament visit. ~llIlIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIImllllllllullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII====§~ u.S. officials optimistic about MIA search

I~PC Now has tickets for BANGKOK, Thailand (UP!) - U.S. officials returned from Vietnam Wednesday, expressing unprecedented optimism af!B two days of talks in Hanoi on joint excavations to locate remams of Americans missing in action since the Indochina war. In addition to the MIAs in Vietnam, U.S. officials said 547 Americans are missing in Laos and a total of 2,388 U.S. ser­ tj;;;Ii!j!~l ~ vicemen are missing in the three communist Indochinese I countries of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. I Good Througho~cto.~~~ 16, '88==_==E_ Committee votes for tough S. Africa sanctions WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Senate Foreign Relations ; COS t: (RegularlY'16_00) Committee voted 10-9 Wednesday for a bill calling for a virtual trade embargo against South Africa, but the harsh measure has ~ (Does not include transportation) _ little chance of becoming law. All Democrats on the committee Q voted for the House-passed bill, and each Republican opposed it ~ For more information contact SPC at 536-339 ~ on grounds the measure will leave the next president no SilJUlllllllrmlllllrllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUl!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"""!11,,"""MmlUlllllllllliS diplomatic leverage to force an end to the apartheid system of racial segregation in South Africa. // '~.'" {,;;". "~f>J-§>' ~ '. Six at FBI reprimanded for political spying WASHINGTON (UPI) - FBI Director William Sessions said Wednesday six mid- and lower-level employees have been Sli1j; disciplined for their role in an FBI spy operation aimed at op­ ponents of President Reagao's Central American poliCies. But Sessions told the Senate Intelligence Committee that an internal FBI review of the case turned ur "no evidence whatsoever" the ,~ makes the difference six had done anything ilIega or im~roper and they were . ~~"'",~,,:rt/ Managing your finances can be easy punished for "superviscry inadequacies. ' 1/ Join SIU Credit Union today! i Shuttle mission control braces for hurricane SPACE CENTER, Houston (UP!) - Johnson Space Center workers, "ex~ting the worse," braced for hurricane Gilbert We have the answer! Wednesday With a special team standing by to safeguard NASA's : crucial mission control center it necessary. Tbe shuttle Z4·hours a day 7 days a week I Discovery is scheduled to blast off 00 the first post-Challenger with 2 <'iutomatic tellers located at the Student mission the week of Sept. 26 and NASA could ill-afford any major . damage to its mission control complex, which is where sh~t~e Center & Kroger West p<'irking lot. , flights are planned and executed, or to a nearby antenna facility and with O-phone. your account IS just a pl-,one call away. where telemetry from shuttles is received for analysis. a-Phone I Firefighters stop $10 million Sierra wildfire 457-6587 I GRASS VALLEY, Calif. (UP) - Firefighters doused I smolc:lerinR tree stumps and hot spots Wednesday to mop up a $10 million wildfire that ravaged 52 square miles of Gold Rush • Transfer money • Check clearing from checking to I country in the Sierra foothills. The blaze that began Sunday from inquiries an illegal trash burn was declared 90 ~t contained as crews savmgs checked in at the Nevada County Fau-grounds to begin 12-hour • Perform balance • Make loan shifts on the lines. payments I inqUIries on I Daily Egyptia-;;------savings & checking ...... _____, • Withdraw funds I (USPS 169220) LOBBY HOURS: ,i Published daily in the Journalism and Egyptian Laboratory Monday Mon.·Thur. 9:00-.4:00 through Friday during regular semesters and Tuesday through Fnday Friday 9:00-6:00 I during summer term by Southern Illinois University. CommunicatIons 1217 West Main Street Building, Carbondale, IL 62901. Second class postage paid at Carbondale, I IL. DRIVE-IN HOURS: Post Office Box 2888 I Editorial and business offices located in Communications Building, Mon.-Thur. 8:00·4:30 ; North Wing, Phone 536-3311, Walter B. Jaehnig, fiscal officer. .. Carbondale IL 62902-2888 friday 8:00·6:00 Subscription rates are $45 per year or $28 for SIX months wlthm the Sat. 8:00-1:00 618-457-3590 I. United States and $115 per year or $73 for six months in all foreIgn I cO~~ster: Send change of address to Daily Egyptian, Southern illinOIS University. CarbondaJe.1L62901. Page 2, Daily Egyptian, September 15, 1'188 CAUCUS, from Page1---- Procedures. Guyon was asked by a member ot the audience for a personal committment on Informing the SIU-C population on sexual harrassment. He said, "I'm trying, 'Jut I fleed educating too." Improved guidelines for the sexual harrassment hearing panel were also included in the revision and will help the panel function more smoothly, Guyon said. Guyon faced audience reservations about the policy's empowering the president with final determination of tht! hearing panel's recom­ mendations of guilt and punishment. He said it is essential for someone to insure a fair determination of the hearing, Kalb said the policy does not iIIlI'f .... protect tile complaintant and Staff PhotD by Cam. "On Chin says to victims of sexual ha"rrassment "do not file the Klthryn Wlrd, '-'I. e»cMlrperaon of the Women'e Caueul, and e Department of Foriegn Langueg.. and LIterature. Guyon I, complaint." IOCIoIogy d..-rtment flculty member, with University P.... ldent holding e book tlUed, "Women It SIu.c;' e atudy comparing Joanne Paine, an associate John C. Guyon and Margaret Winters, cMlrwoman of the womena' ....rI .. to men' a. proftssor in political science, said that since she has been affiliated with SIU-C, she has seen no positive changes ex­ Chairwoman approved for task force cept that more women are bemg interviewed for jobs - Guyon names C. Guyonata Women's Caucus stituencies - students, accept it. They may not like but more women are not being program. faculty, staff, and civil service me, but they'll have to accept hired. it," she said. Sekaran to head Sekaran prefers to call the employees. Four to five people Paine participated in" will be on each subcommittee, Two obstacles to be faced formally in the recruitment of permanent force ~~~e~?!cePr~~:Ss~~ie~~ Sekaran said. are that most poliCies and vancement Committee Before recommenamg a procedures have been because "we are talking about policy, Sekaran plans to established from a man's point :o~ ~::v~~!:~vielt~~ By Nora Bentley of view, and that the Uruversity because of sexual Staff Writer the advancement of the "touch base" with people who barrassment, she said. University along with the are the most knowledgeable awareness and consciousness Paine said there bave been Uma Sekaran said the newly advancement of women." about a subject and wants to of all ~ple has to be raised, no "clear and visible sanctions formed permanent task force Sekaran said she was told inform the external com­ she said. U:e of toward sexual harrassment on the status of women to the committee of the tem­ munity "to make sure policies Sekaran said that title and unequal treatment at SIU- which she was named chair­ porary task force chose her are sound." an article in the Sept. 1, 1988 woman Wednesday will be an because of her awareness of "I want to be very goal Chronicle of Higher ~~!n~~:' :~o~~~i! advancement to the University the issues, her assertiveness, directed," she said, "I want to Education, "The Well-Being of stop this behavior." as well as women. and the research she bas done find the most optimistic time Academic Women is Still Sekaran, professor and in women's studies. (for issues). I want to closely Being Sabotaged - By "We're trying," Guyon chairwoman of management, The task force will be monitor my own progress." Colleagues, By Students, and responded. said she is enthusiastic about divided into four sub­ "If I can get enough in­ By Themselves," sums up the "Tbe way to deal with or her ne.... position, which was committees to cover the dif­ formation that this (problem) obstacles women face at the postpone a problem is to crea te announced by President John ferent University con- is happening they'll bave to University. a task force," Paine said.


