the Inside this issue: Norwegian End of the line for Draken Harald Hårfagre american story on page 19 Volume 127, #24 • August 12, 2016 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Nordic Fest, 50 years strong

Kari Heistad Minneapolis, Minn.

Nordic Fest—an annual celebration of Norwegian-American culture in the small town of Decorah, Iowa—just had its 50th an- niversary, July 28 through 30. In many ways, Nordic Fest is like any other fair or festival; there are food vendors, musical performanc- es, craft making, and, of course, a parade, but it all has a distinctly Norwegian twist. Instead of funnel cake and deep-fried candy bars, at- tendees indulge in krumkake and “lefse to go.” While parents enjoy a demonstration on woodcarving, or perhaps a Hardanger performance, kids in bare feet and hurry to the craft area to go paint a Viking ship or make their own troll. The more you see at Nordic Fest, the more you understand that this is not an ordinary festival at all; this is something special. How is it Nordic Fest has sustained such success year after year? A lot of it has to do with passing down tradition to younger gen- erations. The Luren Singers, the oldest Nor- wegian-American male chorus in the U.S., performed at the opening ceremonies and provided a visual example of passing on the Nordic baton. A great majority of the chorus is what you might call experienced, most of them having lost the pigment in their hair See > nordic fest page 15

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 Det er ordet jeg alltid må « Business 4-5 komme tilbake til: sammen. » Opinion – Lars Saabye Christensen 6-7 Sports 8-9 Research & Science 10 Arts & Entertainment 11 Taste of 12-13 Norway near you 14-15 Travel 16-17 Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Norsk Språk 20-21 Fiction 22 Barneblad 23 Bulletin Board 24 Photos: (above) Emily C. Skaftun, (background) courtesy of Vesterheim $1 = NOK 8.497 Above: A contestant winds up for the Rock Throw, one of many sporting events at Decorah’s Nordic Fest and updated 08/05/2016 one of the three events making up the Ultimate Norseman Competition. Background: Giant Norse mythology puppets by the Puppet Project were first introduced to Decorah’s Nordic In comparison Fest in 1999. Ellen Rockne, of Decorah, was inspired to add some magic to the parade, so she and artist Mat- 07/05/2016 8.4105 thew Alexander, also of Decorah, led a group of creative volunteers to begin the papier-mâché constructions. 02/05/2016 8.6057 08/05/2015 8.2787 2 • August 12, 2016 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Turister besøker oljeplattformer Norges eldste mann er død Carl Wilhelm Andreas Falck sovnet inn Edda Accommodation på Majorstutunet bo- og behandlings- senter 23. juli. Han som de siste årene arrangerte Nordsjøens har besittet tittelen Norges eldste mann første «plattformspot­ ble 109 år og 57 dager. Falck har tre barn, fem barnebarn og fire oldebarn, og har ting» med offshoreskip de siste dagene hatt familien rundt seg. ­ — De siste årene hadde han en veldig fin Geir Barstein tid, krydret med journalister og fotografer. Aftenposten Det syns han var hyggelig, han likte å få litt oppmerksomhet, sier sønnen Jacob En gruppe på 120 personer—for det Falck. Han forteller at faren synes det var meste nordmenn—gjennomførte nylig det spesielt stas da han for to måneder siden nye og uvanlige turisttilbudet i Nordsjøen feiret sin 109-årsdag og både statsmin- med hotellskipet Edda Fides, melder ­Reuters. ister Erna Solberg, ordførerne i og Det såkalte flotellet benyttes vanlig- Bærum og et helt pressekorps kom på vis av offshorearbeidere, men settes nå inn besøk på sykehjemmet og feiret ham sam- som reiselivsaktør i dødtiden mellom store men med venner og familie. Den aktive oljeoppdrag. senioren var også Norges eldste Høyre- — Jeg kan ikke tro at det er mulig å medlem. — Han var stolt av at han var bygge slike store bygninger, sier Kari Som- Foto: Edda Accommodation / Aftenposten den eldste rådgiveren til Erna. Hun ønsket me (86) til nyhetsbyrået etter å ha betraktet Flotellet Edda Fides har 600 senger og brukes vanligvis til overnatting for offshorearbeidere. I jakten ham god jul flere ganger. Far meldte seg Statoils Troll A-plattform. på alternativt arbeid mellom større oppdrag, tilbyr det nå plattformspotting for turister i Nordsjøen. inn i Høyre da han var 16 år, samme som I løpet av to turer i juli besøkte Edda henne, og han syns det var spennende å Fides og turistene den nye plattformen Ed- me om bord plattformene, men ifølge sel­ diskutere politikk med Erna, forteller vard Grieg, Johan Sverdrup-feltet, Balder, dation, et underselskap av Østensjø Rederi, skapets nettsider kan de gå helt inntil sikker- Jacob. Møtene med den gamle Høyre- Oseberg, Troll A, Troll C og Gjøa A, ifølge som sørger for at offshorearbeidere har et hetssonen på 500 meter. mannen gjorde også inntrykk på statsmin- sted å sove. Oljebransjen sliter, og senest 28. — Det har vært et eventyr. Å være isteren. — Det er med sorg jeg har mot- — Det er fantastisk! Jeg var så spent juli meldte NTB at nærmere 40.000 stillinger en del av et høyteknologisk offshoreskip, tatt nyheten om at Carl Falck er død. Jeg siden jeg ikke visste mye om det på forhånd. er kuttet de siste to årene. nærmest som et besetningsmedlem, var utro- deler sorgen med hans familie, skriver Så da vi kom hit, og dro fra plattform til Bjørn Erik Julseth, hotellmanageren om lig, konkluderer turisten Nils Olav Nergaard. Erna Solberg i en e-post til VG 24. juli. plattform, ble jeg forbløffet, sier Somme. bord, sier de så etter nye måter å generere — Carl Falck var alltid meget interessant Turistene betalte mellom 6000 og aktivitet på. å møte. Han var samfunns- og politisk en- 30.000 kroner for fire dager om bord skipet, — Vi brukte kreativiteten vår og organ- English Synopsis: Edda Fides, a hotel ship that is nor- mally used for offshore workers, is now being used gasjert, kjapp og slagferdig i replikken og som også inkluderte forelesere som holdt iserte denne turen på seks uker, sier han til foredrag underveis. Reuters. in between big projects to take tourists to see the oil hadde et enestående godt humør, sier hun. platforms in the North Sea. Carl Falck ble født i Tønsberg 27. mai Turene organiseres av Edda Accommo- Turistene fikk ikke anledning til å kom- 1907. Han er utdannet jurist fra uni- versitetet i Oslo og har vært både dom- merfullmektig i Fredrikstad og hatt egen praksis i . De siste 25 årene av Glemte redningsvest yrkeslivet var han administrerende direk- Sakte-TV tør for Norges Grossistforbund. (Kari Mette Hole, VG) Frykter at asiatisk krabbe er på vei til til Netflix og bøtela seg selv Norge Netflix har kjøpt rettig­ Historien om politi­ Det er Sveriges Radio som melder om funn av krabben på sine sider. På kort tid heter til å vise blant an­ mannen som ga seg er det funnet flere eksemplarer av arten. — På to år fikk vi opp fire eksemplarer net «Telemarkskanalen selv bot etter å ha frem til i fjor. Nå har vi fått fire på en minutt for minutt» og glemt redningsvest får uke, sier Matz Berggren, marinbiolog ved Lovéncentret i Fiskebäckskil til Sveriges «Nasjonal strikkekveld» stor oppmerksomhet Radio. Marinbiologen sier det er van- skelig å si sikkert om det faktisk etablerer Susanne Flølo & Ingri Gudmundsen Bergo seg flere slike arter, eller om folk er flin- Hanna Huglen Revheim VG kere til å rapportere inn. I Norge er det NRK foreløpig ikke gjort funn av denne krab- Dagen før femårsmarkeringen av 22. ben. Det opplyser biolog ved Høgskolen — Jeg håper folk skjønner hva det er for juli-angrepet skrev VG en artikkel om politi- i Østfold, Jan Ingar Båtvik. Han tror deri- noe og ikke tror det er en ny skjermsparer på betjentene Arne Stavnes og Ellen Holtebu mot det ikke blir lenge til den kommer hit. TV-en, flirer Thomas Hellum. som patruljerer vannet rundt Utøya. — Den blir sett på som en såkalt dør- Han var prosjektleder for sakte- Patruljeringen er et ledd i politiets ar- stokkart. Den er absolutt uønsket i våre TV-satsinger Telemarkskanalen og Hurtig­ beid for å øke sikkerheten rundt øya etter den farvann, slik som i Sverige. Det er bare ruten minutt for minutt. Det er to av elleve grusomme masseskytingen der 69 personer Foto: Lech Klaudia / VG et spørsmål om tid før vi får et funn av innslag som nå er kjøpt opp av strømme­ mistet livet for fem år siden. Politibetjent Arne Stavnes hadde helt glemt sin den langs vår kyst, mener han. Asiatisk tjenesten Netflix. Det betyr at flere millioner Imidlertid kan det virke som om én av egen redningsvest. strandkrabbe har som navnet sier utspring utenlandske seere snart vil få tilgang til pro- betjentene var så opptatt å tenke på andres i Asia, men er blitt ganske vanlig i både grammene. sikkerhet at han glemte sin egen. For mens Frankrike og Tyskland. Båtvik mener — Det er veldig kjekt. Jeg håper folk kollega Ellen Holtebu har på seg rednings- på 500 kroner for å gjøre opp for seg. Bo- krabben kom til Europa i 1998. Krab- finner knappen og binge-watcher alt som lig- vest, er Arne Stavnes redningsvest-fri på ten publiserte Stavnes på sin Facebook-side, ben spiser nesten alt den kommer over ger der. Da kan de sitte i timevis, sier han. VG-bildet. sammen med VG-artikkelen og følgende og eter i 90 prosent av sin aktive tid. — I Joris Evers, kommunikasjonsdirektør i Artikkelen hadde ikke vært publisert beklagelse: utgangspunktet frykter vi vel alle frem- Netflix, tror konseptet kommer til å slå an lenge før en oppmerksom leser oppdaget sik- “I dag var det bilde av meg i VG, og ja, mede arter mer eller mindre fordi det er hos strømmepublikumet. kerhetsglippen: jeg glemte å ta på meg vest, og tok den ikke ukjent hvilket skadeomfang som det med- — Norsk sakte-TV er et originalt kon- — Redningsvestpåbudet gjelder ikke på før kollegaen min la merke til det. Så jeg fører på vår natur. De er ikke tilpasset sept som vi elsker og vil dele med flere. Net- for politiet? Trodde de skulle gå foran som våre farvann og har ikke naturlige fiender. et godt eksempel. Dette sender bare feil sig- Se > redningsvest, side 21 Båtvik sier det kan også være et problem Se > netflix, side 21 naler, skriver en leser i kommentarfeltet un- om nykommeren tar seg inn i brakkvann. der artikkelen. English Synopsis: The story of a police officer who (Ina-Kristin Lindin, NRK) English Synopsis: Netflix has bought the rights to Irettesettelsen gjorde politibetjenten så fined himself after forgetting to wear a life jacket on a stream 11 of Norway’s slow-TV programs. forlegen at han valgte å gi seg selv en bot boat trip with VG has made international news. theNorwegianamerican News August 12, 2016 • 3 Record hot Svalbard Slug Hour to This week in brief US film rekindles local feud July 2016 was the warmest month ever fight against It has been reported that filming of the science fiction comedy-drama Downsiz- recorded in Norway’s Arctic archipelago ing began in Trollfjorden, fueling the dis- mollusks pute about ownership of the fjord. Trollfjorden is located in Northern Norway. Inhabitants on one side of the Norway’s Socialist Left fjord and argument contend that it belongs Party has proposed a to the Vesterålen district and archipelago. Those on the other side proclaim it part of national hour for hunting the Lofoten district and archipelago. the invasive Spanish Slug Opinions about the issue have dif- fered for at least 50 years, with the argu- ment flaring up periodically. Efforts to The Local gain a clear answer about in which district Trollfjorden lies have been unsuccessful. Officials at the Norwegian Mapping Kari Elisabeth Kaski, the party’s secre- Authority, Nordland County Governor’s tary, modeled the idea of Earth Hour, which Office, and Nordland County have avoid- began as a lights-off event in Sydney, Aus- ed confronting the Troll directly. Photo: Hylgeriak / Wikimedia Commons tralia, and has since grown into a global (Michael Sandelson & Sarah Bostock / Longyearbyen on Spitsbergen Island in the Svalbard Arctic Archipelago, in July 2011. movement. The Foreigner) “We have seen how well it has worked with Earth Hour, where you turn off the Climber slammed for Trolltunga stunt M. Michael Brady lights for one hour,” she told Norway’s VG A Norwegian climber has been accused newspaper. “ are happy to volun- Asker, Norway of encouraging people to risk their lives teer, and everyone who knows about Spanish after hanging from the famous Trolltunga July this year was the warmest month the normal average July temperature has Slugs is saying that we need a coordinated promontory in an awe-inspiring stunt. ever on Svalbard in the 105 years that me- been lower, just 6.0°C (42.8°F). On main- and concerted effort.” Champion climber Magnus Midtbø, teorological records have been kept in Long- land Norway, the coldest municipality in the Kaski warned that the warming climate 27, posted the image on Instagram after yearbyen, its administative center. The high- country, Vardø in Finnmark County, also set in Norway was helping the oversized mol- visiting the popular tourist attraction. est temperature of 14.5°C (58.1°F) was re- a record for the warmest ever July, 12.2°C lusk to spread into ever more northerly parts Kjersti Eidsnes from the local police corded on July 3, and the monthly average (54°F). district complained that the stunt risked temperature was 9.0°C (48.2°F). Over years, See > slug hour, page 6 encouraging others without Midtbø’s skills to risk their lives. “When these kinds of images spread, some people will get the ideas of trying to outdo each oth- Norway eyes floating tunnel er,” she told state broadcaster NRK. Norwegian local rescue services are being called out more and more often to The proposed under- Trolltunga. In September last year, an water tunnel would Australian tourist fell to her death from the rock while she was posing for a pho- halve travel time and tograph, one of dozens of accidents. Midtbø has been Nordic be a world’s first champion seven times and is a former junior world champion in sport climb- ing. His post included the warning, “I’m Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson wearing a harness and a . Please nev- The Foreigner er try this yourself.” (The Local) Sogn og Fjordane County’s Sognefjord in western Norway is over 4,000 feet deep Norwegians joining Isis in decline and 3,000 feet wide. Measuring some 4,291 According to Ritzau, reports from the feet at its deepest point, the fjord’s length Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish intelli- runs for about 128 miles through several gence services indicate that fewer Scandi- western Norway municipalities. navian citizens are traveling to the Middle It is the world’s second-longest fjord, East to fight for the militant group Isis, beaten only by Greenland’s Scoresby Sund Photo: NPRA also known as Daesh or Islamic State. at some 220 miles long (approximately 350 An illustration of the proposed submerged floating tunnel. Recruitment across the three countries km). appears to have peaked in 2013 and 2014. Using information and experience from Around 90 Norwegians have gone deep sea foundations in connection with According to Wired, Norwegian engi- This some 680-mile trip currently takes abroad to join up with Isis, and the Nor- bridge constructions, The Norwegian Public neers are currently calculating what a sub- about 21 hours and involves seven ferry wegian intelligence service PST believes Roads Administration (NPRA) announced merged floating structure could handle and crossings. that at the end of 2015 there were roughly the plans for their concrete Submerged Float- how the currents might affect movement. If built, the underwater tubes could cut 40 Norwegians actively participating in ing Tunnel (SFT) back in 2011. Building them will prove very expen- this time almost in half, with a journey of hostilities in Syria and Iraq. Building curved tubes of some 4,000 sive too. It is believed this will cost around less than 11 hours. Magnus Ranstorp, Research Direc- feet in length would allow vehicles to travel USD 25 billion to construct. These form part of the government’s tor Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies on a road bridge 65 to 100 feet below the At the same time, the infrastructure previously announced ferry-free initiative (CATS) at the Swedish National Defense surface, it is thought. Each of them, one in will radically reduce journey times between for western Norway’s E39 motorway route. College, believes that Isis has already at- each direction, would be held in place using southeastern Norway’s in the tracted many of the disaffected citizens in a float system or pontoons on the surface. south and Trondheim in the north. See tunnel, page 6 > these countries who were receptive to the organization’s extremist ideology. This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: PST expects a further decline in Norwegians joining the war in Syria in 2016. “Military operations against Isis are deterring new recruits and leading to a higher number of foreign fighters being killed,” a recent PST report noted. & (The Local) 4 • August 12, 2016 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Statoil continues to optimize its US Norwegian set for busiest ever UK Unicus focuses on onshore portfolio summer as US flights prove popular Statoil has agreed a further sale of non- Norwegian has grown to become the third- core assets in its U.S. onshore portfolio, the largest airline at Gatwick and also oper- third in the southern Marcellus in the last ates from Manchester, Birmingham and positive differences two years. In the latest transaction, Statoil Edinburgh. Over the summer period from will divest some of its non-operated inter- July to September, more than 1.3 million This consulting company is based on the ests in the state of West Virginia to Antero passengers are expected to fly with -Nor Resources Corporation for approximately wegian to and from UK airports with up to strengths of those with Asperger Syndrome USD 96 million in cash. 560 flights per week. A mix of U.S. cities This follows the announcement by An- and European breaks are among the most tero on June 9, 2016, of the acquisition of popular routes. Southwestern Energy Company’s interest Norwegian is the only airline offering in the same assets. Statoil and Antero have British passengers direct low-cost flights to agreed on a price equivalent to that agreed America—this summer, flights from Lon- between Southwestern and Antero. don to New York and Los Angeles are the The acreage is primarily located in most popular long-haul routes with fares Wetzel, Tyler, and Doddridge counties and from just £149 ($200). Norwegian now is operated by Southwestern. Statoil’s net serves eight U.S. destinations in total with acreage in this transaction is approximately flights to Boston, Oakland-San Francisco, 11,500 acres and its average working inter- Las Vegas, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, and est is 19%. Puerto Rico available from £135 ($180). As with the two previous transactions, Norwegian also has an extensive, the divestment increases Statoil’s financial growing European network with flights flexibility and allows capital to be focused from UK airports to more than 40 - on core activities. an destinations. This summer, city breaks “The U.S. business is one of the focus to sun-kissed Madrid and are areas in Statoil’s international strategy. We among Norwegian’s most popular routes. will continue actively to manage the port- “Whether it’s sun-filled cities like Los Photo: Jon Hauge / Aftenposten From left: Unicus employees Rolf-Olav Johansen and Marius Huse Jacobsen, with founder Lars Jo- folio, optimize field developments, and Angeles and Madrid, or cultural city breaks hansson-Kjellerød. step up efficiency improvements and cost like New York and , Norwe- reduction measures,” says Torgrim Reitan, gian has something to offer on both sides executive vice president of Development of the Atlantic for cost-conscious travel- Rasmus Falck and Production USA. ers… We’re delighted that our unique mix Oslo, Norway In the Marcellus, Statoil retains its op- of low-cost flights to both Europe and the erated properties in the state of Ohio and its U.S. continue to prove popular with Brits Unicus was founded in 2009 by the ally have the learning disabilities that other c. 350,000 net acre non-operated position. and we look forward to welcoming a record CEO Lars Johansson-Kjellerød, who gradu- people on the autism spectrum may have. The transaction is expected to close by number of UK passengers on-board this ated from the University at Karlstad, Swe- At Unicus, those with Asperger Syn- the third quarter of 2016, subject to certain summer,” said Norwegian Chief Commer- den, and has several years of experience in drome are in their right element. Here they conditions being met. cial Officer Thomas Ramdahl. finance. The consulting company is located can carry out assignments for client com- (Statoil) (Norwegian) at the old Fornebu airport and is a niche play- panies in areas where the positive charac- er that provides services in testing and qual- teristics of autism provide a comparative ity assurance of IT systems on commercial advantage. The main area of work is test- Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance terms for several of the largest companies in ing IT solutions. Unicus uses its employee’s (Aug. 5, 2016) Winners Losers Norway. strengths, interests, and skills to fill unmet Johansson-Kjellerød was inspired by a needs in society and industry on a commer- Norsk Kr. 8.4965 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change similar startup in , and they have cial basis. Four of its employees on contract Dansk Kr. 6.7095 Songa Offshore 0.26 18.18% Oceanteam 3.30 -12.93% BW Offshore Limited 0.27 17.39% Avocet Mining 12.20 -9.96% agreed to share experiences. Last year, Uni- with Telenor found problems in one of the Svensk Kr. 8.5623 Atlantic Petroleum 11.90 13.88% Siem Offshore 2.00 -4.31% cus had revenue of over NOK 15 million and most advanced IT systems in Norway. They Islandsk Kr. 120.24 Prosafe 0.94 13.25% Tanker Investment 48.30 -3.88% almost NOK 4 million in profit. The compa- are the toughest testers at Statoil! Incus Investor 2.27 5.58% Wilh. Wilhelmsen 20.00 -3.85% Canadian $ 1.3180 ny has received financial support from social The company hopes to create both so- Euro 0.9025 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit entrepreneurs. cial and financial returns for the benefit of The company is based on people’s shareholders, the community, and the staff, strengths and interests. Out of the staff of who may have difficulty getting into the la- 17 people, 14 are affected by Asperger Syn- bor market, despite high level of expertise. drome, which is a neurological disorder One of the investors is the family-owned within the autism spectrum, often affecting Norwegian investment company Ferd, which READY OR NOT, communication skills and hampering the has an extensive involvement in social entre- HERE LIFE COMES ability to engage in social interaction. On the preneurship. other hand, those with Asperger’s tend to be For the last few years, Unicus has made Life insurance can help you live it your way very analytical and detail oriented. donations to the Autism Society of Norway. Asperger Syndrome is a lifelong devel- The funds have been used to finance the Protection when you need it for your opmental disability that affects how people summer seminar for people with autism and growing family. Options to help with financial goals along the way. Flexibility perceive the world and interact with others. their families. to help power your retirement. People with Asperger Syndrome see, hear, and feel the world differently than other Get life insurance—for the way you Rasmus Falck is a strong live. Contact a local Thrivent Financial people. Understanding and relating to other innovation and entrepre- representative or visit people and taking part in everyday family, neurship advocate. The au- today. school, work, and social life can be harder. If thor of “What do the best you have Asperger’s, you have it for life; it is do better” and “The board not an illness or disease and cannot be cured. of directors as a resource Often people feel that Asperger Syndrome is in SME,” he received his a fundamental aspect of their identity. Those masters degree from the with Asperger’s tend to be of average or University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently above-average intelligence and do not usu- lives in Oslo, Norway.

