Carol Monaghan MP at BVRLA Parliamentary Reception 2019 About the BVRLA Established in 1967, the BVRLA is the UK trade body for companies engaged in vehicle rental, leasing and fleet management. BVRLA members are responsible for a combined fleet of over five million cars, vans and trucks on UK roads, that’s 1-in-8 cars, 1-in-5 vans and 1-in-5 trucks. The vehicle rental and leasing industry supports over 465,000 jobs, adds £7.6bn in tax revenues and contributes £49bn to the UK economy each year. BVRLA membership provides customers with the reassurance that the company they are dealing with adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and fairness. BVRLA members have The association achieves this by maintaining industry standards and regulatory compliance via its the cleanest vehicle mandatory Codes of Conduct, inspection programme and government-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution service. To support this work, the BVRLA fleet on the road promotes best practice through its extensive range BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 of training, events and information-sharing activities. 100% of members’ rental cars and 96% of On behalf of its 980+ member organisations, the BVRLA works with governments, public sector lease cars are Clean Air Zone compliant, agencies, industry associations and key business influencers across a wide range of road transport, compared to 62% of the total UK car fleet. environmental, taxation, technology and finance-related issues. 2019 BVRLA Sustainability Credentials

2 Committee of Management The Committee of Management is the BVRLA’s board of directors, responsible for strategic direction and policy as well as ensuring that the association is run on a sound financial basis.

Nina Bell Nick Brownrigg Chairwoman Vice Chairman Brian Back

In her role of Managing Director Nick joined Alphabet (GB) Limited as Brian Back BVRLA Honorary Treasurer The BVRLA presented its of Avis Budget Group and Zipcar Chief Executive Officer in July 2016, first Freddie Aldous Lifetime David Hosking Tuskerdirect Northern Region, covering the UK, having previously been CEO of the Achievement Award at Norway, Sweden and Denmark, pre-owned Vehicle Division for Abdul Ed Cowell Fraikin this year’s Annual Dinner, Nina Bell is responsible for the Latif Jameel, the largest automotive Gary Smith Europcar Group UK recognising the contribution general management of the group in the Middle East. of BVRLA Honorary Treasurer, company’s operations and strategic Henry Brace BT Fleet Solutions Brian Back. direction, as well as more than A qualified Automotive Production Jon Lawes Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions 1,800 employees and overseeing Engineer, Nick has extensive Brian has held leadership revenue generation across all automotive and financial services Khaled Shahbo Enterprise Rent-A-Car positions in some of the business sectors. sector experience and has held Margaret Speirs Arnold Clark Car & Van Rental industry’s most successful leadership positions within the UK companies, chaired numerous Martin Brown Fleet Alliance She previously held a number of and international leasing industry. BVRLA committees and spent senior positions in strategy and Miguel Cabaca Arval UK more than 20 years on the finance, working at Travelport, He has fulfilled many senior positions Neal Francis Pendragon Vehicle Management BVRLA Board. a global IT distribution company, including several UK, pan-European where she was Vice President of and global CEO positions for Ally Peter Cakebread Marshall Leasing The award was presented in Market Strategy and Planning, Financial Inc, previously GMAC and Peter Collins MAN Financial Services honour of the support and and Vice President of Strategic Masterlease Group. leadership Brian has shown Programmes. She qualified as a Richard Davies Hertz UK within the BVRLA over the Chartered Accountant with PwC. Tim Buchan Zenith years. Brian has provided wise counsel to BVRLA Chief Executives at some of the most pivotal moments in the association’s 52-year history. BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 3 Chairwoman’s Comment 2019 has been a year of continuing What has been evident in 2019 is that The range of e-learning modules has uncertainty for the vehicle rental your association is opening more doors been expanded, new training courses and leasing industry. As our members in the corridors of power than ever have been delivered, an annual leasing diversify their business models to before, and importantly our collective broker conference has been introduced adapt to the ever-changing world voice is being heard. and new communication channels have of mobility, your association has been launched. continued to focus on strengthening Ensuring that policymakers understand our industry’s reputation and that fleets require a supportive tax This year’s Annual Review provides ensuring we have a strong voice regime to help deliver environmental a great overview of the association’s with government policymakers. goals has been challenging as fiscal and achievements during 2019. Looking environmental policies are often not back over the year these successes Brexit, regulation, environmental aligned. The BVRLA has continued to have been underpinned by the matters, taxation and technology lobby on this issue and earlier this year commitment from all those in the were the top 5 most important HM Treasury acknowledged the value BVRLA family to work collaboratively issues identified by members of the company car market, announcing with each other as well as with in our annual Member Survey a freeze on company car tax and a partners, policymakers and other and will drive our policy agenda 0% rate for zero emission vehicles. influencers to protect the interest for 2020. A welcome boost for fleets and a of our industry. positive endorsement of our sector. The 2019 Fleet Sustainability I am delighted that we end the year Credentials report confirmed 2019 saw the association open its with our membership numbers that our members have the membership to Fleet Operators, exceeding the one-thousand mark, lowest polluting vehicles on the further strengthening the association’s demonstrating that your association road. Responsible for over five industry representation. Big named continues to go from strength to million vehicles, BVRLA members brands including the Royal Mail have strength, even in the face of so are registering around half of all already joined us and I look forward much uncertainty. new vehicles and a third of all to seeing more fleet-owned operators new electric and plug-in hybrid joining the BVRLA family in the We thank you for your support and vehicles., demonstrating that coming year. look forward to continuing our work our industry is already leading together in 2020.

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 the shift to cleaner transport. Your association has also been adapting The team at the BVRLA has to deliver a wider service offering to worked hard this year to support members. educate policymakers about the importance of the vehicle The governance programme introduced rental and leasing industry a new Flexi rent audit to support those in helping to deliver the UK’s who are offering long-term rentals Nina Bell, zero-emission ambitions. and are subject to FCA regulation. BVRLA Chairwoman

4 Chief Executive’s Foreword Looking back at 2019, it has been a year This year has seen the BVRLA gain this scheme demonstrating that of increased diversity and collaboration unprecedented levels of access to the industry is determined to take a at the BVRLA. government ministers and policymakers, front-foot approach to tackling the regularly engaging with HM Treasury, threat of vehicle terrorism. Our membership has grown more diverse Department for Transport, BEIS and this year as we welcomed fleet operators Downing Street officials to emphasise The BVRLA has also collaborated into the association for the first time. the importance of getting the tax system more closely with the Financial This has further strengthened our position right and explain why our industry can Ombudsman Service and the as the leading independent voice of the be a key partner to delivering the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority this fleet industry and contributed to BVRLA zero-emission goals. year. The FCA addressed members membership increasing beyond the one at the association’s first-ever Leasing thousand milestone. With Brexit dominating the agenda, the Broker Conference in May and BVRLA members’ businesses have also BVRLA has been relentless in its attempts also attended the Leasing Broker continued to diversify during the year as to remind policymakers that there are Committee in November. their business models have adapted to other urgent issues that also need to be prioritised by government. We were the By working more closely with the offer a broader range of mobility services. regulators, we are in a stronger The lines between rental, leasing and only trade body lobbying the government on the impact that the new WLTP position to get our voice heard by commercial vehicle members continue to those reviewing regulations and blur as they expand their range of services. emissions standard would have on company car tax. Our campaign mobilised are better placed to support The association continues to attract firms of the whole fleet sector and in July we FCA-regulated members. all sizes, with over 600 small and medium- were delighted to see the government’s There have been many collaborations sized businesses now in membership. decision to freeze company car tax and during 2019 and all have gone some I am delighted to say that the BVRLA board introduce a 0% rate for zero emission way towards helping to support the is now also more diverse, more effectively vehicles. This move will benefit just under sectors we represent. representing its members. For the first a million company car drivers. I would like to thank our members, time ever, we now have a longstanding This year’s Summer Parliamentary the BVRLA team and our many member of the Leasing Broker Committee Reception attracted record numbers of partners for their efforts this year representing the leasing broker sector on guests including 50 parliamentarians and and look forward to continuing our the board, acknowledging the importance two government Ministers who joined work in 2020. of this growing sector and its contribution over 150 members in a show of support to the industry. for our policy recommendations in Thank you for your support. The BVRLA also welcomed Nina Bell support of government’s emission targets. as its first-ever Chairwoman this year. A great example of collaboration came in The first in the association’s 52-year history November 2019, when the Department acts as a spur to see more women pursuing for Transport signed an agreement with the a career in our industry at every level. BVRLA to act as the approved partner to Collaboration has also been a strong monitor and assess compliance against its Gerry Keaney, theme running through many of the Rental Vehicle Security Scheme. The BVRLA Chief Executive 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA association’s achievements during 2019. also played a leading role in developing 5 The Value of Membership BVRLA membership represents a mark of quality and professionalism, providing members’ customers with the reassurance that they are dealing with a company that meets the highest industry standards.

From small and medium-sized businesses to large PLCs, the BVRLA welcomes all those who are committed to delivering excellence and during 2019 the association reached the milestone of having over one thousand organisations in membership.

