Reds fire Anderson

CINCINNATI (UPI) Spark- - An- derson, who managed the Reds to back-to-ba- ck world cham- pionships in 1975-7- 6 but did not meet club "standards" when he finished second the past two seasons, was fired Tuesday and replaced by California Angels' John McNamara. And. in what added up to nearly a complete housecleaning, the Reds ousted four of Anderson's six coaches firing and "offering other jobs" to . and George Scherger. and Ron Plaza were the only coaches to be retained. Two new coaches are to be named in the near future. Anderson, who got his first major league managing job when he came to the Reds in 1970, had huge success seven of his first nine years winning two world championships, four crowns and five NL West Division titles. But the Reds finished' second to the in the NL West the last two seasons and Reds" President Dick Wagner, who personally fired Anderson, said that he did not meet " club standards. "The past two years have been good ones by the standards of most clubs, but we are determined to set a higher standard," he said. "It is our decision that the move we make is in the overall . best interest of making the Cincinnati , Reds a better team. "We feel John McNamara offers outstanding ability and strong major league experience. He is the man to take us in a new direction. " has served us well, (butt let's just say it's time to make a change," added Wagner. "Times and situations change. And, just as 1970 and the situation then may have been the time for Sparky An- derson to take over our club, it is our feeling that the situation today calls for a new approach."