History - Stuarts Year 3/4 Summer Term Cycle B

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History - Stuarts Year 3/4 Summer Term Cycle B History - Stuarts Year 3/4 Summer Term Cycle B All children - regardless of ability or background - have equal access to an exciting, context based history curriculum which provides an understanding of chronology, knowledge of significant individuals and events, and ensures that all children can form and justify historical opinions. What are the legacies from the Stuart Era that still effect Britain today? In this unit, the children will understand the Earth better as a sphere, learning to rotate it mentally in How3D. do previousThey will questions explore/topics its representation link to Where in 2D does maps, it fit and in? learn about the imaginary lines used (Equator,the latitude, current longitude,topic? tropics and the International Date Line) to pinpoint global locations. - How did the death of Elizabeth I impact on the monarchy? - How did the life in Britain during the Stuarts compare to the life in the Tudors? - What impact did the Civil War have on Britain and how 1066 Stuarts 1603 AD – 1714 AD has this affected Britain today? In this unit, theKey children Knowledge will understand the Earth better as a sphere, learningKey Vocabularyto rotate it mentally in 3D. - To understand They will about explore the different its Kings representatio that ruled during nthe in Stuart 2D maps, and learn aboutParliament the imaginaryThe law making lines group used at (Equator, the head of a country. Era. Starting withlatitude, James VI longitude,of Scotland becoming tropics James and I of England.the International Date Line) to pinpoint global locations. - To understand why plotters tried to blow up Parliament. Dictatorship A country ruled by someone who has - Ito understand about Guy Fawkes and discover how the gunpowder complete authority. plot was stopped. Puritan Strict protestants who wanted to get rid - To understand how Charles I became king and how he wanted to of Catholicism. rule England. Monarch A nation’s ruler or head of state by - To understand what caused the English Civil War and when it began hereditary right. (1642) Guy Fawkes A person who was the mastermind behind - To understand that a civil war is a war between citizens of the same the Gun Powder plot. country. Gunpowder A failed assassination against King James I. - To discover when the war began because Charles I went against Treason Plot Parliament and married a French Catholic before abolishing Catholicism The tradition and beliefs of Catholic parliament for the next 11 years. (Known as the 11 year tyranny) Churches. - To learn how and why Britain became a republic for 11 years until Civil War A war between citizens of the same Charles II was restored as King. country. - To understand what caused the Great Plague. Stuarts The Stuart period of British history lasted - To discover how/where and why the Great Fire of London began. from 1603 to 1714 during the dynasty of the House of Stuart. 1625 1642 1660 1666 The Great Fire of London 1606 James I dies and his son Civil War begins. Timeline Charles II restores the monarchy James Vi of Scotland is Charles I accedes his and becomes the new ruler. crowned James I England throne. 1605 1629 1649 Charles I is executed with the assistance 1664 - 1665 Gunpowder plot to assassinate James I Charles I dissolves parliament from Oliver Cromwell. The Great Plague. is discovered. and begins 11 years personal rule. James I Charles I Oliver Cromwell Charles II Guy Fawkes King of England, Ireland Oliver Cromwell was a Charles II was king of The King of Scotland The man who tried to and Scotland. He was key figure during the England, Scotland and known as James VI. plot against and second of the Stuart civil war and played a Ireland, whose Then became King assassinate King James Kings. His frequent leading role in bringing restoration to the James I of England I with his failed quarrels with Parliament Charles I to trial and throne in 1660 marked and Ireland Gunpowder plot. led to the Civil War execution. the end of republican rule in England. .
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