Industry Representation Developing Skills The BVRLA works with members, partners Via a combination of free and paid-for webinars, and advocates to actively lobby policymakers e-learning modules, guidance documents, training and regulators in the best interest of the courses, forums, seminars and conferences, the industry, mitigating the risk of over-regulation, anti- BVRLA helps members to develop skills across their competitive behaviour or detrimental policymaking organisations, building capability and driving high that could adversely affect the vehicle rental, leasing standards of service. and fleet sectors.

Dispute Resolution Knowledge Sharing Since 2016, the BVRLA has provided a The BVRLA informs, advises and government-approved Alternative Dispute updates members on the latest industry Resolution Service (ADR) giving added reassurance news, insights and developments via a to members and their customers that they have series of regular communications, including somewhere to go should they find themselves unable published guidance, weekly email updates, to satisfactorily resolve a dispute directly. daily social media posts and regular face-to- face engagement opportunities. of members

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Reputation Enhancing have seen an By adhering to best practice and 61% delivering the highest industry increase in the breadth of standards, BVRLA members can differentiate themselves from others, resources and degree of assuring customers that they are dealing with a professional company support they have received who is subject to regular inspection and adheres to the BVRLA’s from the BVRLA mandatory Code of Conduct. 2019 Member Survey 6 As a new member, the BVRLA 1,007 has been extremely helpful active memberships and assisted us at every step. in the BVRLA family* 2019 Member Survey

Customer Qualification Your Association The BVRLA RISC Database provides members with the added reassurance that the person they are renting or leasing a vehicle Fleet Operator Membership category to does not pose a risk. With over 7,000 individuals launched in 2019 and companies previously identified as ‘problem customers’, this check is invaluable to the customer As of the 1 January 2019, Fleet Operators became eligible to qualification process. join the BVRLA. Big brand names including Centrica Plc, Openreach and Royal Mail Fleet have been amongst the first to join as BVRLA Fleet Operator members. Legal Documentation The BVRLA provides members with VE103B The BVRLA has been representing the fleet sector for over 50 years Certificates to issue to customers taking rental and members, along with the support of the board, agreed that it or leased vehicles abroad. Having this legally was a natural organic evolution to invite fleet operators to join the required document to prove ownership ensures BVRLA family. that the vehicle does not get refused at the border, or, worse still, impounded. By representing car, van and truck Get involved… fleet operators, we are in a unique To find out more about joining position to strengthen our industry the BVRLA family, contact representation, provide deeper [email protected]. industry insights and be a louder voice of influence when protecting the interests of the fleet sector.

BVRLA Chief Executive, Gerry Keaney 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA

Figures as at 26 November 2019 7 Members’ Views The 2019 Annual Members Survey canvassed the opinions of over 5,000 individuals from across all sectors of membership to gain valuable insight into members’ views. These views and opinions enable the BVRLA to understand members’ priorities, which informs where the association’s resources and services should be focussed in the year ahead.

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 80% see a greater value in making customers aware that they are 78 % are satisfied with BVRLA members and are proud to the BVRLA be part of the association. 2019 Member Survey 8 Top 5 important issues The Value of Membership What members consider to be the TOP 5 What members consider to be the TOP 5 most important benefits of membership: policy areas for the BVRLA to focus on in 2020:

Economy 1. 62%  / Brexit 95% Status and Credibility

2. 44% Regulation 91% Information and Advice

3. 43% Environmental 90%Voice of the Industry

4. 36% Taxation 80% Training & Events Vehicle 5. 35%  Technology 68% Dispute Resolution Service 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA Data source: 2019 Member Survey 9 Government Engagement The BVRLA has been actively campaigning the UK government on behalf of the industry to ensure that regulation and legislation affecting members is fair and supportive of commercial growth. During 2019 the BVRLA has had unprecedented levels of access to government officials at Downing Street and HM Treasury, 73% whilst maintaining strong relationships across other departments including the Department for Transport, BEIS and DEFRA. of members agree The association has also further strengthened its relationship with regulators this year. that the BVRLA has developed stronger relationships with Working with Regulators Top 3 most campaigned policy areas during 2019: government and Financial Ombudsman Service regulators and 1. Taxation The BVRLA has held quarterly meetings with the Financial Ombudsman appears to be Service (FOS) during 2019, reviewing trends in complaints and discussing any areas of concern raised by members. more influential. 2019 Member Survey These meetings have resulted in a workshop being held with members and 2. Air Quality senior case handlers at FOS, helping to increase awareness of the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear standard within FOS. Since then FOS case handlers have been contacting the BVRLA dispute resolution team seeking a second opinion on photographs relating to damage. 3. Future Mobility

Financial Conduct Authority The BVRLA has met with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) officials on several occasions during 2019 to highlight the BVRLA’s governance work and to understand the next steps following the motor finance review. BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 This has resulted in the BVRLA getting useful insights on the day the 90% consultation was launched on the banning of certain commission of members say that arrangements and having the FCA present at the Leasing Broker Committee so brokers and funders could hear first-hand what these changes mean. the BVRLA does well An FCA official specialising in Senior Managers & Certification Regime at representing the also presented at the BVRLA Leasing Broker Conference in May, sharing information about the importance of preparing for the regime change. voice of the industry. 2019 Member Survey 10 Security 115 Rental Vehicle Security Scheme meetings with Ministers, In November 2019 the Department for Transport signed an agreement with the BVRLA to MPs, Officials, Special act as an approved partner to monitor and assess compliance against its Rental Vehicle Advisers and regulators Security Scheme. during 2019. Government introduced the voluntary scheme in 2018 to help mitigate the risk of vehicle terrorism following a spate of attacks in 2017 where vehicles were used as weapons. In its 2018 National Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the UK Government outlined its commitment to working with the vehicle rental sector on measures to improve counter- terrorism security and during the past two years, the BVRLA has led the sector’s response. The has incorporated the scheme’s requirements into the association’s mandatory Code of Conduct and as of 1 January 2020, its 450+ rental and commercial vehicle member organisations will automatically be part of the scheme. It is critical that businesses across the UK are vigilant when it comes to matters of security, and this vital scheme plays an important part. By making sure rental firms do proper checks on customers, we can reduce the risk of vehicles being used to cause harm. I’d like to thank the sector for everything they are doing. Transport Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Baroness Vere. November 2019 BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 11 2019 Parliamentary Reception The BVRLA’s Summer Parliamentary Reception held in June at the House of The Government cannot deliver Commons was attended by over 200 guests, making it the biggest Parliamentary event ever hosted by the BVRLA. a zero-emission future for the UK

Guests included one hundred BVRLA members, two government ministers, three shadow alone. The vehicle rental, leasing ministers, the chair of the BEIS Select Committee, 18 Select Committee members, three shadow spokespeople and three Peers, as well as other guests and fleet industry is a vital partner and officials. in mobilising the sort of behaviour The BVRLA used the event to launch its Road to change needed to deliver a cleaner, Zero Report Card, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the Government’s progress towards its greener road transport system, Road to Zero targets and makes recommendations for how policymakers can accelerate progress. and I look forward to working

Whilst at the reception, MPs and Peers added their with the BVRLA to help achieve names in support of the BVRLA’s recommendations and many publicised their support via their own our ambitions. communication channels. Andrew Stephenson MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial The 2019 event is the biggest Strategy. June 2019 Parliamentary event that we have ever held. It’s been a fantastic event for members and great BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 to see so many representatives from government supporting our recommendations. Parliamentarians50 BVRLA Chief Executive Gerry Keaney supported the BVRLA recommendations 12 200 guests including 2 Ministers 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 13 Partner Engagement During 2019 the BVRLA has worked with a wide variety of partners to help deliver the association’s work.

Working closely with public affairs specialists and research agencies has helped to boost internal capabilities and bring a third-party perspective to strengthen lobbying activities.

This year, the association also built stronger relationships with a wider range of third-party organisations who support some of our major policy asks, aligning their lobbying activity to ours.

Research & Insight 147 Working with specialist meetings with research agencies The BVRLA continued to invest in research during private companies, 2019, working in partnership with external environmental specialist research, environmental and econometric consultancies as well as conducting in-house activity campaign groups to develop deeper industry insight. and other trade associations Providing independently during 2019 sourced data gives BVRLA evidence an increased level of credibility with BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 policymakers. BVRLA Research & Insight Manager, Phil Garthside

14 The BVRLA has also continued to work with many advertisers and sponsors during 2019, who provide much-valued support agree that it is to the BVRLA. 70% important to have access to Member organisations from across all categories of membership, as advertising and sponsorship well as non-member organisations, see great value in being associated opportunities. with the BVRLA brand. 2019 Associate Members Survey