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Daily Egyp!!!>., September 15,198ll, Page 3 Daily Egyptian Opinion & Commentary Student Editor·in-Chief. John Baldwin; Editorial Page Editor. Rlehard Nunez; . Associate Editorial Paile Editor. Jacke P. HaI'1pton; Acting Managing Editor. Wanda Harris. SIU-C must guard teaching resources THE WSS of graduate assistants has set the University on a dangerous downward spiral. The decline has been gradual, occurring over the past six years as the various departmental budgets have been While the decline in the number of assistants has not been great, Zl were lost last year and the number has not been calculated this year, the reduced number of aSSistantships is difficult to explain in the context of the contention that the University is on the threshold of coming into its own as a major research institution. GRADUATE ASSISTANTS have been on the short end of the stick long enough. Too often they are called upon to do the less desirable jobs, such as teaching CI""lWded, r~uired courses. But, rarely do graduate studenrs complam, at Viewpoint least publicly, about their assignments or the low pay they receive for faithfully carrying out there tasks. For most graduate assistants, the satisfaction of the job - whether it be teaching a crowded classroom of fl'esh­ man composition students or conducting research in the Capitalizing on the inside track wee hours of the morning - must be reward enough. The assistants sure aren't getting rich on the salaries the University offers. the ambitious, American way An assistant working toward a master's degree rf'Ceives a salary of between $598 and $812 per month. An assistant Looking up from his paper, kind of cold-hearted no-good working toward a doctorate receives a salary of between Slats Grobnik shook his head are you?" $676 and $820 per month. These salaries are for one-half and said: "I see that there's time appointments, or an average of 20 hours per week. another one of them feeding THAT DOES SEEM to be the frenzies going on." preva~mood. WE CANNOT afford to lose this dedicated breed of Are the bloodthirsty net­ "Sure. So here are these students. By cutting the budget for assistantships, the works and the press at it bard-working Wall Street guys University's message is that these positions are ex­ again'! who happen to be in a position pendable. "No, I mean the Securities to know something about some IT these teachers are expendable, the next logical and Exchange Commission. Mike deals that are going down. Are question would concern the expendability of the courses They charged another bunch of they supposed to be stupid and they teach and the research they assist. Few, however, those inside traders from Wall Boyko ignore it, or smart and use it?" The law says they should could argue that students do not need freshman com­ Street. Why are they always Tribune Media Services position. Researchers will testify that assistants are picking on these guys?" ignore it. necessary for their projects. That's a silly question. 'What "Tben ain't they saying that they did was illegal. it's better to be stupid than THE COST of obtaining an education continues to in­ "So is spitting on sidewalks smart? Since when is it against crease. Assislantships are one of the few means graduate and double parking. But is So here are these the law to be smarter than the students have for being self-sufficient. As the budget for what they did really that hard-working Wall next guy?" these assistantships declines, so will the availability of wrong?" Street guys who It's very confusing. But 1 higher education for students from lower income families think the idea is that by taking that depend on these salaries to help pay the cost of SURE IT'S. They used happen to be in a advantage of their special education. inside mfr..-mation to get the position to know position, they profited at The University cannot claim to reward hard work and ed"'''. <0 make va!'t sums of someone else's expense. Do excellence, while cutting back on one area of teaching mr.tey. something about you think that's fair? where the main reward comes from the job and not "What's wrong with that? some deals that are "Who said life is fair? Go ask financial considera tions. Isn't that the American way, any American Indian. Their The recent brouhaha over increases in 8IU executive making all you can?" going down. Are they raw deal is what made this salaries indicates that many in the University community But it must be done legally. supposed to be stupid country great." believe there are other areas that are not so fundamental "Hey, don't you think most to the University as the graduate assistants. We agree. people would use insider in­ and ignore it, or smart BUT WE MUST follow the formation to make a fast buck and use it? law and observe the rules. if they had a chance?" "Not when the laws and the Correction------But that's the whole point. rules are stupid. When that LifeSavers is sponsoring a two-day conference on teenage Most people don't have access hustling for iMide in­ happens, you get a patriot l:l.te problems Feb. 17-18 at the Student Center. This information was to inside information. formation. doing takeovers, Ollie North being indicted. Or mistakenly omitted from a letter to the editor. "Well, whose fault is that? I using their God-given noodles a fme young patriot like Danuy say it's their own fault. If the while saps like us are talking Quayle getting chewed up in a average mope doesn't have the about which football player feeding f:-enzy. And now we got Scott Robinson, of the lliinois Natural History Survey, was initiative to get some inside puts powder up his nose. . these fine patriots on Wall misidentified in a letter to the editor in Wednesday's edition. The information, why pick on the "And what about family Street. just following the Daily Egyptian regrets the error. guy who does?" values and friendship and American tradition of getting loyalty?" the edge on the next guy, and I HADN'T THOUGHT of it they're in deep do-do." Quotable Quotes that way. WHAT DO FAMILY values I hadn't thought of it that ''Then you should. You think have to do with it? way. getting insider information is "Well, Milken helped his "Then you should. 1 think "Unfortunately, it's not hard to become an expert on being easy? No, it takes hard work. I brother and his brother helped that before he leaves office, shot by a handgun in Illinois," -Phillip Andrew, toa legislative read about these insider guys. him. So they charged the President Reagan should give committee on gun control. They go at it 18 bours a day. brother, too. And they charged Milken and Boesky and the They ain't clock-watchers. So some of the Posner family, just rest of them pardons." aren' t we supposed to respect because they helped each Aren't you going to ex­ Editorial Policies hard work? Just look around other. So what is it with the tremes? Signed articles. IncluChnll !E'tte,s. Vlewl'X.l.~!S and other commentaries. reflect the thisjoint. Nhatdo you see?" Reagan administration? Don't "Come on. They didn't break op;,,;ons of the~ authors "~Iy UnsignE'd ed~orials repr"se"t a consensus of the I see guys having a beer just it bfoJieve in the American into an office and blow a saie, Dal!)' Egyptian Editorial 60"'<1. whose ,.,emeers are the student editor·in·chief. the like us. What do you see? family? Or in friendship?" Jhey didn't rob a bank, they eo,tonal page editor. tile associate edl:·YISI ['''OJe edrtor, " news staff member. the "I see guys reading the But there should be limits. didn't heist a Brink's truck, f~COJtty managinQ edrtor and a School of Jourr,Gksm facLOIty member sports pages and looking at "That's not what I've been they didn't mug some old lady Letters to tile editor (. ,be sublTlltted by mail or directty to the editoroal P8Qe hearing. I bear that if you can l'urtor. Room 1247. CommunIcation, Buildiog. leiters ahould be typtwritte(\ and 'Wheel of Fortune' on TV." on the street, or snatch a gold do something for your kid, or chain on a subway. And they double spaced. All Iellers ar.. 'Wbje<'~ to ede."y and will be limited to 500 words. So what? Leiters of fewer than 250 wcru, ""II be Qive" pre!e

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Staff photo by Kurt Stamp RESUMES Sign off that Dan Keck, left. of the IlIInoia Education In front of the lEA building which w•• SELL YOU! AuocIatlon, .how. officer MarwIn VON, of nndallud T..... y night or Wedneaday Laserset Resume & 50 Copies the Carbondale Police o.p.rtment. the algn nanlng. $19.88 KOPIES & MORE Reagan campaigns for Bush 607 S. Illinois Ave. - 529-5679 (across from Go/sby's - on the Strip) President criticizes 'liberals' during Cape Girardeau visit CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. ministration of Jimmy Carter. "We have proved what (UPI) - President Reagan Repeatedly boasting of works in foreign policy," charged intG the Midwest on administration ac­ Reagan said. "We have behalf of George Bush Wed­ complishments since 1981. the demonstrated time and again nesday with an appeal to that candid rhetoric, a strong voters to allow Republicans to E'::lCi~::~e~t ~~:"c: defense and tough diplomacy complete their mission and a remarkdble distance in the bring peace. warning that future last eight years that the generations would "dishonor memory has faded of the "What a great moment we us if now in a moment of economic and foreign policy have before us and, oh, how sudden folly we throw it all crises that we faced when Vice future generations will away" President Bush and I took disbonor us if now in a moment The president, pitching in to office." of sudden folly we throw it all help his second-in-command in "The truth is that when you away." the pr~ident added. his caD.paign for the White take a walk down our 0p­ House against Democrat position's memory lane. it Recounting economic and Michael Dukakis. never starts to look like a 'Nightmare other problems of the late mentioned the Massachusetts on Elm Street,'" Reagan 197OS, the president - using a governor by name in remarkb added, referring to a popular new favorite line - said when prepared for a Missouri a.,­ horror movie in remarks the American people needed a pearance, but turned hlS prepared for delivery at change in 1980 they called rhetorical fire on "liberals" Southeast Missouri State "George and me - the and the last Democratic ad- University. malaise busters.' TUITION, ftom Page 1------Any Mixed Drink dramatically at the depart­ "We're caught in a real pusb (tuition) above the 33 ment level. We need to do bind," Pettit said. "We believe percent if the increase is ap­ Your Choice something abc.ut this." in low tuition and quality, and proved," Guyon said. A two-prong solution is don't believe those things Bill Hall, Undergraduate 50¢ Drafts needed to solve this problem, should be incor.lJjtr'tible." he Student Government Pettit said. First, a tax in­ said. president. said "yes, SID is till 9:00 crease for education would President John Guyon said having more success at helP. and secondly there is a the general posture of the keeping our tuition at a lower need for a state tuition policy U:liversity has been to keep instructional cost. My concern TONIGHT with "some teeth in it to tuition low, and theat the mHE is that public education be provide equity and consistency has "had an eye on the ~ supported by taxpayers at a among the 12 state univer­ third figure." quality level of private Steps sities," he said. "; think (the increase) will education." St. Louis, MO CATALOG, from Page 1--- NITZ, color pictures." "Changes come around often from Page 1-- BILLIt..BBS PABLOUB The graduate catalog costs in the catalogs," Forest said. property during the April 28 f!l)ek' /I'~ [jJfu!do" $1.20 a cOPy! Forest said. "There has often been talk of search. He took two speakers "Everyt.hing has gotten so printing the undergraduate the same da)' from a trailer ex~nsive to print," Forest catalog every other year. But I Nitz was renting in Tilden. lOam - 6pm saId. "The University wanted think they've (undergraduate He said similar Hems were to money so the graduate catalog) settled down to what purchased at the Kentucky 1/41b. All Beef Frank catalog isn't printed as often. they are going to be the next oaks Mall. Paducah, April 7 The courses don't change as few years." and 8 with Miley's credit card. with pickle & chips much and it's printed for a U any new changes come Three mall clerks testified smaller group of people." about for the undergraduate Friday that Nitz used Miley's Plus Draft $1.3 5 The UniversIty catalogs catalog. it would be that the credit cards on April 7 and 8, have changed quite a bit in 20 ~~1s!1/ut on a computer, and had his bands wrapped in years, Forest said. Ace bandages. Roast Beef Sandwich "When I first started working here the catalogs "Right now we only have the with pickle &chips printed included the Car­ graduate catalog on com­ Clarification bondale and Edwardsville puter," Forest said. "Using Plus Draft $2.25 campuses," Forest said. "U the computer, we make the Gene Brutten, chairman Of something in the catalog only course changes and the Communication Disorders and dealt with the Carbondale material is already set in type Sciences, disclaims campus it had a 'c' after it, and for the printer." Forest said. statements attributed to him in if it dealt with the Ed­ "With the undergraduate a story about the College 3f wardsville campus, it had an catalog we write the changes Communications and Fine 'e· ... out by hand." Arts in Tuesday's Daily A few years later, the Egyptian. University began splitting the Using a computer would catalogs into campuses and sborten the time spent on the The 19117-88 Clbt:dsk yearbook then into undergraduate and ILidergraduate catalog, he is being publisbed. The 1988-89 graduate, Forest said. said. yearbook will not be published. n"ily Egyptian, September 15.1988, Page 5 Odd scholarships available II~COUPO!\p------Classic Car Care I I •• • Salutes the I David Letterman rewards average but creative students I DOGSI I 8y G.orge Raine • The Frederick San Franci8c0 Examiner and Mary I~·' .. TheDelegance1VaSh~~ I The Letterman award Beckley Scholarship, for needy I ' .... ~ and .' -.. ~ I At the entrance to Ball State made the list of the 10 and left-handed freshmen University's new teleeom­ entering Juniata College in I ( . ~ (.. Carpet Shampoo ,. ~~ I muni£'Jltions-der..artment con· most unusual Huntingdon, Pa. I ., -",' $27.95 w -~I trol room there s a plaque that scholarships for 1988, The Beckleys, both left­ I trucks and vans slightly more I reads: handed, met when they were .~~~~=~r=___ ~~~~ _____ ~~~~~ "'Dedicated to All C compiled by San paired on a tennis court in Students Before Me and Mter nearby Lebanon County in 1919 Me' - David Letterman." Rafael's National and estaolished the fund at the The comedian's own record Scholarship Research small, private liberal-arts at the Muncie, Ind., school college in 1978. was, in a word, average, said Service. The John Gatling John Kurtz. telecom­ Scholarship at North Carolina munications chairman. But State University. available to Register To Win KOH-I-NOOR Letterman did hav£ periodic ships, grants, fellowships and students whose surname is bursts of creativity and it is loans. Gatlin or Gatling. Applicants Electronic just such students - average, Among the lesser-known must provide a birth cer­ Typewriter Techn ical Pens and sets yet creative - who are scholarships : tificate; people who marry Drawing Sept. 30th awarded Letterman • The Gertrude J. Deppen into the name are not eligible. Scholarships for their senior Scholarship for entermg ~~ year in telecommunications. freshmen at Pennsylvania's A Raleigh, N.C., developer • I I The Letterman award made Bucknell University, available established the scholarship, the list of the 10 most unusual for students who have lived in said financial-aid specialist o Reg $14.95 Pat Lee, "to raise the standard _T~ scholarships for 1988, compiled Mount Carmel. Pa'l for 10 XD~ NOW '10.46 by San Rafael's National years, who are graauates of of those bearing the Gatlin or Scholarship Research Service. Mount Carmel High, who do Gatling name." Retail value $299.00 In recent years, an average not smoke, drink or use drugs For any high school senior in of $9.5 billion in public. and and who will not engage in the top 25 percent of his class > ," 10% DiscountwithStudentI.D. , private scholarships has been strenuous athletic contests. who has been a caddy for at '. 4 Open late to 8 p.m. (Hours: ·9am to 8pm Mon.~at) • awarded. Ironically, some $1>.11 The $1 million Deppen least two years - the Wester'l . '. . 600E. Walnut - billion in private scholarsbip award, along with another $4.5 Golf Association full-tuition , '. ;;'" Located in the Eastgate Shbpping Center ... " scholarship. aid goes unclaimed, the million scholarship fund .~... ~ -'-". ~ '. National Commission on available to Mount Carmel, For gifted chess players with ...... Student Financial Assistance makes it one of the best­ a flair for tournament play - said. endowed hi~ schools in the the Chess Talent Scholarship -=- .. -. ~'~'~~'. ,'~ Commercial search agen­ nation, prmcipal Ricbard at Rhode Island College. cies like the National Beierscbmitt said. For students gifted in Scholarsbip Research Service Fifty of the school's students comedy or pantomime - Have yoa received your try to help make a college have gOD£ to Bucknell thanks scholarships from Laurel and education affordable by listing to a donor who created the Hardy fan Thomas Seflon, the embarrassment of riches fund in the mid-'60s when president of San Diego Tn:st " Salakl Clab Card? available, however obscure. Mount carmel was a sports Savings Bank, and his friends. The service bas a data base of dynasty and its college-bound more than 200,000 scholar- athletes seemed provided for. SCripps Howard News Service Photo exhibit c offers view c inside homes c "An Inside View: c Photographs by John Dtvola and Chris Koules" is currently c being exhibited through Se t. 25 in the lecture gallery at ~ c Mitchell Museum in MOUltt c Vernon. The exhibition, which c features 23 color photographs, is ~ of an ongoing series which couples the work of an • Banquet Facilities emerging Illinois PAPEMAN -Carry-outs photographer with that of a ! photographer of national TqHITE C stature. Rt.13W.. t Both Divola and Koules 2151W. photograph the interiors of RamodaLn. houses, but their treatment of 457-04888 the subject differs grea tly. Koules' photographs reflect : ~mejf_j the personalities of the people who inhabit the homes. • Tickets On Sale Now '3°0 In Advance C Divola's work, however, shows the vandalization and • at Two Hearts Inc. '400 At The Door C deterioration of an abandoned and Support Alt.rnatl". r~~,c~~s beach house in Malibu, Calif. • at Plaza Records Muslt NIght C Koules, who received his VIDEO DANCE CLOB master's degree in • TWO HEARTS INC. C photography from the Presents Our World Famous University of lliinois, is em­ • 213E.MAIN Ot\\"~ C ployed by Columbia College in • II Schultz Production S,t,t\f'\.S C Chicago. ••••••••••••••••• Ladies' Night -Come dance to the ~. best music videos In -" Southern Illinois . • 1"... .r~.#1i·;· . /.1) • / . ,------,11 ~.,.~ , FREE CHAMPAGNE Guys! ~.~.~. On One of Twelve Professional Tables :~. AND you won't ". ADMISSION 6-8pm Tues. - Sat. want to ~\\. ~. I;· FORALLTBE Daily Drink Specials Custom Cues For Sale '. ml55it. . LADIES I ,oM (JJtl!"o,.~u,-.-,,'/ 517 South Illinois Ave. (;;)4 ~~ 549-STIX

