May 35 1783,


i é 7 : j ; Minutes. of aflembly continued from’ our laft, have been to be apprekended. But fuppofing judgment; for that, as T {aid before, was hot Di 6-4 HE. refolutions by -order * were ~ again (for I will allow the gentlemen every - force of referred to'them, but referved for the final jarif- aT read, ; their argument) that the decifion was not to diction. Butitis faid, ‘* The agent promife Mr. Jones got.up and faid, ** The heufe had) “have Fecn apprehended, and ‘that it was certain an inftruétion fhould be fent out, reprobat been taken up for fume hours, Mr. Chairman,’ to heve been favourable tarus in its utmoftex- taking fees.’ I will-admit the agent in attcnding to the prepared compofitions, which tent; What would it have athounted to?’ Would fuch an-in&ru@ion would “be fent: of have been read by the twalearned gentlemen. it have recalled Governor Cuninghame? No! fucceeding-~governor, and no-dosbt, fuch - an in- Tohaveliftened attentively indeed to orations of) for that was. not before trem. ‘Weuld it have firnétion wodld have Ben fent out ‘the {peak + fovoluminous alength, required nofmall exertion us ona better footing than weare at pre- er’sdetter had not required fomething ofa more — of patience. One obvious reficdiion boweve~ me ft jent? No, not fo good. For feppofing the board folerh,’ legal and .conflitutional kind, thana firike every one; nothing that ingenuity could of trade to be’a court of law (wh h at isnot) - mere inftruction. In confequence of which, that torture and mifreprefent ; nothing that conceal- and their jucgment a lapal one 3 yet no legal inlruction was charged to another; -and by. th ed refentment could magnify and putin the mo decifion whatever can be fo “trong: and binding | aét which has been paffed fince- thearfival of odious colours, has been cinrtted, in orcer to asan 2ét of the Jegiflature: : This we have gor; » Excelleney, the mattér‘of feeshas been put. throw. an. urjuftifiable fligma on the agent’s con- “and have got jpin confeguente of a particular that. iconflitutional footing ayhich we. ourfelost dn€&: and ter this purpofe; neither pains nor inftrugtion, by which an infuparable-bar is fixed : required. Yt is not a little extraordigary, thatthe time have been wanting: For the Jearned gen tc the like é€normity being again committed. agent fhould be'found fault with for doing*that, tleman who {poke firit, confefled foe time ago, How then can the retolution ‘attempt to fay which-has fecured us, and eafed and quieted eur that his accufatiens had been in his for | ‘© That a folemia. declaration of» our ‘rights apprehentions. For {ippofing theirftruétion re- fix months; fince which, no dowbi, hehas made has not beer cbtained;’? and that it has ‘not probatory had. been fent out; could that. have emendations and additions. oe ap aS been obtained, becaule.the agent had r-moved heen fo binding anid effectual as an aét-of the le= In how eifferent. a fituation fand the fri the perition from the.board of trade? “Ihe con- giflature? However, it might have bound and ofthe agent! Ignorant of the charges to be dud of the agent, Sir, is marked With the truelt tied up thé prefent gentleman; would: it have hibited :againft him, ignorantcf the-refolyuons wifdom. He removed a matter that was of in extended to his fucceflors ? No Sir: Inthe next moved for, ti!l the moment they were read $ finite confequences jfrom a tribunal uncertain in adminiltration, the fame matter might have arife howscan they do bim that juttice, whieh his irs'cHetts,-precarious tn'its decifion, to one moft en again ; and thé mode now perfued ** by_ bill’? whole conde when put!in a tuir point of view; certain. He brought it to an iflue immediate is cheon!y wile made that could have beenadopted — jufily defeives? In. eppefition te written end and decifive. He procured: the direét recall:of ‘2d. J-come now, Mr. Chairman to the fecond’ deliberate’ accufation, they canonly oppofe the PMr.; Caninghame, and: was: promifed that the + refolguon, the fubdilancevof which is, ‘That .~» refle€iions of the sbcment, and if {uch an inftan. matter: fhould be fettied on a conili utiora! foot- the inilrb@ion brought out by the governor, is tarcous. defence:can fland the teft of inveftiga: ing. : Ehis has’ becn plied with; the work calculated to betray the affembly intoafi cr tion, it can.only be : owing to.thatpropricty off {has been perfeed ; and aur tights: are more of their conftitutional rights.” Whatismeantby ~* procedure, Whichhas fo -diflinemifhingly marked, | folemnly ahd contlitutionally guarded than any | a furrender of their conititutional rights, I caney the agens, It would haverefledted credit on the decifion whatever could effeét. . This fed is fo not precifely determine ; but I{uppofeic means © learned. movers: candour, as- wellicas been more notorious that it..1s ‘within the knowledge (if'it has any meaning) ‘that the fees: taken by — parliamentary; bad a copy of the sefolutions | of ‘every: one, ‘and yet the» relolution fays governor Cuninghamie, and which have been they been piven. in; before ~hey . were moved’, but ‘