New Brand Partnership Opportunities

In November 2019 the association introduced a new Brand Partnership offering to provide digital advertising, sponsorship and thought leadership opportunities. The BVRLA is the perfect Having launched a new website, a new blog channel and introduced a new industry conference, 2019 platform to showcase has provided the opportunity to introduce a broader, more flexible brand partnership offering Trakm8’s Connectedcare which takes full advantage of all the BVRLA’s communication platforms. solution to its membership. With options priced to suit all budgets, businesses Since joining the BVRLA of all sizes can be a BVRLA Brand Partner and connect with key decision makers in the vehicle rental, leasing there has been an increasing and fleet industry. demand from leasing companies for Trakm8’s Logos and branding were spot on and I am Connectedcare vehicle very happy with everything. A job well done. health platform. MS Automotive, sponsors of 2019 Annual Dinner Trakm8, exhibitor at 2019 Future Mobility Congress 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 15 Working Groups Taxation During 2019, the BVRLA hosted eleven different working groups, providing specialists from across member Taxation Working Group: WLTP campaign organisations with the opportunity to come together to discuss particular Following the launch of the government’s WLTP issues affecting the industry. and Vehicle Taxes Consultation launched in January 2019, the BVRLA’s Taxation Working Group set to Specialists from a cross-section of work on planning the association’s response. member organisations took part in one or more of the BVRLA’s Working As the only trade body lobbying the government on Groups, focussing on business-critical the impact that the new WLTP emissions standard issues relating to: would have on company car tax, the BVRLA developed a campaign which mobilised the whole fleet sector. › Brexit › Compliance 60% of all HM Treasury’s consultation responses came through the BVRLA and a series of meetings › Connected Vehicles & Data were held with officials at Downing Street, › Customer Service HM Treasury, BEIS and Department for Transport. There were also ten written Parliamentary › Electric Vehicles Questions tabled on behalf of the BVRLA. › Fleet Operator › Future Mobility › Parking › Public Affairs › Tax Advisory › WLTP for Vans In July, the BVRLA was delighted to welcome the BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 government’s announcement to freeze company car tax and introduce a 0% rate for zero emission vehicles. This was a huge boost for the fleet sector, benefiting just under a million company car drivers.

The Tax Advisory Working Group, which comprises members from across all sectors were instrumental in steering the WLTP campaign, providing data, informing messaging and leading the direction of the campaign. 16 Forums BVRLA forums provide the perfect networking opportunity for industry practitioners and the chance to hear first-hand expert commentary on a range of specialist subjects.

During 2019 the BVRLA held three Technical and Operational Management Forums and three Residual Values and Remarketing Forums.

The TOM Forums are designed to encourage discussion and debate issues surrounding whole life costs of vehicles on members’ fleets.

The RVR Forums embrace the many aspects of determining residual value risk, including pre-procurement, best practice in vehicle collection and vehicle resale.

members attended one or 328 more BVRLA Forums in 2019

The TOM Forum was a great educational day in learning I enjoyed the more about electric vehicles, wide variation of now and in the future. discussion topics Geoff Bell, IMI Assessor. February 2019 and learned a lot. Bob Grant, Free2Move Lease. November 2019 Jaguar , PSA Group, Thatcham, Copart, BCA and Aston Barclay all hosted a BVRLA Forum in 2019. BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 17 Communications During 2019 the BVRLA expanded its communication capabilities, increasing the team, launching a new website and introducing a range of new communication channels.

The focus has been to build reach and increase engagement across a broader range of channels when communicating with members, industry colleagues and other media and policy influencers.

Media & PR Corporate Communications The BVRLA has often led the news BVRLA News is the quarterly newsletter published online via agenda, building awareness of, and the BVRLA website and on some of the association’s larger advocacy for, the association’s lobbying member organisations’ intranets. During 2019, the association work as well as promoting the benefits also started to send printed copies to over 500 small and of using a BVRLA member. medium-sized member organisations.

Top 5 Most popular press releases This 16-page publication helps to keep during 2019: members and their employees informed of all the latest news and highlights from 1. It’s time to shift gear on the association. motoring tax

2. Top Tips for car rental The BVRLA also produces three 3. Drivers urged to think ahead annual corporate publications: when driving abroad The Annual Review provides an overview of the association’s 4. Treat fleets fairly or risk deliverables at the year-end. derailing the Road to Zero

5. Government’s Road to Zero Strategy is falling short The Annual Report publishes the association’s statutory financial BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 statement.

36 The Business Plan sets out the press releases and association’s strategic priorities byline articles issued for the year ahead. during 2019 18 Figures as at 26 November 2019 Digital Communications The Weekly Update is published every individual New Communications Channels Tuesday to keep members informed of news stories any news, developments and regulatory 473 The BVRLA Blog changes affecting the industry, as well as the published in Weekly latest news on the association’s activities. Updates during 2019 In 2019 the BVRLA launched the BVRLA Blog to provide a platform for members, partners and industry experts to share knowledge, views and opinions on a range of topics of interest to the vehicle rental, leasing and of members say that fleet industry. Weekly Update 29 individuals have joined the BVRLA 91% is blogging community so far including business leaders, government officials, effective at keeping them updated law enforcement officers and experts 2019 Member Survey from across the industry, often promoting the BVRLA Blog via their own channels, further promoting the BVRLA brand. The BVRLA’s new improved website has been delivering much greater value in 2019, by not only being a repository for a wealth of information useful to members and their customers, but also by delivering digitalised business processes that previously relied upon manual intervention. 29 BVRLA Blogs have attracted New eCommerce capabilities are making it easier for members to do business with the BVRLA. Booking training, ordering event tickets or updating data records and managing communication preferences are only a few of the functions benefitting members. over 19,000 reads during 2019 Most popular referral sites 15,000 to during 2019: Communication Toolkit average weekly 1. In 2019 the BVRLA introduced the Communications 2. LinkedIn Toolkit to provide members with a suite of page views free-to-access digital, social and print resources 76% to support their own communications relating to a range of topics. Social Communications agree that By introducing a new approach to social media, the BVRLA has the website 5 Toolkits have been launched to date including seen significant improvements in 2019, growing followers and Taking a Vehicle Abroad, Top Tips for Renting a engagement levels, particularly across LinkedIn and Twitter. is easy Vehicle and the BVRLA CAZ Map. 4,555 BVRLA LinkedIn 3,311 BVRLA Twitter to use

followers, up 80% followers, up 11% 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 19 Key annual events… MAY Annual Dinner Leasing Broker Conference Around 450 industry leaders convened at this year’s annual conferences to 873 tickets sold for the association’s Over 160 BVRLA leasing broker members, hear expert views and opinion on a range of subjects affecting the industry. Annual Dinner. The industry’s most speakers and guests attended the association’s illustrious social gathering was a first-ever dedicated Leasing Broker The BVRLA also hosted its first-ever Leasing Broker Conference, adding to the huge success, with guests enjoying Conference. The event hosted in London stable of the association’s flagship events taking place annually. In addition, almost the London Hilton’s fantastic food featured a line-up of expert speakers 900 guests attended the association’s Annual Dinner and a record number of – whilst stand-up comedian Al focusing on topics relating to compliance Parliamentarians joined 200 guests at the Summer Parliamentary Reception. Murray kept everyone entertained. and business development matters.

The Leasing Broker Conference 2019 The best BVRLA Dinner I’ve been was first class. to yet, such a good night with quality team members, clients and 2019 Member Survey industry friends - old and new. JUNE Parliamentary Reception Over 200 BVRLA members, guests and parliamentarians attended this year’s Summer Reception at the House of Commons. The event saw the association launch its ‘Road to Zero Report Card’, which evaluated the government’s progress against its Road to Zero strategy and made recommendations for accelerating progress.


BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Future Mobility Congress Replacing the Fleet Technology Congress, the Future Mobility Congress was introduced in 2019 to reflect the changes within the future transport landscape that go beyond data and technology. This new focus also reflects the increased focus on Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and other innovations driving future mobility. 20 DECEMBER Industry Outlook Conference Keeping an eye on the year ahead, industry experts shared their views on what they consider will be the hot topics affecting the industry in the year ahead. Presentations, panel debates, breakaway discussions and networking with industry colleagues form part of the day.

I have to say all speakers were excellent leaving me with a strong impression that much was going on behind the scenes at the BVRLA to assist the industry. This was the first BVRLA event I have attended and was very impressed.

Get involved… To find out more about how you can attend, sponsor, exhibit or speak at a BVRLA event, contact [email protected]. BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 21 Professional Development The BVRLA further enhanced its professional development offering during 2019, adding new e-learning modules, introducing new training courses and hosting more webinars. By having access to a more flexible, accessible Via a combination of free and paid-for webinars, and tailored professional development e-learning modules, guidance documents, offering, BVRLA members have responded training courses, forums, seminars and in record numbers during 2019 with more conferences, the BVRLA encourages members individuals than ever before taking to promote a culture of continuous professional advantage of the range of learning development to build capability, raise standards opportunities available. and support compliance.

of members attending 99% a BVRLA training course say it delivered value. Every person working in the 2019 Member Survey industryWe gained should an enormous go on the BVRLAamount Fair of tipsWear and & greatTear training BVRLA training courses ideas from the day. 61 delivered during 2019. course. Excellent. 2018 Course Delegate

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 3,567 individuals received formal training either online or face-to-face during 2019 22 Professional Development Record number of e-learners The BVRLA e-Learning Platform reached a milestone during 2019 with the number of registered users exceeding two thousand. Just over half of all BVRLA leasing broker organisations have subscribed to the system with 96% renewing for 2020. The e-learning system, which has been developed in partnership with ALD Automotive, Arval, Hitachi, LeasePlan and , has almost doubled its registered users during 2019.

