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Ume 10, -U Ser Volume 10, -u ser . - 1968 Editors EDWARD S. DEEVEY a-- RICHARD FOSTER FLINT J. GORDON OGDEN, III _ IRVINg ROUSE Managing Editor RENEE S. KRA YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECT.IC U l"ii)fl h d IiV r E AT\As g'LyyEi.. R C N, / r..? i.NA .3 8. ComIlient, usually corn ; fOg the date with other relevant dates, for each ,Ttdterial, silil"iiliari ing t e signitic.ance ant Sillpllilt 3't(i"r ing t., t t e radiocarbon t was i' itl ii73kinz 'P;.5 lit;re, i'; till teelmital :i"it.' i°_i , e.g. the iral lthout subscribers at $50.0( * Suggestions to authors of the reprints o the United Suites Geological Survey, 5th ed., Vashington, D. C., 1958 jc.=oscrxwxcn.t Panting ()ihce, $1.75). Volume 10, Number 1 - 1968 RADIOCARBON Published by THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Editors EDWARD S. DEEVEY- RICHARD FOSTER FLINT J. GORDON OGDEN, III - IRVING ROUSE Managing Editor RENEE S. KRA YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT VOL. 1 10, No. Radiocarbon 1965 CONTENTS Il1I Barker and John lackey British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements V 1 BONN H. IV. Scharpenseel, F. Pietig, and M. A. Tawcrs Bonn Radiocarbon Measurements I ............................................... IRPA Anne Nicole Schreurs Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistirlue Radiocarbon Dates I ........ 9 Lu Soren Hkkansson University of Lund Radiocarbon Dates I Lv F. Gilot Louvain Natural Radiocarbon Measurements VI ..................... 55 1I H. R. Crane and J. B. Griffin University of Michigan. Radiocarbon Dates NII 61 N PL IV. J. Callow and G. I. Hassall National Physical Laboratory Radiocarbon Measurements V ........... Ny R. Coppens, G. L. A. Durand, and B. Guillet Nancy Natural Radiocarbon Measurements I ........................................ A J. M. Punning, F. Jives, and A. Liiva Tartu Radiocarbon Dates II .................................................... Ti D. P. Agrawal and Sheela kusurnga° Tata Institute Radiocarbon Date List V ........................................ 1 K Jun Sato, Tomoko Sato, and Hisashi Suzuki University of Toyko Radiocarbon Measurements I ........................... 144 UCLA Raiser Berger and W. F. Libby UCLA Radiocarbon Dates VII ............................... WIS Al. M. Bender, R. A. Bryson, and t). A. Baerreis University of Wisconsin Radiocarbon Dates IV ................. List of Laboratories ................................................. .............. 169 EDITORIAL STATEMENT C14. In accordance with the decision of the Fifth Radio- Half life of in carbon Dating Conference, Cambridge, 1962, all dates published volumes) are based on the Libby value, this volume ( as in previous H for the half life. This decision was reaffirmed at the 5570 ± 30 Yr, of various and C14 Conference, Pullman, Washington, 1965. Because dates in years B.P. uncertainties, when C14 measurements are expressed as take some but not all the dates are arbitrary, and refinements that account may be misleading. As stated in Professor uncertainties into 8, letter to Nature (v. 195, no. 4845, p. 984, September Harry Godwin's 40 i new determinations of the half life, 5130 ± 1J 6,2) , the mean of three now obtainable. Published dates can yr, is regarded as the best value be converted to this basis by multiplying them by 1.03. Conference in 1962, A.D. A.D. B.C. dates. As agreed at the Cambridge for all dates, whether 1950 is accepted as the standard year of reference B.P. or in the A.D./B.C. system. notation 0 (La 6014. In Volume 3, 1961, we indorsed the Meaning of of C34 mont VIII, 1961).for geochemically interesting measurements fractionation in samples and in the NBS activity , corrected for isotopic The value of SC11 that entered the calculation of oxalic-acid standard. for by reference to Lamont VI, 1959, and was corrected was defined authors, fact has been lost sight of, by the editors as well as by age. This from the and recent papers have used 6014 as the observed deviation standard. This is of course the more logical and self-explanatory confusion; moreover, meaning, and cannot be abandoned now without to make an age except in tree-ring-dated material, it is rarely possible C14 instances where correction that is independent of the age. In the rare appreciable and known, p or 6014 are used for samples whose age is both to make their meaning we assume that authors will take special care Olson (Lamont VIII) clear; reference to "p as defined by Broecker and is not sufficient to do this. Measurements: Comprehensive Index, 1950.1965. Radiocarbon C14 through Volume This index, covering all published measurements revisions made by all labora- 7 of RADIOCARBON, and incorporating published. It is available at ten dollars U.S. per copy. tories, has been together Index will be sent to all subscribers to RADIOCARBON, The does not wish with the