Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:317 Price: Afs.15 TUESDAY . JUNE 23 . 2015 -Saratan 02, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes UN urges Ghani to specify date Taliban stormed parliament; bid to of parliamentary elections confirm defense minister disrupted Abdul Zuhoor Qayomi AT Monitoring Desk safety whereas some of them have received minor injuries. Shekiba KABUL: The Taliban assaulted Hashemi, a MP from Kandahar KABUL: The United Nations the Parliament on Monday just province told Afghanistan Times (UN) urged President Ashraf as parliamentarians were conven- that she along with her colleagues Ghani to specify the exact date of ing for their third attempt to cast was shifted to a safer place and upcoming parliamentary elec- their vote of confidence for a de- no one was hurt. Kabul Police tions. The UN leadership in Af- fense minister. A suicide bomber spokesman Ebadullah Karemi told ghanistan hold meeting with Pres- exploded himself up behind the Afghanistan Times that six attack- ident Ghani the other day to dis- gate of the Parliament when Ma- ers who wanted to enter the Par- cuss parliamentary elections. soom Stanikzai, was going to be liament were immediately killed The two sides discussed dif- officially introduced to the law- by the security forces. The weap- ferent issues regarding the elec- makers for vote of confidence by ons depot was exploded in the tions including electoral reforms the Second Vice President Sarwar incidence said Karemi. He said one as well as people s trust over the Danish.