A group of BVRLA members proudly 2,001 displaying their training certificates. individual users subscribed to the BVRLA e-Learning Platform in 2019 of members consider access 94% to professional development The BVRLA e-Learning Platform and events to be important and think has become a key feature in our the BVRLA delivers this well. training programme. 2019 Member Survey Gateway2lease During 2019, the BVRLA ran 9 webinars covering a range of subjects including Brexit, motor finance, risk management, Fair Wear and Tear, Clean Air Zones, VE103Bs, Rental Vehicle Security Scheme, VAT on PCPs It’s a really good tool for providing and the FCA’s Senior Managers & Certification Regime. introductory industry training to new employees, existing staff and our wider individuals tuned into network of appointed representatives. a live BVRLA webinar Fleet Alliance 1,031 during 2019. BVRLA e-Learning Platform, developed in partnership with: BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 23 Figures as at 19 November 2018 Research & Insight

The BVRLA has continued to invest heavily into research Three policy areas were studied in depth: during 2019, collating data and delivering insights to strengthen the association’s evidence-based lobbying. 1. Air Quality In addition to the activity produced by the in-house research function, the BVRLA has also worked in partnership with eight external specialist research, environmental and econometric consultancies 2. Taxation this year, further enhancing the association’s research capabilities. This has enabled the BVRLA to collate 3. Future Mobility deeper insight across a broader range of priority business and policy areas, delivering a catalogue of pioneering sector-specific and subject specific reports. 16,000+ online reads of BVRLA research reports during 2019.

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Love the quarterly leasing and half-year broker analysis.

2019 Member Survey

24 Future Mobility

Top 5 most popular BVRLA research reports in 2019: Road to Zero Report Card 2019 1. The Road to Zero Report Card Released in June 2019, the Road to Zero Report Card provides a traffic-light assessment of the 2. Quarterly Leasing Survey Government’s progress towards meeting its zero-emission car and van targets. 3. Industry Outlook Report The report’s contents were steered by the BVRLA’s Electric Vehicle Working Group and were produced 4. Road to Zero: Time to Shift Gear on Tax in association with sustainability consultancy firm, Ricardo. Detailed analysis was undertaken 5. Cars in the City Report of key elements of the Government’s electric vehicle strategy which were then consolidated into five categories – policy measures, tax benefits, new vehicles, charge points and user sentiment – with each Other research projects delivered during 2019 include: given a traffic-light assessment based on a range of sub-criteria. BVRLA in Numbers The overall Road to Zero strategy received an ‘Amber – Brakes on’ rating, meaning that it is slightly behind schedule and that the market is seeing a mixed response to the government’s policy measures. This reflects the mixed picture that comes through in Car and Van Rental in the UK the report’s more detailed sub-scoring. Although there are green lights for some of the sub-criteria – showing that the UK is a ‘front-runner’ compared to other countries – these Economic Impact of Rental Industry are outnumbered by the red warnings in vital areas such as clarity over future tax policy and access to rapid charge points. Fleet Sustainability Credentials The report identified three clear support requirements for successful electric vehicle uptake; demand, vehicle supply, and charging infrastructure, which in turn lead to a set Half-yearly Leasing Broker Survey of related, key recommendations for policymakers. Mobility Credits We have sent a clear message to policymakers Quarterly Leasing Outlook that fleets are desperate for clarity on future taxation and incentives, want better access to public charging and are frustrated at lead-times for the supply of EVs. BVRLA Chief Executive, Gerry Keaney 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 25 Governance & Compliance During 2019, the BVRLA has continued to work closely with the AA and Consumer Credit Advisory Service (CCAS) to carry out regular compliance audits across new and existing member organisations throughout the UK.

The BVRLA audit regime forms part of the association’s wider governance programme to ensure that members are adhering to the highest industry standards and, during 2019, the audits have been strengthened to The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Guide for Cars provide a more in-depth, robust assessment of processes, procedures has been updated during 2019 following and standards. an extensive review and consultation with members. The new guide provides more A combination of desktop audits and on-site visits verify that members detail and clarity for drivers about the end are adhering to the association’s Code of Conduct and are meeting their of lease process, the concept of ‘Fair Wear regulatory obligations. Advice and guidance are provided to address any & Tear’, their responsibilities and the BVRLA shortcomings, ensuring that best practice is met and standards are raised. dispute resolution service. The BVRLA compliance team works closely with colleagues in policy, communications, dispute resolution and training to ensure that members are kept informed of any issues and regulatory or legislative changes affecting the industry. The association also issues VE103 certificates to Governance & Compliance members, enabling their customers to meet their legal obligations when taking vehicles abroad. New Flexi-Rent Audits During 2019 the BVRLA introduced a new audit for members who are offering long-term rentals and are subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. The new audits are designed to help members identify gaps in their current processes and provide guidance and support to help members with their FCA-compliance, which applies to any operator offering flexible rental options exceeding 90 days.

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 It was definitely worthwhile working with the BVRLA, I gained a full understanding of FCA requirements and how it would work with our business. It helped us to understand what was expected of us. I would highly recommend the audit. BVRLA Rental Member, XL Ltd 26 BVRLA new and existing member audits 450 and inspections carried out during 2019

of members undergoing an % inspection during 2019 used 91 the feedback to improve their business 2019 Member Survey

of members think that Audit was very insightful 91% the BVRLA does well at and well managed providing information 2018 Member Survey and advice 2019 Member Survey Compliance guides on the website are great. Much more Over 5,000 accessible than the FCA requests for advice handbooks themselves. answered during 2019 2019 Member Survey BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 27 Dispute Resolution

% The BVRLA’s government-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service provides members’ 73 customers with the added reassurance of knowing that they have somewhere to go should they need to of members escalate a complaint that has not been resolved directly. that think our Once internal complaints processes have been The ADR is not only a valuable member benefit, it exhausted, members’ customers can escalate is also a key part of the wider BVRLA governance ADR service the matter to the BVRLA free-of-charge, for programme, helping the association to keep abreast is important, independent adjudication. The reassurance of any emerging issues and trends that may require of knowing that this service is available addressing through additional industry training say the BVRLA can incentivise customers to prefer or guidance. a BVRLA member when deciding delivers it well which company to use to rent or 2019 Member Survey lease a vehicle. 20 days was the average time taken to conclude cases during 2019

The BVRLA encourages members to welcome feedback from customers, as that is what drives a culture of continuous improvement and ultimately makes for a better customer experience. BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Your service is a great example of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution. Member’s customer 2019

28 Always a pleasure dealing with the dispute resolution team. Very professional and always a speedy response. 2019 Member Survey When adjudicating cases, the dispute resolution team checks whether members have of cases were adhered to the processed BVRLA Code of 98% Conduct. online via the new website In 2019, 30% during 2019. of cases were found in favour of the customer. It’s very reassuring that there is a body that can deal Governance & Compliance with complaints like this. European Car Rental Conciliation Service (ECRCS) Member’s customer 2019 The ECRCS has been run by the BVRLA on behalf of Leaseurope in Brussels for the past eight years and demand for the service has increased by over a third during 2019. The service helps customers with unresolved complaints concerning cross- cases handled border vehicle rentals within Europe. Member organisations include Alamo, Avis, 2,351 during 2019 Budget, Enterprise, Europcar, Firefly, Hertz, National and Sixt. Demand for the ADR has increased by 21% during 2019, driven largely by the continued increase in personal contract hire (PCH) and there being a greater awareness of the service. Mainstream media and consumer advice outlets have been actively encouraging consumers to do business with companies that provide an ADR, as this gives consumers more rights. The BVRLA 1,926 welcomes this and has introduced a new online complaints process to ensure that service levels can continue ECRCS cases handled to be met as demand rises.

during 2019 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA Figures as at 31 October 2019 29 Residual Value and Remarketing Committee The RVR Committee consists of member representatives from the rental, leasing and fleet sectors who focus on issues relating to the residual value of vehicles and resale as part of the de-fleet process.

Objectives: One of the main topics of discussion during 2019 has • Determine the content of the Residual Value been the impact of Brexit uncertainty on the new and Remarking Forum, which takes place three and used vehicle markets. times a year. New vehicle leasing guidance has also been on the • Identify and address the key remarketing and agenda, prompting the development of a new set Malcolm Fryer vehicle residual values issues. of guidance to help customers at the various stages Committee Chairman of the leasing process looking at Why lease? Looking and Head of Remarketing, • Comment on current and future legislative after your leased vehicle and What to expect when Avis Budget UK issues affecting remarketing and residual values. returning your leased vehicle. • Creating the environment for members to Other areas of focus during 2019 have been around Committee Members: establish and share industry best practice supporting the launch of the updated Car Fair Wear Andy Hartley Lex Autolease in areas such as vehicle disposal and vehicle and Tear Guide, and the new Motor Vehicle Salvage collection, and develop suitable training Code of Practice which requires those reporting Brian Hinshelwood Marshall Leasing programmes where gaps are identified. total write-offs to be accredited and trained to a Chris Neal Enterprise Rent-A-Car recognised standard. David Chapple Europcar • Assess economic forecasts and implications of fiscal policy changes that would impact upon Gareth Gailes-Webb ALD Automotive the future value of vehicles. Geoff Grindle Arval UK

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Get involved… Greg Wood Motability Operations This committee meets three times Lee Hamlett Inchcape Fleet Solutions 65% of a year in Amersham. To express an Leigh Merry Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions interest in taking part or to find out more about attending one of the three Matthew Curtis LeasePlan UK members say annual regional RVR Forums, contact Neal Coleman Alphabet GB RVR Forums [email protected]. Paul Titchmarsh JCT600 Contracts Stephen Barlow Zenith are useful. 30 2019 Member Survey Technical and Operational Management Committee The TOM Committee consists of member representatives from the rental, leasing and fleet sectors who have an interest in new technologies and innovations affecting operational effectiveness.

