Pamela Geller Islamization of America in 2013
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Pamela Geller Islamization of America in 2013 Published on Saturday, 01 February 2014 16:47 Written by Pamela Geller Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative of my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), we have seen increasing accommodation and submission to Islam in the United States. 2013 was a particularly good year for Islamic supremacists, who are working furiously in this country to impose Sharia (Islamic law) -- and in particular, the blasphemy laws under the Sharia. The Islamic supremacist approach is stealthier here in the States than it is in Europe, where we see no-go zones, mass car burnings, etc., because Europe currently has a much bigger Muslim population than the U.S. does. More on Muslim immigration here. That kind of aggression is in our future, for nothing is being done to prevent its coming here. The few of use who dare to speak against Sharia and jihad are blacklisted from the mainstream media‟s major newspaper and broadcast outlets. Trimmers (those who soften the message about Islam or speak of “Islamism,” an artificial word making a distinction without a difference) and Islamic apologists are dusted off and trotted out to make some inane comment whenever the mainstream media cannot avoid covering a jihad news story (such as the Boston Marathon jihad bombing). But the effective true voices against Islamization, such as myself, Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan, and Ibn Warraq are rarely seen these days. It‟s never been as bad as it is now, and we have never been proven so right as we were in 2013. In the U.S., in a survey released at the end of 2012, almost half of the Muslims in America said that they thought parodies of Muhammad should be subject to criminal prosecution. One in eight thought that insulting Islam should be a death penalty offense. 40% said that they shouldn‟t have to obey U.S. laws, but should be subject only to Islamic law. These findings should have come as no surprise; they weren‟t much different from those of a May 2013 survey of Muslims worldwide. The survey showed that the harshest Sharia punishments enjoy broad support among Muslims the world over: “72% of Indonesian Muslims, 84% of Pakistani Muslims, 82% of Bengladeshi Muslims, 74% of Egyptian Muslims, and 71% of Nigerian Muslims supported making Sharia the official state law of their respective societies.” 85% of Muslims in Pakistan, 81% in Afghanistan and 70% in Egypt supported the most brutal aspects of Sharia, such as amputating the hands of thieves. 86% of Muslims in Pakistan, 84% in Afghanistan and 80% in Egypt supported stoning for adultery. 75% in Pakistan, 79% in Afghanistan and 88% in Egypt favored executing those who leave Islam. “91% of Iraqi Muslims and 99% of Afghan Muslims supported making Sharia the official state law of their respective societies.” And in America, wherever Islamic law and American law conflict, it is increasingly American law that gives way. Islam is even taught in public schools: The Blaze reported that “an elementary school teacher in Chesapeake, Va. has been charged with simple assault after a parent claimed her daughter‟s hand was cut open as a result of the teacher yanking her arm aggressively while trying to teach students an „Islamic hand sign.‟” In November 2012, a Muslim mother went on trial for beating her teenage daughter after the girl refused an arranged marriage and was seen at school talking to a boy who was not her planned husband. Her devout Muslim father stabbed his daughter in the neck, leaving a wound an inch and a half long, and admitted that he tried to kill her. This couple was freed: the mother got two years‟ probation. This was Arizona. Not Yemen, not Iran, but Phoenix. This is the Sharia in America, for honor violence is not merely sanctioned in Islam, it is encouraged. And honor murder of the offspring is sanctioned under Islam: according toReliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring‟s offspring” (o1.1-2). The following month, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which has now been declared a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government, spoke at a mosque in Brooklyn. The NYPD enforced the Sharia there as well, arresting a man who came to protest against Brotherhood atrocities in Egypt. One must not criticize Islam or its self-appointed representatives – even in Brooklyn. In another Sharia ruling that same month, a federal judge ruled against a Tulsa police captain who had exercised his First Amendment rights and refused to force some of his subordinates to attend a dawah (Islamic proselytizing) event at a Tulsa mosque. If these police officers had been required to go to a church, they‟d have won their case. In Minnesota