This is a solicitation for insurance. A Thrivent Financial representative may contact you. Insurance products LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance Certified Public Accountant Small businesses agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit (206)789-5433 Individuals Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • • 800-847-4836 • 29166B N4-16 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 theNorwegianamerican Business August 12, 2016 • 5 Reshoring production, restoring jobs Many Norwegian companies are now moving outsourced production back home

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Around the turn of this century, count- less companies in high-cost countries, as in and Western Europe, sought to stay competitive by moving production to low-cost countries, as in Eastern Europe and Asia. The trend, called offshore outsourcing, now is reversing in some sectors. The new trend, called reshoring produc- tion, has been driven by two ongoing shifts. First, robotics and smart production have cut the amount of manual work involved in making many items. Second, wages have re- cently risen dramatically in many low-cost countries. So reshoring production now is prominent in sectors in which wage levels no longer are decisive in overall production costs. So in Norway, as in the USA and other high-cost countries, high-tech production now is returning home, while low-tech pro- duction remains abroad. That situation is most evident in mechanical production. For example, I.P. Huse, located on the island of Husøy near Ålesund, is a world leader, with more than 90% of the global market for gi- ant winches (pictured here) fitted on Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels and tugboats. It now has moved production back to Norway from , , and the Photo: I.P. Huse . Winch for Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessel made by I.P. Huse. One example of industry that has returned to Norway. Ten other companies also have recently moved production back to Norway, includ- ing Raufoss automotive suspension systems Further reading: from , Kleven Shipyard hulls from the “Homesourcing, Ny trend: Norske the Baltic countries, and Sleipner Motor small bedrifter flytter hjem produksjonen fra lav boat stainless winches from China. kostland” (Homesourcing, New trend: Nor- Hearthstone These successful cases of reshoring produc- wegian companies moving production home tion back to Norway suggest that it works from low-cost countries), by Tore Stensvold, well in high-expertise, specialist sectors. Teknisk Ukeblad, June 20, 2016, article at But there’s considerable disagreement as to whether it can be more generally applied to er-flytter-hjem-produksjonen-fra-lavkost- revitalized slumping manufacturing indus- land/348711 (in Norwegian). tries in many OECD countries (further read- Reshoring: Myth or Reality? by K. De ing, below). Backer et. al., OECD Policy Paper, January 26, 2016, DOI 10.1787/5jm56frbm38s-en (in English; also available in French).

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the Hearthstone Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] at Seattle’s Green Lake news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more (206) 517-2213 6 • August 12, 2016 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

< tunnel An opinion column about current issues in From page 3 Norway and the The idea of driving for periods of time Join the conversation! underwater could sound quite daunting. But On the EDGE Kjersti Kvalheim Dunham, project manager overseeing the road revamp project, told Wired that “Norwegians are quite used to Breivik versus human rights going underwater in tunnels.” Norway has 1,150 tunnels, with 35 of them being subsea ones. One project cur- John Rogers III rently under construction is Eiganes Tunnel/ Ryfast. Owensboro, Ky. The NPRA’s Submerged Float- A recent news article reported the ing Tunnels feasibility study can be following: found at “A court in Oslo ruled Wednesday ment/513909/binary/828610?fast_title=F that Norwegian authorities have violated easibility+study+for+crossing+the+Sogn the human rights of mass killer Anders efjord+-+Submerged+Floating+Tunnel+- Behring Breivik by holding him in soli- +Drawings.pdf. tary confinement in a three-cell complex where he can play video games, watch TV and exercise. < slug hour “After months of meticulous prepa- Photo: Johannes Grødem / Wikimedia Commons From page 3 rations, he set off a car bomb in 2011 Mourners gather at Oslo Cathedral on the day after Breivik’s attacks. outside the government headquarters in of the country, threatening farmers, garden- Oslo, killing eight people and wound- ers, and nature in general. ing dozens. He then drove to Utøya, Breivik took the human rights of 77 chose to kill. I would take away his toilet “I think that garden centers and flower where he opened fire on the annual sum- people, forever. He treated people like gar- paper for a first lesson in humility. shops are too bad at checking their plants mer of the left-wing Labor Party’s bage and should spend the rest of his life in In this system, the victims are pun- for slug eggs,” she said. “Anyone who buys youth wing. Sixty-nine people there were a garbage can—a prison—tightly controlled ished instead of the victimizers. Do the plants should receive a guarantee that they killed, most of them teenagers.” and never given a forum to display a Nazi human rights of non-murderous citizens are slug-free goods. We must toughen up the The ones wounded will have to live salute. What an insult to a populace to let matter less? What did they do wrong to legislation here,” she said. with infirmities all their lives; many, like him have access to a court to complain about get punished, to have their burdens in- The planned “slug hour” would take quadriplegics, have been handed an aw- his standard of living—which is good—or creased? Under Norway’s system, any- place twice a year, and Kaski said she was ful life. Others will have to spend much whine that he has frequent strip searches. one could kill as many as he liked and convinced that Norwegians would get in- of their lives caring for the injured. Now, He slaughtered 77 people. He must never be look forward to all the benefits listed volved. the perpetrator has fame and no remorse. trusted. above. It would be paradise! And new “Many people pick slugs every day be- When children see people getting away How can a country realistically expect generations would learn that this lifestyle cause they have problems with them in their with serious criminal activity—no death other citizens to remain non-murderous is acceptable. garden, and given the volunteer spirit Nor- sentence, just an overdose of video when this person is coddled? Prison is for Did Breivik suffer when deciding to wegians have, I’m sure this is something games—and get to speak to the world punishment, not for slapping hands or reha- kill? Did a voice deep in Breivik scream people will help with.” with arrogance, no one should be sur- bilitation. All he has gotten so far is restrict- “I don’t know what to do”? Did he think VG newspaper, which has launched a prised when young people respond with ed movement and a system saying “Naughty of what he might face and decide it was campaign to combat the encroachment of the their own versions of justice. boy.” worth it? Was lack of proper penalty an alien gastropod, on July 30 backed an all- Successful people learn that disci- Most people have enough dignity to encouragement? I do not know. But he day slug-hunting competition on the island pline must be exercised every day. When avoid resorting to violence during times of finally decided what to do, and plotted it of Stord, south of , in a bid to reduce adults are not sanctioned, not subject to economic difficulty, but the immoral would for months: premeditated murder. the impact of the troublesome pest. the same penalties they created, it tram- not stop to consider retribution for bank rob- Jakob Bjelland, the deputy mayor, said ples children’s perception of fair play, bery and murder of security guards when before the event that he did not expect to thus creating bitterness and a warped they might be instantly rich, and at worst, if eradicate the mollusk, which has plagued the sense of justice. Could this be avoided by caught, get to live free on law-abiding citi- John Rogers, age 63, is island for two decades. society teaching and reiterating that there zens’ resources for life, further crippling the “If we can reduce one billion snails to retired and spends his are serious consequences for violence? victims who have the audacity not to die. time working in house 100 million, it would be a feat in itself,” he Yes, but only if society follows through For the rest of his life, Breivik will live and garden mainte- said. “Maybe we could make this a perma- with appropriate justice when laws are rent-free in a three-room cell with free vid- nance, home improve- nent arrangement every autumn.” broken. If law is not followed as adults, eo games, no bills for TV, recreation, food, ments, and small con- The Spanish or Portuguese Slug (Arion why is a nation wasting time teaching dental care, medical care, or counseling, and struction. He served in Lusitanicus) is a large slug between 70-150 discipline to children? access to a free education if he wants it. He the United States Navy. mm long. Originating somewhere in South- ern Europe, it first appeared in Norway in 1988, and has since spread along the coast The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. past the city of Trondheim.