71% of members say TOM Forum is useful. 2019 Member Survey

Objectives: Electric vehicles have been at the top of the • Determine the content of the BVRLA Technical committee’s agenda during 2019 with discussions Dave Tanner and Operational Management Forum, which focusing on access to EV-related services, best Committee Chairman takes place three times a year. practice in setting maintenance budgets and and Operations Manager, understanding the new technology. Lex Autolease • Stimulate discussion and debate on issues relating to vehicle service and repair, as well as The committee has also been closely following vehicle and contract administration. developments from manufacturers on WLTP Committee Members: including data feeds and how these will be Anthony Dowdall Zenith • Improve communications between vehicle handled by members. manufacturers, suppliers, service providers Chris Joyce and BVRLA members. Other areas of focus this year have included working Cliff Irvine Hertz UK with Thatcham on the repair and recalibration of • Promote best practice and administration vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Clive Buhagiar Alphabet GB improvements to provide added protection for members under their ‘duty of care’ Craig Andrews Arval UK responsibilities. Get involved… Darren Adams Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions • Discuss and review impending legislation to This committee meets three times Kit Wisdom Tusker protect BVRLA members’ interests and promote a year in Amersham. To express an interest in taking part or to find out Mark Hammond TCH Leasing benefit to the supply chain. more about attending one of the three annual regional TOM Forums, contact Martin Brown Marshall Leasing • Continue to develop professional standards in [email protected]. Neil Dixon LeasePlan UK the sector by providing members with technical and customer service support training, and

Phil Turle ALD Automotive development and accreditation opportunities. 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 31 Commercial Vehicle Committee The Commercial Vehicle Committee consists of member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations operating LCVs and HGVs.

73% of Commercial Vehicle members are satisfied with the BVRLA. 2019 Member Survey

Andrew Morley Air quality has dominated the agenda for this Committee Chairman and committee during 2019, with it leading the industry’s Sales Director, Prohire calls for specific support for commercial vehicle of members’ operators affected by Clean Air Zones. rental van fleet 88% Committee Members: The committee has also emphasised the need for and Andy Hill Lex Autolease other support measures, including sunset periods, of leased vans Charles Starr Close Brothers Commercial Vehicle tapered charges and exemptions for night-time are currently Solutions deliveries and depots just inside the boundary of 67% Colin Melvin Fraikin a Clean Air Zone. CAZ-compliant, Dave Adderley Enterprise Flex-e-Rent compared to only Other areas of focus this year included working with Gary Harrison BT Fleet Transport for London on a workable standard for 21% of the total Ian Lumsden LeasePlan UK Direct Vision, with the committee supporting the UK van fleet. Lisa Spong LCV Hire Solutions T/A Reflex Vans production of guidance for the wider membership. Mark Gallimore Essential Fleet Services Matt Cranny ARI Fleet During 2019 a sub-group of the committee BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Nigel Martin Ryder supported a review of the BVRLA’s HGV Fair Wear Get involved… Paul Kirby LeasePlan UK and Tear Guide, which is being updated to separate the ‘standard’ from the ‘guide’, making it clearer and This committee meets quarterly in Paul Winter Turner Hire Drive Amersham. To express an interest more consistent. Philip Moon DAF Trucks in taking part, contact Ryan Long Zenith [email protected]. Simon Ridley Dawsongroup Vans Stuart Russell Europcar UK Tim Bailey Northgate Vehicle Hire 32 Leasing Broker Committee The Leasing Broker Committee consists of member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations, including intermediaries operating in vehicle leasing and their funders.

89% of leasing brokers see value in making customers aware of BVRLA membership. 2019 Member Survey

Regulatory matters have driven the agenda during 2019 with the committee looking at new ways to further strengthen the BVRLA audit programme. of leasing broker Alan Carreras This has led to bringing financial crime and the new members say that Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) 76% Committee Chairman and the BVRLA is easy Director, Bridle Vehicle Leasing into scope of the BVRLA inspections. to work with The Financial Conduct Authority attended a Committee Members: committee session this year to share first-hand Andy Chatwin ALD Automotive information about their consultation on commission leasing brokers joined Chris Swallow Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions models that give motor finance brokers and dealers an incentive to raise customers’ interest rates. the BVRLA in 2019 Jane Pocock Copart UK 21 Martin Brown Fleet Alliance The BVRLA e-Learning Platform continues to be Mike Thompson LeasePlan UK well supported by the committee, with funders Nigel Brain Leasing Options proactively encouraging brokers to sign-up. This has led to a record number of new subscribers Paul Parkinson Synergy Automotive making use of the system. Spencer Blake Wessex Fleet Get involved… Rod Lloyd Low Cost Vans 2019 also saw Committee member Martin Brown This committee meets quarterly in Amersham. To express an interest Richard Chadwick Alphabet GB join the BVRLA Committee of Management, marking in taking part, contact Stephen Greenstreet Greenfleets the first time that a leasing broker member has sat [email protected]. on the association’s board. Steve Cocks Lex Vehicle Leasing Todd Williams Arval UK

Vince Pemberton Rivervale Cars 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 33 Leasing & Fleet Management Committee The Leasing & Fleet Management Committee consists of member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations who own or manage leased vehicles. 89% of leasing members agree that the BVRLA has provided information that has helped them in their day to day job. 2019 Member Survey Business car taxation has been a focus of the committee during 2019, which welcomed the of leased cars Neal Francis government’s revision of Company Car Tax rates Committee Chairman and after years of persistent tax rises. The committee are Clean Air continues to focus on supporting the industry by 96% Divisional Managing Director, Zone compliant Pendragon Vehicle Management calling for a more fleet-friendly tax regime that will incentivise the uptake of electric vehicles.

Committee Members: Another priority this year was transport of leasing David Cooper Arnold Clark decarbonisation. The committee supported the companies would association’s Summer Parliamentary Reception 74% Ian Hughes Zenith in June which focussed on the transition to zero recommend Joel Lund Arval emission vehicles. the BVRLA Mark Pickles Free2Move The committee has also supported calls for the Matthew Rumble Inchcape Fleet Solutions banning of commission models which could cause consumer detriment and welcome the

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Paul Gilshan Tusker FCA taking targeted enforcement action on firms Get involved… Peter Cakebread Marshall Leasing that are non-compliant and are falling short of the required standards. This committee meets quarterly in Sebastiano Fedrigo Leasys UK Amersham. To express an interest Simon Carr Alphabet GB in taking part, contact [email protected]. Steve Middleton Lex Autolease Suzanne Phillips Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions Tim Laver ALD Automotive 34 Rental Committee The Rental Committee consists of member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations operating in the vehicle rental and car club sectors. The BVRLA Car and Van Rental report is an excellent piece of work containing a great insight into our sector. Margaret Speirs One of the main areas of work completed by the committee this year is incorporating the Department of BVRLA rental Margaret Speirs for Transport’s Rental Vehicle Security Scheme into Committee Chairman the BVRLA Rental Code of Conduct. All BVRLA members find Rental and Commercial Vehicle members will 72% and Operations Manager, the BVRLA easy Arnold Clark Car & Van Rental automatically be enrolled onto the scheme as of 1 January 2020, as part of membership. to work with Committee Members: Other areas we have looked at in 2019 include a of the rental van fleet Ben Lawson Enterprise Rent-A-Car review of the BVRLA audit programme for rental companies. This has resulted in new areas being % is CAZ-compliant Jason Rogerson Herd Hire added regarding maintenance of child car seats, 88 compared to 21% of Kevin Rand Europcar data protection including ICO registration and observations of vehicles being checked in and out. the total UK van fleet. Linda Malliff Thrifty Car Rental The committee has also supported the IMI Rental Louisa Bell Avis Budget Group Operator Skills accreditation this year resulting in a Nicole Strathdee Hertz Rent a Car record number of candidates sitting the exam. Get involved… Philip Spain Alley Cat Car and Van Rentals This committee meets quarterly in Amersham. To express an interest Scott Jenkins Autohorn in taking part, contact [email protected]. Simon Grime Miles and Miles rental firms joined the BVRLA in 2019 Tim Vetters Sixt Rent a Car 43 BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 35 Membership Directory Corporate Members | Companies who own and operate fleets