bill, unless our office is informed that a subscriber to purchase it. publication. Volume 10 and subsequent volumes will be Expanded in July, with published in two semi-annual issues, in February and 1 January. deadlines for manuscripts on 1 September and Professor Gordon Ogden III, Ohio Wesleyan Uni- New member. J. the has joined the editorial staff. For Volume 10, he has assumed versity, National Science duties of Professor Deevey, who is on leave with the Foundation. [RAD1O(..ARI )N, Voc. 10, 1908, P. 1-7 Radiocarbon 1968 BRITISH MUSEUM NATURAL RADIOCARBON MEASUREMENTS V HAROLD BARKER and JOHN MACKEY* Research Laboratory, British Museum, London W.C. 1 INTRODUCTION The dates detailed below are based on measurements made from September 1962 to August 1964. Work was often seriously interrupted due to difficulties with electronic equipment and also, from the late sum- mer of 1963, high levels old tritium in the local water supplies used in the synthesis of acetylene (from nuclear weapons tests) made it difficult to obtain accurate measurements with acetylene as a filling gas for the proportional counter. The gas preparation equipment was therefore modified for the preparation of high purity CO2, and from Sample BM- 165 onwards, the proportional counter was operated with CO2 as the filling gas at a pressure of 210 cm Hg at 22°C, instead of 140 cm Hg pressure of acetylene at 22°C. as reported previously (British Museum I). Background and net modern count rates under these conditions are 3.59 c.p.m. and 8.35 c.p.m., respectively. (In practice these values are taken as the rolling mean of the past 20 weeks' measurements and are very con- stant.) The calculations of age are based on the half-life of 5570 yr and error terms are widened to include contributions of ± 80 yr for possible isotopic fractionation effects and ± 100 yr for de Vries-effects. Safeguards against inaccuracies are as described previously (British Museum I). SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS ARCHAEOLOGIC SAMPLES A. Egypt and Sudan 4400 ± 150 BM-139. Buhen 2450 B.C. Charcoal from the fortress of Buhen situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Wadi Halfa, N Sudan (21° 54' N Lat, 31 ° 17' E Long). Sample was found in Building Block l in association with sealings bear- ing the names of Kings of 4th and 5th Dynasties (ca. 2600-2350 B.C.). Coll. 1962 and subm. by Prof. W. B. Emery, Egypt Exploration Society. Com- ment: sample agrees with expected age and UCLA-248, 4420 ± 80 (UCLA II * Now at the Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, Toronto. 1 2 Harold Barker and Joh1z Mackey BM-156. Egyptian pot and figure Modern Twigs from Egyptian pot also containing ceramic human figure supposed by W. R. Dawson to have represented "... a mummy in course of immersion in the salt bath" (Dawson, 1927). Subm. by J. R. Harris, Christ Church College, Oxford Univ. Comment: result tends to under- mine association between pot and figure and authenticity of figure, since pot shows evidence that the twigs may have been packed into it when the clay was "leather hard." B. Great Britain 5180 ± 150 BM-134. Fussell's Lodge 3230 B.C. Charcoal found with burnt stone and cracked flints covering primaiv burials in Fussell's Lodge Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England (51 ° 5' 26" ° N Lat, 1 43' 32" W Long). Coll. 1957 and subm. by P. Ashbee, Inspec- torate of Ancient Monuments, Ministry of Public Buildings and Works. Comment: date compares satisfactorily with BM-49, Nutbane, 4680 150 (British Museum II) and BM-73, Windmill Hill, 4910 + 150 (British Museum III) (P. Ashbee, 1958, 1964). Hembury series Two charcoal samples from Neolithic occupation at Hembury, Horn- ton, Devon, England (50° 49' 13" N Lat, 30 15' 38" W Long). Excavated in 1931 by the late Dorothy Liddell; now in the reserve collection of the Royal Albert Mus., Exeter (Liddell, 1931). Subm. by Lady Aileen Fox, Exeter Univ. Comment: c.f. BM-73, Windmill Hill, 4910 ± 150 (British Museum III) and BM-130, Hembury, 5100 ± 150 (British Museum IV). 5190 ± 150 BM-136. Cutting XI A 3240 B.C. From Neolithic occupation at S end of fort. 5280 ± 150 BM-138. Cutting X A 3330 B.C. Layers 4-6, burnt layer with Neolithic pottery in ditch. Hazard Hill series Two samples of charcoal from a Windmill Hill-type Neolithic camp at Hazard Hill, Totnes, Devon, England (50° 20' N Lat, 30 40' W Long) (Houlder, 1953). Coll. 1953 by C. H. Houlder and subm. by G. de G. Sieveking, Sub. Dept. of Prehistory and Roman Britain, British Mus. Dates should be compared with Hembury series. 4920 ± 150 BM-149. Hazard Hill (ref CHB4) 2970 B.C. Charcoal from a pit, 1 to 2 ft below surface of ploughed field. 4700 ± 150 BM-150. Hazard Hill (ref B112) 2970 B.C.. Charcoal from occupation level 8 in. to 1 ft below present surface. British Museum Natural Radiocarbon MeasuremanIs I' 3 3800 ± 150 BM-152.
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