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Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, Alt for Norge Sports, Travel Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Opinion Editor Hei! Three Washington Norwegian Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] Americans are in Season 7, Alt for Norge Taste of Norway Editor (All for Norway)! Two of us are in Ballard Daytona Strong [email protected] and the other is Ballard born and living in Advertising Bellingham. Just thought you should know Ryan Pearson [email protected] that Ballard-Seattle is represented three-fold Subscriptions this year! [email protected] Tusen Takk! Contributors Sincerely, Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Heidi Somes Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway Seattle, Wash. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Nevada Berg Rollag, Norway Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord Norwenglish Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Daughters of Norway Members Various Solution to last issue’s puzzle: Solution to puzzle #14: Solution to “Norsk forfatterinne” Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Lexi Seattle, Wash. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. 15. august 20. august Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Nils Christensen Lillian Haugland Damato Stuart FL Salt Spring Island BC Canada Sylvia Sorensen Hausvik Pine Bush NY The Norwegian American strives to make Julie O. Svendsen Seattle WA Allis Dahl Johansen Pompton Plains NJ its news report fair and accurate. 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Formerly: Fredrik Giæver Morristown NJ Rose Bertelsen Hayward CA 24. august Norwegian American Weekly Glen Johansen Greenacres FL Ruty Ryland-Harrison Lynnwood WA Chester Harold Aubol Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Claire Loken Bradenton FL Esther Thornton Olmste Township OH Thief River Falls MN Western Viking & Washington Posten Werner Sund Ketchikan AK Grethe Jensen Ventura CA Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten Anne-Lise “Issa” Jentoft Valenzwel 19. august Glenn Alan Johansen Orinda CA og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Tucson AZ Donald Andersen Centerburg OH Alvhild Wignes Haugesund Norway Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Runa Renee Donofrio Frazier Park CA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Dale Erickson Baltic SD 25. august Aase Marie Miller Redmond WA Marilyn Norland Duluth MN Trygve Oas Forsyth MO Erik Vigsnes Ipswich MA

Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • August 12, 2016 Sports theNorwegianamerican Disappointing Tour de for Norway Despite promising young talent, no stage wins for Norwegian cyclists in 2016

Photo: Laurent Brun / Wikimedia Commons Photo: Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick / Photo: EBH / Wikimedia Commons Photo: Jarle Vines / Wikimedia Commons Sondre Holst Enger at the Tour de l’Avenir 2013. Wikimedia Commons at the 2013 Tour Down at the 2014. Vegard Breen at the Grand Prix Jef Scherens 2015. Under.

Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway

Big expectations Not strong enough Alexander Kristoff, the biggest Nor- cyclist in the tour at 22, surpassed everyone’s There were great expectations in regards Disappointingly, at least to the Norwe- wegian hope this year, has put on a brave expectations. The young cyclist finished top to the Norwegian cyclists in this year’s Tour gian viewers and spectators, neither Boasson face during this year’s tour. “It’s a bit dis- ten on several stages and has really made his de France. Four Norwegians were participat- Hagen nor Kristoff were strong enough to appointing that I didn’t win any stages this entry into the world of cycling. “I am very dis- ing, which is more than in any major cycling secure a stage win in this year’s tour. Both year. Sometimes I was close and other times appointed. Coming in as number six is good, tour since 1991. Norway’s biggest cycling were consistently outshone by Mark Caven- I made mistakes,” Kristoff said after the tour. but I want to do better,” he said, after coming stars Alexander Kristoff and Edvald Boasson dish from and from His tour started off the worst way pos- in as number six two stages in a row. He is Hagen were obvious choices for their teams, , who won seven stages combined. sible with the injury of his most important now seen as a future contender for the green but the youngsters Vegard Breen and Sondre Boasson Hagen came close on stage 10, teammate, Michael Mørkøv. He improved jersey by members of both the Norwegian and Holst Enger were also set to make their de- from Escaldes-Engordany to Revel, when he later in the tour and won the mass sprint on the international press. buts in the world’s biggest cycling tour. and five other cyclists broke away from the stage 11, but Chris Froome and Peter Sagan The Norwegians were not going for the peloton, but came in third behind Michael had already broken away from the peloton, Bright cycling future overall win, but rather stage wins and pos- Matthews and Peter Sagan. “It was a tough so he came in third. On stage 14 he came Cycling has become increasingly pop- sibly the overall points competition. Experts stage,” Boasson Hagen said after the stage. even closer, but Mark Canvendish’s sprint ular in Norway in the last 10 to 15 years, thought this could be the best Norwegian “My sprint was pretty good, but the others was faster. On stage 17, from Berne to Fin- mostly because of improved television cov- in a long time, since Boasson were stronger today.” haut-Emosson, he thought he had won, but erage and good results in the Tour de France. Hagen and especially Kristoff, being a strong To be fair, Boasson Hagen’s chances for the photo finish showed that Peter Sagan had , Norway’s biggest cycling , could be capable of winning most stage wins was limited by the fact that cy- beat him by half an inch. hero, won 10 stages in the Tour de France, flat stages. cling is a team sport. On most of the stages, Even though Kristoff has reason to be in addition to two green jerseys and a world he was obligated to use his energy helping disappointed, his performance overall was championship. He deserves some of the his team captain. respectable. The fact that he finished in the credit for the sport’s growing popularity over top five six times proves that he really is a the last decade. Norway has one of the best world-class cyclist. Mass sprints, where he U23 national teams in the world and poten- usually gets most of his victories, are often tially a bright future for the sport of cycling decided by chance, and this year he was un- in Norway. Tippeligaen lucky. Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- Norway’s Premier League Rising star mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. When Boasson Hagen and Kristoff didn’t He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- perform quite as well as one could have ex- sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- results Standings pected, Sondre Holst Enger, the youngest tion from BI Norwegian Business School. 7/29 Sarpsborg 08 1 – 0 Start Teams PLD PTS

7/31 Aalesund 2 – 0 Lillestrøm 1. Rosenborg 17 40 2. Odd 18 34 7/31 Odd 1 – 3 Brann 3. Brann 18 33 Don’t forget about digital! 7/31 Bodø/Glimt 0 – 3 Tromsø 4. Strømsgodset 18 33 5. Sarpsborg 08 18 31 7/31 Haugesund 0 – 1 Sogndal 6. Haugesund 18 28 Your print subscription 7/31 Strømsgodset 2 – 2 Stabæk 7. Viking 17 27 includes access to 8/1 Tromsø 3 – 0 Molde 8. Sogndal 18 26 9. Molde 18 25 our digital site, which 10. Tromsø 18 21 contains web-only 11. Lillestrøm 18 20 content! Don’t miss a 12. Bodø/Glimt 18 19 thing—email subscribe@ 13. Vålerenga 18 18 14. Stabæk 18 16 to set up your digital 15. Aalesund 18 16 account today. 16. Start 18 7 www.norwegian To read more about football in Norway, visit theNorwegianamerican Sports August 12, 2016 • 9 Norway in the Olympics: Meet Norway’s track & field athletes

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

A mere month ago, only five Norwegian athletes had been granted a ticket to the Rio 2016 Summer Games now underway. Long-distance runner Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal and race walker Håvard Haukenes were selected in Olympiatoppen’s first set of picks on May 30, while long-dis- tance runner Sondre Nordstad Moen, discus thrower Sven Martin Skagestad, and race walker Erik Tysse joined the squad on June 19. Many of Norway’s top athletes had yet to meet the international requirements de- termined by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)—let alone the stricter Norwegian requirements set by Olympiatoppen. Their final opportunity was the European Athletics Championship, held July 6 to 10 in . The most notable Norwegian perfor- mance in Amsterdam was that of 23-year- old , who took first in the 1500-meter race—Norway’s only gold of the competition—while his brother, 25-year- old , took the bronze. Despite his title as European champion, though, Filip still hadn’t met the internation- Photo: Chell Hill / Wikimedia Commons Photo: Chell Hill / Wikimedia Commons Photo: Chell Hill / Wikimedia Commons al requirement—his season best of 3:36.21 Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal competing at the 2015 Henrik Ingebrigtsen competing at the 2012 Bislett Karsten Warholm competing at the 2015 Bislett trailed the requirement by just one hundredth Bislett Games. Games. Games. of a second. Since Filip had achieved the gold, how- ever, Olympiatoppen’s Manager of Elite hold back the tears when I saw the time on resentation. “We must create a culture of The other final selections for the athlet- Sports, Tore Øvrebø, confirmed that the the board, but obviously it was fun to see achievement, not qualification,” he says. ics squad include Tonje Angelsen, Ingeborg younger Ingebrigtsen would be selected for the number: a Norwegian record, Olympic In the end, however, all four Norwe- Løvnes, and Jaysuma Saidy Ndure. Rio if the IAAF were to invite him. Sure ticket, European Championship finale, all at gians were chosen to represent Norway in In total, 15 athletes will be representing enough, when the IAAF started sending once,” she told Dagbladet. Olympiatoppen’s third and final selection on Norway in the track and field events at Rio invitations to fill up the start lists, Filip re- Not everyone experienced the same July 15. 2016, which begin on August 12. While they ceived his ticket to the Olympics. level of success, however. While Henrik In- “They have both been performing at have certainly fought hard for their spots at “It’s fantastic that he’s coming. We’ve gebrigtsen, sprinter Ezinne Okparaebo, hur- a very high level previously and had good the Olympics, the team isn’t too likely to hoped that this would work out. It’s good for dler Isabelle Pedersen, and middle-distance times last year. They have proven that they bring home any medals for Norway. Norway and it’s good for athletics in general runner Hedda Hynne are considered some of are improving this year, and they still have a “There are not many medal candidates that the European champion of 1,500 meters Norway’s best and had met the international month to prepare,” said Øvrebø of his deci- in the squad. On the best day with the right is on the field,” said Øvrebø. demands for Olympic qualification, they all sion to pick Okparaebo and Pedersen, who racing plan, Filip Ingebrigtsen could maybe In the 400-meter hurdles, both Karsten still fell short of their country’s requirements. were both hopeful but hadn’t expected to be do it. He’s probably the only medal candi- Warholm and Amalie Hammild Iuel set Many (including the athletes them- selected. date I see right now,” says NRK athletics ex- Norwegian records and qualified for Rio. selves) feel that Norway’s requirements are “I’m very proud and super happy, and a pert Vebjørn Rodal. Warholm broke the record, previously set much too tough and can cause the athletes to little relieved, because I had hoped for this. With some help from the handball and by himself, by 61 hundredths with a time of peak during qualification, rather than during It was great to get it confirmed,” said Hynne, rowing squads, Øvrebø hopes that Norway’s 48.84. “I didn’t need to see the clock to know the Olympics. whose time of 2:00.94 is .94 behind the Nor- 62 athletes will improve upon London 2012 that it was a good run,” he said to NRK. Øvrebø disagrees, believing the strict wegian requirement but well within the in- and bring home more than four medals this Iuel’s new record is 55.79. “I tried to requirements ensure only high-quality rep- ternational requirement of 2:01.50. year.

Sports News & Notes Norway’s track Football: Biggest Norway Cup ever Athletics: Ndure Norwegian champion It was the Boccia International Sports & field team: Federation that invited Roger Aandalen to Norway Cup is the world’s largest interna- In rain and headwinds, Jaysuma Saidy Ndure Henrik Ingebrigtsen, 1500 m tional youth football tournament for boys became the Norwegian champion for the compete in Rio because there was an extra Filip Ingebrigtsen, 1500 m and girls aged 10 to 19. This year it had an fourth time with a time of 21.02 in the 200 space available and Aandalen was the best Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal, 5000/10,000 m all-time record of 2199 teams with 32,000 meters. Jonathan Quarcoo hung on until the ranked of the athletes who had not qualified players from 57 countries. The 6,000 games sprint, but Ndure broke ahead 50 meters be- for the Paralympics. Sondre Nordstad Moen, marathon were played on the Ekeberg fields on the east fore the finish. Torbjørn Lysne from Gular (NRK) Håvard Haukenes, 50 km race walking side of Oslo from July 31 to August 6. took the bronze. Sven Martin Skagestad, discus (Staff) (NRK) Cycling: Norwegian spot in Olympics Erik Tysse, 20 km race walking time trial Tonje Angelsen, Athletics: Gold to Filip Ingebrigtsen Boccia: Roger Aandalen ready for Norway gained a spot at the women’s Olym- Hedda Hynne, 800 m Filip Ingebrigtsen swept all his opposition Paralympics pic time trial race at the last minute. The Na- Amalie Hammild Iuel, 400 m hurdles aside in the 800 meters, sprinting into a clear Roger Aandalen from Gjøvik received the tional Championship winner Vita Heine (31) Ingeborg Løvnes, 3000 m steeplechase victory in the National Championships. His good news on Aug. 2 that he will represent therefore earned a position at the starting line Jaysuma Saidy Ndure, 200 m time was 1:52.9, nearly half a second bet- Norway in Boccia during the Paralympic on Aug. 10, according to the Norwegian Cy- Ezinne Okparaebo, 100 m ter than Andreas Roth. It is his first National Games in Rio. The 51-year-old is now ready cling Federation. Heine also competed in the Isabelle Pedersen, 100 m hurdles Championship gold in the distance. for his sixth consecutive Paralympics, ac- road race on Aug. 7. Karsten Warholm, 400 m hurdles (NRK) cording to Idrettsforbundet. (NRK) 10 • August 12, 2016 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Profiles of Norwegian science: Corporate social responsibility for Arctic oil

Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway

The Arctic: The last earthly frontier for oil and gas, ripe for the taking! Or is it? Giv- en that people have lived in these high lati- tudes for millennia, how open is the Arctic for resource extraction? Debates have been raging in northern Norway, from Lofoten to —and then across the Russian border. We set out to research perspectives on Arctic petroleum, talking to people in Norway and Russia to compare views on both sides of the border. The Research Council of Norway funded us, a team of seven from London, Oslo, and . Petroleum decisions are often driven by externals, including the national govern- ments in Oslo and Moscow. Some environ- mentalists such as Greenpeace call for a mor- atorium on all Arctic petroleum exploration and extraction. Meanwhile, companies such as DNV GL are ready for the business they Photo: Ilan Kelman would receive in supporting northern opera- Northern Norway’s choice: Oil, beauty, or both? tions. With the private sector involved, includ- ing the Norwegian company Statoil, how involved in or opposing Arctic petroleum understanding what Arctic peoples seek and entertainment facilities for the entire much responsibility do they have to the peo- exploration and extraction. A common un- from petroleum exploration and extraction. community. Job opportunities were high on ple and environment when making oil and derstanding of CSR rarely emerges. Does We interviewed over one hundred people— the agenda, with only a few people hoping gas decisions in the north? Many companies CSR mean providing local jobs and avoiding indigenous and non-indigenous across the for freebies. answer “plenty,” devoting effort to “corpo- major adverse consequences? Or does CSR principal job sectors—in four locations. The lessons are stark for companies rate social responsibility” (CSR). mean banning operations in the Arctic? , Norway, is the center for aiming to keep communities on their side. CSR is promoted or criticized by many Our research used CSR as a basis for the first petroleum discovery to be developed Individuals differ, meaning that their needs, in the Barents Sea. The offshore develop- interests, and modes of expression differ. No ment, Snøhvit (Snow White), revitalized the community is homogenous. town and area, with few being left out of the Dealing with only leaders, elected or affluence. otherwise, cannot suffice to understand any The other three places are Russian. Mur- group of people. Decision-makers and power mansk had the promise of petroleum devel- brokers often reap the most benefits while opment, but then little happened. Expecta- being negatively affected the least. tions of jobs and wealth remain unfulfilled. If companies and governments truly Sealift Inc. Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), on wish to know on-the-ground opinions, then the shoreline of the Barents and Kara Seas, they need to consult people where they live, and landlocked Komi Republic just south seeing how they live. Expecting everyone • Ship Owners • of NAO have both gained plenty of income else to travel to attend formal consultations from petroleum. The gains do not seem to or official events is unrealistic. have been shared equitably, with many so- Consistent interests do not appear within • Ship & Cargo Brokers • cial and environmental implications evident typical groupings, such as indigenous/non- across the territories. indigenous or business/non-profit. Individu- In all these places, local support for pe- als have complex viewpoints, irrespective of • Steamship Agents • troleum activity was generally high for most how they are categorized. people and sectors affected. Certainly not A major influence on views of CSR and unanimous but generally appreciative of the petroleum is direct experience, either posi- perceived, assumed, or actual job opportuni- tive or negative. Occasionally, some commu- ties and short-term quality of life improve- nity members even sought more short-term ment attributed to the resource industry. benefits, clashing with companies who wish Yet those gaining directly from the in- to provide more of a positive legacy. dustry while not immediately experiencing No one in industry, government, non- negative impacts were more inclined to be profit organizations, or communities should positive. In some cases, positive economic make assumptions about CSR or accept benefits resulted in greater tolerance of envi- stereotypes about communities’ desires and ronmental risks, while not fully acknowledg- needs. Instead, so much is local and mecha- ing potential social risks. The industry and nisms for reconciling differences might be government came under fire from locals for needed. failing to support a more equitable distribu- tion of economic benefits. Ilan Kelman (www.ilankel- We also noticed differences in CSR lan- and Twitter @Ilan­­­- guage and culture. The phrase CSR comes Kelman) is a Reader in from English and, generally, a Western con- Risk, Resilience, and Glob- text. It is translated into and used in Norwe- al Health at University Col- gian and Russian, but the understanding is lege London, England, and 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 not as straightforward as in English due to a fellow at the University of Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 cultural interpretations. Agder, Norway. His overall Some thought that CSR means support- research interest is linking disasters and health, E-mail: [email protected] ing a company’s employees for being envi- including the integration of climate change into ronmentally friendly. Others sought sports disaster research and health research. theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment August 12, 2016 • 11 An immortal icon Book review: Where’s his new bio? Thirst for Anne Holt

