PART VII TRANSFERS EFFECTED PURSUANT TO THE UK FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS ACT 2000 Sidley Austin LLP, London is able to provide legal advice in relation to insurance business transfer schemes under Part VII of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”). This service extends to advising upon the applicability of FSMA to particular transfers (including transfers involving insurance business domiciled outside the UK), advising parties to transfers as well as those affected by them including reinsurers, liaising with the FSA and policyholders, and obtaining sanction of the transfer in the English High Court. For more information on Part VII transfers, please contact: Martin Membery at
[email protected] or telephone + 44 (0) 20 7360 3614. If you would like details of a Part VII transfer added to this website, please email Martin Membery at the address above. Disclaimer for Part VII Transfers Web Page The information contained in the following tables contained in this webpage (the “Information”) has been collated by Sidley Austin LLP, London (together with Sidley Austin LLP, the “Firm”) using publicly-available sources. The Information is not intended to be, and does not constitute, legal advice. The posting of the Information onto the Firm's website is not intended by the Firm as an offer to provide legal advice or any other services to any person accessing the Firm's website; nor does it constitute an offer by the Firm to enter into any contractual relationship. The accessing of the Information by any person will not give rise to any lawyer-client relationship, or any contractual relationship, between that person and the Firm.