2 Rent UK Ltd Beerhouse Self Drive Hire DGC Vehicle Rental & Contract Hire Gallagher Car & Van Rentals Ltd Kendall Cars Ltd N.L. Commercials Holdings Ltd RSV Rentals TJS Self Drive 3B Hire & Servicing Berkshire Van Hire Direct Rental Group Ltd GAP Vehicle Hire Ltd Kenhire Ltd Newark Self-Drive Hire TMC Vehicle Hire 4 Rent Vehicle Hire Ltd Bespoke Traffic and Highway Donnelly Fleet Gates Leasing Limited Kens Garage Niche Vehicle Solutions Ltd Ryder Ltd TonHire 4Group Solutions Ltd Dorset Vehicle Rentals Gatwick Car & Van Rental Key Drive Car & Van Rental North East Truck & Van Ltd Toomey Leasing Group Ltd 4x4 Vehicle Hire Ltd Blakedale Ltd Douglas Park BMW GBV Rentals Kindertons Accident Management North500 Motorhomes S & J Self Drive Hire Total Motion Limited 4x4 Vehicle Hire UK Ltd Blue Point Solutions Downeys Rental Ltd Gemini Ltd Knights Van Hire Northgate Vehicle Hire Ltd Salford Van Hire Ltd Translease Services Ltd 55 Car Rental BMW Financial Services (GB) Ltd DPC Sales & Service Ltd Giants Car Club Ltd Sandbach Truck and Van Limited Triangle of Chesterfield 7 Ways Ltd BNA Car Hire Ltd Drive Car Hire Gilford Van Hire Ltd Landcruise Motorhome Hire Ogilvie Fleet Ltd Sandicliffe Motor Contracts Trott Rentals Bognor Motors Vehicle Solutions DriveElectric GKL Leasing LC Vehicle Hire Otis Vehicle Rentals Limited Santander Consumer Contract Hire Turner Hire Drive Ltd A10 Auto Centre Ltd Boleyn Car & Van Hire DriveNow UK Ltd GlenRental LCH Scania Truck Rental Tusker AAM Group Brecon Car Rentals Ltd Drivespeed Leasing Ltd Global Autocare Ltd LCVR Palmer and Martin Rentals Scenic Getaway - Big White Cube Abacus Vehicle Hire Brookhire Vehicle Rental Drover Ltd Global Go! Ltd LeasePlan UK Ltd Park Lane Self Drive Ltd Senior Vehicle Rental Ltd U Storeall Ltd Aberconwy Car & Van Hire Ltd Bucks Car Hire Ltd Dualdrive Go Plant Fleet Services Leasing Plus Ltd Parkhurst Self Drive Hire Ltd Seymour Hire Ltd Ubeeqo UK Ltd Ace Rent A Van Ltd Burscough Self Drive Go Rentals Limited Leasys UK Ltd Paull’s Vehicle Rental SFS U-Drive Ltd Acrobat Vehicle Rental Ltd Bury Van Hire Ltd EA Vehicle Rental Goldcar Rental UK Ltd Leighton Vans Pavilion Car Rental SG Fleet Solutions UK Ltd United Rental Group Ltd Addhire Vehicle Rentals Bussey Vehicle Leasing Easi Drive Ltd Golds Garages Ltd Les Liney Autos & Vehicle Hire Ltd Pearce Bros Auto Rentals Limited Shaikly Motor Company Ltd Addison Lee Ltd Buttress & Buttress Ltd Gowrings Mobility Group Ltd Lex Autolease Pembrokeshire Self Drive Hire SHB Hire Ltd Value Van Rental UK Ltd Admiral Financial Services Ltd BVR Vehicle Rentals Eastern Rent A Van Green Motion Vehicle Rental Lincoln Vehicle Hire Pendragon Vehicle Management Ltd Sheffield Van Hire Ltd Vantage Vehicles Ltd Admiral Self Drive Van Hire Easy Lease (UK) Ltd Grosvenor Contracts Leasing Ltd Lincs Van Hire Ltd Penny Car Hire Ltd Shelbourne Vehicle Rental Vantastec Ltd Affinity Motor Credit CA Cars Eden Garage Liquid Fleet Ltd Pentagon Motor Group SHS Hire Vehicle Procurements Ltd Afford Rent A Car Camperco Edinburgh Executive Car Hire Ltd H & H Van Hire Ltd Lobster Van Hire Performance Car Hire Signature Car Hire/Signature Van Hire Vehicle Rental Services Agility Fleet Campervan Tours Electric Zoo Herd Hire Ltd London Car Rentals Perrys Ford Rental Silcox Rentals Vehicle Save Contract Hire and Leasing Agnew Leasing Campervantastic Ltd EL-GS Leasing Associates Ltd Hertz UK Ltd London Hire Ltd Peugeot Rental (Central Office) Simple Car Funding Venson Automotive Solutions Ltd AJM Luxury Car Hire CAMS Group Emwood Vehicle Solutions Ltd Hexagon Leasing Ltd Longmarsh Ltd PHVC Vehicle Management Simple Self Drive Ltd Vic Young Rentals ALD Automotive Capital Hire Car & Van Rental Enterprise Rent A Car Hills of Woodford Green Leasing Ltd Pitter Self Drive Ltd Sinclair Finance & Leasing Ltd Victoria Hire LLP Alley Cat Car & Van Rentals Ltd Car Hire Hebrides Ltd Envirovan Ltd Hire Me Vehicle Rentals Loughton Self Drive Ltd Postmill Vehicle Hire Sixt Rent A Car Ltd Vincent Vehicle Hire Allied Vehicle Group Car or Van Specialist Vehicle Hire Euro Self Drive Ltd Hireco TL Ltd Low C Rent Practical Car & Van Rental Ltd Skipton Self Drive Ltd Virtuo / Go Virtuo Allied Vehicle Rentals Ltd Castle Rentals Eurohire Vehicle Rentals Ltd Hireway Vehicle Rental Ltd Lowestoft Car Hire Premier Ford Sky Van Hire Ltd VMS (Fleet Management) Ltd Allied4vans Ltd Causeway Campers Euronet Leasing Ltd Hirus Vehicles Ltd LU Car & Van Rental Premier Prestige Cars Ltd Smart Platform Rental Ltd Volkswagen Financial Services (UK) Ltd Alltruck Plc Charles Hurst Car & Van Rental Europcar Group UK Ltd Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions Premier Truck Hire Ltd SMART TM Ltd Volkswagen Van Rental Alphabet (GB) Ltd Charter Vehicle Hire Evans Halshaw Hodgson Toyota M & A McManus Premier Vehicle Rental Ltd Smarthire Vehicle Rental Vospers Rental (Plymouth) AM Auto Rent Cheshire Vehicle Rental & Sales Ltd Evezy Holmbush Commercials Ltd Mac’s Truck (Rental Leasing) Ltd Premium Vehicle Solutions Ltd SMV Rentals Vospers Rental (Truro) AM Phillip Trucktech Ford Rental Chesterfield Car Consultants Excel Vehicle Hire Ltd Howarth Bros Haulage Ltd Magna Accident Services Ltd Prestige Carriages Ltd Snows Rental (Millbrook) AMT Vehicle Rental Ltd Chief Vehicle Rentals Ltd Exclusive Vehicle Contracts Ltd Howe Rentals Ltd MAN Financial Services Prestige Contract Rental Ltd Southern Self Drive Watts Van Hire Amvale Ltd Chiswick Van Hire HSBC Equipment Finance (UK) Limited Manchester Car & Van Hire Priory Rentals Southwest Motorhomes Sales Service Wheels Van Hire Ltd Anker Van Hire Ltd Choice Vehicle Rentals Ltd Falcon Vehicle Solutions Hyundai Finance, Kia Finance Manchetts Car, Truck & Van Centre Prohire Limited and Hire West Wallasey Fleethire Services Apex Car Rental Circle Leasing Ltd Fast Van Hire Mannys Motorhomes Pro-Van Hire Ltd Spaceships Campervan Westwood Motor Group APL City Inter-Rent FCA Automotive Services UK Ltd ICR Leasing Marshall Leasing Ltd Proximo Limited Spear Hire White Car Limited ARI Fleet UK Ltd Clancy Plant Ltd Firecracker Ltd Inchcape Fleet Solutions Ltd Mayday Vehicle Rentals PSD Vehicle Rental Specialist Vehicle Hire Whitgift Hire Arian Finance Ltd Clarkson of Glasgow First Self Drive Ltd Indelease Limited MC Rental Ltd PT Hire Specialist Vehicle Rental Wicked Campers Ltd Arnold Clark Finance Ltd (HO) Class 1 Vehicle Hire Fleet & Distribution Management Ltd InMotion Ventures MCH Vehicle Rental Specialist Vehicle Solutions Ltd Wilcox Limousines Arrow Self Drive CLM Fleet Management Plc Fleet Assist Ltd Intack Self Drive Ltd McRent (London) Rabbits Vehicle Hire Ltd Splend Ltd Wilsons Automobiles and Arval UK Ltd Close Brothers Motor Finance Ltd Fleet Dynamic Intelligent Mobility Ltd Measham Self Drive Raedex Consortium Ltd St Albans Car & Van Hire Coachworks Ltd Ashby Auto Finance Ltd Close Brothers Vehicle Hire Ltd Fleet Efficiency Ltd Isle of Man Rent A Car (Isle of Mercedes-Benz Finance RB Hire Fleet Stable Hire Ltd Windsor Vehicle Leasing Ltd AT & T Rentals Ltd CMS Hire Ltd Fleet Financial Ltd Man Airport) Mercury Rent A Car RBC One Ltd Station Motors (Sutton) Ltd Woodfield Facilities Athol Car Hire CMW Group Fleet Logistics Meridian Vehicle Solutions Limited RBR Van Rental Steve’s Self Drive Worksop Van Hire Ltd Atlantis Rentals Ltd Cocoon Vehicles Ltd Fleet Services Direct Ltd J & R Car & Van Hire Ltd Midland Motorhomes Ltd RCI Financial Services Ltd Storage Factory Audi on Demand Cole Hire Fleetcare (PSCSM) Ltd J P Vehicle Rentals Miles & Miles Ltd Red Kite Vehicle Consultants Ltd Struans Rentals XL Ltd Autohorn Collison Vehicle Rental FleetEurope Limited J S Vehicle Rental Minehead Van & Car Hire Redditch Vehicle Hire Ltd Sun Kissed Campers Ltd AutoXotica Ltd County Car & Van Rental Fleetway Vehicle Rental J&B Ltd Minibus World Reflex Vehicle Hire Supervan Self Drive Y3 Hire Ltd

