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August 1816. • SATURDAY, 3, VOL XU | [4674 "' " 1 .. . —.. 1 '' ----- — A vendue. Public Sale For Sale or Freight, Country House, Hardware. at William And ‘"sales virtue of an order tiom the Ho- The ship Hazard, about 200 acres of Land, within bur- norable the Judge of Charles Crabtree, jun. master; ; 3 miles of Alexandria, will be sold by the LEIVIS SIPKINs isr CO BY 5300 barrels, nearly a Have received County Court, will he exposed to Public then~ subscriber. The house was formerly oc- by ships Ocean and jfbt* new vessel and in (iom Sale, tor Cash on Thursday the fifteenth complete cupied by himself, and is about one third fail) Liverpool) a general assort- of Prince ot a ment Store, corner next, at the residence of order tor the reception cargo. ot a mile from his present The of At“it fhe Vendue day of August | dwelling. AfcSO, is and Water Streets, Gerard Ho rertson, in said county, the | situation high and remarkably healthy. HARD WARE 5c CUTLERY. OF Wallace. J.Stick- The house 4 A VARIETY life e-tate of said Robertson in about The ship lias rooms, and a kitchen ON HAND, ol master; burthen 4500 and on the lower ami Goods, Groceries, &,'c. ! two hundred acres ot land, being part ney. pantry, floor, four JLgeneral assortment German G j}rn is a first rate vessel, chambers with fire sto- odet will he in a tract or of land called Harwood, ,barrels, places in the 2d Which will be a.-rulais of which expressed parcel and sold on the mo*t ac- on West side nf Port Tobacco ■built at Newbutryport, It was well builf under the the bills of the (lav. lying the ry. superin- ; terms to custom- Jjv for sea. commodating punctual are on about two miles from Port Tobac- n complete order tendance of Mr. Lovem a ers—or '{L, \H kind of goods which Creek, g. respectable lor cash. V A of which are co. Also, articles ot ti uphold LSO, English architect, and would make a com- 23 ! ..Kfion and the prices sundry Charles -May f ot Tlic fortable summer retreat for a fa- can at time he viewed and Kitchen Furniture, necessary ship FTolifern, genteel ■tibUrd. any master; burthen or the lowest limitation here to be enumerated. the ratifi- mily, might be made a valuable Ta- at Upon ^^Ipl^Jennison, has Just ^purchased cation of the sale, the of 5000 barrels, per- vern by opening a road through the land. deceived, by judges j^^®*^about and One case and a formed but one About one half of* the Canton prices* p Q AiARSTELLEll. Charles County Court, and not beto;e, voyage, land is in wood: the CRAPES, assorted a colors, and deed will be executed t> the can be ready in three days to receive residue is capable of being made hand- purchaser* One case Blue to him the estate aforesaid. cargo. some grounds. There is a well and , goods. conveying good For sale german H. BRAWN KR, ALSO, pump in fbe yard : and there are scvcial by The lfflhelmina. John on the land. John G. Ladd I Catlett Trustee for the creditors of ship good springs t & Co* Charles burthen 4000 June 27 Orion, di- G. Robertson. Baxter, ma-ter: The terms of will be one fifth received per the ship payment tor Porf barrel?, in order & rea- in four the residue in four rect from Hamburg, and oilers Tobacco. Jul y 20—26 good months; equal to receive a on annual HAS Goods, viz. cargo payments with interest : one half -jp the following j I secured Lxchange Office, Georgetown.. W -and lor Sale. board. by notes well endorsed, and the Glass are, whole a 800 bo;tes | The sub-c.iber wishes to sell for Cash, Also for Freight, by deed of trust on the land. ILL the id no- give highest premium for fonsidii® looking glass plates, or likelv The Possession be hud. immediately. young Negroes, several tracts brig liesper, Joseph may Drafts at and Bank tumhlere, wine glasses, double bur* Sight, Notes, on or parcels ot Laud, in* the jun* ouster; toe window &c. containing ^®l^SteP!ie,ls> Hr. Crunch. following places, viz. fauiand gilt edged; glass, whole 1000 acres, on Potomac ri- about 1500 bids. nearly lying J3xP‘jKfe|^(hen July 31 Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Bal- 200 bales , ver. in Charles Ma- new and a built ves- Nunjemoy, county, superior timore, Virginia, North Carolina, Soulh- of Platilla*, Britannia*, about S.5 miles from Alexandria sel, sails fast, and ready to receive a 400 Dollars Larolina and Consisting ryland, Ooorgia.