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| = e as — ‘ f \ . he ee sigh . £ we , 3 ae any “ 4) % CLERGY ba Rad having . the manne? { hich an infirw@ion is to be word + He knew that Le fatisfattion we required, ; Wounding in the dark. But the me, ¢ ed. A candid inveftigator therefore, will not was to-be given, He knew that the times were the houfe have clearly informed non the eighth the couscil. A the fcheme whic find faulrwith words, provided the fenfe is to his altered; and that fome alteration on the part of to alate appointmentin d c their lat meeting purpofe. Tf the thing. which wewanted done, is the ifland fhould appear. Under thefe circum- is the more certain as the learned gentleman ces he gavt his charged with it. Whether ndunce that day done, if the fub@ance is efedled, what. lipnify opinion, and in doing fo, aéted not deny it, when like ataithfulfervant ; leaving thefe two gentlemen are to make their country re thev affembie a words and form? Noimpartial perfon therefore,» that opinion ei- ee | only can evince = the ‘place of Mr. Chaifiman, ah’ fuppofe that the mt uctton ther to be adopted or difcarded, acceding a it bleed, time and their condudl s to be * @luded to by the feverali réfolutions, ‘* Was met the ideas of the houfe, Ut has been, faid in- but ull that fhall happen,itis ungenerous as wet] Refors may wai intoa furrend- deed, ‘* Thatit Governor. Parry, had been ra- as fay the agent has inflicted a wound has fomething o © calculated to betray the aflembly eee con. pacious and plundering, it might have on his country. Ser of their conftitutional rights,” That the been pro- cate to them. viz. °° To con- per and politic to have piven him the £.°3000 I fhall’now leave it to the houfe, Mr. Chair-_ 26 JOHN C ‘trary was its evident meaning, ae firm our rights,” appears tnatt manifeftly by the But as he is ‘Jiberal and gewerous, it would be man, to judge of the impotency of the charges ah improper.”? What policy, can be difcoverzd in brought againit the agent. ‘Io have gone through I TE BaRvA RY vent and the governor's condutt, this mode of thicking, I amata lofs to find out; | every vaiaulia that fell fromthe learned gentie- ers in general are “Dhe-infruction not only~ intended this, and { for more. It but the illiberality of it L am fure, would never men; to have thoroughly cleanfed their Augea t and cominittee, at Fro has effected it, but gave a Jativude 1 infant, by 11-07cl ( if it was ‘unfluence a feeling mind. flable, would h been an Hercultan tafe: nor «gave an. opening to the legiflator ry meeting, agrceal) parent « Much has been faid of the sht_proper) to go into. the fees of the agent’s ‘“avci ling~| indeed-would-t | ve fowered my mind by two on that day to také as if Mr. Collins when called on, and not making ule nice aconfideration of thofe petty refentments, Dif ters ‘And the agent has beso cenfured, wong bufinefs, viz. which the withed.the aflembly to legalize the extor of the evidence he could have given.’? How the are too vifible in their compofitions. It re election of a member of “ate fees of the deputies. Good God! how fa agent can be faid to have avoided Mr. Collins, cannot however but occur to the houfe how very the committee, in the room of a Vknow A. genera! veview cf all th ay idea, harboured ih any im artial not: hecalled at his houfe at the weftend | lately the agents bill has pafled after the long d is altonifhing |.1f the agent had any interelt, | of the town twice; but neither of thofe days that) 4 fadpeniion of it by Governor Cuninghame; and “which a large addition has been of.his conduct thewed. fuch defign, he called “bad beeh fixe and ap ted for high to) pafled toc almoft unanimonufly, If the refolari- tation of the moft valuable mod part nd Charlctte, Cap “was apatentees even then, confi meet theagent; andisit not pro ble that aman: Ons canreally be ferious; would it not have been ‘ e - a ° - - a j f the fut 4 may -call at another’s houfe twice and, not . and impertance of his {ervices, 2. find.| more liberal and manly to have rejegted the agent deri g) hea lity. o b at prefen with helitation: But him at home? He afterwards went to the count- at once, than to declare by a cen(ure, ** that ‘the idea fhould be received Seley ne bite he the above hufinefs is % ra a Ree cea Ne ate his p ing-houfe, and hot-finding him there, wrote a is unworthy. ong, -when the. whole tenor of his conduct, fature confidence”? Ir would Frclidcnt hopes to be honoured aent, bu: was ebliged to leave London in be but candid in Principles, his not knowing ana being doknown ghe honorable members to take a the members who have had the a fortnight. Ifthe was cbliged, and did leave any of the patcnters;, and the impoflibility of general review of his conduét trom the time of Librarisn, -are cefired to reto intereited views, are confidered ; London in a fortnight, of what ufe would his e- his firft appointment. itwas thought neceffary thong on the day ef meeting, ¢ ) ahi s having any Rn ‘ve . . - ¥ furvey ef the condition th “ao one; but who is prejadiced ced.ah and cetermined | vidence Save been; sor even fuppofing it would to reduce his éalary to vonhy ene balf that was ral medium, can have aniwered every purpofe.of a public profecu given to Mr, Walker, fruftrared ‘Toole at him through the wore But did he for this rea. JOHN CRDERSON thought, 2-1}, tion, (which it certainly would n t) yet he could).| fon enter into, his ofice with *f{wlennefs and dif- in fuch'a 3d, } Sir, .2s 1 re (after : not hiave lata lony enough to have given itim at | appointment? Did he undertake the caule of the May The initragtion, { é eof the tral; for the matter befo e the board of trad ifland with the languid indifference Iniported tron) London, in th pointing out the remedy lor the } | ofa mere ae to the legiila had been remcved, ‘and no other fublic proceed 4 Ging foranothen?,. Brenan; and to be fold, by ~povernar’s fees) gives a jJatitude f @rrather-did: he nor of go ato the ig then going on. But it happens that, M k.avtort with the zeal and uaker’s-anecting, for read ture (if it was thought proper) warmth of a men quarter and yard ‘The age Coilins did feo the dvent at Lloya’s ccfice | fonaily jnteretted? In —_ HREE es of the patent officers. the middle of the bufi- dm ty, lone cf the pa- and did not tpeek to him. Whole fault wes that: $, were ings, India ine this, and knowing the influence not his exertions fofreqient and ain. tiffany, garze, mens, and ive home, whe would exert there vemicit The-agent could not fpeak, becaufe Mrs Collins mated, as tq call from us the warmest approbation white hats, iadiestidise- fentees:at grea and efforts to prevent. the bill pafling, if any was unknown: how then can-it be faid that the of his Condy? And when:hjs fallarywas topped fafhion with oftrich feathers; ‘lteration’ was made in the fees of their depu- agent purpofcly avoided’ Mr. Collins! Bat it is by the ageni’s bill not pafing, did ke for that andsmufhroems: In quart ably 3 and re-\, faid why did not the agent ty.fauce, and beft {weet oil i fies, carididly tells this to the 2f mske ofe of Mr. reaton puta itop to:bis exertions? Or‘rather did pafled | Workman? The tlés, black ard red fealing wa ‘calls to their remembrance an act lately agent, Sir, intended to make he not advance private .monies*out of his own the future patentees, after afe of Mi. t¥o kinan, and for that parpole wrate | pocket, to carry on the