George Washington
Part I Biographical Data Facts About the Presidents 1st PRESIDENT George Washington Date of birth—Feb. 22, 1732 (Feb. 11 on Term of office—Apr. 30, 1789–Mar. 4, 1797 Julian calendar) Term served—7 years, 308 days Place of birth—Pope’s Creek, Westmore- Administration—lst, 2nd land County, Va. Congresses—1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Education—Unknown; basic literacy and Age at inauguration—57 years, 67 days mathematical skills Lived after term—2 years, 285 days Religion—Episcopalian Occupation after term—Planter; held Ancestry—English rank of lieutenant general and commander Career—Surveyor, planter, soldier, colonial in chief of the nation’s armies legislator, delegate to Continental Con- Date of death—Dec. 14, 1799 gress, commander in chief of Continental Army, president of Constitutional Conven- Age at death—67 years, 295 days tion Place of death—Mount Vernon, near Alex- Political party—Federalist andria, Va. State represented—Virginia Burial place—Family vault, Mount Ver- non, Va. FAMILY FATHER sheriff; he ran a plantation using slave labor and went into business as an iron manufac- Name—Augustine Washington turer and exporter after ore was found on his Date of birth—1694 land. He is known to have been prone to law- Place of birth—Westmoreland, Va. suits. He is reported to have been a distant First marriage—Jane Butler, Apr. 20, 1715 and preoccupied father, often away from (d. Nov. 24, 1728) home. His first wife, Jane Butler, was about Second marriage—Mary Ball, Mar. 6, 1731 15 years old at the time of their marriage in 1715 and about 28 when she died; they had Occupation—Farmer, planter, iron four children together.
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