Page6, Daily Egyptibn, September 15,1988 Essay contest on .humor set By Diana Mlw.1II Staff Writer the United States of on their Denis said. fU'St visit back to their home The essay must be no more Intern:itional students with a country should be included, st. than 1,500 words and the sense of humor could win big in Denis said. competition is open to all full­ the 7th annual International St. Denis said the fU'St prize time students enrolled ill a If all you West Park cowboys and Morton Grove cowgirls Student Scholarship Essay is $1,500 to be used for prescribed degree or cer­ have been down her. all iHtmester and haven't g01ten off the Competition now underwa)'. academic or professional tificate-granting program at Strip. nowS your chonce to 598 \lll'hot Southern illinois nightlif. This year's essay toPIC is advancement. A second-place an accredited high school, is really all about. Just 5 mil.., 80$1 of Carbondale is FRED'S. Fred's ill a place where Norge workers and coal minerI-, important cultural clues found winner will be awarded $1,000 junior college, college or farmers. ana gas station ioc.kie. (in other words, the in humor, Diana St. Denis, and a third-place winner will university within the United reol people of Southern Illinois who hov. 10 work for 0 president of DSD Com­ be awarded $500. Five States, st. Denis said. living) go for their en1ertoinment. Get a li"'. m'mications, Ltd., and essay honorable mentions will Students enrolled in an SouthN"'". IIHnois culture, go to Fred'1i, competition coordinator, said. receive $100 each. English training program who FOR TABlf RESERVATIONS CALL 549·822. The essay should compare International Undermters­ plan to pursue higher Saturday Night: SILVER MOUNT AIN humor in students' home Brokers, Inc. is sponsoring the education in the United States with Debbie Allen on Fiddle countries with humor as they competition and will award are also elig:ole. find it in America. Examples prizes. Deadline for the competition of humoruous situations A $350 award also will be is Dec. 1. For complete details resulting from cross-cultural given to the first place wiD­ stop by the office at 910 S. misunderstandings, either in ner's international office, St. Forest, or call 453-5774. Fellowships offered to minorities The National Research wbich colleges and univer- Graduate Record Council will administer the sities draw their faculties. Examinations General Test Ford Foundation Predoctoral The Ford Foundation scores for tests taken between and Dissertation Fellowships sponsors the competition, in Oct. 1, 1983 and Dec. 10, 1988, for Minorities Program which which the minority citizens but those scores from tests will offer about 55 three-year who are beginnj'lg ~.duaLe taken between October 1986 predoctoral fellOWShips and 20 students or who are Within one and December 1988 are one-year dissertation year of completing the preferable because statistics fellowships. dissertation, and who expect to on these tests will be reported The deadline for entering is ~or~ toward the doctorate or to selection panels. Nov. 14. similar dep'ees may apply for All applicants must be Native American Indians, a fellowship award. doctoral candidates and have Alaskan Natives (Eskimo or Fellowships will be awarded completed all course work. AleuU, black Americans, in the behavioral and social For details about ap­ Mexican Americans, Native sciences, humanities, pJications and program ad­ Pacific Islanders (Polynesians engineering, mathematicst ministration, contact Ford or Micronesians) and Puerto physical sciences ano Foundation Doctoral Ricans are eligible. biological sciences, or for Fellowships. The Fellowship The fellowships are designed interdisciplinary programs Office, GR ~A, National to increase the number of made up of two or more Research Council, 2101 Con­ these minorities with doctoral eligiblediscipJines. stitution Ave., Washington, degrees in the population from All applicants must have D.C. 20418. ON THE STRIP t~OWOPEN 4¢ 549-ROMP QUARTER PO COPIES 8-1/2 X 11 or 8-1/2 x 14 White 20# Self Service o KOPIES & MORE POUNDER • 6(j7 S. ILLINOIS AVENUE· 529-5679 a NOT ON THE ISLAND - ON THE STRIP - ACROSS FROM GATSBY'S with CHEESE PO OPEN: Mon·Thurs8Midnlte. Fri 8-6. Sat 10-6 and Sun 1·9 .J ...... : REG. FRIES : adiffi:ren( '~' .. DON'T MISS & "THE 1I10ST INTELLIGENT .. .. ENTERTAINMENT ia~..,.. .. MEDIUM It- . .. OF 'flU; SEASON:' .. FRIDAY&SATURDAY .. : 12:00 MIDNIGHT ii... - : ~.I"eI"1" DRINK ,...... ,.. . """,'" **** \***************! $1.99