neceflary. Glocefter cheefe, paints of a : at-home, compelling and public pro- &c: &c. to refide on the over ‘a letter immédiately on the ] of Gowerntr fecution vallonand jug, the deaths of the present ones, of the ifland? ‘fo recapitulate particu- eee .Mpot. ‘Ho exprefsly points out 2425 as the proper ° Cuntng cme, for putlic evidence to be tranfmitted | larly every a€t.of his acency, I-hope, is néedlets; Jvit ported trom Europe & for tohim; C Neale, at his ftore im Sp 8 wera aking the propofed alterations: which Mir. Workman as fecretary, could | They cannot, [am {y-e, be f foon fertotten. «I ee reafonsy ** bec aufethe act would have authenticated and confirmed: but no fuch appeal to the candour and. “~ wey aud fhort credits the fo 7 the aiof'eogent knowledge. of every “PERNISTONE, canst home, if it affected the pre-~ evidence was ever fent; and if we ch cur parts | member; i appeal “ner be confirmed at tothe refoln ofthe houfe, ‘ Ruffia hol and, Re % leaves it tothe were remils in fot fending the, evidence which tees? He. thesetore to teltify; inihowhigh an eltimation, his fervicea zicky vith , Tx were gone the agent defired ; and which his council . gadgment ‘of the houfe (af thefe fees told him: |’ were held; and in what 4 confpicuous point of fol lawn, hondkerch: it would not be better to conunue was neceilary tor a public profecution of Governe. view. they bad placed him...,.Iffuch was the opie net, printed jennets, ‘prince!s into) whether and 1 ufeal and cultomary fees for the prefent, | of Cuninghame, how can he be blamed for the nion entertained: by theshoufe of the agent dure ftockings, ‘men’s. women sia ‘she after ma ig the.reduced alterations, enact, that failure! But the learned gentleman, who {poke | ing trcetranfetion -of the. bufinefs: how has the women’s and boys, {hoes & andy white hats; effectimmediately on the deaths latt, fays, thet upon this giound Af nos fence 7g 7g é €2 4 iflue of it contradicted fo fain a beginning? jeys black thofe ould take would ferts, bl and then become the § vidence, the agent has laid a charge upon the | an impartial mind, upon hyfen tea, fpice In or the preftnt patenteess reading the relolutions mill clinehés, to fay {ays the agent merchants of Bridge- Town... What particular moved dsfievent ferts, ftandard. I do not pretend for to day, fuppefe, “* that the object we mills, iron ted kettles, fry ts nd argument, part cf the agent’s letter the learned gentleman ins his Tetter, *f Vhat this ** had-been. contending . for had ‘bech: gained, éombs, kuives ary! forks, he happen from - alludes to, as Conveying but Ivonly tell you whatislikely to thischarge, it is no eaty' “* that the perfon complained of, had been Fee mers, brafscecks, white leae thus, Mr. but i the icfluence-of the, patentees.’’ And matter to determin as there is only one “* moved,. and that oor, rights, had -been fixed Adzes, beft Landon cordage, Chairman the agent; for commuarcaung the parc relating to the evidence he defired to be fent, ‘© and confirmed by an infuperable. barrier ?”? deep (ea linet, corks, nedte con fpea! prolidble means of haying a patentee s bill we wiil quote it, and Jet it als for itfelf:** that! 4 And.yet thefe are facts; Mr. Chairman, notori- by the ream er quira, fuuft legalize | | lo bread, flour, becf,..p firmed at home, is actuled dof a defire to ‘© it (the ifland) might have had more fatisfadti-. ous andinconteftibie, ‘L’o faéts therefore and Hot n | peales bee. Al jora few h extortion | It bas been faid ‘* That theinitruc. ‘© on I admit, but without the {mallet impatati- ifconitru€tioa, I hope..thé,houfe will tarp intended to reme- on on me. inted out a legal mode of pro- was iafidious, and was not | their attention, and determine.the. a a et PRIZE tion! Recta r 4 agent’s cor RE 7 by dy the grievance of the governor's fees. ceeding againit Mr. Cuninghame, and I called duct by the fame ling of candour, and liberality a. HIS is to give not blending them with thofe, of the pacentees. anxioully for evidence for his conviétion, and they would with ‘their own a@ions to be judged » AL. prize’ money, doe not ‘That this is an ungederous id a, and Was which if f had received, whilft kiman £523 . (To be continued.) men of his. Majefly’s jf the intent ofs the inftruction, 1s spparent from * was here, who was one of the receiv £ Mr. pty gre and Barbuda, for the ce 0 For what has been done in confeque ce of it. Cuninghame’s fees, ! had net.doubtes of fuc- 5 to bo Demeraraand Effequeb the grievance of the governor's Sees,.2 «© ce's,”’ Flow then is this a charge againit. the the agent in Barbados; u re- | gmeans of this very inflru@ion too; has been merchants dge.F t next; when, the -bocks medied ; nor have they been blended with the mentiona tyilcble ot th London, where. the ren fees of the patentees. ‘There was no compul: ever V hem fer evi the haufe of Paul Mayle Gnlefs it was thought: necsfary, to-go Inco the it fromethen: ? May 3, 2+: - VALEN as fiequent complaints had aline. upon the patentées foes; but Poa PRIZE, been made of extortion, a latitude was allowed vernor Cuningh thought neceflary. Ifour man’s par HIS is to give nc for that purpofe, if Frize money, ida are fufficieft to redrefs and punith the agent charge ot ¥ the molt prefent laws men of: his Mejefty’s conduct bf the? patentets, in Goa s ditlaar tho ht, £ cannot but the any illegal Barbuda,: and Star, for, are they not petinto execution Plt merchants eofelves will name, why rara and Effequebo, wil very little diference, whether there is ations. When is a wiatterof hLondon,, at the hemnfe o it is fuffered to fleep in on an occafion, where imp is no, law, or Where feon after the arrival o chargé made againit the agent confequence were thrown on oblivion, Another e¢coustscan be made the houle tO give did noc fhrink from their fervice, a is, ‘© His recommending to, May 4-24. VALEN the fame falury to Governor Pairy, as had been fervant only to the affembly : no, Sir, he ander. of Mr: Cuninghame,” took their defence, and ca d more than once on given to the spredeceflor 2 For Sale at PUBLIC VENDUE. ‘ Js ita crimein thé agent to givean opinion ? Or their accufes: his fervices were wiedged ( Ni ‘t vefday and Wedneiday next the 6th and He ad- and thankfully received. is that Opinion birding end concinfive? 7th inftant a€ the ftore of Benjamin Alleyne and creflés:himfelf tothe prudeace of the boule, Another charge brought b the learned gen- Cox, Eig; the heans and peafe which arrived in knowing:how matters were fituated at home, he tleman againft the agent, is, | che has. in- the hip Ortley Capt. Banks from London for the could eafily difcever it would have been for the fitted a wound ,upon th¢ coun! ufe of the {ufferers by the late hurricaue. The fale intereftofthe ifland to Havé done fo. He knew will long, Bleed.” He fays:it is inc > to | will begin each day at ten o’cloék and continve on our character mention what that woundis. Much moreande- | ti!lone, whactimpatations had been calt | and not more than one caik of éach put ee akc ALE duing the lat adminillrations tmpetations th licate as it, Mr, Chairman, to accufe and not upinalet, | hss dy onboard. For freig! even affected our loyalty. He knew how nit flaté the thing accufed of! What defence can The money muft-bepaid upon delivery. commander, or would depend on {his gentleman’s good report. there be made to an unknown accufation? ’Tis May 3, 41 The lines addrefled to i