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Auxillis Services Ltd Crash Services Ltd Flexible Vehicle Contracts Ltd J4R Ltd Minster Self Drive Ltd Refuse Vehicle Solutions Ltd SurPrice Car Rentals AVH CTM Hire Ltd Fleximobility Jam Jar Rentals Mold Car Hire Regal Car Van & Truck Rental Sutton Maddock Vehicle Rental Ltd Zenith Avis Budget UK Ltd CVS Car Hire Focus Vehicle Rental JCT600 Vehicle Leasing Solutions Ltd Mon Motors Ford Rental & Buzzard Van Rental Swift Van Hire Ltd Zipcar UK Ltd AX Fourways Self Drive John Beer Motor Repairs Moneyway Motor Finance Rent Direct Car and Van Rental Zoocars Ltd DAF Trucks Ltd Fraikin Ltd John Grose and V12 Vehicle Finance Rentafford Taylors of Boston B & T Hire (Hertfordshire) Ltd Daimler Fleet Management Free 2 Move Lease JusDrive Montreal Prestige Ltd Research Garage Group TCH Leasing Badshot Lea Self Drive Dallas Rentals Ltd Freeway Vehicle Hire Just Go Motorhomes Motability Operations Ltd Rivus Fleet Solutions Ltd Terminus Contract Hire Barford Hire Ltd Dash Drive Frontline Leasing and Fleet Just Vehicle Solutions Multitek Vehicle Solutions Riverside Truck Rental Ltd The Car & Van Rental Co Ltd Bathwick Car & Van Hire Ltd Dawsongroup vans Management Ltd MV Commercial Roberts Transport Self Drive Hire Ltd The Civilised Car Hire Company Ltd Bayfield Vehicle Hire Days Fleet Frosty Hire & Sales Ltd K2 Lease Ltd My Rental Robertson Self Drive Thomas’s Group () Ltd BDS Van Hire Ltd DCL Vehicle Hire Ltd FVTH Self Drive Kardi Vehicle Rentals Mylchreests Car Rental Limited Robins and Day Thrifty Car & Van Rental Beechwood Leasing Limited DFC (NI) Ltd Fyna Vehicle Hire Ltd KDM Hire Ltd Myles Hire Rovewide Tim Norton Motor Services Ltd

MEMBERSHIP AS AT 8 NOVEMBER 2019 36 Membership Directory Leasing Broker Members | Companies who are acting as an intermediary in the leasing of vehicles

1st Choice Vehicle Finance Ltd C J Tafft Ltd Driven Leasing J & R Leasing Limited Nationwide Vehicle Contracts Ltd Sterling Vehicles Limited 21st Century Motors Limited Caledonian Independent Leasing Ltd Drivesmart J G Leasing Nationwide Vehicle Leasing Ltd Sure Vehicle Solutions 360 Vehicle Leasing Cameron Clarke Leasing Ltd DSG Auto Contracts Ltd Jelf Commercial Finance Ltd NBU Consulting Ltd Swiss Vans Limited CAMS Group Dynamic Vehicle Solutions Ltd Jet Vehicle Finance Ltd NCA Vehicle Management Limited Synergy Car Leasing ABC Leasing Ltd CanDo Contracts Ltd Jigsaw Finance Limited Limited Absolute Vans Capital Fleet Solutions Ltd Easi Lease Johnsons Fleet Services New Car Contract Tamar UK Finance Ltd Academy Leasing Ltd Capital Vehicle Management Ltd ecofleet Jorvik Motor Leasing Ltd New Car Leasing Company LLP Tate Leasing and Contracts Active Fleet Management Ltd Car Leasing Ltd Economy Leasing UK Ltd New Vehicle Solutions Ltd Thames Valley Leasing Ltd Active Vehicle Consultants Ltd Car Leasing Made Simple E-Drive West Midlands Ltd Kent Vehicle Contracts & London Vehicle Newgate Motoring Solutions Ltd The Car Network Ltd Adept Vehicle Management Car Leasing Solutions Ltd EFL Vehicles Ltd Contracts & The Kent Vehicle Group The Car Sales Company Advanced Vehicle Contracts Ltd Car4Leasing Eiger Vehicle Leasing Kew Vehicle Leasing Limited Octopus Electric Vehicles Ltd The Vehicle Leasing Expert Advanced Vehicle Leasing (Stockton) Carisma Vehicle Solutions Eurodrive Motor Finance Key2Lease Omega Vehicle Contracts The Vehicle Partnership Ltd ALA Car Leasing Car Lease Agent EW Fleet Services KeyFleet One Call Leasing All Vehicle Contracts Ltd Carlease (UK) Ltd KG Vehicle Solutions Ltd Optimum Contract Hire Ltd Think Auto Leasing Allcarleasing Finance One Limited Kudos Vehicle Management OSV Ltd Think Vans Allied Vehicle Contracts Carleasing-Online First European Finance (Scotland) Ltd OVL Group Ltd Tilsun Vehicle Contracts Ltd Alpha Contracts Carmyke Leasing Ltd First Vehicle Finance Ltd Lease Comparison Ltd TMC Vehicle Solutions Alpha Lease Carnoisseur Leasing First Vehicle Leasing Lease Profiles Ltd P J Leasing Total Motion Limited Alternative Route Finance Ltd Carparison Ltd Fish Car Leasing Lease your next Pedigree Automotive Solutions Traction Finance Amber Vehicle Solutions Ltd Cars & Vans Direct Fishergate Leasing Lease4less Pendle Vehicle Contracts Ltd TrueFleet AMG Autolease Ltd Limited Fleet Alliance LeasEasy Permonth Contract Hire Tyson Cooper Ltd AMT Vehicle Rental Ltd Carsave Leasing Limited Fleet Elite Vehicle Management Ltd Leasehub Phrasers Limited AMVS Carsite Leasing Fleet Operations Ltd Leaseline PHVC Vehicle Management U Choose Contracts Andrew Mole CarVanGo Leasing Fleet UK Leasepoint Vehicle Management Ltd Pike & Bambridge UK Car and Van Leasing Limited Anthony K Associates Ltd Castle Minibus Fleetbuyer Leaseshop Plan (GB) Ltd UK Carline Ltd Any Car Group Ltd CBVC Vehicle Management Ltd Ltd Leasewell (UK) Ltd Planet Leasing Ltd Ultimate Vehicle Leasing Ltd Applewood Vehicle Finance Ltd CC Leasing Four Counties Leasing Professional Vehicle Solutions Ltd Applied Leasing Limited Central (UK) Vehicle Leasing Ltd Freedom Vehicle Contracts Ltd Leasing & Vehicle Contracts Prospectus Vehicle Solutions V4B Ltd Aptus Contracts Central Contracts (SOT) Ltd Frontier Vehicle Leasing Leasing 4 U Pure Vehicle Leasing Van Monkey Ltd Ash Vehicle Contracts Chicane Leasing FSD Vehicle Leasing Ltd Leasing Options Ltd Van Sales UK Ask 4 Leasing Churchill Vehicle Leasing Ltd Fulton Network Ltd Leden Leasing Radar Finance and Leasing Ltd Vanarama Asset Finance Management Ltd Clapham Commercials Ltd Lets Talk Finance Ltd Rapid Vans Leasing Ltd Vantage Leasing Asset Finance Solutions (UK) Ltd Claris Vehicle Solutions Ltd Gateway2Lease LetsTalkLeasing RB Associates Vehicle Consulting UK Ltd Auric Car Leasing CLN GB Vehicle Contracts Logical Vehicle Management Ltd Refleet Ltd Vehicle Contracts Ltd Auto Choices Ltd CLVR GB Vehicle Leasing Low Cost Vans Reliance Vehicle Management Ltd Vehicles 2 Lease Autoease / Global Vans Coastal Leasing Genus Leasing LV Contracts Renascence Vehicle Leasing Ltd Vehicles 4 Business Ltd Autoebid Colour Car Sales Ltd Genus Vehicle Solutions (Stirling) Limited LVC Central Ltd RGW Vehicle Contracts Ltd Autograph Contracts Ltd Commercial Finance & Leasing Glynns Vehicle Contracts LVM Ringways Hire and Leasing Ltd Venter Vehicle Leasing Autohorn Commercial Vehicle Contracts Ltd Go Leasing Limited Rivervale Contract Hire & Leasing Venus Fleet Management Ltd AutoLyne Company Vehicle Solutions Ltd GoFor Finance Limited M W Vehicle Contracts Ltd Rosedale Car and Commercial Leasing Vertu Lease Cars Autoprocurement Ltd Complete Leasing Limited Greenfleets Finance Ltd Mad Sheep Leasing Voozo Dealer Limited Avail Vehicle Contracts Complete Vehicle Leasing Ltd Greenfleets Ltd Mann Island Finance Ltd Sagitta Automotive Ltd Concept Vehicle Leasing Griffin Military & Diplomatic Mercedes On Lease Select Car Leasing Walker Vehicle Solutions Limited B&B Vehicle Contracts Ltd GWA (UK) Ltd Mercedes-Benz South West Select Vehicles Ltd Wessex Fleet Solutions Ltd Balgores Leasing Ltd Countrywide Vehicle Contracts Ltd Meridian Finance Partners Limited Sensible Cars Ltd West Mid Vehicles Belmont Vehicle Leasing Ltd Covase Ltd H N Vehicles Ltd Middlewood Solutions Shire Leasing Plc Westfield Leasing Benchmark Leasing Ltd Crusader Vans Harpenden Vans Millhouse Leasing Silverstone Fleet Management WestWon Limited Best Contract Cars Crystal Lease Hawkins Velocity Mint Lease Silverstone Vehicle Management Ltd WeVee Best Van Deals CVM Hills Contracts Motion Vehicles Simple Leasing Ltd White Oak UK Bestcarfinder CVSL Ltd Hippo Vehicle Solutions Motoplan Ltd Simply Vehicle Leasing White Rose Vehicles Limited Blossom Vehicle Leasing Holdcroft Select Ltd Motor Depot Ltd Simply-Leasing Willow Leasing Blue Chilli Car Contracts Ltd Daley Associates Ltd Holmwood Leasing Ltd Motor Select Skyfleet Ltd WMG Vehicle Management (Retail) Ltd Bluepoppy Vehicle Solutions Limited Days Fleet Horizon Vehicle Leasing Ltd Motorlet Ltd Smart Leasing Solutions Ltd Bluestone Vehicles Dennis Buyacar Ltd Hot Car Leasing Multileasing Ltd Smarter Leasing Limited Yellow Car Shop Bordon Vehicle Hire DFC (NI) Ltd Howlett Leasing My Big Green Fleet Smartfish Leasing Yes Lease Ltd Bowater Price Plc HV Motor Finance MyMojo Autolease Special Offer Car Leasing Yorkshire Fleet Management Ltd Bridle Vehicle Leasing Dreamlease Ltd Sprint Contracts Ltd Yorkshire Vehicle Finance Ltd Britannia Car Finance Drive Vehicle Leasing Ideal Vehicle Leasing Ltd National Fleet Services Ltd SSD Contract Hire and Leasing Butlers Vehicle Solutions Limited DriveElectric Intelligent Car Leasing National Vehicle Solutions Sterling Motors Zalda Ltd BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA MEMBERSHIP AS AT 8 NOVEMBER 2019 37 Membership Directory Rental Broker Members Associate Members Companies who are acting as an intermediary in the rental of vehicles Companies who supply products or services to our industry