Thor A. Larsen Barbara K. Rostad Fishkill, N.Y. Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Anne Holt has become one of the most How are Norwegian playwright Hen- popular crime novelists in Norway, with rik Ibsen and , father of over seven million books sold in about 25 American ballet, linked to the longest-run- languages. Another top Norwegian writer, ning operetta on Broadway? Jo Nesbø, calls Holt “The godmother of Easy peasy. Ibsen is a character in it and modern Norwegian crime fiction.” She was Balanchine did the choreography. The op- born in 1958 and educated as a lawyer. She eretta? Song of Norway, featuring musical spent time with the Oslo Police Department, adaptations from the works of in private law practice, and briefly served as and English lyrics written by Robert Wright Norway’s Minister of Justice in 1996. Her and . first crime novel was published in 1993, and Ibsen is a character in Song of Norway she’s published one or more crime novels ev- because he came to Grieg and asked him to ery year since. write music for his play, . The re- The protagonist of many of Holt’s novels sult is music known around the world, in par- fabulous music, this loose adaptation of the is Hanne Wilhelmsen, a very bright, attrac- ticular, the opening, “,” and operetta and book fell short of its potential. tive, lesbian police detective. Hanne, work- later on, “In the Hall of the Mountain King.” Still another version of the operetta was ing effectively with colleagues, leads the These have both been featured multiple times produced at Carnegie Hall in 2013 as a one- team in solving the crime, often after many in movies, TV shows, and even video games. night event by the 170-voice Collegiate Cho- unexpected twists and turns. I share others’ George Balanchine, born in St. Peters- rale and the American Symphony Orchestra. views that Holt’s crime stories remind us of rare 25 years ago but had become relatively burg, Russia, came to the U.S. in 1933, where Formed in 1941 under megaconductor Robert “old detective stories.” However, Holt’s tales common in Oslo by the time of the novel. he transformed American dance and created Shaw, the chorale, recently renamed Master- have distinct differences. For one thing, the The care and attention to rape victims by modern ballet. He co-founded the New York Voices, is still going 17 years after his death. key crime fighter is gay. As such, the issue of the police triggers a strong reaction by one City Ballet and was its artistic director for A small cast of six dancers and seven keeping her private life apart from her pro- victim and her father. Also, the attitude by 35 years. He said, “I don’t want people who soloists were the key performers for this pro- fessional life often leads to tensions in the many locals toward recent immigrants from want to dance. I want people who have to duction, including Santino Fontana as Grieg. office and with her partner. Holt’s -experi the Middle East is an ingredient leading to a dance.” In his lengthy and fruitful career, He was already well known for his role as ence as a lawyer, journalist, and Minister of dreadful series of crimes. Song of Norway was Balanchine’s most suc- the Prince in Cinderella. Another was Judy Justice has provided her with rather unique Holt’s mysteries are very readable, with cessful Broadway show. Kaye as the countess. Her role in Phantom of experiences, which she cleverly incorporates excellent character development, surprising First staged in California at Edwin Les- the Opera garnered her a Tony. This show’s into her crime stories. twists, and drama. The reader is kept in sus- ter’s Los Angeles Civic Light Opera early in soundtrack is also available on a CD. In Blessed are Those Who Thirst, it is pense until the last page. 1944, Song of Norway had already evolved Edvard Grieg, born June 15, 1843, “is only the beginning of May but in Oslo a bru- from a play by Homer Curran turned into to Norway what George Washington is to tal heat wave has coincided with an alarming a book by Milton Lazarus. On August 21, America and William Shakespeare is to Eng- increase in violent crime. Hanne is sent to Born in , Thor A. 1944, it opened on Broadway where it en- land: his country’s most celebrated human a crime scene where she finds an eight-digit Larsen immigrated to New joyed an 860-night run. icon,” according to one online source, “Clas- number written in blood. As more bloody York City with his parents Still under German occupation in 1944, sic FM, the World’s Greatest Music.” numbers are found, Hanne’s colleague dis- in 1948. Now retired from Norway was not a potential production site. The extensive use of his music in mov- covers that the digits correspond to the fil- a 40-year career as physi- Song of Norway opened in London in the West ies includes the famed tenor Mario Lanza ing numbers of foreign immigrants. All are cist and engineer, Thor End at the Palace Theatre in 1945, running for singing a few lines from “I Love Thee, Dear” female; all are missing. draws and paints, and 526 performances in the city where Norway’s (“Jeg Elsker Deg”) in the 1958 film For the In this particular murder mystery, Holt writes travel and arts arti- king and crown prince had waited out the war. First Time. This is but the tip of the iceberg. focuses on several social and policing is- cles for a local publication. He’s been married It was the first Broadway show to cross the List after list can be found documenting the sues. First, she shines light on the lack of to Arlene for 49 years, and they have two adult Atlantic after the end of World War II. ways Grieg’s music has been incorporated police focus on rape, a crime that was very children and three grandsons. Set in and around and Ber- into modern media. gen, the story fictionalizes the lives of three Another film that attempts to capture childhood friends, Edvard Grieg, Nina Hag- the feel of Grieg’s compositions is Edvard erup, and Rikard Nordraak. Edvard’s dreams Grieg: Immortality at What Price? This Community Connections of being a great composer are shared by his 2001 production features concert pianist sweetheart Nina and his friend Rikard. Stephan Schea portraying Grieg, including Along comes “the Big Bad Wolf,” fic- complete performances of two major works. Happy birthday, tional opera singer Louisa Giovanni, who Reviews rave about the music and Schea’s persuades Grieg to accompany her to portrayal of Grieg but are not complimentary engagement, birth, and tour as her pianist. But Grieg is distract- about the quality of the storyline itself, much ed by the glitter and excitement and discov- the same as the criticism leveled at various family reunion, etc! ers he must return to Norway and to Nina to stage and film versions ofSong of Norway. write the music of his country. It remains for someone still out there to A lavish recording of seven 78 rpms on develop an updated film about this world- 12-inch discs was produced in 1944 by Dec- wide icon whose Norwegian folk music has Your name and ca Records with most of the original cast and endured for nearly two centuries. Isn’t it time snippets of dialogue in between the songs. for a new Song of Norway? message here! Later Decca made a 33 1/3 rpm LP. A revival occurred in 1958 at the James Barbara Rostad, a North For more information, call Beach Marina Theatre on Long Island where Dakota Norwegian, has Guy Lombardo was the artistic director. us at (206) 784-4617 or email been writing for The Nor- “Strange Music” was a favorite of his and he [email protected]. wegian American since decided to present the full show, reprising it 2014. A versatile writer in 1959 as well. At that time a new album with degrees in journalism was also cut by Columbia Records featuring and sociology, Barbara has the James Beach cast. published articles and po- Funeral Home Inevitably, a movie was also produced ems, edited newsletters, compiled a book about in 1970 starring Florence Henderson, with Ski for Light, and received writing awards from SOlie and Crematory the hope it would follow the same path to Idaho Writer’s League. A 45-year member of Honoring • Caring • Serving success as Sound of Music. It didn’t happen. Sons of Norway, she’s often both newsletter edi- Despite adding fabulous scenery to already tor and cultural director. 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 12 • August 12, 2016 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican A tart with the sweet taste of summer Homemade vaniljekrem makes this dessert rich on flavor, but goes easy on your wallet

Christy Olsen Field Edmonds, Wash.

I delight in the farmers market at this time of the year, when the long-awaited trea- sures appear in quick succession. Strawber- ries, blueberries, raspberries—their jewel-like colors and sweet taste of sunshine is a celebra- tion in every bite. A few years ago, I took a class called “Sweet and Savory Tarts” at The Pantry Seat- tle. Tarts make a stunning and elegant presen- tation but are actually easier to make than pie. And the only special equipment you need is a tart pan with a removable bottom, which can be found online or at specialty kitchen stores. For me, nothing is better than a bærterte med hjemmelaget vaniljekrem, berry tart with homemade vanilla custard. Vaniljekrem, or eggekrem, is a wonder- fully versatile custard in many Norwegian desserts, from skolebrød to suksesskake. It’s velvety and barely sweet, which allows the other ingredients to shine. In Norway, you can buy it ready-made or from a powder, but it only takes a few minutes to make from scratch. Best of all, it requires only a handful of ingredients from the pantry and larder. Note: Vanilla bean is definitely worth the extra expense here. You can find vanilla beans Christy Olsen Field was at well-stocked grocery stores (check the bulk on the editorial staff of section in the spices), but I like to order mine the Norwegian American online from Amazon, such as Beanilla. You Weekly from 2008 to 2012, can substitute vanilla extract, but you’ll miss and the Taste of Norway the distinctive, tiny vanilla bean flecks that page was her favorite sec- make this dish extra special. tion. Today, she is a free- lance grantwriter for small The components can be made the day be- to mid-size nonprofits with her business, Chris- fore and assembled right before serving. ty Ink. Learn more at God appetit!

Bærterte med hjemmelaget vaniljekrem (Berry tart with homemade vanilla custard) Adapted from and Photos: Christy Olsen Field 1 tart crust, baked and cooled (recipe 6 egg yolks (reserve the whites for Rolling out the tart dough gives the dessert a clean, delicious look. follows) another use) 3/4 cup whipping cream 2/3 cup sugar 1 1/4 cup whole milk 3 tbsps. cornstarch Pâte sucrée—Sweet tart crust 1 vanilla bean (substitute 3 tsp. vanilla 2 cups fresh berries of your choice extract if you must) Adapted from The Pantry Seattle (

In a medium saucepan, whisk together cream and milk. Fillet the vanilla bean lengthwise 8 oz unsalted butter (2 sticks), cool 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour with a pairing knife, scrape out the seeds and add to the cream mixture. (Don’t throw away 1 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/2 tsp. kosher salt the spent bean—stick it in your sugar canister!) Heat to a gentle simmer, remove from heat, 1 egg and let sit for 10 minutes. Take care that it doesn’t boil over! Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and cornstarch in a medium bowl. In a large bowl, Note: Pâte sucrée is more forgiving than pie crust or flaky tart dough—think of it as a short- prepare an ice bath with cold water and ice cubes, and set aside. bread cookie dough enriched with an egg. You can pat it into tart pan, but I prefer the clean Next, you are going to temper the eggs, which ensures that you end up with luscious look of rolling it out. For a good how-to video, I recommend Martha Stewart’s video found custard instead of scrambled eggs in cream. Ladle about 1/2 cup of the cream mixture into here: the egg mixture, whisking constantly until fully incorporated. Do this two more times, one ladleful at a time and whisking constantly. Beat butter and sugar together until well blended. Add the egg, slowly. Add flour and salt Once you have added about 1/3 of the cream to the eggs, quickly add the entire egg and mix until it comes together in a smooth dough (like PlayDoh). Gather the dough into two mixture into the cream. Cook the egg-cream mixture over medium heat, whisking constantly, thick disks, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill in the fridge for at least one hour. (You can freeze until thickened. This should take approximately 5 minutes. Place the saucepan into the water one disk for later!) bath so it can cool quickly. Press a piece of plastic wrap to the vaniljekrem so it doesn’t form Now you are going to blind-bake the tart crust, since our filling doesn’t need to be baked. a thick skin. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Roll out the dough and line your tart pan. Place in freezer for When you’re ready to assemble your tart, scoop the vaniljekrem into tart shell (which 15 minutes before baking. Line with parchment paper or foil and fill with pie weights. Do not is already baked and cooled), and top with berries or whatever fruit is at its peak. Cut into skip the pie weights—they are crucial for the crust to not shrink during baking. I have found slices, serve, and savor. that dried beans work the best as pie weights and can be reused over and over. Bake 30 to 40 Makes a 10-inch tart. minutes or until evenly golden brown. Cool completely before assembling the tart. Special equipment required: 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom (available online Makes two 10-inch tarts. or kitchen stores). Special equipment required: 10-inch tart pan, 2 pounds dried beans to use as pie weights. theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway August 12, 2016 • 13 Dishing up memories: A book of dishes rooted in place

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

Steamed mussels always take me back to that first trip to Norway, where my hus- band and I ate them outdoors along the wa- ter in Oslo. It was the peak of summer, and as I breathed in the northern air and felt the Nordic breeze, I was struck with a sense of home. I never wanted to leave. I relived those memories when cooking a recipe for mussels with aquavit and horseradish cream from one of my favorite new cookbooks on a recent summer evening in Seattle. Darra Goldstein, author of Fire and Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking (Ten Speed Press, autumn 2015), was also influenced by the north during her first visit to in 1972 and then when she and her husband lived in Stockholm when they were first married. Photos copyright © 2015 Now, as professor of Russian at Williams by Stefan Wettainen College as well as food writer and author of Mussels with horseradish cream, from Fire other cookbooks, she’s returned to that love + Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking by Darra of the with this stunning re- Goldstein. lease. She captures a rich sense of place; a look through the pages, laden with stunning landscape photography, as well as cooking through the recipes, is bound to transport the homesick or at least those with the north beating someplace in their hearts, to a place of memory or longing. From mussels steamed with aquavit to one to be in the pages of. Goldstein fish cakes with remoulade sauce, the book is wanted to convey a kind of intimacy packed with classic Nordic recipes as well as with the place, she told me in a recent ones she gives a modern update. In one rec- interview. While New Nordic cuisine is ipe, cod nearly melts along with butter and very chef-driven and exciting, it’s not horseradish in a dish that’s as comforting as reflective of how people cook at home, it fresh. Paired with the butter-steamed new she said. “I wanted to give a sense of potatoes and the swished cucumbers (which a normal person’s kitchen and the way is the best recipe I’ve found for Scandina- people connect with their ingredients.” vian cucumber salad), it’s a complete meal “This book ended up being prob- Daytona Strong is The Nor- that captures the essence of Nordic cook- ably my most personal cookbook in many sels are a very French dish, this recipe is dis- wegian American’s Taste of ing. I’m keeping a bottle of Goldstein’s gin- ways because it enabled me to reflect back tinctly Nordic. Norway editor. She writes ger and cardamom schnapps in my freezer … and realize that it had a very profound “It uses aquavit, which Norway as you about her family’s Norwe- alongside a commercial aquavit, and both influence on my life, that this way of cook- know is super famous for,” she said. “It’s re- gian heritage through the the blueberry Tosca cake and the blueberry ing and of having rhythms of the season, and ally good, and its very, very easy. It takes like lens of food at her Scandi- “rooster” (basically a Finnish berry slump) thinking about nature and all of that, and of 10 minutes.” navian food blog, www.out- are great ways to use the blueberries that are Scandinavian design too.” Whether by the food, the photographs, Find her on abundant this time of year. Goldstein agreed to share the recipe for or through Goldstein’s stories, Fire and Ice Facebook (, As I’ve been reading and cooking, I’ve mussels with horseradish cream with The is bound to stir up a hunger, if not a healthy Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- noticed that the book feels personal, a lovely Norwegian American. While steamed mus- dose of wanderlust. astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong).