in November 2013, the YMCA and the St. Paul Police Department organized a Muslim swim, restricted to Muslim women only, with taxpayer dollars. The police department is providing transportation for the Muslimas to segregated Sharia swim at the YMCA. There are thousands of Islamic centers across the country -- Sharia swim belongs there, not in our public pools. If it is so crucial that these Muslims live under Sharia, why move here? Why not live in a Sharia state? Instead, Sharia is coming here. In June 2013, it was revealed that the San Francisco Airport used public money to construct a foot-washing station for Muslims. Harvard University in January 2013posted a Qur‟anic verse at the entrance of its faculty of law, describing the verse as one of the greatest expressions for justice in history, heedless of the fact that Sharia law is the antithesis of America law. The Constitution is the great shining moment of Western civilization, based on individual rights, the premise of which is the opposite of Islamic law. In Minnesota, a Catholic university, the University of St. Thomas, in January 2013 installed mini- mosques and Islamic foot baths for Muslims. Where are the cathedrals and pews in the madrassas? There is no reciprocity in Islam. Non-Muslims cannot pray in mosques. Non-Muslims are only permitted into mosques for dawah (proselytizing). Islamic outreach goes only one way: to Islam. But this is a Catholic university turning itself over to the very ideology that inspires the mass slaughter of Christians across the world. It is astonishing and horrifying in the same breath. Public schools in Florida are teaching that Muhammad is “God‟s messenger.” In Indiana, a Muslim family went from classroom to classroom in a public school, handing out material proselytizing for Islam. Texas public school students were made to wear burqas. In January 2013 in Maryland, Muslim high school students demanded prayer accommodations in a public school. In August 2013, a Tennessee elementary school banned pork to avoid offending Muslims. Children are drawing the five pillars of Islam in Tennessee public schools. The Nashville, Tennessee public school system is teaching dangerous lies in an Islamic lesson plan written by Islamic dissemblers and rife with grammatical errors and poor English. Where are the children‟s drawings of Christ on the cross? Where are the teachings of the Rashi? Where is the Chumash? This isn‟t public education. This is dawah. And it is happening all over, but patriots are fighting back: in September 2013, an Ohio mom got an Islamic proselytizing video removed from her child‟s seventh-grade history class. In November 2013, hundreds of parents protested against pro-Islam indoctrination contained in a public school textbook. In New York, the NYPD is enforcing Sharia as well: police have orders not to ticket cars that are illegally parked outside of mosques. The NYPD lets Muslims break laws ordinary citizens would ordinarily face extensive punitive damages for, simply because they are Muslims. If someone is double parked because he is going to church, he would get a ticket right away. Other Muslims in Brooklyn flex their muscles by holding prayers out on the street, making it impossible for anyone to pass. Meanwhile, the media and law enforcement turn a blind eye to abuse when Muslim are its perpetrators. In October 2013, a student at a Muslim school in Ohio reported that “if they do not learn their religious passages as they are instructed,” they are at time “chained to a wall by their wrists and ankles and beaten with a long stick.” The imams of Sacramento‟s two largest mosques in June 2013 declared that Muhammad had forbidden music. The media yawned. The media kept yawning when those whom it had anointed as “moderates” were repeatedly exposed as “extremists.” In December 2012, a Bangladesh tribunal accused the New York imam and President of the “moderate” Islamic Circle of North America, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, of war crimes and mass murder. Not until ten months later did ICNA remove Khan‟s name from its website -- in the same way as Muslim groups and Islamic supremacists in America scrub their narrative of the jihadic doctrine and the brutal and bloody Sharia (although at that time Khan was still listed on the contact page for the North American Imams Federation Northeast regional office). I‟d like to know what took so long. Why did they stand behind this vicious, bloodthirsty savage all this time? Because he is a devout Muslim adhering to Islamic texts and teachings? The most prominent “moderate” organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), despite its Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood ties and the convictions of several of its officials on jihad terror charges, continued to enjoy mainstream acceptance in 2013.