President 2011-12 – Tony Nation

Newsletter – March 2012


Isn’t it nice now the sun is shining again!! Come on summer, let’s get the shorts and sandals out!

Remind yourselves what the Club has been up to and visit and

The Club’s Website - With regard to that last paragraph above referring to the Club’s websites, it has come to our attention that some of you are un aware or are unsure as to how to assess the Club Yahoo website as well as what these sites contain.

The second site above, with the .org address is the Rotary Club of ‘news’ site and is nothing more than a site that has items and pictures telling all who wish to visit the site (as it is uncontrolled and open to anyone to assess) what the Club has been up to. The first address above, the Yahoo site, has a general ‘front page’ purely as an introduction to anyone visiting the site, but more importantly, through a ‘log-in’ process, Club Members may access information that is not meant for the general public’s viewing.

This Yahoo site has now been running for over 10 years and contains a lot of archived information. It also contains, for example, name, address and contact details of Club Members (past & present), letters written on behalf of the Club, past Newsletters, notices, minutes of meetings, accounts, and much, much more.

With regard to storage and recording of the minutes of meetings, formal minutes are recorded and placed on this site for all Board Meetings as well as recent Club Business Meetings (the latter have only formally been held since July 2011). There are also informal accounts of each weekly Club meeting. The information contained on this site is posted there for all Club Members to access, as and when they wish, and all that is needed is a simple ‘log-in’ procedure.

If you are not able to log into this site or have forgotten your log-in details or password, please contact our Web-Master Roger who is ready to help in anyway he can. Also, to help those who are new to the site to navigate their way round the site, or to remind the rest of you who may have forgotten, we intend to hold a 'Learn to Navigate the Club's Yahoo Website Demonstration Evening' on Tuesday 10 April. We know it is the day following the Easter Monday Bank Holiday, but if you wish to find out how it all works, please make the effort to come along.


Club News

On 6 March (after a Business Meeting) some of us dined out at Laziz, in Ocean Village. There were 11 Rotarians and one guest (rumour has it Liz’s Roger can’t resist a good curry!!). A good time was had by all with great company and excellent food. Thanks to Raju for organising this.

At the Club Business Meeting mentioned above, various things were discussed; however the important topics are as follows. (For your information, there were 19 Club Members and one Honorary Member attending this meeting.)

The Board recommended to the Membership present, to which they agreed by a majority, that the vocational award presented to the Honoured Elder will in future be referred to as The Joe Gaggero Honoured Elder Award. This is as a memorial to our Rotarian friend, Past President & Honorary Member who recently passed away. The family were contacted to ensure that they consented to the use of Joe’s name and James, Joe’s son, informed your President the he was more than happy to allow his Father’s name to be used in such a way.

As a footnote to the above and with regard to Joe’s recent parting, the Club sent to James and his family a letter of condolence, to which we received a very nice and informative reply. It is not appropriate to reproduce James’s letter here, but should any of you wish to be made aware of the content, please contact President Tony.

The Board also recommended to the Membership present, to which they unanimously agreed, that an offer is to be made to the office of that the Mayor is made a Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Gibraltar for the duration of their term of office. This will be initiated at the beginning of the next Mayor’s period of tenure.

It was proposed by Heather, as the Chair of the 4th Avenue of Service, and agreed by the Mmbership, that our Club acts as the instigator in trying to re-form the “Association of The Rotary Clubs of the Straits of Gibraltar”, and in this respect have invited the Rotary Clubs of Tangier (x2), Ceuta, Jerez, Cadiz and Estapona to join us in a Conference to be held in Gibraltar during the weekend of 21/22 September 2012 (21 September being World Peace day). We are still waiting for feedback from these Clubs as to their interest.

The meeting also discussed where and what our Club’s overseas involvement should be. The proposals were the current Uganda project that we are already supporting, or a ‘water barrel’ project, either the one currently being promoted by certain UK Rotary Clubs or another similar project based from South Africa. It was also suggested that the Club needed a suitable project to present to the planned September Conference that all the Straits Clubs may wish to be involved in. The outcome of the voting was as follows.

Proposal 1 = to do nothing immediately and keep current funds reserved for a joint project with the Straits Club – 18 agreed, 1 abstention. The motion was therefore passed. Proposal 2 = by a show of hands which of the two projects should be presented to the Straits Club Conference = 3 for the UK based water barrel project = 10 for the Uganda project with 5 abstentions. The motion was passed in favour of supporting the Uganda project and presenting it to the planned Conference.


(For a full account of the proceedings of this meeting, please refer to the minutes. As a follow-up, and for further developments and information regarding the water barrels, refer to the Charity section of this Newsletter below.)

Saturday 24 March at 09.00 saw 13 Club Members with their 5 guests trooping through the frontier on their way for a ‘fun day’ outing to Jerez. Despite an unscheduled, and as it turned out un-necessary stop at Primart (mainly because only one person purchased anything, and that was only a pair of flipflops - but we did take the opportunity to have another coffee, and Roger a very large Bacardi!!) we had an excellent tour of the Real Tesoro bodega with a very charming guide, saw barrels galore, horse-drawn wagons and tack, the horses themselves, (which Jane went goo- goo over) and witnessed a rather strange gathering of domino players. We then got down to the important ‘bit’ of having a taster!! This was soon followed by a buying frenzy in the shop, so some of us (well most) could re-stock the sherry and brandy content of our individual booze lockers. Then it was all off for a long leisurely Spanish lunch in Puerto San Maria. A very enjoyable day’s outing and our thanks go to Lyana for putting this together. The full story plus pictures can be seen on our ‘news’ website very soon!

What is there to look forward to?