—I will also give Ch »SeU, Lis- and a few miles above the bend ol ihe il! be given for the Estopn&s? jtouans, cargo. Lively Young Negro highest premium for Drafts on New- Hessians, badCrea^ (loth, river commonly called Point. Also Sale, or \Yorn: rs. at the Bar of the ci- tiilees, Dowlas, Maryland for Freight, Enquire Orleans, Treasury Notes and Specie. i These lands are The 'lAemachns^ Lti- ty Tavern. While Sa’d, stout hempen ickleaburgs, very valuable, being I >2Tj5ilv brig Ail kinds of Western Bank Notes, &c. to the river and there July 10 tf and Osaabargs, Burlaps # contiguous having bought sold. and Russian iron on an excellent Fishery called All kinds of Swedish Herring ! “Tor Stocks and Bills of Ex- Timm's Got, and where sale, Brass kettles, -everai other.! A and sold. Spanish JACK, 10 years old. change bought and red at a little be % rising While lead, might expense I can Notes, Drafts, and Interest landings be recommended as a collected cleared—there also AI SO, highly foal- Scvthcs, abounds good wood and remitted for a small commission. .... I .. .!! i-I ±v »•». .. and of iaii geUe!-, good and tea Kettle*, «tm tn.loci —laciu inter, lac on (MIS I The Criterion, burthen temper. Any person Copper pots brig to Persons to tut * ran sec at Mr. travelling any pat 4 a never ban in cum- wishing purchase him" Stiaw knives. i land tailing stream where a mill thirteen hundred els, the United States be Lhaihau/s lively stable. may supplied with, Brass wire, ! might advantageously be erected at a lit- ple:e order ior sea. suitable Funds. tle to G. Coleman. expense. There are on PIpjkp tn pnnnirn mi, Qtdlfe, tj^pruaerty Apply 29 several and Fvwlo. July Liquor cases, dwelling otherWjv^Sv 1: t J^a^Tasjo^& and Broker’s Office, (xeo. will either be sold lividge-street, Fruit baskets. altogether or divided J;?be 12 V I’or Boston and L'oivn. so as to _i Portland, Casks of steel of a superior quality suU purchasers. It i» Romulus though* *'je Riszs. Mantle ornaments, to a lurther * I *^chr. Drink* unnecessary give description For Freight or barter, Pence, Capt. June 1 ,, ui the now * as it is an xk&Mm "'ator, to receive a " 10C0 j ■■■ demijohns, property, presumed W-> The new and elegant Brig, ready to cargo and take low. Apothecaries’ glasses. person wishing purchase would first Flurenzo, Captain kclbon: freight very wanted Furniture, bottles and beads. &c. view the premises. Anv fejSrjfr •Apply to Carpenters person wishing 241 tuns, a lii *t rate i be sold on as to u.chase 3^- *#&hu,’ti,en LAWRASOX 1IL subscriber wishes to All ct which will good j the above property will for FOWLE. employ ten vessel, equipped any voy- or twelve as car* be in tin to call on July 29 good House t to -terms they purchased Captain William I). for the immediate : urpenters, pjeme age, and ready recep* u-mk at United States. Harrison, or William limit, re- Eluoot’s .New (’apfaiu tion ol a cargo. Cut Jacks bik Establishment, Nov 22 near the lMaLs, <^* Landing. '’jdmg premises, who wili shew ALSO, Sprigs. die Same, or iU7* Hu will libera! to the subscriber near the ^ive wages if in>, The very superior and Iasi FOR town of Port Tobacco, jgJpl SALE, mediate application is made to Landing, Maryland. sclrr Leopard* cap i At the B ii tiie above should not be ^&&|^^saiiing Warehouse of Adams, Her- illium Slcivart* of the property Buntin ; burthen 121 tons c Carpenter* The Cargo brig Agenoria, Cyrel soot Ifi at private sale, it will be ofterH at bert and Co. July Martin, master, from Marseilles, con* 75o barrels, in or- ! ublic bale to the bidder in the