The Erwin Schr¨odinger International Boltzmanngasse 9 ESI Institute for Mathematical Physics A-1090 Wien, Austria Scientific Report for the Year 2000 Vienna, ESI-Report 2000 March 1, 2001 Supported by Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Austria ESI–Report 2000 ERWIN SCHRODINGER¨ INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, SCIENTIFIC REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2000 ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9, A-1090 Wien, Austria March 1, 2001 Honorary President: Walter Thirring, Tel. +43-1-4277-51516. President: Jakob Yngvason: +43-1-4277-51506.
[email protected] Director: Peter W. Michor: +43-1-3172047-16.
[email protected] Director: Klaus Schmidt: +43-1-3172047-14.
[email protected] Administration: Ulrike Fischer, Eva Kissler, Ursula Sagmeister: +43-1-3172047-12,
[email protected] Computer group: Andreas Cap, Gerald Teschl, Hermann Schichl. International Scientific Advisory board: Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (IHES), Giovanni Gallavotti (Roma), Krzysztof Gawedzki (IHES), Vaughan F.R. Jones (Berkeley), Viktor Kac (MIT), Elliott Lieb (Princeton), Harald Grosse (Vienna), Harald Niederreiter (Vienna), ESI preprints are available via ‘anonymous ftp’ or ‘gopher’: FTP.ESI.AC.AT and via the URL: Table of contents General remarks . 2 Winter School in Geometry and Physics . 2 Wolfgang Pauli und die Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts . 3 Summer Session Seminar Sophus Lie . 3 PROGRAMS IN 2000 . 4 Duality, String Theory, and M-theory . 4 Confinement . 5 Representation theory . 7 Algebraic Groups, Invariant Theory, and Applications . 7 Quantum Measurement and Information . 9 CONTINUATION OF PROGRAMS FROM 1999 and earlier . 10 List of Preprints in 2000 . 13 List of seminars and colloquia outside of conferences .