'Bil) 'Double 'Feature! FUNNY FARM PASCALI'S ~m BEETLEJVICE Campus IsLAND Location AVENUE STARTS FRIDAYI STARTS FRIDAY! Only BuLL Starts Friday/ DURHAMliiJ :HEHLOH Help offered for languages Center provides Tutors at no cost Foreign Language Help By Diana Mlvelll Staff Writer Center Schedule to Necesita ayuda COD SU segunda idioma? Mon. Tu ... Wed. Thurs. If you are & student studying 1-2 p.m. Spanish and don't understand Spanish 10-11 a.m. 4:30-Sp.m. the question, your 8DSwer is RussIan 10-11 a.m. a-8a.m. 3-4 p.m. yes, you do need help in your German 10-11 a.m. noon-1 p.m. a-88.m. 1-2p.m. second language. If so, you 4-0 p.m. should know that free help is French 10-11 a.m. a-8a.m. 3-4 p.m. 2-3 p.m. available in six languages at noon-1 p.m. the new Foreign Language Chinese a-8a.m. Help Center in the Foreign latin 3-4 p.m. Languages and L:teratures Conference Room, Faner 2114. The Help Center Is closed on Fridays. Christopher Cripps, junior in The schedule may change B8 tutors are added. which may allow fill' more foreign language and in· laguages to be tutored. ternational trade and director of the FLHC, Sclid tutors are available in Gen.1an, French, Spanish, Latin, Chinese and The center has been Hibberd said. Russian. Tutors for Japanese publicized by the teachers in Hibberd said pronounciation and Greek are still needed. the department to their classes and sentence structure are ~~COME AB04 and schedules have been among the hardest concepts to The tutors have been broken posted through the language learn in French. ~ Now Enrolling /i.() down into section heads so depat"tment, Cripps said. each language has its own, Margaret Wmters, chair­ "I hope for the center to nfants, Toddlers, Preschool chil Cripps said. person of Foreign Languages become established so that "All the tutors are teacher· and Literatures said FLHC is students pass on the ex· -All New Facility With- approved and totally volun· great for faculty to send citement and FLHC becomes a -Newly Structured Advanced -Two Separate teer," Cripps said. students for reliable language part of what studEilts get in help. their education," Winters said. Development Programs Playgrounds for Eacb language has "Student tutoring helps -Caring Professional ?~ Toddlers scheduled time slots during the Instructors .' ~ Older Children week when students can get because students benefit from 0- that different approach that HEADQUARTERS help, Cripps said. This 303 Birch Ln. 8 schedule is tentative and will another student can provide," (.l)~\£ Q~. t.:. ~ -i (),-J1I change as more languages are Winters said. eperms $25.00 ~~'. _ ~~~:,' D added. The tutors are required Matthew Warwick, senior in Long haIr slightly hIgher to stay in the center the entire German and German section hour they are scheduled. head, said he plans on teaching • CUt & Style 'lo.CD ""1:">'" "If student comes in with and the center will help him trouble any time during that with his goal. • AeQuIcr Cut 7.- ~::~:~~t~ hour, he or she can get help. h I.E:\TER Students may come and go as "I will be able to see ow Closed Mondays For more Information. stop by they please," Cripps said. people learn and what their mistakes are," he said. ph 529-1622 3J2 S. Wall St., Carbondale or call S29-KIDS "As you teach someone else, you reinforce yourself. You Warwick said the turnout for may learn something you German tutoring has been never knew or something minimal thus far. you've forgotten," Timothy Vollmer, junior in Russian and "In a few weeks when mechanical engineering, and students begin getting their The Russian section bead at the tests back, some will realize they need help and start FLHC,said. coming to the center," he said. American Tap Vollmer, who tutors two hours a week, said not many Karen Hibberd, assistant Happy Hour 11:30am.9:00pm pe

1. Where Is the Student Cent... Wood.hop? 2. T.or F. The Wood.hop ..U. hardwoods, soft woods. sandpaper• glue. dowel rod•• wateo 011. and fumlture wax? 3. Who can u .. the Woocishop?

answers: 1 ...... a.-..t ...... CNtw. s.m.. a.~I ...... , .... _~". 0/ off through 9.17 on pecan. 15 /0 padouk & walnut wood. The Craft Shop is located in the Student Center lower level·· Phone 1536-2121

Page 8. Daily Egyptian, September 15. 1988 Handgun victim wants stiffer regulation cmCAGO (UPO - A state being shot by a handgun," said major at the University of victims of handguns who Salate subcommittee studying Phillip Andrew, 20, of Win­ Illinois, testified before the cannot speak for themselves," proposals to tighten controls netka, who was seriously state Senate Judiciary Sub­ he said. on handgun owners heard a wounded in a May 20 shooting committee on Handguns about In tm: wake of the attack at victim testify Wednesday that rampage when Laurie Dann his views on handgun control Hubbard Wood!! Elementary it is easy to "become an expert killed a second-grader and in light of his harrowing en­ School, Andrew encountered on being shot by a handgun" in wounded five school children counter with Dann. Dann at his house nearby Illinois. and Andrew. "I represent the six people where he talked her into "I'm here as an expert on Andrew, a senior history shot by Laurie Dann and those surrendering . Thll! WHk cour.e Introduce. ti>. ipltltull. phyI.cII and _I ben. fit. of Hatha vo.a. CIHponlOred by Intramural·be.. atlonal 5pon. Tres Bellons THURSDAY. SEPT. 15 BMARINE 4-5:30pm Room 158. RecreatIon Center SANDWICHES & BEER m~' HOl1)tires. Mexieal) Kqtaural)t "e;=E=TI m GARDEN rn Live Blues m -Today'. Special•• $3.34 Italian Beef ~r:~~I BIG LARRY ~~~ I~ chIps. pickle and a med. saft drink or draft ALT~RNATIV~ WAY ~ BLOES REVUE Iffil Contrary to popular opinion. there are other th~ to do at 5lUC Blue. Night With ~!~i§~ ~~ ~ :,'/;J457.1108 ~ =~I~I~I~I[===.f<===JI~:::

IT"III MANAOIMINT CLAII I.-nlll __ ..... nr- IChool~_.I"'~COI\. e.ll1IWt1tm.1IftIIi_llIl1n_,., l"n'H. How to make a . AJ_k el'H .tertllll TUESDAY, SEPT. 20 3-5 PM Mlllllllppi Room. Student Cent.r P.... nted by Dove Elom What/SQ BIRTH r;ri~~l""L .. rARENT? t..... ,~O~=-..:,,ji ",. oom_ who hot TIle American Express" Card is a hit virtually ",.,. the IcMno dedoIon 10 pion on adoption al1~where you shop. from IJ)S Angeles to for her or hit child. London. \\hether you're buying books.'ball Thl. ongolnlloupport tickets or brunch. So during college and a.'ter, IlrouP ...... it's the perfect way to pay for jll\t about TUESDAY5at "VeJ'\thing l'ou'U W:U1t 5PM How to get the Card now. College is the first sign of success. A!ld because we believe in vOllr potential, we've made it easier for students of this school to get the ARE YOU American Ex'jlress Card right now - evell without a job or a credit historv. So whether \,ou're an RAn? Uliderciassman. 'senior or If you are Rethinking About goad student. look into Drinking (RADI this ongoing group our automatic approval can help you discov.... ways to cut offers. For details pick up an down on alcohol or drug use. application 011 campus. Or call Improve social skIIJs and more. J-OOO-TIiE-CARD and ask for a hmeets student application. THURSDAY 3-5pm starting The American Express Card. SEPTEMBER 22 Don't I eave School Without It:- call 536-4441 for an interview wi Barb Ajolek or Cheryl

counseling: Call 536·444 1

Daily Egyptian, September 15, 1988. Pag. ~ .. ~,..~ Briefs BO."'i\J~~ . p.""~,, COLLEGE OF Human Resources will have a Project ~AIIG~~ . Free Pizza Retention Organization for • FREE Small Cheese Pizza with order of Minority Students in CHR at 7 THE MODERN DAY SAINTS to 9 to:J::~a in the Student 'Th B t And" LG. 2 Ingredient Pizza Center . w Room. ~e e5 rou Limit J per order Pick-up or Delivery ADOPTEE SUPPORT Groop meets at 7:30 tonight at Grand Ave. Mall 549-7811 Carbondale The Nf'WDl8D Center, 715 S. Washington St. For details, call 549-21164. SOOTH OF THE BORDER DEPARTMENT OF CONDOM SAMPLER Chemistry and Biochemistry dOd Department of Geology BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL! will present a seminar on "Biological Marker 15 NAME BRAND CONDOMS {Featuring TROJAN, Geochemistry" at 4 today in SHEIK, RAMSES, PRIME, AND PROTEX} Neckers 218. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Coll~iate Sailing Club will ONLV$4.99 hold :03 weekly meeting at 9 lJ.fiOIS RESIlENTS ADO 2X ~ TAX tonight in one of the Student Center River Rooms. Check MAIL CHECK, MONEY ORDER, OR CASH, the events schedule at the iront door for the specific room. NAME & ADDRESS, AND THIS AD TO:

SIU ROCK Climbing Club GENESIS CONTROL SYSTEMS will meet at 7 tonight in the _ P.O. B'JX 553 . Rec Ce'lter Conference Room. a-ls19 OAK FOREST, IL. 60452 GROWING IN Faith will be = at 7::13 tonight at The Newman OR CALL: 312-687-5553 Center, 715 S. Washington St. ALWAYS PROMPT DELIVERY! For details, call 529-3311.