complete A handsome assortment of Cut of highest and may commence in itmne- Nails, $$tiug ton n der, taking Jacks ut Port tobacco. on the arid put in ol 45j cases claret Tuesday diatelv. Sprigs, up papers I1 or ijosion Oc ddth ot cutv. enienl sizes. ro*t;,,houtn 200 casks dit'O August next, between the hours And to Barhadoes, ol 1 and J for Freight 2T o’clock, P. M. July _ KisiNc’T Si 50 ditto nuiscate! wine gjgfc The elegant coppered Bri- Alts, JUliN M. HANSON. : 2 ditto ladies’ and gentlemen's pchouner Fume* Captain TO CLOSE SALES, Captain Amos blancliard July 26 ^feS^fy^firh hose and gloves \ yues : to sail in ten davs : fiie undersigned will se!i at the Stores fcmydit uill.be received very low by ap- 1 ditto ladies’ kid gloves FR FXCH G 0 0 BST |)itsi juo^t nf her cargo engag- o\' J aim Jannc**. Esq. plication at (lie counting room of. assort- barrels on C. I. CATLKTT. 2 ditto colored lutestrings, Landing al Lawrason & Fowled wharf, ed. and will ta?;e 300 mode- OX IJDFRAL TERMS— ed irom the rate terms. Apply to 20 [ scliooner Morning Star, P. About 6U fine flavored old July ditto 0 Herbert & Co. ! puncheons 1 ditto flowered R. Page, master, from Havre tic Adams, ! RUM, 3d and dlh 6-: 3 ; £ ditto Florence June 3 proof, hogshead eas, &c. Grace, 1 in the schooner Ad Fresh 2 ditto assorted Slilil’JB—imported ColoVed crapes 1 case white and black We received & sale, crapes, ! miiai Durham, from Tobago. havejnsl for 1 ditto ribbons 1 do Lavantine handkerchiefs, with For 11 or Charicr, shawls and hand her Fitigi N. REILLY. and Young Hy.-o 1 LA, ot 2 ditto colored borders l be elegant new St hooner Imperial ro~£ .Tui v 15. If the first quality.—Slug's cargo. chiefs Long black and white siih gloves Stephens ; very hats, Pa- ^^§833^W'ptvMi Captain 4 ditto gentlemen's sup. 1 r.r.e men’s and women’s black burthen InG toes or 1200 bur- Cogniac brandy y I fhe ^ am'o oi* v!ie iBritish lirig Jamaica rum risian ent and white silk hose jels, well found, and in eve- O O 2 bales Alexandria senna 2 do be A Hum Florences, assorted colors ry respect a first rate vessel, and will Shannon, bale*) corks 15 2 d Levantine uo do f ur tl e reception of a cargo in live Captain Kendall* from St. Vincents, Pepper ready j Pimento 5 cases phials— d » tatteias do do dav>. For tei ms apply to the master n consisting of * For Uac* syte by 1 :o ladies kid e-loves, assorted I board ur to 91 hogsheads prime Sugars ginger Adams, Herbert & Co! sizes and colors Adams, Herbert k Co. l42 puiich;*ons Hum, nail Loat sugar. May 28 1 tlo men's leather gloves Who have for Side* GO puncheons Molasses, will be land id ad in Si ore, 1 ditto ed and is lor sale. green sewing silk for um- Paid schooner's t argo, consisting of litis day 12,000 bushels Liverpool fine & ground QUlGLY’s brellas S3,MOO feet Merchantable I.umber. Adams, Herbert & Co. all urn salt. Eun* Stone Mill Manufactory. 1 ditto sewing silk, assorted cols. June 23 July 9 Bryan ILimpson and Co. i ; * f|MlE subscriber has receded a ge ) Do. Oil skin bat covers, Ji.lv 2 JL supply of 15U1UI BLOC KSWiW ] Do. , Mr John Altar, frvm has commenced mak- Merchants’ Bank Prance t and 1 Do. Lawns, hits. Paper YOU will take notice, that on the Gt’ii For St. Johns♦ (*V. Long W.3XTED. li.J ing Burr Mill Stones, at his shop, upper Shi; t buttons. dav ol the Circuit Court of the District V The substantial British id Goods, schooner end of street, near the store ot Mr. 1 Do. W 1 have a large quantity jJri) Ivins hite Chip flats, of Columbia, to be held for the county £ War Hater, J. Humbert, master, '“tfnfs he on a which 1 will sell on term- for Mer- Anderson, where can. ] do. black and white good of in or as crape, and Alexandria, November IBIS, having part ot tier cargo For an\ size. chants’ at or tor other engaged. *Urt notice, furbish Stones of Paper par, any soon thereafter as-counsei can be beard fu.»r, ; freight or pssage, to the master at ’Wanted to in the United ('bartered or Unchartered Bank Paper. apply