mported in the Philiippa Harbin, Captain Lee, from London/ and to be fold on the mof reatonable terms, by the fableribar in Spciphts Town The Captain of a veneral afiortment of medicines, {pices in forts, patent efience of peppermint, Made ira wine x by the dezen or gallon, faloo {: p,» hair pow ss : at wfich time the d pomatumy avaiiety of perfemery, with feveral other articles too tedious to be inferted. THOMAS CADOGAN, jun, 2g 6 af lie arrival, as the nici


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a ee oe Seo eee But the! ifperings int 7 ‘ERGY having tpreed to meet OR NE ‘OUNDEAND, S. ABEL FLIZABETH BRAND- formed me, he aliudes vn an the eighth dayc Ways in otcer the peré Marra, DARBY FORD, begsteave to: acquaint all thofe the covacil.. And thi ‘the fcheme “which ics had in confi- HURLEY, Maiter, will fail who. are‘any ways indebted to:the eltate of her learned gentleman dae: Lat anette laft meeting, are defired to give in fifteen cere For freight or €-eafed hufband:D ei Williim Branford, either sed with it. Whether ce that day earlier than ofual; paflage spp! ty tofaid mailer, or dy Note or ‘Open acceun’, to pay them teen to make their country they affembie at Free Mafons- Hall, LY TCOTT& MAXWELL diately, or fhe fhall puc pret u the hands of her ndudl only can: evince: - tobe the ‘place of their meeting, the May 3; § ; attorney to be taed, ntends leaving the itas ungenerous as we}] ol. Refers may wait cn Sir Jonr Gay Al- island ovone of the rh tt fhios ; thas inflicted a wound hat fomething of imporiance to come Jutt imperted from London, Liverpoo! and Lan- Jutt importeata the Ouve to them. -cafler, and to*be fold by ‘Thomas Biackertr, Biaicn, U s at his florein Broad ftreet, Sprcare Benjgetn Prew, and ts be'fo'd by Richard Wilfon, a the houfe, Mr. Chair. JOHN CARTER, Chairman. j the ihe as Pee =: d noute of Mis. a ana potency of the charges a ee _ Alleyne Cox; Hfquice ‘bottled porter and the Bs Tracks ‘To have gone through | EE RCA- RY fOCI ET Y: AMS, cheefe; London and Sherry om the learned gentie- am pent in general are defired to meet the Pre- Liverpoo! beer, Bort Maderia at Free ynufon hall, on Mon- wines, by che hogthead or doz. pouter in barrels Co hua SP: ‘igh fic 8, cainehons i a fila, y cleanfed their An; gen rt and committee, by rro'clucl. jn the forenoon, -be- aad, hoefheads;: butter, candles ahd foap, white le! lard’s improved tart. emetic, red lavender, an Herculten tafe: nor agreeable to the ie: of hed fo- barrels, flour and her- Rofiian and Indian rhubarb, Aenry’s cat ered my mind by ‘cuitin barrels and’half two and dov- mapnefia, Glaffés and ~.common , mag hofe petty refentments, ringsy belt green and hylon tea, fingle bts. Viz. ble refined fityar, {pices and black peper, pickles Puriington’s balfain> Stoughton’ s élixi: » Mas heir compofitions. It on ot a member of the yy and alfo of ofall forts, niuttard; vinegar: bythe keg, tiles, radant’s "Crops, effénce’, pepper ‘mint, to the houfe how very the committee, in the room of a-worthy member decd. oats, cordage, fail cloth, rofin, pitch, tar, eflenée ‘and denitrifice, initk Of, roles; Dal pafled after the long A gebera! review cf all the fociety’s property; to deals, »paints and oil, pig tail tobacco’ in halt rolls, cut mahoy's {meling bottles; Greeneugh? s! tinetaie nor Cuninghame; and “which a large addition has been made, by a late impor modern publications, by, the: and aryed tobacco in Ib. papers, Lufh ell wide for the teeth nid gume, ditio'for the teeth aches, oufly. If the reiolati~ tition of the moft valuable fhip Polly and Charlctte, Capt. Gilbert, from Londen.’ fheeting, Jrith , * eambricks, damafk and French rouge, Huxam’s, tinéture. woald it not have been A conten plation of che future ufe to be made of the < dtaper~table~clovhs and napkinsy- huehabacks, luce, gold and -filver ‘leaf, ¢hamémile flowerss® > have reje€ted the agent i pearl fociety sfund, v ia bat prefent ts confideratile. broadclo:hs and caflimeres, tatuionable hats, barley, fago,! foloop,. fine lint; cinamony by accen(ure,’ *¢ that he 1s ‘abg lately xpedient, the , As the above bufinefs mens fine fhoes and boots, thread and filk ftock- Clover nuimegs, mace, vials ‘by’the proce, hair onfidence’’?: Tr would to be honoured with a full meeting, and * -Piclident hopes ings, with-a veriecy of other articies too tedious powder and pomatum, with a compleat Bet k rable members to take a the members who have had the faciety’> hooks. fiom the to mention, | aire n. ment of mede : f nduct from the time of Librarisn, -are cefired to retarn them -be fore, or bung \ r f “t) the defipn of a gene. was thought neceflaty then on th e day ef ecting, that Po-beicid by JOmN FAUL, at his atore between the Juft imported in the lait {hips from London and Cor con ition the prgperty may. ‘not be mly ene balf that was ral furvey of the Cultom-bouje and. Mr. Donovan's ‘tavern, on the and to be f wholefale and retail; ‘by WILLIAM fruitrared. By, orver of the Prefide nt, THOMPSON ARMSTRENG, t did he for this rea- mottreafonable