BLACK FIRE Dancers will hold tryouts at 6 tonight in the Student Center, Ballroom A. A VIDEO entitled "How to Make Good Grades and Have More Fun" will be shown at 7 tonight in Agriculture 209. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. INTERVARSITY CHRIST­ IAN Fellowship graduate chapter meets at 7 tonight in the .Sangamon Room, second floor, Student Center for small group Bible study. al7pm SCIENCE SF.NIORS, honor • Show starts al 7: 30pm Friday, Sept. 16th students, student workers, and • Men welcome in SLAs may make spring ad­ Casbah Lounge from visement appointments 7pm·4am The Big Sleep The .Ig Chili beginning today in Neckers .Then ,oin the Ladies 185A. at the party at l1:3Opm CVuc!:Jv1aroc HwySlNorth Thurs. Sept. 15 Fd/Sat Sept. 16 & 1 ',. ,r, DeSoto CRGSSCUL TURAL COUP­ -~,,/~ 7&9pm 7,9& 11 pm LES Club will have an organizational meeti'lg at 7:30 tonight at the Interfaith Little Big Man Center, corner of Grand and Illinois Avenues. For details, Sun. Sept. 18 call 529-5237 . 3, 5:30 & 8pm POLLUTION CONTROL :gtl:r~Gr~!r~:~~tic: For m'Ore Information contact SPC at 536-3.m Illinois" at 5:30 today in the Student Center Thebes Room. ZOOLOGY LECTURE on "Alternative Reproductive Tactics and Their Selective Amnesty Inter"ational Consequences in Eastern Bluebirds" will be given at 4 Sponsored by SPC Expressi .;e Arts today in Life Science 11304. NEW AGE Study Group will "This organization has used its forces meet at 4 today in Activity Room B, Student Center. to protect the value of human life. THE SIU-C Women's Club Amnesty International has given practical will hold their annual Fall humanitarian and impartial support to Fashion Show and Luncheon on Tuesday, Oct. 4. Reser­ people who have been imprisoned because vation deadline is Sept. 29. The cost is $6.50 and may be sent to of their race, religion, or political views." SIU-C Women's Club, P.O. Box 1226 Carbondale. Dues, $6, -Nobel Peace Prize may be sent to the same ad­ dress. Committee CARBONDALE SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) chapter will bold a course - "Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Small Business. The TONIGHT class will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursdays from Oct. 6 Time: 8:00pm Who: Marjory Byler through Nov. 17, at the Car­ Admission: at the door bondale Community, fHl E. Place: Student Center '1.00 College. To register, call 5J6- -- Ballroom 0 7751, or register at the first For more information contact SPC at 536-3393 ~~~:. _" ., .... ,., .. 1-;...;.,..;..__ ....;;:.; ______.-...... ______-" pag'e'lO. DiillyEgyptilin; septel1lber 1'5; 1!!88 Classlfi'ed r... .. H ¥! !! _ 'I:: ..:.··· Part. and Servlc.. "~Ij !~:r~:~~,!:::5;~J~i: l': f I ;'1 =~~~i!~::.'~w:~: I- .. S1950 Da1oCom", Syste S29 ; , . • Call 529·2533. Directory /·· ....'·,··· I··· .. ·O:··~ TIIANSMI5SION REPAIII AAA Auto 2563' ms. . 1·.{'Apa"·";t~;;;~:"··.:,1 :n·.'~~~~~.:·oiOCAn·~·TI·EO",5,1,~.78::m; 1L Automot ve..,.A r,r. G;,'~.,;:r601~7,/!::: ~2,;~~,~, 'COMPUTER .~.;=~~g/~ . ..n~~., fro flED HOT /lJU!GAINSI Drug deal.,.' Carbondol•. 457.7631. dudlng Appl. man"or (green). compus. $400 mo. Coli 529-2533. Foriale ~~; :.G!,a ::: G::::: S(~?~~. 9-20-11 ...... 486Ab22 Appl.". keyboard (enhanced). ~~ :E~I ~;;e~~'~~~~;~ ::~9i~~: ~d ;';';'j,:~p. ,~.:'2u'!::~ y 687-6000 Exl. S-9501. ~:~!:E~:,';,'.~ ~c:: ~'k.:';.,~::d~.~~;;;'::~.~:"~: ~~9.~~;~hdol .. 5425 mo. qu/.,. pJre lu.ury. Grad or Prol ~t::NMiNT' . Si;iiD . ~~~~~ r~.'~~IV· MaIn ~.230~·273OAb3I :f'.!~:D: . 'in,:' 'FOR" .!~,:::g!: 9·26·61 ...... 27168026 ~~f;:·.only: ~~:65.~: .. 53318b20 Auto from SIOO. Ford•. MMC'ed... Cor. Corona Compulftr. ltol.n from 1 AND 2 b.cJrO.)m. furn or unfurn. 6 ROOM HOUSE. un#UmJJ.h.d. exfra ~:: J~7~1~~$-'~~ Global Auto Porn lost .-..It. No ~~7_=-;:;.S;:;;56~·c.Jlent rotes. ~~c:;o~!o::~~ft'sr;rB~;'":,mo". 1151 Parts & Services d :~~""DAiiuN' iaOZx. !'::.1,~~ I·r ' Moto~~~le~:: .. :·1 ~!'~I;;:=~~~::~;'~J:~ !!'ii~~~~S80Ro.V.RGE 3 ~~~!,~ ~~E!':~!~~~~, :~.'.ra: Motorcycles :O':":::-c:~:~~.~;;~~:r:'~V:n~: ~=k=p.'S:O: !!:', t:i';&: ~:: ~::::~nS3r;:,w,.!:s~: ~~~7f~::n:a~7~?'~ ~~rto~.~~:.~·. ~~.~.r3:in4Bh23 10-4"" ...... 263IA032 ·'2YANlAHAMAXIM550.~In·'5 6182. pold.687-4768. ALL "LUXURr' HOA,es or. nol Homes /980 FOIID FIESTA. mechan/colly Inl cond bock I I ag. rack .. ClOSE TO CAMPUS. I bdrm. furn.. crealed .quall F« on appl. 10 I .. 0 .xc. body, Y,"&. SHOO 010. Call In :ndsh,elci 'ncl. r-:'~C:"200 457: I::: ...... -:-:-:., reasonabl•. no pets. 5.' ... 608 2 bdrm town home with exclullw Mobile Homes .ven/ngs or 1_ m_•. 549- 2017.:/,.. Pets and Supplle•. :.,:: 9-20-88. _ ...... 501468022 SW locollon skyllghls In .poe/ous 2771Ao19 ~~~~~uKi 65D .dryers 529. M.nog ...... Call 529-2620. 9·26~ ... - - ..•.. _ .... 2649Bc26 1109. hom.. 2 large bedroom.. 0-<. 3174. 9·22·88 ...... 29448024 2 8DRM. OEAN. no pels. marr/eel Services Offered '.f6-81 ...... •..•..•• 25SDAa20 fum'shed, $2500 080 or will #rode -9.'5a ...... 2641Am" 2 IDRMS. RIGHT next to compus. ond·o,. sing'. penon aniy. r.n' $160 1970 F.IDO TRUCK, new clutch, . for? (312) 352.J863. DRESSE. AND NIGHT stond. dining fumlshed. tI-c. wcter and fro.h pIck· mo. Locoted 2 mi. eon 0' U-Mall. Wanted f9it.. body roUf1/>. $550.00. CoI/549· !;~~ HOME' 'FOR' ~~/~ S:S:::,: ~r" kerosen. healer. coli 457· ;~~~ call.5.4.9:8~~~ ..... 25498020 ~~~~~~,::.:*;"~. 549·66/2 doys. 9·19·81 ...... 2551Aa21 14XlO 3 bedroom. :I both. centrol 9·IS..., ...... 2646Am" EFfICIENCY APT. a..,SE 10 compus. 10·10-11 ...... 27098<26 Lost 78 fIAT XI·9 2·.... 1 whit. convert.. alr.collaft.. 5,OCpm529~. 1981 SAM/CK REDWOOD plano. uflilfl•• po/d. III W. Chen-,. Call lOCATED BEHIND UNIVEWSITY Moll n.w batt.. bro.... 61 ••••• looks 9.IS-IB ...... •. 2845A.19 Valued Of $2500. OBO. IosseH 457-4928aft.r6:OCpm. 01240 I mIl. 10 SIU. 2 Found n.w. run. good. SI300 010.457· CDALE. 12X6O ROLlOHOME. 2 s""',,"a/. s"" grey. brond n_. 9·26-18 .... , ...... 25578026 bdrmSI6OIhruS2OO549-B231 :!:i.f.s ...... 2553A020 ~';:;:'rs~:,o~~,;~~~: ~~ ~~~'S~OO~BO~~;,~~~~:r ~:!E ~~!,,~r::'7Iba":l.'h ~~ !'26B~RM'-' 'sioil;"'GE: . !S:."C:; Entertainment 1971 VW flA881 •• 2·dr. "'sp. n_ 5539. 9.20-81 ...... 271IAm22 corpeled. 0'<. lorge •• lOugh /or 3 Wedg ..wood Hills. lOCI E. Pork. 2 tlrel, new s'ruts. good condo COU ,. J6.8B .. ,...... 274OAe20 peopl•• , mo I.ose. Exe. loeo"on. belrml In .. bdrm furn. hous •. 5 f3 S. aft.r 6 p"'. 451·8/U4. 12X65.2 BDRMS. n_wlndows. and . ·..·,.1 516S Pop/ar529·3511.529.1820. A.h549·5596. Announcl!ments I 9·16-16 ., ...... 2SS6Aa20 doors. wood.tave. shed. -. .-' •• ,w which I .....' the valu. of 9-27.88 ....•...... 2720A027 12-4""...... 193IAI32 • J.~/;;O J 8EDfIOOM HOME In M'boro $275 .. 1.. W. Sycamore /977 CHEVY IMPALA. aIr. CTul ••_ AIR CONDITIONER TllAllEII .,... OV AL ",onflo. SIOC Depaoli. ColI Johnny of the advertil.ment will be am."" 11_. coli 915-8071. S185. 23000bfu. 529.3563 Xl'\. 529·4212. "03W.Elm .. adjusted. H your ad appeon '.27..., ...... 2512Aa271 10·5-1' .. _ .... _ ...... 2942Af33 9·27·18 ...... 251ofBb27 incorrectly. or if you wish .2 N/SSAN STANZA. 5 ..,d• • 'C. DENTAL HYGN STUDENTS I _ n.w 3 8DRM $230. 2 bdrm SI50. , bdrm Two condo 4 dr. hc:kh. lunrl. or:. om-1m. denkJl foo'l used J lem.... r. Need SIlO. 4 mi. South of SIU. Phon. canc.I your ad. coil 53f>.3311 906 W. McDaniel ~tor. 12,00 noon for !!~·:M~i. 'i:~·.S:9~f21. n_ , ~2sl~:8 ~".c: CO~·. 6~~'~::~:rjAf23 RE NT A LS between Po""I pm. 917-2555. cancellation in the next ,·U-I, .....•....•.•. 259OA024 RED VEl VET SOFA and choIr. 535. 515S. Logan iSlue. 1971 PONTIAC ASTRE hofdtbock. 2 lelg.andgreenlOfoondcholrS225. QfficeAt: dr., auto, good engIne. negt In· Ilad( fireplace. eorp.,. Acc.nt choir "ewLuxury "06'12 E. Hester I.rlor $600080.549-41180. lomp'.687·1676. 501 E. College Any ad which is canc.lled '·16·18 ...... •.• 272SAo20 9·21..., ...... 2643A123 Townhouses .. OS VJ E. Hester belor. expira.ion will be 1916 COLT VISTA Wagon. 0<. om·lm 501 W. College 1,2,3 radio. crul••• 51.000 mtl••• 55.800. I·· .. ·· ...... Large 1 Bedroom "IgMit Quality charged a 52.00 servic. f ... ·•. 1 520 S. Graham Any refund under $2.00 will ;~:j~::5: ...... 2594A025: Electronics & Efficiency Apts_ Lowest Prices be tart.ited. 1971 CHRYSLER LEBARON good 500 W. College 2 condo S600 080. '76 ford trud< 5:;00 1N0RDPERfECT 5.0 EDUCATIONAl good lor hunting. '67·2078. ::Illcounf. SllS. OofO'Comm Svsteml. Clean, well maintained 400 Block W. Cal", No ads will be mi.-dasaitied 209W. Cherry 9·1~.u ...... 2659Aa21 529·2563. furnished and Classified Advertiling mUll :",,1 TOYOTA COROLLA. 2 dr dl. 10-12.18 ...... 2522A~ Call: 300 E. College be paid in oeIvanu .dn. 5 spd. om-1m cou. Y.g. condo ~ONTOSH 512K COMPUTER. :I air conditioned SIIOO. OBO. 549-4113 after 5 pm. d/.k drlv.. (oWOK). num.rlcal key for thOle accounts with 9·19·81 ...... • 2595Ao21 pod and Appl. dof matrl. print.,.. ..tablished credit. 197' PORSCHE 924. bronz.. o-c. $1000. Col/lynn 01 536·5513 days or 529·1082 6U-6092 offer 5 pm. 457-4422 529-1012 ;;.,~~.• =.~~~~t'ns ana 9-16-1' .. .. _. 2'72Aa20 2 BOIlM. SI60 tn.u S200 'od. Exper;eneed preferred. 'r.. s cu. and removed. eoll S29~ rings. e'c. J and J Co'ns. B2J S. 2 BOIM. FURN, a·r, I ml E, Rt 13. 12' rampu,. nice neighborhood. $125 Send ,..,um. 'a five Sta,. Industr'H J4S7. rII'nol •. 