equal any The above goods were purchased with ! I shall move that court to award judg- the office of, and on the oust reasonable terms, Jonathan zSehoHield. &atos, cash, and selected bv the beat houses at ment against you in favor of the common Mams, Herbert & Co* Michael 6th mo. n2 tluigly. Lyons and Paris, and wili be sold at a council of Alexandria, for the sun of 30 tf July april 6 small advance four dollars and one cent, — bp, 10K SALK, sixty being J. & 'i \ tiie amount due for paving and taxes or. )y-;-:- OWCil, An black Boy. aged about For intelligent your propert y corner of Duke and Biit- Antwerp, Lane*, lor ^ase. or 19 years. lie has been acetretumed to sireets, in the town of Alexandria, for ^'ie ^stantial and fast sailing *FHK subscriber offers for sale two Lawrason Fow'c. lake care of horses ami to labor on a the years 1810, Jl, 12, 13, 14 and 15— : lM*2»Ship America, burthen 285 tons” i small FARMS in the of farm. He is not. offered for sale for any county also' according to the act of congress passed haring two thirds ot her range engaged; ”©$tmnrelar.d*arul state el and for sale hiult. For further apply to Virginia— from said Schooner particulars ; he 25th 1804. the balance will be taken on moderate 200 Landing the Printer. February. ©n Mattox Creek, containing a> above ; \ J. 1). SIMMS, tci ins il immediate application is made land ot the first cl a 13 to principally quail- 25 pipes old cogniac brandp, July Attorney for the Common Council t DANIEL SOME Rtf. 40 of which is heavily timbered.— superior quality of Alexandria. July 12 is on this tract a 2 FoV New-York, good dwelling 20 cases champainc. dozen each May u5—1G dGm with all a eacli The tine new schooner Neptune, necessary outhouses, 60 ditto meduc claret, 2 dozen ■ and orchard, Stevens; having thejninci- Wanted. Mr John B Dabney, young apple peach May i jjj&iSxapt. Negroes t of her on board vvni sail YOU will tal notice, that on the fifFi spio^s of never streams cenveoi- pa! pa oftrgo CASH will be for failing to the given likely young ~“k The house stands on the banks ol next ^or freight apply day of the Circuit Court of the District . Thursday, Negroes—slaves for it Eli and on board, or to life.— Apply ot Columbia, to be held for the of creek where convenience captain street. county j every & Co. Legg's tavern, King ~ GJary can alibi'd is at- on and will Adams, Herbert Alexandria, in November IS Id, or as that the season The subscriber lias hand, George Farley. I to it. with a Julv 9 soon alter as counsel can lie-heard; I shall be constantly supplied general.as- a 24 d2w July move to a- sortment of Cotton from t:* iiich- that court award judgment n JMO, nne other Tract, Wing and* being in mcml Manufactory, which will be advan- Piano Forte. praitrct you in favor ot the common coun- Land for Sale. cil of for the sum of ^ same county, about one ami a hall tageously disposed oi to town and coun- Alexandria, twenty* six dollars and five cents, the a- from the above tract, containing try merchants. Sols, J) Tract of Land is offered for sale being jji*®4 4 Just revived, for and half about 150 acits oi situate in Frederick mount of taxes due on your properly oa acres, JAMES SANDERSON. A London made Piano Forte, county, Virginia, ^**ch is square in the town ot Alexandria, ». in good timber—there is a dw el* Julv 1 with six within one mile of Berryrille, containing Wolf-street, of superior tone, legs—addition- tor the 1804, 5, ti, 7, 8, 9, 10, kitchen, and an apple or- Pedal—one complete sett ol 78 acres. This land was formerly the years al Keys and 11, 12, 13, 14 ami la—according to the with some other valuable fruit at- Wanted r aininei. of Col. Griffin extra Strings and a tuning property Taylor. ict t>t the Jbebiua- wd to Merchants Hank or oi congress passed this, with a spring of good vva* mWO to the Hatting ChY HAND- Notes, Notes Apprentices 1 1804. terms to Baldwin M 16 of Piano any (4’ the Banks of the District of Co-! irr,J £or

■ *