terms for cath: at'h's ftére in High JOHN CRIEERSO a Secretary and Librarian, market ‘Madeira wine Sn hogtheads and Street, on the moft realonable terms fer cath.” a” ith felennefs and dif- if Ee May 34, 1783. --n quarter ¢ » Bou desux claret in hogfheads and ESS ahd cargo beef, ‘me{s pork, butter, hams, white dertake-the caufe of the pi ee cafes, old hock itealés, Shone’s porter 1m “be eis and bufcuit, flour » porter, réfined fugary teas black pep~ Iniported trou, London, in the J hree Brothers, Capt, difference ofa mere ae Bottles; brandy in kegs, a few cafes of prize gin, refined pet, {pices if forts, indigo, oznabrugs, yard wide, ' 7, 38, Brenan; and to. be fold, by John Paris, jun, ir the. Q@xrrather-did: he nor fugar, Yorkthire: hanis, motes flour; Engiifh’ dtto, atid 3 aTrifh linen; Ruttia hoitand, 7-8 and 4-4 gr uoker’ssaneeting, for ready morey only. : | and-warmth cattile foz2p, Florence ofl; Durham ‘clouting, Half elf and 34 diapers, long and piftol lawn, of a man HREE quarter and yard wide che: ks, mens Ac rounds uftbset, tripey 1 and fig biuey winite, yellow, red tandem. file fia, brown and white “dantzick, brown hol- the middle of the bufi- ings, India dim ty, Jong law ns, nodes and pe muitard, Poland tiarch 5 oil, for ditto, an excellent aflortment Jand, dowlas, blue (prigainen, blue caliico,, chit aJlihen, ns.fgfreauent and ain. : tiffany, gaze, mens, and Waniens el rinditones, fail clouh No. t to 8, an! and fiik handkerchief, romalls, plain-and figured ae warmest approbation and white bats, iadiestidise- ditto o in the newe{t arid fe wing twihes, /) dimities, dyed jenetis,~ 4-4 ahd ‘yard Wide Scotch Imen, his fallary'was llopped fafhion with oftrich feat hers, &¢, yi es in cafes, olives | vonary, feintyturtle lea iines,* faberfine b atk ‘And beaver , muflins,. mufin and lindan hankerchief; lay- andmufhroems: in quart:/bordss; tal fey, Belio“ fifhine ‘and ideep vain ng, did he for that hats, peruvran bark, biue peniltones, | lock, blue, white, black, gretn aiid pink pélfien ribbons, ty.fauce, and beft fweet oi] in bottles, yes in bo colouret-hats, ertions?. Or-rather did brown) and white Rufiia fheeting and drabs, ‘perfian'and calltmanco quits, Nampt and flowered Jine tles, bla rd red fealing wax, foap, oui le and fing black pepper, monies out of his own Tri iinens 5 dark blue, white, "tear! tet, to- dan, ladies fathionable creffed caps; Black’ ‘laftmg nett; Glocefter cheefe, pain {s 25% all foits, 3 d oil by the cambricks, Devondhir'e’ brown, tnd , princefs Nuff, forentine, ‘fewing fik and mehair, ‘fuper- cellary.and public pro- walionand jug, &c> &c. 7 jews Set corbeau, Poitiand drab,’ with: the -moit. fafliion bie trum fine broad cloths, ,: mode" i oO recapitulate) particu- _—_—— a to te fold by ) coats; an ¢ ard thildteh’s thread hock 5 cy, Lhope, is néedlets,; vitrperted trom Europe and) ning s> tailor” 8 ji icKe lS, fhirts}' ‘great C Neale, at his fture in Speights town, for 1 ware, boots, Inens and womens ; and boys black and white Hee ladies Pape r hats oe fo foon' ferfotten. I {eriment of earthen’ « wey and fhort credit; the following articles and filk ftockings, ‘vaetton’s fnutt,“mhahogany | ‘medin the pentselett tafte,: d. knowledge of every ENNISTONE, oznabrugs, check and {tripes, gardizy leicopes and aclu onvatic do. Stoughton’s ‘bit- drén’s thoes, when's and Women’s ‘plbves, “et refolutiods'bf the houfe, ‘Rufia hol and, Refiie ck, white andbrowndant ters, inactheats, hair uunKs brals. moun ae a vely €x- and half ell huckaback, wrsting”paper, sink Cakes, wax n, eftimation, his fervices zicky lvith linen, Twi ft fheeung, c ; long and pity celient alfortracnt.offadlery, Mylon tea, an aflortuient cf and waters, ‘beft double: dettilfed lavender water, eficnce : a confpicuous point of fol lawn, hé dkerchiefs, Germa:+ und royal card, flocki- tin-waie, molt slegant flver thee buckies the ncweit ard of Purpaniols {nuff in pound’ and*lWalt poun Bottles is # quilts, filk SS -- Tf fach was the opie net, printed j Jennets, princels itutf, callimaneo talte, bilan g and tcimper lime, Cordage from 6 4 neatett Jul ariived in the aft fhips from Vondon honfe ftockings, | mnen’s. wormen’siand tnaids thread hole, men’s inch eablets'to 6 thread tatlines pitch acd tar, mould and to be’ of the agent dure “fo! d by the fubleriber at his fhop in women’s and .boys, {hoes of various forts, men’s ‘and ¢and!le dheet lead, buck dkin and wath Icatuer Swart ttreets: ¢ bufinefss how has the and dipt INENS abd nar seys black and white hats; thiesd, tape, “needies, helt ‘gioves, ink fran s, weed hoops, hopihcad and punch¢on fan uilts,dGe aina beginning? would rant8, hardware; itationarys ‘cutlery, “plats tea, spice ia ferts, black “pper,- hoes; mails of tiais hoops, & fee, “Wt ile purchal gis w ii be iupes : reading. the refoluticns bed_binding, cord’ and ta(ells iting, brufhes rent {erts, rill clinehés,. ftock and. padlocks, corn- avery miodé of alt | Me plied at forts, Lo kyers and Andetfon's'pills, ce, “* that the object we miils; iron ted kettles, frying pans,