Muslinger med peberrod (Mussels with horseradish cream ) Reprinted with permission from Fire + Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking, by Darra Goldstein, copyright © 2015, published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

2 tbsps. butter 2-3 tbsps. freshly grated horseradish, 1 large shallot, minced depending on the pungency, plus 1 1⁄4 cups aquavit shaved horseradish for garnish Presented by Aalborg and Linie Aquavits 2 pounds mussels, cleaned 2 tbsps. minced fresh parsley August 12, 2016 – December 31, 2016 3 tbsps. heavy cream Freshly ground white pepper This exhibition from the Museum of Danish Melt the butter in a large stockpot over medium-low heat, add the shallot, and sauté until America shares the history and traditions of soft but not brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Pour in the aquavit, then add the mussels. Cover the pot, drinking culture in , Norway, and Denmark. bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and cook until the mussels open wide, 5 to 7 minutes, Members-only Evening of Skål: Sept. 9, 2016 depending on their size. Turn off the heat and discard any mussels that didn’t open. With a Opening Reception: Sept. 10, 2016 slotted spoon, transfer the mussels to a large serving bowl. Bring the cooking liquid in the pot to a boil over medium-high heat and cook until slightly reduced, about 2 minutes. Lower the heat, add the cream, horseradish, and parsley, The National Norwegian-American and simmer until the flavors blend, about 2 minutes. Generously grind white pepper over the top just before you pour off the sauce. Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center Pour the sauce over the mussels in the serving bowl. Serve garnished with shaved horse- 502 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • radish. Serves 2 to 4. 14 • August 12, 2016 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california iowa Maritime Heritage Minnesota tion, and the Norwegian Navy. At St. Thomas Annual All Bay Area Picnic Skål! Scandinavian Spirits at Vesterheim Sept. 9, 7:00—9:00 p.m. Episcopal Church, 301 St. Thomas Rd. Ques- Aug. 20, 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. now—Dec. 31 Isle, Minn. tions? Call Jeanne at (717) 793-7428. Woodside, Calif. Decorah, Iowa Tusenvann Lodge’s meeting will feature a pro- All Bay Area Sons of Norway members in good This exciting traveling exhibition curated by the gram by Ann Merrimand and Christopher Olson, Texas standing are invited to this picnic at Henrik Ib- Museum of Danish America shares the history who have conducted exploration of maritime “Lille Lørdag” sen Park. Bring a side dish to share for at least and traditions of drinking culture in Sweden, Nor- wrecks. At Isle Rec & Education Center. Aug. 17, 5:00—9:00 p.m. eight people. Drinks will be for sale or bring way, and Denmark, and how those traditions car- Houston, Texas your own. Afternoon includes swimming (with ried into the U.S. with immigrants. There will be Nordic Music Festival Join Norwegian Society of Texas Snorre Lodge a pool fee) and games for adults and children. a members-only opening on Sept. 9 from 5:30 to Sept. 10, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. at Watson’s House of Ales for a Happy Hour Bring your membership card. 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m with aquavit tast- Victoria, Minn. get together! The event is free; food and bev- ings, food pairings, and guided tours. RSVP to (563) Nordic bands, dancers, singers, instrumentalists, erage are self-paid. Nordic Nights 382-9681, ext. 109, or [email protected]. and storytellers will perform continuously. The Aug. 27, 4:30—7:30 p.m. festival will also have Nordic artisans selling their virginia San Diego, Calif. arts and crafts and Scandinavian foods available louisiana for purchase. The festival will conclude with the Reading Circle: All that I hold dear Come and celebrate Scandinavian style at Bal- Sjømannskirken Decommission Service Aug. 23, 7:30—9:00 p.m. boa Park in the International Cottages lawn annual lutefisk toss competition. At the Lion’s Aug. 28, 11:00 a.m. Park; free. Fairfax, Va. area with a jazz band, dinner, and no-host New Orleans, La. The Sons of Norway Washington, D.C., lodge cocktails. The House of Norway is hosting this All are welcome to attend the decommission ser- will be discussing Helga Hansen’s journals, All year. Celebrate your heritage and meet new vice for the New Orleans Sjømannskirken. new jersey that I hold dear: A young immigrant in New friends! Cost is $20 for adults and $10 for chil- Book Talk and Signing with George Lakey York, 1911-1916. Please email Christine Melo- dren under 12. RSVP and pay to Jeanne Scott massachusetts Sept. 4, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. ni at [email protected] to confirm loca- at (619) 750-1516 by Aug. 18. Budd Lake, N.J. Book Talk and Signing with George Lakey tion and for more info. Everyone is welcome. In Viking Economics, George Lakey shows how Sept. 8, 7:00 p.m. Labor Day at Camp Norge Viking-heritage countries not only rank high in Boston, Mass. Sept. 3—5 social programs but also lead the world in busi- Washington In Viking Economics, George Lakey shows how Alta, Calif. ness startups and have more entrepreneurs per Wild Salmon Dinner & Folk Dancing countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark not Come to Camp Norge for part of the weekend capita than the U.S. Lakey will appear at Scanfest, Aug. 17, 6:00 p.m. only rank high in social programs like universal or the entire three days! You will be able to doing two 45 minute book talks, meeting people, Seattle, Wash. health care and free college education but also work on your Cultural Skills Pins and delicious and signing books. At the N.J. Vasa Park. Enjoy a wild salmon dinner buffet at Leif Er- meals will be served in the Heritage Hall. The lead the world in business startups and have ikson Hall! The performance follows at 7:30 usual Kretsstevne activities will be available: more entrepreneurs per capita than the U.S. At new york p.m. with the featured Gudbrandsdalsdan- horseshoe tournament, bingo, kids’ games, the Jamaica Plain Forum at First Church UU. Visit sere. Afterwards, there is dancing for every- for more info. Oslo at Mitzi E Newhouse Theater one. Cost is $25 for adults and $15 for chil- swimming pool fun, , and more! Join now—Aug. 21 in a craft faire and cocktail party. Bring your dren 6 to 12. Children under 5 free. Purchase minnesota New York, N.Y. tickets at tent or RV or call Sandy at (530) 389-2508 The secret negotiations surrounding the 1993 Magnus Nilsson’s Nordic: A Photographic Essay event/2557096. Free parking at Banner Bank. to reserve a room. Visit www.campnorge. Oslo Accords form the backdrop of this new play of Landscapes, Food, and People org/site/wp-content/uploads/NCK-Flyer-for- by J. T. Rogers. Examining the role of Norwegian now—Aug. 20 Viking Days 2016-v.2.pdf for registration form. diplomat Mona Juul and her husband Terje Rød- Minneapolis, Minn. Aug. 20—21, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Larsen in coordinating the talks, Oslo is a both Featuring original photography by internation- Seattle, Wash. politically adept thriller and darkly comic tale of Colorado ally lauded chef, this exhibition captures his en- Join the Nordic Heritage Museum in celebrat- diplomats, friends, and lovers all over the world Elements of Romsdal Rosemaling Workshop counters with the people he met and the places ing the 33rd year of this fantastic event. Fun struggling to pull in the same direction. At Mitzi Aug. 19—20, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. he visited during his travels through the Nordic for all ages, this educational festival offers E Newhouse Theater. Visit www.newyorkcitythe- Fraser, Colo. region while researching his popular seminal Nordic food, lively entertainment, a Viking This two-day workshop for all skill levels cov- text, The Nordic Cookbook. Visit www.asimn. encampment, and much more. Visitors will php for tickets and more info. ers the traditional Norwegian folk art ele- org/exhibitions-collections/exhibitions/magnus- have the opportunity to quench their thirst ments of Romsdal and is taught by Toshiko nilssons-nordic-photographic-essay-landscapes- in the Valhalla beer garden, enjoy a Swedish Ogishi, VGM. Cost is $100 for SON members; food-and-0 for more info. oregon pancake breakfast, and shop in true Scandina- $125 for non-members. Drop-ins welcome. At End-Of-Summer Alfresco Pickled Herring Dinner vian style. There will also be a Salmon BBQ on the Fraser Valley Library. Nature As Muse Aug. 27, 6:00—9:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Free admission. now—Sept. 11 Portland, Ore. Romsdal Rosemaling Seminar Minneapolis, Minn. Broder Söder presents their first outdoor dinner Wisconsin Sept. 9—11, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Using nature as muse, Norway House brings to- event on the Legacy Terrace patio, featuring pick- Relief-carving Class with Phillip and Else Tabernash, Colo. gether three influential artists in the local and led herring and many other delicious Scandina- Sept. 12—16, 19—23, 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. This three-day seminar for all skill levels cov- regional arts scene. Curators Claire Selkurt and vian treats! Cost is $25 for adults and $10 for chil- Barronett, Wis. ers the Romsdal style of rosemaling and is Helen Stidger Distad weave together the dynamic dren under 12. At Nordia House. Purchase tickets Each class will cover sharpening, wood se- taught by Toshiko Ogishi, VGM. Cost of $150 art of Carolyn Brunelle, Ruth Donhowe, and Bet- at!calendar-1/mbrew. lection, design, and pattern selection,- carv includes projects and paints and some sup- tye Olson. The artists share a common love of ing techniques, and finishing. Students can plies. At Church of the Eternal Hills. nature, Scandinavian roots, and the continued pennsylvania choose from a wide selection of carving pat- excitement of exploring artistic expression. Scandinavian Craft Fair terns in acanthus, rococo, or dragon styles. illinois Sept. 10, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Carving tools, wood, and patterns will be Viking Longship Tours Rise Up, O Men Lackawaxen, Penn. available. Bring any tools you have. You will be Aug. 20 & Sept. 17, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Aug. 17—Nov. 13 Bernt Balchen Lodge #3-566 Sons of Norway will able to complete at least one reasonable proj- Geneva, Ill. Plymouth, Minn. host their annual Scandinavian Craft Fair at the ect. Class size is limited to 12 students. Tuition Come to Good Templar Park to tour a rep- Curt Wollan and Troupe America Inc., the produc- Lackawaxen Volunteer Fire House. There will for each five-day class will be $500; half of tu- lica Viking longship, built in 1893. The vessel er of The Church Basement Ladies announce the be Scandinavian and American arts and crafts, ition is due with registration. Classes will be is about 78 feet long, 17 feet wide, and 6.5 ladies’ return to Plymouth Playhouse with a com- rosemaling and wood crafts, decorative held at the Norsk Wood Works carving studio, feet high from the bottom of the keel to the pletely new look at what happens in their Church household items, and demonstrations. On sale which is located at Phillip and Else’s farmstead gunwale. The boat is an exact copy of the Vi- Basement kitchen. Told from a male perspective, also will be baked products and other food items. on county road H west of Barronett. More info king ship Gokstad, built about 850. The public the truth is revealed about what happens in the Open-faced sandwiches, lefse, as well as des- and registration form at www.norskwood- is invited to take guided or self-guided tours. kitchen of the church basement in this hilarious serts, coffee, tea, and soft drinks will be available. Thirty-minute guided tours begin every 30 yet touching new musical titled Rise Up, O Men, For more info or directions, call Bergit at (570) minutes. The last guided tour of the day is at the sixth in the popular series. For ticket info call 685-1477 or Elsie at (570) 685-7086. Solørlag’s Genealogy Research Weekend 3:30 p.m.​ Guided group tours are available by the Plymouth Playhouse Box Office at (763) 553- Sept. 16—17 appointment. A two-week advance reserva- 1600 x 1 or visit Writing about Norwegian History in English Hudson, Wis. tion is required. Parking is free. Cost is $5 for Sept. 16, 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a couple days researching and just hav- adults and $3 for teens. Call (630) 753-9412 or Tall Ships in Duluth Lancaster, Penn. ing a good time. A block of rooms is on hold email [email protected] for more info. Aug. 18—21 In honor of the Sons of Norway Bondelandet at a discounted rate the Hudson House Grand Duluth, Minn. Lodge summer reading challenge, author Jorgen Hotel. Rooms must be reserved by Aug. 15 Dinner at Tre Kronor Tall Ships Duluth 2016 promises to be the larg- Flood will present “Writing about Norwegian and for the special rate of $71.99. Specify it is for Aug. 20, 4:00 p.m. est event in the region’s history featuring ship Scandinavian History in English: Challenges and the Solørlag event. There will be extensive re- Chicago, Ill. tours, day sails, educational programming, food Obstacles.” Flood has written a variety of books, search materials for Hedmark. Research help- Skjold Lodge will gather for dinner at Tre Kro- and beverage, and fun for the entire family! You’ll both fiction and nonfiction, on the Vikings, medi- ers will be on site and there is a possibility of nor. Meet there or arrive at the AYUA Ukrai- also be able to see the 150+ high quality art ven- eval history, World War II, Norwegian transporta- communicating with experts in Hedmark. nian Center by 3:00 p.m. to carpool. There dors from Art in Bayfront Park, offering an oppor- should be time to shop at the Sweden Store. tunity to purchase gallery quality art work. Visit Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Pay for your own meal and BYOB. for tickets and more info. to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you August 12, 2016 • 15 Decorah’s Nordic Fest, 50 years strong New Nordic Heritage Museum on the way Ground was broken on Seattle’s updated Nordic museum, to open in early 2018