Assured Vehicle Rental Ltd Flexible Car Ltd ABN AMRO Lease Gain Solutions Limited a DEKRA Company OEConnection Europe Auto International Car Rental Ltd Fourways Vehicle Solutions Ltd ACRISS GEFCO UK Ltd ADESA Geotab GmbH PEAC Finance CarTrawler Nexus Vehicle Rental Airmax Remote Limited Glass’s Information Services PJM Logistics Compello All Fleet Services Ltd Grant Thornton UK LLP POD Point Ltd Yello Car Hire Ltd American Car Rental Association Grosvenor Training Services Ltd Porsche Cars Great Britain Ltd APD Global Research Limited GTG Training Ltd Premia Solutions Limited Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers Pricewaterhouse Coopers MEMBERSHIP AS AT 8 NOVEMBER 2019 Assured Group Ltd Haynespro (UK) Ltd Prohire Software Systems Ltd Aston Barclay Ltd Honda UK ATS Euromaster Ltd Hudson Kapel Ltd Quotevine Limited Audi UK Hyundai Motor UK Ltd Australian Finance Industry Association Ram Tracking Fleet Operator Members Auto Trader Limited i247 Group Renault UK Ltd Companies who are own-account fleet operators Inchcape Retail Limited Retail Motor Industry Federation Autoclenz Ltd Innogy eMobility Ridecell, Inc Autofutura Ltd International Decision Systems Ltd Rival Insurance Services Ltd Centrica Plc Automotive Software Solutions Ltd Investec Asset Finance plc Openreach autoXP Limited Invigors EMEA LLP SAFO EUROPE Royal Mail Fleet IT Fleet Automotive Ltd Seat UK Barclays Corporate Iveco Ltd Sentinel Insurance Solutions Ltd BCA Marketplace Plc Shawbrook Bank Limited MEMBERSHIP AS AT 8 NOVEMBER 2019 Beijing Leasing Association Jaama Ltd Shoosmiths LLP Fleet Finance Shoreham Vehicle Auctions Blake Morgan JPC Asset Management Limited Skoda BMW (UK) Ltd SMH Fleet Solutions Ltd BYNX Europe Ltd KeeResources Ltd Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Ltd Kia Motors (UK) Ltd Suzuki GB Plc Reaching the one thousand cap hpi KPMG LLP Synectics Solutions Ltd Cazana Fleet CD Auction Group Ltd Tasker Insurance Brokers Ltd membership milestone marks ChipsAway International Leaseloco Ltd. The AA Clydesdale Bank Plc The Miles Consultancy Consumer Credit Advisory Services (CCAS) Legate Group Limited Towergate Insurance another great achievement Consumer Credit Trade Association Licence Check Ltd Toyota (GB) Plc Copart UK Ltd Locke Lord (UK) LLP Tracker Network (UK) Ltd Cox Automotive UK Lombard Corporate Finance Trak (Global Solutions) Ltd for the association. Creative Clarity Ltd Look to Buy Ltd Trakm8 Ltd TTS360 DMN Logistics Ltd Macquarie Corporate and Asset Finance BVRLA Chief Executive Gerry Keaney, Drive Software Solutions Ltd Man Truck & Bus UK Ltd V Group International Maserati (GB) Vale Fleet Solutions 5 November 2019 Ebbon-Dacs Ltd Masternaut Limited Vehicle Leasing Association of Ireland Epyx Ltd Mercedes-Benz Cars UK Ltd Vodafone Automotive UK Ltd Experian Ltd Merthyr Motor Auctions Volkswagen (UK) Ltd Michelin Tyre Plc Volvo Car UK Ltd Fiat Chrysler Automobiles UK Motor Easy

BVRLA ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 Finance & Leasing Association Motorcycle Industry Association Ltd Wagonex Limited Get involved… Fleetcor MS Automotive (London) Ltd Waylands Leasing Limited FMG Webfleet Solutions B.V. To find out more about joining the Ford Motor Company Limited National Tyres & Autocare White Clarke Group Ltd Freight Transport Association Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd WSP UK Ltd BVRLA Family, contact Membership Northridge Finance Manager Greg Theaker or email [email protected]. MEMBERSHIP AS AT 8 NOVEMBER 2019

38 The BVRLA Team

Gerry Keaney Kate McLaren Bharti Ladwa Wilma Bowles Chief Executive Secretary to the Management Sales Ledger 01494 545716 Chief Executive Accountant Administrator [email protected] 01494 545709 01494 545708 01494 545722 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Toby Poston Andrea Davies Helen Lawrence Phil Garthside Fran Hampson Director of Communications Communications Senior Communications Research & Events Manager & External Relations Manager Officer Insight Manager 01494 545703 01494 545700 01494 545710 01494 545735 01494 545717 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Paul Thompson Catherine Bowen Rachael Hewish Nora Leggett Tessa Warn Government Affairs Senior Policy Advisor Public Affairs Manager Director of Training & Development Manager 01494 545712 01494 545739 Member Services Administrator 01494 545726 [email protected] [email protected] 01494 545713 01494 545719 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Jeremy Barfour-Awuah Adam Holt Hayleigh Clayton Greg Theaker Joshua Saunders Compliance & Senior Compliance Officer Compliance Officer Membership Manager Membership Governance Manager 01494 545718 01494 545727 01494 545705 Support Officer 01494 545706 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 01494 545720 [email protected] [email protected]

Amanda Brandon Laura Birdsey Sallie Catchpole Stephen Dix Sarah Philp Head of Operations Member Services Conciliation Service Conciliation Service Conciliation Service 01494 545701 Executive Manager Officer Officer [email protected] 01494 545714 01494 545715 01494 545711 01494 545711 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Laura Pite Amanpreet Kalu Robert Burford Conciliation Service Conciliation Service CRM Data Manager Officer Officer 01494 545702 01494 545711 01494 545711 [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] THE BVRLA TEAM AS AT 18 NOVEMBER 2019 2019 REVIEW ANNUAL BVRLA 393 British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association River Lodge Badminton Court Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 0DD Tel 01494 434747 Email [email protected] © COPYRIGHT 2019