SAMPLE BALLOT ABSENTEE GENERAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL This is a common AMENDMENT ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT ballot,R however, TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA THESE OFFICES RUN BY DISTRICT ✓ some offi ces will A GENERAL ELECTIONB TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMAC NOVEMBER 4, 2014 D GENERAL ELECTIONE TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMAF NOVEMBER 4, 2014 appear only in INSTRUCTIONS TO THE VOTER FOR STATE SENATOR, FOR STATE TREASURER FOR STATE SENATOR, FOR TUSCALOOSA COUNTY SHERIFF PROPOSED STATEWIDE certain precincts TO VOTE YOU MUST BLACKEN DISTRICT NO. 5 (Vote for One) DISTRICT NO. 5 (Vote for One) "Shall the following Amendments to the AMENDMENT NUMBER FIVE (5) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Constitution of Alabama be adopted?" THE OVAL (R) COMPLETELY! DO R Proposing an amendment to the Constitution which will apply to NOT MAKE AN X OR ✓. ✓ FOR MEMBER, TUSCALOOSA PROPOSED AMENDMENTS of Alabama of 1901, to amend Amendment IF YOU SPOIL YOUR BALLOT, DO GREG REED YOUNG BOOZER GREG REED COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, JAMES TAGGART TO APPEAR ON THE 597, now appearing as Section 36.02 of the your Rdistricts. Republican Republican Republican DISTRICT NO. 2 Democrat BALLOT STATEWIDE Official Recompilation of the Constitution of ✓ NOT ERASE, BUT ASK FOR A NEW (Vote for One) Alabama of 1901, as amended, to clarify that BALLOT. RON ABERNATHY the people have the right to hunt, fish, and JAMES BARNETT PROPOSED STATEWIDE Write-in Write-in Write-in Republican AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE (1) harvest wildlife subject to reasonable Republican regulations that promote conservation and FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR STATE SENATOR, Proposing an amendment to the Constitution management of fish and wildlife and preserve (Vote for One) DISTRICT NO.
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