Special Release Nordic Heritage Museum

Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum ush- exhibition and educational spaces. The new ered in the beginning of a new chapter in the museum design is organized around a lin- museum’s history at a groundbreaking cel- ear “fjord” that weaves together stories of ebration on July 30, 2016. homeland and the Nordic-American experi- It was a full house at the event, with ence. Bridges crossing the fjord intensify the around 400 people in attendance for the out- experience of migration, connecting Nordic door celebration held in a tented courtyard in and Nordic-American exhibits. A vertically Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. After an in- striated skin will wrap the building ex- troduction by museum CEO Eric Nelson, the terior; inside, fjord walls will be composed crowd heard remarks from Irma Goertzen, of faceted white planes evoking its glacial Photo: Emily C. Skaftun President of the Nordic Heritage Museum origins. Along with the core exhibition gal- The current Nordic Dancers shared the street with alumni of various ages, who all seemed to be having Board of Trustees. Both Nelson and Goertz- leries, active social areas—café, store, au- the time of their lives despite not remembering all of the steps. It’s a testament to what these dancers en acknowledged the volunteers and thanked ditorium, and classrooms—will expand the mean to the town that there was scarcely room to watch despite chilly weather. the generous donors who have made this museum’s capabilities and audiences. With new home possible. Headlining the event groundbreaking and a public funding cam- were Washington State Senator Reuven Car- paign kicking off this summer, opening cer- < nordic fest lyle and Mayor Ed Murray as speakers. Both emonies for the newly completed building From page 1 talked about the importance of understand- are slated for early 2018. ing and appreciating our collective cultural many Fests ago, so 19-year-old freshmen attributes her success to an “inner drive to heritage, particularly in a city as rich in di- With over 65,000 visitors annually, the Nor- at Luther College, James Miller and Alex be number one.” Wettach also applauded her versity as Seattle. dic Heritage Museum is the only museum Aakre, stood out among their choir mates. sister Molly for winning the rock throwing After the ceremonial groundbreaking in the United States that represents the rich Miller and Aakre are Nordic Studies ma- competition in the Lena division. Clearly, with the distinguished Nordic Consuls and heritage of all five Nordic countries. The jors and say they decided to join the Luren that inner drive is a family trait. representatives, as well as the honorable Museum’s mission is to share Nordic culture Singers in order to have the chance to sing The success of locals is not all that elected officials in attendance, Nelson of- with people of all ages and backgrounds. in Norwegian. “It’s an extraordinary group surprising. In some ways, Nordic Fest is a fered a skål to celebrate. A reception then The Nordic Heritage Museum presents a of mostly older men,” says Miller. He and celebration of Decorah as much as Norwe- followed, at which attendees were treated to wide range of vibrant programs including Aakre are grateful for the opportunity to gian America as a whole. This was evident music by the Norwegian Male Chorus and contemporary art exhibitions, outstanding carry on the tradition of Norwegian choral on the final night of the fest, when the pride the Norwegian Women’s Chorus. They pre- concerts, lectures, and films and a variety music. of the town—the Nordic Dancers—invited sented music from each of the five countries. of special events throughout the year. Nor- The Vesterheim Museum, one of Deco- its alumni to join in on the performance. The modern 57,000-sq. ft. museum and dic Heritage Museum is currently located at rah’s biggest attractions, is also dedicated to Members of the Nordic Dancers start in third cultural center will be located in the heart 3014 NW 67th Street, Seattle, WA 98117. For keeping tradition alive. Home to numerous and perform with the same group of of Ballard (2655 NW Market Street), and more info, visit collections as well as a thriv- dancers through high school. It is an honor to will include a refined layout and expanded ing folk art school (which also turns 50 this be selected and extremely competitive, espe- year) where anyone can enroll to study rose- cially because auditions are only held certain maling or band weaving (to name just a few years—many Decorah residents still regret of their many courses), Vesterheim aims to not being born in “the right year,” missing preserve and promote Norwegian-American their chance to tryout. Watching the alumni culture. At the Fest, the beloved museum from the most recent graduates to the very utilizes its extensive Nordic network, invit- first troupe, having a blast as they tried to re- ing artists from across the country to dem- member the steps they once knew so well, it onstrate their crafts. This alone is worth the was clear how special it is to be a part of the visit to Decorah. Nordic Dancers. From fine arts to athletics, Nordic Fest The event that truly captured the spirit offers many opportunities for festers to show of Nordic Fest, however, was the folk danc- off their talents. This year, for instance, at- ing led by the Foot-Notes, where everyone is tendees had the chance to compete for the welcome to join. And everyone does! From title of Ultimate Norseman in both the Ole four-year-olds to 84-year-olds, the whole (men’s) and Lena (women’s) division. Con- town of Decorah seems to know the steps testants participated in the Elveløpet 15k to the traditional folk dances. One Decorah run, the rock throwing competition, and local described the phenomenon as “osmo- last—and certainly least appealing—the lu- sis.” Growing up in Decorah, you learn the tefisk-eating contest. Like most food-eating Schottische by simply following along. The Photo: Design by Mithun / Image by Mir competitions, this was a test of speed. In Foot-Notes have been leading dances at Nor- The inviting west entry of the museum being constructed leads into a dramatic fjord space that connects each round, participants raced to finish an dic Fest for 25 years now, and last year over every element of the museum—from exhibits to gathering spaces. entire bowl of the lye-soaked fish, buttered 1,880 people joined in. and salted to their liking. The one rule? “It Nordic Fest is a tradition made strong by has to stay down.” A large plastic sheet was people coming together, and after 50 years, it laid out for just such an event. is stronger than ever. Contestants battled their way bowl by The Scandinavian Hour bowl to the final round in which local legend Kari Heistad is a recent Celebrating over 50 years on the air! and defending champion Bill Goede won it graduate from St. Olaf once again. Nic Zahasky and Lauren Wet- College, a small Norwe- KKNW – 1150 AM tach, also Decorah natives, made it to the gian liberal arts college final rounds, and, combined with their per- in Northfield, Minnesota. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST formances in the Elveløpet and rock throw- Kari loves writing, coffee, ing competition earlier that day, both earned theatre, and folk tales, and Streaming live on the internet at: the title of Ultimate Norseman. Wettach, hopes to one day live in a who had never tried lutefisk before that day, house made of kransekake. 16 • August 12, 2016 Travel theNorwegianamerican Diary of a Guidebook Writer: Why Bill Bryson should return to Hammerfest

David Nikel Trondheim, Norway

When it comes to travel writing, my undisputed hero is Bill Bryson. King of the first-person narrative, his fondness for Brit- ain also earns him a special place on my bookshelves. As a Brit living abroad, I can identify with some of his observations on how Brits behave in his book Notes from a Small Island. You learn a lot about yourself when living abroad! But it’s one of his earlier books that I want to talk about today. Neither Here Nor There chronicles his travels around Europe in an age before low-cost airlines, internet booking sites, and social media.

A long way from anywhere He starts his travels, quite surprisingly, in Hammerfest. It claims to be the world’s north- ernmost town and while that’s up for debate (it comes down to definitions), let’s just agree to say Hammerfest is a very long way from anywhere. It’s not just a long way north from the rest of the country; it’s a long way east, too. Hammerfest lies almost due north of Hel- sinki, Finland, and as such, my iPhone kept trying to switch into Eastern European Time. So why did Bryson choose Hammer- fest of all places to begin his trip? It’s fairly simple. He wanted to see the northern lights: “It is a place of dark and brutal winters where the sun sinks into the Arctic Ocean in November and does not rise again for ten Photos: David Nikel weeks. I wanted to see the northern lights. Top: A walk up a steep zig-zag path rewards you with a view of the city. Also, I had long harbored a half-formed urge Above: Hammerfest’s smart new waterfront is lined with hotels and res- to experience what life was like in such a re- taurants. mote and forbidding place. Sitting at home Right: The Museum of Reconstruction features example homes from the in England with a glass of whiskey and a post-war era. book of maps, this had seemed like a capital idea. But now, as I picked my way through the grey, late December slush of Oslo, I was depths of winter to anyone. Many attractions Summertime visit locals get frustrated with the animals, they beginning to have my doubts.” are closed, and low temperatures, storms, and I visited in July and I have to say, Ham- won’t take too kindly to a foreigner knocking His doubts were confirmed as he experi- constant darkness mean you need to have a merfest was a pleasant place. I was lucky one down. enced a very quiet town gripped by high winds real desire to visit. You’re better off choosing enough to visit in the middle of a heatwave There’s even a UNESCO World Heri- and winter storms. But at least he saw the Tromsø, which is a much livelier destination and experienced a remarkable temperature tage site in the town, or part of one at least. northern lights. As much as that’s a magnetic in the wintertime with just as much chance of of 84°F at 8:00 a.m.! This was freak weather Hammerfest marks the northernmost point attraction, I wouldn’t recommend a visit in the sighting the northern lights. and Arctic summers are usually much mild- of the Struve Geodetic Arc, a chain of sur- er, albeit with guaranteed sunshine 24 hours vey triangulations stretching through ten a day unless the clouds get in the way. countries to the Black Sea, which yielded the Since Bryson’s visit, the city has un- first accurate measurement of a meridian. A dergone rapid transformation thanks to the monument marks the spot. Where in Norway? construction of the gas-processing facility on However, the real joy in Hammerfest is How well do you know Norway? Match this photo to its the nearby Melkøya island, which serves the using the town as a base to explore Finnmark location and email your answer to [email protected]! vast Snøhvit (Snow White) natural gas field county, whether by hiking, fishing, sailing, in the Norwegian Sea. or enjoying a picnic in front of the midnight Correct answers will be entered to win one free month. All of a sudden, the city and its citi- sun. The comfortable hotels, restaurants, zens became affluent, new hotels sprung up, museums, shops, and bars of the city will be a smart new boardwalk was built, and new waiting for you when you return. Hammer- shops and cafés moved in. fest is also a great place to base yourself if you’re heading to the North Cape, which I’ll Plenty to do talk about next month. As I visited in the summer, I found plen- Despite his digs throughout the chapter, ty to do. Gammelveien (The Old Road) is a Bryson left Hammerfest with a certain fond- gravelly path that circles the town. Built at ness for the place and its people. I just think the very end of the 19th century, a stretch of he’d like it far more were he to visit in the the path zig-zags its way up the cliff face that summer! towers over downtown. In the winter, this path is closed as ice and snow make it too dangerous. The bleak yet fascinating Museum of David Nikel is a freelance Reconstruction tells the story of Hammer- writer based in Norway. fest’s destruction during World War II and He runs the popular www. its subsequent revival. Meanwhile, although blog and is the author of the upcom- Photo: Norm Jensen the town’s emblem is a polar bear, it’s rein- ing MOON Norway guide- Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! deer that roam the town’s streets during the book. summer. Be wary when you drive—although theNorwegianamerican Travel August 12, 2016 • 17 Copenhagen by (modern) design may steal the show, but this stylish Scandinavian city has much to offer

Cynthia Elyce Rubin Photos: (left) Cees van Roeden / courtesy Orlando, Fla. of Wonderful Copenhagen, (center) Rasmus Flindt Pedersen / courtesy of Wonderful Copenhagen, (above) Cynthia Elyce Rubin Copenhagen, Denmark, is a charmer. Left: , on one of the world’s longest Packed with cafés and shops from the wind- pedestrian streets, is an old neighborhood filled ing streets of old town to the city’s cutting- with modern design. edge buildings, the city blends old-world Center: The sculpture of The Little Mermaid at and new. Hop on a bike like the locals or Langelinje Pier was sculpted by Edvard Eriksen as a gift to the city from Danish brewer Carl Ja- stroll the city on foot. cobsen. I had only a few days, so I headed first Above: A variety of chairs are on display in the to the picturesque Canal where . I sampled herring at a cozy restaurant and afterwards took a relaxing cruise with a Canal Tour. Then a walk onto Langelinje Pier, where one of Copenhagen’s most fa- mous tourist attractions, a bronze and gran- ite sculpture of The Little Mermaid, resides where she has been attracting tourists since thetics are in the very tone of the city often self foremost an architect. His furniture and location since 1911. The shop displays the 1913. The gift from Danish brewer Carol described as “trendy” and “cool.” housewares were just part of the whole. As entire line of tableware, figurines, and gift Jacobsen was inspired by Hans Christian Originally, was a product an added bonus, a visit to the Radisson SAS items, including the limited edition Christ- Andersen’s fairy tale about a mermaid who of the 1950s, the golden age. The post-war Royal Hotel and room 606, which has been mas plates produced since 1908. gives up everything to unite on land with period experienced a lack of materials, and preserved exactly as Jacobsen originally Next door is Georg Jensen, the luxury a young, handsome prince. Every morning design in this period was characterized by imagined it, is a must for any aficionado. brand of silver jewelry and table items. Jen- and evening she swam to the surface from simplicity, functionality, and minimalism, a Celebrated industrial designer Jens sen first began exhibiting his Art Nouveau the bottom of the sea and perched on her radical departure from previous styles. Quistgaard with his popular pieces for the works in 1892, and in 1904 he opened his rock, gazing longingly toward shore. To explore an overview of the Danish Dansk brand helped define Scandinavian first store in Copenhagen with his philoso- In the center of town is Copenhagen’s design phenomenon, I visited the Design- Modern for postwar Americans. Dansk, an phy of creating democratic designs possess- foremost attraction and national treasure, museum Denmark, a hub for the country’s American company, was known for making ing both functionality and beauty. Gardens amusement park. Founded in design history, located on , a main European styles accessible to the average But so much for Danish Modern’s al- 1843, it has never lost its popularity. With artery in Copenhagen’s 250-year-old royal American consumer. Quistgaard used enam- lure, my hands-on experiences during a short something for everyone, beautiful scenery, district. Here you find a gathering of art eled steel, lighter and less expensive than time in Copenhagen include a flavorful pølse exotic architecture, lush gardens, and thou- galleries and vintage design shops, among cast iron, as a medium for cookware. In 1956 (hot dog) from a street vendor, smørrebrød sands of colored lights that light up the night, them the flagship Klassik Copenhagen store Dansk released his Kobenstyle line, enam- (open sandwich on dark rye bread) at a typi- Tivoli appeals with its oldest and most popu- (Bredgade 3) established in 1991 with win- eled in a range of vivid solid colors with cal Danish eatery, and a visit to a bakery to lar ride, a 1914 wooden roller coaster, and its dow displays that rival any museum instal- distinctive handles that doubled as trivets. sample Denmark’s most-recognized food ex- many restaurants and live music events. lation. In the museum itself, a permanent That mid-century classic had not been manu- port, the wienebrød or Danish pastry. Now I But in Copenhagen’s DNA are aesthet- installation, Danish Design Now, represents factured for more than 20 years until it was fully understand why the Danes are ranked ics. Although Nordic countries all contrib- contemporary design covering the entire recently re-released. That so many examples the happiest of us all. uted to the output of modern design, “Dan- spectrum: furniture, product design, graph- of the Danish Modern style have lasted so ish Modern” takes center stage. You find it ics, fashion, and design in the public space. long attests to its timelessness. in contemporary New Nordic cuisine. When Another permanent installation is Fashion & The main artery for fashion and de- Cynthia Elyce Rubin, Danish chefs Rene Redzepi and Claus Mey- Fabric, textiles and fashion showing a wealth sign pulses through the heart of the city Ph.D., is a visual culture specialist, travel writer, and er of Noma (short for nordisk mad meaning of patterns, motifs, and colors in clothing and center. Strøget was inaugurated in 1962 as author of articles and books Nordic food) Restaurant emphasized Scan- accessories that follow the themes of decora- the world’s longest pedestrian shopping on decorative arts, folk art, dinavian ingredients and the need for “puri- tion, handicrafts, and identity. street. The area around Amagertorv with its and postcard history, col- ty, simplicity, and freshness,” their approach Some Danish modernists like Arne Ja- fountain and square is a great place to stop lects postcards, ephemera, to gastronomy was rooted in local, seasonal cobsen designed buildings as well as the and view some of Denmark’s best-known and early photography. She foods combined with traditional dishes pre- silverware, coffeepots, and chairs to comple- brands. The four-story Illums Bolighus sells is currently working on Enorme Amerika: Nor- pared in new ways. You find aesthetics in ment them. With whimsical names like Ant, every kind of Scandinavian item a modern ske utvandreres postkort, humor og rariteter to architecture. As the concrete, glass, and iron Egg, and Swan, his iconic chairs are wildly obsessive could desire. Royal Copenhagen be published by SpreDet Forlag in Oslo and is designed to meet the social needs of the popular today. Many of his accessories are Porcelain founded in 1775 has its flagship completing a manuscript on O.S. Leeland, Nor- 1930s evolved, they blended with charac- also still being produced: Stelton with the store nearby. The beautiful Renaissance wegian immigrant photographer who worked in teristics from modernism, such as open plan Cylinda line of tableware and Georg Jensen house, one of Copenhagen’s oldest, dates to South Dakota in the early 1900s. See www.cyn- interiors, flat roofs, and glass façades. Aes- with cutlery. But Jacobsen considered him- 1616 and has been the Royal Copenhagen 18 • August 12, 2016 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican Memories of N.D. Viking sent to Valhalla Stephen Rendahl’s family honors his memory by building and burning a ship just for him