457-6831. Little Sister ond !O'X55' • qulel. de"". prlvole mo. ondon.,hlrdu,,' 529·5321. Inc. P.O. Box 60. DuOulon II. 62832. 10·5·88 ...... ~293E33 12·1_ ...... 5230F77 101. 549·6598. 9·17-88 ...... 251IB.21 EOE. . AUTOWORKS 80DY AND I Meeting 9·19·88 ...... 53308c20 2ROOMMATfS NEEDED '0 shaT. 4 9·16·88 ...... 2888C2O I Mecnanlcol lIepolr. Foreign and rl·:::':'::~=----_--'·:lf 2 BEDROOM GREAT fa,. couple 0" bdrm home In qUI., neIghbOrhood. WORLD 800K~CH'LDCRAfr hos dor"fl~/C • .,.vice call, 13 yrs. e.p...... s/ngte. quiet. well-moin'oined pork $13.5 ond one fourth utll Coli 529· en/oyobht full or rOM-"me work for 549-Sr"'. I . . ("ose fa SIU. S)50 Sou.hwoods Parlf 2816. with pl..,son' personalIty. 9-22-88 ...... '" .. 5454£24 Monday 529·1539. 9'.2. 1·11 . 26478.23 Experl.n«ln 'eadl",. ch~rch ... ..rl< MONTESSORI SCHOOl OF Sou,h..-n tOSTDOG. SM. Mn. poodl•. 15 yrs. 9-30-88 ...... 5S02Bc30 I I or worlcfng wl,h dlfldntn o<.\J yorJ,h I ''''nou is offering prft-school. old. Needs heart medlcallon. CoCoa September 19 =:,~f"! 8?:':~ :~~n:u~,;::. ;,u;.:,~... Dupl.".. ~=:::.~~,b:;:;~,,:!"l;~' Call Fred ~;~g~~~~::do'=:p. ~~~42~;O- ~~~': ,~~. .• y.... R.•. ~• .5~::i~k 8:00pm ;'~~~~. No pe'. S.9~808 2504S<27 2BDRM. HARD wood 1100 .... "0... ~~::t~ERSNEEDED·iAR.:V ..:.~~~~ ~·:~~SS'ON.Al· . A'UTO':b';,E~: ~~S~, S;UE:;~~~~:n::;'~~ d~rl; 35 MILES S. of slad10m In private and relrig .. very nic•. Call 457-3344 degree reqUired. Ca" 549-5220. AUDIO and olarm ,nstallonon 0' brown on eon and holf of foce. ~~:h ;~;n:"':,e~r,:id.'aS~~5d::. ;~3~~82~...... _...... 26208f30 ~~O:s,'FiMAiE: FOR i,;~ ~!~.!; :::;;::~~vlt:!C;:~h~::~.::::s~ ;~,;"s1_~all549-1r84 . . _2658G22 held at Lease required . .5'9-229r CARBONDALE 2 8DRM appliances. classes. no nudity ,-.qulred. mus' be Coli Dash-Mosters 0'549-0070. 9·28·88 ...... 273i8c16 ~'.~ em.frold Lane It",. Murdo'e lull-time studen'. o,hI.tlc physique 9-J5·88 ...... 2772E19 103 Greek Row 2 BDRM GREAT lor coop/e or s;n9'e. Yard. '.ase. .sJ!)O 529· J 540. preferred. CaJl )36-6682. ext 271 lor TUTORING VIA MAIL In moth. sci. qu/ef. welt-moln'ained park. dose 9-2'-S9 ...... _ ...... 26428123 anopp'. en9. write; 'utoring unllmIt.d P.O. '0 SIU. SI50 Sou'hwood> Pork 529· NEWER 2 BDRM. carport. foundry. 9·16.88... '" ...... 263900 Box 83. ComMldge. 1161238. Interested :~~r2.88 ...... 2519Ec38 :7~~~;: S340. No p.tsl A".. 6 pm =,~~E!';7-9~::~.!~SoI.APPlY In ~"!:' DESIGN' ~i~dl~: . M~~:'~~~ ~~~.:;N:'; ':-4~~'~:;-; Ladies are ~~oo~~Ddo!:Il:~c;;,m;u,.o~~r"~ ~o~: 'OUpiEX A~ '~n!S:~:'!~ :R'E~8~REfR' OOUNSEi'NG~~;!l ;~;~~~ns. CO~ .. r~cI'o~: ~29:i:::28 ~r5'J:~·...... 2909H19 quiet. we" kept. reo50nabfy priced. 'he rood. Vau't.a' ceilings $325 mo. volunteers,o rok. pori In research FOR QUALITY CARPENTRY. po/n';";'1 welcome to Coli 529·1329 or.!>1-4938. S49·7J80. tro'nln, pro,ed. For In/o. coIl 536- roofinll ond renlO' repaIr. :011 0' ,..;' <;; ~'1 I attend ~~:~NDAiE ';'icE. CiEA~7~.~~ ~;-8~f·';i: . ONE 'w.;,; 2~~~~ :~~:8~d: 22~ ...... 256206 t~2~~iL ...... 2564E46 •• FI p.! 'U ? Ii 'S':_ bdrms. locafed in qule, pork. CoU counrry. el.ctr'c opplJances, oorpef. STUDENT fOR TIlEE removal wi,h WE DO WINDOWS. poInt housH. For rides & info: ~::3~::~ ~~ ~~.~~ _.... 26338t:3 J ~!~3413. Call oft., 5:00 or h:'::. f::;O!~,. '5:_r.;~tlon. Also ~~ot~c!:'! 5~~~2~~;'h" kinds of =:~~~T= S:,,.~;:. CAIl80N"Alf NICE 1 or 2 9.72.88 ...... 2578B124 9.15-88 ...... 2566C19 9·27·88 ...... 2589E27 22. 7:30 pm. N_n Cen,.... 529'1 Jason ~=ttm~;43~ooc:'!-:_i~~uI.' pa,.k !,,:~~~~'!.!!;,!~:raJr:~:5:r; ~:!n~R~~',-:~c:'n:r~~e~n,,.::~ :a!~S;:~~:;f.~~Eo~~~~,~ ~ ~JJ:...... 2674)24 10-".88 .. _. _.. _...... 264-C8c32 or 529~3030. pt'omoHng Win'er and Spt;ng B,.eak Ins welcome. refMlHKfl provlded_ REWAIIO. $.200. FOIl return 01 536-8631 ~R~~~:~o"!-%~: Bf!'UTlfUL ~~:gNOAif', ·BiDrioo.:~.:: ~::'::n,~:;1o'.:~~';'';!.~~::'~r: :~;~::2 ...... 2727£27 A~:"e:' 10;'to::.,..,,:: Lorra 9·20·88...... 29238c22 remod.led. S300 r.... nth. coli 549. kll. 1-800-321·5yl L """ AUTO SAlES and .ervI«. W. q= ....tlon.o.ked. Call 529-1642. LOW COST MOSILE names $125 ond 057601l.r6:00. 9·16-88 ...... 2552C20 buy• ••11 ond r.n' CUr>. lepal. 9·16-88 ...... 2586J2O 457·5065 S'50permonlh529-u44 9.15.88 ...... 27298119 AVONS NEEDS SANTA'S helpers. A for.'gn ond dom.. tlc con. Tran- 9~20.48 ...... 2924Bc22 trem.ndou. Chrls'mas "n. '0 sell. sm'sslon "pedoll,t. Low cor rental ...... ~o::::::::? Call collect Nancy crI 983-5960 or rates (mus' "2J to ,..".) ond en", ·pA-I.,,·jii!l'ii.1 ·oom·. ~.. ••..... M.... 0. bll.•... H...o ... m.Lo.' •...... : •.... Cor'00'542·591~. low "nlOl rote. /or our gorog. • I. . 9·26·88 ...... 2_06 cus'om.... 605 N. illInoIS. Call 549· START YOUR OWN n.'work marireflng business. Invest: Less '--_____ CASLET.V.. NAT.·Gas .•hade. qu'.' ~c.~~S '!'dTU~~n=: 2:;:;;j D'3~31~' ~~~~~~~~ 'han 1100. for more Informo"on alII Jom.. Horv.y 01 (618) 529·1~93. ~~~:~~. 8~~~. M,:~~gdaf;:'sroe;!~ :,m;:!~RO~:=:o ':o'br,:',::: ~~~~;~~ ~~~~ 7~~~ ~~ ..~.-6:::0C22 " iii I 9·28·88 ...... •...... 2722M28 w_k whll~ ,h.y losl. CoIl457·5115. Pork. 1 mil. S. hwy. 5 I 549-471 3. PARAlEGAL PROGIIAM·PART· TIm. 'EARN THOUSANDS STUFFING .• 9·22-88 ..... , ...... 27768d25 9·23-88. . 2n.at23 Instrudor. hoff·llme vlsiling position ADOPT/ON: PLEASE HEL,. U'. s.nd SI.OO ond a ••H-addres.ed TWO BEDROOMS IN charmIng rural I s'ort'n9 Jonuary I. 1989. ApplIcant nappl'y mo"1ed chl'd.... coupl. s'omped envelope to: J W M'boro home. 5 mInutes "'om SIU .s - '1 mus' po.ssess either a U8 OR JD A.uoclor.s 2320 loslyn Ave. Dlstrld ~;_~;~,,!~;~. '~reploce. etc.. I. ; i If'· "'.~ ~~~ s:,n:! ::,.. ~,::.~ :",': =:."!:.'n~ :::::: /o";":"'t;""'a! H.'ghts. Md 20747. 'i.' (, 10-10-88 ...... 2570M36 ~~c!!fr!;;~,;~~;~r.~~~-:~ MAKE 2 TO 3 tim .. you,. ~t on :~ IN TRAILER. si iO~:2~:~:/ ~~~6~~~c:.:ME::o::!':'. u':'ro:: :~-;;rl~~:;PP'~C:;:',."::;: ':ch~;:: Jim and Th hundreds 01 produds. GI" I...... '0-31-88 ...•...... 2651~1 !;~~5;~;~ Dec 31. phon •. poper. ~~~~8c~~~.hoo.k.up?~cn ;':n':' :;:jj"I~,: '~n'!"'~':; nov.lty. toys. card~ m.,..chondlse. CASH fOR BIIOI{EN oc•. W. pldc up. 2500 olh..... 53 brIngs ilion' coloIOll. Call 529·5290. r.tundoble on flrsl order. DoHI's -:;.~: NICLEY FURNISHE~7::::'~ t~.~~~~~ ~~~:. y.!!6A~: ~;~1.~;r:n":'~~·,~~~·s.':d 10-5-88 ...... 2890F33 GtItworld P.O. 80x 2195 Dep'. B-IO WANTED, STUDENT AlMMAKER I. Cotbondo ... " 62902. ~~~'i:th~U;~il~:~ ,!!»c::. =c~ =-~-~ ext_ 1-9501 for curren' ~~=~i~~r:o~r~~:a~:t~;:::;,:: Infenrlew/ng 'or #OW paris (3 male. The Men of •. 401900 2 femol.) In o.hort 111m. Expos ...... ~~~~~~sonabl 5.9.-~~~82541BdI9 '-r6-'8 ...... ~,:~~~~~o f,r;;m=~~~!~~~i th. only c:ompenlOHon. credit. will .------...,.-,-.---,1 ~!~~~{~~;.~':~::a~ 62901. SIU·C I. on Equol Of>- be g'_·ColI Cunl. 549.(147'. Roomma te. to and repolr and help manage :;:';~.'ty ..Affir"mal~Ve Adion Em~ 9·15·11 ..•....•...... 2197F19 CHILDlESS COUPlE EAGER to adop' /L.--.~ ____~-'--ll r::nn;::~:::n::.r:1~n ~::,:~ '-16-" ...... 256700 'nlon'. W. oH.r- a loving counlry ATO ATO FEMALE WANTED FOIl 3 bdrm units. WI'e wor-ks oHke full'''me. TELEPHONE SALES PEOPlE to worlc hom. with flnondo' .ecwl'Y In 0 house. fum'fure, corpef'ng, quiet has direct access to her living room willi local video .tore promotion. .ural commun''Y. MedIcO' and legal orea. washer-dry.,.. air. 529-1218. from offIce. Gnd with planning Also. nC'l&d people for light delivery expen.e. paId; eOlln.e"n.., To the Men would like to 549·3930. .nauld be obI_ to tok. care 01 n... In Murphysboro 0""'. 457·3501. oval 'ob'•. P'.os. coli loul.. and lIod 9·27·88 ...... 2607.. 27 chl'dren /I ony. too. No pets. Cosh 9·20·S8 ...... 251802 coiled Of 317·255·5916 .xt 256; '" of FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED lor InOMMATE 'oln 2 EXCEUENT WAGES FOR .pore tim. Plaza Records). Term popers. ,h.. ,s· ~,:r~nt'5-1:O i::: r: ..::,:,':= '0 I"S'Oll$, mornings M off.,-noons. ~ple In 0 4 bdrm iwUM. Furn. S J33 assembly WOI'k; electronics, crafts. dill.. ,.sume.. .fe. For qualify Eric Duvall mo. p'u, utll. Call 549·3961 Oth.... Inlo '·504-641·0091 Ed. work. coli 529·2722. Mu.' be 11·35 yrs. old. /50-190 ,&S. 9·15.88...... 287, ..,9 4131. Open 7 doys. 9·30·88 Call SlUC P.ychologlcol Dep'. ~ ..... 5258E30 2301. 9·16·88...... 2749C20 Matt Molina PREGNANT! the D.L ...... ,.. call BIRTHRIGHT FrM Pregnancy resting ~ of people happy! Steve Groll Dally Egyptian Confidw>tlal Aulatanc call 549·2794 536·3311 Matt Hardy Student Work Position Available to place .n H. 215W.Maln You can take -Mu .. t have ACT on File- Jim Goerlich DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS us around Advertising Sales the world Scott Ayers Representative ABOUT YOUR LONG DISTANCE SERVICE? anyday! Ed Glynn .Advertising majors preferred, butwiU consider other related majors INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT CALLING Love, Steph Masoncup -Afternoon workblock required PLANS AND SPECIAL PRODUCTS The Ladies of -Vehicle helpful. will reimburse mileage Doug O'Gorden -Position begins immediately THAT MAY SAVE YOU MONEY? Contact Marie Oliver, your Sigma AT&T Student Campus Manager Applications Avaihblc at tb" here at S.I.U. Kappa DaHy Egyptian, Room 1259 Communications Bldg. ForA CALL: 457-5998 - 4:30-6:30 pm Application Deadline: Fri•• Sept. 16 Mon.·Fri. ~K Lifetime! Page 12, Daily Egyptian, September 15, 1988 Comics Dac~wcsh Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU

by.len MacNelly

Sunglasses 8yJed Prest W.'r. Looking For Youl

Jugglers Jesters BLOOM COUNTY .----~~~--'"I Magicians Singers Dancers To perform in the Twelfth Madrigal Dinner to be held at the SIU Student Center December 7, 8,9, 10, 1988. Call Christina Varotsis at 536-3351 ext. 31, or stop by The Student Center Administrative Office MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM by Mik, Peters for more information. RAMADAltI" OASIS LOUnGE


, '11111 Frozen Margaritas $1.25 Today's Puzzle ,. •• .'0.. Tequila Sunrise $1.00 17 11 2t ConunonIaJ . ACROSS 31 C•• , DOWN ... 1 PrKa_ 37 IIUk pn>duc:t 1 Exp_ "",'lo .. Corona $1.00 apinSt flu 38 POid'I HUM :IOh...... ,. ... 31 coarse flio .'" I of :: ::~ : ~;r'__ 32 Building H.... =- 33 -0--" .. r'" JI "Run For _ .. ,. 1iII"• ••• ~: r;: 01 .tar 41 ~::t~=~l.. -- ." With (K,·IIotbr) 16 D.pI~ta 43 00.,1,... 4 Whip .." J2 16 He,.kllc bend ..... ConeerrdnG 5 Ktnd of 37 It...... 17 Oil-rich 45 Floor CO".,. oma...... autt8MW 41 Very potent e Wttnout aid • Scorch .. ,. Cortlara_ -po 7 PI',bQJ 40 Conlrol part , .. lID Kin: .bDI. 61 Fr. rI... I II. JUlian 42 Gold ...... ••I'" 21 T~ 52 Opere hoo.. • Bu..'I fence c.t.r . .u ." ... , 22 Cloth Iftaert tor oil"" 10 !mg' ba.. " .' ••.. 23 DIHlCult, 53 Trtongul.r 11 &plio... 01$ Ball.1 26 Coppa< 55 Corl.ln r., 12 F, mlao: _. 41 ~_ t ...... ••f4I .. !!!I" .u ~ ~::.:- 6& ::-':~-::f8~. ~: ::= ::U~or 47 EnduIe I"' .. towlngl, 57 Omit • 21 ProItr:lent 41 f<. to ...... 11 SprIngfield lor ....I.iM 24 Air. rt... 'II "u_ I"' ., one 51 DeM"" 2S It. naw'Ptor 50 "DIn _ ...... " 8:00 PM til close :: :,:u!,::, :: ~.~..:-:... : ~~r' :! ~ r.:... .1"' 16 _'. (pIr 11 EIIIIH _01 S5 - .Puzzle answers are on page 15. Rt. 13 West no COVER 529-2424

EgyptiaD,~ 1S, 1988, Page 13

. ~ ,...... Ideas of creativity subject of meeting By Jackl. Spinner Staff Writer own money to participate in the conferences that we need Thursday I~i.:..~ Research reports on the to invite students and faculty 5-Close "'0t.._ 4 JJ .. to get some value out of the ~~ lh~osWo~rd ofcc::e~~~e:ro: conferences," he said. Brighton and Oxford in Lewis E. Hahn, editor of the BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! England will be presented at 4 Library of Living p.m. today in Room 1018 of the Philosophers, and standing Communications Building. board member for the Aphy department; John Communication faculty ad­ A. Broyer, SIU-E philosphy viser, and John Howie, department and chairman of chairman of the Philosophy the central division for Colloquim, Minor said. research by the Founda tion for "These professors Philosophy of Creativity, and sacrificied so much of their Howie.

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Bowling Team Tryouts

Men'. & Women's Divisions All interested bowlers will bowl 18 games over the two day period. The top 8 male and female bowlers will be selected to represent SIU in conference and intercollegiate tournaments. Entry Fee '12.00 (18 Lines of bowling) Club Membership '4.25 (payable upon making the team) For more information call the Student Center Recreation Area at 453-2803.

September 17 & 11-10am Student Cent.r Recreation Area

_. - -

" -- Cash and checks ------=-~ 11l1a1l1l1l.. T.hi·;Ba~;gBD,~a~I··iiiiliiilllllll"iI. E.Maln