Barbuda, and Star, for, captures: made in Deme white perio, free-négro,

h a¢coustscan be made up RI A TEL LOVE has d, fall receive a gen- OP. Cees near: the lower end the goods may b May $,24+. VALE ENT} E JONES, = d athis fhopin Church itreet, won-fiveef, on the moit reafonable tarms, a variety tecl reward by. applying (to the - @pvernor’é o ; OR ~EMVERPOOL, the - the following gqods}-viz. ‘Linen , Indidand Stewed at Pilgrim, orMr, Reed LIC VENDUE; goods, haberdathery, hofiery; -ftationary, BRIGB een nchetter friends nelday next the 6th and » combs, twine, rattans, horfe whips, looking. ARRIS and PHILLIPS inform their re off Benjamin, Alleyne PARK, »mmander, .a i , needics and pins, tazors.and ftraps,.fhaying H and the public, that they have removed peafe which arrived an markable faft faiier, has good » hair powder.and pomatum htgh f{cented, fhoes theia-thop into Swan-fireer, on the fpot where the ks from London for the accommodations © for poll: n- and i ip pers of all forts, hams, porter in caiks, tea late James Butler Hatris fo many years kept hice s0> late hurricaue. The fale ‘gers, and will fail ties, turpery,] tin_ware, hard ware, refined lugar, hy fon, and. that they have aes by the laftthips frorg no’clotk and continve convenicht difpech, ind gréén tes, Sy in forts, cu ts, prunes, black London.and Briftol, avery darge' eee of an oné catk of _ part of her cargo be pepper, larg ue, flint and window glafs, eaneuen: dry. goods of all kinds and qualiti 3 fupérfine €ach put ftoné: 9 ware; black: balls foc. fboes, bruthés and | dy on board. For freight or pa cyder and alé, Port wine e, Winegar, ha r broor Il forts, with many other aiticles. : flour, bottled aid upon delivery: commander, or N. B.: den feeds, ‘arly plant, cothn furni® f fingle and double Glouceiter cheefe, and beit The lines addrefled to Mils M. "May gee fnuff. : May 3. aa

iter? in Spcights Town. The Car tain of a veffel which arrived | ere on Thurfday Jatt, from pela’ fist ie he left Falmouth on the ga of “A pril,: lon, {aloop, hair pow=- at whichtime the Beck et for the Welt-indies got under way, and 1s typ pofed to have put to fea, we anxicufly look- fer hes OGAN, jan. 2§ afrivals as the n splyitig cur re aders with news, at prefent there is none.


