A Dive in Home Prices? Education This Year’S Oslo International Norwegian Summer School (Oslo ISS) Is Banks Under Hosting 585 Students from 95 Countries
(Periodicals postage paid in Seattle, WA) TIME-DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT DELAY News Design Issue Presenting the Sommerkvelden hadde begynt Norwegian Design å svøpe verden inn i sitt SAS to add more U.S. flights hemmelighetsfulle favntak. issue Read more on page 3 – James Joyce Read more on pages 8 – 19 Norwegian American Weekly Vol. 123 No. 28 July 13, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com A dive in home prices? Education This year’s Oslo International Norwegian Summer School (Oslo ISS) is banks under hosting 585 students from 95 countries. The ISS is in its 66th pressure with session, and around half of the students study Norwegian. housing bubble The others attend courses held in English, covering a number STAFF COMPILATION of subjects, ranging from Nor- Norwegian American Weekly wegian culture, human rights, peace research, international health, to development studies Prime Minister Jens Stolten- and more. berg is worried about high debt and (blog.norway.com/category/ rising house prices, but said Nor- way is not going to go in the same education) housing trap as Spain, writes busi- Culture ness daily Dagens Næringsliv. “We have more solid banks, The 70-year age limit for better regulation of financial mar- retirement is outdated, says kets and a stronger economy in Anette Trettebergstuen from relation to safeguarding people’s the Labor Party (Ap). Trette- jobs and income than most coun- bergstuen thinks all people tries in Europe,” Stoltenberg said. should be allowed to work “It’s not that this protects us until they’re 75 years old Photo: Johan Wildhagen / www.visitnorway.com – if they wish to do so.
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