A Business Meeting is scheduled for 3 April where we will be voting for the Vocational Award winners, and as already informed, the presentations will be held on 17 April.

A lunch at the Convent – see the Charity section for more details.

We are seeing if there are sufficient numbers amongst us who are interested in visiting an old and beautiful Spanish cortijo in San Martin de Tesorillo. There is plenty on offer and more details will be circulated by e-mail. Those interested in joining in this trip should contact the President or Barbara.

The May Day Public Holiday in Gibraltar this year falls on Tuesday 1st May. It has therefore been decided that there will be no Club meeting on this night.

Charity News

As previously agreed by the Club Membership, £500 has now been transferred to Dr Oliver Murphy’s school and orphanage in Uganda via the local Rotary Club of Mbarara.

I expect most of you will have seen the e-mail message from Gordon regarding raising funds for water barrels to be sent to Africa by supporting a UK-based Rotary project; an excellent idea that raises money and helps others without us having to ‘do very much’ in the way of activities. Gordon has kindly said he will come along to the next Business Meeting (3 April), complete with an example of one of the water barrels and give us a short presentation about raising awareness and funds for this project. Meanwhile, should anyone wish to donate the cost of a barrel, which are £30 each, or just give whatever they wish, please pass your donations to the Club, (preferably by a cheque made payable to the Rotary Club of Gibraltar) and with “water barrels” written on the reverse side.


As a charity fund-raising event the Club, by kind permission of the HE The Governor, is holding a Queen Elizabeth II Birthday celebration by hosting a Ploughman’s Lunch at the Convent on Saturday 21st April. As well as the lunch, which will include a glass of cider, wine or a softie, there will be a home-made cake stall (courtesy of the Minister of Home Affairs) a ChildLine stall, musical entertainment, as well as a fashion show, guided tours of King’s Chapel and much, much more – all for just £6 per head. Some of you already have jobs to do on the day; the rest of you we hope will turn up with as many friends, family, neighbours etc. as possible and support your Club.

Future dates for your diary,

3 April Business Meeting – no non-Rotarian guests please – with a ‘Roll out the Barrel’ presentation. 10 April Club Meeting - 'Learn to Navigate the Club's Yahoo Website Demonstration Evening' or put another way ‘The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe and Everything’, which is by the way – 42. 17 April Vocational Awards presentations combined with the Annual Speakers Party – Royal Calpe, Main Street, 7.30pm 21 April Queen Elizabeth II’s Birthday – Rotary’s Ploughman’s Lunch at the Convent 12.00 to 15.00 23 April Board Meeting – 18.30 29 April Day trip to a Spanish cortijo in San Martin de Tesorillo 1 May May Day Public Holiday – No Club Meeting 8 May Club AGM combined with a Business Meeting 12 May RC of G Charter Gala Evening, The Rock Hotel (more information to follow) 18 May Rotary Club Flag day 3 June Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee ‘Big Lunch Street Party / Rotary Hog Roast’ 12 June Club Assembly combined with a Business Meeting

If you would like to contribute to the Newsletter, either as a one-off or as a regular, please contact Tony.


List of Club Officers and Members - 2011/12

President: Tony Nation Immediate Past president: Julian Risso (resigned) Vice President (President Elect): Jennifer Stentiford Deputy Vice President Lyana Armstrong-Emery Secretary: Penny Pilley Treasurer: Liz Plummer Sergeant-at Arms: David Lelliott 1st Avenue of Service (Club Service / Administration): Kamlesh Khubchand 2nd Avenue of Service (Vocational Service): Martin Lennane 3rd Avenue of Service (Community Service): Jane Hart 4th Avenue of Service (International Service): Heather Butler-Rawlinson 5th Avenue of Service (New Generation): Geoff Morgan

NAME PHONE No. E-mail Address PARTNER Kishin Alwani 20075578 [email protected] Rajni Raju Alwani 58008082 [email protected] Willie Anidjar-Serfaty 57090000 [email protected] Lyana Armstrong-Emery 57121000 [email protected] Don Attwood 56001704 [email protected] Connie Leif Bank-Jorgensen +34956616572 [email protected] Hella Geirid Blunt +441466700201 [email protected] David Maribel Burgos-Wilson [email protected] Colin Heather Butler-Rawlinson +34952793969 [email protected] Chris Rob Cumbes 58009516 [email protected] Scylla Jane Hart +34629119777 [email protected] Nigel Hawes 54008164 [email protected] Tanya Jones +34638147071 [email protected] Kamlesh Khubchand 20078382 [email protected] Hanna Kjaersgaard 20072782 [email protected] Eddie Sylvia Leay 20049811 [email protected] Bill David Lelliott 58754000 Lizeth Martin Lennane 20074711 [email protected] Isabella Solomon (Momy) Levy 20077789 [email protected] Sarah Jinson Lima 58614000 [email protected] Concessa Cecil Montegriffo 20077719 Lily Geoff Morgan +34956796624 [email protected] Valerie Tony Nation 58008058 [email protected] Anne Penny Pilley 54013421 [email protected] Liz Plummer 57295000 [email protected] Roger Dimitri Pluzhnikov +447734795552 [email protected] Chris Rawlinson +34658128496 [email protected] Heather Barbara Sellors 58191000 [email protected] Gordon Willie Serfaty 57171000 [email protected] Alf Smith 20062851 Andrew Smith 58339000 [email protected] Jennifer Stentiford 54003095 [email protected] Roger Roger Stentiford 54016550 [email protected] Jennifer Gordon Vickers +447802396397 [email protected] George Williams +447919333675 [email protected] Joanne Joanne Williams 56000580 [email protected] George

If the information shown above is not correct, or if you wish it altered, please contact Tony Nation