Inches 4 6

1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 Centimetres

© The Tiffen Company, 2007 Blue Cyan Green Yellow Magenta White 3/Color Black

4 Pa Pek nee cy i ¢ ext “i - ‘J uft imported in the brig Jenny, from Laneafter -» For LONDON. | ’ AKEN up on the rath mftant, and. Cork, and to be. fold by WILEIAM P@-HE sury, Potry and Cuar- longing to the sulbles im HELMB, at his fore in Broad-ftreet. Lorre, JAMES GILBERT, owns the fame, may have Es dnd catgo beefir barrels and half bar j ing the expences, and a fmall g veut commander, will pofitively fail by April 26,2 + WILLIAM SLADE SPAKROGC rels; pork, Englifh rounds of.beef in tubs, the roth day of July, (or fooner if candles, foap,. white bufcuit in barrels, hams, pofible). For freight or paflage app'y to faid R. ICHARD MAHON, has import chung beef, cheefe, Port wine, refined fupar, com- commander or WILLIAM HILL & Co. laf thips srom Londen, 2 general affortmemt ‘non pipes, 3 4 check ‘and ftripé, 3-4 and 7 8 of dry goods, among which area variety of arv linen handkerchiefs, St. Capt. Gilbert humbly folicits the early affift- Jagocloths, 7-8 cotton ance of his friendsin general, who have hitherto cles of the newelft fathion> He has alfo for lo'land, 3 4, 7 8 and yard wide Trifh linens, never faited togranthim a fhare of theis favors, | afew barrels of particular mefs. beef and pork, linens, printed linens and callicoes, | refton April 26, rt ditto 2m half darrels, half barrels of tongues, bute ‘mullet a. and fein ‘ twine, ‘ men’s broad cloth coats, ter, candles, hersings, and the bef fuperfine ’ me! ts fhoes and boots, men’s filk bound morroc- OR LONDON, . the suip- flour. Being obliged to clafe the fales of the above co flippers, of various colours, women’s calliman e \—' Jounn, HENRY CARTER articles. with the greateft expedition, he is felling fheeg, red white and blue penniltone, felt hats, , Mafter, She is now difcharging them ata low advance forcafhonly. April 19 3¢ Htrafles, plain hogfkin faddles, tin ware, iron her cargo as faft as pofhble, ‘wall | ree ae . 2 ‘potts, bagging, windfor and mahogany chairs, be ready to take in freight the Phe fubfcriber intending for Eng- ogany toilets, defks, and dining tables, with | next week, and will fail in June. ariety of flationary, &c. land in Junenext, requefts all pesfons incebred Captain Carter not} to him as forviving partner of John Smith, ~ 2 May 3. 14. to ‘pay his perfonal refpeéts to all his ‘friends, deceafed, and of William Nath,. deceafed, as \O be fold at the windward eftate of Rowland | takes this opportunity of requeflimg a continue alfo in his own right, ‘on execution, fealed note, * Blackman, Bfq; deceafed, catled Hannay’s, ance of thofe favors, that have hitherto been the or open account, to difcharge the fame, or the “in. the parifh of Chriit-Charch: Two tboufand effects of their generofity and his gratitude. execution: will be immediately levied, and the buthels of exceeding good GUINEA CORN, at April 26, 2§tf '} accounts fued. The longindylgence given re- @ reafonablé price. Any perfon inclinable to Sip ee Pb . Guries nofarther ceremony. Weisready to fet- to JOHN CUMMINS, : || tledand pay all demands againft him. purchsfe may apply Handfome -dark coloured pony, of a moft’ er . ‘overfeer on faid eftate. A elegant fhape and appearance: And if a) i Apsil ag: qne THOMAS WALKER. 21 a 2 May sg. eit or beautiful pair is wanted tor a phaeton or any | Fer. BRISTOL ~AKEN UP, a thort negro-girl {mall-carriage, another-horfe of a fimilar figure : The Snow SALTER, ‘named BARBARY. Who- and fize willalfo be parted with. They are the GEORGE SANDS, Gon ever can prove-the preperty may ap- property of a gentlenian who is gone from the’ Will failthe us:h of June iy ply to ELIZABETH MANNING, ifland. | The particulars of fale and where the Ror diuiohe by. GMESS anol ~ in the parish of Saint Michael, near horfes. are to be feen, may be known at the Printe Ms to the fad Dg tena ae the eftate of Samuel Welch, Elq. Apritg; t.. fe eS ie : reer .. ing eS Office. Se EAE LEER Se LYTCOTT May. 3. 1]I . and MAXWELL,” W ILLIAM HORSHAM, informs his:friends and oe ho will be thankful to their friends,, for {aid vedfel. wit imported in: the daft fhips fiom ?% the public, that he has, taken a fhop at the houle ee iad aed early afiflatice to the ef Mr. Edward-Gatkin Thomas ; where he carries on pril 26, fee s felling of at prime ceft, : j fondon, and the bufinefs. of jewe and goidfmith;,thofe perfons | ~~ ready money. §.... ° te who, .choofe to. fayoun faid Harfham, may depend on For LONDON the mott vea- ariety of dry “goods, alfo a few liaving. ther work well finifhed, and en ' The Ship WORCESTER, ° ,extia price. wall be given for any fonable terms... An SAM. WHITEHEAD, Com: | puchéons of kiln dryed Beans, by exeeeding half an ounce. quantity of-old gold, W ILL politively fai! on or be- , JOHN HENDY. fxpril 29, 1| .fore the 15th of June. For May 3,° 15 from London, be told realonable Speiizht’s- Town; Juit imported freight or paage apply to she aise tor ready money, by Morg gan, Collier and Bannifter, 4 Sere! ERR ce ERIS DH ir fore in Bread Sueet. . : ie oe fardryatter, OFT i RISH linen; 3-4 and 7-8 garlix, ell-vside fheeting, . ODWIN FIREBRACE & D- * handkerchiefs, a variety of chintz, mens and womens Who will be much obliged to their friends, for Old- Advertifements. thread hofe, fins, narrow ribbed ditto, womens ealaman- ance. Apr.] 26; 4§.125 62. co puinps, with French heels, morocco ditto, mens neat &. “For LONDON... fhovs and pumps, royal ribb, cordilieury cambrick, lawn, , bor BRISOL,. Favorite Kitty, {potted diito, hidia ditty, corded ditto, black jailing, Ship BRITANNIA, The 3new