Photos: Laurel Englemann Above left: The Viking ship was filled with me- Laurel Englemann mentos of Stephen and notes written by his loved Shoreview, Minn. ones. Above: Kids decorated small paper plates to use Why would people agree to build a as shields on the ship. Viking ship, or design and make a dragon Left: The ship burned well but never sank, making head and tail, or sew a striped sail when they it easy to dispose of what remained in an environ- know that the intention is to set it all on fire? mentally sensitive manner. Besides being kind-hearted friends, the idea captured the imaginations of those involved in this project enough to become enthusiastic participants. The family of Stephen Rendahl wanted to remember him one year after his unex- pected death. He was a proud descendant of four grandparents who emigrated from Norway to North Dakota, and he lived on the farmstead of one of the grandmothers. He taught at the American College of Nor- way in Moss, Norway, six different times and enjoyed visiting the home places of all four grandparents and other sites in Norway. On the selected day, the grandchildren, He often referred to Norway as “The Holy Haley and Anthony, and their friends deco- How to make the Viking ship Land.” He was a professor in the Commu- rated small paper plates and attached them to nications Department at the University of the ship as shields. Private notes were writ- The goal of making the ship in this way was to build a simple, low cost, Viking-looking ship North Dakota in Grand Forks. ten and sealed. that would burn effectively. Directions by Ken Grosch. The idea surfaced to send memories of At the appointed time, the family gath- him to Valhalla in a ceremonial Viking ship ered around a table by the lake. They had a Parts list: funeral pyre. I approached Ken Grosch to toast using Stephen’s favorite tequila, heard 1 8’ 2x4 (for the bow and stern) 10 4” paper discs from card stock see if he had suggestions on how to do this, his wife, Robbin, explain all that was includ- 1 4’ 1x10 (for the ship bottom) or paper plate bottoms for shields because I knew he was a woodworker and ed in the memorabilia, listened to the read- 2 8”x48”x¼” Luan plywood strips (optional) had a connection to Norway through his wife ing of three Viking funeral prayers, and then (for the ship sides) 1 ¾”x30” steel pipe (for a keel and to and daughter. He used his designing, engi- prepared the ship. 1 27” ½” dowel (mast) assist the ship sinking after burning) neering, and woodworking skills to build Diesel was painted on the bottom of the 2 16” ½” dowels (for cross arms) (optional) the four-foot model ship, plus he checked ship, and several strips of cloth from favor- 1 3”x3”x¾” block (to make a base for clips for attaching pipe the sea-worthiness and flammability of the ite t-shirts were soaked in diesel. A small the mast) outdoor adhesive materials used in making the vessel. Dick amount was poured on some of his ashes 2 8” 1x6 (for a dragon head and tail) fasteners Sherva was interested in the project, so he and the memorabilia that was loosely placed Fabric for the sail varnish used his skills to design, cut, and artfully in the ship along with notes and some bark make a dragon head and tail to be attached chips. At the last minute, a small amount of a First, cut the sides to shape. Then groove the bottom board to provide more surface area to the ship. Mary Claseman was consulted lamp oil was poured over the whole thing to for burning and give the appearance of planks. The bow and stern are each formed with 4 about sewing red and white fabric into a speed ignition. Stephen’s daughter, Brenda, one-foot sections of 2x4 cut to the curve of the ship, glued together and tapered to allow the striped sail and she used her seamstress skills then carried the prepared ship out into the sides to make good contact. to complete that part of the project. So the lake and lit it with a match. The family and Cut the bottom board to shape using the sides and ends to determine the curve. Attach idea became a reality three months after it a few friends watched with fascination as it the bow and stern to the base with screws. Attach the sides with adhesive and fasteners. first appeared with the help of these creative, continued to burn for almost half an hour. Mount the mast with a block in the center of the ship. Cut and shape a dragon head and tail talented friends. It was beautiful, meaningful, and yes, and attach those. The family collected small things that even fun to honor him in this way. The ship Finally, varnish everything to protect it from the water. reflected Stephen’s interests, which included never did sink and a fishing line attached to More details are available from [email protected]. family, travel, music, art, farming, teaching, a wire threaded through a pipe on the bot- horses, fishing, North Dakota, and Norway. tom guided the burned-out ship back to shore Ken did tests and found that a safe flam- without any disturbance to or pollution of the mable starter would be strips of fabric soaked lake. It all ended with the feeling of a suit- in diesel fuel, plus some small built into able, honorable memorial to a proud Norwe- thank you for reading our paper! the ship that could be painted with diesel. gian American. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage August 12, 2016 • 19 The American Lista: America through The Draken wows Chicago crowds a Norwegian lens Not since 1893 has Chicago seen the like

Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

Here in Vanse, Norway, cowboy hats with a strong nod to country and rock, includ- and boots dominate. One view of America. ing the infamous Kjelvis (Kjell Elvis). A few But this area is tied to Brooklyn, where cow- years ago, the area created a gospel choir. boy garments are few and far between. The most local of local bands is Vanse Nevertheless, the iconic image of Amer- . At this year’s American Festival they ica depicted in the open spaces of the west offered a “Journey Through America.” The is not so far afield, as this is very much what program covered America’s musical canon, folks from this part of Norway experienced beginning with folk songs—“Oh Susanna,” while living in the states. They were and “Jimmy Crack Corn,” and “Deep in the Photos: (above) Arthur Andersen, (left & p1 teaser) Nancy Andersen continue to be appreciative of America’s Heart of Texas”—followed by a resounding Above: The ships were greeted by a largesse. So much so that they carried the march by beloved American composer John Navy band and large crowds of on- many pieces of America they admired back Philip Sousa. This melodic potpourri had us lookers. to Norway, as can be seen in the architecture travel to New Orleans with “The Basin Street Left: The Draken sailed most of the of their homes and commercial buildings, Blues,” followed by the bluesy “Frankie & way in, then furled the sails and rowed mannerisms, and friendly openness. Johnny,” with a smattering of Gospel and the rest of the way, just as the Viking How is it to look at yourself through Elvis thrown in for good measure. It even did almost 125 years ago. another’s eyes? Mortifying? Revealing? De- tapped into popular culture, taking a rendi- lightful? Perhaps all of the above. At least tion from Sister Act and the theme from A that is what it is like for me, as an American Space Odyssey. The predominantly Norwe- visitor to the American Festival here. gian audience was enthralled. Who can be insulted when the senti- The festival also hosts two annual pa- ments here come from such a sincere and rades that encompass all things American— loving place? This area of Norway is so cars, holidays, and music. This conglomera- proud (a very un-Norwegian characteris- tion is quite a tribute. tic) of its Americanness that it calls itself The parade has folks dressed as Mor- “The American Lista.” They have replicated mons and pioneers, ladies of pleasure, and places from the old neighborhood and cre- southern belles. They also do not shy away Nancy Andersen ated new ones: Brooklyn Square, Trunken (a from America’s more challenging moments, Chicago specialty store full of Americana—the trunk, such as the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, i.e. what grandma would have brought back the most poignant tableau I ever saw march- The expectant crowd at Navy Pier for (8.2 ft). She has 25 pairs of oars, the same as from America), 8th Avenue Diner (based on ing had at its focal point the famous African- Tall Ships Chicago on July 27, 2016, was not many Viking warships requiring 100 men to the many Norwegian eateries that once lined American opera star Marian Anderson. She disappointed when the Parade of Sail fea- be rowed, but since she usually goes under Brooklyn’s 8th avenue, colloquially known was surrounded by women dressed in 60s tured the best saved for last, and the great, sail, she sailed with a crew of 33. as Lapskaus Boulevard), a large AmCar garb, all protesting for equal rights. billowing, red silk sail of the Draken Harald Draken was funded by Norwegian Sig- Club, Route 8 (connecting local landmarks There was only one time I was perturbed Hårfagre glided into view. The unique and urd Aase and built in Haugesund, Norway, with a mostly American flavor), and a mu- by the parade and it was during a mock New beautiful form of the ship with her dragon using traditional Viking methods by a team seum that replicates a Brooklyn apartment, Orleans Funeral. The musicians were playing prow, sleek lines, and gracefully coiled stern headed by master shipbuilder Gunnar Eld­ plus more. The local towns have applied for the lovely melancholy melody “Just a Closer ornament were like history come to life. jarn. Eldjarn has been a consultant for the and been awarded a government grant to Walk with Thee.” But all the attendees were As soon as she passed Navy Pier, the crew conservation of the Viking, and his son Erik promote the American Lista as a destination Mafiosi. I am not sure if I was insulted be- astonished the crowd by dropping and furling was present to see the Draken sail into Chi- site. cause it was inauthentic or just because of the sail and coming about to row in to the cago. Draken sailed under captain Björn Ah- The museum has recently been re- my own aversion to wise guys and popular ship’s berth. As was announced to the crowd, lander. configured and is now called the “Immigra- culture’s tendency to romanticize them. Chicago had not seen a sight like that since Draken ran into large, unforeseen ex- tion Experience,” allowing you to become I remember that after experiencing my the Viking, a near-exact replica of the Gokstad penses for required Great Lakes pilots, and a Norwegian emigrant to America and see first Vanse parade, about seven years ago, ship, was sailed over from Norway in 1893 the Sons of Norway are to be thanked for what that process was like. Green cards are I was asked by Svein Skardal, the parade’s for the World’s Columbian Exposition and their fundraising campaign that made it pos- distributed upon arrival. Where will you be founder, “Is it the same as America?” And I was rowed in. Both ships demonstrated that sible for the Viking ship to continue its voy- headed? Pick up your bow and arrow and hit responded, “Yes and no. But it shouldn’t be, the Vikings were indeed capable of sailing to age as far as Chicago, and on to Green Bay, a state on the map. That’s your destination. I because it is your version of America.” Since America centuries before Columbus. which will, sadly, be the end of the line for like the interactive elements that engage both we are in Lista, this makes perfect sense. And The Draken is a longship, the largest Vi- this magnificent voyage. children and adults. I found it playful and since it all comes from a place of admiration king ship built in modern times, with her de- It is hoped that the dramatic visit of the kitschy, certainly not strange or insulting. and respect, whatever mirror is held up to me sign coming from the Norwegian boatbuild- Draken will also help Chicago’s “Friends Music reigns in this neck of the woods. at this event, I smile, embrace, and cherish the ing tradition going back to the Vikings. She of the Viking Ship” to secure a suitable per- Renowned musicians and local bands abound, reflection, like I would a tender love letter. measures 35 m (115 ft) in length and 8 m (26 manent exhibit site for its own treasure, the ft) in the beam, with a draught of only 2.5 m Viking.

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Photo: Michael Dougherty / Flickr Visit us online: Often America is represented only by its flashiest aspects. 20 • August 12, 2016 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican

Norwegian Language Corner False friends: NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Rude misreading

Volume 2 With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo courtesy of Kragerø Blad Sign on footbridge over waterway, indicating what exactly?

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Rauderev og Oskeladden Redfox and the Ash-lad del 2 av 7 part 2 of 7 On a footbridge over a waterway in the In Norwegian, fertan evolved into words port of Kragerø, there’s a sign reading “Sak- concerned with speed and motion and with Men han Per ville ikkje la seg jaga av But that Peter, he was not going to te Fart.” Its meaning is clear in Norwegian, time became the root word for the verb farte eit kvinnfolk, det tykte han var både spott let some woman chase him out, this he a command to boats on the waterway to cut (to wander about) and the noun fart (motion, og spe. Og så tok han på å dengja kokka. thought would have been both nasty and speed to a minium. But when misread by Eng- speed) as well as for associated words, such as Men best det var, kom kongen. Han let humiliating. And so he began thrashing lish-speaking tourists, it becomes an amusing fare (travel) and ferd (movement, voyage). It mennene sine skjera tre raude risper i the cook. Just then the king walked in. He linguistic mix, as the word “fart” is an inde- also became the root of the modern words for ryggen på Per, og så strøydde dei salt i og told his men to cut three red gashes into cent word for breaking wind. loudly expelling a flatus, the verb fjerte and let han gå heim att. Peter’s back, and then strew salt in the That disparity of meanings between Nor- the noun fjert, which in everyday usage were Då Per vel var komen i hus, ville han wounds and let him go home again. wegian and English apparently arose centu- displaced by the verb prompe and the noun Pål ut. Å ja, han fekk og drykk på flaska og When Peter was back home, Paul ries ago. Initially, both Old Norwegian and promp. The word fisa for quietly expelling a niste i taska, tok foten på nakken og lakka wanted to go out in the world. He was old English shared two old Germanic words flatus evolved to the modern Norwegian verb nedetter bakken. Då han kom eit stykke given some drink for his bottle and lunch for expelling a flatus, fertan and fisa, respec- fise and the noun fis. på vegen, råka han kjerringa som bad om for his satchel, and so he grabbed his tively meaning to do so loudly or quietly. So both English and Norwegian started mat, men han strauk framom og svara ik- satchel and sauntered off down the hill. Thereafter, the two words evolved in differing with two words for breaking wind and with kje eingong. After walking for a time, he came upon ways in the two languages. time lost one of the two. We can only guess På kongsgarden gjekk det ikkje det the old woman, who asked for food, but In English, fertan evolved to “fart,” first why the lost word differed between English slag betre med han enn det hadde gått he just kept going and did not even both- used by Chaucer in 1386 in “The Miller’s and Norwegian. In any case, if English and han Per. Kongen sa «tippe, tuppe», og er to answer. Tale.” About a hundred years thereafter, it ac- Norwegian had retained both words through kokka kalla han ein uskikkeleg barnsunge. At the king’s farm it went no better quired an additional meaning of “something the years, today’s sign on the footbridge in Då han ville banka henne opp for det, with him than it had with Peter. The king worthless,” and in 1937 it was first used to Kragerø most likely would be of lesser inter- kom kongen. Så fekk han Pål og tre raude said “chick, chick,” and the cook called risper i ryggen og laut gå heim att. him nothing but a naughty young juve- designate a contemptable person. The word est for English-speaking tourists. Så kraup Oskeladden opp frå grua og nile. When he was about to thrash her for fisa evolved to “fist,” which was in everyday tok til å ruska på seg. Fyrste dagen riste this, the king came in. And so Paul also use in Medieval times, but thereafter faded Originally published in Norwegian on the han av seg oska, andre dagen vaska og was given three red gashes and allowed into obscurity, being last used in print in the Clue Dictionaries blog on language at kjemde han seg, og tredje dagen kledde to go home. 17th century. han seg i kyrkjepynt. — Nei, sjå han! sa Then the ash-lad stood up from the Per. — No skin det ei ny sol her. Du vil vel hearth and began to move about. The til kongsgarden, du med? first day he shook the ashes off himself, Men Oskeladden høyrde ikkje på det the second day he washed and groomed øyra, han gjekk inn til far sin og bad om himself, and the third day he put on his lov til å gå ut i verda. Brørne ville ikkje at Sunday best. “Well, look at him!” said Pe- han skulle få matgrannet med seg, men ter. “He is dressed up like a sore toe. Are mora gav han ei osteskorpe og eit kjøt- you going to the king’s farm as well?” bein til niste. Så tok han sekken på ryggen But the ash-lad did not take any no- og labba av garde. tice, he just walked in to his father and Det hasta ikkje med Oskeladden. asked if he also could go out in the world. Han sette den eine foten framføre den The brothers did not want him to have andre, pusta på i bakkane og såg seg vel any food to take with him, but his mother om. Langt om lenge kom han fram til den gave him a crust of cheese and a meat gamle kjerringa som låg i vegveita. — bone to take with him for his lunch. So Stakkars deg, gamle krok, du er vel svol- he put the satchel over his shoulder and ten, du! sa han. Ho var det, sa ho. trudged off. There was no rush with the ash-lad. He put one foot in front of the other, took a rest on the hills and took his time Tune in next issue for the looking about. At last, he came to the old third installment! woman lying by the wayside. “Oh dear, look at you mother, you must be hun- gry!” he said. That she was, she replied. Subscribe to The Norwegian American (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk August 12, 2016 • 21

< netflix Fra side 2

flix-medlemmer i alle engelskspråklige land « There’s a word I always vil kunne la seg underholde av naturskjønne come back to: together. » togturer, strikking, bålkvelder, laksefiske og – Lars Saabye Christensen mer, sier Evers. Sakte-TV høres kanskje rart ut for ut- lendinger, men Hellum tror det vil bli tatt Pondus by Frode Øverli godt imot likevel. — Journalister som ringer fra utlandet tror nok at nordmenn er litt sprø, men når de får høre om det, så blir de nysgjerrige. Om det vil få noen effekt i forhold til flere turister, vil han ikke spekulere i. — Hvis flere utlendinger kan få øynene opp for Norge, så er det bare hyggelig, men det er ikke derfor vi lager programmene. Vi lager dem for å få frem en god historie. At Netflix har kjøpt distribusjon av sak- te-TV konseptet til NRK, er heller ingen dår- lig nyhet for turistnæringen, mener Audun Pettersen i Innovasjon Norge. — Det er en svært god nyhet for Norge, og for norsk reiselivsnæring. NRK har vært banebrytende i utvikling av denne type TV, I really didn’t Fine, fine! Bit og programmene har skapt interesse for see it coming! of a hard pass back! Let it go! Norge som reisemål. At det er Netflix som nå har kjøpt opp programmene, er et ekstra pluss, mener han. Lunch by Børge Lund — Netflix’ distribusjon er svært god in- ternasjonalt, og dette vil kunne være med på What’s up? å skape interesse for Norge som reisemål. Yasmin Syed var programleder for Tele- markskanalen minutt for minutt. — Det var helt fantastisk. Litt klisje å si, Sigh... men det var en opplevelse for livet, rett og slett. Kanskje fordi det var hjemfylket mitt, men også fordi folk gikk mann av huse for å være med. Hun var i utgangspunktet litt skeptisk til sakte-TV. — Før jeg så det første gang, tenkte jeg at det ville være kjedelig, men du blir helt bergtatt. Det skjer ikke noen ting, og du sitter og venter på at det plutselig skal skje noe. Da Kjell took his pants down Paper jam in the special feeder har du kanskje sett på i fire timer allerede, Just one quick copy here, ... on the copy machine. tray? I haven’t put anything there... and you can carry on. sier Syed. — Det var veldig gøy, og hvis resten av verden kan nyte dette vakre landskapet, så er Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten det knalltøft, legger hun til.

