Legislative Roster

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Legislative Roster SENATE Officers & Committees HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE Officers & Committees (cont.) Kay Ivey .................................................................Lt. Governor and President of the Senate Mike Hubbard......................................................................................Speaker of the House Craig Ford ........................................................................................................Minority Leader Del Marsh ................................................................................................President Pro Tem Victor Gaston ..............................................................................................Speaker Pro Tem Alvin Holmes ..............................................................................................Dean of the House Greg Reed ................................................................................................... Majority Leader Micky Hammon ..........................................................................................Majority Leader Clerks and their phone #s listed with committees. Unless otherwise noted, phone numbers begin with (334) 242- Quinton Ross ......................................................................................... Minority Leader RULES Maggie Harmon, 7673 INSURANCE TRANSPORTATION, UTILITIES EDUCATION POLICY Ashley Hines, 7666 2016 Clerks and their phone #s listed with committees. All phone numbers begin with (334) 242- qMcCutcheon, Chairperson Ashley Hines, 7666 & INFRASTRUCTURE qCollins, Chair qRich, Vice Chair qR. Johnson, Vice Chairperson qM. Hill, Chairperson Evonne Jackson, 7623 qRobinson, Ranking Minority Member RULES BANKING & INSURANCE Lindsey Lewis, 7856 qBuskey, Ranking Minority Member qMartin, Vice Chairperson qGreer, Chairperson qButler qDrummond qFincher qHenry qWaggoner, Chairperson Sue Spears, 7853 qBlackwell, Chairperson qBeech qBoyd qDavis qGaston qGreer qMcCampbell, Ranking Minority Member qFaust, Vice Chair person qB. Moore qPatterson qPringle qScott Legislative qBussman, Vice Chairperson qHightower, Vice Chaiperson qHarper qLee qB. Moore qRich qRobinson qAlexander qBlackshear qDaniels qDavis qBandy, Ranking Minority Member qTodd qP. Williams qBeasley qBrewbaker qDial qFigures qBussman qColeman-Madison qHoltzclaw qWarren qWood qFaulkner qK. Johnson qSouth qAinsworth qBracy qDrummond qGaston qGlover qHightower qHolley qMcClendon qPittman qReed qRoss qSanders qSanford CHILDREN & SENIOR ADVOCACY qJ.D. Williams qWingo qGrimsley qLedbetter qPettus qSells qOrr qPittman qReed qSanford qScofield qScofield qShelnutt qWaggoner qWhatley WAYS & MEANS EDUCATION Karen Cheeks, 7251 qSouth qWilcox qSmitherman qWilliams Emily Nichols, 7624 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY qBrown, Chair qShedd, Vice Chair Roster qPoole, Chairperson Evonne Jackson, 7623 TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH qBoyd, Ranking Minority Member AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION & FORESTRY FINANCE & TAXATION, EDUCATION qMcMillan, Vice Chairperson qSessions, Chairperson Clif Richard, (334) 353-1858 qCarns qDrummond qFarley qGrimsley qWhatley, Chairperson Kim Robertson, 7893 qOrr, Chairperson Dalton Doyle, 0958 qBuskey, Ranking Minority Member qChesteen, Vice Chairperson qChesteen, Chairperson qLedbetter qWadsworth qWilcox qAlbritton, Vice Chairperson qBaker qBoothe qChesteen qCollins qFord qLindsey, Ranking Minority Member Senate Officers & Committees qGlover, Vice Chairperson qSanderford, Vice Chairperson MILITARY & VETERANS AFFAIRS qBeasley qBussman qChambliss qGlover qGarrett qPatterson qRogers qScott qTodd qAinsworth qBrown qDavis qFaust qAllen qBlackwell qBussman qDial qJackson, Ranking Minority Member Clif Richard, (334) 353-1858 qLivingston qMarsh qMelson qSanford qTuggle qP. Williams qFincher qGrimsley qHanes qIngram Senators by District qFigures qHolley qMcClendon qPittman qBaker qHarper qMcMillan qM. Moore qB. Moore, Chair qDrake,Vice Chair qScofield qSingleton qSmith qStutts qMcCampbell qJ.W. Williams qRoss qSanders qSmith qSmitherman WAYS & MEANS GENERAL FUND qP. Williams qScott qWadsworth qMcClammy, Ranking Minority Member Senators Alphabetically qWaggoner qWhatley Dianne Harper, 7617 CONSTITUTION, CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS PUBLIC SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY qClouse qHoward qPettus qRobinson FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY qClouse, Chairperson Natasha Nettles, 7663 Karen Cheeks, 7251 qTreadaway qWood FINANCE & TAXATION, GENERAL FUND qK. Johnson, Vice Chairperson qDavis, Chairperson & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT qWood, Chairperson INTERNAL AFFAIRS Dianne Harper, 7617 House of Representatives qPittman, Chairperson Louise Fenn, 7849 qHall, Ranking Minority Member qBeckman, Vice Chairperson qWilliams, Chairperson Holly Ogden, 7826 qFarley, Vice Chairperson qBoothe, Chair