princels fuft, “broad cloth and cafimere with timings, The WiTHERDEN BLack> childrens, youths and mens white and black’ hats, pere AMES REID, Com. Matter: fian pétticeats, han‘s, cheefe,. ey in barrels, allio a was armed when fhe cameout .. -- BURNE, complete. aflortment ef ironmongery, fhip'chandlery, a yunning. veffel,, in Novert- fine double decked and foe nidkers tools;. brafs, © tin, i remarkable carpenters, coopers December lait) ae $2 Veels we tk hel pewtel and copper ware, flationary, cutlery, pamts and ; ber , and. of, May: For IL &. pofitively fail on the 1éth inflant,| oil, fadlery, cothn furniture, brooms & brufhes, &e. &c. ILY. fail in all. the month, cargo 78. & de ces pafiage,' apply. ta the faid Com. thirds cf her freightor i at fartheit having.two Ny r re ¥, 4 ry ce eee ee aE Five EET cs Mag Weis iihmediately. For freight a his Fuher’s houfe in for sa 4 LYTCOT™= and put on board To be folit by the fubicviber, at hippers © - only. 4 Whe. will be vaitly, thankful to all apply to faid|Mafler,or , the Roe-buck, for cath in the dif- MORRIS & Co iva. wines, dt-ias, & 6d. per gallon, | for their kind and ¢atly afittance, Aprilsoi 1 nt. fe SCOTT, April 26, t fin t 8s & gd~ porter’ by the dozen, at patch -of the faid-veflel - ee ee ee aT ob, OON.D -O-N, 6s. & 4d, choice old rum at 5s. per gallon; Clarétvat js bg for in the Jatt fhips hia London, A per dozen, brandy, cocea, ladies p ain, chipt and | Juttimported OL, The Ship PHILIPPA HARBIN, 2%s HAN PERKINS, {at LEE, Commander, diefled hats, calamanco fhoes\ef various colours, tape, to be fold by JOWAT AY 2. FOSEPH fans, fcured and his ferein Broad ftreet, the following articles ; in all the month twift, Scotch thredd, blond edging, IVILL pofitively fail , fpotica, gauze, . noes, cordage of diffes ganze ribbons, plain, figured, and : 4 ENS and womens canvas; oznabrugs, Raffia of ‘Fune full or, note. Capt Lee willbe pat as needles, perfian, M rent fizes,, fail ftimped gauze handkerchiefs, pins,, ; to his friends for their early ee and hecting; flick’t ‘dbwlas, Score _ particularly thankful gloves, ladies fafhionable L ! dvelféd t caps, catgut, parlix, brown to fulfill this en- 2 ed cal ndid favours, the better to enable hits {oft pomatum. hair powder, &c. _- ae yo 2 ang. accep 2 x VERY hollands, long lawns, ,mixed.colour handkerchief, chintz 2 ior April 262 it April 4 ee. 2 7s. & 6d. se? JOHN SAY pte jun. pike can ee lint princefs fluff, US'P imported from London, and is be Jald by Jult insported in the fhips from London and to be fold | of the moft fafhionable patterns, fartes; blac 0} fergedi- ge: the fubfcribers for ready money only » Beans, by Samuel Perry, at his ftore in Broad. ftreet. India hankeens; j perfiantammes, beft white bread, Split A Compleat affortment of 1roninongery and tin ware, cloths with fuitable trimmings, , oats, flour, hanis, cheefe, : : ‘ . 5 . oy, broad cordage, paints and oils, window glafs,cordage, feal, bridle . teas, fingle and aapie pease, paints and paint oil, deal boards, mens and boys hats, leather; fail canvas, twine, buntmg, negro _W. an ns forts, iron and wood boops, wine- and pum breakfaft | reli refined fugar}-hams, hams, 4apernune, foperine. flomts nails of various cloathizg, bagging, ing, fat ftationary,, be hyfom i and Fa barrels, bef? port and fberry wines, brown bifcuit, wired porter, and portér pal gar, porter in tea, ¥efined fugar, alfo Irifh‘Iinens, cambricks, chintzes, fine byfon tea, | rels, falt, and-a few ounces of beft’ Tonquin Jadlery horse whips neath mounted, handkerchiefs, corded and India dimitivs, India ging- Ait Hall, = ce. Jugar, Ge. Te ; Dutch rope, fathionable broad cloaths, hecka- Mut from Apothecaries refined hams, to leave the ifland ois Lhey continue to jell at prime cof, the remainder Perkins having déterininéd of any of eaadboes B gartix, long lawns; nankerns; ladies mens cala- | yayxt month, will difpofe -of dry goods, among whith are fomt and backy beys 3-4 fafhionable andy white and black hats, poffible, and will pay of their ftock and ftitched plicles on chi teweRiternve : manco ‘and morocco pumps, mens plain Racbapia elegant filks for ladies. bec... &e. bcc. riper artehtion to-chitfcullowierse WILLIAM HILL, and Co. Beg ne ee Ce ee reads, re All, perfons indebted to them are garnefily ae aN payments a LONDON, quesied to make the moft Speedy from ‘i Briftol, and to be fold Fo ae Arrived in the thips LADY-ALLEYN#, ; April 26. by Harris and Phillips. , The Ship WELCH, Commander. at flour, port wine, Taunton ale, WILLIAM ~ Jutt imported and’ to be fold by Bifhop and Skeete; EST fuperfine sf wer ia ‘june : fingle and double 3 WILL fail the ar their {tore bottled cyder, vinegar, to the fai comman- double are now felling For freight orpaflage appty @ GUPERFINE flour, herrings, hams, fingle and Glocettercheefe. Their old goods bottled ftreet ; LYTCOTT and MAXWELL Gloucelter icheefe; port wine, belt London off at prime coft; at their ftore in Middle. dr, or friends, : cloath- Who will be much obliged to their S porter, beans;'Lendon . oats. Cordage, negroes 3 4 luteRring filks ateight fhillings and a penny early 10d, 6d, and qd. in general, for their kind and ~. ngs hoes of different fizes, nails, zed, per yard. and fhippers oak plank. half penny April 5, 1783.5 «rum packs} ciren) hoops, afinali: quantity of ee March 29, tfn froursto the faid vefel. 5. gaepriless |

RT Printed-by JOHN ORDERSON and Co, at the New Printing-Office, Marl-Hill, Bridge-Town.

Inches 6

1 2 11 12 13 14 io) 16 fe 18 19 Centimetres © The Tiffen Company, 2007 Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta White 3/Color Black

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