Imagine, the one time I . . . I have to have could actually be in a room my mom with me! packed with naked ladies... < redningsvest Fra side 2

må bare beklage til borgerne i dette langs­ trakte og flotte landet, og spesielt til et par engasjerte medmennesker i kommentarfeltet til Uheldigvis sitter lovens lange arm fast i kroppen min, og jeg har nettopp gitt meg selv et velfortjent forelegg på 500 kroner. Husk vest. God sommer, folkens.” Det gikk ikke lang tid før historien om den selvpålagte boten ble plukket opp av me- dia internasjonalt. Nå går saken viralt. Historien om politi- mannen finnes nå på svensk, engelsk, portu- Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy gisisk, spansk, fransk, italiensk, polsk—og tyrkisk. — Ingen er hevet over loven i Norge, virker det som, etter at en politimann påla seg selv bot for å ha glemt å ta på rednings- vest, skriver det internasjonale nyhetsbyrået AFP, som, i likhet med andre medier, mener historien illustrerer hvor nesten komisk lov- lydig det norske samfunnet er. — Den ærlige politimannen kom kritik- erne i forkjøpet og ga seg selv en bot, skriver AFP. VG har vært i kontakt med Nordre No but what in the world! Ho, ho Napoleon! Buskerud politidistrikt for å få en kommen- Back up, back up! This is a second-hand elephant tar av politibetjent Arne Stavnes, men politi­ I bought from the Dingling Co. distriktet opplyser til VG at de ikke ønsker Circus when they were in Lacrosse. mer oppmerksomhet rundt saken. 22 • August 12, 2016 Fiction theNorwegianamerican Dirty Bop to Blighty

part 2 fiction by Diana Deverell

an ILEA conference. She had to force Keedy “I have paramedic training with focus to cancel his exercise and convince the agi- on emergency childbirth. We must inter- tated participants he’d done so. vene before labor progresses farther.” Bo’s face was twisted with concern over On cue, Oksana’s moan escalated to an her long . “What do you think?” agonized scream. “I think I need help.” Alek frowned at his ticking cellphone. Dawna checked her watch. Seven “We have far fewer than 12 hours.” o’clock. For one hour, the ferry had been Dawna put a firm hand on Keedy’s wrist moving away from the Norwegian coastline. and waved the other toward Bo, who was No time left for investigation. standing in the doorway to block anyone She had to preempt both Keedy and the else from entering the conference center. conference participants. And she had to act “This sailor will escort us to the bridge,” now. she informed Keedy, tightening her grip. “Can I count on you?” she asked Bo. “We must convince the captain to turn He grinned. “’Course you can.” back to Stavanger.” She scribbled her cabin number on a Keedy shifted position, putting his back business card and passed it to him. to Oksana and Alek. When Dawna angled Illustration: Liz Argall “Meet me there in ten minutes. I’ll her body to face him, he jerked free from round up a couple more folks.” her grasp, shoved his chin close to hers and When Bo arrived, he quickly fore, either. So far, all they’ve done is shut Dawna took off, zipping around other spoke in an angry whisper. key-carded them both down half the communications. No cell- passengers on the stairs up to Deck 8 and “We are not turning this ship around.” through the steel door marked CREW phones work and the crew have no off-duty weaving through the packed tables in the Dawna didn’t lower her voice. ONLY. internet access.” Seven Seas buffet restaurant to the section “What, you’d risk the life of both moth- “You’re a guest of the ship for dinner,” Dawna leaned closer. “You’re saying the set aside for conference participants. er and child rather than change course?” he said, guiding her to the buffet line. “See- ship is cut off from the mainland?” She was pleased to find that Keedy and “Keep it down,” he murmured. “We in’ as how you’re my Auntie Dawna. Or near “’Course the bridge has other alterna- his staffer weren’t present. don’t have a choice. We turn back, we run a enough.” tives. This only affects the passengers and She saw the Moldovans and Hungar- major national security risk.” “Near enough,” Dawna agreed, inhaling lowly crew like me.” ians clustered at one large table, so intent on Stunned, Dawna stared at Keedy, pro- the aroma of pork chops in mushroom gravy So Dawna couldn’t easily phone anyone their discussion they probably didn’t see her. cessing what he’d said—and what he hadn’t. wafting from the array. in the Bureau. Which turned Bo from a po- She easily located Alek and Oksana and, She’d expected him to suggest calling a As she and Bo filled their plates and tential ally to her only ally in her plan to stop under cover of a friendly greeting, asked chopper to pluck Oksana off the top-deck took seats at a table under the portside win- Keedy. each to come down to her cabin urgently. helipad, and she was prepared to turn that dows, they quickly mapped out the intersec- “Anything unusual about the passen- On her way out, she noted that the two proposal to her advantage. tions in their lives. gers?” she asked. Russians weren’t in the restaurant. But if emergency medevac had occurred Dawna had known his Nana all her life. He pursed his lips, thinking. By 7:15, she was explaining her concerns to him, he’d quickly ruled out the half-hour And he’d met her dad, aka The Chief, top “Well, those Hells Angels are weird. I’m about Keedy to Bo, Alek, and Oksana. After or more of stationary idling required for safe cop in Amity until he’d retired. a cadet and my training schedule put me on she outlined her plan, Alek sighed with relief. touchdown and liftoff at sea. Bo was certain he’d seen her play at UT, board back and forth to Newcastle without He’d overheard Boris and Vladimir us- He must want the boat to proceed at sitting between his Nana and her Grandma a break from April 15. I’ve seen dozens of ing an insulting nickname for Keedy, the full speed into international waters. Which Oly while they cheered the Lady Longhorns British bikers head over to Norway to try Russian word so obscene he refused to trans- told her Keedy’s planned maneuver was no on to the Big Dance. out the mountain roads. When they make late. He feared the two of them had skipped training exercise but an exactly timed ren- “And now you’re an FBI Agent,” he the return trip, you can tell they’ve done dinner to plot their own move and he be- dezvous. marveled. “Got something to do with those some hard riding. But those six who boarded lieved the Moldovans and Hungarians were “You’re making a bust,” Dawna said flat- guys using the conference center?” this morning? also cooking up something. ly. “On the open sea where U.S. laws don’t ap- “Training them,” she replied. “They haven’t taken this ferry while I’ve He agreed that speed was critical and ply. Your target must be among my cops. You “You’re training the Department of been aboard. This means they had to get to suggested some fine-tuning of her proposal. think one of them is dirty. What, is Vladimir Homeland Security?” he asked, awed. Bergen overland. Hell of a trip from Eng- At ten minutes before 8:00 when Keedy taking payoffs in return for allowing Chinese She laughed. “Not training those guys. land. Yet, you’d never know it from looking pushed open the conference center door, illegals to cross Russian borders?” Helping them train law enforcement officers at them. All clean and shiny, like they just Dawna and her team were ready for him. “Those two Russian cops are expediting from Eastern Europe.” walked out of a biker store.” Oksana moaned, doubling over in her the transfer of nuclear material to a terrorist The mess was nearly empty, the chow “Very helpful,” Dawna said, pushing chair. Her panting was raspy and the tap wa- cell in Britain.” Arrogant certainty put steel line nonexistent, and no one was using the her dishes aside. “Let me think for a min- ter matting henna-tinted strands of hair to in Keedy’s hushed tone. two personal computers. Dawna figured ute.” her forehead looked like real sweat. “Final destination is the U.S. Their ar- other crew members had eaten earlier and She watched Bo clean his plate as she With a worried shake of his head, Alek rest and interrogation is vital. And I have gone outside to enjoy the good weather. assessed the situation. clicked the stopwatch function on his cell- set up this op to accomplish that neatly and Even so, she lowered her voice and Keedy could well be backed by a 12- phone, pretending to measure the minutes quietly.” leaned toward Bo. man team of phony bikers and fake repair- since her last contraction. “I’m supposed to be helping, at any rate. men. Likely all carrying walkie-talkies so “She’s in labor,” Dawna told Keedy. to be continued But something feels off. Homeland Security they could coordinate the exercise he was “Her doctor told her day before yesterday . . . may be planning a surprise. And I don’t like mounting. that the baby’s in breech position.” surprises. Let me ask you a couple of ques- Keedy’s trained agents would easily “And remains there,” Alek said, resting a tions, see if you’ve spotted anything that overwhelm the 18 unequipped, uncoordi- protective hand on Oksana’s belly in master- “Dirty Bop to Blighty” was backs up my idea.” nated, and unprepared cops. Except that, ful TV medical-drama style. originally published in the He frowned. “Be a pleasure to help, just because of his blundering approach, they “She requires a cesarean section. We September 2010 issue of don’t know if I can.” weren’t totally unprepared. must get her to a hospital.” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery “Well, did you notice any unusual addi- Which only made things worse. Keedy eyed Oksana. Magazine. A native Orego- nian, Diana Deverell was tions to the crew in Bergen?” Other participants besides Alek had to “Surely, the situation isn’t urgent,” he a U.S. Foreign Service Of- said. “This is her first pregnancy. She’ll prob- Bo brightened. be planning preemptive actions. She imag- ficer and served in Wash- “Funny you should ask. A six-man re- ined the havoc that would result when nine ably be in labor all night. We can have emer- ington, D.C., San Salvador, and Warsaw, before pair team came aboard last night. Nobody pairs of paranoid East European cops got gency services standing by in Newcastle.” she moved to rural Denmark to write full-time. in the engine room was expecting them and going. “No.” Alek’s Einstein-curls shook with Visit for more about her nobody seems to have met any of them be- She couldn’t let that disaster unfold at his fierce negative. writing. theNorwegianamerican August 12, 2016 • 23 A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Orienteering

Orienteering is an obstacle course of sorts. With a map and a compass, players have to find their way through a maze of posts in record time. At each destination on the map, players get their race card stamped or punched to prove they were there. Orienteering started in Sweden at the end of the 1800s, and was a way for the military to train in places they had never been. The earliest type of orienteering is called foot orienteering, which means you follow the course while walking or running. Now there are also courses for biking and skis! It became a sport after World War I (the early 1900s) and popular after com- Make a treasure map passes were made better in the 1930s. The first international orienteering group, the International Orienteer- Making a treasure map is a little like orienteering. You follow a map with ing Federation, was formed in 1961. It included the countries of Bulgaria, landmarks to find a treasure at the end. If you Google “making a treasure Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East , Finland, Hungary, Norway, Swe- map” you can find many ideas on how to do that. Here are a couple ideas to den, , and West Germany. (Can you find these countries on a get you started: map? Are they close together? Why do you think they participated in the first federation?) World championships started in 1961 and were held every other year un- til 2003. Now they are held every year. Today there are 67 different countries in this organization, including the United States and Canada. Can you find the original orienteering countries? (answers are on page 24)

Photo: Scott McLeod / Flickr An example of a treasure map made by a hotel in Hawaii. Make a compass

Before compasses were invented, people often used the stars to find their way. Slaves used them to find the trail to freedom. Sailors used them to find their way across the ocean. Even the wise men followed a star to find a baby in a stable. When compasses were invented, it made finding your way easier. You can try making your own compass if you google “make your own compass.” Here are a few websites to get you started:

Norway’s orienteering organization (Norges Orienteringsforbund / NOF) started in 1945 and today has about 23,000 members in 395 different clubs around the country.

For more information on orienteering, go to one of these websites: The International Orienteering Federation: In Norway: &

Photo: Leinad / Wikimedia Commons Right: Your compass may not look as slick, but it will work just as well! 24 • August 12, 2016 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Miss Congeniality

Answers to Barneblad(page 23)map Some of those were tricky! 1) Bulgaria 2) Czechoslovakia (now split into the Czech Repub- 5 lic & the Slovak Republic) 7 3) Denmark 8 4) East Germany 3 5) Finland 6) Hungary 4 10 7) Norway 2 2 8) Sweden 9 6 9) Switzerland 1 10) West Germany (East & West Germany were split then, but have reunited into one country)

Photo: Christine Anderson AnnElise, Queen for Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, was selected by the other Miss Seafair participants as Miss Congeniality on July 19 at the Seafair Commodores Dinner. The award includes a scholarship. Her family was able to attend, as were Lorie Lind and myself from the Educational Foundation, on a beautiful Seattle night at Salty’s Restaurant. AnnElise has been an excellent candidate for us this year and is a very enthusiastic participant in Seafair. A nisse in Norway House For non-Seattleites, Seafair is “Seattle’s iconic summer festival. Covering a ten-week span, Seafair brings an entire community together in celebration. For over 67 years Seafair has been about community events, parades, the Scholarship Program for Women, the Navy and Coast Guard, amateur athletics, airplanes and of course, boat racing.”

Submitted by Christine Anderson, Trustee for the Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, Educational Foundation

Ole told Lena one morning that he was going to chop down 20 trees in the woods with his ax and he would be done by suppertime. He worked and worked all day long and could only chop down one tree. He was so tired that when he came in for supper he went right to sleep without eating. The next morning Ole gets up bright and early and tells Lena: “I am goin’ into town to pick me up vun of dose chain saws. Dat der ax yust don’t vurk too good.” So Ole heads off into town and stops at the hardware store Photo: Emily C. Skaftun to buy a chain saw. Nils Anders Wik went on an adventure recently, visiting Norway House in Minneapolis and He tells the hardware store owner what he wants and the owner says: the gardens of Spring Grove’s Giants of the Earth Heritage Center on his way to and from Decorah’s Nordic Fest. Posing in the courtyard of the model showing Mindekirken and Norway “Here’s the chain saw you want; it’s guaranteed to cut down 20 trees a day.” House’s planned expansion, our little nisse looks like kind of a big deal. Ole gets all excited and says: “dat’s yust vat I need! I’ll buy it.” So Ole takes his new chainsaw home and gets up bright and early again the next day. He works all day and can still only cut down one more tree. He is beet red while he tells Lena: “Dis here chain is a piece of yunk! I’m going to get my money back!” He storms back into town the next day. He tells the hardware store owner: “Dis here chain Newspaper ads never saw you sold is defective. You told me I could cut down tventy trees and I could only cut go out of style. down vun!” The store owner looks puzzled and Place yours today! says: “Oh? Let’s see if it works okay.” He proceeds to start up the chain saw and it runs perfectly normally. BRRUMMMM.... Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Mmamamamama.....BRUMMMMM.. to request a personalized advertising proposal mmamamamama Ole jumps back in horror and yells: Ole and Lena “Vat da Lutefisk is dat noise!?” America’s favorite Norwegians!