qHammon, Vice Chair qAlbritton qBeasley qChambliss qBeech qBracy qGaston qGreer qLindsey, Ranking Minority Member qWard, Vice Chairperson qJackson, Ranking Minority Member qHall, Ranking Minority Member Officers & Committees qColeman-Madison qDunn qHightower qKnight qLee qMillican qMooney qRowe qClarke qFincher qGivan qHarbison qChambliss qDunn qHightower qLivingston qDrake qEngland qHanes qM. Moore qM. Hill qKnight qLindsey qMcMillan qHoltzclaw qLivingston qMelson qOrr qSells qWarren qWingo qHarper qPolizos qPringle qSanderford qMcClendon qMelson qOrr qPittman qRowe qShiver qTreadaway qI. Whorton qPringle qSanderford qTuggle qWeaver Representatives qSanford qSingleton qStutts qWaggoner qReed qSanford qScofield qSingleton JUDICIARY Tracey Arnold, (334) 353-0995 ETHICS & CAMPAIGN FINANCE by District qWard qSmitherman qStutts qJones, Chairperson Jacqueline Tymes, 7918 qJ. Hill, Vice Chair person qBall, Chairperson Representatives JUDICIARY Carol Bullard, 7098 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS qMcClammy, Ranking Minority Member qHenry, Vice Chairperson qWard, Chairperson Alphabetically qHolley, Chairperson Jill Stallworth, 7974 qBall qBeckman qBlack qColeman qDrake qJackson, Ranking Minority Member qWilliams, Vice Chairperson qBrewbaker qBussman qColeman-Madison qEngland qFarley qFaulkner qFridy qGivan qAinsworth qBlack qForte qJ. Hill qPolizos qAlbritton qColeman-Madison qFigures qDunn qMarsh qOrr qSanford qM. Holmes qPettus qRich qSessions qR. Whorton qOrr qReed qSanders qScofield qSingleton qScofield qShelnutt qWilliams HEALTH Ashley Hines, 7666 BOARDS, AGENCIES & COMMISSIONS qSmitherman qStutts qWhatley qWeaver, Chairperson Mary Ruth Davis, 7696 qMillican, Vice Chair person qSanderford, Chairperson HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES EDUCATION & YOUTH AFFAIRS qKnight, Ranking Minority Member qM. Holmes, Vice Chairperson qDial, Chairperson Ruth Cochran, 7885 Britney Thames, 7896 qBeech qCrawford qFridy qHall qMorrow, Ranking Minority Member qMcClendon, Vice Chairperson qBrewbaker, Chairperson qR. Johnson qLee qMooney qNordgren qHarbison qHurst qLawrence qMelton qReed, Deputy Chairperson qRoss, Vice Chairperson qWarren qJ.W. Williams qStandridge qI. Whorton qBeasley qBlackwell qBussman qBussman qFigures qMarsh qMcClendon qColeman-Madison qMarsh qMelson qPittman qSanders qShelnutt ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM STATE GOVERNMENT qSmith qStutts qWaggoner qWard Evonne Jackson, 7623 Jacqueline Tymes, 7918 7265 Halcyon Summit Drive qWhatley qHarper, Chairperson qTuggle, Chairperson VETERANS & MILITARY AFFAIRS qNordgren, Vice Chairperson qPringle, Vice Chairperson Montgomery, Alabama 36117-3502 q TOURISM & MARKETING Hilda Oglesby, 7112 Holtzclaw, Chairperson Hope M. Brasell, 7842 qLindsey, Ranking Minority Member qBoyd, Ranking Minority Member q Telephone: 334-263-5757 / Fax: 334-262-3991 qMarsh, Chairperson Smith, Vice Chairperson qBrown qForte qHammon qHanes qBandy qBoothe qButler qHenry qHoward q q q q q qSingleton, Vice Chairperson Dial Holley Livingston Marsh Ross qHarbison qR. Johnson qLawrence qMelton qMelton qNordgren qRogers qShiver q q q q q qAlbritton qBeasley qMelson qPittman Whatley Williams qR. Whorton qWilcox South Weaver Wood qSanford qSmitherman COMMERCE & SMALL BUSINESS COUNTY & MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT alabamaretail.org CONFIRMATIONS Mary Ruth Davis, 7696 Mary Ruth Davis, 7696 CONSTITUTION, ETHICS & ELECTIONS qScofield, Chairperson Jennifer Monk, 7890 qJ.D. Williams, Chairperson qMcMillan, Chairperson Follow AlabamaRetail on facebook and twitter qHightower, Chairperson Holly Ogden, 7826 qWaggoner, Vice Chairperson qPolizos, Vice Chairperson q Ingram, Vice Chairperson qAlbritton qBrewbaker qColeman-Madison qAllen qBlackwell qBrewbaker qFigures qFord, Ranking Minority Member qBuskey, Ranking Minority Member qMelson qPittman qSmitherman qWard qGlover qOrr qReed qRoss qShelnutt qAlexander qClarke qDaniels qGarrett qBlackshear qBoyd qCarns qClarke The Alabama Retail Association qWilliams qSmitherman qWard qWhatley qHammon qLedbetter qMartin qB. Moore qCrawford qFaust qHurst qJ.W. Williams represents independent merchants and national companies qPatterson qR. Whorton LOCAL LEGISLATION who retail food, clothing, furniture and other general merchandise. TRANSPORTATION & ENERGY FINANCIAL SERVICES Teresa Evans, (334) 353-9450 qAllen, Chairperson Luanne Miller, 7861 COUNTY & MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Brandy Allen, (334) 353-3944 qBaker, Chairperson Retail is the largest private employer in the state of Alabama. Compiled as a service of the qAlbritton qChambliss qColeman-Madison qSanford, Chairperson Hope M. Brasell, 7842 qK. Johnson, Chairperson qSouth, Vice Chairperson Since 1943, the association has provided educational, q q q q qChambliss qDunn qHightower Dial Holley Holtzclaw Livingston qButler, Vice Chairperson qMorrow, Ranking Minority Member research and public affairs programs for retailers. qMcClendon
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