Page 14,Daily Egyptian, September 15,1988 ROAD, from Page 16- SOFTBALL, schools." WOMEN'S CROSS from Page 16- Juan Martinez, the No. 5 COUNTRY: The team will he player from Bogota, Colombia, beading into its toughest meet the losiug for Eastern of the season at the University Dlinois. ~~:Z~su'l~=o: of Wisconsin-Pa.--kside, located swollen kneecap since the near Lake Superior's In the second game, Kim preseason. shoreline, to face a fierce 25- Horvatich got the win in seven "We'll see how he feels by team field largely consisting of . Jennifer Brown was Friday as to whether ~e plays Division I schools. the losing pitcher, giving up or not," LeFevre said. "He The tournament will include four runs on six hits in four teams from the Big Ten such innings. ma~j:}f:~:~es~ as Wisconsin, Purdue, and inflamP.d patella, an ar;!8. Minnesota, all of which are Kim Tummins, a sophomore connecting muscles to tendons perenially ranked among the outfielder, scored the Salukis' in his left leg just above the nation's best teams. sole run. She also had two hits. kneecap. Coach Don DeNoon said the Leading Eastern's offense meet typically displays 250 was second baseman Lynn MEN'S GOLF: Coach Lew runners at the starting line and All The Hartzog takes a young team to the level of competition will be ::Ft~i:dhO b~~~ ~:~ Cedar Falls. FresbDan Dirk very intense. Groden, who had two hits. Klapprott is playing the No. 1 "A good goal for us is to try Beer and Bowling spot for the team. All­ to finish three runners in the conference pick Mike Cowen is ~ 50 at the race," DeNoon You Want coming back from a bOllt with said. mononucleosis, but is expected Senior Lisa Judiscak, who Discover to pick up the pace later in the has not seen any action yet this season. season, is still out with lower Diving BEER 'N' Hartzog said he has no idea back problems, DeNoon said Become a certified how the team will play, though the Salukis are going to fmd it Open Water Scuba Diver he is anxious to see how his very tough to repeat their 'c~~ BOWL freshman recruits perform. performance of last year when Classes offered Klapprott is one of five they finished fifth. "There at freshman golfers. will he five Gateway Con· Delta Health Center ference teams there and a by ,I!; BASH WOMEN'S GOLF: Last realistic goal for us should be Jim Hufnagel .~' Every Thursd~ year's Gateway Conference to fmish ahead of them," championship team starts its DeNoon said. PADI OPEN WATEIlIIliSTIlUCTOR fall season with some tough For further information 1$6.00 Per Persog ~ competition in West Lafayette, call Delta 99i-3377or t Ind. Coach Diane Daugherty Puzzle answers lOpm-lam said she expects stiff play from Jim Hufnagel 964-1982 \ T R A H B 0 M B affiliate of CCl1tcr IUinois State and the Big Ten I 0 V A r. L DIE o R L E Sp"rts teams competing in the Mid·America Scuba II D M A • k 0 U • D T A B L E 618-397-7101 Behind University Moll e Carbondale 529-3272 tournament. A • E U SET Daugherty said that the T R o U B L E C E • T team Could place in the top FE L L C A R E S E 0 three. The No. 1 spot on the R I F L E T A B 0 R o U A team held Lisa A B IE T H ROW C U R 0 is by junior T A 0 S Meritt. The three freshmen , R MI E R S P 0 o R recruits who had outstanding I • R E A R P ~ T S high school careers are the S T I • G 0 o R • E MET ones to watch con.;idering they TIH R E E OED 8 E T A ~LDnJ w...t..fu,,. &LUu ,.'&~. o,...... wo ... wlll C. GJ.l 011 fD' " wu!u. .tailing APPY HOaR Z- soc Drafts '2.50 J'v1onJay, September 19 6-8pm 95 C Speedrails .:5.. ',- deDO .... .:5twkdi C?utt.. *Special of the Week * $1.35 Malibu Rum $ 1.10 Michelob Bottles Pool Tournament Z For 1 Watermelons (must enter by 8:(0) Party With AMA CASH PRIZE PrIme crime 'meineke I ~ounge ~~y DISCOUNT MUFFLERS I .. • .AMERICAN ANO FOREIGN CAR SPEQALlSTS I SUppOrts SAlU KI Football I I & You, Our Valued Customer! I I Stay in Carbondale at I I Prime Time's Dance Club I I • Specials Change Hourly • D.J. Performs 5:00-1:30 am Man-Sat I I • fverynlght is ladies' Night • CUSlOM PIPE BENDING· CUSlOM DUAI.S • MACPHERSON smUTS • SHOCKS I ·REAR 00Il SPRINGS • TRUCKS· VANS • RECREATIONAL VEHICLES· BRAKE SERVICE I ur CARBONDALE VIDEO HaWJtr':f I 308 East Main Street ...... 457-3527 I .....,._8_Sc_re_e_ns_M_ea_fl_A_I_I_Sea_ts_A_~_e_G_re_a_t .... 5-8pm Mon-Fri (1112 Blocks East of the Railroad) I 3: ~PEN MON.-~ 8-6 P~~ • I 529-5051 Rt.13East .Sports Athletics teams hit the road for weekend action Staff Writers Men's go1: is at the Northern said. "(The players) have to MEN'S TENNIS: The men's Most of SIU-C's in­ Iowa Golf Classic on Friday, Last week Maria Cach and realize that we started off with eight-team, two-day tour­ tercollegiate athletes are Saturday and Sunday. Lori Edwards suffered pulled a really tough nament will feature some of I(oing to have to deal with long groin muscles. Auld said that tournament. Now we just to the best teams in the Ohio /JUS rides and all the hardsbips m:~~~:'tego~vi~ti~ u: although Edwards is still stiff pick up where we left off." Valley Conference. The eight­ of road play this weekend. Normal on Saturday and and she has yet to see Cocb flight draw will put ail No. 1 The women's tennis team is Sunday. practice since the injury, both FIELD HOCKEY: After players against each other, all at Eastern Illinois today and at Women's cross -:ouutry is at should be fully recovered by dropping three games at St. No. 2 players against each a quadrangular meet at In­ tbA Midwest <..ollegiates in today's meet at Eastern Louis this past weekend, other,etc. diana State on Friday and Parkside, Wise., on Saturday. Illinois. Coach Julee Illner's 2-3 team "If you can win your flight Saturday. "We've had wins over all of has a long weekend ahead of it. you're not a bad little player," Field hockey is at Northern WOMEN'S TENNIS: them last year," Auld said, Coach Dick LeFevre said. Illinois today. Despite a season plagued with referring to last season's Following tonight's game "That means you're better Men's tennis is at the eight- injuries, two pulled muscles victories over Eastern Illinois, against Northern Illinois in than seven other No. 1 players team Murray State In- won't keep the women's tennis Western Illinois, Bradley and DeKalb, the team takes on from some pretty good vitational Friday and Satur- team from playing up to its Indiana State. "But that was Central Michigan in St. Louis day. potential, Coach Judy Auld last year. Things change. on Sunday. ...ROAD.Page,. Softball Simpson earns starting role splits Detennination helps spiker twin bill By Troy Taylor lose weight for new season Staff Writer ByLisaWarna StaftWriter LEADING THE WAY The women's softball team, Lori Simpson, who played Lort Simpson has led the in its first action of the fall in only ~ of the volleyball \'OIeyDaI team In the exhibition season, split a team's 34 matches last doubleheader with Eastern foIowIng atatIcstIcaI Illinois on Thursday in season, said she wanted to catagories In matches this make a larger contribution Charleston. this year. eeaaon. Right-handed pitcher Traei By. working out and Sept 8-8 KIIa. 3 BIocka Furlow went the distance in sticking to a controlled diet the first game, leading the during the offseason, Sept8-2~ Salukis to a' 3-2 victory . Simpson shed 15 pounds and Sept 11-22 KIIa Furlow, a sophomore, allowed has since earned a starting only three bits. position. Sept10-18K11a.4~ Eastern Illinois easily won "I felt that at a lower body the second game 5-1, weight, I'd be a better in Japan. capitalizing on eight base hits player," Simpson uid. "I "I was suprised (to win and three SIU-C errors. wanted it (weight loss) and the award>,' Simpson said. "I'm p'leased with our llI'St they (her teammates) "It made me feel good that game,' Coach Kay wanted it." the other team members Brecbtelsbauer said. "We had The trimmer Simpson has had faith in me." better pitching, clutch bitting, already demonstrated her Simpson said the first step and defensively, well, it was increased mobility and in her training was planning good sound softball." fierce bitting ability. Her 66 meals with nutritionalist Despite getting six bits, the kills are second-best on the Kate Zeigler in the spring. Salukis lost their intensity in team through six matches. "I cut down on red meat the second game, "Lori is taking charge (of and meal Portions and ate a Brechtelsbauer said. herself) by losing weight lot of fruits," Simpson said. "We JlUt the ball in play," and improving her "Instead of snacking, I she said, "butitdidn'tjumpoff strength," Coach Debbie wouldgoona bike ride." the bat. We seemed to have Hunter said. "Throu~h She also followed the Ia ." prescribed summer Ctern Illinois, wbich !las a =!':m~~:russ o'i volleyball workouts wbich 4-2 record in the fall, never led her Welght. She has made included running and lifting in the first game. The Salukis an outstanding training weights. scored two runs in the second improvement." and another in the third before Simpson, a sophomore ''This year I'm more in the Panthers got on the outside bitter, was named shape and I know what to scoreboard. by her teammates as the expect," Simpson said. Mary Jo Firnbach had a winner of the Flo Hyman "Team-wise, everybody Staff Photo by Perry A. Smilh triple, a and two runs scored in the first game. She award, wbich goes to the was ready to go." LorI Slmpaon, 8CIPhomcn from Cedar Falla, lowe, ~ her scored on Angie LeMonnier's team's most improved If she could do one thing pualng akll18 during practice at DavIee Gymnasium. player. over, it would be to improve two RBI, two-out double in the Hyman, a member of the ber play at the five game "I need to work on a leader on the court. She second and then on freshman 1984 U.S. Olympic women's loss to Iowa in the Saluki defense," Simpson said, said, "Sometimes I feel Kim Johannsen's single in the volleyball team, died Invitational this past "especially back row. My overshadowed, but it third. shortly after the Olympics weekend. SIU-C fell to 2-4 serving is up lind down." (leadership) comes out. Freshman Jill Richards was while playing professionally after the tournament. Simpson is prepared to be You go with your feelings." "IOFTULL, ..... 11 Rhoades looking for packed house on Saturday By David Oamanettl week. We're just not very SlaffWriter mature at times." .. Sometines we do things that don't make a lot of The offense is becoming First-year football coach sense. We're just not very mature at times. more consistent, he said, but it Rick Rhoades would like to say also needs more work. We've got to keep pushing. II that the McAndrew Stadium "They are still y~ and crowd at Saturday's bome -Rick Rhoades inexperienced. It takes time to opener will be a big plus. But grow," Rhoades said. "It's not be doesn't want the team to that they aren't trying. This relr. on the crowd. isn't really a panic situation, 'I don't think rely is the we have a 1.00d chance to "Practices have been a little though." right word:' Rhoades said win," he sai . "It will let us up and down this week. There wilen asked bow much of IlJ' measure progress. We'll just is no such thing as just another Rhoades sa~d among the impact they will have. "I bore have to wait and see what's game and there's nothing we things the SaJukis must do if the crowd is a bit factor in the going to hap';eD." do that is unimport!Ult." they want to t'eat the Racers is game, but I can't assume. I Although he said the Salukis Rhoades 5aio one aspect of contain kickIng returns. "We know they should ~ positive." should be ready for Murr6.Y the team '.hat needs work is cannot afford mistakes on the Rhoades said the game will State, Rhoades said no coach maturitv. "Sometimes we do kicking garr.e. be a further indicator of the can predict the future. "I have things that don't make a lot of "We haV! to start out well. I progress practices have never known a coach that sense," he said. "We've got to The most i'.nportant thing is we I yielded. );new (how well his team would can't wa~t until the fourth "This is a big game in that do»," be said.. k~~~~ them hard this quarter to play football." P;·lJe 16, Daily Egyptian, September 15, 1988